

The N E W S from the North American Branch

NAB Officers 1996–1999 (for full addresses see Bibliographical Bulletin of the International Arthurian Society [bbias]) President: Donald L. Hoffman (Northeastern Illinois U) Immediate Past President: Keith Busby (U of Oklahoma) Vice-President: Alan Lupack (Rochester U) Secretary-Treasurer: Joan Tasker Grimbert (Catholic U) Bibliographers: Martha Blalock (U of Wisconsin) Glenda Warren Carl (Southwestern U) Advisory Committee: James Carley (York U) Carol Dover (Georgetown U) Elissa R. Henken (U of Georgia) Elizabeth Sklar (Wayne State U) Stephanie Cain Van d’Elden (U of Minnesota) Kevin J. Harty (LaSalle U) Bonnie Wheeler, ARTHURIANA Editor (Southern Methodist U, ex officio) IAS Officers 1996–1999 (for full addresses see bbias) President: Philippe Ménard (U of Paris-Sorbonne) Honorary President (Immediate Past President): Anna Maria Finoli (U of Milan) Vice-President: Jane H. M. Taylor (St. Hilda’s College, Oxford) Secretary and bbias Editor: Keith Busby (U of Oklahoma) Treasurer: Hans R. Runte (Dalhousie U) Back Issues of bbias and ARTHURIANA: For back issues of bbias (through v. 46/1994), contact Hans R. Runte, Dept. of French, Dalhousie U, Halifax, N.S., B3H 3J5, Canada ([email protected]). For back issues starting with v. 47/1995, contact Joan Grimbert, Dept. of Modern Languages, Catholic U, Washington, DC 20064 ([email protected]). Back issues still available are vols. 25–29 (1973–77) and 31–34 (197–82), all for $10 each; v. 36–41 (1984–89), 43 (1991), and 45–50 (1993–98) are $15 each. All other volumes are out of print. For back issues of ARTHURIANA, contact ARTHURIANA, Box 750432, SMU, Dallas, TX 75275–0432 ([email protected]). Your bbias Abstracts: Please submit the bibliographical details and a brief, objective account of your publications to the NAB bibliographers: 1. Research in Germanic, Scandinavian, English, and Celtic studies to: Martha Blalock, School of Business, U of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA; a r t h u r i a n a 9.2(1999) 46 the round table 47

2. Research in Latin and Romance studies to: Glenda W. Carl, Dept. of Foreign Languages, Southwestern U, Georgetown, TX 78626, USA. Update and Reminder: Toulouse Congress, International Arthurian Society, 25–31 July 1999. The XIXth International Congress of the Arthurian Society will take place at the Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Jacques, Toulouse, France, from 25 to 31 July 1999. One-hundred and thirty papers have been accepted on the following themes: A. Production and Illustration of Arthurian Manuscripts and Printed Books B. Cultural Encounters in Arthurian Literature C.Time and History in Arthurian Literature D. Arthurian Comedy Packets enclosing the registration form and a description of the hotels and excursions (but NOT the program) have been sent to members. Anyone who wants this information and has not received it should contact Joan Grimbert, Department of Modern Languages, Catholic University, Washington, DC 20064, or . important: The new telephone number of the Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Jacques is Other Conference Notices: IAS-NAB Panel in Pennsylvania: The Northeast MLA Conference will take place April 16–17, 1999, in Pittsburgh. One of the panels is sponsored by the NAB: Chair: Sibylle Jefferis, Independent Scholar 1. ‘L’ Habit ne fait pas le menestrel’: Donning Minstrel Disguise in Arthurian Literature. Marilyn Lawrence, New York Univ. 2. Ugly Cundrie, or: Image is not Everything (Schein und Sein in Wolfram’s Parzival). Andreas Mielke, Saint Joseph’s Univ. 3. The Hebrew Truth and Sir and the Green . Catherine S. Cox, Univ. of Pittsburgh Popular Culture Association Conference, San Diego, 31 March–3 April: ‘Arthurian Legend’ Sessions, Thursday, 1 April, 1999 Arthurian Figures and Motifs I: Mixed Media (8:30 a.m.) Chair: Thomas Hoberg 1. Four-Color Kings Jason Tondro 2. Psychological Archaeology: takes on Darth Vader Richard Davies and Kathleen J. Lintner 3. Gendering Katherine Charbeneau 4. Choices: Arthurian Motifs in Medieval Lives Linda Malcor Arthurian Figures and Motifs II: Fiction (10:30 a.m.) Chair: Kevin Harty 48 arthuriana

