JULY / AUGUST 2015 Vol. XLXI No 7 FOUNDER Magazine Statement Late Rev. Dr. Theodore Williams CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD “ To inform our readers and create an Mr. Prem James HONORARY TREASURER interest in missions and impact them to Mr. K.P. Rajasekhar get involved in IEM’s missionary work GENERAL SECRETARY and mission in general” Rev. P. John Wesley GENERAL SECRETARY DESIGNATE Rev. Dr. Raja Singh Elias Contents Heads of Ministry Departments Field Ministries Opening Lines 2 Rev. Wilfred Kirivasan Church Ministries GS thoughts 3 Mr. Jenny Christopher Prayer for Missions 4 Administration Rev. Jackin Isravel Praise and Prayer Calendar 7 Human Resorce Rev. Jonathan Chavan Finance Mr. Solomon Swami Doss Publication Secretary Mr. Timothy Austin Editor Mr. Nelson Dhinakaran

Theme for 2015 “The Lord reigns for all generations” Psalms 146:10


38, Langford Road, Post Bag 25097, Bangalore - 560 025 Phone : +91 080 22245256, 22480080 Fax : 22122779 Website : www.iemoutreach.org E-mail : [email protected] The General Secretary's thoughts. True intercessors will shut the door to pray Dear Outreach Readers Our Dear OUTREACH than to spend time alone in secret Intercessor, praying for our nation. A true One of the most adventurous times in the past as far intercessor will not look for applause as missions is concerned is when that small community Thank you for the from the people. Jesus said that of believers in Herrnhut Germany were gripped with the passion of taking the c o m m i t m e n t y o u those people who make a big show Gospel to the unreached people. Coupled with this passion was the anointing made to pray for IEM, of their prayer are hypocrites. Great they received to spend their time in earnest prayer for the lost world. Each which has connected us through our men of God breathed their last took turns to keep the prayer vigil on 24/7. The rest is History. monthly prayer bulletin OUTREACH. breath alone in the posture of T h e d i c t i o n a r y m e a n i n g o f prayer. The Bible encourages us to persevere. One of the areas we are called to 'intercessor' is a person who persevere is in the area of intercessory prayer. Think of this, while Jesus was in intervenes on behalf of another, True intercessors will go into the the world one thing that he constantly did was to spend time with the especially by prayer. closet to pray : Jesus commanded us heavenly Father in prayer. He continues this ministry from his heavenly abode, to go into our room and shut the interceding for each of us. Jesus is the perfect model for an door to pray (Matt 6:6). Why? The intercessor. He taught us to pray and physical act of shutting the door will One sure way to keep the Devil away is by constantly engaging ourselves in the how not to pray as well. Prayer is the help us say no to the world but yes to practice of intercessory prayer. We are called to intercede for each other powerful weapon given to us to the Lord. But then, with what frame combat any situation with the help of of mind do we enter the room? Have carrying one another's burdens. God is on the move when we intercede for God. Intercessory prayer requires a we closed the door of our minds people. We have experienced this as a mission. Yes God has answered us in good preparation. Our intention in from all possible distractions? ways unfathomable leaving us bewildered with excitement. giving this prayer digest in your Disbelief and selfishness could rule hands is to help you to become a our hearts while praying. Some of us This Prayer Digest is a twin issue. We have given you a glimpse of our fields powerful and effective intercessor. travel around the world while we are the different people groups we minister to and the stages they are in as part of According to what Jesus taught alone in prayer. Please note that the the standardization. Accordingly these four stages are arranged. These people about prayer in Mathew 6: 5-8: Lord hears our heart's cry rather than need our prayers on a daily basis, because Satan will do all he can to stop the the words of our mouth. When we progress of the Gospel and God's kingdom. Our missionaries sometimes face True intercessors are not pray alone we may not be conscious opposition intimidation and direct threats. At times they face discouragement celebrities: These days, much about what kind of vocabulary and and ravaging diseases. We count on you folks who take time to intercede. publicity is given to participate in grammar we use. That is the true Organize prayer vigils in your area, let us stand firm together in prayer and see 'fasting and prayer campaigns' to communion with our Father in His kingdom established in the hearts of the unreached people. pray for the nation. I have seen a heaven. From all of us here g r e a t n u m b e r o f p e o p l e participating. While I thank the Lord True intercessors come out of the Happy Reading. for these efforts, each one of us closet triumphantly: Intercessory From all of us here should examine ourselves whether prayers are always for others or on Nelson Dinakaran, Editor. we have a systematic personal behalf of others. We pray for people prayer life. It is easier to pray in public 2 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 3 with whom we do not have personal Thank you for your prayers for do; and when we rely upon eloquence, we get what eloquence can do. But acquaintance. We might make Mercy and myself. The Lord's when we rely upon prayer, we get what God can do.” mistakes with their names, the real guidance and empowering was real circumstances and other details. every day of our lives and particularly Satan opposes us in every area of Christian activity. Satan dreads nothing However, it is our great confidence in these last 8 years of leadership. We but Prayer. His one concern is to keep the saints from praying. He fears nothing and a beautiful truth that, “our have a few more months to hand about prayerless studies, prayerless work, and prayerless religion. He laughs Father knows what you need before over our responsibilities to Rev Dr at our toil, mocks our wisdom, but trembles when we pray. you ask him” Mathew 6:8. The Raja Singh. We would appreciate if power and the effectiveness are not you will add this request to your The Bible is filled with examples of men and women who knew how to pray in the words of the prayer but in our closet prayer. May God bless you! “Elijah was the same kind of person as we are. He prayed earnestly that there relationship with our Father in would be no rain, and no rain fell on the land for three and a half years. Once again heaven. Therefore, when we come With loving regards, he prayed, and the sky poured out its rain and the earth produced its out of the closet after pouring out Yours in His joyful ministry, crops.”(James 5:17, 18). The church was born in a prayer meeting on the day of o u r h e a r t s , w e c o m e o u t P John Wesley Pentecost, the power of the Holy Ghost received, in answer to earnest prayer, triumphantly. enabled the early Christians to speak the word of God with boldness. When Peter was kept in prison in order that he might be beheaded the next day “Prayer was made without ceasing of the church onto God for Him (Acts 12:5).” Prayer for Missions Paul and Barnabas were sent forth with prayer and fasting on the first missionary journey (Acts 13:3). The Apostle Paul called on the saints at Rome to Prayer is a conversation between the heavenly Father and strive together in prayer for him. Epaphras constantly laboured fervently in His child. Prayer is speaking to the Lord, and reading the prayer that the saints at Colossi might stand perfect and complete in all of the scriptures is the Lord speaking to us. We preach on prayer on will of God (Colossians 4:12).When Peter was kept in prison, the church prayed several occasions, give devotions on prayer, read books on earnestly.(Acts 12:5) prayer but we have seldom time to pray. Before crucifixion Jesus prayed, which is known as “High Priestly Prayer” Missions are not primarily a matter of men, or money, or method, but of the (John 17th chapter).Jesus prayed for the mission which the Lord has entrusted mighty outworking of God Himself, such outworking is always called forth to Him. Secondly He prayed for the disciples. Finally He prayed for each and preeminently through prayer. Prayer is the greatest power in the kingdom of every believer to glorify the Lord. Our Lord is prayer listening God and also God. prayer answering God.

