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Editorial EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Feature of the Month Keith Carey For comments on content call 626-398-2241 or email [email protected] Dear Praying Friends, ASSISTANT EDITOR Paula Fern You might remember that Pray for last November we prayed for the Hindu people groups WRITERS Patricia Depew in Pakistan. This month, as we continue our “Year of Karen Hightower the Frontier,” we will feature the much larger Muslim Wesley Kawato A Disciple Making Movement Among Every Ben Klett peoples of that nation of nearly 200 million. David Kugel Christopher Lane Muslim People in Pakistan You seldom find good news about Pakistan. This Ted Proffitt Cory Raynham nation, which was dedicated to when they Lydia Reynolds Jean Smith became a nation in 1947, has been a cesspool of Allan Starling corruption and cruelty. Are there Muslims in that Chun Mei Wilson John Ytreus nation that now understand that their religious system has failed them? Please pray that the difficult PRAYING THE SCRIPTURES Keith Carey challenges faced by Pakistan will result in many looking to Jesus for answers. CUSTOMER SERVICE In Christ, Lois Carey Brad Kim

GRAPHICS Keith Carey David Gutierrez Keith Carey, editor-in-chief, GPD PRINTER Yuli Color Reproduction Co., LTD. (For free daily GPD prayer entries by email, go to: (Taiwan)

globalprayerdigest.org) WEB SITES www.globalprayerdigest.org https://prayerstrategists.net/about/ prayer-guides/

ISSN 1045-9731 Contents of the Global Prayer Digest © 2019 Frontier Ventures 1605 East Elizabeth Street Pasadena, CA 91104

Contents of this booklet may be reproduced if appropriate credit and subscription information are given. Cover Photo by iStock/ zefart

44 45 To Help You Pray Better Pakistan

During WWII, the Japanese challenged Great Britain’s control of South PAKISTAN: A LAND OF STRIFE Asia, but the British defeated them. The British won WWII, but their ability to control a vast empire in Asia was greatly compromised, so they made plans to grant this land independence. Centuries of bad feelings between the Hindus and the Muslims meant that the two religious communities did not iStockPhotos want to be part of the same nation. That forced the British to resort to a two- state solution with what was called “India.”

Bengali Region The original idea was that the Hindu majority regions would be part of secular India and Muslim majority regions would be part of the Islamic state of Pakistan. It was not that simple. One of the first problems for the new Muslim state had to do with geography. Pakistan’s Muslim regions were concentrated in two widely separated areas. The Indus River Valley formed the main part of Pakistan. There were also millions of Muslims living in the state of , thousands of miles to the east. In between those two regions was the hostile state of India. The felt they had little in common with the Indus Valley Muslims. They spoke a language very different from the other people groups of Pakistan. Customs and cultures were also Islam and Foreign Control very different. Hinduism was the prominent religion of South Asia for In 1971 a cyclone devastated the Bengali region of Pakistan. The Pakistani thousands of years. In the 300s BC, Buddhism began as a national government made little effort to relieve the suffering caused by the —BY WESLEY reform movement with the purpose of correcting the worst cyclone. This led to a revolt which quickly morphed into an independence KAWATO AND features of the Hindu caste system. Buddhism later spread KEITH CAREY movement. India sided with the Bengali rebels and that led to a war between to other regions of Asia but mostly died out in South Asia India and Pakistan in 1971. After several weeks of fighting India and the except for Bhutan and Nepal. Hinduism and the caste system rebels prevailed. That led to the creation of the new nation of Bangladesh. remained intact in this part of the world. Thus, an independence movement prevailed that tore Pakistan apart. Islam did not arrive in South Asia as a reform movement. Though some came as traders in earlier centuries, the bulk of the Islamic influence in this part of the world came from Kashmir Turkish invaders in the 1300s. In the 1500s, the Moghul Another complication came because at the time of partition, the Muslim- Empire took their place, and they controlled this region majority province of Kashmir was ruled by a Hindu sultan who decided through brute force until the British took over in the 1700s to have Kashmir join India. Pakistan found this unacceptable. In 1965 the and 1800s. By that time, there were millions who converted situation led to war between India and Pakistan. The war lasted several weeks. to Islam, often to find favor with the conquering peoples, At first Pakistan gained much territory in Kashmir, but the offensive soon be they Turkish or Moghul. And of course, there were the grounded to a halt. Eventually they reached a cease fire, but no peace treaty Islamic invaders themselves who were faithful to Islam. was ever signed. Muslims were especially numerous in what is now Pakistan and Bangladesh. A large portion of the province is occupied by the Pakistani army on one

continued on next page

47 Pakistan Pakistan

side, and India’s army on the other. Technically India and Pakistan are still at war, and they still have skirmishes. An uneasy peace exists between India and Pakistan, and innocent civilians are being abused by the military forces. empire the British managed to barely control those that are in what is now Kashmir’s Muslims are divided between those who want to be a part of called Pakistan, and they could never conquer those in Afghanistan. Pashtun Pakistan and those who desire independence. Kashmir also has a large Hindu forces in Afghanistan sent the USSR retreating in the 1980s. minority. These people want to retain their ties to India. There is no way have always provided a headache to Pakistani forces. They often have to everyone is going to get what they want. allow the Pashtuns to do what they want without intervening; the Pakistani government must choose it’s battles wisely. Today’s Separatist Movements Political leaders in Pakistan are divided on how to retain control of their country. Some favor education and economic development. Others feel a Today Pakistan is an unstable democracy. The country has experienced several military crackdown is the best solution. military coups. Military juntas have ruled Pakistan off and on. They have a weak economy, and Pakistan has little to offer their people. Poverty and violence seem to be what defines Pakistan today. On A Spiritual Level The Punjabis have been the most dominant people group in Pakistan. They Pakistan was carved out of India to be an Islamic state. As you read in this dominate not only Punjab Province, but all parts of the country. The majority prayer guide last November, there are some Hindus, and they are regularly Punjabi people group has used a divide and conquer strategy to retain control persecuted by the Muslim majority. Pakistan’s Muslims are a mixed lot. of Pakistan. Some are very moderate, and others are very radical. There are terrorist Balochistan is a lightly populated desert province that is rich in oil and groups based in Pakistan who are primarily concerned about fighting India other natural resources, and strategically located. Despite the abundance of over Kashmir, though many will attack Pakistani Christians and Hindus. resources, the are among the poorest in Pakistan, and they feel Sunni Islam is dominant in Pakistan, and some of them have attacked that only the Punjabis have benefited from their resources. Today Pakistan members of other Muslim sects like the Shi’ites and Ahmadiyyas. Only two is trying to make way for a trade corridor with China that goes through percent of Pakistanis are Christians of any kind. Balochistan, giving the Baloch reason to view the Chinese as another enemy. The Baloch also have a good case that they were forced to become part of Pakistan during the 1947 partition. Many would like independence, so the Let’s Pray! Pakistani government must either woo them with jobs and economic benefits God can and will be victorious, no matter what mankind does. He or use force to keep them. For the most part they have chosen the latter. wants us to be part of his plan to win the nations to Jesus Christ. Pray Sindh Province is not as poor as many other parts of Pakistan, but they have that the violence and hatred in Pakistan will turn Muslim hearts to the 90 percent of Pakistan’s Hindu population, the people we prayed for in Nov. loving savior. 2018. There is a separatist movement, though it is not as strong as the ones in Pray for a disciple making movement to flourish among every Muslim Balochistan or Khyber Pakhtunkwa. family, clan, and people group in Pakistan. FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkwa were merged in 2018. It is now called the Pray for Pakistani Muslims to understand that Jesus Christ came to give Khyber Pakhtunkwa Province. This is a land dominated by the Pashtuns, them abundant life if they would only accept it. also called Pathans in this country. They have a fluid population between Pray for the protection of Pakistan’s small Christian minority. Pakistan and neighboring Afghanistan. The Pashtuns are the core ethnic group for the Taliban, though many Pashtuns do not approve of the Taliban. The Pashtuns have proven to be nearly unconquerable; at the height of their

