
/THE UNION-··--r- COUNTY STANDAR ------�-----�------· ------·------NO. 5�. WESTFIELU, UNION COUNTY, N. J., 8ATURllAY, MARCH a, 1MU7.

LOll, F. S. 1':\ Y 'Rtlloloue Motlcte VOICE OF THE I'EOI'U:. ('ommuuh·atinnlf jntcnrlrtlfol' l ld�t r•olmun lfi(lnl'd, <' •·•·•col uwHt IH' and 11l�ml,f uot Aefollowe: I · MORE :JI)() wurrl• tu lrtlfiUt. $3,400.00..... ,�R0.• -· 4 Filii ... . II,,...... ' . - . 1 .. . .. "I' �-�. NEW ...... 13.-t Ttlllllllld1rl1112 •1897,S40,8DO.DO

Like blossoms of spring new goodsGOODS bursting forth upon arc aisle and every counter of this cst.hlishment. Big week every last week-bi�ger this week. Read every word of these of­ fers-money saved if you do,

THE N. J. B. C. Ne.\1\le.st. . Wash Fabrics.'rhl• the IIYnnln•• S.nor.lta Cordette-l\•flr,t• fnhrh·, mmftl Cloth- Jo:r1.rll�hI• nut.kt •, uuthln� lt ""'1 , ... lM•Ittlr f•1r hutlt•,..' ,..hJrt \l.nl!-t"' nr Kl'lltl. . uwn'!ll The New Jeney Business Colle1e tdl"frH. \'f•r)' n f :•1-ifwh l l wuuth price ]2c., Une ... fhiC rddrtl",H the.• l)o,\1';'hll•11� ll t• wr • n thllt tnn Pt•rt'l\h•w., mu·n"'' ''"H4"1rt­ fntul ment.Meahhuul t·bou"'t' Cut frnw f'itlwr Jut n� �t·turw•luH.h·d N•ll Wl�lll'rllll)'II H.l .j(t. •,, 1\1, Newark.�.No. 764 J,and !Opp. 766 the "BroadPrn

Fran•·"�'·a F··l,Hu;.: awlll�l;,.:h :-:.�a:,�t,,u i who \\'t'l't' ••arl t• t . JJilt :o-. 1t atuo11lllfH1..: tht·\';L!1ilt'\"ill+' th•· til'!o•f. fo J.'O \II HJ.I' :t(': t'lll"lt1ill l'ili"'l'l!-o. Will· lllHkt• p Hr t:t>HH'•li�ttati ..utit[f·d ��"\\' I �·nrk ft PLthult•l llda. ··A i • hy Ailvt·ttil'4t'llWIJt .. From York, l 1'rt>hton,th('o · --- -·- --- \V S'nrtl�t·a�t.S't-w �n\1tb Sout lWC�t Itt at l ...... _. .... Tht• OJM•Ilin� Wt··�k of �I.lrl'll ) r. IUH\ �;1)6, 8:00 } ru.: 2 :hi and FdOp. m. n u nf Rmwr t'ur ... ,.,. :\Iouth. Kt·ith'l" (lt·li�htful JOUH' of • rt' r l tlw :s't•W t'!•Utitn'.!•lll" I HHill St'lll•nL. · o maUe •, l�r,io•t ��plan·. l l tl ThoHl �on, p lty tht• 1ir�t pt rfonuarn·•· ;ti!-, -a o A rol the invf!., ntion of Cbal· C rt.!ii!>l L o� }l �i�nalizt-11 · t (•h r. t Japanese fans Men's furnishings . . \! Fo,h•r. Hazt•l·n"':'- \"VallHce,S. Bt'lle �lorrow,Cha'�. at thil'i t o : �l.r;ml!'' d a st rlogy waR ' ho l t' of .lohu!"t w· B··:ah·tr Ht, who \�·i�l Jl1flll ll'•' �)l1i._.t : t �ason OOht:•\'e that l Willinm-"'. . arro!'uo� tllf' trur·k n MH.)'Hl ''\'NlfllJl tlw Utll'; Wtl hK\"jt� t U' otctro ORY C a�:-i 'H�-Etlwl Gner.,)l F.\·t·nm� "A ' f to a l air Homto, tn wlnch hoth i ! m \ar a tbt'O.lft>m . �:ml•l• · IHUS( >'allr. � ·Juwlnoc prll('tic-Pd in conu(•ction with W R ' .. tlt a H t ' d oo Pl•t• •t<•·k . ····"�)'. · ec -" Ilk �:nd Cla!>4�'+ 1nJ-Beth )II)J't'honHe. had prob hly tht> mut-t uotn'�lt· �nc·•·.-!'1..:.1u.n·,, I . 100 dKiutit•�t Indt>t·nrlltlon � !oo, ,.tkk ht<�UI- c N kwear nml KrulTt>t·k �cart'-., nh·o lnr.re WESLEY R. BROKAW, t:hul lPU. thf' v · astronomy:the a th1• vane].., t. t t c 1 : etJle, 11 ...klwl,.,:.Jh·,:!:K.: c ruul alh y of Nile Cia�� lH)n-Fiort'lll'£' Drf'WPr, )l:nit> n•c'tJl'!ltotl iu thto hi�t ry (If 1 l" H u_ . t-lhlxolll,h•�tl.thra· and ls runr-tn-Juuul "ilk lint-'1 1md M•dlson Ave., Plainfield, N.J. 1D o , t fully i' lJot'Sl bctW('('ll B. r ll \'lll ur•h o fUlillllUtl, }IHI'Iit"'IH.Lik'"'• tbu ��.u ht'f'kWNlr and Himl•�on, WH.ltel' ylo , Hm·oltl \VH.l- \'illtl Tht• .AUH'l 'it-an njlt�l'lt}lh rc HJ J{ t t· 311 4000 liOOO fC'Br8 c. 'ftl 1-'tKj.Ct'. i�: cVt•rutlcr,•ol at.!vel)"...... "''lrth . rdai��t·d of <'otHSf'. al'l�· all thl-' ,.it'W�; owl, doubt ...... ------� ------25C ...... - -�� - FVl'HTlf tiiL\�D.I.\R. now �how n nn· of a ('OIJH-'(lyN awl iu th•�JH'r·rott•h· rocketbooks - - - - .. r uatnrt·, i · ·1 o •h-. h n •·al'h .)low lay llO' e is" chHn;;<· .. rat · t a t · " Kell'l', Harol•l Brain.·r•l. H•·r "" �!��l'�tjl�,��;·tr��!.,k!�· :•.�;�·�,�� �·! ' -St•lltl)· Laurul•·red S•·ll1h:�e lt·a�t half •lozPJLt ..III IIIWI:.l lrfS I """ l3.lrndt iot P'hirtH, t·utr... nttada�tl. t:twv� rt \VilhHm;, ,lnhn Etuhlt'tnn, Anna a Mnnkt! �kin� nil t·ulol·.. . "''"nwc nuhu• Ut't·kbnntl,h b... P����!��;�!'j� l11 tull N'lltllt'rt•tl) 'nku H.lltlJll'ltrl ,,·hfte \\'ittkt>. llary .:\litl'�t'�l. .:\ln.y Clark, Tbt• a•h· •· t of L• ut nlwa�·.., h�iu��· �acl th£· two uow biB l lh ator Y t-t•alwith run lu�o�ltlu ftl\ll!>t, lined S 5 ' n : . t lmttull!-1,uxn·ll�nt \'tllll� e e at t Stor tldOMJ - &hllf'JIU('kt•f nn•l Rhi\H.ll ht• llt'W N w J rseY 's G re e e Frauk Hl)\\'t', .:\ltnvl Elho1tt, to tlu· h�"'art ol tlw tlwatrit·al huu lock, 1 hook,., 1\t ...... 59c tu tnntch f t'OI'!tmn•"••WTIIlk•l'kk . w·:o-� 1\0 1:1:01· I so..rnoK �oud he : .l�t·r lmt :-nt•h liug- hrt!-o. }I!•·· ddtlllia IUIY 48 liB.\,DI.\H . . . c TlllHH i r tal�t'll TinU'H. � ...... !'> on of that p�·im·t'.. of}, ll'\'t'� ��I!'- th'· __ . Lt•t• 'a•h\'t•ll, .:\larion Jnlm on, .. � � to I ______, !'0.1 . t'llt l llll w;ntl � \\·,.iun.- )Ian· ( �aclh• (_ 'nalt", Etlwl Pt•ar H.I�Inl"ei U c··•n�,:; lll ll', fA ------\larioii Kn·h•r. � l h Lt•aden � · . . pro dll't'l' ot tilt' }HIJ lllar fliru tl �- Agent•-No Branch 8tore•-Mall Order• carefully and . ' Jtauur•. I ·. · . • : 11 .... ta 1t� . l'l K t HH't', l · t �\}('('('�!'\ \""ith ' . · · · · · "a . ..."'·� n. :n� ··TJwi-iirl Pari. . riH• I ��. quickly filled. )larJnl'lt' :Slath·. lle:-;�11-' �nn�lJ, l ruJfJII"' Hnu�t· Ot'"' e�. From at ngH :.:,r,dd...,� 1 l P . Ht•s:"'lt• Snutrt' tht'atrt' ThPI't..' t-'{"ton·thi o I .Ari!olPk� in a•lvatH't', tlPt ab.llt'tl uf thn FIH�'f tltiiL\�DI.\H.. rt> is PllOlll.dl ahilJty, JH)t 'L. S. PLAUT & Co., "\14-"1111V"' au out- whit. Tllt' Hlf'l'l'iment HUJtJlOMiug V{lj• ·· BROAD STREET, CEDAR STREET, Ct>wperfhwllile. iu Tlu• (iil'l From Parh•" to haU doin Hw·h a thing iu 707·721 8 El waH poohpoobfl'fl Han. Uriole Lluy.l, Hnuter Del.,. hiM h . with U:>'nn..l l ·iK Jll'otlig-a.hty, hal-l pt"\HHihlt• aim 1 Broad, Halsey, New West Park Sts., the very heart of Newark tour, Clllra 8€t•kwith . a, t•t·owdet� tt all tnto ouP, l'Oill"t'(tn�n l · t t• u.nd found . t � .h pt"'(·tA:·d t o re1-.lat tbe NEWARK, N. J. & in NpJH.rf� tlw·ttrt' 't' f'Ol'IITII J'JIJ:IIAJIY. Hf"'"l'�tld ntfil Hll1DC Cl""" A-Ehla Fink. Cllroln• lllrk. 'eiKI'Il ellrly ami late hyht�x jmn ·ha•e}Sr • hf-' uf IWIIH' hnnr C ticketH. tinn ft••r 'r r lUJte , We keep only such goods as are fit to sell, and Jameo S.111i•r. E�hel Drown, Hattie u « J)roteeetonal ll Buk�r.Edith Bni'!',Lulu fiili,Y, J STUDIO :-Suwwlt A venue, · th �ia.Mtk a.ntlit>H<'t>H nh:htly. Tilt' }lt'CI· to I• S , C r r t Jr�ne Kettyle . fbi•lwd, th<> H&llll\ t h p North Avenue above la k St ee W�• fMd, N. o , tlnPtion i!'l nt>w throughout. tlw H't·JH�ry and whHu I J Wet�tfteld. !'i>Et'P�Jl being- bniJt t'i"i}l�-"<�iaJJy to tht• irrunt·U�P .JIPECIAL ARJU.NOE)JENT WHEitEUY ALL ...... _FeR SPRING. 1897...... ; PHHL-\U\'. who!" urticlo }:,lice Browu. Tillifl Kt't•Plt•r. Elinnrt> st11�e of he tit Everything ttew in Furniture. 1 Everything New in Housefur­ t Am

itzer, IIt lt.•n r•·:...;l'Xct·ptt'J'\'1'•1. uow ha� w-P FRONT SOMERSET STS. r , , Everything New In Pictures. r:tnubt't't'll pnr\ it'th·H and Mtn11 l ru Uo., Ilurtfo t1, E\' Bt·\�u:an. n,,tf, r Uonn. g tn Everythtng a 4\lht•rt Knoll, i t ;Hhaw.·to. ::\l at:it'. t•onpoB,} l' a gha..,alJlj·i}l • fuund OOR Everythin New � ..:\uuit• � . Dn·"'!'O t ' l� � r pt jl t4.•tut of "iuwu.nbl. PLAINFIELD, S Everything New In Books. Pfdlfer, Alice lied­ tinul.'"' s Dudley Ave. anti Elu1 t. Box tlw lHlllht· . awl 1"' l'tlll�talil· i P. 0. 2711 Else for Home and Person at FrnmRunh, El-ie i . r u rfh•ltl Ht•onblicaJL N.J. luau. lJl'O\' t ll �IIIUI'.... llt'W tmwy �Hl'flrl!-o.t' WhH'lJ � Everything New in Brlc-a-Brac. ly \i g" i p g LOWI'lSt Prices. pupt;up lltii'XlJt't.'h••1Jy a:.-o ,itn•k ll tlJ.t• Possible � ll:o' a ;�n·atH•t ·-· -·------�--- i1ux. 'l'hl• 'lwrrv �i �t':'r�. tlJ., Cl*tumea, KELLEY. -----�- ·------·------�----·------SuJtlU'r, t'Xlhlilt'llh ( tiu:.t Cot.JHUl (_..t·ut'rRl P. P. ins We can furuish a house fl'OUl \·nnn� 1.1ulh•a' :\lh•inu lhuul nrt lowa ha� \ , 11. ANGLEMAN, Wealth of Barga Uu t1f draiu,ltil'iu t1it·it· HUii{llt> a w JH'r t•ntith·tl '1AD HAULESAT R FINE CARRIAGES AND BUSINESS I :mr�thl\� t1Vt>Uiug the \"tlllug­ ap{will\•t.l l t TO NEY AT LAW, • I:and Will top to bottom; appoin Latlh·:-;·'I Ilnntl, of th� llt•thotli�t 1-it'lltol'ig-i uu:-�,al prd�ramJUt->, iuelntlinlo{ "Tl�t The Ct•nhu·y. It . . • in CbunceJ'Y Poverty of Prices ��� ;:-:l"iun h ' �i:-;tt•r!'i, i· tbP Solicitor and M�U�ter · WAGONS. ,1 church from to �teepl<•; �ct ehurl'h, lwl,}lL l'illlllH'l' in tlw chnrch par· Enlogv llll t t• ( ht•rry . "'l'.!'a\'t·l iu Ht�rlJiuu t NOTAitY cellar lor�. ...<\bout Nt '\'t•uty th·e young folks iu� )lnu," "llit-,vde J{i•k to the Fair," Kuy to lVlowers, arden i i i Dv ""Y"' l'l'ULll'. Special attention given p11lntiog, trim­ up a l01lgo room from untc·room to h�hl heton u,· tt••l awl all wet·� on hauul " llt•f re mul Aftt•r Takiu.:." "'l h • of Deed• fol' New Ym·k. Lawn 1 ' 1 . · Hdlnol of winK repairs. anu t II'. IU;!C aoast \IUhl it Wati ph Flow�!' Uirl." •uul "'1'11<' E1-t'­ t·e t>&. purtrayt(lto\ llt'W llhl\'in..c l>lf�t·Jh�H I YduK ty ro...d Ice Free er , � l .., Ice Boxes, Cream z s ncctlll· to aUt\ 11, IIIli ND "' aoloKInto the f .. l'iical cotntotliau�; HmlgtlH Lttnnch · t litdA.n, )foe at cbal'll'llor OIL couutry. PAPER HANUER, Sickles, Swings, Bicycles, Tri· p cus, splen d work. eleven •lollat •· A httoket L'OlltlCtiou tlw 'amouH culorPo A JIRANCHE8, di Nken at the supper tt•bl� aud all 1·�· R�illy llnd Woods' hiK •how, in· mob IN LL cycles, Velocipedes, Wagons, t is ule of this house to givo i h Wr lor cueool Cr•m· I spoude