The Leaders of the first world Missionary Conference which met in Devotional prayer is primarily a relationship between us and God. Edinburgh 1910 said, “When the church sets itself to pray with the same Devotional praying is good and necessary for all saints. Prayer must be a love seriousness and strength of purpose that it has devoted to other forms of relationship between us and our Lord. Christian effort, it will see the kingdom of God come with power.” The scriptures says “Call unto me, and I will answer thee and show the great and In intercession we begin to pray for others. We must pray for our mighty things which thou knowest not.”(Jeremiah 33:3) missionaries and for Christian organizations that are labouring to get the Gospel out to the ends of the earth. We should pray for mission leaders all A.C. Dixon preached “When we rely upon organization, we get what parts of the world. There are always some fields where there are particular organization can do; when we rely upon education, we get what education can problems that need to be prayed for. God is looking for men and women who

4 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 5 will stand in the gap and make up the hedge for Him (Ezekiel 22:30). Praise and Prayer Calendar Praying with authority is equally important. The thought is this. We are ray for a people group every day and witness its direct impact in the chosen in Christ (Ephesians 1:4), we were buried with him, we have been raised mission fields. Sure, Satan will be crushed and the CROSS will be lifted up with Him (Roman 6:4). We ascended into Heaven with Him; we are now seated Pamong each people group! (we have arranged the fields of each zone at the right hand of the Father with Him (Ephesians 2:6).Christ is seated in the under different stages with details of people groups and Missionaries’ names place of the authority. We are to take our place with Him, and to exercise the along with their Birthdays!) Use the General Praise & prayer items for each authority we have as the sons of the living God. But most of us fail to exercise people group given under different stages this power. Pioneering stage : The prayerlessness is one of the great sins of the church. If the church is to These are fields which have been recently surveyed and opened after reach the unreached multitudes she must learn to advance on her knees. Most careful consideration of several factors. The missionary here is a trail blazer, of our praying is cold, heartless and formal. whose primary task is to establish a rapport with the target people, learn the Some practical suggestions for effective prayer for missions: language and study the culture .He is there observing and interacting and 1. Be assured that you are rightly related to Christ and that you are in offering any possible help which may foster a good working relationship. In fellowship with the living God. the process he develops many contacts. Engaging the target group with the 2. Read books on prayer and missionary magazines which will stimulate Gospel may take several months; this is because the missionary is always you to pray. viewed with suspicion. The missionaries in such fields face a lot of stress at 3. Be saturated with missionary facts and figures. such times. These are the times of preparation. The missionaries patiently 4. Dedicate yourself to the ministry of missionary intercession in the same wait for opportune times to share and show the Love of Christ, fervently way the missionary dedicates himself to go to the mission field. praying for a break through. There are other fields in this category where we 5. Learn to depend on the Holy Spirit to pray. True prayer begins in the have put in our efforts for quite some time and are still to see a significant heart of God. This kind of praying is certain to be answered and the break through. There may exist worship groups here which gather in the power of the Lord will be showered. believers homes. 6. Jesus went out to a solitary place and there prayed (Mark 1:35).Let us Praise God for the new doors opened for the Gospel and new Worship groups spend quiet with the Lord in a quiet place. formed. 7. Prayer brings victory, “Ask of me, I will make the nations your inheritance”  Jesus film and community development projects such as Tuition (Psalms 2:8). centres, Literacy & Medical work have become a good entry point in 8. Prayer reveals the will of God and your life will be fruitful. Prayer life will these fields. Many contacts have been established through these ventures. be a peaceful life.  Rev. R. George Raju, For the commitment and willingness to work hard in adverse situations and climatic conditions. Former Associate General Secretary, IEM, Pray that our missionaries could communicate the Gospel in the target language and gain a good understanding of the culture.  That all our missionaries will move to strategic villages – getting a house in a Health Needs village is a difficult task because most of our missionaries are from different Continue to remember our dear brother Timothy Austin and Mrs. Shino states, different languages and from different back grounds. Soren who are undergoing Radiation & Chemotherapy and that God will  For effective inroads; wisdom to present the Gospel through appropriate context- specific strategies. sustain them in their sickness. Also pray for missionaries of other  organisations who are ill and need of prayer support. For perseverance for our missionaries in the midst of lack of much fruit, challenges and discouragements. 6 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 7 NORTH REGION population here is around 10,470. Tibetan Buddhism is quite different from July 1. Samba, Jammu & Kashmir Buddhism and has a blend of Bön traditions and beliefs. They adhere to Dalai Lama, their spiritual Leader's guidance. Dogri speakers are called Dogras, and the Dogri-speaking region is called Missionaries: Lamkhanmang (December 12) & Grace (June 12), Pouline Duggar. Dogri is one of the state languages of Jammu and Kashmir. Majority of Retnadhas (March 2) & Libela (March 6) them follow while there are people who follow other religions as well. 5. Jhind, Haryana Missionaries: E. Narendera (June 5), Harvinder Singh ( August 15) The Jatt people are Natives of Punjab, Haryana, and Delhi. They are 2. Pangi, Himachal Pradesh the followers of Sikhism and follow Guru Nanak Dev. Their main occupation is agriculture and farming but other professions such as trading, army and The Pangwala numbering around 23,500 (2010 census) reside in the valley military jobs are also very popular among Jatts. between two lofty mountain ranges in the Chamba district. Road connectivity Missionaries: Lemguat Vaiphei (October 6) & Thungchen (October 20), Satish is possible through treacherous mountain routes only from May to October Christy (August 18) & Shyla (April 12) due to heavy snow fall. There are no Christians found in the valley. is the only language spoken in the villages and it varies every ten kms. They 6. Displaced people (Delhi) believe in a supreme god 'Mata Mindal' and also in various gods and There are many displaced people among us who are the most desperate goddesses. people needing our compassion and acceptance. One such group is the Missionaries: Peter Ngade (March 2), Gideon Rajadurai (Jan 10) Afghan refugees living in the vicinity of Delhi, our capital. We have a ministry 3. Lahual field, Himachal Pradesh among this group. Though it has its risks and heartaches, God is answering prayers. Lahaul villages are situated at 7,000 to 14,500ft above sea level. is the Missionaries : Stephen King (Feb 27) Thongkohohou (Feb 1)&Mercy(June6) common language. Different languages such as Bhoti, Pattani, Tinaniand, Ghari are spoken in different valleys. The Lahaulis follow a combination of NORTH EAST REGION Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism. Missionaries: Luke.V.Titus (Oct 14) Pynshailang Iawphniaw (March30) Lalmuan 7. Seppa, Arunachal Pradesh (March 25) & Ngaithianching (Jan 10) Puroik people inhabit the inaccessible mountainous jungle terrain in five 4. Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh districts of Arunachal Pradesh.They speak their mother tongue in their homes & villages and use Nyishi in common places. They worship the Sun, Moon and Dharamshala is the temporary headquarter of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The also a complex hierarchy of spirits. Tibetan refugees in Dharamshala are scattered around its hills. Their present Missionaries: Vikugha Sema (Feb 11) and Rebika Sumi (Oct 10)

