GRACE NOTES Newsletter of the Memphis Scottish Society, Inc. Vol. 36 No. 9 • September 2020 President’s Letter The pandemic curse of 2020 is still with us. Mary Ann is plan- ning on “Short Subjects” for the next meeting with several 5-10 minute presentations for the September Zoom meeting. Remember that the annual dues are due, $25 for family and $20 for an individual. Please mail them directly to the treasurer, Deb- bie Sellmansberger, at 14670 Hwy 193, Williston, TN 38076. You Memphis can also renew through the website. Click on Scottish the large “+” in the top right corner and the rightmost box is for Join/Renew. The number of renewals will indicate whether the Society, Inc. Memphis Scottish Society survives COVID-19. Board There is the issue of officers elections coming up. Four of the current board members will be term limited out of office for next President year. Normally there is the nomination and election by the mem- John Schultz bership of one of the three members of the nominating commit- 901-754-2419 tee. I would like to have someone volunteer for that position to be
[email protected] “elected” at the October meeting. The other members are some- one I, as president, appoint and the past president. With Melissa’s Vice President passing, as the president before her, I will be the third member. Mary Ann Lucas 901-725-1879 John Schultz
[email protected] Treasurer Debbie Sellmansberger 901-465-4739
[email protected] Secretary Sammy Rich 901-496-2193
[email protected] Members at Large Shari Moore 901-598-1802
[email protected] Kathy Schultz 901-754-2419
[email protected] September Meeting Program: Holly Staggs presented by Mary Ann Lucas via Zoom 901-215-4839
[email protected] “Scottish Short Subjects” See page 2 for further information Tennessee Tartan.