1. The Gunslinger and the Grail: Stephen King’s Dark Tower Thomas Hoberg 2. Jack Whyte’s : A Nurturing Warrior in the Balance Robert Phillips 3. Hard(l)y : Jude the Obscure and The Queen of Donald Hoffman Films (2:30 p.m.) Chair: Norris J. Lacy 1. Reconstructing a Lost Arthurian Comic Film: Flynn’s 1921 Connecticut Yankee Kevin Harty 2. Boorman’s : The Celluloid Resurgence of Male Conquest Mythology Stephen Tomkins 3. The Problem with Females in Arthurian Films Mary Lynn Saul Bad Films (4:30 p.m.) Chair: Elizabeth Sklar 1. Fear of Flyting: Sword of the Valiant and Robert J. Blanche and Julian Wasserman 2. Beyond Bad: Lovespell and the Esthetics of Boredom Norris J. Lacy Arthurian Studies at Kalamazoo: 34th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, May 6–9, 1999. [For information and registration materials write to Prof. Paul Szarmach, Director, The Medieval Institute, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008–3801; tel: 616–38–8745; fax: 616–387–8750; e-mail: [email protected]; Web Page http://www.wmich.edu/medieval/ congress.] IAS Business Meeting: Friday, May 7, 1999, 12:00 noon, Valley III 308. TENTATIVE AGENDA: 1. Adoption of the agenda 2. Minutes of meeting of May 1998 (see ARTHURIANA 8.3, pp. 80–82) 3. Matters arising 4. President’s report 5. Secretary-Treasurer’s report 6. Bibliographers’ report 7. Report from the editor of ARTHURIANA 8. Other business Kalamazoo Sessions sponsored by the North American Branch of the International Arthurian Society (These sessions also appear in the Program of the 34th International Congress, and on the Web Page at ). Dates: Thursday, 6 May–Sunday, 9 May. the round table 49

Medieval Film Festival: Perceval le Gallois (145 minutes), shown on Thursday evening, May 6, 8:30, in Kirsch Auditorium, 1005 Fetzer Center. Session 187 on Perceval le Gallois will take place on Friday, May 7 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 209, Bernhard Center. Sponsor: International Arthurian Society, North American Branch Organizer: Kevin Harty, LaSalle Univ. Session 187 (Friday, 10–11:30) Bernhard 209 Perceval on the Screen: Rohmer and Beyond Sponsor: International Arthurian Society, North American Branch Organizer: Kevin Harty, La Salle Univ. Presider: Kevin Harty 1. Distancing Techniques in Chrétien’s Conte du Graal and Rohmer’s Perceval Joan Tasker Grimbert, Catholic Univ. of America 2. Reframing Perceval Donald Hoffman, Northeastern Illinois Univ. 3. Grail Incognito: Unsuspected ‘Percevals’ of the Silver Screen Barbara Miller, Univ. of Rochester Session 239 (Friday, 1:30–3) Bernhard 209 Arthurian Literature in Its Manuscript Context Sponsor: International Arthurian Society, North American Branch Organizer: Keith Busby, Univ. of Oklahoma Presider: Keith Busby 1. Playing Shepherd to the Wind: Reassessing Chrétien’s Elusive ‘Vanz’ Gerald Seaman, Univ. of Evansville 2. Whose Lines Are They Anyway? Editing the Corrector’s Interventions in the Middle Dutch -Compilation David F. Johnson, Florida State Univ. 3. Finding the Book/Worm: The Bel Inconnu in its Manuscript Context Lori Walters, Florida State Univ. Session 292 (Friday 3:30–5) Bernhard 209 The Messenger at King Arthur’s Court Sponsor: International Arthurian Society, North American Branch Organizer: Susann T. Samples, Mount St. Mary’s College Presider: Susann T. Samples 1. It’s All in the Presentation: Sir Gawain and the ’s Message to Arthur’s Court Shalom Black, Bridgewater College 2. ‘Send Anyone But Angels!’: Wolfram’s Messengers Jean Godsall-Myers, Widener Univ. 3. Bad Tidings: Messages and Messengers in Malory’s Morte Darthur Elizabeth Sklar, Wayne State Univ. 4. Unknown Knights and Messenger Damsels: Narrative Models and Motif Distribution in Selected Arthurian Tales? 50 arthuriana