48 49 DAY DAY 01 JAT MUSLIMS IN PAKISTAN MUSLIM JHINWAR OF PAKISTAN 02 i sam 16:13, NLT hen hat do the eph 2:4-5, NLT Arabs Jhinwar Muslim But God is so rich in So as David stood there enteredW the iStock/pulpitis Wpeople believe is their among his brothers, Samuel mercy, and he loved us so southern regions hope for eternity? They iStock/MHYAbbas took the flask of olive oil he much, that even though of current hope that their good had brought and anointed we were dead because Pakistan in the deeds will outweigh David with the oil. And the of our sins, he gave us 7th century, their bad deeds on Spirit of the LORD came life when he raised Christ the chief tribal the day of judgment. powerfully upon David from the dead. (It is only groups they Sound familiar? They from that day on. Then by God’s grace that you encountered were the Jats and Med peoples. The fail to recognize that Samuel returned to Ramah. Jats were the first converts to Islam, and many have been saved!) God’s word says, “That Pakistan's provinces became soldiers in the new Arab Muslim admin- none are righteous, no Pray that despite their Pray that the Lord will raise istration of the Sindh region. In later centuries not one” (Rom 3:10) … for all have sinned and fall Islamic upbringing, the up many “Davids” from the many adopted a nomadic lifestyle herding camels short of the glory of God and are justified by grace Jhinwar people of Pakistan Jat communities in Pakistan. and goats. When irrigation techniques improved as a gift through the redemption that is in Christ will understand that they centuries later, the Jats adopted an agricultural Jesus” (Rom 3:23-24). cannot be saved apart lifestyle. Conversion to Islam occurred gradually from a sinless savior. with new adaptation in their lifestyle. The lines of Most Muslim Jhinwar people live in the Punjab or demarcation between countries in the subcontinent Sindh Provinces of Pakistan. They are considered have changed through the centuries. Jats live in to be either Other Backward Castes (OBCs) or a both India and Pakistan, but most Jats in Pakistan scheduled caste, both considered to be somewhere are Muslims. in the lower-middle of the caste hierarchy. The Jat people have a history of being brave and The Jhinwar people can’t read the classical Arabic ready fighters. They are fiercely independent and of the Qur’an, so they depend upon their imams or highly value their self-respect more than anything. mullahs to teach them the fundamentals of Islam. Although these qualities are highly admired in most societies, including Pakistan, they do not rate They need to know that God loves them and wants highly in God’s eyes. Jesus came to be a servant to them to be part of every tongue, language, and others. He taught his followers to esteem others nation at his throne in heaven. more highly than themselves, to turn the other Pray for the Jhinwar Muslims to have a Holy Spirit- cheek when slapped – all of which flies in the face driven hunger for spiritual truth that will lead them of proud people. to the Lord. Pray for new workers who will lovingly Pray for the Muslim Jats of Pakistan to encounter our persevere with these people until they have a church suffering servant Jesus and invite him to change their planting movement. Pray for Jhinwar families to be hearts. Pray for sensitive, dedicated evangelists to reach blessed with the presence of Jesus.—JS out to Jat communities to help them to begin a disciple making movement.—JS

50 51 DAY DAY MUSLIM IN KAMBOH PEOPLE IN PAKISTAN PAKISTAN 04 03 ne of the pro 16:18, NLT ow would dan 11:35, NLT you feel if most Pride goes before H Ospectacu- iStock/intek1 And some of the wise will

Elina_L/iStock you thought that destruction, and you had royal larly beautiful fall victim to persecution. haughtiness before a fall. blood flowing places in the In this way, they will be world has refined and cleansed and Pray that the proud through your seen constant made pure until the time of Kamboh people will heed veins? Perhaps a turmoil the end, for the appointed the instructions of God in little proud? This since 1947. time is still to come. his word. is the mindset of a people group known as the Kamboh people. Their It's Kashmir, a region located in the western Pray for the Lord to give traditions tell them that they are descended from Himalayan Mountains of northwestern India, joy and perseverance to the Kai Dynasty of Persia (modern day ), and northeastern Pakistan, and a small part of China. his children who are being they distinguished themselves by their courage It has been a battleground between Hindus persecuted in Pakistan today. and generosity. They feel particularly gifted with and Muslims since partition in 1947 when their wisdom and nobility. It follows then, that Muslim-majority lands were expected to be they feel very proud and should only marry within part of Pakistan, but most of Kashmir remained their specific Muslim group. with India. Opposition to the gospel is particularly intense Kashmiris are mostly farmers, raising sheep, goats in Pakistan, and as far as is known there are no and yaks. Cashmere, the highly prized wool, followers of Jesus Christ among the Kamboh. comes from this region. Most Muslim Kashmiris How do you even start to witness to people like live in remote areas and are only united when this that about the Savior? You pray! Jesus told us they come together for occasions such as festivals that we “ought always to pray and not lose heart” and pilgrimages. (Luke 18:1). Missionaries have reported to Global Prayer Digest that their first breakthroughs with Most Kashmiris are devout Sunni Muslims new believers came when their people group was who view conversion to Christianity as wrong, highlighted in GPD. so believers are often persecuted. Jesus made it Pray that this insight would hold true for the clear to his followers that discipleship would lead Kamboh people today! Pray that their hearts will be to persecution. softened to accept Jesus, and that their families will be blessed with the knowledge of the savior. Pray for Pray for entire Kashmiri families to be drawn by God to send Christ followers to connect spiritually the Holy Spirit to see that following Christ is worth with them and help them begin their own disciple persecution. Pray that they will judge “Christianity” making movement.—JS not by what they see in the media, but by the teachings and actions of our Lord.—JS

