Prezime Ime Godina Kutija Folijacija Institucija Aarkus Herman,B . 1915
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Prezime Ime Godina Kutija Folijacija Institucija Herman,B Aarkus . 1915 70 003 - 004 Catharine Abbe ,A.B. 70 005 Abbe Engineeri ng Abbe Paul 1902 41 003 Company Gertende, Abbey M. 1895 70 007 - 008 Abbey Edwin, A. 70 006 Abbey Henry 1914 70 009 Frederic,B 1896,189 Abbott radlee 8 70 011 - 023 Abbott J.H. 1896 70 025 - 027 Laurence, Abbott F. 1907 70 028 - 029 Abbott Frank 70 010 Abbott Henry, L. 70 024 Abbott - Ericson Sadie 1898 70 030 - 031 Abdank B. 1895 70 032 - 033 Aberdeen Lord 70 034 - 035 Aberneth y Arthur,T. 1905 70 036 Abigail Abigail Free Free School School and and Kindergar Kindergar ten 1913 70 037 ten Abram Juraj 1936 70 038 1927,192 Aca 8 70 039 - 045 Carborun 1892,95,9 dum Acheson E.G. 7,98,1910 41 011 - 019 Company Associate d Purchaser Acheson W.W. 1902 46 158 - 159 s Ackerly M.H. 1897 70 046 - 048 Ackerman Edward 1898 70 049 - 050 American 1895,190 Electrical Ackerman P., C. 1 41 025 - 028 Works Rhode Island Electrical Ackerman P., C. 1901 163 009 Works 1911,191 Ackley Robert,T. 2 70 051 - 061 Acosta Ricardo 1899 41 033 - 034 Ferdinand Adam , hennies 70 062 Internatio nal High Speed Steel Adam George 57 715 Company 1929,194 Adamic Louis 3 70 063 - 065 Adamick Charles 1939 70 067 - 074 1930,193 9,1940,19 Adamick James,J. 41 70 075 - 174 Adamick Wendell 1939 70 175 - 176 Adamows 1899,190 ki Josef 0 70 178 - 180 1892,93,9 4,95,96,9 7,98,99,1 900,02,03 Cataract ,04,05,06, Construct Edward,D 10,14,26, ion Adams ean 28,29 41 035 - 396 Company Edison General Electric Adams Milton, F. 1891 163 012 Company Samuel,W Adams . 1905 70 240 Adams Ruth 70 234 - 239 Adams C.E. 1923 70 181 Adams Carrie,G. 1896 70 182 1895,189 Adams Ernest, K. 6,1898 70 183 - 204 Adams F.W. 1895 70 205 Frances,A Adams . 70 206 - 211 Adams James,L. 1913 70 220 - 223 1884,189 6,1898,19 Adams Milton,F. 07 70 224 - 231 Adams Hugh, L. 1925 70 212 - 219 Adams W.A. 70 241 McClure, Phillips Frederic, and Adams Upham 1905 59 396 - 398 Company E. G. Budd Manufact ring Adams Hugh,L. 1925,26 41 398 - 400 Company Adams Ernest, K. 1896 163 010-011 Adamson Robert, T. 163 013 Addingto n J.H. 1932 70 242 - 244 Advance Advance Engineeri Engineeri ng ng Company 70 245 Company Advertise Advertise rs Mailing rs Mailing Service 1940 70 246 Service Aeolian Aeolian Hall 70 247 Hall Aero Club Aero Club of of America 1912 163 014-025 America Aeronauti Aeronauti cal cal Library 163 026-029 Library Benjamin, Affleck Franklin 1938,39 70 248 - 249 Africa Africa Bureau 1939 70 250 Bureau Agguyers on 70 251 Agnew Vada 70 252 - 257 Ahern F.J. 70 258 Ahlstrom Piano Ahlstrom C.K. 1911 41 469 - 470 Company Northwes tern Land and Improve ment Aikman J.S. 1912 70 259 - 264 Company Aimin Neufeld 70 265 Ainbinder A. 70 266 Aitken K.L. 70 267 1915,191 7,1921,19 22,1924,1 Ajdukovic 925,1926, h Stevan 1936 70 268 - 295 1897,98,9 Ajuria Bella, de 9,1900 70 296 - 314 Akbegovi Ahmed,B c ey 1902 70 315 - 317 1912,192 Akers M.L. 9 70 318 - 321 Al Hadji- Bira June 1935 163 030 Alagić Sofija 1929 143 003-005 Albelli Alfred 1933 70 322 Modern Machiner Albelli Alfred 1934 163 031-032 y Albert H. 1895 70 323 Benjamin, Albertson S. 1935 70 324 Albrecht Edward 1895 70 325 Albrich Carl 1900 70 326 - 327 Aldcorn Thomas 70 331 Alden Mary 1899 70 328 -330 Alden Edwin,C. 1895 70 332 Aldrich Charles,H. 1915 70 333 - 346 Charles,M Aldrich . 1906 70 348 - 350 Internatio nal Marine Aldrich H., L. 1909 163 033-036 Engineers Aleksandr ovo na otoku Krku 1936 70 351 - 358 Alex D. Alex D. Shaw and Shaw and Company 163 037 Company Wm,Jaco Alexander b 1935 70 370 - 371 1895,190 Alexander W.F. 1 70 364 - 369 Alexander J.P. 1895 70 361 Alexander Albert,N. 70 359 Alexander Henry,C. 1942 70 360 John,Phip Alexander ps 1901 70 362 - 363 New Yorker Alexander Herman 1904,08 163 028-046 Echo Alexander Ernest,F. son W. 1931 70 372 Edward, Alfriend Woolfolk 70 373 Alfson Wm,H. 1935 70 374 - 376 1932,193 Alken H. 3 70 377 - 379 All Language Advertisin g Service, Inc. 1916 70 380 All Star Performa nces of Out there 70 381 Allen Isabel,F 1912 70 392 Allen Vernon 1899 70 399 1898,189 Allen Stanly 9 70 395 - 398 Allen Hanry 1899 70 390 - 391 Charles,W Allen arrenne 1904 70 388 - 389 Allen C.G. 1896 70 386 Allen C.F. 1914 70 384 - 385 Allen A.C. 1931,32 70 382 - 383 United States Patents Allen F.S. 1903 64 633 - 634 Office Allen James 70 393 -394 Allen Catherine 70 387 James T. Allen Patents 1903,05,0 Publishing Allen James,T. 6 41 644 - 646 Company Allen Electric Allen L.D. 1908 41 642 - 643 Company Brombac her Iron Allen Wilbur C. 1921 41 648 - 649 Works U. S. Allen James 1910 163 047-048 Army Aller Catherine 70 400 Alley J. 1899 70 410 Dickson,D 1901,190 Alley . 