Council Committees

Committees Function Membership Organised by Access & Inclusion Advisory To provide advice to Council on access issues for One Councillor Kerrie Ritchie Committee people with disabilities. Community Services Manager, Rural Access Officer, Community Building Facilitator, Community Representatives. Audit Committee The Committee’s role is to monitor, review and advise Mayor & Two Councillors. Sharon Fowles the Council on matters of accountability and internal The Committee is currently made up of three control affecting the operations of the Council. The independent external members – Committee exists to assist the Council in discharging its  David Schultz. (Chair) responsibilities for financial reporting, maintaining a  Vince Philpott reliable system of internal controls and fostering the  Tim Large organisations ethical environment. The Audit Committees objectives include the The Chief Executive Officer and Directors as well as following:- the Finance Manager and Governance Manager . To improve the quality of financial reporting attend meetings to provide advice and information, . To improve the quality of performance reporting but are not members of the Committee. . To ensure the Council makes informed decisions regarding accounting policies, practices and disclosures . To provide a safeguard from exposures . To overview the scope, quality and outcome of the internal and external auditor Bass Coast Community Road The Committee’s aim is to promote and develop One Councillor (Chair) Rose Thomas Safety Committee strategies that provide a safe environment for all road Council staff users and pedestrians within Bass Coast. Police The key objective of the committee is to contribute to VicRoads the long term road safety goal of reducing death and Representatives of key road safety projects eg L2 P serious injury on Victorian roads. project Selected community representatives

Bass Coast Events Advisory Provide for an integrated and consultative approach to One Councillor (Chair) Frank Angarane Committee event management across the Bass Coast Shire Representatives from: Bass Coast Shire Council, Victoria Police, Emergency Service agencies, key government or non government agencies and other community groups

Bass Coast Municipal Emergency The Municipal Emergency Management Planning One Councillor (Chair) Rose Thomas Management Planning Committee Committee addresses the prevention of, response to SES, Regional & Local CFA, Victoria Police, Red and recovery from emergencies within the Bass Coast Cross, Department of Human Services Shire. It coordinates Emergency Management and Action Plans. Develops flood and fire mitigation plans, Emergency Recovery Plans, including recommendations for financial assistance. Set up under the provisions of the Emergency Management Act 1986. Bass Coast Municipal Fire Provide a municipal level forum to build and sustain One Councillor (Chair) Rose Thomas Management Committee organisational partnerships, generate a common Bass Coast Shire Council understanding and shared purpose with regard to fire DSE, CFA, Vic Police, VicRoads, Parks Victoria, PINP management and ensure that the plans of individual Westernport Water & SG Water agencies are linked and complement each other. Human Resources Committee Responsibilities Mayor – Permanent Member & Linda Ryan  To advise and assist the Council in the Two Councillors – Appointed annually recruitment of the Chief Executive Officer.  To conduct the annual review of the Chief External Independent Member – Appointed for two Executive Officer and set performance targets years for the Chief Executive Officer for the following Chief Executive Officer – Permanent Member year. The Chief Executive Officer is a member of the  To carry out any of the Council’s obligations Committee other than when dealing with any matter under the Chief Executive Officer’s Contract. involving the Chief Executive Officer’s own contract or terms of employment.

Phillip Island Aquatics Working The Phillip Island Aquatic Working Group will act as an Bass Coast Shire Council: Jodi Kennedy Group advisory group to Council.  Two nominated Councillors (one Functions of the Phillip Island Aquatic Working Group Councillor is the Chair) will be to:  GM Sustainable Development and Growth (or their nominee)  Undertake investigation to determine the most  Recreation and Open Space Planner suitable location for the Phillip Island Aquatic Representatives from: Centre

 Undertake investigation to determine the most  Phillip Island Aquatic Centre Fund Inc (two appropriate first stage of construction of the members) Phillip Island Aquatic Centre  Phillip Island Swim Club Bass Coast Health  Investigate available funding options through  community fundraising and/or government  Bass Coast YMCA grants  Newhaven College As Required/ Requested  Work with the community to identify needs

requirements of user groups to be considered  Cowes Primary School in the design  Cowes Community Committee Inc

 Identify examples of world best practice of  Newhaven Primary School operational swimming pool design elements that  Bass Coast Regional Health can be incorporated to reduce operating costs  Phillip Island Medical Rural Engagement Group Functions of the Rural Engagement Group include: Mayor & One Councillor Ros Jenzen  Discuss matters that impact on the rural sector  Provide an opportunity for increased networking and collaboration between key stakeholders in the rural sector  Provide advice to Council in relation to its strategic direction

External Committees

Committee Function Membership Australian Coastal Councils The objectives of the National Sea Change Taskforce are: Mayor, CEO & Association Inc.  To support and advance the interests of coastal councils Substitute Councillor and their constituencies; Councils from Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania,  To provide national leadership in addressing the impact New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia are of the sea change phenomenon; participants.  To work collaboratively with local State and Federal Governments to develop a coordinated approach to managing population and tourism growth in coastal areas.

Bass Coast Environmental The key role of the committee is to review a mine or One Councillor Review Committee quarry’s environmental performance against the Department of Primary Industries requirements of legislation. This may include the operator’s Planning Enforcement Officer licence/Work Authority, Work Plan, Environmental Representatives from: Holcim, Donmix, Hanson, Bass Management Plan/Program (EMP) and any other related Coast Sands, TGS and the community environmental performance commitments made in binding statutory management plans. This includes environmental impacts on and off-site.

Destination Phillip Island – Destination Phillip Island – Regional Tourism Board is the Appointed skills based board members. Regional Tourism Board independent peak body for the Phillip Island Tourism Sector. It is governed by a skills based board. The board focuses on One skills based BCSC nominated position available to the development and growth of the tourism industry in the be reviewed each financial year. region, strategic tourism development and advocacy for the region.

