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2 administered trine Metal ^nflsB tw^^t^tanMBM^ttma*^ ^H ^mmm)ttmmm\^mMrV\,9^* .jrepernesZ Jan 1, 1966 contents page 1 Summary of areas administered by the National Park Service 1 Areas administered by the National Park Service (alphabetical listing) 26 Authorized areas for which lands have not been acquired 28 National Historic Sites not owned by the Federal Government 29 Authorized areas which the National Park Service will not administer 30 Sites declared eligible for the National Registry of Natural Landmarks 31 Sites declared eligible for the Registry of National Historic Landmarks 44 Areas administered by the National Park Service (by category) SUMMARY OF AREAS ADMINISTERED BY THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE [Note: See page 44 for list of areas by category] LANDS WITHIN EX CATEGORY NUMBER FEDERAL LAND TERIOR BOUNDARIES TOTAL LANDS WITHIN (ACRES) NOT FEDERALLY EXTERIOR BOUND OWNED (ACRES) ARIES (ACRES) NATIONAL PARKS 32 13,619,099.36 207,068.32 13,826, 167.68 NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARKS 10 33,358.91 6, 259. 74 39,618.65 NATIONAL MONUMENTS 77 8,941,778.02 121,209. 13 9,062,987.15 NATIONAL MILITARY PARKS il 29,367.63 2,570.00 31,937.63 NATIONAL MEMORIAL PARK 1 69,000.34 1,435.66 70,436.00 NATIONAL BATTLEFIELDS 5 2,733.01 1,4%. 35 4,229.36 NATIONAL BATTLEFIELD PARKS 4 7,162. 76 2,105.29 9,268.05 NATIONAL BATTLEFIELD SITES 780.04 5.83 785. 87 NATIONAL HISTORIC SITES 23* 3,088. 95 281.56 3,370. 51 NATIONAL MEMORIALS 16 5,319.80 206. 20 5,526.00 NATIONAL CEMETERIES 10 220. 13 0.00 220. 13 NATIONAL SEASHORES 6 198,077.85 122,979.38 321,057.23 NATIONAL PARKWAYS 3 106,411.81 15,131.54 121,543.35 NATIONAL CAPITAL PARKS 1 1 34,873.69 2, 255.09 37,128.78 WHITE HOUSE 1 18.07 0.00 18.07 RECREATION AREAS II 3,497,402. 83 136,990.32 3,634,393.15 TOTAL NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM 214 26,548,693. 20 619,994.41 27,168,687.61 i Includes Catoctin Mountain Parle, portion Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Piscataway Park, Prince William Forest Park, Baltimore-Washington Parkway, Suitland Parkway among the 763 units administered. AREAS ADMINISTERED BY THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ACREAGE OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS AND P.O. ADDRESS AND NAME AND LOCATION PERTINENT DATA NPS REGION FEDERAL NON- GROSS FEDERAL Abraham Lincoln Birthplace 116.50 116.50 Traditional birthplace cabin of Abraham Lincoln, enclosed R.F.D. I, Hodgenville, K.Y., National Historic Site, Ky. in memorial building on site of birthplace. 42748. (SE.) Established as a national park, July 17, 1916; transferred from War Department, Aug. 10, 1933; name changed to Abraham Lincoln Na tional Historical Park by act of Aug. 11, 1939; name changed to Abra ham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site by act of Sept. 8, 1959. Boundary change: May 27, 1949. Acadia National Park, Maine... 32,197.39 9,436.62 41.634.01 Rugged coastal area on Mount Desert Island, highest ele- Box 338, Bar Harbor, Maine, vation on eastern seaboard; picturesque Schoodic peninsula 04609. (NE.) on mainland; half of Isle au Haut, exhibiting spectacular cliffs. Sieur de Monts National Monument established, July 8, 1916; estab lished as Lafayette National Park, Feb. 26, 1919; name changed to Acadia National Park, Jan. 19, 1929. Boundary changes: May 23, 1930; May 29, 1935; Aug. 24, 1935; June 6, 1942; Dec. 22, 1944; July 30, 1947; Sept. 7, 1949. AREAS ADMINISTERED BY THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE—Continued ACREAGE OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS AND P.O. ADDRESS AND NAME AND LOCATION ~~ PERTINENT DATA NPS REGION FEDERAL NON- GROSS FEDERAL _ • Adams National Historic Site, 4.77 4.77 Home of Presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams; 135 Adams St., Quincy, Mass. of Charles Francis Adams, United States Minister to Great Mass., 02169. (NE.) Britain during the American Civil War; and of the cele brated writers and historians, Henry Adams and Brooks Adams. Designated as Adams Mansion National Historic Site, Dec. 9, 1946. Name changed to Adams National Historic Site. Nov. 26, 1952. Bound ary change: Nov. 26, 1952. Amistad Recreation Area, Tex . 43,559.00 21,441.00 65,1)00.00 Contains United States part of the Amistad Reservoir on Box 1463, Del Rio, Tex., the Rio Grande. 78840. (SW.) Agreement with United States Section, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, Nov. 11, 1965. Andrew Johnson National His- 16.68 16.68 President Andrew Johnson's home, tailor shop, and grave. Greeneville, Tenn., 37743. toric Site, Tenn. Authorized. Aug. 29, 1935; established, Apr. 27, 1942, as a national (SE.) monument; changed on Dec. 11, 1963, to national historic site. Bound ary change: Dec. 11, 1963. Antietam National Battlefield 770.80 5.83 783.63 Scene of battle which brought to an end Lee's first invasion Box 158, Sharpsburg, Md., Site, Md. of the North in 1862. 