52 53 DAY DAY MUSLIM KHATRI PEOPLE 05 OF PAKISTAN PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN 06 ps 24:1, NLT hen we hat is folk lev 26:1 NLT think of The earth is the LORD’s, and religion? WIndia, we think Do not make idols or set up everything in it. The world WIt is the religion of castes. When carved images, or sacred of the masses as iStock/Aroybarman and all its people belong pillars, or sculptured stones

iStock/Mian Mohsin Zia we think of compared with to him. in your land so you may Pakistan, we the higher classes. worship them. I am the think of Islam. It is not what Pray that the Khatri peoples LORD your God. will understand that they But can the two, you study in a belong to God by right of castes and Islam, world religions Pray for the Holy Spirit to creation. Pray for them to go together? Indeed, they can. Today's people have course. In general, folk religion is a blend of orthodox convict the Khoja people of surrender to him! a name that came from the second highest caste, faith with animistic practices, superstitions or some their need to worship ONLY the Kshatriyas, and they are Muslim. They are also aspects of pre-conversion faith. the Lord God! known as Punjabi Shaikhs (from Sheik, a religious leader), an ethnic title. Other Khatris are Sikhs or Such describes the religion of the , a nomi- even Hindu, a reminder that this people were not nally Muslim group in Pakistan. Although converted always Muslim. (They became Muslim in the 12th to Islam ages ago, they still engage in some Hindu century). Unlike many castes however, they are practices. As for Islam, some are Sunni and some are allowed to share food and trade with some Brahmin Shi'ite, the major denominations of Islam. Others groups, indicating that they have higher status are Ismailis, a minority sect. Even as they are divided than most. religiously, they are also divided linguistically by several languages. Thus, any missionary work will a By and large, the Muslim Khatri are middle class. need multi-lingual resources to reach and disciple They engage in commerce, grinding and selling them. Of the 800,000 Khoja Muslims, none are grain and tailoring. They marry within their own known to have become followers of Jesus. Thus, they people. This caste cluster is about business and trade. are an unengaged and unreached people. They need Consisting of two major sub-groups, they number our prayers! some 1.1 million in Pakistan’s Punjab Province. There are no known followers of Jesus among the Pray for creative witness and evangelism, perhaps seeking Muslim Khatri. to engage them in a way they can understand. Pray that Consequently, we need to pray that churches and multi-lingual resources will be widely available and will mission agencies will creatively engage these people be used in reaching their family and clan leaders. Pray with the gospel. Pray for believers to reach out to Khatri for dreams and visions of Jesus that will lead to church family leaders, who will in turn open the door for planting movements that will transform their communi- those they influence to turn to Christ. Pray for Khatri ties into Christ’s likeness.—TP disciples to make more disciples so that this caste will be blessed.—TP

54 55 DAY DAY MUSLIM KUMHAR PEOPLE MUSLIM LOHAR PEOPLE 07 OF PAKISTAN IN PAKISTAN 08 is 64:8, NLT hen India e often mal 3:2, NLT was given hear And yet, O LORD, you are itsW independence, Whow But who will be able to our Father. We are the clay, iStock/Venerala iStock/hadynyah the Indian sub- Christians endure it when he comes? and you are the potter. continent was and Jews Who will be able to stand We all are formed by divided into two are perse- and face him when he your hand. parts: Hindu/ cuted, but in appears? For he will be like a blazing fire that refines Pray that the Kumhar secular India Pakistan it’s metal, or like a strong soap potters will learn spiritual and Muslim the Muslim that bleaches clothes. truths from their own work East and West Lohar who Pakistan. Because are victim- and understand that the Pray for the Muslim Lohar of a civil war that ized! Even though there are two million of them in Creator made them for people to have a healthy ended in 1972, Pakistan, they are a minority among their Hindu much more than they have fear of God that will lead East Pakistan counterparts. If they were Hindus, they would be ever imagined. them to the Savior. broke away from considered a caste, but because these Lohar are Pakistan and became Bangladesh. Muslim, they are labeled a clan. Islam officially does not recognize caste, yet Pakistani society is highly Among the many peoples of Pakistan, we are stratified, and one group does not eat or even talk praying today for the Kumhars, who speak several with another. Caste is real among Muslim commu- languages: Punjabi, , , or other languages nities in this part of the world. spoken at the sub-group level. Kumhars are divided also by sub-castes. As for the name Kumhar, it Most Lohars have always been blacksmiths or metal means “potters,” and most Kumhars are potters fabricators by trade. Many speak Western Punjabi by trade. Most of the Muslims among them have as well as Urdu, Saraiki, or other languages. Bibles ancestors who were Hindu before a movement to plus audio and video Christian resources are avail- Islam began hundreds of years ago. able to the Muslim Lohars. Yet there are no known believers in Jesus among them. There are several There are no known followers of Jesus among the reasons for this: their closed societies, low literacy Muslim Kumhars of Pakistan. Due to the use of rates, and there are almost no workers. In addition, several languages, workers will need multi-lingual Internet use is limited to them, and confined mainly resources to evangelize and disciple Kumhars. to residents of Islamabad and a few other major Pakistani cities. Pray for resources like gospel recordings and the JESUS Film to become widely available to the Kumhar people Pray that in spite of spiritual, social, and religious in Pakistan. Pray that churches will adopt this people to barriers, the gospel message will bless Lohar clans and pray for them, and that mission agencies will send people families. Ask the Holy Spirit to penetrate these walls so to them. Pray for creative witness. Pray for all Kumhar that there will soon be a disciple making movement that sub-castes to have movements to Christ.—TP will bless the Lohar people.—AHS

