! /THE UNION-··--r- COUNTY STANDAR ------�-----�--------------· - ----- - - - ·------- NO. 5�. WESTFIELU, UNION COUNTY, N. J., 8ATURllAY, MARCH a, 1MU7. LOll, F. S. 1':\ Y 'Rtlloloue Motlcte VOICE OF THE I'EOI'U:. ('ommuuh·atinnlf jntcnrlrtlfol' lld�t r•olmun lfi(lnl'd, <' •·•·•col uwHt IH' and 11l�ml,f uot Aefollowe: I · MORE :JI)() wurrl• tu lrtlfiUt. $3,400.00..... ,�R0.• -· 4 Filii ... II,,... ... .. ' . - . 1 .. .. "I' �-�. NEW .................... 13.-t Ttlllllllld1rl1112 •1897,S40,8DO.DO Like blossoms of spring new goodsGOODS bursting forth upon arc aisle and every counter of this cst.hlishment. Big week every last week-bi�ger this week. Read every word of these of­ fers-money saved if you do, THE N. J. B. C. Ne.\1\le.st. Wash Fabrics.'rhl• the IIYnnln•• S.nor.lta Cordette-l\•flr,t• fnhrh·, mmftl Madras Cloth- Jo:r1.rll�hI• nut.kt •, uuthln� lt ""'1 , ... lM•Ittlr f•1r hutlt•,..' ,..hJrt \l.nl!-t"' nr Kl'lltl. uwn'!ll The New Jeney Business Colle1e tdl"frH. \'f•r)' n f :•1-ifwh l l wuuth price ]2c., Une ... fhiC rddrtl",H the.• l)o,\1';'hll•11� ll t• wr • n thllt tnn Pt•rt'l\h•w., mu·n"'' ''"H4"1rt­ fntul ment.Meahhuul t·bou"'t' Cut frnw f'itlwr Jut n� �t·turw•luH.h·d N•ll Wl�lll'rllll)'II H.l .j(t. •,, 1\1, Newark.�.No. 764 J,and !Opp. 766 the "BroadPrn<len tSt.lal" ) . I'UIJII� huyt valueat................... ........ .............. Write for Catalogue. 2Bc 7 1·2C N. B.-Open all the year. AT THE THEATRE. .. , . Owl• ""' l1y · tl!llf'. hut ,·ot!ll' 'I • t,1• of ill (a ouw• a .;�n.r p];t(':tl'llt•tl now Ht.rl.r f1J jnd,: � · t a• •·d to d hn1.: tt g-d \:-; a dny:ot itu 1,,.· Barl"·" Procft,r':-: tlwatrP. :.!:\rt} w.tn· t. N• ,;., ;u."t}Jf•J' .... f'ay� tlwn· w:1..; . wi.H'I- II know II'•Y•·Iti1·:-;.rt�],. ... H) e ·mhiJJ;IJj.,n1 q11..," II•' ll.IJI· It'''"� that t1' illlfl •li vt·l�itit· .. 1ld" J atty�llllll{ l u ,,f ll ;\T f'llf·r.v ,·au ulwan• lli' t'onud tlw b··!"!t 11f i!•Jt f•• . ,,,.�. hiH ··iJ)p ;tl'fi�t� v.md" \... Fran•·"�'·a F··l,Hu;.: awlll�l;,.:h :-:.�a:,�t,,u i who \\'t'l't' ••arl t• t . JJilt :o-. 1t atuo11lllfH1..: tht·\';L!1ilt'\"ill+' th•· til'!o•f. fo J.'O \II HJ.I' :t(': t'lll"lt1ill l'ili"'l'l!-o. Will· lllHkt• p Hr<tiH't' at }{t•irta � )faldl "'· !lwl!'wh•·H P•tlwy Hjl .... r t will Jll't'!-!Pilt :o; tim•· iu a tww ont•f,,l' adth�> t:t>HH'•li�ttati ..utit[f·d ��"\\' I �·nrk ft PLthult•l llda. ··A i • hy Ailvt·ttil'4t'llWIJt .. From York, l 1'rt>hton,th('o · --- -·- --- \V S'nrtl�t·a�t.S't-w �n\1tb Sout lWC�t Itt at l .. .. .. .._. .... Tht• OJM•Ilin� Wt··�k of �I.lrl'll ) r. IUH\ �;1)6, 8:00 } ru.: 2 :hi and FdOp. m. n u nf Rmwr t'ur ... ,.,. :\Iouth. Kt·ith'l" (lt·li�htful JOUH' of • rt' r l tlw :s't•W t'!