Holistic Geospatial information Vision for Africa

 Andre Nonguierma  Chief, GiSS  [email protected]  United Nations Economic Commission for Africa  SLC.2020|December 2020 SPACE IN AFRICA | OUTLINES… Context Why we need Geospatial Information African Holistic Geospatial information Vision  The Policy Drivers : Global Need for Spatially-Enabled  Coordinated approach for cooperative management of geospatial information that adopts common regional standards, frameworks and tools A right decision Complex Information  Management of global geospatial information to address key global challenges making requires the  Everything that happens, happens somewhere over space  A paradigm shift…. From… geospatial information as standalone data and time collection… to Knowledge generation, sharing and dissemination gathering and  Organize data so that information (spatially enabled) can be produced as and reviewing of up-to-  80% of all human decisions involve a “Where?” question when needed date, cold &hard  You cannot count what you cannot locate  Just in time data on demand  Location affects nearly everything we do in life.  Produce Once, Use Many Times facts.  Data collected for one purpose or project can be used for other purposes and projects For the facts to be  Empower users to do as much as possible by themselves interpreted, understood, and Geospatial Info. Nexus Issues Key Pillars Way Forward  Availability  SDI : Frameworks with related Policy : Institutional linked to our goals Finding the appropriate information at the required ..mechanisms aligned with time and at the relevant scale of aggregation. policies & structures national efforts, while taking and to our decisions,  Accessibility into account international  FDS : Fundamental Geospatial perspectives this needs to bring Even where information is available, it may not be easily accessible, either because of the lack of Data democracy : Ubiquitous Datasets availability of relevant spatial together data linked technology or because of associated costs  AFREF : African Geodetic data/information as common with the one thing  Transformability goods. Adhering to agreed they have in There is a general lack of infrastructure capacities for Reference Frame standards : metadata, data the collection and assessment of data, for their SALB : Second Administrative models, encoding, common: Location transformation into useful information and for their  interoperability dissemination. Level Boundaries People : High Level Education (Where)  Governance to empower African youth in There is a need for improved coordination among  GeoNyms: Geographic Names geospatial science and scattered data information, applications & services technology culture at all  Geo-Stats : Locate & Count education levels (schools, ecosystems in environment, demographic, social. universities) SPACE IN AFRICA | POLICY DRIVERS Global Need for Spatially- Enabled Complex Information Countries have expressed a need for better access and capacity for applying geospatial information to national priorities, in relation to national development objectives and the SDGs. All the required information for regional priorities and agendas would not be complete without the location. They need to be localized. They all need to answer “where” questions from a regional perspective SPACE IN AFRICA | SDGS DATA NEXUS ISSUES 1. WHICH TYPE OF DATA TO PRODUCE | 2. WHAT NEEDS TO RESPOND TO Résolution spatiale Availability Transformability Finding the There is a general lack appropriate of infrastructure capacities for the information at the collection and assessment required time and at of water data, for their the relevant scale of transformation into useful aggregation information and for their dissemination Disponibilité de l'info Résolution temporelle Accessibility Dssemination Even where Même lorsque information is l'information est available, it may disponible, elle not be easily peut ne pas être accessible, either facilement because of the lack accessibles, pour of tehnology for Zone couverte diverses raisons effective access or because of associated costs STRATEGIQUE TACTIQUE LOGISTIQUE SPACE IN AFRICA | HOLISTIC VISION |COORDINATED APPROACH

▪ Coordinat ed process Geospatial Information for Sustainable Development (Gi4SD) in Africa that adopts common Collective approach in addressing information needs for key global challenges regional standards, framework s and tools ▪ Addressin Networks g key Partnerships Strategy global Training Regional Collaboration challenge Capacities s including Spatial awareness Sustainabl e High Level Education developm Core thematic ent, Common Tools climate change, Open and Free disaster Multi-stakeholder Strategies managem ent, Standards peace Data and security, and environme ntal stresses Informed decisions SPACE IN AFRICA |OPPORTUNITIES Taking advantages of

 Space policies in Africa  Institutional coordination and arrangements 20% 20%  Synergistic approaches  Guiding principles on data, applications and services

Political Support Indigenous Capabilities Political Buy-in New Business Model African Initiatives and Centres of More and more political Excellence (Stellenbosch, Regional awareness and engagement Centres, National EOS…) . Continent Space Governance People Needs Synergism Accessibility of evidence-based information. Connectivity and data exchange between Constructive partnership producers and users Information, Products & Services Linking 10% 50% global to local