PREDICAMENT. . SHEEK'S OVER BRUTES. Ill'S POWER Ai ,iE INAUGURAL BALL. l'u"h1 Not (!ontro1 \ .... l.hr ,\ •lunn•l" ""ntt lnrnml · 111umtnallon •• l'r•ttl!hflr•·•••htl'r, II•• hy"'"''"" t · .-ln•ttna Purity ,. l'rToo l I>Mutlful ftlty a of the 'thtk ''ntl Ita ..ot ,...... "'In r1nt" nl n n hnlhtln� rt• lhthte Ill• •kuuk". o and . n ..�· \11 Rrlu: l••••nntr� II ,,. ln••atHI<'srent hnrnors were used. tht' �t tfTul'tl"'hirt> :\ltl'd ·trf 1\n•t•\\ l.!.'· p \ort h And Enrich . :JnrH,700• of l h:t� "1•1" nr lhP l••atnre• n! t'he hl\llroom Is f'tnry all tht•i1· 11tiJ'Ih•u� : wn.u . . :tlll:t1.··d th.• lt:ttl\ ..... MrK!nloy Bll•l th8 lt!IP•I r,· I � ....'\. ' . pp d -.: ('nlorR, · �� ..., .,,., , ...... Ill t•, n ld M IIH>Ihor ·tn 11 1:-1 11 111;tziu� a :t,·1 wi Your Blood of thP Pre�illt•:tt, ho wlttH'HHt•tl thP �uut hi , hHAmPril t<'ltt\ t\a.� ln By enmtK.JoRed� i\ or a . ... ' ' '"n up with w p t ,r 'U liPtWfltlt l:tm[l:-1. O R JoC"ht tlwy ,.a11 tu·n1·. i :tnitn·ll �··�tninl! ('Pn�mony ut tht> ( 'a pitol, J r that J Jl a r.,,. rtlf'dl:tnkal · tltA rft'P.d lt:ltH!Itll.:- it ... it \\"l'l't' 11 pi'\ rt � cnntr lvant•r llllrt'l'·t'ill'rll\' m:tn w:t-. J •r�':t,·h I, a ud By Taking h ll11 i K In earl·lug••!t, nlltl Wt•rt> • on of n if u · .. ! Hnnclrt'(IR t'flORrJ 1 tid:.:. to tlw llll\i'f' w ert thf'y \\'t'rf' tu wa g VflO, or nll':tl �t:tt" 1 tltlt·h•tl h • ·ln�ot I� .. �lli'IIM In f':ll(f'H, �11:1i tntf'Ptl to �InK. MARKET ST., lEWARK, I. iu a .... . tht• Jll.lnttle. At tiMi� \ ••h"'•· d hri\1ianf'y �':"'tl 3 o'l'!ot'k n PrnH( l•lt" t t 1\n •l tiP.Ilt tt•ok hll'4 phu·••on tht• \\' hit•• ltothW ernwth, WIU\ a not h .. r roa.l llt't> or flu• h;Li lrnom clt�t·­ 218-220 K il rf'\'\P\\" lu• JY.Irtttlfl, J. ' lttl !o!tantl to t llBtl l ·atl t ror houna urttor that null until thtHk ht� ·u o Ht Mullins l Sonr rl•ltlflll't( thf' Ml\(Utt•� or tht- thntlM.Uittlfl l'hrPXJU�IH1ihlrP� t:.:p•ttlllll"ll nf lnRtnanr"tlofl,a11 pt·�·nli:tl' :'\orl lt\\ llOI\ thnt \r.tt\t hhu. ThP or k t 1 mlltle tl1:1t 111:111�· 1 1 h ut man•hln.,;· m....-c\ t\l���� ' y in J)l'P;utra.t lnn� lP"l•lt nK tt NEW L *1!-l�:tr t it tll:tkl' ' 1 111'\ll :--: h\\'1'1'. It WIL!t nt•. rh o'l'h)('k hrrurP tliP Prt•'4� "''' " : :-.:1� 7 h 1 P t K••a nt or �l a1t'h an1l the rollnw • 1 :\IU.:.Ii"" whl'll :t u�· hod r a�l;.s waH alitH\'t>tl tn r•"'t ln• to thf'l \\.hit� . 1 � Br�···k , It •was the Only t.h•nt I -1 t 1 1 n� •!4t I if'l'4 In lht• �hllPt' nr t hf' In· ltilll :lhoHil hi ... :l lli•tt:ll awl lilt• wh .. rt• ht- took hlH flrMt tllt'a r. !V ! . GRAND DISPLAY I ft\Plld:o-. lkmw. l(l't•itt I llr I hall HllllJ)t'r and prO�f'nllthl ol ltt'l' t'\'t • l l i lll.! . \\ ho•ll !1 :-.I\IIIII \ t·:HIU' admitted Chll·r I<�Xt•t•ntiVf' or this nution. ·I IJ..!; H. . Sarsaparilla . !1.�t\ut }p• llttt :LllOWt"'(' to nv.-.r 01\,l't•;·t� Wf11'1' not ICR!4 thnn \\ a ddlia:.:. i11!11 tlu :--l111'•' at \d ... l •••t•l .... Wa!-1 tnrry SPRING STOCK OF \ v f\gures:;o,ooo, ! L �!! will . t , r · AY . I . y ht"' cen tb.at ·a� a jl tH tw 1'1\'t' .) 11\h'"' fl'!l t :itlPtl 11\11111 \11 Jll "lt•"'\ . At World's Fair. thi� r, . ror lw ha1t tn clt'P!'IH n · I'\'" 1 ' : and tht' JU"Plll'llt'l" -.. f,t! pr•• mn• to to lnntiKUral hal1. I �lt.llllk l(o tht> ; p &�-. ! l �r····l" p i• l�•·tl lit •· up. 1 AY.RoSII'ILLI for the l.tvero t nlou" 111,. pall : )',,.,.!'! t 7f•.I!UO. · :IW:I_\' m:-.t t "\ Ht• t'XIH'I'h•tl to arrh· • thfl"'' short l y l�<1d.\ di'PW \ i �· · h11t \It• t' ------··------ill flll'll ; W\ll'll. I w;ll'4 FUR------NITURE & CARPETS. jth! \ 11'1'\•• \ \'11\\"'1'1\ \\t'\\�'t' t\11\ 1\111 t'tllllt", Lrtt•r o't'},Jt'k, unci thP ('ummlttt>t> nr JM• toe""lfl�tt fhl' { • !l l:bl Willd••W. \ 1•::-t'OI'I WilitPd IIJ)'Hl hitn .Ul·l t'tlll\'flYI'It Parlor uits , 1�1'1'1'\\ lnu\\ lht• :-.l,llllk to lht• tlt�nl' :IIHI S ti!P tll :,!.'l \'1' W:l \' !111' \ : y h I t WLI't In •·a rrla el'4 t tw PPnHion of d i' ' H'd il fl'• tlll tilt· :-.t11op till" t h ' • tu nntl ,, "1 ,. .,.1 1 · I I Ill-• J J.�; •lown. 111 11 ' I fltl !'t'h:!St•• l . huilllltH( '.\'ht-rt' a l lwltl. 1 f'll,ld )(1 ' t· t>tltt"lllt'P 17.50 to 350 hPI'"'l'lf. U!t:'t Chamber Sulb, IIi ... \ � ;1,\" 1"11:H.J, fuHu�\' .•tl \1� hy thr H.t'('�t•t.lun Com mlth>-t•, . nr1rm1•1u•••- of t i lt• .,, .,•nt• t'f tip t\H• \\h• ' lc· I'OttthWh"'tl him on tht- tour :- l.unl;.. h h w anti tht>n Tl�t• :\ul'1 h wnutt WtUHI"'\111'11 \\'o\1111 , aronntl tht> 1Nlll room, t the o nrst $1o to $�75 ' , ' room!4 re-!-4tar\'Pll ror hl8 In thfl llt'\"••t' ltt•lh•Vt• hl'foi P 1\r'Pt•l,;, 1' \1111' 1�1;11 IIRP Sideboards, ' b,h•ony. IIPre tlw l're•hh•nl nn•l Mr•. folXt'"" ll:it l 1!0111' !11 tllt'll f•tl' ( tl'tlll'l'!io•ll a.nd fi'OIII Mt·Kinl��·. Vkf'·Prt>sh\�nt HPtlnn. :-:t id l1t lla\ t• ::•,tiP tn T!J,,rP:J11 :\ t �w M Ue· $8.50 to $75 .. fo · .. milhtiKht the >arty wu• oh- ..:t•\'1'11 Jll' \"'"111\..,; h:l\'1' foiXt,.. ,.,•k u l Chiffoniers, !'ii'Pii 11Kt>11 otH't> mort> to dt>M('t> nd to thto Hour, :-\tt'( lt•i' wit1 1 B 'Pt•li :llltl tht•l'o• :11'1' , :Ju Jt11t ;ttlVt'Vt>d lilt• :1 I • \ .. hh th· .. Baby Carriages, : r:..:: ·l . " r,• pull'"l • fur• pu',\t'l' 1tVt•r 1 :It with �llfJltt>r. :111\ llla\..: llt•y nt·t• r·atlt�·r darl-o f1tll T At mlolni Kht thl' PrPsi!IPnt nn•l hi• t'llllt•t·· ln.. tJ ·•·. 111111 tlit't•t'l i11 lll•·ir :..:::1 1. '. • lt>U\'t- ,,f \�· \larty alluwPtl ttl th� lmH ih• 11••1 t'X;tt•1 Ht'l'l'l', 1 �lt'Y :H•' w�n· $ 5 to $35 'I.HHII Utili go ) 3.7 \\"I l. hotue rur :ilJille Ot>t'tltH :;1 !H•J' ll!•'llill'ill!.! ,\ dot:.:,. iltl:.!l".\ :It 'L Yankee Walch. warranted, 150 NEW PARLOR SUITS, ' &Ill�. 11.\NS.Major\. MeK oJ all 1"!1il.j f•t!" !t·t\"ill:.:, :o-!1'[!1 11'1( till !:Iii 11!1 l h<' train on whl!ttlay nwrn lng. Arter =-'ilk 'J'ap. <�a:ly �old ":t '• it:-. L1"l ,,. \\ t't·it it .. \••:..: ..... 1•t t +· . hn"d . ::�t- �ht>ll•·ro�. .�, tl thf' a\'PtliW. Tlu� K f' f.,r �:ll< :LtLLI U5,at ( : 1':•1'•'1". ( 11'1' .-1 1' . :;:,1 HJI Week. l'••i! II ftn· ·:.-,, . horuughf:tn• wa:; t hrnnge•l with •·rowds 'J',..,jJpt h···t . .-. l.ul l l·r·i••" B••�.t.an :al Jt:•l•·· \' ;• . �,,·. Jr Pntlnr:-;la:�tk and p:Ltriotit· l'itiz•� nH, · p:,� •l" r. tit' li f, ,r • :ut l:tu h 1 ' " . tl • :-. l'ir1 ... 826 � • - nl ":t "" 'l"t}ll'" l• o ! 11r :-,, t'l· t • " a . \ :1· ,..,. •· • 11:1 1"\'ll c,,\\t•:..:t• Pi11o�.1 . �·ho J.�;:t\ P thf• Pre.-l)tlt�nt-Plt-l't 1 111 \ �· ...1 ...... �lat.:, .�, .. r:1 1.1 : 11·"'''".\ ;,_\ n 1 f1 1r .-\ . , .. :"'ilt�\'t• !'lO wnl· !• l••l ltot",\'. ��n·,·r•·d :,... ( t •omP wo Jrt hy of di�tin�ul:ih•·�t i -.. , � II ��t·l.:"'l 1111 .. 'ak·· Tnr!l+"'l'l'l. 1lt•,· anti :,!1 1 • ., •• .. r.,,· :-.:tit· :tl ,.-:- •. a,·lt. , h a dt Thr• PrP!iitlt�nt ia.l �\\'t•d i .. \\ :Jt"l ant••d .-,� �� · tin•• , : 1,,., • ;"' , \ , it:, JO!Illl'tt' iz;'JL IIi .,. ... l" t t l l l nt!ll l o,I 11 .J,I\\ !J lo• � � � ... Ha '.''�""· ):trty 1!rovt' to l•'ourtt•••nth st rPt-l , ami 111 �llrin� ll:t�t.•t·no� !'!\ U H:IIJ:.;� t•:;:�· our <'urpt�t D�pnrtmtont all tlu· u�··:\' offere•l. It : :.: i ..: l O:: l'! ...... ' [ARrETS, RUGS AND MATTINGS. ,lt�llil+'tl th1• latlip:-; t>nt ratH't' to the :tl''"" i"' well :tiP. 'n y lij.[ ar e . . .. a: that we l rr l I . . , . 1 o l !I.. I . ·ttl.... iII i 11 I'\��·� ·I t i t:h!titt H•HI.-\1 '. knuwnawl 1\I"P THE CARPET HOUSE o!" rt.,. !-'I i 11 g r I '"I" :1 If �tot·k bt>ttt>L' of l'aq·t>t" th:m any t pt·iet• -; alwtL}'"l the ! l"ui Telephone For h�t or mort• Proprle· Itt· ptildi•·. :JIIol l111' illll/'�t.t ,f til!• "4\1 t." t!H• month �l�tality ot�•�• :;ll' art:' . J,•Wt'�t. , ,.! .... l1.t ·:�· .•, .ll ,-.��ll.. IIIT•··I. It ; ..: ,,r Bnrd1. at tlH' Ehllltt has ;!_, J, lloHHP, 1 :1 1! •:11 ad\ ... apart tn \· 1 \w · Lt811 uf t•:tl tll't•" . )t'PB JH't•parlng tht1 nwnt� oe� , best quality, peryard '' .. r: : \ lly :\lajor !\okKiniPra111l hevar­ �;..oo I !t:Jl 1 .. , �ft·i1.t' is tli':l rl�· 1\1111' tlt• I ·ntllP( hiM .. ' l " !w iw :1::..:JJ, ' · of l.!.H•td . ... y. D i ('IJUI(I'P��Ional in \":t lw· '" :11_,.; th:t l ha !�t·• ·ll di':t\\ :t ur ng hiM lire the , best quality, 9oc yard � THE J. r, LA IRE plly..:i ·i·t :J. 1 n .. •· · !.J..fl·; "; \"t•altll !' n· :tt:J:J\ ,·,·:J ' Hard"·nre Cotupau,·, 'n·�ltltont-r•IPt't lh'f'll at thP l<�hhltt '!( i �!ti · · l\ t . I ' rt>n tl,,· il:..:t· ftn 111 ... tnot}f'�t new patterns, : ,lt�r11 '.!"11 tit ,· 11:-.ual H'i•··· . �r 1 i . ·li··t..: 11111:-il', tH'I'IIJJYillJ!; MtJih• or TAPESTRY BRUSSELLS, yard flt• ''11 '1:-. \:,: p., \ a 5SC lt II:�"' I�· 1 . ... lJJal't m"nt� on tht> thlrtl ttonr of that ' It .. \ I J·, ,:, .n·�·�l. Tltt• �l:tll:l:.!"l'l' .. ,Ji, it t 1:1)Wl' i ;tll 11111" j INGRAINS, quality, yard · tl�t·,,l�tl!"ntl:l�l' 111" tltt· pnhli·· ill :.!."• '\ll'l .l :. PLAINFIELD, \'t>l\-knnwn hm•t�>\ry. Bur\'\1, n•­ good JSC 1"' ' ;\h. ndul·. illlll+'!"• ''ill i r cl1•tt•t·millroll to fix !--tiJL'k ll'it>Utal. :t • ./1 , � t\11' frit•lld l.i1 o•\":1 1111'•' :t lf,l llt>mht>rin�. thl:'i UJ) Al:-�1t lar�·· .J;�pallt>oit-> �myrna Rt�:l�. an1l l•po�t :-.lltl'll. 1111t · .. of a part ,;f t awl ,lap:m��eo l\Utl "'' of 1 11 :, ·r... ill pa rt it'ul:li" aut! ,. •fl- ht• nltl room..: awl \Pt tlli·lll In• 1t� •. it�· : l.••llt•''.\", ,r hP Hoor t:tl{t>!l by tlw PrP�ltlt1Jllial ( 'hiua :"\lnttiug-"'. I- l · 1 1'11\llhi H•• ... . �l't\ �t..Jt: \ . l:tl't y. that .\tajor atHI 11\'ll jl•·•·t :.!:t \H 1 Mit:-' Sr1 It hajlfl+'tlt•d OET OlJR PRICES BEFORE BlJYil'liO. \\11•_\ w�\\ 1�\t-' •If ' aw�tkf'.. t; l tH'I'IIPY h olr oltl rooms, \\ illt 111,• l"t'l'f:lilll\' lu•tlt•ti! ill :! til•• 1' \\ ht>n til" Pn•:.;htPnt w �Jd�in lt•y t t "" twx: �1!'!-1. 111" 111:1- · ut' .l ll!"!tin:..:- �o;rt a hunll"ll and rt-�:�jmnHi t hP�' an• �u dl an,:;<•tl :uul hHantlfttofl EASY TERMS OF CREDIT TO EVERYBODY. 1 l'ut,·,.r.... i!, ·: ll'lltlill:.!" t!J••\r aid t ht> • mt It• · ' 1ti lity t J ll l\lltl:l l' :!1 . a nd J,v that will r��t upon hi� Mhoul t! 1·r� hat thP :\lt-Kinlf'Y� hartlly rt\t•ogntzPLJ I ·• t:1,• 111, :1 1 1 " nf , .dllt·ati•tll \\ ill [ll'•t· l ! lthy. for lty t:�t• , tht> nt•xt ftHll' yt•,n� w i l l mak1• iL·Wif ,hi'IIL Tl!Py look out on F'uurh.•t\nth lli• dt• th !11•:-.l i!l1t'l'l')'OI� ;�J,•ir t·l•tt:J a\11\lt:-.pllt•\'t' ·· 1 :1 11' of I ft•tr. Ht> will t\ntl tht> \\.hit•• lion.�•· It \'l'l't. A� tht•l'l• al'f' !-IOntP n rty �txt y \lu• '1 tn. ·." YOUR HOME FURNISHED FOR $1.00 PER WEEK. . ) · r a t y or , kt•Jtl '·'II- : \ ...;il'Kt'll hy t'�llt>l':-1, autl oftit•t• �t t> kt> � wr�on!-1 in tlw illlllll'lllatt> p r almm�t IIu ,, - , 1 t\ i,- 1 1 l'umJ•klu ... tll' w r him. • i:-; gh'f'H 11 llln:-- P : • t: •it.------(.don• will s a m about Til t hfl t>nt1rt> ttnor o\'Pr tu them. ) � •t ltl in.. � · or t!!.� .. ., l!o•ttf b•!l\1'11 !\ola.jur· ut :t llutll ill:li , .1,. : :r ! .; _ · -� � 1 (i;-�: thing Itt> will aftt> r ht> hrPak­ \\·t ...dnt >�day ni)l:ht Md\.tnley ,._ . . t d .. •t 11Il Wi111 :1 '"1' 1'\'1• 1' 1111 du IIDtl sif'!\ l'tJ.t/ll .. l ui l\. 1 H I \l ...l\ no tloulJt will ,.... tu }lrt>JHU'f' tht> ;itlt•tl at tht> \\"hlte UoHHe with it."' · ' . lt·. inqu·,�v�· t\�t•ir H,<·.:-11 I :ast.'-1, ) ttntl ('l�velniul. lnt-stlt11ah Tit�· \ t)f notniuation� nr h\:�. (',\Uin�·t, Pf'f\:-i itlf'ltt Mr·l'4. Ill•· \"''li.>�lll I I\ h1 1t-..' tnintl:-.. �l':'iliJ.! a tll:t n. app:il't•tJt ist lWWat o'do<'k ht> a hPt>ll Mm:tll :Jil':lil". :11111111 'or wlwn thf' �pna.t... ntPt>t� 'ht> Pr••"'itl�>nt'� (•hlldrPtt h \'t- re .. ( :t 111\!11 \",\" fl'l\11\\" , hi� no\'Pfl to npw hnnll' at P tn, Pt n, fi'IJI I•. · o " l't':!:i l'd illl! t Itt• tl'll•,:t';l jtil \\" ll't'S iM PrP•itlent ,fti, i<.tl fam11Y to that hotly, and ask .1111 Mrs. f'IP\"eland a111l lhP ' ' u -�;. , ·a rt•t'nll.'·. I · ttlll.-:: .. Pl •t· �·Jt ·• PX 'd� th�lr ('Uit!-itltuttunal �·pn• alont> in tb.t' IHHhi�. :t I. h··m to PI 1 :-', pj:·•·• j • eo big "\\"ak\Jill� 1 11' W i l't' pri\"H�·�f· of t'uat1rmiug: tht> nomina ...... -.. it•." i 1:ion:;. ''\· "' . ' '\\';tll·ll :..!" ttl ..Ot•t' tllt• 1111' "-'il:.!t' ... . u·aal lon• �lt•uu. '' hy-. ".lUST AS EASY" l'!t '!" \'o�nr 1'hr u Mlnl YPl- winkin� P.Yt> rtm onr t•lt>a"' dt'l'l)l".lt ions a:·t� Pntin•ly ur h:l"' " \",· ... " :Ul TlH' whitt>, th1� m. t L lllo:o-:t ,· t!la�• " ltt:l '· l. alld . l P urf' l'lll't!O l'arrial.!t"� awl onr w:u.::: trlm11wd w it h t l ' t' tl \111\. 1 T:� . : :-.ir· • i 1' I . . aw1 .. 1.)\\", r:t i \ - l'l'l'lk•l. ho•!J l ol!tk!ll..: ... ; ...! .;,• l\i!Ooll,\" nn:-� farm an.l hn�iu•• ""� :-.n�taiu 'Jl'ill� w ra ppPtl al.Jottt tht• pillars of the htti!l ..\ . fpr .... th... ir t't>l•ntati••tt t'or "'tanrwhllt>l'i" h;d- I 11 t :ll_td ' \ l da u,•tl tl1 ·· t J :y 11' and hung In altl'rtUlt' liu;.: JPI 'l' t:->· d ;r r t,,: \" ,,r 1lnrnlJil:t\·. . ,·urrid1 \\"t · + : nw1 I•;.-1.. , nmuill!.!" ,.•.. \II'Ue . I tuI ll' I' lt•l' 1"1\ 1" !'I ll! :I lid I i•. Ill!, .... . - t• P Y of tht• w:tll. Nut to ' ' ..... :n·: it•. ..; fn�m \' I' )J�I'l and t l"tttll ht• I t !" j!' �:;I I I� hid ��� ·f:-.t• . - . 1 ..::1 :..: · \\ :t .. inv:... i\ tlt•. nt�tl .:!,•,! t!p: t>i i n or wall waH H�-'''11 llllll · �av'"' th·of.:h :l1Pl itanlt":.::o-: ­ a pa rtit'IP 111' t' l \t ii i i !. :tl .. ll i� ri:; tu ..:ay notltiu� !I"H�ltt>l' g · 1 \ I \ H' I\\" �1 )\IIPi lldl".:.. :\\11 1\1 . ,1 ' Ont •x(·�·vt what i:-; in whitt> or Yt:>lluw. while I)t'll ll1 !I l l l j1 I :lt"o' Ill 1\\" ' ptil't•". h•l\\'t·\·t·r. t1 •J ll• •t rn11 :t\\ ;i.· " I : TIJ.•t• :1..: Itt• wa .. -.:oln� 1,\. !:.• )'O:t ·!. \ np. :11 tJn� t"t'lllt•l" of t'UI'II uf tht• thl"l't' St"'t'� W·•l"k a ':" j It\ I ·:ty \\ tat d +t y . �tt t : of thP I'IH.Jt' was hung tlotno 111,. 'l · , � P· n : " .! ti1111:-< :t•· l •-!:t \o•(o•:.!,I' J;t!J a "\It• :t!ld 111,\ !ll;l ft• ;p·,. . "' l'l t'd witlt whitt} and yellow. rum i ' " I·� \\ ... .' r ju \\" l'l't' ""I.Jh·h \'i..;•,ldl'·. :11"� " t- 1 • 1·!,•·1'�. :� r td \·, · .. jlll!l\:t � a H. L. FINK. '!hi:-< dont+' illl llll'l1SL� :-itl"t';\)llt'l':-i 1 . � l IIJI Til'\\ . B!l�. WI·:.•T Fif:l.l'. In ,j,\t·� lll<' wall<, �u \\" il·t·. - I l )oo flll'lll"'li1·d :1 �d lntW!O lh•· u( i .- thcct ..:i th t a h t tliHI J,,,. I ------· '!ht• a w Jl! IU.\ 'rhi• 1'1 111- :o l "ll" . --- · of :1 : . •••. ...-" .-•• .. lhhit. Pll't •, t wa �1\�S. �llb. 11.\l't!'liA, . -, .-.1 1'�"1 \11\\ ;-;t ripPd roof. Kltlt� \"! J:t•l l!o•,\. \ , , ..•• . ItT. �t"hiXLEY. of t l� O!'(t•:lft� �llt;-o.. liP' .\ d :\t•\\" .. t '· •llll' lt':,·•! Tit�· ni)J'al tlt•t'tli'at ion� Wt'l't' . II It : :1 i� by he with llt:t/1,\" \\ IH ·•·I..;, 1 il l .. 1 '1• on�i� t tl It (•rmfhlt·ntly t•xpet'lPtl t , t l' ll:t l• t of ..u�o d�lll!.! :l l!•i .. : ; ·� 1 1111 -;: t_•iaiJDratt• !:it·alt•, awl l 11 t> ex• l'n il. · 1 I'OIIIIIIiltee ill ar­ and 1 H t h .� : ...... !.: ,d; in• dlilrgP Of the 1, .. 1 1 ...il \" ! ..: 11r �utH····Iltl\ 1 ·•:1:.! ... , . 1 ;i\·, of plant.�. :\hl)nt · ·xt"!tt.. :cUI th CUI' '':t -..;!l'lil "d. I_\' �!"owing iltl�t'lllelltS at "lle ret·elpbi all \ i t :� ! 1 1 IIH\\' :1 ���� �til \\ .: 1 1 !t Ill. ' • \a!').{•· m ..t r!Jit> iztod r•lllar:�oWPI't' t wiu� i...; . iu: l�t• alH from )>01':1 1 i!l hi· l'i\ 1', : maidt'uhair ft�ru�. iJUl't'PH l'fHUing into th h I:i rev­ � : I•"•!I!' !"I'd it. of 1"11111":-:t•. in tllo' ���·! \\ ;, ),l lou� of n se t of at.o� lw Wt'+'ll IIJ..; !d:ic'l' ' wn•.ttlis a P l 'llill' will not fur hor � t \ 1· f It,\" 1.-: • •t·piu:,: l'odl!<•·t 'tl T· 1 tall palm!:i re i' t t.lwir he $SO,OOO. t j.., hnd LL tl:e•fU('t l'hi:; �11111 will hn realizt�d l.Jy sn.le "• hJt•h tlu· " l i P [1..: "- 1 1 ... , , the 1 1 ' '11 lot 111 lltll..!: , ••:J• o l :.!.,,]•· . I ·l })riv\h><�e�. and her h a :..:." ,. , ·a l u r. I lkk��ts t a:-:. -; , ., : 1. lll.t t'. :tntl 1'1111.. :t!J ut rlt . n:t.:-�iuu�. IH'tha.n�l'41dentlal l augu (:nonl B.. Ht"dl"'\ •kP. ..: :I I ll:t tld ill , ,.J !" , . A� n r t ou 1 a ...1 11� ra t .. in tlw gt!lll'\' .. . a \'ul' 1,1 vt_, more anti tnol't> elaborate l> 11.·1'- � '!' · �PW in ·. I ll:.: B�tlll'tlli:lll t·'\ ·- lt•ll'"• • gTtJWU l� Dilllll ittP.Hha. -1 round tin ll nt:ldt• IJ:nt 1 ht• pt't',\' •·v:l fW a l'OO ua y ut' i!minhth tng sutplu� remain i ng artor l'id;.itt!.!' np tilt• t•\:.:;ar nt· . ..:. ;· a ,.· .�ttlt!Hll'!Jt an acconntH. - 1 1 [ 1 ... 1 , ,...,,.11 hi . 1 1 ill .. w;t,\' oi It ha� be­ 111, !1· j,J' orne tlw t·u�tom to tlovote the :oaa ' • "! - :11 . . lias :,.:: ; :1 I ' I · I I 1 1•ll:...: ltt 1, ...., ,. )'O!II•Jii+•l':.: \" t•ll !1 ;.: mu IJ I ·r l"el'.el tls \' er expenditure�� th:a.rlt... !Itt· and !i· l 1.1 -.. lt· J', l!· wt•t•d. wh•·IJ .. o Ui:ttrktto J. St. IR\LING It 1 hie PUI'(JUSt'� in the or , t • lt:Jjlj 11 ' \!:-.. 11 l1a ,.�" till' lll'l'''"":l ;·y 1\! .1 umhla. Co­ I II! I' I � •\Jd 11!' ._, 'I'IIJ..: l'!ljO_\' It�..: :000 I""��· • f II Tht• p·numlttt!t:t ba\'iug ��ban�� " . 1 , :-.. ;·q:"'l 1 �·otJtirlt • 1 , . ld, uf 1 .. 1!··· 11•1"' l• ·d ..t:\11' ... lu tbe ' · n n:tu){lii':U!on nt t1 ltl V�laud · l lli\ndl·lphia ' ."· ; HARD TO ESI: \.PE · dr<� l . d ••\'tdt •• •. ' '! I nit' a·.:IJ .\l.t·. rour iJ;<.t: 1 lit• tl:t 'l�ar::-� left wtrb. hut. $a,o•10 ull ... w�u:o� whau tilt' ••.X ! t•'ll" . finn-• �.d,·ill� u..; a:t lll"dt•r poultry I'X H"Il�t'H lJteeU •.u}jUHl+�lL \ \ft' •• • tiunat•• ·· . l ltaJ. ... • · · fnr 111 �onrc.:o ot t'e veuue 'J"Iu· d :.!...: lnl•at:o; afttlJ' t ' t' l't'H tln· '\t•:m t·ht�f tiuu. \"on hall \ It i ... II• fa 1 r f 'l)r •·at · a11d • Y l\l \.ta\ • l - ,,·,trk " J r 1,, JTlw to th• 11111_, l • I! 1 1�> ·.\ t·l•' · :· nltoHt t Ulllli t t t•t� Ul'i:WJ rroiU the 8J.}U or til')..:... 1 1 :1IT '. 1.!"1 :11 · !.!.lory. \ l \ . . hnt·�� awl o; d1 ::ot.:�·.•aldt• COAh, LOfiBE�, ·· .\l �ttHP'Itl' IIWII ·t� to tlu� lmutgural l.m.ll. N"o eomplf.. 1••11 ,'I ...;fill',\' fl'l llll Ill.\' jll'l "••ll:l! t 1'.-\ta!J}j,..; } l !lli.'l\t :tl\1 1 witJH•..:,-, t•d tltt• lt:tlltl of ll:tl' .\ \ i " :..! with I uentary tid{el� 1:-��Ut�l. �:tl'll per� BtllflBJ llltiPlllll<'ortilizcrs 11! t'atittlill' wlli,·h Ja ulll·d. MoaltlaJI, iu a -..:. •Jo .... '.l 1'\" 1·1' \" lltillg' l are aaf llntiiiJ 111t. "·r •·t1•··· . rc r for Luwn, Gt wa ... ' j..; >t)fl Ultt�!Ht!ug tutl�t till! pl'h·� lrtion ami FitJhl. 1lay '' �tit ! ri··�.. Wt· art· l' \\:dl� t ll'.!: uU• • l'l'•.:idtv.!; (n·�b. thiH w.ty, payit $;j ut� .. Jt•tllltr· t · a ln�t nuw \,•ge. ln tht·.. t:!.! ll !ti y·,,·: t ,l. "· L··tt . 1 poultr_-.· . �a1111., ,.,�1111t!y·rl'd lU,IJUl� pe·>vle daily, Mit�. HOIL\ItT. t-tUtl. tlw n•t·eipL:-t t"rom :iU•lree Westtllld. ...: · :_:,.q ....,· hli Ti ·d Ill' to liilll. f"n l > rnl i • d . .. · .... ' tllat Office and Yard···Central l�e., l't• l•tl d· d : Jtork. a��· lllatt utat·- J't•:tdl $:1U,1JlJU. near R. R. Crossin&, : j ! J,, .t i .1 ... IH·•·I• .. lofty he.:.A.l1:4 . lluiW will by Heceive il!.!:l ilt)'OI !t:..: 11'"11 :t : .• : t::n :-.';Ut o!' tit.· hl':it Onlors ..�.t.l'o' '''''l\'l'tl · ( ttl\ 1' o W!l ) -l�o•... jd, ·�, •·nur. .. wall:4 Thu lar:.�P�t s n t itl!lll extHm�u lllnil Will Prompt Attention. ,'1" ·. PHt ir·c l't!iliug� aud WPro i gl • (qllq\\ l't\ �Iiiii ;! lto l lll 1•\"1•!',\ \\" \ 1 ''! 1 ·. l i• ol e. of tt) J ot,, '\'ln.! thu t umm t .. lt'l'f, tll :tftP!�, \::tJ!I..; \l! td J�:ll ·u\·et·eU o vl• t· with the yel low awl whito uwt hy · i �e�� i� 1l�c II II' lt•· tat\ •tlll'l ' l"t•-..·11•·. 1 fr• 1'1 fur I \ u.� haltraom. l 'u u 1\ I \1 ·luth anti w i tll furus arul smilax. while Jl'1\Jp:IIJ.IIIh ht•t':t ll't' ]\ !tad :1 \1\·, 1\�t"l (1CUDDER � � � 11�.ouo E. ' ���;;crlpttull ul (.1\.Lnt ktwwu. I ht• whole u• 1·XtH'IHl1•1l. Tlll't!e tit•tmraLH t·ouuac­ \\':11:.!. t '�tll\d :111 \" IIIJft•:l till•t'l 'oi J,; "' : J Albert . l • 0 t:harge Decker. ARCHBOLD ' JI.lt't' \1 .l:i )HI)-.;"1' tJI'l-1 will ha\'t� or the d�t·ora ... ' >111' & l li:l\"t• ...