2 70 401 - 409 Alscher Marie 1897 70 411 - 417 Alset Alokin 1934 70 418 Alstrup Chr,M. 1896 70 419 - 421 Altaraz J.M. 1933 70 422 Altmayer Maurice 1898 70 423 - 425 Jackson, Alward W. 1904 70 426 - 429 Wheeler Condense r and Engineeri ng Alwood G.D. 1910,11 66 253 - 261 Company Ambrose John 1898 71 003 - 007 Ambrose Geo,M. 1899 71 001 - 002 American American Academy Academy of Arts of Arts and 1916,17,2 and Letters 0,32 71 008 - 012 Letters American American Annual of Annual of Immortal Immortal e 71 013 e American American Associatio Associatio n of n of Engineers 1919 71 014 Engineers American American Blue- Blue- Book 049- Book Publisher 052,473,4 Publisher s 163 74,475 s American 1908,09,1 American Civic 0,11,12,1 Civic Alliance 3 71 015 - 140 Alliance American American Committe Committe e for e for Protectio Protectio n of n of Foreign Foreign Born 1939 71 141 Born American American Committe Committe e for the e for the Celebrati Celebrati on of the on of the Hundredt Hundredt h h Anniversa Anniversa ry of ry of Peace Peace Among Among English English Speaking Speaking Peoples 1913 71 142 - 146 Peoples American American Duralumi Duralumi n n Company 163 053-055 Company American American Education 1909,191 Education al Alliance 0 71 147 - 155 al Alliance American American Electroch Electroch emical emical Society 1913 71 156 Society American American Friends of Friends of Yugoslavi Yugoslavi a 1942 71 157 - 162 a American American Friends of Friends of Yugoslavi Yugoslavi a 163 056-057 a American American Geograph Geograph ical ical Society 163 058 Society American American Institute 163 059 Institute American American Institute Institute for for Economic Economic Research 163 060-064 Research American American Institute 1891,190 Institute of 5,17,18,1 of Electrical 9,20,23,3 Electrical Engineers 9 71 163 - 195 Engineers American American Institute Institute of Mining of Mining and and Metallurg Metallurg ical ical Engineers 1919 71 196 -198 Engineers American American libray Library Service 1935,42 71 200 - 201 Service American American National National Red Cross 71 202 Red Cross American American National National Red Cross 1938 163 065 red Cross American American News News Service 1934 71 203 Service American American Numisma Numisma tic and tic and Archeolog Archeolog ical ical Society 1901 71 204 Society American American Patent Patent System 71 205 - 206 System 1896,189 7,1902,03 American ,04,06,07, American Philosoph 11,12,16, Philosoph ical 17,19,21, ical Society 22,23,38 71 207 -232 Society American American Press Press Informati Informati on on Bureau 163 066 Bureau American American Smelting Smelting and and Refinig Refinig Company 1932 163 067 Company American American Social Social Registry 71 233 Registry American American Social Social Registry 163 068-069 Registry American American Society of Society of Civil Civil Engineers 1921,22 71 234 - 235 Engineers American American Society of Society of Mechanic Mechanic al al Engineers 1921 71 236 Engineers American American Society of Society of Mechanic Mechanic al 070- al Engineers 1921 163 071,476 Engineers American American Superpow Superpow er er Corporati Corporati on 1925 163 072-074 on American- American- Czechoslo Czechoslo vak vak Chamber Chamber of of Commerc Commerc e 1937 71 237 e Amerland W., H. 1911,13 71 238 - 240 A. Leschen and Sons Rope Amerland W., H. 1910 163 075-076 Company Harwood, Ames and Ames John,H. 1893 71 241 Pettis John Hopkins Ames J., S. 1902 163 077 University New Ames Winthrop 1910 163 078 Theatre Joseph,Ha Amies y 71 242 Amos John,E. 1900 71 245 - 246 Amos Homer,C. 71 244 Amos Eno,F. 1896 71 243 1894,95,9 6,97,1900 N.S. Amstutz N., S. ,10,19,31 46 005 - 024 Amstutz Amstutz N.S. 1924 71 247 Herman,F Amt . 71 248 Ancestral Ancestral Home of Home of the the Washingt Washingt ons 163 079-080 ons Anderson W.A.