Congressional Record—House H2728
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H2728 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 14, 2021 Twelve former prison officers from grants and refugees, and temporarily sus- er’s announced policy of January 4, Yaroslavil colony were sentenced to up to pended forcible returns of foreign and state- 2021, the gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. four years and three months’ imprisonment less individuals. Some regional authorities JACKSON LEE) is recognized for 60 min- after a leaked video showed an inmate being ceased temporary detention of migrants, al- beaten in 2017. Six of them were immediately though new decisions on forcible returns utes as the designee of the majority released on account of time already spent in were also reported. leader. detention. The former head and deputy head UNLAWFUL ATTACKS GENERAL LEAVE of the colony were acquitted. Evidence including witness statements, Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, UNFAIR TRIALS videos, photographs and satellite imagery of Violations of the right to a fair trial re- seven air strikes against medical facilities I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- mained common. Detainees were denied and schools by Russian forces, and four by bers may have 5 legislative days in meetings with their lawyers and a number of Syrian or Russian forces, between May 2019 which to revise and extend their re- trials continued to be closed to the public, and February 2020 in Syria, corroborated al- marks and include extraneous material with the COVID–19 pandemic being often legations of serious violations of inter- on the subject of this Special Order. abusively used as a justification. national humanitarian law amounting to In February and June respectively, seven war crimes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there young men from Penza, and two from Saint Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, a suc- objection to the request of the gentle- Petersburg, received sentences of up to 18 woman from Texas? years’ imprisonment under trumped-up ter- cessful meeting with Putin can only be rorism charges over their purported involve- accomplished proceeding from a posi- There was no objection. ment with a non-existent organization called tion of strength. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, ‘‘Network’’. Numerous allegations of torture While I am deeply concerned the ad- I rise this evening for the Congres- and other ill-treatment, and of fabrication of ministration waived Nord Stream 2 sional Black Caucus Special Order hour evidence, were ignored. sanctions, I am pleased President that deals with, of course, Juneteenth, Constitutional and legislative amendments Biden invited President Zelensky to a further eroded the right to a fair trial, in- a very special time that I am de- cluding by giving the President power to White House visit. I am also grateful lighted—with the leadership of our nominate the judges of the Constitutional the administration announced $150 mil- chair, Congresswoman JOYCE BEATTY; and Supreme Courts, and initiate the ap- lion in security assistance to Ukraine. and, of course, my coanchor, Congress- This week, President Biden has an pointment of all federal judges and dismissal man TORRES of New York—that we of senior federal judges. opportunity to pivot from the Trump stand here to provide this kind of lead- Counter-terrorism administration’s disastrous legacy that ership for this Congress and for this Counterterrorism legislation was widely left the transatlantic relationship in Nation. abused, often to target dissent. tatters. The Congress and our caucus Journalist Abdulmumin Gadzhiev, from stand ready to work with the adminis- Let me extend my heartfelt apprecia- Dagestan, remained in custody under fab- tration to counter Russian aggression tion for all of the leadership that have ricated charges of financing terrorism and given us this time, including Speaker participation in terrorist and extremist or- by increasing Ukraine’s security and ganizations. His trial started in November. democracy assistance. PELOSI and, of course, Leader HOYER, In occupied Crimea, allegations of mem- Onward liberty. Onward Ukraine. and to acknowledge the significance to bership of the Islamist organization Hizb-ut- f African Americans as it relates to Tahrir (labelled as a ‘‘terrorist’’ movement Juneteenth. by Russia in 2003) were widely used to im- OFFERING SYMPATHY Coming from Texas, let me tell you prison ethnic Crimean Tatars. In June, Cri- (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was mean human rights defender Emir-Usein given permission to address the House that Juneteenth, a couple days from Kuku lost the appeal against his 12-year pris- for 1 minute.) today, will be an amazing commemora- on sentence. In September, another Crimean Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, tion. We will be unveiling a mural in human rights defender, Server Mustafayev, I rise as a fellow Texan to offer my Galveston, where General Granger first was sentenced to 