\,t)\\"11 ;..:T••,t\1'1' all t ·l·t , ! \\' ESTF a � �Tl'�.HlbOlllil'.lu the main I ELD. 1 tah l'� �et ilfor !XlJtHHW a tkkot. Nort� Avd., Wdattleld, J, J. :I "'' \ , •fl ditrt•\"l'llt \\";ty:-< ..p1·:1i11� .'[;\. T\tt� far� 1}\H''·-' b.at!.er :iii PJmr. bill ' lu eLH'h ot ha.ll uf' "t liUU\'t>Hir!i were not utft�!·etl •·:J :.!•t'" lt"l\ I ' 1 11•1'11 fuiiiHl: :t ll\ttiJ� tlu•tiJ l'IH"!'t'le rur ' ial�� aud n l mannet· they \\ , •! , . :1 :...:.i :tt•o. ' "IIi hu," ".la.l i;:t�," the o y in whldt Firat Cl••• Alae. . '",I p:t TEEL PENS. y . ��-lt�···�·\t;ll lt ," "lliza�11 " ' •t ' ·au "" oillalw••l I• u ltadtl­ b pur·o·ha•tug a. SPECIAL ACCOIIODATIO�S FOR BOARDING � \111." awl a :-�d�olart�· t't·�(,kut !HtEIIlN ldiHl. of Flu­ up1riorto Illath1rs. • bud w l u h.w:oo Tlw lll"allll •tantl lUe ltou•u i iu "Zizazt�." Ia Wblt.e BORSBS ot, ruther umhltiou• a.rdtlteetural \"Ollll"ia VU.Ut'e, ru,·e !Jy the Mu.rk S lta.nna •ta.uLI,WUH oe. :upylugLI the entlrtl ENU6 HOTEL, luugth of l,ufayettu Square. W TbtiY GROGAN, •·alle•l Ma.rk 1ttauL1 l��t­ . H. Proprietor. lt the lla.nna .... l'auwe M1·. Huunu had Aaoo• tl••• for &BIIII&IIeLI �50 weat.w t but the uae 1uew 7•.-d•·· �.. Board by Week �u 11tand rur or btll'll or Month. Commtu.e IIUl Lbelr IXOILLI.T ...... - &be& - - '-"" .....---tl • •••r• .-e ...... llhc•"lla11 <•rlrd11't InIt a lilt& �ltlnn111" 1!111111IUpo ..... ,..,&be World J... 'll ...... _ ...... Oil.,._ lite of bJ "I toM of ll�lfln. Iouth& &be llld It II� lhRI,'' l11u,.thtdn1oa 1 hi! i11tl!ftlrtlntr tnplcl mmben or.,..,, •nld,tlon'l In cll!tlr"e the hllllltt! r� JlllJ, - ._&tie I lltlt WAll fii thl! C!lllth•atlnn nf JIM'Imal nhllftllll­ and wltb nannnn..,. orpon; oi...., I wny IIIC'UII In how nnt'l mtodn C�ataa In .,lAin tht•m--f':.pArlil Bearlap nnt Jla,,Willi OWftftl wl&b el"''noblt!r""ftt •how hcor 1 hat I the lnJu•ll"' ot ftllR)rel. l.ht> thftlllb& .. liM• pnhll•, It of ••Oftderfulwnrd nt' ...,, lu·•· ""'ll llon. "Rianm ""' JII'Oill! In ,.,,., ny�brnW• no ,._ -alb wl•h. IHJblh• an• lnvar1n14)· anti Bot, Htnmla"l you 'J'IM! rY"IIIIhM. llPelltllf'r, Have Bqual. .._. wollotd Mart­ ltllnlh•, llu• •�lltor of lhe flnl o•r••· nn. aJ'IIl"'l'l,.linlf th11t futam. lhK .....In a WOilltlup nnt womon'o Jlelol, nnun••••l •·nnnt�·llon Willi ll\'let ,,.,._ 110 far �' � htor n &hatollenUJ, lwtnJ '"'' ------In IHHtk M''"''·lo t"" ltat<lold, .. rt..- lh• wn• rll!hl, llw1111h l lw tn co.nhaall"' or m��llt''''"''llttd nwtlul. ' ' • ESTABLISHED ���.,. P'4J ,.uuu 11"' 1u •·llw•w iltJl ltJY dldu t tlw,r t" I'IfM �. ,.,., ll'f loWf out uf it.' an 333 PA RK AV ENUE, PLAINfi"'IELO, N .J. t �·!'It• "' whu Mf oot l hf'· ' luif•k ltri iliurw.v f'YP" iM J.:!'IU'I rm· fbq l 'UHHI\ uf IWt't•U tl!oC. ··t tln r·p !"Ill,\'. Thnf ma.r hP u ll ,.,. ..\ ' to Uw n. trlul'fll nf ·nu,lladP with uhont nuwh hh•ar­ F l IUithktnd. , t•n ll)· 11 wn• thooJibt Tlu· l't ·�ult of n hrl•·f t•nh•ulnt iull. f'll· wf'll. hut Jtf'I•J•If' w h a:ol•l IIU•d ul:o; hox t hh 1t11 l tJJa • would. n·111t nn ,.:"1\'t• flu• \'I'IPI'UII t•nllfto ·t·•·d ftll flif'ltl foUI J-:4'1I' nf P.n•ln. IPI"t•cl Ull lhl' 111'1.1 IIIOI'IIIIIJ:, \\'11"'1 In t ' t "� l lf'4 'f tu I t" l'f•Ji t•it rt• ;II'! a JO BRANCH STORE-Keer Martin Cycle Co. , 569 Broad t · "'tirf'f·ll iutn it. , Hlllt• IntoIMlme tiM! and f"HII\'illt'1• IIU• flint, dtll1111( f u• 111111- 11'1'11 1•·•1 111'1 ol'tl l uu t·y p(•oJtlf'.'' l Thflf'lf• whn truly th•· r lf"W'lkjl; ,.:-rl1itt1.·a tul-.: \\,,u' twn "' I X �· nnnRPt lltt•H ftM•k IIW )1lnyh1,r tlH pnr-t uf n qiiHt• u Hhlt··lH!'Itlt'. flt•dl u•• mllf't 110t iruinl,.::•• in\'ahw 1 i t\ Street, Newark, N. ' ' tht• 1]uxnry nf II i llj.:" 1 f l't'wl'tll'fhl J, it ' · " l' )tUt'!'l ' I h • ltlt·k. ill ut't t•r· tn r••nf 1 :\I 1Mtt� \\ irull nu1, tn tll�"�•·u�� it. ' nHtuu oru· pf•l,.:. h•ar,. Ili�· t-4·ar�t " T11'· t f th�tt j.:'tllld f\\0 ln.-lw� thPrt l '1 ' .\ rul lltnl':o; " ur the uu•dt• "' IIUI II)' t•ruom 1Pfol luul ' nil :"' n.r•• Jlflillfl to "tRrti 111h•· t·x•·rt lu·r .\ l lltt,�o:f f it· t11'1"1 tliiDII' I " nM I a t h IIUidP thn•ill tilt' 11.11'1,\' of Ill,\' ..;\IJ? ll? l l t•a vt•IIH! what tlltl �·uu f!' ·)f 'flll t rnl t �r driu k -.rla1dum,..,,. nl f Vt·ry f•nld l • I����� did \\111'1 1tl ...tl • l( .\"f'UI'H tt t ' ' l u. Uft• prPt ·t•l1ing ���·" Ht•llllf·lt \\"y:-;,.·" PX ) • •f : ' ': Wllff·r. ()fh•fl ilthf• f•�'f'J>If• al' fnll to OVI·f· hl Mfara. · hat iII It ,\'f'lll',.: ,,.•• , nr M. A. LOZIER Ace ••At Jlnrw•." "�t·u��� that IN, IIJUtlt• l'll f t • antouut 1 flowiuac · Ptrololrl.. Cleveland, Ohio. th N will art .. a I '"'''' ut i \ t·, lfuIrt•IJ'.,. of 11 · f.oed lu·h.d,htH'H "1 1:1\'P U\'tthlt·d you. �I I·. f;l,\' 11':'' �'�-t'll""t'; l't·a �uu that l:o;, n rnwlkuru awl hiar r•·ta ru · , · wiU u ·o.n 11Jl''" fiJHf tw qy I fl thf• t ·ur u ltlt'heR ,..IH' n�k ·•l. u "'lllu� I t•·•· 1'\'t'"' ,.•• I'PU:o;ou : frunJt.lu·�"' thut IN, a :o-tlHJI· ttlarul. u· !'l to • OM· II.U ...., ' • l . I JIIIHo�t "' ollt• of CMENTION THI-5 PAPER.> ,.Y ut' . " tht' whiP HHtl hu1 1\ouh1 fnl - •·nn ,,, frallkllPPl�. �ht•tu•J'"! )IJ, ll'l An f'Xf't·llr•ut Wll"h fnr tlll' •·yr·�. a11f� ill' lllfolll l!t·fl , 1hh� wnM ' , 1 \'f'l'_\' iltlltWI'Ilf),\' l�t•ln a,:o fq fu �liJIJ lt'l' " \ Ollto that Ull,Y drU�Jli!>lt HJH}• nfatu1� ('f ,)l, it� JUMM tiM I Ollf• Ill. "Thf' 'lllf•Mt loll not ,\ 'nil hn ,... ,\ Ill) l>i-IIP l••t t l PIII. l "''lHHlill�. ll(tr:wi1· lf,fiNt. Th iJ"O Jlfll of' lh1 \'p"· · IM 1r t ·u i,. II l1ut i t tlmtt• it, hut why ,\' Oil 1111\'t• tlnru· l I \Vt• Wl'l'f' h·l'l Jll'ndiPnll,\' n l1 1tH•. I: flllly t- n tht· tht·tu, Hqt r "' a THEODORE A. BALL. I i !" ".\ 1·" :O' tl\1 l �t M a Kllitl with )>.\llllt' Ult-U� I"t' 1"1'\'P1' i1:0". •·H�a�.-•1 o nny mnn for � natural \,rllH:uwy. WIT 1 A t'·al"llf"rhHfnl n1 "�IIJ•J•o:-op hut nf fl • tiJl l' ' ' " a k•·•l of �li:-oK \ ' l u ra w l1orux hr quurt of \'\·arm wat•·r 11!o'f''ll 11. F. IIOHENSTEIN� I •h·uy t t !-- l "' ! \ d . • I i l (•f .. . m· · tlta1 j..; � . y . .. ���"I '� • l 1at h fnru tlu · fat'Pnnd f'Yf'� i.Hif'· ... iuu : :-..lw H11�j!t•�ft•il I'll I l it • ' ph·a..;. , ..., '' l ll it t l. . qw• ! ! ' :a iHal"'n WestfieldFruit, Shade and Nur Ornamentalseries. MOSS 11 1111,\' , lhou,.:l1 without qllifl· �tlt·h n ltdito\·t' tltat I dPft• ·t "'' a tiiOI I!'I Iflll i final. I , l �>�how of \nnm·(•1i('(' h:ul �t·t on n�!>olo· tow•. lf hn•l nut ,\�>h•t·l t•t\ ''"'' llo1 �> A dark f'Y" �".honlrl b· anolll't• :111�· t • \\'1• t't ·al'iwcl ollf' ' c•uti\-PJ"""illu ' ld rlainly a� hook t raltkl\· and t•:dndy ut If . . . to WE. would u:ai\P it wot'l li Ill.\' whit . rit'.; ho11f liar ill:!to ft•ll a :-.in.:.:.l. . . P.:n · a!J FIRST-CLASS wil . 111,.i, lll' it human ;1r nth' rw1. .., .. 'Xot h­ Hay, llli�ht.'' lnll l l1nt w:t .... (H"oh:J hlr )l, ., .,., i"'"�" . . 1111'1 1 l )i d, ..-hiftin�o: "' . w ing llll•r" nuplt•a:-.;.Jtt than a .,,, ··o� j .. ·,,_. �o o•u• will l l t • it wurt l1 .\ 11!11' 110 11111• 1',,1111,: 1,, 1,1',\' ow• '' "' at • ·r . ·, ,, .,.., ::1· :til"' "' �o:Ta\·il-' rerceptible .. �1r :1 ·�.t LJr.:l,, GOODS ONLY. ' f na \ • ' "" " 4•\"('. • · •t 1.-· ·, ..: "AIj.!l.:.adt';, wltllf'. 'l h •J't' !In! hill:.:: lt t 1 ft•J' ,r o:J �111 '111'1'· 1.. '"11 '''l't•d IH•I' to 11 "'"1 ·a t. I �t k · IJ , If' t tlu· t·V1·:-o f · l irr ] . ; l''' �:. f � i!>oi . a till t t· ltah , r·: :: : .. · ' ... ,�:�:�..: t� � lmt tu f4)1f•ali. lilf' l !'u t l t." a llu• ll.:: ht W:l � \'t'l d llt \r aHt' if' . ·���,;�( . .•� '." t. . not rnl•. fhl'll , for t ltito: • 1 .. f l �\\.·,:�\·.��; .�:.: ':t ': 'idnt, ' l br · k ltl f u I i"flt. f;! it !til ,":� · t! • • ; . ',',� · : "l;l't ·llf l:t•H\'t•H:-o! II i:-o I"OIIH· lo 1 h:t t :" fo !llll lain fla .... •lt• 1 rlP Grain. lttod lllldl't' til" f t• 1'i•· l l; !-. !-i. : l'I'-l't•rf,'H• 0 " ._ )/ o 0• I I�� I'.\ jof•rt jo 1 ht· HaruJwn a ..oft ltouulk1·r1·Jtu·f ' '' "\\ hy llll \'t' .n llt a r oidt·d \ 1 • lnt tf1 ill liP d: I:J111'1 · h1·rt·.( )!j :•l"lll \\ .,z) .. .;1:1• ll.t i � : lr.' 1.. )jl.t·oO. II•••·" � � : w)th lflra · lt1tl1•ll ouul \1ath1· 1111'': \ . l-:\t•l • ·f·•1,· f.h" �• Hr ll·ot lf : L •· a''''"'"'1.· ,..,,. WPJ't• a:ood ft•it ' lld"' lljt lo f l t a l d:t,\ · .dl I :ill. tht \a h11h· \ d.f ,.,.a,.l·"' ; •lt.!'U f1� :" T 1 I '-I,\ I :,, .1.,.rl.t• H II t ' J ·o.q·J.•t; l:ar.,. \ t•J'� 1 l,1o· PRATT'S HORSE FOOD. I \ · 't•lul until th· irritu.rinu · ll:t \'4' put a hln•· lllHI'k OJtJHt!'ifl' lltat Tl:alI HI�" I :-.aul. 1'- tlot t•· .. � ,..I•·H.a"l' !•. I I: ht�w it 1 '0llllllf'IH'1'f1. 1 �a w :-o;!J,lnid• l lf" la•d P1>1 l Jt t 1 • i� 4<1.· 11 111 11: t ·r• .., a).�'"'I ·,, ,,'·" , ,,,' 1 ' wa.,. • day in 11y dint·,,·. ' f i !H I '"It•· wa"' J 1ii iP; a nd I ' thin lwn an .. ·�·,.,,., ; • f.t· • . . : ,. • • • ... · f't ·llt·ut Ft·•·u• ·h r1·•·ip•· fnr rt ·w ·wiuJt tlu IT � • , '\ , t ) ,, ,. •'".1;: "\"t•!-1, \\'t• \\'f'l't• I!OIId fl'il•llt)""; j.:.Oilt) ,,. ,.,\' had ]'1.• , f � } , t1 tc· F.r�l'. ff')t lu• t' Laud fl'4 '1111tliua: n� il 1'1' ...\! •d , �:rowth: Twl ·ttty 11art:-o art�mati.<• ('8 11q:itt' frit·t�dl" :tl't' tlto"'t' who liar • a :-.t lli'll l , f (lf \'Lw·· • ou lit,\' :-:!1•. ,.,. IIIOilli'llt lw on •. p• · r J,:al', 111 part� 1.d.,·c·�·riu atul :! parr� (If LAll\' A TIE,OA,T. a T•···�h ·r..-,J Vl• o \ fiiiH I'I"t'l t'\'t•ry tiuw tluo�· 1111'"'· 1 �up­ •·,•i\'totl that t' 1 1 1•t I nf :Z.LL'POtJ L T'RY StJ'P'PLIE.S. sit" : H'I l I ha d lt•d lu·•· : t •xt r ·t of jal�t tr awli. Thi� i ...tn Itt• n1l1· E->:tra \ \V :rh .. .:\.y· \\ ,. � hillt1•r tu ll•ll ht•t' solllf'f artd I hHl a.�: .,. 8tore, Pro•pect St., Opposite Standard Bulldlna. ' hiu�. \\ a:-. iu �t·Htl_y rti,.::ht allCl JllflrHiHj:. �-.;-;. • •r P""'"" ' l'l'f'!' 'f•ist•l,\'; fl'it•UtlN. \\' llo"''' fl'il•wl� p :tll� io11� lo n•a:-.:-:111'1' 114'1". It wa .... I wll ' all •·yd1row l11'U:o-h !"ht•l�ld l"· }lOr·A Jllll I' l':tdiH•I': h i i� !'ll'OilJ.: Pl;fltl h to �111'\'[\•p ;I 4 lllitl'­ l !--11 Be;;:t :\nifidal Teeth, W:l Jtlt>d to •d1l �uuwt hiw.;. 1 t'llla•l•fl. ltkt· tilt t i11: l•rm·lu·."' :1 marli- Ill ' •II •! 1!.1 1-• 11. lo: ' l'l'l." ' h•• "'Ill'. · i1. u, at ".\11 ?" ...ai d c·ur�· atul nothiu;.r l\1'''1'"' th1• . ...ht·:o- " " qu:ll'l'l'i l h t . · ·• !"d: Yon will lill•l tile "1•i�l ' a tl:t_, : ''.\ 11." :--aid h· ·al t h \· 11r lll'fl'.'."!>' · tii n l -· . I. S8 ,,sa. 'J ill sa "\\·, •·t·t·t a itdy •lid 11•·1. \\ :t� IIIli III IIIII," �liP :-:aitl q ; to:o a;JCI �lo:-:.,:ytlw as a!>-f tlu·"''' lu ;m 1i1f 1l,� . "ll n if • • !oinu.nt h •:Ht· ,, ·.•Ti.•t.f·l·,.. \ .•;, ,,·1 . ; • • ·.�: scwi4•l.\' I I: . · l j•a •:t!"j •Jl.!!I J.,·t· WESTFIELD MEN'S FURNISHING STORE Wollld it' a J J ll :l lu1 �·olin;: llll'd.;ir. ru,.. Jl''"' , ,, .: ,,, ,,r.:] . ·'' \; lw · lilll"\n·r� \\'UIIIllll !JIIiiiTt•h·fl llt'l':l ii:OO:i', \\' )1!'11 Ju• 4'd 1 l "I .:.:.· llto:00:.... a� llllJI'h. .\ntl t lta t 1� tlu· 1rnw!>' ;u·.· t• •(, whir·h · ! i !"' • 1f n.J(.rl• .· �. a �k •·d ltPr-- · all '!'' ! c 1ft, ·n happ1 ·11� With 1h•· 1'1 ·al blt· ltHi, ,:il· ··f..; w •t ·d 1'1 11' ,\ ·ou tu BOSTON DENTAL ASSOC'N, •·J-.:Jt' t it Plltltl�h'! Yntl' n• wau. \ ' oil ; t h•· hru�!i i11t11 a lit t l • ;,ln oh(ll !-ha}1 t-\'t•ry tlH·r" \nan n1i1-1y t·onlll ii'!J e and Cap�. Neckwear, l!nderwear, );now 1!1'1'," a tlH• C•\·t•lol'ft\\'!'0 )l!'l ·:td (l\'1 r tlll' f'Vt'. Hats, 1111•' :-:.1\1\\u:.:; wLat , ,- �Jiltl .�r..- pr••lllt·nt:lt ll·allr f· ·��u�J, .r •llin� ' t·UI)(•J ill ut tlw c·udl". Shirts, Hosiery, Trunks, Mechanics' Goods, etc. llo\\'. ' 222 Market Street, IIWII ll""l�c fl l"C'I'fUilll,y d i i t ".\It ,: · i ol · ,\' HIIIU.:­ "\'tt\L I '":l i d now." NEWA RK, N. '".\t , , \\'UIII:III ':'• :L . ,)re..,w. �hirti"i, go• fl,IH). F1f't>Ct' lint'd �hirtP� awl "l:111 a -"' ''"' J. ' . ��. " A llandy ('ontrl\·mprp , ------D 1 h·. aud likt• n �vening H) l'ahw, 1 ft·H that 1ht''''" "Hmt•1 hi111! a�o - l1t1X � :, o\·, Rt�iJHlt-tr, Dog-."ikinllruw- '".\ ttd a n tolll l i f'iJZar tm·nl�ht·!"- fnnnt1atinn P!'IH ltb l' \ wa� t lllllllf' ol ertl, I'"OUlt:"H.uclt hinJ.: 1ww. � • Bnek.tu ottt of lw1· lwd Hot, l to \\' 1 '\' •\nr, ?'' A an y tlw 1. Ki1l · ...41 go town. t ··.\ a lllltlt1 h. If ,\'011 Jwcln't 1'4' fnr h t'fllltri\'aJic·•· f11r tlH' flrl·:-i�'i lllil' � i"'n't\ qw•,..tinu. I a d '''' jaw �tay H]o\'t-fl.h(Jme awl �aveUf-' tiJUt' mul wout?y. lu•t·u ���(·al.:iug londl'l' t ha u u"'"tt:l l; it tahlt-·. It i!-' liw·d w th liuiltf'd aucl Hl't ·ut- · :1· lllf'lllll�>l't •d lilt> f'X:Id tl:t tt • � IIUII Icl pro·' 'i.\'"'t• • . " I u� 'i bT llf l;t tl \ ttlll,\' t't'I IH•tl ht'4':tll�t· of ld t •ll I THE WESTFIELD HAlTER !Jahlr llt' a1 :..; ''PJll'l' rww. .\ ,\' 1':11' awL lliwiu!>oiutiun :-:u \'olUIIH· ora swl'IUliHcl f'llt'lll\' l:;q:�· w t ha t I J n ;l you ·""�· , � I :I I ��·it•Jltitif• �Ut·�tl'l �II'!-�. Bt•l1111'1f \\',\'�t'. wlto ; · !I dul :1111 rnoull • l \ . �· 11r. lot:-. \\ itl Street, WetiUield, N. J• of � i o 'Ptl you in; ' h:ul all ht•f•IJ �pt•UI\.illl!' HI 1 lu· �H IIIf' ,\' t•aJ' a guhs' :1 :""ort o l \\':1 \' n t n�n I I o . .\· itr' 'l.tl\IIUI 't · . o lltf' wa ,\' tl uow; � �l'o. � ---- 1 IO II It'llf . t rit•tl tu t'�L• a i u thl"' to il llfl "'}II' kilt'\\' nrat ,\'llll lot"f'f) IIW· in II \\'a ndt·riu� \\· illy-1 lll'r;\ Hlltl thI PII "'lit• u �l t•t l I 1114' whH1 J ' t•flfllllHi tHic>d � ou tH \ u1111 l \ H o \ �ol'l 11f \\':1,\'. Sht• · : ilt' i i P ti n of tltou,.dtt of SiJ.:Iltll":t I Ht�P a� au iH «•r- )t, �------�, �� I JI lilt' at · . Yom· t h t r <11Ut'I L i w il l It's Time t kt' ' bt a w P lllo • · . 1 1•1'1'11'1' of t'IIJOt iou aM 'ol llpa r• ·d with 1 a d � •i� he a is !lo \\'11111:1 11 of ill.-:, hut UJlOII l'Ot'l\ET, t-IA('JIETA� ·p I J',<.:J ilflS. Baker and - n· iu "IH•tl tiPI't''K to replace that old ' �el��lt)�fl .\lad:ll114' l"'at·a h Bt·r·uharllt, a w l if Ot JIHWt•l'f U} · eJr· ·"' ' . guarautN·•I ' • H J a a tnw n at tlw 1mhl .II'. lit, , tl> · 111:1.-J".IOH�. " mnn1 ''lltl� and lll'!ft .,.-� '111f� "lt'l"l a llkP t tlt•st lou," I f't-lt lloHIH I ; willin�: 4le ruouey into h."" f JM)('\lf \t't.�lt r itt-ms. l:llll•}:o;.trinkt·1l" of IJJiillllll• '" � j �l b:-: \\ i wll'ii lll ;:nt 1111 rrom h··�i lt >l l J 'Pf1 • ' l k J . J;:!, to "l.(•t HH t•a r out fro111 fiJi� \ � I = � \\ ( d Lou,:awl ith· frill�ilk, "\\ •·II ....aitl ym ..,.,.y i: of •]e,i�u :-.u.r. d IIH' awl tool\. a ft-w �t· p� tn thP ldP 11fl : with ttnh· lwwliJJJl ffi , �·ud\ , a ucl thiUii. I 'll ht> ahlt• In lPil at 1 �.. � ii 1 !10! � . t'OII�I'I'\'a1ot',\', up � hai"P, lu• ontsit�t· w(;f the tH·raklu·d in eac "'fitch.I 1 llw whidl a :->p!PIItlid' tlw PO'\'t·r t hnx. l you :1 11 t ha t lu10w r• ·;.mrtliUJ.: 11u• IIi� d:tmh�·rlu�. �luo hat\ lH•r ----· ---·---�- \ lda:IH•I' Plllolioll�.I Tltt•""p pt·op)t• IAmt•liKht. \'o:->P wa� · w ld t l a . Wm. WOlDT SON, ai'P Hot t·.\·t•:-� tixPd a sl ll'a� . Jt ou ,.• . l it• dt•!H'Uc!••tl ou; tulnHtt.- t ht·y un ha to 1 1 A hf't'll 1111t of l ht o I'P talldu,: foJ•f b•l"illJo;mw t h •·y Ut'X1 l ht•y t'' hut :-ohp wn� \'PI',\' tull. and � ht• lllllll· tlw 1ht·\'" ,.:JHJU)Il ha\'P nu•tal Lit'(' pi:llli:--:�iuw.'' in hmw·, ' u ;q.::t·d tu \ln•ak it otT tht-' parPnl �lt·m. foun t, ('�"J if'd �•llr tww latap�. Bl\0.1..JE �'l' ltEET,WELERS. \\' . � 11 1 han• tht'lll n·IH•;u·:·wtl, l A Jlla.-toi lwr SPat. k<•J't l:o:\'IW lamp is tlau�t·ron!-1 thiuJl to IJ \\'F.�TFIELD. " 1 1 .rvu �lu• l't'l III'JH•tl to · Mr. Olyll':'' a\ t «li t � a (·:o-pt·t·ially wlu·r«· •• \\' 1•ll ���'" it I. h ' · in l · hnnlt', HORTON'S ICE CREAM. "\\·�·11, a ;.:ootl tlt·a l lllia,:ht tlollt' hy l t•h r ·n Chilclrt·n tohoul;HJ:SH !lO l ntlltl 1'1\\"f' H. th:tt t h otw Wt•n• Jl'r t•Xad l!.,Ril\\' At:E, :HOI >'E UD�, ·�m'or a:-i\'t dll �u' \\ i�d1d11.a.' ' :-;ort uf ' ,_.,.,·p� toll�h \YnJ itl l . ; I lif,:htt>i u�· TUUJ.,;, h 11111\' to tc•a r otT rlwlr )H'1alsr• �·ou il 0! lt•:::-;t l'l'c·il·ilt'l ' tu wi:ootlom t•arudt·. E,·t·n a twi:o�t paJn'l' a v\ or ;u­ i )Bt• l'tl:-ot• hl�· wrpf l l'd nt ht• · ft•t•t :: k all kinds N. J. �hi� ' woultl!-talH• •·omt• ' t lard . >nl'h nnrof �[ramlmutllt'r'in �au- t tw th�· \ . "" STREET, WESTFIELD, tntu a \'\'OW\l l�k.- of o1 l rc·t· dt·nr'P"tl rrom htot• llnwl awl . at lll•l'f' I/· _.:. iOAD tan:iu.:: tn :,:irl who has H I'"'" i�h·H11y ,.,us,.t·1l, <'I I!'! tn t ht• tt·rrtll}(• suwll 11 tistica\h.... · ) ' 1:w u I:I,\" 1'0111p1t•tt• amoug t ilt• Cl'illi�Oll nali.t'l'i. prt>it·raJ,h· done lo\\'· Britt:-;!, roi«ktl him fur tlu• }JUSL yt•ur uud a of kt •rnHt'lll', f•\'t'll if it \\Tl't' uot poi�( •ll llt'l' IHlJH):-o at•t', l·f IIIOUtlt'f' 1:11•' puf )lpfol'«' hPt' f ou�. If ha\'t• a �UH}It'IU)t-cl on·r­ est Large Dl llltl ·· But in�tt·ad dl'tl \\' lllg- lliP on you hunp hmoj M. 8. KURZMALS. man. lntlt•t>tl of tlinin� �a.hh•, lt"'l<: {(lr All pnccs. and Wlll1 tyt1 �lm St. near Post Office. "\\'lN,t oi t in YH\\\' out i.t. dot•wu\ ·ul •ul . l la 1 � ".:\ JHJ tiJis lll'ill,::� 'f'h;l f •k to t ilt• Ol'i�- yoll Jlt'l'�i�h·nt l'' \' dt' l Hlltl. of whi1•h wh it·t• t•nmuat,·s from B llt• t 1 1 a nw, ,·aricd asssortment of \' liS dil«'k('t·piJJJ.:. Uw Hair and yuu f.:d. :11 • u•lit \ that rou ...... ""' Given the CullingaA I�Children's CUTTE� iistt·U11�· U\'Oitlt>«J llll• ':" pnt\'1'1' to 111 t llll' • "t' tbl' to or \ l papers to from. '"'' '"It \\ ''"' Wht'H you told at tlit1 �:irl ) l"tJUhl :-oc•p that �liP a t t•ith• ' :-.ilh'P!'t' l�t·h�.. select a ltm�: illll''"'s, Hair a ottr mot l!t•J , unl,th:rt rou t,a•hlun Ladies' )tit 1.\' t r:ooi�t wt WaHIn I'Pi tll'llilll:\"U.\t1 :·ulllllltllltl of ,\' ' Engli!"-h �nit ill�"' c·he( ks ur" going­ · s.n'"�'�lllv l J l • t•J • tu ' c cc u rus vt h iBJ.: llltH'" r ic l n in Estimates lhl' tu('i <• whi<'h lind lll'IJ.:Iuut<·•l wi th !lad llt•\'PI' htlaJ'•l . · h- · to ht• JlOOtl form for "'}Iring wt•a.r a n h rf lh us tl1a1l Ill,,. �u,::;.:t•!'\tlon that "''' . t•� Ult', . . lwei appurt•utly t'ouwl Th<• r•·•l l(ol to 0 for lu• klml n•·•• A..-lealtural New• MotH. :111\lt'l'ft•l·tlou in tilt• ft·athf'l' lill:-1 l>t; ltl'l' • t"l"r f(\1' ;:1 11 \' nC t f<·Pdiug of mill byproduct• is on I I t ,\ de- t'uu utili tlwnght t l t t It ll' 1111· hopt•tl wu11l1l not think il H' ' •:-:sa r · tlw hair. furnished ('t•i\'t•f). t'Oill'hHli llltlll lw Vioh-ts au/\ < · ry f>Os•ibl<· •luuh- of thoThe h•cn•tuoe. u I . ah�urd. \' u hl't'J.:'I'I•t t)JUt I wl�P to w•;:lt-d tlw } } IHI't uultr to l't 'jlt•nt unythitl;.!' o siring or outside ..;o tlWtoi(• modt•td. tlo\\l'l''t•rf.l art• to bt• worn AruN·i<'uu Agriculturist Rnys "tho out­ ll n off ht• u ) of I1a \'t' n l l•·•l in n Hoi>Otllllolld; inside turn iuto .\'fl\11' !Hi i g l 1\llt'\'t'U 11Un'H, �OillP ntun• thaw 4'1\'('1' duriug tht\ cun1in�t f ,·om; hu, • look for livo stock iutcr<•Hts is ht-111 �·t'tt:!IIlt1tl n}:ou wnl�t.-out, \'oil tlltl nol mn li.P lilt' h h \'t ' hi your *'li­ · J;li.J,;'t ' UIY!oit>lf woru d tiDll. , r to )( t m,y ntal \\' as I ril!ht ':'' , o one. arul uf (•uu hollllfnl. " ft• \ ' lllWII' I H·t• lim• fol' tilt' ('JHiil \'t•I'­ �lllt 'l'l'lt,r. k d . Vt1h't•t t' illhtlu, iu l1lat·k wt•ll a til<' t \ a I tllll 4't•rta i n ""luo ;.:;art• a �oh; hut nurl'uod ThP l'<'llwdv for i ·nt"' IJU�II'iJH 11f OlJI' IH'iJ,:"IJhol', ;t'lltii'U} aH wo; postal Wl'�IIH to keep t'\Hitl llclclt •ll· I c,rop. "\\ t•ll, St't', IIIIIIIY thiiiJ.:H hUVP yuu tm r�t'tt,''h•tl. S Vtlt(UP just at J•rt·sPut. card of your hll ' "'"'''' Hill<·<• Muy t hlr�l luHt )'<'Ill', [\', lit• WHM "'hu· arul �lmlt·t•d of the 110il l l }; ulll(hteu<•d cn!tivuton � glo\'P� I • ni�·u.'' �ui•l MiKH \\'hHi t·nm, wlll u :inwu qni•·kl,\'. llt11' }ll'l't'toh'Ptl, Black hatutk•·r•·hil'f• an• unuouuc�d whutPvt•r <'1111 �- \\' hit•h'f t i 't' u• h !hnt Hill' luul l't'IIWl'?" autl. !UIIHh•t) it lllf'. tulh-, with of ro.., poiutilB all \11 llame ny ohlntWt1 IRIU>lllWulter RaMI!hpot!ItO, 11( " toIt. then- u rnttlu "\\'I'll, yuu hnv" plllli!Hh<•


