Ivf Annual Report 2005.Pdf

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Ivf Annual Report 2005.Pdf Dear friends, In the year 2005 we marked fifth anniversary of the establishment of the International Visegrad Fund. For five years the Fund has been supporting the best Visegrad projects in the fields of culture, science, education, promotion of tourism as well as cross-border cooperation and youth exchange. We have tried to create a network of people and institutions in our countries that know each other, are in touch with each other, and organise events together. What are the results? During the years 2000-2005 the Fund supported over 1000 projects and granted 140 scholarships in total amount over 11 million Euros. These projects were enormously diverse, ranging from those that make the newspaper headlines to small local events. We appreciate them all and treat them the same way, as they all help to develop and activate civil society in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. After five years of operation, the International Visegrad Fund is a stable and solid institution and - equally as important - employs absolutely transparent principles and rules for financing its activities and projects. As a result of raising interest in the Fund's programmes and growing significance of the Fund's activities, the V4 governments' contributions more than tripled since the Fund's establishment - from 1 million Euros in the year 2000 to 3,2 million Euros in 2006. Regardless of its regional character, the Fund's activities outreach the V4 countries. Since 2003 we have been granting scholarships to postgraduate students coming from neighbouring non-EU states (Belarus, Croatia, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia). In 2005 we have designed also a special scholarships programme focusing solely on Ukraine. There are both political and moral arguments in favour of cooperation with our eastern and south-eastern neighbours: The West has supported us for many years, so now that we are in the European family, we should repay it by helping those who need it on their way to unifying Europe. I would like to thank to all of our collaborators and especially to our applicants for your great interest and variety of inventive proposals, which we received in 2005. The quality and number of submitted as well as supported projects has been increasing every year since the Fund's establishment and we will do our best to make this trend continue. Dear friends, we will always welcome your ideas, suggestions and proposals, which would lead to even better cooperation between you and the Fund. Yours, Andrzej Jagodziński, IVF's Executive Director Czech Republic Republic of Hungary Republic of Poland Slovak Republic 01 International Visegrad Fund in 2005 December 31, 2005 In the year 2005 the IVF continued in its mission to promote regional cooperation among the Visegrad countries and to support joint projects in the fields of culture, education, science, youth exchange, support of tourism and cross-border cooperation. The total budget of the Fund in 2005 was 3 million Euros. The Standard and Small grants programmes remained the main instruments of the Fund's work. The Fund received 704 applications out of which eventually supported 301 projects - 172 Standard and 129 Small ones. The total amount spent on the projects was 2.266.864 Euros: 1.804.809 Euros on Standard and 462.055 on Small grants. In 2005 the Fund focused on its scholarship programmes, mainly by extending the In-Coming and Intra-Visegrad schemes and by launching a special programme for Ukrainian postgraduate students. The IVF awarded altogether 25 Intra-Visegrad, 15 Out-Going and 12 In-Coming scholarships. The Ukrainian scholarships programme was received very positively and out of 108 applicants the selection committee chose 29 scholars who would spend a year at one of the universities in the Visegrad region. The Fund allocated on its 2005/06 scholarship programmes 538.500 Euros, which more than doubled the amount used the year before. The Visegrad Strategic Programme was launched in 2005 and two long-term projects were selected under this new scheme. The allocated amount was 110.000 Euros. The following pages will guide you through the Fund's activities in 2005… Actual Trends of IVF Selection Process (2000 – 2005) Deadline 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total Standard Grants Number Of Applications 236 469 251 267 309 372 1904 Number Of Grants 26 89 91 110 139 172 627 Amount Allocated in Euro 406.317 1.523.019 1.723.700 1.749.693 1.623.000 1.804.809 8.830.538 Small Grants Number Of Applications N / A N / A 224 372 336 332 1264 Number Of Grants N / A N / A 53 93 133 129 408 Amount Allocated in Euro N / A N / A 200.894 332.224 467.168 462.055 1.462.341 Visegrad Strategic Programme Number Of Applications N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A 8 8 Number Of Grants N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A 2 2 Amount Allocated in Euro N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A 110.000 110.000 Visegrad Scholarships Number Of Applications N / A N / A N / A 61 100 241 402 Number Of Scholarships N / A N / A N / A 27 35 80 142 Amount Allocated in Euro N / A N / A N / A 246.000 260.000 538.500 1.044.500 