Notes and References

Introduction 1. Collections of treaties are among the standard sources for the study of world politics, important instances coming to mind being Dumont (1726-31), Rymer (1732), Martens (1803), and Parry (1%9-80). In his introduction to Fred Israel's four volumes of Major Peace Treaties of Modern History 1648-1967 (1967), Arnold Toynbee described peace treaties as the 'main sources' of the 'essential knowledge' of the history of modern international relations. Our own selection starts in earnest in 1494 (rather than 1648), and encompasses also political documentation that includes other treaties besides peace treaties, as well as speeches, messages, and legislative acts. In contrast with the Israel collection, the present work emphasises global politics and global problems rather than nation-states and territorial (prominently European) issues.

2 Portugal Starts a Global System 1. Among the presents sent from Africa was the first giraffe ever seen in China. 2. One Ii = approximately one-third of a mile. 3. He also signed a treaty of alliance with Maximilian, then ruling in the Netherlands. 4. Being a key participant, inter alia, in the wars of Italy (1494-1516), which, while regional in scope, were a precondition of Portuguese success at the global level. Notable moments of these wars included the League of Venice (1495) to counter the French invasion of Italy, and the League of (1508) directed specifically against Venice.

4 The Cooptation of Britain 1. In one of his rare quips, soon after the landing, Calvinist William asked Anglican bishop Gilbert Burnet (who accompanied him as Royal Chaplain): 'Well, Doctor, what do you think of predestination now?' (Macaulay, 1914, p. 1128; Carswell, 1969, p. 184). 2. Heneage Finch, later 1st Earl of Nottingham, a signatory of both the Treaties of Westminster (Doc. 19) and Whitehall (Doc. 23). 3. At the time of writing this memorandum Leibniz was in the employ of the Archbishop Elector of Mainz. After 1676 he served the Dukes of Braunschweig-Luneberg, including the one who in 1714 succeeded to the British throne as George I. For another discussion of the memorandum, see Mahan, 1957, pp. 92; 124-5. 4. The Latin term arbiter includes the meaning of judge, umpire, and even master of the sea. The expression arbiter mundi was first used by Seneca with reference to Jupiter, and in the medieval period it carried religious connotations. (We have this information from Drs P. W. A. T. van der Laan and J. J. V. de Vet.) The Dutch, as a nation, were seen by their opponents as setting themselves up as 'arbiter and judge' over others (see introduction to Doc. 19 below.) 5. Leibniz argued that dominium maris confers an arbitrium rerum that in a French draft he described as 'la direction universelle des affaires et l'arbitrage entre tous les princes et toutes les n5publiques'. 6. Leibniz reached Paris in late March 1672 but never saw, or directly communicated with, Louis XIV or any of his ministers.

408 Bibliography

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Aerssen, Cornelius, 140 Ayres, Licentiate 54 Afonso V, King of Portugal (1438- Aysma, Hessel 131 1481),53 Aquiar, Jorge de, 42 Badoer, Albano, 31 Alava, Francisco de, 120 Baker, Ray Stannard, 319, 336 Alba (or Alva), Fernando Alvarez de Bajpai, Girja Shankar, 365 Toledo, third duke of, 107, 120, Barbarigo, Agostino, 58, 70 121 Barbaro, Pietro, 13, 14 Albert, archduke of Austria, co-ruler Barbaroux, Charles Jean Marie, 236 of the Netherlands (1595-1621), Bathurst, B., 275 150 Bathurst, Henry, second earl of, 275 Alberti, Amalia, 104 Bayle, Leon de, 366 Albuquerque, Afonso de, 41, 42, 77, Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 78,79,89,9O,93n,96n,98 Lord,362 Albuquerque, Francisco, 42, 82, 95 Beitzell, Robert, 384, 393 Alexander I, emperor of Russia (1801- Bembo, Francesco, 31 1825),257,267 Berezhknov, Valentin Mikhailovich, Alexander VI, pope (1492-1503), 45, 369, 378 169 Bergen, marquis of, 119 Alexander, general Harold R. L. G., Berry, Charles duke of, 181,214,216, 374 223 Alfaro, C. A., 365 Beuningen, Koenrad van, 185, 187 Alidosi, Lucrezia degli, 15n Bevin, Ernest, 394 Almadana, Arias de, 45, 46, 48, 52 Birse, major Arthur Herbert, 369, 384 Almeida, Fortunato, 80 Bismarck, Otto von, 312, 316-17 Almeida, Francisco de, 5, 37, 41, 42, Blair, Emma Helen, 45 77,80, 89n, 93n, 99 Bohlen, Charles, 369, 378, 384, 385 Almeida, Lourenco, 77 Bohr, Niels, 402 Alvares, Father, 65n Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, first Alvarez, Fernando, 49, 54 viscount of, 180 Alvaro, Dom, 88, 89 Boorstin, Daniel, 36 Anaya, Pedro de, 42, 80, 82-4, 93, 102 Bourne, Kenneth, 240, 241, 242 Anderson, sir John, 402 Boyd, C. W., 300 Anjou, duke of, lord ofthe Netherlands Brandt, Gerard, 112, 158 (1581), 124, 125 Braudel, Fernand, 10, 14, 30n, 35, Anjou, duke of (1683-1700, see also 170n, 171n Philip V of ), 214, 223 Braunschweig-Lueneburg, George, Anne of Denmark, Princess, queen of duke of, king of England (1714- England (1702-1714),180,181, 1727),408 194,213-15 Bright, John, 293 Arlington, Henry Bennett, first earl of, Brissot, Jean-Pierre, 236, 244 177, 185, 187 Bristol, John Robinson, bishop of, 227 Asseliers, J. van, 125 Brito, Cristoviio de, 42 Ataide, Pedro de, 64n, 66n Brito, Louren~o de, 88, 93, 94 Attlee, Clement, 393 Brooke, general Sir Alan, 369 Augustus, Caesar, 9, 10 Buckingham, Robert Hobart, fourth Avaux, Jean-Antoine de Mesmes, earl of, 275 count of, 189 Buelow, Bernhard, Prince von, 300