l .. - Ht>hr hep;nn Milll IIIII< t•• ltlt'MIItl�' . lm\1'� hl't'll II• 11111! 111'1' �v�tl�t�lft:l�•··llll'aitin�t H'e 1n jnil i:;.-�r-�to=,: 11'1 inat ' �•·11 :-:�m ...... ail r.lu mnnth� Wh;r -:: olt'ft•ntlt••l lwr till' \ Noh• tht• p!'nph·. Mnrnlnll by tiP\' 1'\\1111' \Ill• dmt RIH' ' t or Tile II··t�••f��!���;::::;:;�±���!��g���!!� �:=-� · l11 n fnlht•r :q,(Htll•l. tl11• a••:mlt� puhh,•al1 pnmary pn••t•n t.••l """"'· h\11sh4ul OouooJU, of a KI X f""'""" ""'' nnnu•d wh.1t of •tnrtnl "''"""· 'l'nP two ... ,," ,i;:ii.--1 lt•1h11 :11 1 ....,., •• lianh\1'1' llt•l\\1 a111\ thP ot h•·1 111\IIH''\ fat•llon• Wl'l't' tilt•\ 11 11t1 , \1[,., f •liii.IU•J.. \\ !111.1111 l\\n1 ,11ho n tPI WIIIIl• took lt,,udnt·t·. It i• ••hai'L:<'d illlll llital '" ad\ ,ltd of .lt•! �P\ M.'I'\Ill:ll \ \\\ !ol tll'1\diH1Hllh'tl tlu- riB!.! 1'1}111\H!.! a t I ap q,�{' "-1 l . �I ••• 1\,•ltl oil tht• oppo•111� foil'<'' d1•�1 d>lll- \ to pn t ho•l 111 Jill\. h1 lt ••r Year hiJ' '"'\ tht•lll hoth ; 111\1\ h \.. o• i ll� p11111t•d tlt'kt•t ufto I • \oH'k, 1 11 l :\ I II 'I\'' t'ott(•h• of llhllil\1� <'\\\" lhl'y t\\l\14'•\ 1 ol 11 h lt'h nn nnl l<'P hat\ "'''' II �1\ o'll . ' \ to tho• h11 1111011 for lu•l' p:u 'l lw ''"'''lllill' t'ol\\111111<•1' limo\�· up WOM AN'S SPHERE. IU> lhuldh••· 1 A I" \ AltiJII! Pltl•'n l'ontt tht> tH'kt>t , U"' thP\ to �o�:l\P tl11' (' 14 7·149 MAAKf.T 5T. on dotl \: J�u·lnr UlPPthJ,t.f 11 loll tho It' 1< 110 11 o\on t hal 1'1111 11'11<1 1111<1 hl'lol at the hPIIII' of !\lrM II I' ,\11 ·F H in or accompanied by lollol> oltnltkt•ll 1111111 nhJ•'t•tinn li tH 111.\llo• "" lhP 1\1tkt>r ��·nth .n t•ntw Tht .. yt•nr � Jllan nil who either 11r�•�nt thl• it by moll tl11 11 1' 1''' A To nt>t11U(M in tlw ' of ma� ..._. ht't wd ht•t nnw a dt'l'l'1\t l,!'l nllll•l tlmt tht- ht·H•tnfntt• . the nwnnnt. wto ll •ell, for out• week from the tlnte of till' l••ne tblM np IH:\�1', Mttlllt>Ut wntk. t•ach paper I · tnh•t t"•l� ol onr tlt•t Hlt in,tl .,!Tf'l tllh notll ll't.tt' al •l .l-.•• ·1 t�.�t h theMtJ sni fl f. poltJnllll �t 1\'.., \\ h:tt Itt l•a,l ht�PH tn ' "'l'•'ttknuc ou 1 own f't•lt•hrnlt•tl fnt tll••nl l l hul :1 . lllt••wlt•ut ht1 if"" llr ,.,It Pltotlllll.,.f 1< 111,\ll "l'J'UI .\tPl l. 'l'hl< oh J<'< !loll 1111" �"I"'' ht'l\l11t1Hlllt•,.,., \ t• tlw In thl' o •a.\ of h1- o\, 11< . k awl hlhll)o( ont tht> pro 1\Htl fullll"' "" fnmlI pnttlt'nlnt wn1 "'11111 Ufltl or IUI11ltt•r"tlnn 1111\fiUil'll to lol '"" t'hll ll lll\\11 Ulll ,\t'l'lllthUJ.( to t•hokt• )1\ till� tilt ' ht•n)l htn\1 m•l .. l Never Matched Bargains 1-:'I . .. S 11:!1"11'11 I 0(' ' J:\0 \ " <'ll"'t'H' i\1 11'1 1\,lkt•t tlt\tlttu••1 tlw tt>ll\]lt•r H.u l 'owiii-H t1\ Ynrk. .\ 111ot wn ' ' tlt�•n "'·''''' and tto'i-\1 ('n, h tA shlrta. ' n l"t'huoht Mhow in men's w lt• atH't' \\ ol k 111 ntu �1\Htl l Tl>o• \l dll: lltko•t• n '" ·•·•·onol•·•l to Into• 1 111 o•.wh o',l!tdltla Our Men·� W t '''n 'u11 / in Ill).( !<\OIIH' l'llclll�t' t1l 11\l'tlhltfH UJHf J,("ll ifl1'4 N. B. Unlaundred mn•lto of •trong firm mn•IIos,witli \ntt·� Hl•ar h· a <•ohunn :-�.\•pat.ltt>h . ... rnnttnll \\ a� al .. n ..... \\" llltt>lwntl tnnk GARDNER RE-NOMINATED. J9C: hi e .Shirts, faclop lt�t•1Jt ���II\' d. . 'l')u rt'�'�11lt1'4 Tht>ll i\11' pi)' lhll'll IH)MOIUM, olnnhh·•l '"" k 111141 Crout, nil •l�····e t�ngtbH, podent 1 c•ntrtpltffftlflftt f'\ ' J ho Jt•t·o tn rt'llnP�tt>tl for .. a of ht'!'hh ref(•l't hy tilt' l h:1 J 'JJJ1Jl g thl-'rt�"'t of ttnuo Tit•• "ltrcnl•u" Thrnnl{lt l"'"r nl 1lll,l' :ttJt· •hi1 UIHIIY W'P \\ tlH' II"' to thmn��:hont. the t In Auwrlm lllul t•tjllnl tu JOn d at 411c, I!J.!!IOJPd to l 11 llot �h""'-'1l"'"''on on 'ThP 1t•lntion of drt>K� Tll'k t (htfl!ll l tn \lo'llll .\ . 1 ' \utt••n•h•n an•\ l'lai•ll• nw·.\ ,1 1111111o11 to i'""'''"'' 1 Willi \\'lthnnt Trnnh\t', fol 1111' wet•k ' �ot •tul pm it� nw1 tlw �o�.nhjt>t t pn� Mnc h . '. 810 eaoh a\\ \ h1 thP '''>Ill- . Men's Unlaundred White of IIID8IIn. II• 1;• on,llt L:r:td unll• jou rnal· "n th•• f'11'"' "'"" . thnt un way floe h:m nnrnt•• ,., .ntt••1 '' 1th " Uh't>ty in The ll••pnhlknn pru11111) lwl•l in tlw Our 491: Shirts, IIIR