•Utitn'.!•lll" I HHill St'lll•nL. · o maUe •, l�r,io•t ��plan·. l l tl ThoHl �on, p lty tht• 1ir�t pt rfonuarn·•· ;ti!-, -a o A rol the invf!., ntion of Cbal· C rt.!ii!>l L o� }l �i�nalizt-11 · t (•h r. t Japanese fans Men's furnishings . \! Fo,h•r. Hazt•l·n"':'- \"VallHce,S. Bt'lle �lorrow,Cha'�. at thil'i t o : �l.r;ml!'' d a st rlogy waR ' ho l t' of .lohu!"t w· B··:ah·tr <itld I"(.OJt n·tnl'll('d e n �pt ·HlD prlest Js t-\ I ' Fa��binn ,lK}lllllt'""e 1-'ttn prnJtt"rfor pl!�;�:�:��d an E R.Th ere .Tnhn lll't'm·mi<"k. �lill �· Kt>Ht, who \�·i�l Jl1flll ll'•' �)l1i._.t : t �ason OOht:•\'e that l Willinm-"'. arro!'uo� tllf' trur·k n MH.)'Hl ''\'NlfllJl tlw Utll'; Wtl hK\"jt� t U' otctro ORY C a�:-i 'H�-Etlwl Gner.,)l F.\·t·nm� "A ' f to a l air Homto, tn wlnch hoth i ! m \ar a tbt'O.lft>m . �:ml•l• · IHUS( >'allr. � ·Juwlnoc prll('tic-Pd in conu(•ction with W R ' .. tlt a H t ' d oo Pl•t• •t<•·k . ····"�)'. · ec -" Ilk �:nd Cla!>4�'+ 1nJ-Beth )II)J't'honHe. had prob hly tht> mut-t uotn'�lt· �nc·•·.-!'1..:.1u.n·,, I . 100 dKiutit•�t Indt>t·nrlltlon � !oo, ,.tkkht<�UI- c N kwear nml KrulTt>t·k �cart'-., nh·o lnr.re WESLEY R. BROKAW, t:hul lPU. thf' v · astronomy:the a th1• vane].., t. t t c 1 : etJle, 11 ...klwl,.,:.Jh·,:!:K.: c ruul alh y of Nile Cia�� lH)n-Fiort'lll'£' Drf'WPr, )l:nit> n•c'tJl'!ltotl iu thto hi�t ry (If 1 l" H u_ . t-lhlxolll,h•�tl.thra· and ls runr-tn-Juuul "ilk lint-'1 1md M•dlson Ave., Plainfield, N.J. 1D o , t fully i' lJot'Sl bctW('('ll B. r ll \'lll ur•h o fUlillllUtl, }IHI'Iit"'IH.Lik'"'• tbu ��.u ht'f'kWNlr and Himl•�on, WH.ltel' ylo , Hm·oltl \VH.l- \'illtl Tht• .AUH'l 'it-an njlt�l'lt}lh rc HJ J{ t t· 311 4000 liOOO fC'Br8 c. 'ftl 1-'tKj.Ct'. i�: cVt•rutlcr,•ol at.!vel)"... ................ "''lrth . rdai��t·d of <'otHSf'. al'l�· all thl-' ,.it'W�; owl, doubt .......------------- ----� ------------- 25C ........- -�� - FVl'HTlf tiiL\�D.I.\R. now �how n nn· of a ('OIJH-'(lyN awl iu th•�JH'r·rott•h· rocketbooks - - - - .. r uatnrt·, i · ·1 o •h-. h n •·al'h .)low lay llO' e is" chHn;;<· .. rat · t a t · " Kell'l', Harol•l Brain.·r•l. H•·r "" �!��l'�tjl�,��;·tr��!.,k!�· :•.�;�·�,�� �·! ' -St•lltl)· Laurul•·red S•·ll1h:�e lt·a�t half •lozPJLt ..III IIIWI:.l lrfS I """ l3.lrndt iot P'hirtH, t·utr... nttada�tl. t:twv� rt \VilhHm;, ,lnhn Etuhlt'tnn, Anna a Mnnkt! �kin� nil t·ulol·.. "''"nwc nuhu• Ut't·kbnntl,h b ... P����!