415 416 Index of Names

Bulha Pato, Raimundo de, 80 Chatham, William Pitt the Elder, first Burnet, Gilbert, 408 earl of, 299 Bush, dr. Vannevar, 368 Chauvelin, Bernard-Franc;ois, marquis Bussy (-Castelnau), Charles-Joseph de, 249, 250, 252 Pattisier, marquis de, 233 Cheng Ho, 35, 36 Buys, Paulus, 131 Chicherin, Georgi Vasilievich, 340 Bycker, Gerrit, 137 Churchill, Winston S., 6, 322-8, 348- Byrnes, James F., 384 51,356,362-3,365,368-78,384- 6, 388-401, 402-3 Chys, J. A. van der, 134 Cabral, Pedro Alvares, 42, 60, 64, 67n Ciano, Count Galeazzo, 357 Caceres, Julian, 365 Cicero, 255 Calicut, Lord of, 61, 66, 95, 98 Ciechanowski, Jan, 365 Calvin, John, 110, 111 Citters, Arnoult van, 202 Cambay, King of, 69, 97 Clancarty, Richard Le Poer, second Campo Fregoso, Bartolomeo da, 15n earl of, 289 Cane, Facino, 15 Clark, G. N., 199 Cannanore, King of, 66n, 68-9, 84, Clement, Pierre, 167, 171n 88-9,95 Close, Ralph W., 366 Canning, George, 241 Cobbett, William, 178, 184, 195,211, Caravello, Marino, 31 213,228,247,251 Carbery, John Vaughan, third earl of, Cobden, Richard, 241-2, 293, 297 197, 199 Cochin, Lord of, 62, 67, 68, 84, 89, 95, Cardenas, don Guitierre de, 48, 52 99 Carignan, Prince Amadeo of, 220 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 110, 113, 114, Carignan, Prince Thomas of, 220 167, 171n, 190n Carmagnole, Francesco, 15 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, Marquis de Carneiro, Antonio, 102 Seignelay, 190 Caron, Noel de, 131 Cole, Charles W., 174n Carr, Edward H., 319, 322 Columbus, Christopher, 36, 37, 45, Carswell, John, 408 64n,169 Casey, Richard G., 365 Conant, James B., 368 Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, first Concheso, Aurelio F., 365 viscount, 238, 239, 240, 257, 275, Contarini, Antonio, 31 279,281,282,284,287,290,292 Cook, Captain James, 231 Castracane, Castruccio, 22n Correia, Ayres, 61 Catarina, Infanta Dona, 220, 223 Cortesao, Jaime, 79 Cathcart, William Shaw, first earl of, Court, Pieter de la, 114 289 Coutinho, dom Fernando, 42 Catherine II, the Great, empress of Coventry, Henry, 185, 187 Russia (1762-1796), 312 Cretico, II, 60 Cato, Messer, 16 Cromwell, Oliver, 113 Cessi, Roberto, 13, 14 Crowe, Eyre, 242-3 308, 319 Chamberlain, Joseph, 242, 300 Cunha, Tristao da, 42, 93n Chamberlain, Neville, 348, 349 Cunningham, admiral Andrew Browne, Charles, archduke of Austria, 276 369 Charles II, king of Great Britain (1660- Czartoryski, Prince Adam, 257, 264, 85),177,184,185,191,204,205 266 Charles V, king of Spain, Holy Roman Emperor (1519-1556), 104, 118, Dabreu, Vasco Gomes, 94, 102 122n Danby, Thomas Osborne, first earl of, Charlotte, Princess of Wales, 276 177,185,187 Index of Names 417