... J'r.-ltlrnl MriCinfPY'� Ill Ark autwllf!l! �n f'ntf'l'f'll u IWIU!h tloor, fH•rat h' ldt·RIII WRIIII mlhl "" Jlrm-hut annnnnrrc1 11Y r k INti! nn I rmn•· · f>rtiJlhRtiC'tn In lnn�unKmPa t>,. tht ntnfit Wfl� ._ 1 1 P4'1"' Alnnwth.-y Ht.-.; a.n. Til<' lllpl nmat l•· ' •lltl n ti o"· a Hr n t r Jolrturr huoi­ If flo • t ('nq••t r · 111nhl nl i n rc:M H't 11 • l frHdf" h1111 hnJHt•JlYdlmlnl• llht-tJ t��f•Rh�. Thf'n thfl •·l�u hf'f'n 11nfJ nur f"nm.- Hn(U'('mf� � t t C'nurt , fullnwr1l t hfl ;���'::.''" ��;. 1 r �:.·:� r;,..:,n"��t:,r., ;�n; �t�n.������� 1�t �';1::a•,� 11 111111111 l&tf'rh• l'f'nt. df'(•hlr pttld 1houhl JOU thf• hy ('am hi� t hr n.r )• almo111t wholly f!IPIIRJ'I'NI.rf'fl. 'Jur on to buy. nfth"f'TR of ����!.�.���!��= in r•iano don't r�frain from �elllnl( tbfl o\' rn r 1 hu� ll rt' d'''"'d, or r n l lllt on hnlf thi� lm•ln�·· ; WP nnly llf'cBD!III w9're too cnn•dpntfon•. RtHtf'�. na"Vy, th n t• n oA nf ,;hoplll u' n n nnd f' nwtnhf'rl" f �:�� JKN•r Jllsno• lt'A 1al'1 t �t� (a��� .. .. r•lafn harf't'd n. thr come to l't'rngnfz" th11t hl're they 11re •ore of fair 14 f • � f' 1 4"1 WR.fill < · of nH·tlrHnwho "' &Itt' rarnrr , art tt1t' Mf'H.t-I' •1n1 1 ht- · r i l nt fll hn" t f' rlKht of \')cf'-P r!-< l r nm\"· tt htl\' lt t h•A • work tr�Rtruent. Straight na.tt>. ' tlf n ht• t(lok � \\ CA.SH, IN.STALMENT.S OR RENTED. l'n·�id,•nt ... 't•J.aru) JJJld J'J' � 1 t. :!i �f' t�'·J.t· ••lt•d �t d{itJIPy Pntf'rt•t\ from H·;llh door lt>allin� from t '11:· �� rand ' ,. . r;t!.IT". ;1tlll wt•n· f'H'rlrtt·tl hf' . � \1� tl.e· ( . 11 - 11 11 fll lf1f'(' of Arrr,n�t•tnt•nt� . the· ! . tn llf ! \\'o laq �P 1Pn1llt'r dtnir!oi \n front t'1u , · f' !� tit J t'IIJ lc•, �l'� .id:lt' < lt.fl• � ' \;Lr \' 11 f -l'n·�>'it\t•nt'� dt-sk, ! t>J,,, «. 1•11•\' hl're ft 1r thtv ' �" \ it r- l 'r•·,.ltlf• n tht• n·quJ;l nil ' in =t•atPd tht• tlwy 1... 11• ·\\' \\ e du Jit •t �el tJ ulty � H, t!IC' hour • · noon nrt 1·d. httcl )!• •• tu:ver lcxurl �i­ (If i\ and \'lt·t>· ' H!" and . ch bU,W. lt> LavJ,J..CO. HI tl :..ngc ! �·n· , . , 1'n•:-:idt•nt �tP\'f'tlt-1' •11 ra)IJH'tl tant J•ri .... · 111111 t·lf' nrth r a•lmlnisl•·r•·•l the , .' l•ll't' Jw• s. ��t¥.":*.�e• tn •J•IP fi ndin� (1\Jt HOJt. \ JU , oath of offi(•f> to \"\1-f'-l'rt·�ii\rnt-t'lN·t r.re 11ti!" - - - · t.. \'l'f)' day� tll• lrt' t�n•J�le �lrt' Vl't· c�------�����!!!! llolmrt. hP rt•t lrln� \'It P-l'rrshlt•nt ' \!Lm� SHI THl WA NGTON NEVER SAW SUC �, ll ll •� .1 l •e a 'Ir Yai1 1Ii ..tot·)· a•l•lrt•>·e ' t tLat l,IJl 11c !'t tT t n m tl 111\g' A C ROWD BEI'ORE. I IIi• tl.l lf I1.Ul :.ud Ill' lwd ll!.i•li<•d l!i• t1H •1H'.\ ; Jll< •fC ;: fter t'hf•l<''<. }H'Itll}e ;H(' t�lt' l•HHilH tur t<' ' '"'t• • Jl . ....L!i l.� C. � PEAF{.J'ALL &- t!. l.tr �t tl.c !'nydcr's. " )ll.�R Pf t·BJ'nln...: Jn l1Ji EAL .ESTAT E POLICY. PLAN OF PUBLIC tlo'J. ')J,.� ''1! \lii\I'Y in lu· J•a!ltJ!OWI'f thr•·• ' )'t•an�.H)I!Ol' lw 't!-·�··1 t• cl i:-; !-'\llli..\•·ntt t•• h \·•· t•r•••lut'•·d (' ('alh • UIKnlll•tl• 41'1.-,·•·1 1\n.l . l u n asltu�atl"rL ll ' Mtlll •n•· . rt unrl11· o �; i • ·l'� R 'lc·Ktni"Y t-:,t'ltRili:f'll : nr lanntJ ,, ,. w•·n· w •·l l ''nl)•l• ·� �·d H!ld 'nt� � 1Uul l"ht•u lthtt•tl Tnl(t•thf'r l•a.rach·. :!�· in FOR SALE Tluo H� AND lhall autl lt tnmt·ll iu� , d .11 a! lf·IJJ !ll!'l t !'!i ll,.,. Wllta,a;l'.rnwr"' ' .. ,'" �•:.:. ito tll • • l • !fl Br�d& C�darst thr t i ('n \\' nru hy tht• j t\,1 1· land would1+-w l•· t·l � ,.,1-'iHd ,., y ('1\u K.inh•l ••('un· lnn l.a1llf'111 •• ht• �lt· � 1:·• a:-.•·•1 d · n ll'ltd w ''h:tlt�l· In h · · ' 1 • J a f� >r ld� )•r• dut·t� TO RENT. l t r · e Ncwari<, N. J. /ai( fll,it•ttcHlll 1-'II(HI'I' � tht• l:•rt·lUIIUh'lllo 111•! in tl11· Jq· t1• r Jti'W+·!-1 whldt h•· wotllt.l "t '• I'• I\! >'V------Tl1t·!1 !ll\'t• \\·, .. t •lt·lc! t11P !; 1 11 t lw l l: llHt· 1 1f lihT�l � l �t'WI\tk :Sl'"-·1 followpd lty thf' military t'l"t'ort . <•n 1 u.lo�l t:lizulo 'fh at 1:1 4,1-!'nrt•'d �t'\ \' Yor];, Plac:e I :-:'i!l 1 r g 1\·• . ' y. r S \ Your Property on Our List•• 1 \ \\ u :-� n · I - ; · t " r ; · I · :1 \�: ' 1 nrk•\, •t· . , · • q.t � 4"' , '�_" : , . •, 1 . �� ,._: · \ � �{ t>lltt•l'itlK thP huu�t' �1ajor �ldo\ inlf•y c·r·i�··�:�•·, , ,,.ry ..,frit THo! , ·' , . . 1 . . .. , ::,·· :--. Fr•·•· a <1I 'J•IIl·" ' : 1 _..,. ; 1n � " . �·:_:.!,, � 11,: _,,':!, " ' 1 l . l:.! :!u, 4.11.1, ,;· ·':�. ' wa!-1 t'l'I'Pi\'HI hy J'rh•idt·nt ( h•, dawl. 1 \lt . do n,; ·,q I�<,· 1 l 1 }\ ffPr n fpw u t •:-:. • f•t n Pr"�i· 'I\ rT H't' ':t� 1/ :',;;: .. \\'l� r ; i gf i g I! 'I nn 1 · of' ·.ttn• ·'-tly nl:td•·. c'"i\ tl �··•·,·ic·• n · f•• ':!·i�: I ''" �� f t; :�:}''�.••�';T\ df'nt l'lt•Vt>\and aud l'r••;.;idPn1 -t•lf'1'1 t I . ,'1 �;�:;.: � • • c •Jf till' J •:t!'t y � J1' 1 )o.\ ��_.���·.. · :..:��·\ 1\ .. .:\1<'· w:.-. ·l•·<'l:t n·d t Itt• l '' i t i •n '' �·. at'('PtiiJlallil'd \1�· �"uatu1 s :-·H·1·r 1 i'- £:: � •::. ' '. , ., .. , , , ' • I Kin · � ·I I\\ • nt.\ -[c•ur Y• ar'":-. t•a:-:t. s C E PEARSALL & Co., ' l'lail�l�t·�·! '"u.",. lt:;.o, A. m. tan d ar d Building, he t·on l•l m:u1 1 1l t>ll, ldt th•: \\ ll ill· I "-' t>ll·l\1 .:\1 . Westfield. . at .:\t itdi 'r•· . I• 1 • •llg ra ul<� t"d \:..' Fur;", ·�.!. :-, :to, ,; . ·,:.;. \!1 4V, u .. l�u11 1\�,\� . i ! J :!,l" racked >:-; � � tf'r tlH· l'n•.o.:id,·nt � 1'1.\lllfl t !Jaf, h: In �t,'( 'f\1 11;1 ] }\tit1 ;.: H l'o , 1:,!", !,w.tj :!:.":•, li :1 :..'·1. ti:l,';'4 :!\, :.: .....r.:;, 4 r, !':!-1,1:, .r, .·,:!. �. •..... ·omt � � . �lllu\a� .� J-,7, ��rl{i'r,. � n tmst� aJH1 s pn ar� :o !t :!ti, Ji! J"·, •· · . .o • llt!-1 wa!-1 d a wn hy l•olll· i . · ., -riag�·. I : , ,., "- tt · n 1 • t'rl'd t .. • , ; oll'· iliu t i � .. l>�nJ,! alld , ,. nrH: y · tl11 nattnta. T p r n \Til. : o h P ro,·f' �sion lltlllf>r thP m\li- T.\1-ii\li ! J,,- l . , . 1 the f " Til!" • r• ·d , . rl, ':1·ant. a nd n.any � � /� .�."·:Ji�·�: ':::!}�; · pPnu:uu•llt, 1 · i 11, 111, nh:ltt. '2ir.!, � t� 1 i::;! , · tLP Pn sitlt•nt-f·\t�{',·� · •> lt r �- 1'' ';\ t l• :,d•,.,.,·r:-.:. al :�::.J. j,,.1 ort anrl 1 h•· l•c1d\' to t ol d t·r awl dt�• l.t!'" U�t· l • · · :t••l'lh a nti • Hit h 1 1'hihuiPp-1 Wlll be .\ 1111'11. l •ltla •.·. :�n �I'll· l ., • • � di , ;; J . :: l�d f · · !! t! I, rlJ�·n r�r wt·t·df"''l adj;,nrru·d c s- }>"or ;, '�HI·;,, \t art.I,,-, . � tJ:r"'t lt• '- t11:. ;•ndI l !.'• h•, •:-.:t•Til•' q\'.y 1 ht· lll g' · ll. n. : \t·(-llnnrJr Uo\\T :!4' :-iw .I :(•. trlllrll'tLardy w• • l I;o-�1u. :",!1,:!tltt) :.!"!,· .. . :!�.. li.:.'! • " 1!:. !t ;:t:, � editor thP Eli:<:dH•lh .Toll !'- ', tu .he �··: n·:arv of tiH' S•·nat" \\' :!li.tiH 1 t • •. Til ldllltt..,m. 1· 1 ] :-- .... , o·y ·,•:h•·l'!' J,·\' al\!i"hirl::-,th�> 1\1' ·"'\l''1'·'r ;; ,lu", uij.;'l.t.r :l:!, lt i4, iU I1'-, h. n ::i.\. of ,-(i Uljlnu<, H. i� · -t-t.\ h:IIIIIHom.•,-t fill c,�x J'f·,t:l tl1P Pn·�iclf·n�·:-� pr• wl.�m t- '" r• tern , \; , l ! l l�t·tff>r 1'ltkulat••d ''·"· til" i � , f! � h•r E:�!>ll •lt1, g1.fl1ldt•·r:�. :\ l:t•T•t•.wn, a1aq•oeatiiortulll)' I •• I.: \ • · ltulh: t" tiI�t•· n ti• • l at ll• tll•·, tt. ll t ·j,,ll I llt!\'l'llillf.!:fh f �i·:HJ ft· ill �l'faaft• Ill I �-on·,, . . J ;;J ,':o··,o.;o��n• • \\' • J' HJJt\ :nnt;ta ill't'i alol'!•>oll], ;, :\n, .. · •·�·"''\It · \, ,,,:nrt • l• :!!•,;:J:;,:l.i�, ..., J:to! I'·Ea�'"''·" ·""llllllK, �/I"', ,h•r:J : d.I t••th•;· ]" rmo:rll ll\'Y Hnd �· ··•·•rrity f':O., •t:-.:� T•• FII ..tuu, a.. 111. 1."\!!,t::;) ; • H:. �;.y1 i !".'­ . o n l y 11n•· hr::nd1 '•tt!!-"1'1·!-'..... ;, :\�. �1: In Ea on hootn;-; awl Ll iii�., l "CI\i�•· . :·r···· iJ. t u t • • ! l'··�t ·•J:ltinn I l!l tl;rllill� li 'U\'f' St·\\' l.l t•r } m<'<'•''"fu l . , t pre-em ino>utlv · t.f � 1:--; � it i : !-' J i>�l l't•t•t ltl .f.:\U, ti trl, in �- f�!o;iOtl. \\' ht·ll tlli� \\'i\"' fill\.''J''d, f • • •ro!Ltl rl'\:t ti'•lli" �1t•f·t\Hil\\ 'HIll+'ll t}l+' ·• • •\1 Y"rk. rnui: hf ll f.'h , " ' 71f•, I l <�II -..o di• J,!-' and l u:· a d•)" l 111, lin. J;;o, :� :Ill •."'� " 101-1.f.fl , .·,u, i • •a t \ t ' · l \' .t·f•-Pre ..jclt>nt ll() !1;11·t 11·d 'l:t• h f ' ( .f• \U; U'j', J !-1 J " , :.! :�u. ,; 4;,, · 4:\P, 1-''':t�! :l'Jl\��� ��':. l�� · ;. :l'J :·.\ ���:Jt ',��� 1 J."<: vf'l and rapp(·d t!.•· :-;t'!litH· r ' :lo1 � ... ������\·���� ���i ' ��::','' ' [;.:: : l':}'{ :� � _ t1J · at!d '1f•,·larf·ll it in e·xt'I'\III''' :-'1':-'.-:.ttl. ;�:::::��:� ':1;�•.\';.\�' ��� 1 u:\·.r';.�: ;; ';!,· �i�{;/ :lt•,�: 'AI, j H·n de·lh t·rt·d :�tllii'P:-" to ! , t . tl L•·a.V•· �t·\\:ltk, , ,. 11!'1, H•• hi!-. the ; �� �t·llatt· and wlH•il l1e• had tL i:dlf• l d • ·­ "'· , l :..' , .... 7 l"'. o.·::. .. 411,]I I 11-t, 11!'1 :l.'J, fi r t11 "�t.• �-·. l )", ;L-,, ;-:L\ . :I..:\,",, -I • .:,4, f� 1 •. 111.:!\ I tlu• St·nate n·wJy (til' "�'�•ti.!L:a.­ d;tn·tl ti :.11. � u.. · a.i -4H. l<� J .1 �;i ·,, �� :�·!i,:l;• . :�·;,'_' · m l.:i. lion. ;��\ • 1 Ia, I ��!,'tl��,:} H.\'t• , Elizal"·th fttj::·�·u\1 It w;�� tlwn t h:.� the nt·w 11 :., �l''Hl !�n·s ;, If,, li 4(1, ':' 4!1, 1 lJrou...:ht fu:· ward awl tl•d;: t � � �A- � .. Wf'l'P LP­ . � l•�t -.'•. .../r: ll·.HI,J� \�ii.tn.l:!}: t1;: ;I ��.:;t �·;:;"��uh:l.t.�:·i4 �:�·,. �uwlnn•,t·: ���:.. ''nth of (Jffi,·•-• . Afwr tllt'Y lJ