4. Tibetans 5. Punjabi Jatts 6. Displaced People (Delhi)

2. Pangwali 3. Lahuali 1. Hindi & Dogri Speaking People

8 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 9 8. Dhemaji, Assam 11. Unokoti field, Tripura The Ahom are an ancient people group of Assam and number about 1,50,000 The Urang community has been widely scattered in Unakoti district of North approx. They use the widely and the mother tongue is Tripura under Kailashahar tea garden. They don't have their own land, they being revived today. They worship not only a variety of gods and goddesses reside wherever the tea company has allotted place to stay. Urang speak in with elaborate ceremony, but also worship their ancestors with great broken Hindi and Bengali commonly known as “CHILOMILO”. They belief devotion. system in God is very similar to the Hindus. They celebrate all Bengali festivals. Missionaries : Jamminthang Gangte (January 1) & Tingneihtieng (January 1), Missionaries: John Ruolrengdam Zate (September 30) & Nivino (February 28), Lalremsiama (April 28) Yhunthonlo Magh (October 2)& Rachel Teep (August 23) 9. Hojai, Assam EAST REGION The Sauras are among the oldest tribes in and are spread across Orissa, 12. Gaur, Nepal , , Chattisgarh besides Assam. They are highly religious and worship a large number of deities and ancestral spirits. They The name Madhesi is a geographical name common to all the people of Indian speak the Saura language. Their paintings are famous in and are origin irrespective of their religion, caste, and colour and belief system living in primarily done to appease their deities. the plain areas of Nepal bordering India. The Official language is Nepali We Missionaries: LK Muan Tombing (March 8) & Zamdonching (March 7), Nikavi work among the (language) speaking Madhesh. They believe in Chishi (June 25) & Kanili (April 30) Hinduism. Every year, a large number of Madhesis visit Babadham a pilgrim place in . Missionaries: Alexander (May 26) & Mercy (October 9), Hau Sawm 10. Diaspora in Assam, Hojai field Thang (February 12), Velmurugan (June 10) & Pavithra (December 12) Palla Around five lakh Meiteis (Manipuris) are settled in different parts of Assam Surendra (July 26) and its population numbers around 25,000 in Hojai alone. They have set up 13. The GADABAS, Odisha their own development council and own lands in Hojai. Though their customs and religious rituals slightly differ from those in Manipur, their language, The Gadaba are among the liveliest tribes in Odisha who are concentrated culture and dressing style have been preserved. Teaching is a very sort out mostly in the district of Koraput and are found in large numbers in Lamtaput profession. block. In the market places they use Desia language but while meeting their Missionaries: Athang Serto (February 1) & Romila (August 1) own people they use Gadaba language. They are Animists, worshipping Ancestors and clan goddesses. Missionaries: Premdas Hebede (January 1) & Sandhya (June 3)

10. Meiteis (Manipuris) 11. Urangs 12. The Madhesis

8. Ahom 9. Saura 7. Puroik

10 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 11 14. The BHATRAS, Chattisgarh 17. HADOTHI, Rajasthan The Bhatra tribe is settled in Jagdalpur and extend upto the of The Hadothi region is the Eastern and South Eastern region of Rajasthan. Odisha. They speak Bhatri They worship spirits bound by witchcraft. People speak Hadothi. 84.5% are Hindus, 10.5% are Muslims and Jain are 3%. In Religiously, Bhatra are divided into two sects Jagatlokand & Bhagatlok. The most of the villages, each house has a temple called “”. Jagatlok Bhatra practice their traditional religion while the Bhagatlok Bhatra Missionaries : Senthil Kumar (May 28) & Kanagamani (December 15), Sakaram worship only one formless supreme authority called Alekh Mahaprabhu. (March 5) & Pagdiposu(October 9) Seikhohao Haokip (Sept 2) Missionaries: Ebin Samuel (November 2) & Rajani (December 7), James Prabhakaran (May 15) 18. MALVI, The regions extends from Western Madhya Pradesh to East Rajasthan. 15. The DHURWAS, Chattisgarh Around 15, 00, 000 people in this region speak the . Although The Dhurwa inhabit the central eastern portion of the and in majority are Hindus, a great mix from different religion including numerous Odisha, in densely wooded forests and hills, with rivers and streams crossing tribals live in this area. The biggest festival of Malwa is the Simhastha mela, the valleys. They speak the Parji language though many know Bhatri too. They held every 12 years, in which more than 40 million pilgrims take a holy dip in have hindu practices combined with animism. They believe that animals, birds, river Shipra. and trees possess souls. Missionaries : Sanjay Digal (July 2) & Binita (June 23), Yesudasan (March 9) & Missionaries: Selvi Michael (Aug 23) Elizabeth (May 30) SOUTH REGION WEST REGION 16. Kutch, 19. MADIYAS, & Chattisgarh Koli people are spread throughout the land of Kutch. But they are mostly "Bison Horn Madiya" is derived from a distinctive headdress worn by a sub specially in Nakathrana and Naliya taluks. They speak a language called group of a community called Gond in marriage dances and ceremonies. They Kutchi, which is much related to Sindhi. Originally they are animists but they speak the Madiya language. Their religious belief is a combination of Hinduism worship many gods and goddesses. with animistic beliefs. Around 60,000 Madiyas have migrated to Khammam Missionaries : Ramchullo (December 31) & Juliet (September 25), Yacob and Warangal districts due to naxal problem. (January 11) & Packia Lakshmi (April 15) Missionaries : Jeevan Paul (April 1) & Mercy (August 7), Shankar Patmaji (January 7) & Anita (May 10)

16. Kohli 18. The Malvi 17. Hadothi

14. The Bhatras 15. The Dhurwas 13. The Gadabas

12 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 13 20. Migrated labourers(Chennai & Trivandrum) Promise to claim: Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you The migration of North Indians into the South is on the increase. The reasons should go I will counsel you and watch over you” for such migration are many. While the majority of them are Hindus there are Praise God : Many people have faith in the Lord, many have been Muslim, Punjabi and tribal people too. They stay mainly near market places, delivered from satanic bondage and have received healing in their construction sites and near Railway stations. Many of them are not ritualistic bodies. but engage in religious activities now and then. Focus on Church Based Literacy is gaining acceptance. Missionaries : Chennai: Joy (November 20) & Bimla (October 15), Efforts have been constantly taken for discipling believers to walk worthy of Trivandrum: Abhay Kumar (April 13) & Sunita (Febryary 10)(FMS) their faith. Pastorate committees have been formed in some fields. 21. Ministry to the Neighbours, Andhra Pradesh Pray as believers face threat of ostracization from their communities  Pray for more local women leaders to be raised and discipling efforts to India has the second largest population of Neighbours in the world and we bear fruit. have the freedom to share the Gospel in India though in some places, people  Pray for consistent progress in a holistic development of all the churches raise objections to it. There is a growing no. of secret believers. Praise God  Pray for all believers to become literate and practise 'quiet time' with the Missionaries : Karimunisa (July 14) Word and for churches to become self governing. Progressive Stage: NORTH REGION These are fields which have the potential for growth. The Missionaries 22. Kullu field, Himachal Pradesh here have seen the fruit of their labour, as many people trust the Lord and Kullui is the largest group in Kullu district. They speak Kulluvi at home and have become part of a worship group. This is the time when the missionaries prefer to speak in Hindi using common English words. They are polytheistic in along with believers prayerfully develop strategies for intense evangelism their beliefs. Each village has a temple with its own governing body. Kullu specially through reaching to extended families of believers which is valley is nicknamed as the 'valley of gods' owing to the abundance of gods otherwise called as the web movement.. Portions of scriptures are made worshipped. available for the use in the local church. The main focus in this stage is Approximately, there are around 200,000 Nepalis in Himachal. Many live in evangelism coupled with discipleship. In this stage potential leaders are joint families. They are proud to speak in Nepali. They are also fluent in Hindi. spotted and trained for their various roles in the church. Most of them are Hindu. Some Nepalis follow Buddhism. Many work as contract labourers. Missionaries : Tek Bahadur Khatri (Jul 25), Reena (May 16), Naresh Lal (Jun 30), Shanta Lal (May 30)