Davenport, Frances Gardiner, 45n, Firth, Sir Charles Harding, 164 104n,151n Fondolo, Gabrino, 15 Deane, major-general John R., 361 Foscari, Francesco, 14n, 19,21,22,27, Debs, Eugene Victor, 343 29,31 Degras, Jane, 340 Fotitch, Constantin A., 366 Delbruck, dr Hans, 315 Franklyn, Julian, 193 Dennis, Fernand, 365 Frederick II, king of Prussia (1740- Diamantopoulos, Cimon G., 365 1786),310,311,312 Dias, Diogo, 74n, 65n Frisch, David Henry, 367 Diffie, Bailey W., 36, 38, 77 Froude, James Anthony, 301 Dilke, Sir Charles, 297 Fuerstenberg, Cardinal Wilhelm Egon Dill, field marshal Sir John, 368, 369 von, 189 Disraeli, Benjamin, 242, 293, 297, 300 Fuggers, The, 99 Does, Jan van der, 131 Dolfin, Pietro, 13, 14n, 30 Gallais, Hugues Ie, 365 Dongois, Nicolas, 216 Gama, Estevao, 2 Douglas, Charles, 227 Gama, Paulo da, 56 Drake, Sir Francis, 109 Gama, Vasco da, 39, 42, 56, 57n, 65, Duda,344 79,89n Dumont, Jean, 117, 127, 150,408 Gamarra, Fernando de, 54 Dumouriez, general Charles-Fran<;ois Gardner, Richard N., 381 du Perier, 250 Garvin, J. L., 300 Duyvendak, J. J. L., 35 George III, king of Great Britain Dyer, Sir Edward, 130, 132-3 (1760-1820),30, 193 Gilbert, Martin, 362 Eden, Sir Anthony, 369, 370, 384, 385, Gill, Gom<;allo, 100 391,397 Gladstone, Wiliam Ewart, 241 Edward III, king of England (1327- Godinho, Vitorino Malaghaes, 40, 79, 1377), 193 82n,99n Edwards, rear-admiral Richard, 231 Gois, Damiao de, 39, 40 Egmont, Philip count of, 119 Gomes, Louren<;o, 94 Eisenhower, general Dwight D., 374 Gooch, George Peabody, 306, 308 Elizabeth J, queen of England (1558- Gowing, Margaret, 367, 402 1603),108,127,132,204-6 Grantham, Thomas Robinson, second Engels, Friedrich, 343 baron,232 Estrada, Fernan duke of, 55 Granville, lord Leveson-Gower, first earl, 264, 266 Faria e Sousa, Manuel de, 113 Greenlee, William Brooks, 41, 60, 62n, Fawkener, W., 274 64 Ferdinand II, king of (1479- Grenville, William Wyndham, first 1516),37,39,45,48,55,64 baron 249 Ferdinand VII, king of Spain (1808, Grey, Sir Edward, 308 1814-1833), 283 Gromyko, Andrei, 384 Fernandes, Diego, 98, 99, 100 Grotius, Hugo, 40, 110, 113, 141 Fernandes, Manuel, 83 Guardia, Jaen, 366 Fernandez, Luis, 365 Ferrara, Nicolo III d'Este, Marquis of, Haersolte, Rutger van, 131 17 Hamilton, dukes of, 227 Ferreira, Pedro, 86 Hardenberg, Karl August, prince of, Feytzma, Jelger van, 131 284,289 Finch, Heneage, first earl of Harlow, Vincent T., 228 Nottingham, 177, 185, 187,408 Harriman, Averell, 370, 384 418 Index of Names