    !'to:if11l L·rnwd arul �� .f. t 4.6, fl .� • V 10 ,r, tf' wft:-; to the Tl.rona.:h t!da·t!- to hll •ui t p; nt loWt>!»f mo,·t•tl !}u· \ t �rn;J ft> dwm)Jt-'J' · J inn d 'li.Lt_· · rH.tt·to�tluo fromtit·c, tlH" C.lpitol. whf·re thf ����� ·�� ':\:!:';� :� :::� •a!-t ,,ort �'i'('··��.i� t . a to of \ • 't wa� �worn iu and I �Et'UF.TAHY �T.\TF. �HEH�IA�. : n·�ith:•nt·tolP< ULJI.\I',.:r,:-;, H. 1'. llALI>WI:s', r�:-;s. Tllf' 1 ro ·• �­ ,J. H. t Of' i�>li n-rt>d hi!-' arltl H ·n.l :-' l• t . flt•rd l'n ...... A..:t . The proC'ession halted at tht> �a�t 1 t I • on rorriflor of u ' ! entram·e of the S�nate wing of tllt> Calli­ the J(�r.g 11Je lti ou:-;t•tllr toou�h thf:' rotunc!a .. m­ , moto.t i • r c o t to!, pas•agewuy having i•<•<'n kept wa."l a · n w•m upe . a t.y HJt-in� one. Jh·atleC by tbe )fa r�hal of t h e soldiers and for the •·a rrl- iury ••rvkE' I police he Dlstrif't Co!umtJ!a and the �lnr- 1 tIlfr op <'Rfd ages. Thf:' gn•at Jtlaza front of the or milk A. SmiDEALER&th IN i.L. & i Co. 1 Li"' in 1l /IOt>itttl whitf' lJUil!li.ng on a.pitol Hill was 1 ' !o \\ mv Urove \ (' Dairy an•l yonr or· pa<:ked with th� dtizt»n�-' rrum il.ll MAHY. .l, , JIA"'I'�A. Lumber all kinds, ThC' rt•!-;it}t_· tJt'!-1 rt·mu.rk.,. on wPr��, I tler r.. nvPr the l'nitent·t>lPI't , fort aftf'r It·a vinl! thf!ir nr fl'l·i i n g tllb nat i•111 thatl �)•:tin Coal, Wood and Masons Materials. h l·arriagPR 1 llf'y <'limlu·d ro tl thtlt+t'l-'P not t ran,,fiJ • l 0�1 •· ••f Amt.• t·l­ i t.lw h i.i " t right�l liiJtiC : stPps lt·ading to th£> Senatt> entran1·e. t'OUt dtiz+•Jt�. I Ill all t•\Sic' 1Ut t hat ttu· inaugural n·markM Cuba Wt·n· tlw l're�:;hlent and Pri·H- Lime, Plaster, Canada Aehee, etc. ::\l eanwhilt.:' t \ nn I 't:o ll�l·l'\ :l. i ' f•. 1 hlPnt-Pll•et }1.-\d a rpc·eptlon in ;o.;o lt·r� �h••uld cump will+ tlo i 1 all and Pre.:;iflf-�nt'lj not Ill'fun a11 )..: l lu·•·unlf' dtlzt·JJ�in PJ' WRIBHTBJitt ! �or BILious NRRvou• the room. Th9 scerw in bf'!c .ng tu who in thP l reH l nt om , anl1 ('J'imlual WESTFIELD, : ' ro . Thf: {< �enl• in D!51!Asas.and They 11\'e" purtfy the NEW JERSEY7 - h f' R t•laF:-:+·� •d.. 11thth•·r•· land!-1.•h·ha�f'fl ;\ galn:o;t all who 1 the )1arhll• Hoom and in tht> roomt-� i::LOt:O lh.AI.THY ' makt· \\at· t •l l our 1!,!-t\tutiort:..; t c · gatL·S :�.chou to tbe entlre srstem. whf�l'P thP rc•:;i df'Ut r\ nd Pre�idt>nt· rn :· t n n t h u \ 11· · ·t· aJ•J•t·al for PILL& P h ele<·t al\•. ays onl• of lit•d·�d •·l•·-�•·•1. A fll'"HII�t· to Cure DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, SCHMITT, J'{•nw in it' gn"':t t iu­ wr••l"'l!ll>...;��Ju •·J!:-• •l: lll :J l\iln•J tt•tla t}H• ( 'J'j,i.!htl ­ ')0f11STIPAT10ftl and PIMPLE�- tf"rt�:-,t aH Wf"ll aH of brilliant dit'Jllay. t vt· J. J. landthl' adminbtratl''ll wa:-�hy madt·. · l>iplomat it• COI'JIS, in tla·ir 1 The I'OIIrt T!J•· alldn· . tlPlivt>rPUI<l, ICE CREAM Delh·ered t .\ t'tf·r lito has tinlsh(·d his remarkd, In quantities �o one a l m i t tt·•l to tht" �Pnatf' r 1\ I'JI.l ll:-on. h:i 1:"\TJ:IW •H of ap l •• f'L�:ololfl� tl:4• BREAD. •in� the it t•XI'P.Ilt thost• buill jil'llf t•o..;:..ioll wa.-; l'f'fornu•d, and to suit. C o ,hal 1,f ht> �UJH'(•me Jif' l'r'·�·i· JE·:nn.••d t11 l'lw Senatt• d;amiwr. ug tiekt't�. the g"a\\pril•H being- t t\ J\Irt. 1 The Wh!(flll I'PI(alar dividb lt-n: ia.l p;. rty fCJllows, ancl twhitul ('tJtla·� l'r•·;o;itleut and t·x-Pr<�6ideut, luJ \n�r�r. Drop us a postal l:t St·natl•. IJiplumat k Corps, th1• Ca lli· l·l t · r l· lla car•l auIllht!l'S lLt· Hou:�e o_t H1·- Aft•·r l andu�lltl the PreHilll-nt aiHl tho 11rt \ �t-- ntai ivt·H, the lov••nwr.-; ot tlw l·x-\'k•·-l'rl·:-;idtollt lPft the t Capi· �tat(• ..,,. the \Vashillh'10H tH'\\'HJHlJ)f•J' t·ur­ tol tht> S•• aatf� tontra.ll t' f,,Jiowt·�l hy Broad St. Westfield. · !Jv f: : t'�pondP!ltH and of tJ.t� St·U­ be· j,·(•-l'n·�iclt�llt and P>. -\•it·(•� Presi· .:.Lc.• tbe otfkH·� t \· thf:' Houf.f'. tJ,·nt, <:lld tlie ClJillmittf�fj Arrange· awl oi IH+•!tl:-1, Pre�i· In front of the Seuau� win� of tlw tltout Clev�lallli, while in tbe serontl Capitol is the· hu�t· stantl ,·a rrl:lgt• \'it-P-Prcside!lt Hobart hall f! t't>l'ted 1 uu whit'h the tiisting-uislH••l ·r wd i� gi.LtlJ­ t·X· \'il •·-Pn·:dtleut Steve-n�ou on hi:i u ..-!l'l'tl, and t l1•: Pre:;ideut tal..:Ps tlw It� It. As n<.tJH theY when• as \'.' tl't.> �t·.�u·d, �l�lJ.;:.;e!} jJl frout. of thb ordcr tho nl:.t.l'<:h wa� >.ath uf otrirl-'. llw f;;r gi \'l'Il �trlll't\l l't• IH tht· gn�at Am•·rkall }JUlJ!k, ,.,,:;:-;i�JH Juovud up tht> <1\'l'llllt'. tiH' ,... nx io!IH tu w i t ll c.· :·t·- Following lhu Pn:�idl•!!tlul tJarty MOUNT :�.11 l �olei::.u l • ARARAT CREIIERY, mull)'. It i� au 11liJil'h' ,:-:iv•·. :-: iw'plt- tLt• gr •;t! paru.Lh.:. lu�tt.ad of IJUI t'aUH' gu­ Prop. tlw tLI' \ :o;Et HET.\1:':1' l'tJJ:TEIL 1'1:1 '.\TE dfa il', awl afU·r wultHtldt· lJa."' <·•·:t."'� iw:.: !11 t \'.' Lite· llou:-.t'. as iu !orwer IRA C. LAMBERT, ·d du·PJ iug, } n•:-:Hl••utSS :\l(· ir11l:y 't:tr:->, llf' Prv:-: itleut tL· in�u at "Jll'•' t · ' ·JtT for tlin·(·rent t las eH iuvitt·d E wa:o; l'i uf ad \'a lt f•( to tilt· frori! of till· st,ttld, aud lo tl11' rt•\'i\· Wi!lg staJJtl iu frout t!:t• g"\lf'\-;t�. tiiiJiowati<. l'l·· Children Tlw gallt!!'Y J l ' . (Jl hi tJ•·-:ddt� l i 11 l hit .Ju:-�t kt- Fu l•·r. \\ liitt· <' IH.l 1he lll'tll·t•:>slou tilL·d lead to �;en·t·ll for the tnuilies tl•e Vijllo­ i 1 ,, a:::; f ! llotu·:t- Are uf wt1o ndulini�tt·r�·d rl:t• oat h of Ex- l 'n•::itkut ('\evc..-!aud diU Qulok llltLtk Curp:.;, aud thc t: l' t i n· let (dfi< f·. HONEY · !1y. tlu· not �o to •·at<'h •li••a••·• l! U gal y Md\.iult·y ltas alwtty:-; pr!dt·d 111 .:Hawl, lmt waH t<, t!H· · An ailmen' fen· f .m l c uf Pre.�­ OF Pll the a i � t ht· J�!IJJ'-idf dt i Vl:'U whi•·h woultlt r wo i ou t·ot!sbt.-t}('y, auJ l�l: iut(, \\.ltitt· w!:en· waH met l l:i n�:len X · that makes g Prc�idi'Hl-l l�·,·t, u ideut, \'it 1'-l'n·silient, hh; c·:..tn:L"•i ' !luusf>, hu by :��::;�� to wonltl them ••riouolyo pe1'110D Ill. lds iuaugt1ral I'll tl.•· I•i<:ill, {oil· .\lr:-.. ( lt•\Pl aud. loeol tlaJ J':u· y ;-J�· ·:­ Lenks IIIahmu't uttenll timt>IJts wiliJ }J lil· bas .\HltJI!g tht· aitl:i ajJJH)iuh·tl iu J>ip•·s "" atur!:i' \ it·:-; awl fricwh; t!adr so •tniekly. know• bt!tter too a tu i 'o II-':.'I'Sl-1 JlrtJ� ti!J�cJal I lnve l'laiua·tl frtJ· ill ! a!: 'l tal 1·�· (�t'Uf•f'al Pnl'tcl' a� llH'flllH'I'S of tht· it J•lnmlJ '"" ofthRD a (oJ own �al t• ·�· and the JlUtJik g. tllt-r.v HOREHOUND ''""""'J •nc• . Yhll'S ( ' n i ! b tllf• �tlllllJI. (lrand �lar:-!iaL; titalT arc our �OU:i aull l' l'aotiuntiou. ill pro. ' (}\'f'l' to the raruilie.-i and _t',l'it·w\s �vil w f ,uwuey It •ave In bea t gh.·en a maJH!Crf'tl mau, 111J. t111e �raud�tJll uf forn1er Pl'e.-;ltJeuu; lahor hnvo ltb, m<• fli !J('f'H of til� Uou�i· ; tflt'l'f' Jlt· u1iJd- CJa�tltol. ()f the J.s wJ;11 ' uf dangerous, uetttl1111tl hhu. you hf111 wbea il ,(•rn•!>i til•· a!w• :dtit·!-', aull t lJr_·n· w,t..-; tlt� tht· l uited :-ita te�:�. 'l'ho gTaut..l son is it' Sher. 1 are any Ht>at� l'{:ltlainin� tho.·w whn you ' raw·ol', no almHt' of l'lt•velarul'H admin- 1 \y:->sm; Uraut, thlrU, son of Pol!l'e with J;aave gPtWral tkkHs may takt· tht�ru. H. l.i Hale's Hoaer of Horebouad Tar �s istration, no reftl·"�tion Bryan awl 'onuuh;siow•J' nranl, and the tiOIUi of a medic�ne tbat bas loar beenaod tested The the meantinw, the proet•;;siou on l m �> in private practice. In uf llemrwnt•·y, W!!- : for er l'reshlent• are Webl.o e lold LiiadrUII(iltl M. H. FER�I8 the l J' weacrally. , · atl'eet those who huV\IIdecl barsh crlt- Garfh•ltl, <'bester A. Ar\bur forme