Constructive Partnership National Efforts Enabling Operational Environments High-Level Education and Holistic Capacity Multi-level long term Education is essential : Leads to technology Enhanced and expanded National Programmes adoption, ingestion and use International Cooperation with Infrastructures and Networking Basic training : To maintain operational More and more African capacity in space applications for technicians, emphasis on South-South Indigenous Space Capabilities Initiatives and Centres of managers, scientists and basic users Cooperation involving Africans, High Level Training : Empower African youth diasporas and partners Excellence in space science and technology culture. Core African space scientists (pure and . applied research) SPACE IN AFRICA|ENABLING INFRASTRUCTURES

Existence of Operational Centres of Excellence AGRHYMET – RECTAS – RCMRD - RSAU - CRASTE African countries developing and acquiring EOS |Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa… Data collection, accessibility and Monitoring and Assessment Inform. Diffusion integration & Capacity

Institutions Collect Access Integration Assessment Monitoring Forecast Diffusion Capacity





Envisat Considerable Purpose- SORCE // oriented datasets exist Sage QuikScat Numerous Observing Systems exist IKONOS

CBERS d1 SeaWiFS SPOT 4, 5 d2 SPIN-2 d3 d4 d5 SeaWinds TRMM d6 Orbview 2, 3 d7 DMC ../.. d132000 ACRIMSAT d14 EROS A1 d15 ERBS Radarsat ALOS d16 d17 Toms-EP QuickBird d18

Grace UARS Jason SPACE IN AFRICA|OPERATIONAL SERVICES Maturity in Developing Core Operational Services GMES & Africa Programme SPACE IN AFRICA | GMES & AFRICA Courtesy | Meshack {2020) Raw Data Satellite Imagery Biophysics Socio- Economic

Processed Land Cover Data DEM


A streaming service delivering access to Airbus satellite imagery over the whole Africa Fully refreshed within a 12- month period. Data enriched by a Digital Elevation Model layer. GIS-ready, Ortho-rectified imagery SPACE IN AFRICA | DIGITALGLOBLE EARTHWATCH

A revolutionary cloud based imagery solutions for Stats and SDG in Africa With highest accuracy and quality images available online. Hosts most timely satellite imagery of world events. Provide image access within hours of acquisition. View and downloading privileges to any area of Interest (AOI). Designed in such a way you pay on what you use. The model enables users to get best value by only paying for what he needs. The licensing models vary depending on the demand. 100PB + 1 billion km2 of fresh imagery per year SPACE IN AFRICA | BUILDING FUNDAMENTAL DATA THEMES

Space Technology can advance Africa efforts to build : Purpose-oriented datasets Structured and comprehensive data foundation that would be consistent, comparable and compatible at the local, national, regional, and global levels. SPACE IN AFRICA | RESPONDING TO THE SDGS

Sample Census data Common Geographies survey data  Updating and sharing common administrative Statistical-Geospatial Integration boundaries Admin. Registers People Businesses Responding to the SDG

 Building, Holistic, Active, Primary Geo-coding All-inclusive Information statistical registers  Enriching statistical data Maps

Location Visualizations -

2020 Round of Geo Fundamental IndicatorsStatistical Censuses Geospatial Themes  Fostering geospatially- enabled censuses. Earth Other sources  Building geo-referenced Observation of data dwelling frames SPACE IN AFRICA |DATA SHARING VS SPACE LAW

1. Structural 2. Management 3. Collaboration [Frameworks] [Governance] [Partnership]

Appropriate technical Cooperative Law | Regulations infrastructure management of data Aappropriate data Collective approach in policies Appropriate common addressing information tools and standards needs

The law is reason. Ensure data are fit-for Ensure that data access purpose Explore collaborative arrangements observe solutions in preference to the highest policy and Develop once, Use many developing national ethical frameworks times space programmes SPACE IN AFRICA |TRYING TO SAY IT…

1. Africa is increasingly acquiring capacity to produce, process and use Earth Observation data for sustainable development agenda 2. The World is increasingly developing satellites that are relevant to the African context and mechanisms for timely access (availability, affordability, infrastructure) to the data (historical, current and future). 3. Africa is slowly developing / updating capacity in the engineering and application of space science and technology© Adaptedand the fromrequi Jamessite Clear infrastructural capabilities The Atomic Habits REFERENCE The African Action Plan : English: ublicationFiles/un-ggim_- _geospatial_information_for_sustain able_development_in_africa- 20171115.pdf French : ublicationFiles/geospatial_informatio n_for_sustainable_development_in_a frica_fre-20171115.pdf