22. Kullui 23. Jatt Sikhs Nepali

20. Migrant Workers 21. Neighbours 19. Bison Horn Madiyas

14 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 15

22. Scenes at different conventions held in India 23. Bhatinda, Punjab 26. Balrampur The population of Sikhs in Bhatinda is around 13,88,525 (2011 census) Punjabi is The Dehati speaking people are found in the North Eastern part of Uttar widely spoken here. Sikhism is a monotheistic religion, and the basic Sikh belief Pradesh. Muslims living here speak mixed Hindi. The dress code is typical is represented in the phrase Ik Onkar meaning "One God.” They oppose as that of any North Indian attire. They worship many gods and goddesses idolatry. Many rise up in the morning and read a morning prayer, Japji and are also influenced by gurus and guru mantra. Temple worship is composed by Guru Nanak. common. Missionaries: Rakesh kumar (Jun 6) & Neeta (Dec 24), D. Sunny (May 30) & Missionaries : Shibu (Jan 31) & Sija (Feb 13) Theba Timothy (Mar 1) & Hangmila Bindhu S K (Dec 28), Stephen Joseph (Apr 22) & Bindhu (Apr 23) (Mar 1) Suknath Badaik (Jul 2) & Pankajini (Aug 18) Shankar Ganesh (Jun 17) & Saritha (July 2) Srujan Kumar (July 15) Tharaya Wallim (Mar 15) & Manngam (Jun 24. Dehradun, Uttara Khand 24) Uttarakhand is home to some of Hinduism’s most holy pilgrimage sites - Haridwar, Badrinath and Kedarnath. A Sikh shrine also attracts numerous 27. Robertsganj Uttar Pradesh visitors. The people of Uttarakhand claim to be guardians of the gods’ land. The Baigas, , Keshari, Bhraman, Thakur, Chamar, Gupta, Dhobi, Sharma, Occult practices and magic abound among these people. They are ardent spirit Lohar, Kol, Baigas, Panika, Gond, Buiyar, Dhaikar people groups live here. The worshippers. We have work among the Garhwali & the Gorkhalis. Garhwali lingua franca is Bhojpuri. The people also speak Hindi, Urdu, Awadhi, Braj and people primarily live in the Garhwal Himalayas of the northern Indian state of English. The village priest does all the religious rituals. The people neither Uttarakhand. There are around 600,000 Gorkhalis in Uttrakhand. worship idols or animals nor do they practice temple worship. Missionaries: Suraj Majhi (Jun12) & Bunty (Mar 17) Johnson Dang (May 6) & Mary Missionaries : Nehhao Doungel (Apr 9)&Kimboi(Sep 2), Hasturam Nag(Apr 10) Kamla (January 2) Ratna Bahadur Rai (Oct 22) & Nirmala (Jan 13) Basheer Sheik & Taramani (Jul 20), Iarlinskeple Rongrin (Nov 9), Isak Lalsuonglien (March 2) & (Jul 16) & Annamma (May 30) Imtisenla (Feb 10) 25. Tharu Uttar Pradesh The Rana Tharu people live in the fertile strips along the Indo-Nepal border. 28. Fatehpur Uttar Pradesh The Tharu field of IEM is in the Dudwa National Tiger Reserve forest area of UP Even though Fatehpur is situated in between two rivers, the Ganga and the with a lakh of population in 44 villages. They speak Tharu at home and use Yamuna, poverty reigns here. We serve the Chamars, Kori, Valmikis and other Hindi in the market. They believe in one Supreme Being called Devda or Devdi minority groups. The market language is Hindi. In the villages, people speak and appease spirits. These days they are influenced by guru worship and Dehati or Khadi Hindi. The people are counted as Hindus and follow the Hindu popular Hinduism. way of beliefs & customs. Missionaries : Tiatemjen Jamir (Nov 30) & Alila (Oct 2) Arwon Roy (Dec 20) & Missionaries : Jaimon Joseph (Jan 1) & Varsha (Jul 17) Tangphidashisha (May 20) Shyju (Feb 23) & Subin (May 20)

27. Baigas 28. Chamars 29. Bundelkhandi

25. Rana Tharu 26. Dehati speakers 24. Garhwali

16 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 17 29. Chattarpur, Madhya Pradesh 31. Jalpaiguri, The Chumar speak Bundelkhandi at home and use Hindi in the market place. The Sadri population in Jalpaiguri is 25, 17, and 73.49 according to the 2011 Village pujaris play a vital role in their lives.Though they believe in a supreme census. They use their own language Sadri at home and use Hindi, Bengali, and God, they sacrifice birds and animals to appease the evil spirits. Ancestral Nepali outside. They believe that their fore-fathers' spirits live with them. worship also is practiced. We serve among the also in this field. They called it Khutti Bhud / Iswar, or spirit being who lives in their kitchen to Missionaries : Henlal Sang Gangte (Nov 14) Lalu John (May 20) & Siji (May 30) bless the family. They are mostly tea garden workers. Karan Singh Goyal (Aug 28) Missionaries : Imlong Chang (Nov 14) & Naro (July 23), John Kashyap (Aug 15) & Subola (Apr 5), Pishang Thouman (Feb 1) & Anita (Mar 5), David Haokip (Mar 1) & NORTH EAST REGION Rachel (Feb 5)

30. Papumpare, Arunachal Pradesh August 1. Cooch Behar field, West Bengal The Nyishi are one of the major tribes, spread across six districts of Arunachal Rajbanshi means “RajarBonsodar”- Descendants of the Kings. They occupy Pradesh. They worship the Sun and Moon which in Nyishi language is referred the five sub- divisions of Coochbehar Dist. Their mother tongue is Rajbanshi. to as 'Dony polo'. They speak the Nyishi language and also use Hindi & They believe that Brahma created everything. They worship many gods/ Assamese. goddesses. In the front/entrance of every house one can see a small mandir. Missionaries : LianMinthang (Mar 1) & Niangpi (May 16) Koirenth Maring (Feb 1) & They also have their own village priests. Saka (Feb 4) Missionaries : Eric Basumata (Oct 9) & Bironi (Nov 18), Aimson Mavei (Jan 1) & Delimond (Feb 1) GALO, Arunachal Pradesh EAST REGION Galo population is estimated at around two lakhs and is one of the most populous in the state. They speak the Galo language which is akin to the 2. Raxaul field, Bihar Nyishi. They also worship the 'Dony Polo' together with their beliefs in We work among the Bhojpuri Biharis who live in the Eastern Champaran ancestral worship and in spirits. district in North Bihar which is affected every year by floods. They speak the Missionaries : Premkumar (Mar 1) & Asha (Oct 5), Lijamo Murry(July 14) & Rahel . They are staunch Hindus. Durga is the main deity of the (Mar 1) Laster Hujohn (June 3) & Merrylist(October 25) Nathan Saveio(Dec 5) & Hindus of this area; however a large percentage of people are sun worshippers Trune (Mar 1) too. Missionaries : Andrew (Jun 13) & Pichu Gnanam (Oct 26), Sukhu Kachua(Apr 11) & Sukanya (Mar 2) Pranicharan Basumata (Jun 30) & Hiya (Oct 11)