Maria Predelli, McGill Univ. Session 347 (Saturday 10–11:30) Bernhard 209 Arthur in Sponsor: International Arthurian Society, North American Branch Organizer: Elissa R. Henken, Univ. of Georgia Presider: Elissa R. Henken 1. Arthur’s Service: Monastic Aims in Lifris’ Vita Cadoci Ruth Desmond, Univ. of California, Berkeley 2. Feud and Law in Owein Michael S. Cichon, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies 3. Lady Charlotte Guest, The Mabinogion, and the (Re)Drawing of King Arthur Kara Olsen, Univ. of California, Berkeley Other Kalamazoo sessions of interest to Arthurians: Session 002 (Thursday 10–11:30) Valley III 301 From Manuscript to Print: Changing Paradigms Sponsor: Texas Medieval Association Organizer and Presider: D. Thomas Hanks, Jr., Baylor Univ. 1. Malory and Caxton: Text, Audience, and Canon William Kuskin, Univ. of Southern Mississippi 2. Jean d’Arras and Couldrette: A Case of Early Press Censorship in France Matthew W. Morris, Emory Univ. 3. Sir Isumbras: Between Manuscript and Print Stephen D. Powell, Texas Christian Univ. Session 342 (Saturday 10–11:30) Schneider 1220 Technology in the Classroom Sponsor: TEAMS Organizer: Bruce C. Brasington, West Texas A&M Univ. Presider: Deborah McGrady, Western Michigan Univ. 1. Virtual : Using the Internet in an Arthurian Course Joan G. Haahr, Yeshiva Univ. 2. When You Only Have Vellum: Teaching Internet Skills with Limited Technology Caitlin Corning, George Fox Univ.

Session 421 (Saturday 3:30–5) Valley II 202 Arthurian Texts Presider: Miriam Youngerman Miller, Univ. of New Orleans 1. Freud in the Court: Reading Obscenity in Möttuls Saga Kerry Shea, St. Michael’s College 2. The Quest-Myth in the Lancelot-Grail Rasmus Thorning Hansen, Odense Univ. 3. Performance and Identity as a Narrative Mode in L’Atre périlleux Marie-Lise Charue, Univ. of Memphis the round table 51

4. Tirant lo blanc and Le Morte Darthur as Fifteenth-Century Border Narratives Karen Douglas Alexander, Baylor Univ. Session 452 (Saturday 3:30–5) Schneider 1225 American Arthurian Medievalisms Sponsor: The Medieval Association of the Midwest Organizer: Peter H. Goodrich, Northern Michigan Univ. Presider: Peter H. Goodrich 1. Barthelme’s The King and the Arthurian Legends in American Diplomacy Andrew Mathis, New York Univ. 2. A Four-Color King: Arthur as American Comic Book Superhero Jason Tondro, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas 3. The Role of Arthurian Literature in Medieval Re-enactment Societies Brian R. Price, Chronique: The Journal of 4. American Academics Recreate the Arthurian Legend Alan Lupack, Univ. of Rochester Session 449 (Saturday 3:30–5) Schneider 1155 Teaching Arthur to Undergraduates Sponsor: Pearl-Poet Society/ TEAMS Organizer: Karin S. Colburn, Univ. of North Texas Presider: Fiona Tolhurst, Alfred Univ. 1. ‘oft bofle blysse and blunder’: Teaching the Teachers Arthur Sally Bormann, Western Montana College 2. Listserves in the Arthurian Classroom Mary Lynn Saul, Worcester State College Respondents: D. Thomas Hanks, Baylor Univ., and Jean E. Jost, Bradley Univ. Session 498 (Sunday 8:30–10) Schneider 1220 Tristan I: Texts and Contexts Sponsor: Tristan Society Organizer: Debora B. Schwartz, California Polytechnic State Univ. Presider: Debora B. Schwartz 1. Going Astray: Sleepless and Clueless in Tristan’s World Janina Traxler, Manchester College 2. Rewriting the Hunt in the Old French Prose Tristan John Jay Thompson, California Polytechnic State Univ. 3. The Politics and Poetics of Malory’s Book of Sir Tristram William Fitzhenry, California Polytechnic State Univ. 4. Metamorphosing Tristan and Isolde: Thomas Berger and Maria Kuncewicz Klaus P. Jankofsky, Univ. of Minnesota, Duluth Session 531 (Sunday 10:30–12) Schneider 1220 Tristan II: Visualizing Tristan and Isolde Sponsor: Tristan Society Organizer: Debora B. Schwartz, California Polytechnic State Univ. 52 arthuriana

