(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0008502 A1 Hosomi Et Al

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(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0008502 A1 Hosomi Et Al US 2011 00085O2A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0008502 A1 Hosomi et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 13, 2011 (54) PROCESSED FOOD COMPOSITION A2.3L I/3 (2006.01) CONTAINING DEXTRIN A23G 9/34 (2006.01) (75) Inventors: Tomohiro Hosomi, Osaka (JP); A2.3L L/40 (2006.01) Kenshi Mitsunaga, Osaka (JP); A2.3L I/24 (2006.01) Kazumi Iwai, Osaka (JP); Chihiro A2.3L. I./87 (2006.01) Tomita, Osaka (JP); Daisaku Ito, A23C 9/23 (2006.01) Osaka (JP); Takashi Konda, Osaka A2.3L I/05 (2006.01) (JP); Kyoko Muramori, Osaka A23C 9/00 (2006.01) (JP); Juri Oshita, Osaka (JP); A2.3L I/0532 (2006.01) Chiharu Hirai, Osaka (JP); Keiko A2ID 3/00 (2006.01) Nagayasu, Osaka (JP); Satoru A2ID 3/08 (2006.01) Wada, Osaka (JP); Satoshi (52) U.S. Cl. ......... 426/231; 426/590: 426/658; 426/574; Toyoizumi, Osaka (JP); Yasuyuki 426/654; 426/572: 426/565; 426/589: 426/604; Fujita, Osaka (JP); Kohei 426/579: 426/583; 426/573; 426/582: 426/575; Nakajima, Osaka (JP); Hirokazu 426/549: 426/556: 426/660 Maruoka, Osaka (JP); Aya Miyawaki, Osaka (JP) (57) ABSTRACT Correspondence Address: The present invention relates to a processed food or beverage KRATZ, QUINTOS & HANSON, LLP composition containing a dextrin having the following char 1420 K Street, N.W., 4th Floor acteristics (a) to (d): (a) the dextrin has a blue value within the WASHINGTON, DC 20005 (US) range of 0.4 to 1.2, (b) having a gel strength of 4 N/cm or more as measured after being dissolved in distilled water at (73) Assignee: SAN-E GEN F.F.I., INC., 80° C. to prepare a 30 wt % aqueous solution of the dextrin, Toyonaka-shi (JP) and then being allowed to stand at 5° C. for 24 hours, (c) (21) Appl. No.: 12/667,277 having a viscosity of 100 mPa's or less as measured after being dissolved in distilled water at 25°C. to prepare a 30 wt (22) PCT Filed: Jul. 2, 2008 % R solution of the dextrin, and then S. allowed to (86). PCT No.: PCT/UP2008/062O23 stand at 25°C. for five minutes; and (d) the ratio (A/B) of the S371 (c)(1), following gel strengths A and B being 2 or less: A: a gel (2), (4) Date: Dec. 30, 2009 strength (N/cm) as measured after being dissolved in dis tilled water at 80°C. to prepare a 30 wt % aqueous solution of (30) Foreign Application Priority Data the dextrin, and then being allowed to stand at 5° C. for 24 hours, and B: a gel strength (N/cm) as measured after being Jul. 2, 2007 (JP) ..................... PCT JP2007 063257 dissolved in distilled water at 25°C. to prepare a 30 wt % Nov. 12, 2007 (JP). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2007-292.797 aqueous solution of the dextrin, and then being allowed to Jun. 5, 2008 (JP). - - - - - 2008-148O26 stand at 5°C. for 24 hours. Examples of the processed food or Jun. 5, 2008 (JP) ................................. 2008-148O27 beverage composition to which the present invention is directed include: fatty tissue substitutes; processed meat Publication Classification foods prepared using the fatty tissue Substitutes in place offat (51) Int. C. tissue; emulsion-like foods; emulsion foods; cheese-like A23G 3/42 (2006.01) foods; processed foods which are prepared using the cheese A2.3L 2/60 (2006.01) like foods in place of cheeses; Sugar confectioneries; and GOIN 33/02 (2006.01) beverages. Immediate aftermath being After being extruded after freezing and extruded after freezing and thawing thawing and allowed to stand at room temperature for one hour extruded after freezing and thawing Example 45-1 Patent Application Publication Jan. 13, 2011 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2011/0008502 A1 (Fig. 1) (i) (2) {3} (i. (5) {{ {T} (Fig. 2) Extension 23.4 cm (distance between up-dawn arrows) Patent Application Publication Jan. 13, 2011 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2011/0008502 A1 (Fig. 4) Immediate aftermath being After being extruded after freezing and extruded after freezing and thawing thawing and allowed to stand at room temperature for one hour extruded after freezing and thawing Immediate aftermath being After being extruded after freezing and extruded after freezing and thawing thawing and allowed to stand at room temperature for one hour extruded after freezing and thawing Compar ative Example 45-3 (Fig. 6) Immediate aftermath being After being extruded after freezing and extruded after freezing and thawing thawing and allowed to stand at room temperature for one hour extruded after freezing and thawing Compar ative Example 45-5 Patent Application Publication Jan. 13, 2011 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2011/0008502 A1 (Fig. 7) immediate aftermath being After being extruded after freezing and extruded after freezing and thawing thawing and allowed to stand at room temperature for one hour extruded after freezing and thawing Compar ative Example 45-6 (Fig. 8) Immediate aftermath