The Ukrainian Weekly 1991, No.15 I HL rPublished ЬУ the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association| Ukrainian WeeklУ Vol. LIX No. 15 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 14,1991 50 cents St. George Cathedral in Lviv site of historic Easter liturgy by Marta Kolomayets At this cathedral, which was the site Kiev Press Bureau of thb 1946 Lviv pseudo-synod, which liquidated the Ukrainian Catholic LVIV — For the first time in 46 years, Church and absorbed it into the ranks Ukrainian Catholics were able to cele of the Russian Orthodox Church, brate the miracle of Christ's Resurrec hundreds of worshippers blessed bright tion at the Cathedral of St. George on ly decorated Easter baskets, complete Sunday, April 7, singing joyously, with pasky (Easter bread), krashanky "Khrystos Voskres!" (Christ Has (colored eggs), butter and cheese. Risen). Members of the recently renewed Hundreds of faithful densely packed youth organization Plast assisted this 18th century Baroque church, the priests by carrying buckets which was returned to the Ukrainian of holy water during the blessing cere Catholics last August, to witness their monies. Plast members also stood vigil newly arrived primate, Cardinal Myro- at the grave of Jesus Christ, the "plash- slav Ivan Lubachivsky, celebrate the chennytsia," inside the church. Jerusalem Matins and all-night liturgy, The Ukrainian Catholics were not the which began at midnight. He was only ones to celebrate Easter in Lviv assisted by Archbishop Volodymyr throughout the night. All-night liturgies Sterniuk of Lviv and Archbishop were also offered at the Cathedral Maxim Hermaniuk, metropolitan of Church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Canada, as well as numerous bishops Church, formerly the Russian Ortho and priests from Ukraine and the dox Church.
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