Presider: Debora B. Schwartz 1. ‘C’est cunte est mult divers’ —But Not in the Visual Arts James A. Rushing, Jr., Rutgers Camden 2. Why Tristan in the Dining Room? Stephanie Cain Van D’Elden, Univ. of Minnesota 3. The Tryst Scene as Genesis Motif: A Cathar-Gnostic Rereading of Tristan Iconography Patricia McGurk, Univ. of Minnesota 4. (Re)Visualizing Tristan and Isolde in the Nineteenth Century Karen F. Sims, Univ. of Rochester Members of the NAB /IAS are reminded of two important sites on the World Wide Web: International Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo: and ARTHURIANA, the official journal of the NAB: . Arthurnet: Arthurnet, sponsored by Arthuriana, is an electronic discussion group for scholars and students of Arthurian subjects from the early Middle Ages to the modern moment. Scholars in all fields of inquiry from literature and history to mythology and philosophy—and in the several languages pertinent to the Arthurian story—are invited to participate in this open list. There is a moderated line in the list to allow more structured conversation for those who wish to engage in it. Details of the moderated list are broadcast on-line. Any scholar willing to act as a discussion moderator is asked to contact Assist. Editor Judy Shoaf ([email protected]) with potential topics and timetables. Each moderator will be asked to prepare a summary article about the topic line (crediting appropriate participants) for publication in the Round Table section of ARTHURIANA. To subscribe, send the command ‘sub arthurnet [your name]’ to [email protected] as an e-mail message. The Arthurian Network: New or changed e-mail addresses appear on the ARTHURIANA Homepage. New or Returning Members since last Round Table Newsletter: Alexander, Todd A., 3273 Alexandria Dr., Toledo, OH 43606 Amer, Sahar, U of No. Carolina-Chapel Hill, Romance Langs - CB# 3170, 238 Dey Hall, Chapel Hill, NC 27599–3170 Bartlett, Dr. Allison S., Wor-Wic Community C, General Studies Dept., 32000 Campus Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804–1486 Brown, Mr. Ryan, 3249 N. Hoyne, Chicago, IL 60618 Chafin, Mr. Brian, 3242 Fairesta #3, La Crescenta, CA 91214 Desmond, Ms. Ruth, 551 Jean St. #106, Oakland,, CA 94610 Dobyns, Ann, 1112 Corona St., Denver, CO 80218–2848 Evans, Mr. Martin C., 212 Southwood Terrace, Louisville, KY 40214 Hair, Christopher R., 105 Strawberry Ct., Nicholasville, KY 40356 Hildebrand, Kristina, Granitv 10 A, S-75243 Uppsala, SWEDEN Holbook, Sue Ellen, 408 Wilder Hill Rd., Shelburne Falls, MA 03170 the round table 53