2. Bhojpuri Bihari 4. Kuvi 3. Ho

3 1. Sadri August 1.. Rajbanshi 30. Nishi & Galo

18 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 19

26. Garhwali 27. Rana Tharu 28. Dehati speakers

Nepali 25. Jatt Sikhs 24. Kullui 3. HO, Odisha animists. Hinduism has a high influence on them these days. In India, the total Ho population is 1700000. Out of it, there are 500000 in Missionaries : John Praveen (Jan 27) & Angel (Feb 8),Firstime Rynthithiang (Jul Mayurbhanj and other parts of Odisha They speak the . Their 7) & Tablesha (Mar 25), Rasing Mahongnao (Mar 22) & Rihunsha (July 31). supreme deity is Sing Bonga. They spend their whole life in fear and dread of evil spirits. The village priests and the witchdoctors play a vital role in 6. Lakhnadon, Madhya Pradesh approaching the spirits. They do not worship their ancestors. Nearly 110 lakhs comprise the Gond people group in Central India. In fact they Missionaries : Premlatha Das (Jan 29) FMS : Sumagal P Samad (Aug 2) are the largest tribe of central India. The Gonds of Lakhnadon area speak the 4. Kuvi, Odisha Dehati language. They have their own god called Bada Deu. They approach witchdoctors during sicknesses. The Khond people live mainly in the forested mountainous regions of the state Missionaries : Joel Sarkar (Dec 31) & Pajhren (Jan 10), Ranjit Tirkey (Aug 17) & of Odisha. They are the largest tribal group in Odisha. They speak the Kui Sunita(Jan 25) FMS: Gawali Vijay Sidharth (Apr 17) language. Their religion is interwoven with traditional tribal beliefs and Hinduism. There are two groups of . We work among the Kui speaking 7. Chikaldara, Khonds. Missionaries : Joseph Peter (Jul 31) & Sheela (Dec 8), Prabath (May 2) & More than 5 lakh live in the Satpura ranges covering the districts Krithika (May 30) of Amravathi and Akola of Maharashtra and a few districts in Madhya Pradesh. Santhal (EMSM Partnership), Odisha They speak Korku which is slightly related to the Santhali and Ho languages. Their religion is a mixture of animism and Hindu beliefs. The largest tribes of India are the Santhal Tribe. They live in West Bengal, Bihar, Missionaries : Bijoy (Mar 29) & Jaisy(Oct 27), Sam Sukumar (Jun 25) & Surekha Odisha, Jharkhand and Assam. They speak the and also (Jul 29), Pranab Kauri(Mar 2) & Rashmi (Jul 6), Radha Krishnan (May 31) & Bengali, Oriya and Hindi. A characteristic feature of the Santhal village is a Beena (May 20) sacred grove known as the "Santal Sthal" on the edge of a settlement where many spirits live and where a series of annual festivals take place. They believe 8. KOLAM, Maharashtra in a Supreme God called as 'bonga' and in a host of spirits. Missionaries: More than 150000 Kolams live in the Yavatmal district of Mahrashtra and Pradeep Kumar Das (Jun 26) & Sankhipta (Dec 17) Abilash S P (Feb 28) Adilabad dist of Telangana. We work among the Madka Kolams. They speak WEST REGION the Kolami language. They are animists. The village priests play a dominant role in their lives. 5. GARASIA (Gujarat & Rajasthan) Missionaries : Sudhakar Mavli (Jun 1) & Ruth(Apr 5), PD Thole(Jul 13) & Around 2 lakhs Garasias are settled in Sirohi of South Rajasthan to Elizabeth(Oct 1), Ajay kumar(Mar 13) Banaskantha dist of North Gujarat. They speak the Garasia language. They are

7. Korku 9. Andaman 8. Kolam

5. Rajput Garasia 6. Gond Santhali

20 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 21 SOUTH REGION gods' names. They go to the Bhagath during sickness. They follow ancestral 9. Andaman Islands worship. Missionaries: Sudheer Nayak (Feb 8) & Nirmala (May 1), Samson(Mar 3) & Andaman is a group of beautiful islands located at the heart of the Bay of Sandhya (Oct 18) Bengal. The Jarawas, Onges, the Sentinelies, the Great Andamanese and the Shompans make their abode here beside the Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Sadri, Bonagiripally, Telegana Telugu and speakers. We are actively ministering among the Reddy is the name of a socio-economically and politically dominant group Sadris, Bengalis and the Telugu fishermen. Though all of them believe in a found in Southern India. They are Hindus and speak the . IEM supreme God, the educated community believes in the evolution theory of field is located in the deep forest 100kms away from the district head quarters Darwin and the common people are influenced by this belief. The Bengalis Warangal of Telangana state. More than a lakh Reddys live in this region. We follow Hinduism. To a TR.elugu, Theodore Santhosiamma Srinivasagam* is the main goddess. At least cater to the Lambada, Mala and the Madiga people groups too. once in their lifetime, the Telugu Fisher Men want to go Tirupathy and give the Missionaries: Vijayakumar(Jul 5) & Praneetha(May 4), Manohar (May 10) & hair to god Venkatesh! Nirmala (May 31) Missionaries : Paul Newton (Jun 30) & Chella (Sep 18) David Vaiphei (May 7) & Vungkhannuam (Mar 1), Titus Shimray(Jan 25) & Leishichon (Oct 23) Bhadikar 12. Chitradurga, Stavan Bharat (Feb 10) & Naitham Mayuri (Nov 18) The Lingayats are our target group.There are around 80,000 lingayats in Karnataka alone. They strongly believe in the way of salvation which was 10. Chenchu field, Andhra Pradesh taught by Basaveshwara, They speak . The priniciples they follow are Chenchus are aborigines living in the Nallamala forests areas in five border called Lingayati. We have a few believers in this group. We also work among districts of Andhra Pradesh & Telangana. Their population is around 42,000. the Lambanis numbering 1.1 million. Their animistic belief system has a mixture Their mother tongue is Telugu. They are a conservative people group. of Hindu beliefs in it. Bovi's are another group who are stone cutters and Chenchu are animists. They seek guidance from the ancestral spirits and go to masons. We also reach out to Nayakars and other mixed groups. witchdoctors for healing. They do not have their own temple or guru. Missionaries: Manjunath (Apr 1) & Hannah (Sep 9) , Anandakumar (Mar 27) Missionaries: Shadrach Daniel (Sep 11) & Jothi (Oct 23), Sukanthkar (Mar 31) & &Malar (Jun 2), Vara Prasad(Aug 23) & Kumari (Jan 13) , Kanakaratnam (Sep Luchima (Dec 1) 26) & Vanitha (Jun 25) 11. Udampur, Telangana 13. Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu In Telangana are more than 50-60 lakh people living in every district. In Krishnagiri (dist) around 4.5 lakh Vanniyars live in Krishnagiri district. 70% The people speak the ghore bhole language. Sevalal and Mariyamma are their Children go to school; many are well educated and hold good jobs. The majority follow Hindu beliefs and customs. Irulas mostly live in hilly and forest

13. Irulas 14. Kukna 15. Independence day

11. Lambada 12. Lingayats 10. Chenchu

22 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 23 areas. They are animists. The language used in this area is Tamil. Missionaries: Pray that the churches will stand united and will be able to resist the schemes of the BB Raja (Sep 4) & Shanthi(Mar 13), Vetrivel(Jul 15) & Gladys(Jun 5), Binu (May 20 ) evil one within and without. & Sabithamol (May 30) FMS: Starlin Jebakumar(May 1) & Jenitha(May 1) 14. Dangs & Nasik, Gujarat & Maharashtra Prosperous stage The Kukna live in and around Dhulia, Nasik and Thane of Maharashtra and in the Valsad and Dang districts of Gujarat. They speak the Kukna language.