    , ,_,..,.. -- ... ,..., •-�••• .._.._ ftletr 11- - .....of r..,. • ... ..-.. ., .... -·-· ..-nrn••'• HAT.S T - A ro- "' h 01' H& ODD CO"• a ...,In& \' lew. a · b...,... It Jon!f time 111t0 that Nlfl· lw tn ronotoo, It Rhoald Pr<'puratlon:< ar" WM Wh•m hoof IM• hl• lniC mllfiA P-Yf'ry N&"l OF THl HOM!. pli&N'd In n nn hrat.ed dll(lorator llllllwtnd tbnt llll!MIIR be Ycry bot. OVPII at ohl� for t:... •prlng t amp i , t.hnutJh It • 111'111, MO • l(ll CAPS ul plamd-they whoald that tho mrfo""' wlll bo quickly hmwn­ I• h•M tho C1-r lboald rl& Ia With the - �ho d mnrn or dltnrolt tn find nut not be ''oc­ l -· · cur. " No artlrlo readily thow mt�klnll a co�ttlnl( hy whkh the elloot dlnoctlo11 Fu•hlnn l k ly .... ··- of .... of fllrnittm> 110 e�l, D11tnn h o lendw ltwnlf tn tlet"OrBtlon or I• ., tueful julr"" of tim meat will �til rrtounl'll. h•ke. JOtu hit. of pMtx�l J�&pan""'' a I'ODIIthtl! R plrNl of llf'tlf IM wmally the HJ>rllliC mul •nmnll'r month•. Dn·ww of tim home. Tim "cnmfnrtabln" U pa(llll' to . ment rRro old of Hpanl•h IPRthor. In mlnut w fnr cv••ry poun•l And min mBiflrial• ,., . motlly uwl Vllrl•·d. Amott!! quality may bfl lntl'OIIut'tld by IM'rRP 1:1 I� · SHIRTS tim olm· The � a contrlhutor to 11111 hlutR on hom" f\l't'oratlon ui<'K fnr thfl pRn, \nllr• f�t•hlotlllhl•• nmt"ri"l" :�r.. Jlf<•tty �ootr.b meanw hy t. h., Ullf' of tlu• fur­ wo:nnri piMt Pu tnn h1111 tbn fnllowlnl! tn tb" New York and authority for frlt•1J'M 111 mt.. .d .-.tnrhllf. The "amrl'N aud within oay liD !!on, DlllhiDifll mat..rial11 r..arh, tho followin�e: hulr fabric-• for flarly •prhii! " llfl· SHOES aided, by tuct anti jutllfllll'n&. MM1>tmM: a a I"' "' ro of ootl-, rt Mhould lw y• In mind To piPC<• of l.el-f for roa•tlnlf oom" quit" JlOJIOiur. 'l'h""'' will bt• one with the right of deco- hom!' P"'l"'"' a a made Arq ""II"" that a """"" I• pro)lf'rly " decoration, do not w011h it., but wlpn It oft with up with lori)(ht \' <'lv<'ts 1111<1 "'n•lth•ruhlt> • o atul, t'l<<'llJlt In th•• coMO whPn> It I• dRIIIP doth. l'larn It In 11 hl\klng pnM!>IPIIU'Dh'ri•• aud t mhr iclt>ry. L:L�, (If the la!.est Fall c i a !IIIli, t• tim awl Winter Styll's. fr:tmn !Yitl Mlny• In n111• J htc:• , It Mhoold anti tlr<'tllfn top und Mlt•u. ..t"'"k" Put In tho ph• of •poonfnl• of Tbrn• art' ul"'' •Ilk• In 11nthPr-ln-l•w h . Ill' o �rrn mrut hliMbet•n well rowtwtl Remrmbor rhl11a KilkK, ol !lf•fVIIhln *'"Ill tiC· duully ""'"' Into 11n1 that uflt·r the fll'!!t mlnuh• rnoll!t "'-"'' MigiJH, JU\UI'l'll!1 ll!Ul llll OVf'r' tit'· lnw. Whnt harm 211 H floWPf1'd re<1DinJM UIOIIPrRlt1 OVPn 11nd huMlll tho �ignM Tht• UHW ean\'JUI lllllh1rilllP4, all mntlu•r-ln-lnw do Un . tr mo•ut frt-q ently with itM own drlpph•l!• cotrou, whit-h com•• in a vnri••ty of col· ly prohlhltPII from dnu�rhtt•r'• from tllll pRu. If there IM thllllfllr of tho or11, prnml•" to ""ry popul11r. be tlw k hnnd, whhnobnndnt 7 11ruvy lfrowlng too brown or conkhii! Tho form whlrh tl the pAn, and fn-qut•ntly u 1!111 of etMlk· co•rtRin tltlll It untHt Th� rour HALL tn t.rimnll'd. tbnot• Ott 1.1\"ISU HCIO�t. i p 1-. or IM lnl! w no Ia added In the un In the l1111t ml� 111Jnmd I• p•m•• l• •"ul flut. hBtuiM fnr may make th" MIDtpl.,et mhmtt'll of e