56 57 DAY DAY MUSLIM MACCHI PEOPLE MUSLIM MEWATI PEOPLE 09 IN PAKISTAN IN PAKISTAN 10 Gen 1:20, NLT magine living among t can be i pet 2:10, NLT two and a half million confusing! Then God said, “Let the Ipeople with not one IIf you ask a Once you had no identity waters swarm with fish as a people; now you Stock/alirazakhatri known follower of Mewati about and other life. Let the Christ. All your life you his religion, iStock/metamorworks are God’s people. Once skies be filled with birds of have heard only of the he’ll tell you, you received no mercy; every kind.” Muslim religion. You “Our clan is now you have received have to recite sections of Muslim.” In God’s mercy. Pray for this fisherman caste the Qur’an, even though one sense to be thankful to the true Pray for the Muslims of you don’t understand that’s true, Lord for the abundance of Pakistan to put their identity Classical Arabic. You are but they were originally Hindu, and can’t shake off fish in their homeland. in the Savior. taught that Christianity their past. They mix Hindu traditions with Islamic is an illicit religion. The practices. Muslims don’t officially follow the caste Qur’an teaches there system, but it still shapes their thinking and their is only one God, but you are told, the Christians sense of self-worth. He may proudly tell you, “We claim there are three. If an outsider wanted to talk are from the Rajput people,” referring to a prominent about Jesus, you would not be willing to listen. community. Others may tell you, “He’s really from a lower caste.” Much of this confusion began in This exemplifies the Macchi people of Pakistan. 1947 during the time of partition. They try to give Like many similar groups, they combine Islam with themselves better status by changing their Mewari their own unique practices. The Macchi perform language to sound more like Urdu, the Pakistan birth, marriage, and death rituals according to national language. Islamic rules, but also incorporate Hindu ceremo- nies. The name Macchi refers to their main occupa- When we look at Muslim Mewati people, we are tion, fishing. They marry within their clan. Women tempted to think that nothing will change them. wear their wedding rings not on their fingers but on But they have changed in the past and now have a their toes. confused mixture of two religions, neither of which There are many barriers between the Macchi can lead them to the blessings of the one true God. and the gospel. Apart from their own resistance, Can they change again, this time to follow Jesus the Pakistan government will not issue visas to Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life? Christian missionaries. Yet the Scripture tells us that if God opens a door, no man can shut it. Let us pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into this field and show them the way to establishing their Ask the Lord to open a door for the Macchi to hear the true identity in Christ. Pray for spiritual confusion to true gospel message and respond to it by starting their give way to the light of Christ.—AHS own church planting movement. Pray for their families to be blessed with the gift of faith in the savior.—AHS

58 59 DAY DAY MUSLIM PEOPLE MUSLIM MOCHI PEOPLE 11 IN PAKISTAN IN PAKISTAN 12 Ps 106:5, NLT (This story illustrates ochi Ps 5:11, NLT truths about this means, Let me share in the people group.) “toM fold.” But let all who take refuge prosperity of your chosen iStock/CamBuff Mochi people in you rejoice; let them ones. Let me rejoice in the s young Aisha historically were sing joyful praises forever. joy of your people; let me and her younger leather crafts- Spread your protection over praise you with those who Abrother, Ismail, men known for Masood Bin iStock/Muhammad them, that all who love are your heritage. watched the JESUS their shoes and your name may be filled Film in their Punjabi saddles. Today, with joy. Pray that the Mirasi people language on their father’s computer in utter due to industrial production, many have left their will embrace the Lord as astonishment, they could not forget that their father craft, and work as landless farm workers. Mochi Pray for the Mochi people their heritage. would return from prayer at the mosque soon, and people are considered lowly by other Muslims to soon take refuge in the their mother, cooking dinner in the outside kitchen, because of their work with dead animals. Pakistan Lord, love his name, and could enter without warning. They could not turn has not provided educational or humanitarian assis- be rewarded with joy away from what they were seeing and hearing for the tance to Mochi people; consequently, their literacy and salvation. first time. rate is below 15 percent and they live in poverty. They would have to be ready to leave after dinner Their customs allow for polygamy, but they do not to go to their place of work, as did many Mirasi widely practice it. Sons usually marry at around age children. Aisha was a dancer, and Ismail played 17, while daughters marry even sooner. music while she performed. They were their family’s providers. School was not an option for them, nor They are 100 percent Sunni Muslim. The Mochi was childhood. people are an unreached, unengaged people who need the opportunity to respond to Almighty God’s Mirasi people in Pakistan are not educated but infinite loving-kindness. The printed Bible, GRN are skillful in music and dancing. They perform at audio recordings, the JESUS Film, and many other Muslim cultural celebrations for very little money, visual resources exist in their Punjabi language. but at one time they had respect and fame. Some have sought other professions, even changing Since movements to Jesus Christ are characterized by their names. extraordinary prayer, ask Almighty God that his people will continually increase in intimacy and sensitivity These people are 100 percent Muslim. It is very to him, and that they will pray without ceasing for dangerous to be other than Muslim today in the Mochi people in Pakistan. Ask God to raise up Pakistan. One must count the cost. The word bi-vocational lay leaders who can show them better “Mirasi” means inheritance or heritage. ways to make a living and share the gospel. Pray for the Pray for the Mirasi people to have a new heritage as the blessing of knowing Jesus Christ to spread from family children of the Most High God. Pray for Jesus to reach to family.—KH this people group. Pray for them to find materials in the Punjabi language.—KH 60 61 DAY DAY 13 MUSLIM MOGHALS IN PAKISTAN MUSSALI PEOPLE IN PAKISTAN 14 1 sam 17:26, NLT oghal hat would 1 tim 2:2, NLT (aka, it be David asked the soldiers Mughal)M people Wlike to be born Pray this way for kings and standing nearby, “What are known in into a family all who are in authority so will a man get for killing history for their of sanitation that we can live peaceful this Philistine and ending military accom- workers where and quiet lives marked by

