Welcome to Prague Gay Guide Net, Czech
1 Welcome to Prague Gay Guide Net, Czech This gay & travel guide website is made and permanently updated since late 1998 in Prague, Czech Republic, in Central or Eastern Europe. At least twice per year we visit every place listed on this page and search for new The chapter general tourist info gives you country facts places; we call every phone number and double check (climate, time, money, national holidays); Info needed to every detail. We hope it assists you to you in discovering travel to Czech Republic (visa, airlines, trains, busses, ships this town. We enjoy to go everywhere and we are happy and cars); travel in Prague (map, public transport, taxis, to share all the information with you to help you having a rent a car, lost and found); and about communication pleasant, uncomplicated and safe time without the hassle (telecom, internet, dictionary, translations, interpreter, radio, to figure out everything on your own. If you find anything TV) plus useful addresses (embassies, health, shopping, that is not up2date please contact us right away. Tell us postal service, laundry, museums, galleries, tourist info) plus everything you know and we will go there and include it general links. to this page. If you take pictures in Prague contact us as well. We may use them for this page. We try to describe There is more we can do for you. First you should every place as detailed as possible because we want you download and print the pdf file that we prepared and to know what to expect before you go to a venue where that includes all the info.
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