    ,....,. AMos H. VAN HoRN, Ltd. Rare Success

    to eat oatmeal ! knows Isn't H-0

    PAitLOit117.00 SUIT5 �rncatrllr, l'lu•h, S2 5.00 hdk llro< .tl

    AI""'" Ft!h rn, �'J·75

    .. Carp.\ ""'wtcr,,ets: ,ncttc-, St. z 5 y.wl \: .... 75c Yanl Yi l\lh, 75l' ) ·lril Ht tdy Bru ... t·ls, ()C C)anl Ut ·t 'I . . J•e-t ry, �5c yanl Brn"tls, 5c c prJ .\II-"''"! lnc:r.uns, 5�c )•Hd I (;.,.,J ln,:l.•lll C.trpet,, 28c yard J-l.\1\ 1 ;.;, ; .\ :'\IJ 1..\YI:'\t i FRLE. . . and \\ i.!tl" I 1,1 ( ·! tl.• l.iuulcutn, all "The Portland Range none better known to wo�anklnd " n LTD. Van. Hor Amos MOH.S A NO I"Ol'E NA�IE AND 73 Bt:FOIIE ENTEIIINO STOllE Near Plane street NE AW , N. J. 73 Market St• W K

    james Moffett, BAYARD DRUG STORE, J. F. 'OO'RV�LL, Successor, tar\\tnttr & Builder. Broad Street. we•tfleld. Pr011peft St., DRUGS, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTIC LES, FANCY CUT , •• The l�uiou Papt'r ('otupauy t>h•t·ttttl W:UTI'IELD, JfE'W JEUO, GLASS BOTTLES OF PERFUMERY, SPONGES, ETC. th� followiug otli<'t-'l'!oi ou �lowla v, at tlu-•ir otlic·e 111 tld:-i towil: Eetlmatee Cheerfully 'urnlehed. PRKSCRIPTION8 CAIIKP'ULLY COMPOUNDKD. Willi11111 lluJ.(hP". lrP•i pre:-.ich·nt , HH!-ill!ook, 1 'Sut ..... : R. RolJiii'"Oll,H H A1hll"th· t:luh �Pcrt>tary . L. .lr . tn·a!'i\lf I • t oo. who th the fol lowiu&; IIUOO fl' Wi t·owprbt• al Tlu-• ha•w hall tt•ntu of tht• Crauforcl :.."•K; , The rPatlt·r� of thiH ()H}Wl will f you haven't a �! ate F!re or n Open �o the tlirt•dor"' SpPlH't'l' (' Ulakt•, \\' Atldt•tk l lnh wtll ••lt>t't ' ' 11ftkt·t !"' 011 IH·xt nt he e Fire• Audt_·r""on, \V at,.ou. t>Vt•mug, plt•,l.-t'tl to lt'urn that thPrH iH lt->a�t one la e you ou�r:ht to have one-for you are (T 0. �aturclay :\lan·h .... 1 J' 1 1:; •ln·;uh•tl t• that ;;cit'Ul'� hn��o ht•t'u WHEELI NG NOT ES. c ('hnro; :\Jar.. h tlit'tl at tlw ht�IIH' of Tlw Ctaufurtl (' lm"ie 1M11 t••:u11 tH ea ... nncl missing one of the comforta of life. D A J.{arw• a\,h• to enl'P in all it"" !-ltlt&et-'H, thut iM hh; "'on. o11 Or<'hattl Htl't->t't, ou TtW:-;tlay ha\'t-> Hcht•tlnl•·tl tlwir opt->uJug w1th t'atarrh. Han·� C tarl'h Cnl't' i:o\ tlw W. P. '--FIRE! nt E i ·� u )ll'tHltlly aft61'1HK'H. tht' agt-> �)f .r•:ar:-; lJt· : tltt- l za · h proft·:-;io ... ual team oil Sat u �t'rivt•u h� �o;ltowing the yc.11 H.U fl Hua.rtl:' J ulv p· ��itin:- t'tU't' kuowu to the •uetli<'al ifi h f IPECIAL I f l..iJl\'t' 0JK'h F'ire JM:'r!ulJI!>i you llt'etl �tNt.rk St!utl The safe•& ct>HMt'tl wa� an ol•l rt-> lllt.-nt of tl1t> towu lll tlcty, .. \pnl Spaltliug, on� o which hP hu.H te " l't't. l"l•·�atuwnt l lall H ('atarrh ( 'm·H i�tuk 1 • ot Ro t->llt' tt tn . .:\ �1"" .. . I !Jt->t .ll umulJt->1' ut tltt· h·I••Jul� of tht· dniJ "l 't'llt t•ll intt->l'llally actill'r dilt•t•tly npou the altPra.timu.; to tllt'ir Mtort- uml are rww · 1 1 'I !-lt-f· t:'\'t'lllllg'. ' lmtoille"i!-'. Tv t1rt'ss:'1 ;·�:··�� :� . 1/1��11 11s,!�:; l'������1,.1.'''', '�!1 a \' t:'I Y �-'IJ,lOJ aiJlt< i hlotul awl unu·on"' ��n fa<'t'H of tht-> n•.tdy fur , ltlt· Rt\, ( •· · ""> !"\ t . , - • � -- tt·w ti.H'J t•h\· tlt'�trnvlllg- tltt• !onwlatton } lt'l Lt !tl� l CURTIS M • THORPE,..,.tr-- :rt't-' 1� : �..J: � a Jtl Jth•l'IIH'Ht wa... ru:ult· : . � � � � _ lot tiu· th!<-.t-ol�to�t• awl � .L'h·iu� tltP patit•ut Uld • • tt \ lt->\\ �t-'lllttt tu 1111, PenJth• f ,,}1 I). ...fii 'Jl:..:,th h\' lntii11iiii-C np tlH· ('OJI�titntinll PAWK AVE., PLAINFIELD, N. Scunt'lhlnJ: Uf'llf'IHI who t I � � g- W tloing- tf:.; wurl< Htl I•••ople l't-o tnir�:-> UH•tlit'itw to J, • Th�· n·g-n�ar ...t• bool lltt-t• tin:.:- will ht-> :\lr .Tauu·"' ,] ,lw•-., of tltt· •lrll,L{ fit HI [awl ll" i till ttnrt• in C JIO•JI3 , If ' �-�nl•ttt- tht• ltt JWt'1"'.an • kicl_llt')'� will _ _ Tilt• }lltJ}H'IPtllr.-. lta\'t• mtwh faith in 1: ! ------h•·ltl utt Tm·:-.cl.ty t·\'t·tliu� ::'.l.�t t'h Jtith .Tout·��\:. Sou ( 'ow.t,·u . Ill , t rt "' '•·ak1 11� IH l't' u '!"' ..... _• _•_• _•_-__ . l i oth·r P 1IIH1 11 tl't�t· l't'IJit•t1 1 1 t 1 tt<'l'l-1, ...... Tlw h·rlJJ" c f t ,fJil'f"' of following- :\••\\' Di.,1·o\'t'lT ·n··, t b t·ur ativt• }JOWt•r.. .. tlmt t}lt',V 0JJ . W th Y <.. l'H' tlJ" ut Dr Kw:.: "' .. t}utt Tl •. ut> cuH• l t'H not )'jtuunla�e au�l H:-1 t .t� < l llnwlr+•tl ))qJLu·... for any t'H:-." t hat it u� � .. trn ...ft 't'" will t·�I�in· un that dah• .T \r. )a:-;t wintt·t llh w tt· \\ a t ·l +· With I 1 k t l 1 n ·� m • ,utalll� 110 1 � �'Y 1101' otht• 111t�� � F •rgn"'• ll ' l lllllt .lllll .Tc ,) llt•gt• la grq,pt•, awl ht•r 1-a:-.t• gn•w 1 , i'l• •ll" !·dls to t'IIJ"t• St·lltl tor lbt f tt tinu I :: , \\'a M HUt { , . � ; m .. ... < .utt, lmt IH a tome• 1 tt'tah\ e. Crushed Stone, .1 ( mt . l \.c +· . . t:-; n JJII'Jl. 'llu·... •· gPutlt· ·n h.t\ ,. ..., , \"t·tl th.Lt plty ....lt·;an:-; at ( 'o\\'tlt'll awl Pau.t J b bh -.... ,'roh· , a ... F .I ('111 :\ J:\"&(\• tlo ( . lt al't� l!llltlly ou the :-;louut�·h atul lmw- ('r. fottl \'t•l y 1H'f't•p1 abl v "'t hool t +lnltl •lo uothiug t'or lu - r lt "+ t'lllt'tl to l ) . Trap Rock, m n" ' · ' t>ll'l, wltlmg- �h·t·ugth �m•l �n·mg- tt_me to trn:-.h•t•:-1 and will pru!Uib} v lit-> n· t·lt·dt•tl. +1••\'t·lop iuto ha�tv t' Jll:-illlll ltiou Jla\ �ol•l by •lrn:.r; . ', . t • Blue } I ..u�t:-.. ; ;( tiH cn·gall""._ ht•J:t·l y auhr g- uatlu·� 111 � : Tilt' mattt·r of u lit'\\: ... 't hool lmiltl g lJr , u ..,,011 , : Hall :"'! F.unily Ptll:-�an· tl11• ht·:-;t. : � � � iu 1114' Kiu,L(:-; r\t•w IJt�t·• \'t•ry i tu; tilll.ll�lliH t of t ) fnnl'tto�u�· Elt'ct, !ll } I I �·� - -- H:� � For Walks. llri\'Cs, Roads, Will lH· ln·onght np tlu� l!.!t·t·titt•'.""' awl :-;t' liug lob of it ht> tuok lot tit· ,., tlt a . and Iron. B_tttt->1'� 1 an t'Xl't•llt•ut Hll(!t•tlzt�r u.�ul altls homt> 1111,1 to the :-;ur\rbt• of all :o-.ht• Ill' I .. . Concrele, etc. Bigdow With qnitt> a !-it'l' ' t l 1 . u .. th,L{t•Httou Oltl pt•ople tiwl tt ]list t'X A. B mH gau to g 't tt• r from ti r,.,t l l Prl Hch ion.,. a•·c·iclt"llt ou Satnl'llay t->\"t->lliUg :\lr w · '0'1', aw ! ' phy:n<'iWl hus iuvt>utPd a t ·tly what tlwy JH•t•tl Prict-> t't•utH .:1\·t·n half tlozt•ll +loll.u· hottlt'� t'lll t"'tl lu·r A a. �1' ,�, j) :-ol'l'C'ial i\lh •ntiua tu �""� 1 un·a rug u B!t'l-'low \\ t•Ht •lowu wto tlu· ('+·11m· of . I1 Ult'tht l wluch ho HU YI!i iruu ctu bt• awI Jo ttl tl .t H :"'l1 11uul awl w. tl Dr Kulg- Nt"'\\' M t , ''! I u. )J II' )J Private ll' l on u ttit�ll a\'t• t• t o � IJJ"' by du'-'t'H. t re. D•lvea a•tuuttd Walko, furul•h etl u • l l -. ... u l"" !Jn to ,Jtt+·wl t \ ... m t c ,., a !i gi\'t•U in la.r..,;l' Hl·ll�. lw uotit•t•tl, :S u Wua·k m· d ut b�o; 'o 't•t y tor c·ou n p iou, ough tl l ''nutl'iU'It•tl 11 · · ' o r -- �·� - _I _I hy lhti tuu, 1 b • work huvl' JO\\ t·rtul iutt·tual 'r lwy - - - The 'futtt v; Ctlltl� gumalltt-.. •1 to tl1 1 th1:-. g1•o l ) ort-(a.Us. · 1 ��:: 1/}� · • ��j111H:.�: •tt\ {" t r · IJottlt·H at \'al l·� �I ·au th,!.ft•Nt c·ouJoilrlPral,�o quuutrtit•Joi all_ U\'t•r �����ut11 ·.., Hl;:.d1t of���::::1 Htai r� TJ;1• fa}\J 0��:::!1.,.:���,111l Try I , F • e tda) Ho1 of Acclulretl. hls I ... lh Ill-{ titon·. : trou and tllt'll n·wlt•J' 1t hw·k, through at� Mr. Hlg-t•}ow to illJlll't' lli!-i llf'atl. kJH,( k 1 I ...... - of in i 111J.' llim :-.t'll:-it'h·N!>' liP t't'IHHIIH·tl iu uu -� � �-- tlu· ulhutw·H tltt·Jr t·Ji�"'' fouu DyHpt•pH ll S}It'l'lulbt (initaLly)-Bnt, WahlScotch & Plaine, Ha tfi eld, ..., • u. food. • nw·r wutluut, yon JUUiit •·Ju-w y our Wall Paper. N .1. I \\'ha& llauhattau hlautl Hu -,--.--.-,--;--;--.,---,.--r--,- aftt->1 111JOII thiH wr_itiug )lr J_ ii�H toitHBh\t.:h ot waulnwl. ht• ft·t-tl .. hiH Whut wt•ru your tl'l·th J.(ivt•n you fur? . :\ t Wu. 1 hteu•hly l't•('(J\'t•l'Jilg from ht:-. Ill Nl M hlawl f"n ltt '.ith \\'hat 1 ' <·u_llK Vt'fY uln«l b� Ft•walu Pu.til'Jlt (l'ulully)-They ����.1� ·Vt•r uuhattuu Wh 'U� \ !\ � . I tllt.Y ua I t I BLUE FISH, Jill) ·nt lt ••f t lt·d with l(l'illUH I wert•u 't I( V •u Ul mu, bought 'um.- · you urmw thu W.lnnd Munhutt1m. Tlw • •a umg I BLACK SEA BASS, how of of """• ''IIH" Th� ('ranfor•l ( 'o1111lry Clu Iiiii-( Lri•f•·r u•rm WIIM >l O)Jerly uppht•• i wlwat, uwl t h"Y lay •·xtr•·wely b 1 J ' l n I Loudoo l<' W>. FRESH SALMON � . t�t�ru r<,lh·tl tlw �� lizalJt'th ( tt·ar 1 at t!Uf' way ftn IHJW i wt Lt· rkh i u uou uh· . �uly dJj:.(t•Hh•tl. ------A. ! h a t t t t·uut u.p- ---- ...-f.a.--v ,..., .aL. HALIBUT, . 1 i WIUI 011 lue••lay lll�ht he plied nt ull. 'l' llt' plncu that hurt• i - The Uu t<'d Hlutt•K Oug first ...,...- ROlES, t�h zHiwth. I t - - • JuWd n &O· 'K' ( I try luh lo t h awl h io We · fon•i11n i Uuiberou JU I ( , • '"'� !-(.'' "'"" "'"'" loug<·r ,h,.•eruihl" lll uuhuttuu all lwow tlrnt any t u •·•l 1nn•<"le lJy <'r SH DE§ PO WE�KF15H, < t 110 WI 111- . 11 rx>w t.lto !rr�e tPainH ar• tr•·•l lor ir•t piH<'H Ill tlltl a W xm lll' Ill t'IUl I"• t ·•·•tol'<'ur• Hook our ,· " ' . • II "I'" 1 m.um.. . 0 rl V�(jjj(• l muluug tlw •ulutu Ad iral 11 • { IIIII 1 ew Jel'H '\' . - ""'"' Hil·e • . ; . ::·� t , . Hll,l'iug lin··· l'�Ht To I otta R d My d d 11 SOFTHAND s AND c {' H .."'"'" N I ' La M • . rouud�d b y t· ' U1 - "I Hill '"" lt� - ur A �� lil t'� of tliH f.{IUUt'.-1 wete 1 Ill. .ut< I I M · ( · liH UM l H I Y . ) l't'"'t tht-> �'uu• ' lltrj(t!d Ly tldt•o. Lutl'r 011 It '1 1, . ,f i ' 111111,·. L' 1 i.. ll1• 1 ' 11t!l'" t'OUl· ) C' . 1 •1 ·, ont•t 1 t lt Th r...oUI'O!M'Ull 1 t UIUC 1 • 'lie' l ltb " 1 Ill:1 11.: 1 tlltl lll&b 1 II UH ij r 1 H 1 arger 1 � u 1 �111 J.(IUUP, ... Craufoul ! Ht <'UIIIe ) cenlt•r pia<�• wlrid1 'I'iliH J · " ! nl<-knUI IO "� I J.,· th�· that the•e l.eople '1'111' Pai'nters' Suppll'es ll'Ied Paints JOHN BACON'St jl11'PIIile Plllt•rtailllllt'llt enlle•l H�cl CI'Rted, """ . ! liU"t . IU'H / g;Rr A of Drydoek \ tllug<'. Uor< werH, lJUII t ·ull n r wl t I• w thont ' ouht 'f ho • v r io Hr••• Ri ay , of t te llloHt u!l •li••·u•e•. The "'-'mOl• . • f'OltSII'�: l'llLt:s, nlul Wood, tlw fonl Opem Hou"e 0 l H l ll108t •hip• in tlw < luy • wlll'n ! J�l'I'I'II!Pnt ol tl "lth ·�r CllI. 1 ( 'r11n 11 OW' uo l'nn eauc y u hu u trluuuh•K•, Iruru .. ·.ul•\\urtl. fiSH POULTRY MARKET CIIJIIILle 'ouo co lJuild 'l •• "" S l�ul<�t· llll(•••tn·., ('ul'tlu_tl ll�>t only i o o i a r. Pleraon BICM:k, Elm Stl'llt, unnin!-(. lllrtlt•r tilt' V<'l'l' dire•· uld tht•tu ui lA• lUI w ll . J>r�>lll >11_1' I�

  • The 11ippery oou*llioa In Ill iuoer 81\UJ( A. &eeuodar.r Rhtt.&er. . trinl le ulm llerool't re� h h , ·-- r.. ritour11ch A t't•ut tt will Steam larblB and Granito WorkL Hul•�y t llllnll, uvon t · yon o Illf IKthe.., iJ'fl"t QWtlltity Ch•• ltO ...... "'1'"'I J 0 Y�'� . euua couviltt'" it• lliOtlt�r, Mi•� today, Wid t • IllY b IJWI'it,' 11nd yun Nrk A of IIIUCll flill, Milll! Nellie fWythiUK I cu11 t n tht·unl(lr• ull dt UIIIIi•t.t. IIVIII It •• w...... • . �m••w•u��m. ed birthday o ai Whlcb It• peculiarpiOpuV 11114 Mis• he too...... P•'""• n�tv�t• o low. Et l oor·forwn1nce Miu <.:ook-, BlloUIB I bavut'* quite aolo, aw.bed me, .....,,. •• ,ii;�;;;�-��-;.w,.; ro you Jet, mt-- I � ...... --�.���:di-. :