his defiance of Israel? Who iStock/AvnerOferPhotography plishments. This there was no way godliness and dignity. is this pagan Philistine respect follows up or out? The anyway, that he is allowed Pray for godliness and them even today Mussali people to defy the armies of the Toe rings dignity for the despised in Pakistan. They of Pakistan are living God?” Mussali people in Pakistan. marry within their own tribe and prefer cross-cousin submerged in this situation by birth! Not only Pray that God will call many unions. Married women are noted for their finger must they clean toilets and latrines, they must also from out of the Moghal rings, nose rings, earrings, toe rings, and bangles. endure the scorn of others who consider them to community to be dedicated They follow the same rules as other Muslims living be inferior. to him, just as David of old. nearby. Their sons and daughter receive inheritance Their beliefs are a form of Islam tainted by the based on laws of the Qur’an. Many Moghals are now Hinduism of their ancestors. No one among them farmers rather than soldiers. Others have positions in believes that Almighty God willingly gave his government and public service. Many are educated. son to pay for their sins so they could become In Pakistan the Moghals are 100 percent Muslim, part of his eternal, loving family. God has a place although they are divided into Shi’ite and Sunni for every people, even the despised Samaritans in sects. Their language is primarily Urdu; Bible the Gospel of John chapter four, and the Mussali resources exist in this language; however, it is people! All they must do is humbly come to him difficult to obtain them in Pakistan, one of the least on his terms. tolerant countries for believers. The Moghals remain Pray for the Mussali people in Pakistan to find their unreached and unengaged, and there are no known worth and dignity in the God who gave them his believers among them. all. Pray for many to pray without ceasing until there is a disciple making movement among this despised A man born in Pakistan, now living in the United people. Pray for God to raise up believers, giving them States, recently said that he believes strongly that passion and vision for taking the gospel, education, the Holy Spirit of God is about to reap a substantial medical, and occupational training to these Mussali harvest for the Kingdom of God in Pakistan. people. Pray for the Mussali people to understand Pray this to come true soon! Pray for Almighty God to and embrace that Jesus wants to bless their families bring forth his blessing by strengthening and healing and neighborhoods.—KH families and communities within the Moghal people in Pakistan.—KH

62 63 DAY DAY MALIAR PASHTUN PEOPLE NORTHERN PASHTUNS IN 15 IN PAKISTAN AFGHANISTAN AND PAKISTAN 16 ps 91:14, NLT (This story illustrates (This story illustrates ps 90:8, NLT truths about this truths about this The Lord says, “I will rescue people group.) people group.) iStocke/anjei You spread out our sins those who love me. I will before you—our secret protect those who trust in iStock/FarhanFaisal wak, a migrant An old Pashtun sins—and you see my name.” Maliar, was man scolded them all. Zpushing a broken- a young local Pray that the Lord will rescue down wooden cart farmer in northern Pray for a fear of the true the Maliar Pashtuns from sin on an old street in Afghanistan. Lord to come to the Northern A Pashtun teacher and death. Islamabad. He was “You should stop Pashtun people, so they shouting out to the growing opium poppies and go back to wheat. The will flee evil and embrace people to come and government gave you good wheat seeds to plant. The his ways.

Peshawar Valley buy the beautiful country needs wheat.” Scraping the gum from poppy garlands of flowers bulbs into plastic containers to be used in making his wife had made. Another Maliar Pushtun, his opium he responded, “Forget it! I can make three friend Nang, approached him and said, “Zwak, I can times more by growing these poppies.” hardly sell enough to buy food for my family.” Zwak replied, “It is the same for me! Had we stayed where Pashtuns make up the largest part of the population we were, we would have been better off. We would in northern Afghanistan and Pakistan. Their social have our livestock, our land, and our people. Here structure is based on the Pashtunwali code which we live in old, rented broken-down apartments. In includes speaking Pashtu, offering hospitality to the village, we had our own houses. I’d hoped my visitors, and protection of family and all guests who children could have gone to school here in the city, enter their homes. but now they have to sell things in the streets like For many reasons it is hard for them to stop grow- me. I miss the beauty of our Peshawar Valley, the ing opium poppies. Unfortunately, this means the music, and our people.” increase in drug trafficking which has led to tragic The majority of Maliars are farmers who live in the results. Pashtuns are Sunni Muslims who strongly Potohar region of Punjab and the Peshawar Valley reject any effort made by believers to share the gospel. of Pakistan. Poverty and the hope for a better life Most Pashtun believers maintain their faith in secret has caused some Maliar to immigrate to the cities in as open testimonies could endanger their lives or Pakistan. A few have gone to England. Almost all families. Fixed tuned radios, short wave, the JESUS Maliar are Sunni Muslim and reject Christianity as a Film, and the internet have been effective in present- religious system from the West. ing the gospel to these people.

Pray that God will open the doors for the Maliar Pray they will hear the words of Jesus and will to hear his word so they will know his grace, hope, commit their lives to Christ and disciple others to do and comfort.—PD the same.—PD

64 65 DAY DAY MUSLIM PEOPLE IN MUSLIM PEOPLE 17 PAKISTAN AND INDIA IN PAKISTAN 18 gen 22:13, NLT (This story f you do matt 5:20, NLT illustrates an internet Then Abraham looked up iStock/oorka truths Isearch of But I warn you—unless and saw a ram caught by its about this “Sayyid” iStock/FOTOKITA your righteousness horns in a thicket. So he took people group.) images, you is better than the the ram and sacrificed it as will likely find righteousness of the a burnt offering in place of Zahum, portraits of teachers of religious law his son. this is somber-looking and the Pharisees, you will "crazy! I Muslim clerics never enter the Kingdom Pray for the Qassab people cannot pay sporting big white beards and turbans. The of Heaven! and their Muslim neighbors in this much Sayyid are a large people group. There are more Pakistan to understand that for one goat! The price is almost double what it Pray that the well- than six million in Pakistan, and they are spread we no longer have to sacrifice was last year." The customer was shocked when respected Sayyid people out across the entire country. They are among livestock; we must now the Qassab butcher in Lahore, Pakistan told him will understand that they the most populous of Muslim communities in depend on the final sacrifice. the price for the ritually acceptable goat. He hoped cannot depend on their own India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. In fact, to purchase it to celebrate the end of the Muslim righteousness to enter the Pakistan is the country with the highest number feast of Ramadan. The butcher replied, “the cost Kingdom of God. of in all of South Asia. of food for the animals and transportation has gone way up. This made the prices go up. I have A well-established and prominent group, the the meat but hardly anyone is buying! Most people Sayyid people feature politicians, professionals, settle for chicken." Shaking his head, the customer and religious leaders. Among Muslims, they rank replied, “Give me a chicken.” the highest in social standing.