Several of them know Marathi as well. They have some tribal deities and village This is the consolidation stage. We see enormous church growth in this stage. gods and goddesses. Church becomes a visible symbol in the community. Local believers who are part Missionaries: Daniel Kom (Jan 2) & Kapnahoi (Mar 1) of the church committee and area church committees are empowered to appoint native workers. This is the stage where believers are able to handle the word of 15. Independence day God. Conventions and various other local programmes are organised to help the Praise God for this wonderful land of India with its intriguing diversities local church to be salt and light for the Lord. The Missionaries slowly try to take the specially the mosaic of people groups. Thank God for the freedom we have back seat allowing the local believers to play active role in the church. The enjoyed thus far specially in sharing the love of Christ. Missionaries in such fields play the role of pastor, teacher, trainer and counsellor. Pray that the believing Christians in India will take this freedom seriously and Promise to claim: 'So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to boldly proclaim Christ to one and all. live in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.' Col 2.6,7 16. Chennur, Telangana Praise God for the appointment of many Good News workers. We thank God that this team of evangelists and Good news workers have The Neethakanis' abode is in the northern districts of Telengana and in the made inroads and God has blessed their hardwork in starting many borders of Maharashtra. They speak Neethakani. They follow Hindu belief worship groups. systems. we work among YERUKULAS (around 5 lakh) Yerukulas in Telangana. We also thank God for using our own believers to testify to the goodness of God and They speak the Yerukula language. They believe in spirits. They go to witch using their God given gifts to bring down the enemy’s hold on people’s lives. doctors for any sickness. We have work going on among the Kapus, Pray for sustenance, Self support and Self governance in all the churches formed Mannevaru, Malas and the Madigas as well. so far and for a great missionary fervor to grip the churches. Missionaries: Joseph (Oct 26) & Ammukutty (Apr 11), Sathiaraj (Mar 2) & Jenita That the church would achieve its goals of seeing more people join the church and (Jun 13), Solomon (Jan 29) & Suguna (Jun 13) new worship groups this year.

19. Field ministries Reaping souls 21. Local Leadership 20. Outreach Training Institute

17. Kotias 18. Koyas 16. Neethakanis

24 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 25 17. Araku, Andhra Pradesh Pray for the formation of a temporary church council and its registration for Kotia field is situated in the beautiful mountain region of Araku Valley of the process of handing over. Pray that the Unity in the Spirit will prevail over all Visakhapatnam district of A.P. There are an estimated 2,00,000 people living in the deliberations. Pray for the outreach to the Konda Reddys (Konda means Hills), Araku region. The Kotias are animists. They speak the Kotia language. The Kotia a primitive tribe who live near the koyas and West Godavari in Telangana and New testament, Audio message, song cassettes and songbooks in Kotia are pray that the existing churches will give birth to daughter churches. available. Video is also in the process. Missionaries: Justus Sathia Singh ( August 6) & Malar (May 8), Gaurav Deep (May 27) & 18. KOYAS, Telangana Suganthi (January 1) people live in four districts of Telengana. The four districts are Partnering Stage Khammam, Warangal, West Godavari and East Godavari. Out of the four districts the majority of the Koya people, around 4 lakh live in Khammam district. They speak the Koya language. They are animists. However the During this stage, the local Church council takes full control of the activities Gospel has brought a transformation among a significant group of Koyas. of the church. It becomes an autonomous body functioning as directed by Missionaries: Victor Samuel (May 16) & Priscilla (Nov 13) Dr. Narsimha Rao(Oct the scriptures. Churches in this stage will use all the resources enabling it to 2) & Sunanda (Sep 13) Sallykutty (Nov 6) Stanley Tatpati (Mar 19) & Sudha (Dec plant its own daughter churches thereby fulfilling the very purpose of her 24) Vineeth Kumar Masih (Jul 14) & Ranjana (Jun 12) Samuel Murmu (July 14) & existence. Missionaries play the role of a consultant. We have handed over Sushanthi (Jun 7) the congregations established in Andamans, Chennai, Krishnagiri and Dangs fields to the already existing churches. 19. Field Ministries Department Promise to claim: Eph 3: 10, 11 'through the church, the manifold wisdom of Praise God for the protection granted to our brothers during their extensive God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly travel to encourage and give counsel and guidance to the field missionaries. realms, 11 according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Pray as we launch into new and virgin territories, that God would give a rich Jesus our Lord.' harvest of souls. Missionaries: : HOD: Kirivasan (Jun 1) & Mary (Mar 27), Praise God Praise God for the good response to the good news Felix (Oct 14) & Omana (Sep 6) MS S : Kisan (Dec 24) Field Secretaries : : among the Koyas. There are around 55 worship centres formed Kunal (Nov 5) & Anupama (Nov 19) Bareilly : Gnanashekar (Jan 30) & Sheeba through the ministry of the IEM. Many lives have been touched by (Aug 31) Raxual : Joy Chandra (Mar 1) & Aguinao (Jan 1) Guhawati : Akhai Haokip (Dec 17) & Ngaizathing (Mar 1) the transformation wrought by the Cross.