being After being extruded after freezing and extruded after freezing and thawing thawing and allowed to stand at room temperature for one hour extruded after freezing and thawing (Fig.9) immediate aftermath being After being extruded after freezing and extruded after freezing and thawing thawing and allowed to stand at room temperature for one hour extruded after freezing and thawing Patent Application Publication Jan. 13, 2011 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2011/0008502 A1 (Fig. 10) Immediate aftermath being After being extruded after freezing and extruded after freezing and thawing thawing and allowed to stand at room temperature for one hour extruded after freezing and thawing Compar ative Example 45-0 US 2011/00085O2 A1 Jan. 13, 2011 PROCESSED FOOD COMPOSITION emulsions. These emulsion foods have specific smoothness, CONTAINING DEXTRIN robustness, creaminess, and glossiness, and also have a cloudy appearance. TECHNICAL FIELD 0006. Also for these emulsion foods, attempts have been conventionally made to reduce the oils and fats content. For 0001. The present invention relates to processed food example, Patent Document 2 describes that a starch with an (hereinafter, the term food includes foods and beverages) amylose content of as high as 40 to 70% is used to prepare fat compositions which contain a dextrin having a specific char spread substitutes (fat content: 0 to 30 wt %) mimicking acteristic. The processed food compositions to which the butters, margarines and the like. The starch described in present invention is directed include fatty tissue substitutes: Patent Document 2 has an amylose content (40 to 70 wt %) processed meat foods prepared using the fatty tissue Substi which corresponds to a blue value (a) of more than 1.2. In this tutes in place of fatty tissue; emulsion-like foods; emulsion point, the starch described in Patent Document 2 is different foods; cheese-like foods; processed foods prepared using the from a dextrinused in the present invention. The starch cannot cheese-like foods in place of cheeses; Sugar confectioneries; provide robustness or Smoothness specific to oils and fats. and beverages. Note that the emulsion foods include emul Moreover, emulsion foods which are prepared using the sion seasonings; spreads; desserts containing a milk-derived starch have a gritty mouthfeel or the like, which is different material or vegetable oils and fats, such as puddings (includ from the mouthfeel of emulsion foods, such as fat spreads and ing neutral puddings; and acidic puddings such as fruit juice the like. containing puddings, cheese-containing puddings and the 0007 Patent Documents 3 and 4 describe emulsion foods, like), almond jellies, Bavarian creams, pastry creams, cus Such as mayonnaises, dressings, margarines, ice creams and tards, mousses and the like: yogurts; frozen desserts Such as the like, which are prepared using a dextrin (tapioca dextrin), ice creams, ice milks (low-fat ice creams), lacto-ices (another an acid-modified Starch or an enzyme-modified Starch in class of low-fat ice creams in Japan), ice confectioneries and place of the whole or a part of the oils and a fats content. the like; and whipped creams. However, none of the documents describes a food product which is prepared using the dextrin or starch and without BACKGROUND ART using oils and fats and has an appearance and a mouthfeel 0002 Conventionally, there has been a demand for low similar to those of emulsion foods. calorie foods having a reduced oils and fats content in view of 0008 Patent Documents 5 to 8 describe emulsion foods, trends toward health consciousness and prevention of lif such as low-calorie mayonnaises, dressings, margarines, ice estyle diseases. creams and the like, which are prepared using a branched 0003 Attempts have been conventionally made to reduce dextrin and various polysaccharides. However, none of these the fat and cholesterol contents of processed meat foods con documents describes the dextrin of the present invention taining fatty meat. Such as, for example, sausage, ham, bacon, which has a specific characteristic. salami, meatloaf, hamburg Steak (a kind of Salisbury steak in 0009 Branched dextrins used in Patent Documents 5 and Japan), patty and the like. 6 are recognized as dextrins comparable to Pinedex No. 100 0004 As an example of the aforementioned processed (manufactured by Matsutani Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.) meat foods, Patent Document 1 describes a processed meat (existing product 3 in Experimental Example 1), according to food in which a meat phase and an aqueous phase including a their production methods or characteristic features. As shown gelled micro-phase are present as separate phases or a con in Experimental Examples 7 and 8 described later, the tinuous phase. Here, the aqueous phase is formed from at least branched dextrins are not suitable for preparation of fat-free two gelling agents having a gel melting temperature of 40°C.
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