Gippsland Local Government Local Government Network (GLGN) is an alliance Mayor & CEO Network (GLGN) of the six Gippsland Councils. Latrobe City Council These six Councils are committed to working with each Baw Baw Shire Council other on matters of mutual interest or where synergies can East Gippsland Shire Council be achieved. GLGN recognises that on issues of regional Council significance, the Council’s advocacy resource sharing, project Bass Coast Shire Council management and knowledge base can be enhanced by Wellington Shire Council working co-operatively.

Gippsland Climate Change The Gippsland Climate Change Network (GCCN) is a not- One Councillor Network for-profit network of government departments and agencies, Co-ordinator Sustainability and Climate Change or the private sector, community groups and other member substitute organisations. It was formed in 2007 to provide a forum for action across Gippsland in mitigating and adapting to climate All other members as available. change. The GCCN consists of over 50 member organisations, and has an Executive Committee of a selected number of representative organisations. The GCCN represents all Gippsland organisations and citizens.

Gippsland Waste and The Gippsland Waste and Resource Recovery Group is a One Councillor & substitute Resource Recovery Group Victorian State Government statutory body responsible for coordinating and facilitating best practice waste management and resource recovery across the Gippsland.

Inter-Council Aboriginal ICACC comprises representatives from various metropolitan One Councillor Consultative Committee and regional councils. The purpose of the committee is to: Representatives from:  Identify the immediate needs of the indigenous community; Bass Coast Shire, Cardinia Shire, City of Casey, City of  Develop strategies for the delivery of services and Greater Dandenong, , City of resources to indigenous communities; Kingston, Shire and  Promote and preserve local indigenous culture, society and eight Indigenous Community Representatives. and heritage;  Establish and maintain relevant working programs;  Seek appropriate funding; and  Make recommendations to councils, government and non-government organisations in relation to issues that may affect local indigenous communities.

Municipal Association of The Municipal Association of Victoria is the peak One Councillor & Substitute Victoria (MAV) representative and lobbying body for Victoria's 79 councils. CEO (optional) The MAV's role is to provide leadership to councils by supporting them to achieve the highest levels of respect and recognition through improved performance. The MAV is an organisation firmly committed to concepts of best practice, continuous improvement and increased autonomy for local government. The MAV focuses its activities on representing, promoting and advancing the interests of Victorian local governments. Campaigns include improved relations between local, State and Commonwealth Governments, better road funding and greater financial capacity.

Peri Urban Group of The peri-urban seems to be characterised by flux: rapid Mayor, CEO & General Manager Sustainable Councils changes in land-use, built forms, economic activities; Development & Growth mismatches between administrative structures and territory; Bass Coast Shire Council influxes of new populations; conflicts between new and existing landholders; and visually, somewhere that seems Baw Baw Shire Council disjunctive, that jars with longstanding preconceptions of the Council distinctiveness of places, as either fundamentally rural or Macedon Ranges Shire Council urban. Moorabool Shire Council Murrindindi Shire Council Council Phillip Island Nature Park The significant contributions made by community members, One Councillor Community Advisory groups and volunteers are highly valued by the Board. The Representatives from: Committee Board is establishing a new series of Advisory Committees that will include members of the local community. Board Bass Coast Shire Council members will chair the committees. Community Groups

Rural Councils Victoria RCV is an alliance representing the 38 rural Victorian Regional Nomination via GLGN councils, supporting and promoting sustainable, liveable, prosperous rural communities. The Gippsland region CEO: Baw Baw Shire Council through GLGN nominates one representative of Mayor and CEO. Councillor: TBC

South East Australian Provides coordinated and influential advocacy for the One Councillor & Substitute Transport Study development of regional transport infrastructure that supports economic development and the prosperity of its constituents in the South East Australia region. Develops regional transport networks and reviews infrastructure projects. SEATS encompasses all forms of transport infrastructure including major and minor roads, ports, air and rail services.

South East Councils Climate The South East Councils Climate Change Alliance - SECCCA Most Councils have a representative who is either at Change Alliance - is a network of 8 Councils in the south east making a manager or coordinator level; none of the Councils regional response to climate change. They carry out projects provide a Councillor to sit on the committee as the in greenhouse gas abatement, in sequestration and in work done is quite operational. adaptation on behalf of itsr Council members.

South East Group The South East Australian Transport Strategy Inc. (SEATS) Mayor of Councils aims to stimulate and facilitate investment in transport and infrastructure in South Eastern New South Wales (NSW), Eastern Victoria (VIC), and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) region to support sustainable economic development and the prosperity of its constituents

Victorian Local Governance The VLGA is a unique peak body for Councillors, community One Councillor Association leaders and local governments working to build and strengthen their capacity to work together for progressive social change.

West Gippsland Regional WGRL Board comprises three member councils: Bass Coast Cr Geoff Ellis and Cr Pamela Rothfield (Sub) Library Board Shire, Baw Baw and South Gippsland Shire. Each member Representatives from: council is represented on the Board by one councillor and one officer. A new chairperson is elected annually as soon as Bass Coast Shire Council practicable after board elections. WGRL maintains two sub Baw Baw Shire Council committees: Human Resources and Finance. The Board is South Gippsland Shire Council responsible for the general running of the business of the Library, including development of the Corporate Plan, the development and upgrading of strategies relating to communications and technology and maintaining the library infrastructure.

Western Port Biosphere To implement the management of the reserve - conservation, One Councillor Reserve development and logistics function adopting all sustainable Bass Coast Shire Council practices and to implement the business strategy as developed by the Board Mornington Peninsula Shire Council Frankston City Council City of Casey Cardinia Shire Council Parks Victoria Representative from DSE Elected community representatives