The Sunni Muslim Qassab are known as a butcher Sayyid lineage traces back to the daughter of caste who slaughter and sell meat. Some work as the Prophet Mohammad. They are 100 percent common laborers in the cities. They accept both Muslim, both of the Shi’ite and Sunni sects. child and adult marriages. As a people group, they Since they are so entrenched in their religious are found living in different states of India and system, they are not likely to see their need for Pakistan. Most of them speak Urdu and Hindi. a savior. They have their own Islamic council known as Jamat that settles disputes and problems in their Pray that these religious Muslims will become leaders communities. Adherent to a strict Islamic way of of new disciple making movements throughout life, they are not willing to listen to those who can Pakistan and beyond. Ask him to send them brave tell them about the Bible or Jesus. Christ followers. May he bring glory to himself by powerfully blessing and transforming this people Pray that Qassab families will embrace Christ together group when they allow Jesus to become the center of and show others the way to the cross.—PD their spiritual lives.—CMW

66 67 DAY DAY SINDHI MOHANA PEOPLE MUSLIM SINDHI SAMA PEOPLE 19 IN PAKISTAN IN PAKISTAN 20 ps 31:4-5, NLT ou may he Sindhi ps 19:7, NLt have heard Sama are

Pull me from the trap my idk_photos Yof The Lord of Ttwo million The instructions of the enemies set for me, for the Rings (a strong and live LORD are perfect, reviving I find protection in you book and a in the environs the soul. The decrees of alone. I entrust my spirit movie), possi- of Karachi in the LORD are trustworthy, into your hand. Rescue bly The Lord the southeast making wise the simple. me, LORD, for you are a iStock/Konstantin_NovakovicMayer region of Fishing boats on Lake Manchar of the Flies (a Pray that the peoples of faithful God. Pakistan. title of a book) Pakistan will look to the These people Pray for the Sindhi Mohana and perhaps even “the lord of the manor” (the perfect instructions of the master of a feudal manor). In Pakistan, there is a are employed people to look only to widely across the economic spectrum. In the Lord and follow them. the Lord for protection group of people who call themselves Mir Bahana, meaning “the lord of the sea.” By tradition, they rural areas they are farmers growing wheat, and salvation. rice, cotton, sugarcane, fruit, and oilseed. In are fishermen, boatmen, and sailors. urban areas, they are businessmen, doctors, The Mir Bahana are more widely known as lawyers, politicians, entertainers, and teach- Sindhi Mohana. They live in Pakistan’s Sindh ers. They speak Sindhi, Urdu, and other and Punjab provinces. Some of them live in Pakistani languages. boathouses on lakes such as the man-made Lake Originally Hindu or Buddhist, the Sindhi Sama Manchar, north of Karachi. Just off the shores, converted to Islam during the 8th century. Many the Sindhi Mohana are found working on fishing Sama migrated from India to Pakistan during trawlers in the Arabian Sea. the Partition of 1947. The people remain close to The Sindhi Mohana are Sunni Muslims. Because their own kind by marrying only within the caste, Pakistan is closed to the gospel, they have few sometimes even marrying cousins. A standard part opportunities to hear about Jesus. Man tries of the wedding ceremony, which is performed by to make sure that they remain what the great a Muslim teacher or priest, is the reading from missionary statesman, William Carey, called “no the Qur’an. choice" people. Pray that the Sindhi Sama, wherever they may be Pray for the Lord to touch the hearts of these fishermen, geographically or economically, will be exposed to the as he touched the hearts of Andrew, Peter, James, and gospel, and blessed with faith in the Savior. Ask the John—the famous fishermen of the New Testament. Father to give these people a spiritual hunger and a May the “lords of the sea” come to a knowledge of the recognition that it can only be satisfied by Jesus Christ. May the people see that Jesus is truth. They view Lord of the universe, and disciple others in his ways. Christians as persecuted people, but may God open Pray for their families to be blessed by putting their their eyes to the true eternal standing of his children. faith in the one true Lord!—CMW Pray for whole families to be changed powerfully and to experience God’s blessings, then disciple other families in his ways.—CMW

68 69 DAY DAY MUSLIM TARKHAN PEOPLE TANAOLI PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN OF PAKISTAN 21 ne 19th 22 ps 119:130, NLT he ancient jn 6:35, NIV century British writer word The unfolding of your Odescribed the Tanaoli Then Jesus declared, “I am words gives light; it gives T“Tarkhan” referred the bread of life. Whoever or Tanoli of northwest to a military understanding to the simple. Pakistan as "extremely iStock/Bumblee_Dee comes to me will never general or governor go hungry, and whoever Pray the light of God’s word hostile" and, "brave and in . hardy and accounted believes in me will never will soon shine into the hearts The three largest be thirsty.” and minds of the Tanoli people for the best swordsmen groupings of of Pakistan. in Hazara." The Tanoli Tarkhan have to Pray that the Muslim fought the British and do with their religion. There are Hindu, Sikh Tarkhans find their true their allies for decades and Muslim Tarkhans. The Muslim Tarkhans of spiritual nourishment in Isa before becoming part of Pakistan are primarily a lower caste of carpenters or Jesus. the British colonial system and land-owning small farmers. in 1840. Today one might characterize the Tanoli The Tarkhans are known best for being excellent as xenophobic or highly suspicious of outsiders, soldiers. They have fought in many battles of even fellow Muslims. They keep careful watch over Central Asia for the last ten centuries. Tarkhans entrances to the mountain valleys where they live. have served courageously in crack commando units in the Pakistani and Indian armies, as well The Tanaoli have an unusual and ancient culture. as brave fighter pilots and in the naval forces. Their social structures emphasize the strength of They were made famous on the silver screen in blood ties. Their communal life is ruled by fairly strict the Bollywood film, “Border” for their brave rules of honor and arbitration by authorities. Their actions in the Battle of Longowal, a battle fought primary languages are and Northern Pashto. during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. Educated They make their living by raising crops such as barley, Tarkhans have entered professions like medicine, wheat, millet, and various fruits and vegetables. Also engineering, accounting, and computer science. many of them raise sheep, cattle, and goats for meat, milk, and hides. They are Sunni Muslims. There may Pray for the Muslim Tarkhan people to be given the be no followers of Christ among them. blessings of spiritual hunger and discernment that will lead them to seek and find Jesus Christ. Pray for the Pray that God sends workers to the Tanaoli who will Lord to send out workers to go to them and remain tell them the good news about Isa or Jesus. Pray the until there are believers who can disciple others who New Testament becomes easily available in the Hindko will in turn disciple others as well. Pray that God language of the Tanaoli people. Pray that the Lord will overthrow spiritual forces of darkness opposing opens the hearts of the Tanaoli people to desire God's the spread of his gospel among the Muslim Tarkhans blessings through a movement of family-based discovery of Pakistan.—DK Bible studies.—DK