��;�!'j� l11 tull N'lltllt'rt•tl) 'nku H.lltlJll'ltrl ,,·hfte \\'ittkt>. llary .:\litl'�t'�l. .:\ln.y Clark, Tbt• a•h· •· t of L• ut nlwa�·.., h�iu��· �acl th£· two uow biB l lh ator Y t-t•alwith run lu�o�ltlu ftl\ll!>t, lined S 5 ' n : . t lmttull!-1,uxn·ll�nt \'tllll� e e at t Stor tldOMJ - &hllf'JIU('kt•f nn•l Rhi\H.ll ht• llt'W N w J rseY 's G re e e Frauk Hl)\\'t', .:\ltnvl Elho1tt, to tlu· h�"'art ol tlw tlwatrit·al huu lock, 1 hook,., 1\t...... ................................. 59c tu tnntch f t'OI'!tmn•"••WTIIlk•l'kk . w·:o-� 1\0 1:1:01· I so..rnoK �oud he : .l�t·r lmt :-nt•h liug- hrt!-o. }I!•·· ddtlllia IUIY 48 liB.\,DI.\H . c TlllHH i r tal�t'll TinU'H. � ........................................ !'> on of that p�·im·t'.. of}, ll'\'t'� ��I!'- th'· __ . Lt•t• 'a•h\'t•ll, .:\larion Jnlm on, .. � � to I ______ , !'0.1 . t'llt l llll w;ntl � \\·,.iun.- )Ian· ( �aclh• (_ 'nalt", Etlwl Pt•ar H.I�Inl"ei U c··•n�,:; lll ll', fA ---------- -- \larioii Kn·h•r. � l h Lt•aden � · . pro dll't'l' ot tilt' }HIJ lllar fliru tl �- Agent•-No Branch 8tore•-Mall Order• carefully and . ' Jtauur•. I ·. · . • : 11 .... ta 1t� . l'l K t HH't', l · t �\}('('('�!'\ \""ith ' . · · · · · "a . ..."'·� n. :n� ··TJwi-iirl Pari. riH• I ��. quickly filled. )larJnl'lt' :Slath·. lle:-;�11-' �nn�lJ, l ruJfJII"' Hnu�t· Ot'"' e�. From at ngH :.:,r,dd...,� 1 l P . Ht•s:"'lt• Snutrt' tht'atrt' ThPI't..' t-'{"ton·thi o I .Ari!ol<l. lh·1tlJl hal.-. Berthtl F111k. .. � fomul thut I a� IIH'rl'ilv iu tht• whill of tht· _ ONE HUNDRED COMPLETEM£1 STORES UNDER ONEfl'1 ROOF: tiR.\�DUit. ,n! �1_, �-�"K : uml t h· tht-rt· for ""+'li :.;, 't't' atJt l au ar u· aud �t:cn:"ll !-o.OU atHl th•· �lf't.:utntl t thl l ha� tmf,jt·c·t!-1 day . 7/n/, k � Erue�ta Dadltu u )[arion Uootlwin. fonr Wt>Pk� in a•lvatH't', tlPt ab.llt'tl uf thn FIH�'f tltiiL\�DI.\H.. rt> is PllOlll.dl ahilJty, JH)t 'L. S. PLAUT & Co., "\14-"1111V"' au out- whit. Tllt' Hlf'l'l'iment HUJtJlOMiug V{lj• ·· BROAD STREET, CEDAR STREET, Ct>wperfhwllile. iu Tlu• (iil'l From Parh•" to haU doin Hw·h a thing iu 707·721 8 E<lith Ett11 Shit·lol. tlit-!'1, :--tnt'k � L Carri� a tlozt'll tnlll"it'n.I t.'otu.. hnt .:\Jr. Ri•·��. Thi!>l waH poohpoobfl'fl Han. Uriole Lluy.l, Hnuter Del.,. hiM h . with U:>'nn..l l ·iK Jll'otlig-a.hty, hal-l pt"\HHihlt• aim 1 Broad, Halsey, New West Park Sts., the very heart of Newark tour, Clllra 8€t•kwith . a, t•t·owdet� tt all tnto ouP, l'Oill"t'(tn�n l · t t• u.nd found . t � .h pt"'(·tA:·d t o re1-.lat tbe NEWARK, N. J. & in NpJH.rf� tlw·ttrt' 't' f'Ol'IITII J'JIJ:IIAJIY.
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