14 years in prison. came. I believe thousands will come. In September, 19 men from Ufa, Bashkira, deepest sympathy to my fellow con- convicted for alleged Hiz-ut-Tahrir member- gressional colleagues in the Austin And if there will not be thousands, let ship and sentenced to between 10 and 24 area, to the local officials, and to all of you hear my voice: Thousands should years, lost their appeal, with one defendant’s those who suffered the brutality of the come because what a historic moment. sentence reduced by a year. mass shooting in the last couple of What does Juneteenth mean? VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS days—14—and my deepest sympathy to It means an acknowledgment of Proposals to introduce legislation on do- the family of the deceased loved one, mestic violence remained stalled in Par- those who were in bondage for over 200 who mourns today. years. The Emancipation Proclama- liament, while NGOs reported a sharp in- Out of respect for his family, I will crease in domestic violence following tion—which, by the way, for the 150th just simply say we mourn him, and we COVID–19 lockdown measures. commemoration, because we had not In June, the ECtHR held a Polshina v. Rus- are saddened by his loss. finished our congressional work, I was Madam Speaker, in Texas, the Gov- sia that deficiencies in the legal system re- actually here at midnight—which is lated to domestic violence violated the pro- ernor just signed a permitless gun bill. when President Abraham Lincoln hibitions of torture and discrimination. The All statistics suggest that this provides signed it at the National Archives. Court underlined Russia’s consistent failure for a shopping spree of guns. to investigate abuse, and years-long toler- It is important for three things to Looking at the original Emancipation ance of ‘‘a climate which was conducive to happen for our Nation to raise its Proclamation, what a sense of emotion. domestic violence’’. voices against gun violence and to But then to let you know that that RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, begin to pass sensible gun safety laws, did not free all of the slaves. Two years TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX (LGBTI) PEOPLE including my legislation for gun stor- in bondage continued for those west of LGBTI people continued to face discrimi- nation and persecution. Constitutional age, universal background checks, clos- the Mississippi and many States until amendments redefined marriage as a ‘‘union ing the Charleston loophole, to prevent General Granger reached the shores of between a man and woman’’, reinforcing ex- ghost guns, and banning assault weap- Galveston, still marked today in Texas, isting limitations on same-sex couples. ons. that said that you were free. LGBTI rights activist Yulia Tsvetkova was At the same time, we must raise up fined RUB75,000 (US$1,014) for posting online Can you imagine? Two extra years of the specter of mental health services. bondage. Couldn’t get out. Couldn’t her drawings in support of same-sex couples But most of all, as I chair the Sub- and faced other penalities, including ongoing read a newspaper or hold up a message presecution for pornography relating to her committee on Crime, Terrorism, and that had come from your relative that body positive drawings featuring female Homeland Security, we must raise our lived in Georgia. Couldn’t do anything. voice against violence and actually genitalia. General Granger read these words of MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS deal with it and try to cease it. I be- lieve America must do this. General Order Number 3, set off a joy- Over a third of foreign labour migrants re- ous celebration of the freed men and ported having lost work owing to the f women of Texas. I have no shame that COVID–19 pandemic, and thousands were CELEBRATING JUNETEENTH stranded in Russia due to related border clo- it was called Jubilee. And there were a sures. In April, a presidential decree eased The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. JA- lot of picnics and what we called in the work permit and residency rules for mi- COBS of California). Under the Speak- later years ‘‘red punch.’’ VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:00 Jun 15, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14JN7.023 H14JNPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE June 14, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2729 Don’t diminish our celebration. Don’t knows what Juneteenth, the signifi- have to call his name: Mr. W.C. Parish, diminish that joy in the midst of sor- cance, the power of it is, and her legis- William Calhoun Parish. He was born row. lative legacy speaks to freedom. in Galveston, just 10 years after Grang- How many died who could not see Madam Speaker, I yield to the Hon- er’s Juneteenth announcement. freedom? orable BARBARA LEE. Black Texans began celebrating Here are the words: ‘‘The people of b 1945 Juneteenth the following year, and Texas are informed that, in accordance year after year for the last 150-plus with the Proclamation from the Execu- Ms.