70 71 DAY DAY BHATTI RAJPUTS IN PAKISTAN 23 MUSLIM TELI PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN AND INDIA 24 josh 1:9, niv hat is an fter gen 20:8-10, NLT Have I not commanded you? essential success- partW of cooking Afully protecting Abimelech got up early the Be strong and courageous. iStock/mrak_hr that non-cooks northern India iStockTarzan9280 next morning and quickly Do not be afraid; do not be called all his servants discouraged, for the Lord like me seldom from Muslim think of? That’s invaders for together. When he told your God will be with you them what had happened, wherever you go. right, cooking oil. more than It is an important 500 years, the his men were terrified. Then Abimelech called for Pray that a number of new part of most Bhatti Rajputs Producing cooking oil Rajput youths Abraham. “What have you Teli believers would be of the world’s converted from done to us?” he demanded. strong and courageous in cuisines. For centuries the Teli caste has supplied Hinduism to Islam in the 12th century. They did “What crime have I their witness for the Lord. the need for cooking oil for India, Pakistan, Nepal, this not as individuals, but as a group, choosing committed that deserves and Bangladesh. the religion of the prophet Mohammed as their new spiritual and cultural identity. treatment like this, making According to legend, the founder of the Teli me and my kingdom caste invented the oil press machine. The Teli buy The challenges facing the Bhatti Rajputs today guilty of this great sin? No mustard and sesame seeds from farmers and turn it are quite different from those of the past and are one should ever do what into cooking oil. After crushing and packaging the serving to fragment rather than unite families you have done! Whatever oil, they sell it back to the farmers and to others. and clans. With their traditional occupations of possessed you to do such Often they travel from place to place to buy seeds military service and land ownership less attain- a thing?” to crush and to sell oil. In parts of rural Pakistan, able in the modern world, they are struggling to some Telis still practice this ancient occupation, determine who they really are and what their role Pray that the Lord will give but more commonly this job is now done by large is in society. Rajput leaders a true fear machines in factories. For this reason, many of the Lord like he did for Teli have branched into other occupations like This mission field is particularly ripe for harvest, King Abimelech. agriculture and retail businesses. especially given their confusion, their need to be part of something, and their desire to be valued. Pray for the Lord to bless Teli communities through a They seem to be looking for God and attempting movement to Jesus among their households. Pray for to determine their place in his creation … perhaps the Holy Spirit to give the Pakistani Teli people love without realizing it. for God's word and a desire to be discipled in his ways. Pray that many of the Muslim Teli people will come Pray for the Bhatti Rajputs to clearly hear God’s voice to love God with their whole being and will walk in speaking to them, and to respond by putting their his ways.—DK identity in Christ. Ask him to send workers to this people group, providing them with wisdom, insight, and innovative methods for sharing his love. Pray for the Lord to establish his kingdom and church among the Bhatti Rajputs.—CL

72 73 DAY DAY MUSLIM CHAUHAN RAJPUTS 25 IN PAKISTAN JADON RAJPUTS IN INDIA 26 Hab 3:19, NLT f the (This fictional account is ps 4:6, nlT 422 intended to portray the Ajay/PIHOP The Sovereign Lord is my Opeople life and culture of the iStockpjhpix Many people say, “Who strength! He makes me as groups in Jadon Rajputs.) will show us better surefooted as a deer, able to Pakistan, times?” Let your face smile tread upon the heights. 414 are It’s hard to believe,” on us, Lord. considered the young man said “ Pray for the Jadon Rajputs Pray that many of the unreached. between breaths as he and to turn to the Lord so that his Chauhan Rajputs will have That’s his friend pushed wheel- face will shine upon them faith to believe and live out 198,455,000 barrows full of bricks and bless them as a people. this verse. people who, according to Joshua Project’s definition, toward the construction “lack enough followers of Christ and resources to area. The hot summer

evangelize their own people.” The Chauhan Rajputs sun was burning down make up only a small percentage of Pakistan’s on them and causing them to sweat through their unreached population, yet they are significant in bulky salwar kameezes. God’s eyes and could prove to be strategic in reaching “What’s hard to believe?” his friend asked. He other Rajput groups. added in an exasperated tone, "That we should The Chauhan are one of the Rajput clans who have gone to school and learned architecture, but believes they were formed in a sacrificial fire pit for instead are laying bricks. It’s also hard to believe the purpose of fighting the asuras (demons). The that our people were once kings.” His friend name Rajput means “son of a king.” Accordingly, the huffed at this. “I’d settle for being on the other end Chauhan have proudly considered themselves the of this – telling others where to put the bricks.” warring princes of both Pakistan and India. The Jadon Rajputs, once royalty, now work the One of their main values is bravery. “Arms of the land and engage in a variety of day labor jobs in brave always support and sustain the people,” an order to make a living. Their main hope for rising ancient Rajput saying states. “Bravery is honored by above their current status is having their daughters all, in all situations. There is nothing in all the three marry into clans higher ranking than their own. worlds which is beyond the reach of bravery.” With this upward mobility in mind, they often marry their daughters off at young ages. Pray for the Chauhan Rajputs to see and realize the bravery of the Son sent to die in their place on the cross. Pray for the Jadon Rajputs to realize that God did Pray for them to bravely follow this Mighty Warrior indeed create them to be princes in his kingdom. Prince who has made a way for them to be forgiven Pray for them to see that the Lord wants to bless and have a relationship with God. Pray that soon their families. Pray for the Lord to send messengers these Rajputs will be discipling others to obey all that to teach them to obey his commands, and that they Christ commanded.—CL will respond.—CL

74 75 DAY HINDU RATHOR RAJPUT PEOPLE DAY 27 HINDU KUMAONI RAJPUTS IN INDIA IN INDIA 28 pro 20:1, NLT hough they regard roud of their ps 15:1-2, NLT themselves as history of Who may worship in your Wine produces mockers; Tdescendants of a ruling Pdynasties and mili- sanctuary, Lord? Who alcohol leads to brawls. iStock/Sunduslive warrior class, the Rajput tary conquests, the Those led astray by drink may enter your presence