Hovland, Dr. Deborah, Foreign Langs, SUNY C-Buffalo, 1300 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222 Kennedy, Mr. Jeff, 1626 Holly Way, Lansing, MI 48910 Kruger, Prof. Steven F., U of Alberta, Dept. of English, 3-5 Humanities Centre, Edmonton, CANADA T6G 2E5 Lawrie, Maureen, 5 Hanover Sq. - 10th floor, New York, NY 10004 Leiszter, Bonita, 4538 S. Oakwood Terr., New Berlin, WI 53151–6831 Longley, Anne, P.O. Box 1556, Sag Harbor, NY 11963 MacPhail, Ms. Rainn L.E., 8449 St. Joe Rd., Ft. Wayne, IN 46835 Manifold, Ms. Laurie A., P.O. Box 387, Shenorock, NY 10587–0387 Moody, Ellen, 308 Cloverway, Alexandria, VA 22314 Mosteller, Ms. Tamela Hunt, 5584 Brookwood Lane, Hickory, NC 28602 Muckerheide, Ryan, 700 W. Brown St. - Apt. 8, Tempe, AZ 85281 Nolan, Ms. Lydia, 1319 Wesleyan, Walnut, CA 91789 Norris, Mr. Ralph, 1230 Worthington Hills Dr., Roswell, GA 30076 Peikari, Dr. Cyrus, 6242 Walnut Hill Ln., Dallas, TX 75230 Perry, Shannon and Warren, 2810 Garden Lane, Memphis, TN 38111 Quattrin, Dr. Patricia Ann, Western Michigan U, English Dept - 337 Moore Hall, 4823 Woodland Dr., St. Joseph, MI 49085 Ritchie, Mr. John, 1701 W. 35th St., Apt. A102, Kearney, NE 68847 Tiller, Kenneth J., Clinch Valley C of the U. of Virginia, Dept. of Language & Literature, 1 College Ave., Wise, VA 24293 Vilkas, Mrs. Kit, North Salem HS - English, 230 June Rd., North Salem, NY 10560 Werbow, Prof. Stanley N., 4205 Prickly Pear Dr., Austin, TX 7873–2017 Wilkinson, Dr. Valerie Anne, Fac. of Information, Shizuoka U, 836 Ohya, Shizuoka, JAPAN Zink, Ms. Nicole, 1510 S. Folsom - Apt. 2, Lincoln, NE 68522 Change of Name or Address since last News: Blanton-Whetsell, Dr. Virginia, Marist College - Humanities, St. Anne’s Hermitage, 290 N. Road, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Charue, Dr. Marie-Lise, 7428 Unbridle Way - Apt. 204, Cordova, TN 38018 Crawford, Ms. Deborah K.E., 750 W. Baseline Rd. #2125, Tempe, AZ 85283–1107 Crosbie, Mr. Christopher, 107 Cornell Ave., Point Beach, NJ 08742 Doherty, Mrs. L.A. and Mr. John J. Doherty, Northern Arizona U, Flagstaff, AZ 86002 Eisner, Prof. Sigmund, 220 E. Yvon Dr., Tucson, AZ 85704 Fant, Dr. Gene C., Mississippi C, English - Jennings 309, M.C. Box 4022, Clinton, MS 39058 Ford, Prof. Patrick K., 20 Carleton Circle, Belmont, MA 02478–2942 Gino Saliba, Ms. Alexia, 1552 McLean Commons Ct., McLean, VA 22101 Howley, Dr. Martin, Memorial U of Newfoundland, Queen Elizabeth II Library, St. John’s, NFLD A1B 3Y1, Canada 54 arthuriana

Hughes, Prof. Linda K., Texas Christian U, English - 314 Reed Hall, TCU Box 297270, Fort Worth, TX 76129 Jenks, Dr. Kathleen, 1311 Harbor Blvd - Apt. 3, Oxnard, CA 93035–2000 Kindrick, Prof. Robert L., U of Montana, Academic Affairs, University Hall 109, Missoula, MT 59801 Kopen, Dr. Dan F., 285 E. Center St., Shavertown, PA 18708 Long, Mr. Gary R., 16 Greenfield Dr., Allentown, NJ 08501–1635 Malcor, Dr. Linda A., 15 Mondrian, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656–7074 Ogden-Korus, Mrs. Erin M., P.O. Box 4127, Moscow, ID 83843–1923 Overcash, Miss Stephanie, Feinstein HS, 544 Elmwood Ave., Providence, RI 02907 Quickert, Miss Nicole, 14 Applewood Ct., Trenton, Ontario, K8V 6J4 Canada Sims, Miss Karen F., U of Rochester, English - Morey Hall 406, Rochester, NY 14627 Thomas, Mr. Michael W., 1850 Harbor Dr., Slidell, LA 70458 Welsh, Mr. Andrew, Rutgers U, English, 510 George St., New Brunswick, NJ 08901–1167 Williams, Mr. Christopher L., 10965 S.W. 116 St., Miami, FL 33176–3922 Submitted by: D. Thomas Hanks, Jr., ias/nab Newsletter Editor