Venture Trainsets Redefining the Intercity Rail Experience
Venture Trainsets Redefining the intercity rail experience Venture Trainsets | Mobility Next generation rail, built for North America. With our latest, intercity trainset, Built, tested, and proven Siemens is redefining what intercity rail While designed and built for tomorrow, the can be. It’s an unsurpassed passenger Venture trainsets are a proven product. Our experience that’s also raising the bar for vehicles are in use throughout North America efficiency with service-proven vehicles and have been built on a tested and designed for tomorrow and in production service-proven platform. Benefiting from today. In short, the Venture is a 21st century decades of experience in North America, trainset that’s being embraced by passengers, we’ve developed them to meet the unique operators, and agencies alike. needs of the market. All vehicles are designed and validated in accordance with FRA Riders will enjoy new levels of comfort and regulations, APTA standards and PRIIA 305 convenience along with the latest amenities. specifications for next generation equipment. The Venture features spacious interiors and flexibility for multiple configurations of First in safety economy, business, cafe and cab cars. Providing the most protection for the riding Integrated crash energy management public is our top priority. That’s why Venture provides next generation safety. trainsets feature the safest rail car design on Reduce operating costs and enhance the market. All carbodies incorporate Crash sustainability with the clean and green Energy Management (CEM) crumple zones Charger diesel-electric locomotive. Light to absorb energy at both ends of the car. and powerful, it delivers maximum Our design also includes a controlled performance and reliability up to collapse feature to enhance safety in the 125 mph.
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