peoples, in actuality, vary Rathor Rajputs say iStock/Vikrant_Sardana on your holy hill? Those cannot be wise. greatly in status today. they have descended who lead blameless lives Most authorities are in from Rama and Pray for the Holy Spirit and do what is right, agreement that successful from Surya, the to provide men in this speaking the truth from claims to Rajput status Hindu sun god. For community the strength sincere hearts. were often made by nearly 800 years, to turn from alcohol to invaders and others who the Rathor ruled eternal matters. Pray that soon the Rathor had achieved secular small-to-medium Rajputs will live up to this power in South Asia. kingdoms in and become part of God’s western India, and eternal family. Though there are many Hindu Rajput they fought both communities in India, including the Kumaoni against and for the community, their traditional religion can best Muslim sultanates. be described as a mixture of Hinduism and Today, the Rathor are among the second highest animism. Possession by spirits is a common caste in Hinduism, and they serve in positions of occurrence during their festivals that celebrate government and military leadership. the harvest and the progression of the sun and the moon. Rajput are not necessarily against The Rathor are a wealthy and powerful people. Christianity, though few have yet responded to They encourage their children to pursue higher the gospel. Resources are available in most of education, and marriages are arranged with consent the languages Rajputs speak, including Bible from the young people. translations in progress, Bible stories, the JESUS Film, and radio broadcasts. There has The Rathor are primarily Hindu. Shiva is a historically been a problem with alcoholism prominent god worshiped by the Rathor people. He among the Kumaoni Rajputs, much to the is worshiped alongside Durga, the warrior-mother annoyance of the women. goddess and wife to Shiva. There are many festivals that go along with the Hindu religion, and these Pray that the Kumaoni Rajputs in India would are not neglected by this community. be open and eager to hear the gospel of Jesus. Pray for strong family relationships, and that those Pray that the foolishness of the gospel breaks through who do respond to Christ would have oppor- the barriers of tradition and religion. Pray that Rathor tunities to share with their families. Pray that Rajputs will see Christ at work in families around extended Kumaoni Rajput families would embrace them, and that they will want the same for themselves Christ together.—BK and their families.—BK

76 77 DAY DAY 29 RAWAT RAJPUTS OF INDIA KACHHWAHA RAJPUTS IN INDIA 30 ps 14:2-3, NLT he Bible s Jesus matt 20:18, NIV was visit- The Lord looks down iStock/jprat Tdescribes a ingA the home "Listen,” he said, “we’re from heaven on the entire future time of Zacchaeus going up to Jerusalem, human race; he looks to see when a great the chief tax iStock/BibleArtLibrary where the Son of Man will if anyone is truly wise, if light will collector, be betrayed to the leading anyone seeks God. But no, shine upon he pointed priests and the teachers all have turned away; all the Gentiles out that of religious law. They will have become corrupt. and lead salvation had sentence him to die.” them to come to this Pray that the Rawat Rajputs Pray that the Kachhwaha salvation from the great Creator God. The prophet man's house. Even though tax collectors had a bad will soon become aware of Rajputs in India will Isaiah saw a time described in chapter nine, verse two reputation, he was favored by a visit from Jesus and their sins and understand understand the significance about how “the people that walked in darkness have his disciples. He would tell them “For the Son of that the only remedy is the of this and respond with seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the Man is come to seek and to save that which was surrender to Jesus Christ. deep repentance. shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.” lost.” Luke 19:10, Cambridge Bible, KJV. (Cambridge Bible, KJV.) The term “Son of Man” carries much meaning in The Rawat people of northern India are unreached Bible prophecy. Jesus would refer to himself this with the gospel. They need to know about a God way more than 80 times in the New Testament. who loves them and desires to bring them to a It signifies how the Messiah would come for all knowledge of their sin and the forgiveness of those peoples and not only the Jews. sins that releases them from spiritual darkness. Numbering about 707,000, Kachhwaha Rajputs The Rawat, which means “prince” (from the word now see themselves as the Kushwaha, a higher caste “rajah”), currently number about 672,000 and live that is educated and speak English as well as Hindi. exclusively in India. Most of them are landown- Virtually all of them are practicing Hindus. Even ing farmers. They worship local deities known as with a Bible translation, the JESUS Film, and Ashapridebi, Bherujee, and Matajee. They have no Christian radio broadcasts, they have no churches concept of a personal, loving God. There are transla- or disciples among them. tions of the entire Bible in Hindi available to them. The JESUS Film and other media is also at hand. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move among believers to reach out to the Kushwaha people. Pray for the forma- Pray for them to have easy access to the JESUS Film and tion of local churches that will minister to Kachhwaha Bibles. Pray that the Lord of the Harvest will raise up Rajput families—JY faithful workers to reach out to the Rawat and teach them to obey all that the Lord commands. Pray that this will lead to a disciple making movement in their families.—JY

78 79 DAY www.globalprayerdigest.org DAY 31 KANET RAJPUTS Rev 1:6, TPT he Kanets claim to …and to the one who has descendT from September 2019 • Frontier Ventures • 38:9 made us to rule as a kingly mountain Global Prayer priesthood to serve his God

iStock/imranahmedsg kingdom Digest and Father—to him be rulers of 2000 glory and dominion … years ago. They belong Pray that multitudes of to the former Rajput peoples like the warrior caste Kanets devote themselves Rajputs. Numbering almost 670,000 people, the large to the only true God—to majority of Kanet Rajputs live in India’s northwest state experience through Christ of Himachal Pradesh. Small Kanet groups reside in the incredible blessing and other parts of the Punjab region of northern India and eastern Pakistan. identity of belonging to the Lord’s royal priesthood. Kanet Rajput lives are dominated by west Himalayan geography, with farming and clothing suitable to mountainous terrain and temperatures. Their main crops include barley, wheat, lentils, maize, and potatoes. The Kanets raise sheep for mutton and wool, along with cattle for dairy products. The Kanets honor tradition and family, including arranged marriages within their own group. Almost all Kanets devote themselves to Hinduism, though they are also influenced by folk religion and Buddhism. They worship Hindu deities that include Durga and Vishnu, and they perform rituals for protection from evil spirits. Less Than One in 1,000 There are no known believers among the Kanet Rajputs. Of the various languages spoken by Kanets, Kangri is Call Upon Christ considered primary. It contains a recently-completed New Testament (2017), audio Bible teachings, and the Among These Muslims JESUS Film. in India Pray for God’s word to be planted in the soil of prepared Kanet hearts. Ask for anointed witnesses to be sent to the Kanet Rajputs and for churches to adopt them for prayer. 2—Peace Eludes Peace-Loving Kashmiri Muslims Pray for the gospel to spread through family and religious 13—Badhai Carpenters Need the Carpenter From Nazareth leaders, sparking disciple making movements that bless and 16—Change Occupation and Change Religion transform Kanet communities.—CR 25—Why the Bohras Separate Themselves From Other Muslims 26—Memons: India’s Most Generous Muslims 80