23. Media Ministry Head Quarters 24. Local evangelists

Kuvi Hostel 22. Bible T ranslation 21. Community Development

26 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 27 Supporting Ministries language was distributed. Pray for the release of audio scriptures in Kotia Language, recording and launching of speaker box in Hadothi language by FEBA 20. OUTREACH TRAINING INSTITUTE and completion of Vidoo CD's in Kuvi and Kotia languages. Praise God for the no. of missionaries both IEMers & Non IEMers from India & Missionaries: Jebakumar (Jul 10) & Jeba crowni(Jul 10) abroad who have gone through the training from its inception in 1976. Praise God 24. Local Evangelists, Good News Workers & MTT’S for the rich missionary passion infused by the faculty from IEM, other missions and Praise God for the 81 local evangelists. from a wide variety of international friends who love IEM. Pray that the institute Praise God for the 85 Good News Workers who actively get involved in evangelism would be a beacon of light to its surrounding and maintain its cutting edge in cross in their respective places of living. Pray that they clearly present the Gospel to cultural missionary training. Missionaries : Yoke (Director ) (Jan 16) & Yofecca (Nov their own people. 5), Paul Khude (Aug 19) & Leena (Mar 6), Esther Rajamani (May 16), Anal Delarson Praise God for the 12 local people who have pitched into translation. Pray that (Mar 2) & Christina (Nov 9) they will comprehend the Scripture well enough to give the right words for the correct translation of every verse of the Scripture. 21. Child Care ministries, Local Leadership & Community Development 25. Over seas Associates Praise God that some of our children who passed have got admission into good colleges. We thank God for the progress we have made in the land and building Praise God for all these precious people who represent IEM in their respective projects in Kuvi and Ho. Pray that children in our hostels will excel in every thing countries, ministering in churches and prayer groups sharing about our ministries they do and bring glory to the name of the Lord. Missionaries : JamesRaj(Jun 10) & and challenging people for greater involvement. Pray for their safety while Prabha (Apr 19). travelling and wisdom to give the word. Praise God for the training imparted to the local leaders thus far. Around 2000 Christopher Christian, Ninan Varghese, John Lanchaster, Dev Daniel, Vincent believers have been benefitted from the I and II level of leadership training. Pray Devashahayam, George Chikkala, Ranganathan Prabhu, Densingh, Ranjit Vergese and all our other friends in other countries. for the Third level training will also be imparted to those who successfully completed level II training. Missionaries : Ramesh Elanchelizian (Jun 9) & Salomi 26. Church Ministries : North (May 11). Praise God for God's enabling grace to our church ministries personnel in North Praise God for the ongoing CLHTC programme, many of our missionaries are using India to present missions at every opportunity that was given. Pray that many their acquired medical knowledge in their area of work. The Church based literacy more people will join us as Mission coordinators area secretaries and area workshops have been conducted as planned. Pray that those who have been coordinators to reach large parts of North India. trained will help others to read the scriptures and our churches will become bible Maharashtra : Thomas George (May 12) & Sosamma ( May 29) K C Abraham (May literate. Missionaries : Amiyanand Nag (Feb2) & Anna Mary (Aug 29) 1) & Grace (Mar16) Venganna C (July 10 ) & Regina (Feb 12) Kalpana Sudesh Gaikwad (June 6) Bose Kuriokose (Jun 1) & Valsamma (July 10) Rajiv Shelke (April 22. Bible translation & Scripture Engagement 24) & Snehal Shelke(July 22) Ashok Todasam (June 20) & Aruna (Sept 29) Valsamma Praise God that some of our translation projects are nearing completion(Korku Samuel(Nov 25)AC:Prem Krupa Singh(April 4) Anil Pandit (Oct 16) Madhyapradesh: and HO).We praise God for interest people are showing in the translation of OT in Joshi B (Jan 10) Vishwa Bharathi ( Nov 3) Prasad Raju (22 May) & Asha (Jun 6) the Bison Horn Madiya project. Praise God for the translation of NT in Garwali, Odisha: Sushoban Nayak (July 7) Jyotimayee (July 1 ) Ashish Kumar Nayak (July 5) Garsia, Koya, Kotia and BH Madia. Pray as our missionaries take leadership in the & Sunithakumari (April 25) Subha Dutta Rout (Feb 21) Manoranjan Tandi (Aug 15) LCI(Last Command Initiative) programme. Missionaries: John Mathai (April 11) & Elizabeth (Jun 12) Bijoy Jajo (Jan 15) & Wonreila (March 1) Our missionaries Issac and Imtisenla,MSS: Samson and Rosy, MC : Justin 23. Media ministries & Beulah were blessed with baby boys on 18th May 2015,9th June and 11th June respectively. We rejoice with the parents for the precious gift Praise God for the the way audio scriptures have helped people to listen to God's Birth word in their mother toungue. Recently 400 audio scriptures in the kukna that God has given to them.

28 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 29 Priti Prakash Swain (May 24) Gujarat: Shailesh Amin (Mar 19) & Sheela (Oct 6) Pandu (August 4)&Swarnalatha(March 12) Samuel Pradeep (June 16) Jeevan Sabu George (Mar 27) & Elvina (June 5) Sheela Waghela (Oct 8) AC : Paul Macwan Pratap (April 13) & Sarah (Mar 10) Subbarayadu (July 1) & Thangamani (Oct 19) (Aug 8) John Macwan (Nov 27) Somabhai Christie (Nov 15)Rajasthan: MC Anil Suvarna Raju (Sept 3) & Beulah (June 10) Prabakar(July 1)& Suseela(June 30) MC Kumar Das(Feb 20) New Delhi: M G Daniel (Nov 2) & Rosamma Daniel (May 25) Azaria Babu (Jan 31) Kishore Kumar (Mar 26) Nallaraj Edward (May 21) Dehradun: Wilson R (April 3) & Nimriwon (Feb 20) Jhansi: Jasper Paul (June 24) KonalaSamuel (June 6) AC : Amita Pradeep (April 6) Dharma Das (August16) Irene Kumar (December 7) RA. Benjamin (May 12) Azariah (February 5) Samuel (June Church Ministries : North East 16) Swarna Kumari (June 1) Karnataka: Jeyaseelan D (Feb 3) &Daisy (April 16) Vimala Kumari (Jan 10) Alice Arulmozhi (February 11), Malathi Daniel (Jan 7), Praise God for the many partnership we have developed, opened doors to Samuel George (April 27) AC: Vimala Vijay (Feb 3) Vijaya K (Sept 30) Jeevamani share about our ministry in different churches over the years. Praise God for (Dec 28) Kerala: Thomson George (Dec 31) Annamma (May 30), George Matthew the opening among women. Pray for protection and travel mercies as our (Mar 8) & Shirley (May 19), Shine Varghese (May 31) & Bindu (Mar 10), Cheriyachan church ministries personnel travel in difficult terrains and amidst fears due to (April 20) & Rosamma (May 10), Leela K (Oct 20) Johnson Abraham (Nov 2) & Sicily militant activities. (Nov 1) Rosamma Abraham (Nov 20) George P Oommen (May 25) Tamil Nadu: V E Assam: Lalchawlthang Thiek (Mar 1) & Lienkhswthing (July 4 ) Joshua Triate Ravikumar (Nov 4) & Grace (April 23) J Rajaiah (July 10) & Stella (May 4) A Edwin (Sept 3) Manglallem Thangluai (April 17) Manipur: Khaling Mocha (Jan 26) & (April 16) & Getzie (April 9) Vethanayagam P (Feb 5 ) & Arul Janaki (Jan 1) Bongkushel (Nov 8) Thangzalun Simte (Feb 22) & Linda (Feb 16) Ting Lam Kim Duraisingh K (May 5) & Rebecca (July 4) Chitrarasu (May 7) & Rosamma (July 2) (April 10) Paosiiru Thakzii (Aug 16) Sholal T (Nov 21) Wunglianman Lawrence (Dec Sunder Raj (May 20) & Helen (Oct 23) Jeyasekaran D (May 25) & Rethinam (May 30) Kantha Soundararajan (Jan 6) Arul Mani D (Jan 20) & Christy (May 15) Devapaulraj 1) Romenao (Jan 25) Phanitphang Shiei (Dec 24) Mrs.Achui Panitphang (March (April 26) & Latha (April 23) Nehemiah (Aug 30 ) & Kumari (April 12) Esther 1), Thangbiakson (January 9), Jasha Jamvol (July 1)MC:Lalhimthang Hmae(April Gnanamani (May 25 ) Indra Jacquiline (May 29) Gnanamani Jeyaseelan (June 10) 24) Nagaland: Lumdemo Kikon (Oct 10) & Myingthunglo (Feb 27) Mangyang Sulochi (June 22) Mahedran (Oct 19) & Jeya (Nov 20) Thomas Edison C (Oct 28) & Chang & Chaya Nungsang(Sept 18) Mar Ao (Mar 6), Chutilo Apon (Aug 20) Imtila Sheela (Mar 5) Omana (Oct 29) Satya Ranjan Soren (Aug 25) & Shino (July 3) Christal Jamir (Feb 26) John Konyak L (July 5) Meghalaya : Kharchandy (March 12) Paulraj (Jan 8) Kency Michael (July 1) D Prabaharan (July 27) Gunasekaran (June 1) Balbarine Myrthong (Feb 7) Lovelybell (July 28) Khadewsaw (Oct 20) Mizoram : Johnson (Nov 11) Samuel (April 21) Justin(Feb 27) Sundaresh Kumar (July 15) SMS G K Ngaite (Mar 1) & Teresa Ngaite (Feb 1) MC:Lalhmelmawli (March 10) Benjamin (Feb 7) John Sekhar (Sept 24) Ebenezer (Feb 21) Solomon (April 15) AC:Thahlai (November 13) MSS: Tunzalian (March 1) Arunachal Pradesh : Jam Za Stephen Ponaiyah (May 12) Alphonse (Dec 5).MC Victor L (Feb 5) AC : Stella Kap (Mar 1) & Hau Khan Niang (April 1) Benjamin (May 5) Rita John Sekhar (July 15) G Isaac (March 13) Daniel Aruldoss (February 29) Harris (Dec 12) Jeba R (January 2) ET Sundersingh (Nov 7) Padmini 27. Church Ministries : South (Nov 11) Raja Chandrasekar (Mar 4) Chandraleela (Oct 5) Saramma (Nov 1) Neethi Praise God for the openings in churches we got to present missions, various Raja (March 17) Paul Dayanand(Dec 13) Deepa Yobu(June 16) conventions one day programmes and retreats were conducted and a general 28. Finance and Human Resource Department awareness has come about missions.Many new supporting groups and families have joined us. Pray that we will continue to strengthen churches and families Praise God that God has faithfully supplied our needs and we could finish the to get involved in reaching the unreached in our country and elsewhere. first quarter of this year. Pray that we might get our FCRA account renewal Seemandhara &Telangana : John Douglas (Nov 28) & Jyothi (Aug 8) Shalem R letter from the Government soon. That we may complete the audit report for (July 20) & Rani (Aug 10) Augustine Mark (Aug 1) & Veronica (Nov 18) N Vijaykumar 2014-15 and submit to the IEM Board. Missionaries: HOD: Solomon Swamidoss (Nov 2) & Victoria (Oct 29) J Prasanth Kumar (Oct 22) BP Sukumar Patnaik (May 17) (May 2) , Rajkumar (Jan 22), Fanny Rajasingh (May 23) David Raju AS (Dec 8) Vijaya Kumar S (Oct 24) Prabhudas M (Jan 7) Sirish Kumar Praise God for the various ways in which we have helped in missionaries empowerment. Pray that more missionaries would join the mission. Pray for Mrs.Mathurabai Dasarath Wagmare M/o Mrs.Kalpana Gaikwad & Mrs. the sick missionaries who need our fervent prayers. Missionaries: HOD: Jonathan (Dec 19) & Shalini, (Jan 7) Recruitment Secy: Ebenezer Gnankumari Elizabeth Jacob M/o Mrs. Alice Austin went to be with the Lord on 11th (Mar 4), Medical Secy: Thangam Swamidoss(Nov3), Training Secy: Matthew P May and 30th May respectively. We express our condolences and pray for

