Elak Sra Onak Project
UNIVF:RSITY OF HAWAl'I LIBRARY ELAK SRA ONAK PROJECT Volume one, Issue two September 2004 ACKNOWLEDGMENT TIW proj«t u funded i11 whole or in part by tlte US National Park Savka and tM Kosru State Govan1M11t, DepartJMnt of Agriculture Land & Fisheries ,. INTRODUCTION The Elak Sra Onak Project is happy to present to you the Volume one, Issue two Elak Sra Onak Book. This issue is a continuation ofvolume one. This issue is specifically discusses four of Kosrae's areas of Culture. These four areas are: Ideology which presents mostly on the Religious activities, Beliefs, Changes is religion such as new churches and conversions, other aspects of ideology such as stories about people and events in different times, and ideas about the proper way people should act toward one another. Another area is the Cultural Transmission which discusses how culture is passed on to new generations, formal and informal education ofways ofmaking a living, values, and social structure, how are schools organized in Kosrae, who are the teachers, how are they trained, where does the curriculum come from, how do school activities relate to informal education in homes and other places, what are Kosrae's games and how do they reflect Kosrae culture. The last section talks about Social Structure and Changes which will present to you, how has Kosrae changed, what are some of the things that are causing the changes today such as the video cassette recorders(VCRs), the ctrcumfrenttal road or the new airport, who are the people who introduce changes, how is change accepted by different people in each village, how does each village react to change, the role of institutions and their acceptance or resistance to change.
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