21782. (NE.) Established. Aug. 30. 1890; transferred from War Department, Aug. 10. 1933. Boundary changes: Apr. 22. 1960; May 31, 1963. Antietam (Sharpsburg) Na 11.36 11.36 Cemetery is divided into segments, each representing a Box 158, Sharpsburg, Md., tional Cemetery, Md. State. Interments: 5,024 (unidentified, 1,836). 21782. (NE.) Probable date of Civil War interments, 1862. Transferred from War Department, Aug. 10. 1933. (No grave space available.) Appomattox Court House Na 937.34 34.67 972.01 Scene of the surrender on Apr. 9, 1865, of the Confederate Box 218, Appomattox, Va., tional Historical Park, Va. Army under Gen. Robert E. Lee to the Federal Army 24522. (SE.) under Gen. Ulysses S. Grant. Appomattox Battlefield site authorized. June 18, 1930: transferred from War Department, Aug. 10. 1933: Appomattox Court House National Historical Monument authorized. Aug. 13, 1935; established. Apr. 10, 1940; designated as Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, Apr. 15. 1954. Boundary change: Feb. 23. 1939. Arbuckle Recreation Area, Okla. 5,646.00 3,205.00 8,851.00 Surrounds the Arbuckle Reservoir c/o Piatt National Park, Agreement with Bureau of Reclamation, Feb. 1. 1965. Box 539, Sulphur, Okla., 73086. (SW.) Arches National Monument, 34,009.94 34,009.94 Extraordinary products of erosion in the form of giant c/o Canyonlands National Utah. arches, windows, pinnacles, and pedestals. Park, Uranium Bldg., Moab, Established. Apr. 12. 1929. Boundary changes: Nov. 25. 1938; July Utah, 84532. (SW.) 22. 1960. Arkansas Post National 220.60 220.60 Site of first permanent white settlement in the Lower Gillett, Ark., 72055. (SE.) Memorial, Ark. Mississippi Valley. Authorized. July 6, 1960: administratively established, June 30, 1965. Assateague Island National 1.00 30,181.00 30,182.00 A 35-mile long barrier island, home of the famous Chinco- Snow Hill, Md., 21863. Seashore, Md.-Va. teague ponies. In Md., 1 acre. (NE.) Authorized. Sept. 21. 1965. 2 AREAS ADMINISTERED BY THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE—Continued ACREAGE OUTSTANDING CHARACTERISTICS AND P.O. ADDRESS AND NAME AND LOCATION — PERTINENT DATA NPS REGION FEDERAL NON- GROSS FEDERAL Aztec Ruins National Monu- 27.14 27.14 Ruins of a great prehistoric American Indian town built of Route 1, Box 101, Aztec, ment, N. Mex. masonry and timber in the 12th century; largely excavated N. Mex., 87410. (SW.) and stabilized. Established. Jan. 24. 1923. Boundary channel: July 2. 1928; Dec. 19. 1930; May 27. 1948. Badlands National Monument, 103,319.42 8,210.40 111,529.82 Ruggedly eroded layered sedimentary deposits containing Box 72, Interior, S. Dak., S. Dak. great numbers of prehistoric animal fossils. 57750. (MW.) Authorized, Mar. 4 1929; establijhed, Jan. 25, 1939. Boundary changea: Oct. 3. 1952; Mar. 28, 1957. Bandelier National Monument, 29,661.20 29,661.20 Ruins of prehistoric Indian homes of the later Pueblo period, Los Alamos, N. Mex., 87544. N. Mex. located in the canyon-slashed slopes of the Pajarito Plateau. (SW.) Established. Feb. II, 1916. Boundary changes: Feb. 25. 1932; Jan. 9. 1961; May 27, 1963. Battleground National Ceme- 1.03 1.03 On Georgia Ave., between Van Buren and Whittier Sts. c/o Regional Director, Na- tery, D.C. NW. Interments: 44. tional Capital Region, NPS, First interment, July 1864; title acquired by the United States by act ol 1 100 Ohio Dr. SW., Wash- Feb. 22, 1867; transferred from War Department, Aug. 10, 1933. (No ington, D.C, 20242. grave space available.) Bent's Old Fort National His 178.00 178.00 Principal outpost of civilization on the Southern Plains and Box 581, La Junta, Colo., toric Site, Colo. a rendezvous for Indians of the region, the fort was one of 81050. (MW.) the most significant fur-trading posts of the West. Established. Mar. 15. 1963. Big Bend National Park, Tex. 706,538.40 1,682.80 708,221.20 Spectacular mountain and desert scenery: variety of un Big Bend National Park, usual geological structures; enclosed in the great bend of Tex., 79834. (SW.) the Rio Grande. Authorized, June 20, 1935; established, June 12, 1944. Boundary changes: Aug. 30, 1949; Nov. 5. 1957. Big Hole National Battlefield, 535.72 130.28 666.00 Site of important battle along the route of the famous re c/o Yellowstone National Mont. treat of Chief Joseph and his Nez Perce Indians in 1877. Park, Yellowstone National Established as Big Hole Battlefield National Monument. June 23, 1910: Park, Wyo., 83020. (MW.) transferred from War Department, Aug. 10. 1933. Changed to national battlefield, May 17, 1963. Boundary changes: June 29. 1939; May 17, 1963. Bighorn Canyon Recreation 34,251.99 34,251.99 Surrounds a 71-mile-long reservoir created by Yellowtail Box 458YRS, Hardin, Area, Wyo.-Mont.