Obituary Matthew(May 10) & Shiby (Nov10), Ottanchatram : (Counselling & Evangelism) God’s comfort to sorround the families. Ma r y Yesudial (Jun 15)

30 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August July / August Prayer Digest 2015 31 29. Administration, Office Staff Praise God for the provision of funds to carryout different building projects in various fields. A new generator could be installed in the HQ. Pray that we will be careful stewards in using God's resources. Missionaries: GS John Wesely (July 7 ) & Mercy (May 27 ) GS Desg. Rajasingh (April 1) HOD: Jackin Isravel(Nov23) & Jaya (May18), Anand Isaiah (July 17) & Roshni (Aug 4), Shibu Isaac (May30) & Smitha (April30), Stella (Jan 3), Steven (Jan 29), Sunil Kumar T (Jan 31), Silvia Devan (Feb 12), Helen Caroline Raj (Mar 12), Arun Kumar (May 10), John Cornelius (May 20), Sheela R (May 26), Vimala Sarkar (Jun 12), Samuel Caleb (Jun 15), Lisha Charles (Jun 24) Rajan (Jul 1), Parimala Richard (Jul 13), Premlatha Michael (Jul 16), Rosy David (Jul 21), Netra Ajay (Jul 19), Leena Jeyaseelan (Aug 24),Viji Ronald (Aug 30), Samson Jayakumar (Sep 13), Prema Inbaraj (Sep 13), Maria Raju (Oct 24), Anita Vijay (Oct 29), Sultana Butt (Nov 2), Mary Balraj (Nov 10), Kavya (Nov 12), Ranjit kumar (Dec 2), Sharon (Dec 28) Ilaiyaraja (April 26) RajPaul (Sept 28 ) Narayanamma (June 1) 30. Church Ministries Department Praise God for wisdom given to produce many materials both in the Electronic media and print media. Pray that we will continue to maintain the cutting edge in providing quality material and educating people on missions. HoD: Jenny Christopher(Nov 20) & Mary Vijayakumari (June 16) Isaac Gnanagurusekaran (Nov 11) & Esther(Oct 16) , Timothy Austin (Apr 2) & Alice(Mar 27), Stephen Daniel (Apr 21) & Christina (Dec 22), Nelson( Feb 22)&Shobana(Aug4) 31. Retired Missionaries Praise God for the grace given to our senior missionaries even while they are getting old they are being used by God. Pray that God will sustain them in good health. Missionaries: P.S. Thomas (Jun10) & Mariamma (Jan5) T.V. Thomas & Thangamma (Dec 27) Chandy Varghese (Feb 19) & Mariamma (Oct 23) George Raju (Aug 13) & Madhuramani (Jan 19) Gladson Anchan (Nov 13) & Manoranjana (Feb 11) Grace Thangachan (Sep 28) Infimate (Jan 20) & Lalming (Aug 6) D.S. Jayakumar (Jul 8) & Rosy (Dec2), B.L. Khude (Jan1) & Lily (Mar16) Manjula Prasanna Kumar (Sept 7) Theodore Srinivasagam (Dec 5) & Diana (Feb 16) Victor Sitther (Oct 17) & Joy (Apr 28) Joseph Chetri (Jan 1) & Nutan (Oct 10) Sunil Kumar Nayak (Aug 8) & Swarnamayee(Sept 1) G.P. Sathyanathan (June 7) & Beulah (May 16) John Raj (Nov 20) & Grace (May21) Mohan Doss (Mar 15) & Thangam (Jul 2) Victor Dhas (Dec 8) & Lysa (Jan 1) Y. Samuel (Sep 16) & Jessy (Aug 26) P. M. Mathews (Apr 18) & Grace (Aug 9) K.R. Stanley (Apr 10) & Latha (Feb6) B. Daniel & Ruth (Apr18) Jeyapaul Sitther (Nov 18) & Evelyn (May 18) Dayavaran (Oct 25) & Rachael (Feb 9) Sounderarajan (Jan 6) Devagnanavaram (Apr 8) & Vanitha (Aug 17 ) E.A. Abraham (Jun 28) & Rajeshwari (Apr 14) Victor Benjamin (Aug 7) Ayo (Jan 1)John David (Jul 14 ) & Elizabeth (Jun6 ) Harold Wagela (Jun 27) Selina (Sept 16)C.S. Joseph (Nov 18) Emmanuel Prakash(March 25 ) & Abha (Nov 23) Ministers at Large :Sosamma (Mar 15) Thambyraj (Apr 10) Suvarna Daniel (Sep 30) Joseph Sounderaraj (Oct 19) Thakzi (Dec 10)V.T.Samuel(July 10)G.S. Anandrao (Feb 16) & Premalatha(Oct 15) Varghese C.P. (Nov 12) Annamma Verghese (Apr 7)

32 Prayer Digest 2015 July / August