2.000.000 1.500.000 1.000.000 500.000 Standard Grants Small Grants Visegrad Scholarships 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 02 IVF Programmes IVF Budget 2006 Standard Grants Incomes Contributions of Member Countries 3.200.000 International Visegrad Fund supports projects of cooperation in the fields of Cultural cooperation, Scientific exchanges and research, Education, Exchanges between young people, Cross-border cooperation and Czech Republic 800.000 Promotion of tourism. Republic of Hungary 800.000 The amount of Standard Grant provided for a project is higher than 4 000 EUR. Total budget allocated for Republic of Poland 800.000 the Standard Grants in the year 2006 is 1 690 000 EUR. The financial contribution of the Fund can not Slovak Republic 800.000 exceed 50% of the total project costs including own in kind contribution of applicant, or in kind contributions of other co-financing subjects. The maximum time frame of the proposed budget is 12 months, even if Leftover from 2005 140.000 the project is envisaged to last longer. Total Incomes 3.340.000 Deadlines for applications are March 15 and September 15. Outlays Small Grants Standard Grants 1.690.000 The field of activities supported within the Small Grant Programme is identical with the Standard Grant Small Grants 448.000 Programme. However, the maximum contribution of IVF allocated to one Small Grant Project is EUR 4.000. Scholarships 589.000 The financial contribution of IVF can not exceed 50% of the total project costs including own in kind contribution of applicant, or in kind contributions of other co-financing subjects. The maximum time frame Out-going 0 of the proposed budget is 6 months, even if the project is envisaged to last longer. Intra Visegrad (4 x 7 x 7000) 196.000 Total budget allocated for the Small Grant Programme in the year 2006 is 448.000 EUR. Deadlines for In-Coming (4 x 4 x 8000) 128.000 applications are March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1. Ukrainian Scholarships Programme (8 x 4 x 8000) 265.000 Visegrad Strategic Programme 200.000 Visegrad Scholarship Programme IVF Annual Report 1.800 International Visegrad Fund supports doctoral and other post-master studies by granting scholarships. Visegrad Cultural Prize 20.000 Intra-Visegrad scholarships are for citizens of Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Reserve for V4 Communication Strategy (V4 Website, Staff, Facilities, Feasibility Study) 118.000 Slovak Republic), to carry on with study/research projects during the period of one or two semesters at the public universities in the Visegrad countries. IVF is supporting scholars with the amount of 2.000 EUR Secretariat (8,54 %) 273.200 per semester, and hosting universities with the lump sum of 1.500 EUR per semester. Total Outlays 3.340.000 In-Coming scholarships cover studies of citizens of non-EU countries neighbouring Visegrad region and of Moldova. IVF supports In-Coming scholars with the amount of 2.500 EUR per semester, and hosting universities with the lump sum of 1.500 EUR per semester. Total budget allocated for the Visegrad Scholarship Programme in the year 2006 is 589.000 EUR, enabling to award over 70 scholarships. Deadline for applications to all scholarship programmes is January 31. Visegrad Strategic Programme The Visegrad Strategic Programme (VStP) is created to support strategic, long-term, four-country Visegrad projects, which are in accord with the priorities defined by the V4 Conference of Ministers on annual basis for the upcoming year. Deadline for applications is January 31. The maximum time limit for implementation of the Visegrad Strategic Program Grants is 3 years. The financial contribution of IVF can not exceed 50% of the total project costs including own in kind contribution of applicant, or in kind contributions of other co-financing subjects. Total budget allocated for the VStP in the year 2006 is 200.000 EUR. Deadline for applications is January 31. 03 Approved Standard Grants March 2005 Name of the Project Applicant Amount in Euro Our daily bread. The role of bakers and confectionery in our shared cultural and economical development. Kapos Expo Fairoffice Ltd., Kaposvar, HU 10.000 International Film Festival "Central and Eastern European Cinema" 35th Lubuskie Lato Filmowe - Łagów 2005 Film Culture Club, Zielona Gora, PL 29.000 First International Meeting for Extraordinary Talented Children Soroptimist International Club Košice, SK 5.000 Theatre magazine Svet a divadlo as a source of information on theatre and culture in Visegrad countries and mediator of cultural World and Theatre, Praha, CZ 13.500 contacts between V4 countries Energy management (energy efficiency, energy saving) of local governments and their institutions and its regional development V-TRADE EXHIBITIONS LTD., Debrecen, HU 8.000 aspects in the Visegrád member states The Visegrad and Baltic Theatre in the European Union International festival Theatre Plzeň, CZ 26.500 16th International Folk Festival "Bukovina Meetings" Piła Arts Centre, PL 8.000 Bridge-building Day 2005 - The information system of the Euroregions of the Visegrad Countries Local self-government of Neszmely, HU 29.000 “The Historical Encyclopedia of Central Europe.
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