Hatzfeldt, count Paul, 306, 307 Joseph I, king of Hungary (1687), Holy Hawke, lord Edward, 232 Roman Emperor (1705-1711), 203 Hawkins, Sir John, 109 Juan, don, of Austria, Governor of the Hazlitt, William Carew, 14 Netherlands (1576-1578), 122, 123 Henri III, king of (1574--1589), Juan, don, prince of the Asturias, died 109, 124n 1497,54,55 Henri IV, king of France (1589-1610), Julius II, pope, 45 109, 150 Henriquez, Henrique, 48, 52, 54 Karski, Jozef (J. B. Marchlewski), 343 Henry, Prince of Portugal, 64n Katayama, Sen, 343 Henry VIII, king of England (1509- Kautsky, Benedikt, 342 1574), 127 Kennan, George, 242 Herbert, Arthur, 197 Keppel, admiral lord Augustus, 231, House, col. Edward Mandell, 320, 321 234 Howarth, David, 108 Kerr, sir Archibald Clerk, 370, 384 Howe, C. D., 368 Keynes, John Maynard, 381 Hitler, Adolf, 349, 352 Kimball, Warren F., 348 Hop, Jacob, 200, 202,203 King, admiral Ernest J., 369 Hopkins, Harry, 326, 369, 370 Koenigsegg, Leopold William, count Humboldt, Wilhelm freiherr von, 284, of, 200,202 287,289 Kurusu, Saburo, 357 Hurban, V. S., 365 Hussain, admiral Emir, 77 Labrador, Gomez, 287, 289 Huxelles (or Uxelles), Nicolas du Ble, Ladislas of Durazzo, king of marquis d', 227 (1386-1414), king of Hungary Hyderabad, nizam of, 233 (from 1390),17 Lampugnano, Giovanni da, 16 Lane, lieutenant, 231 Imola, Lord of, 16, 17 Lane, Frederick c., 14, 19n, 23n, 24n, Innocent XII, pope (1691-1700), 189 29n,62n Isabel, queen of Portugal (1496-1498), Langley, Harold D., 348 56 Langstone, Frank, 365 Isabella, queen of Castile (1474--1504), Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith 37,39,45,48,55,64 Petty-Fitzmaurice, fifth marquess, , archduchess, 242 co-ruler of the Netherlands (1599- Latour-Dupin, marquis N. de, 289 1633), 150 Leahy, admiral William Daniel, 369, Ismay, general Hastings Lionel, 369 394 Israel, Fred, 408 Leibniz, Gottfried von, 178-9, 181, Israel, Jonathan, 114 183,408 Leicester, Robert Dudley, earl of, 127 James I, king of England (1603-1625), Leme, Ruy, 54 150n, 158,204,205 Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 340, 344 James II, king of England (1685-1688), Le6n, Pedro de, 54 177,191,192,193 Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor James Edward, the Old , 213, (1658-1705), 200 216 Levison-Gower, captain John, 231 Jeannin, Pierre, 150, 152, 157 Lima, Joao de Sousa de, 42 Jenkinson, Charles, 197 Lippmann, Walter, 320, 321, 327, 328 Joao II, king of Portugal (1481-1495), Litvinov, Maxime, 365 37, 39,40,45, 56, 66n Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, Jonas, Manfred, 348 second earl of, 275, 284 Index of Names 419

Llewellin, Colonel J. J., 368 Maria, queen of Portugal (1500-1516?), Lobengula, king of the Ndebele, 302 39,56 Lobo da Silveira, dom Joachim, 287, Marlborough, John Churchill, first duke 289 of, 179,328,348 Lodge, senator Henry Cabot, 345 Marshall, George, 323, 324, 329, 405 Loewenheim, Francis L., 348 Martin V, pope (1417-1431), 29 Loewenhielm, Carl Axel, 287, 289 Martinho, dom, 90, 97, 99 Lomas, Sophie L., 132 Marx, Karl, 343 Lopes, Tome, 82 Martens, Georg Friedrich von, 408n Lopez-Herrarte, Enrique, 365 Mary II, queen of England (1689- Loredan, Leonardo, 29, 70n 1694), 177, 178, 181, 191, 193, Loredan, Pietro, 14n, 29, 31 195, 197,206 Loriot, Fernand, 343 Massa, friar Antonio della, 29 Lothian, Philip Henry Kerr, eleventh Matthias, archduke of Austria, Holy Marquess, 322 Roman Emperor (1612-1619), 124 Loudon, Alexander, 365 Mattingly, Garrett, 11 Louis XII, king of France (1498-1515), Maxim, sir Hiram Stevens, 302 169 Maximilian I, Emperor, 408n Louis XIV, king of France (1643- Melho, Duarte, 86 1715),167,177,178,179,181, Melho, Pedro de, 86 182, 184, 189-90, 193, 195, 197, Melville, Robert Saunders Dundas, 214,215,216-224,235,238 second viscount, 275 Louis XVI, king of France (1774- Mendes, Diogo, 42 1793),245,254,255 Mendon<;a, Lopes de, 100 Luther, Martin, 110 Menin, Joost de, 131 Mesnager, Nicolas, comte de Saint­ Jean, 227 Macauley, Thomas Babington, 184, Metternich, Clement Wenceslaus 303,408 Lothaire, Prince, 279, 281, 282, McCarthy, Leighton, 365 287,289,291,292 Maclean, Bill, 343 Michiel, Fantino, 31 McNeill, William H., 324 Mihajlovic, Dragoljub, 374 Maelson, Fran<;ois, 131 Miranda, Simiio de, 64n Magellan, Ferdinand, 169 Mitford, Nancy, 193 Magoffin, Ralph van Deman, 141 Mocenigo, Tomaso, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 408 29, 30n, 113, 114, 240 Maisky, Ivan, 392 Modelski, George, 2, 4, 36, 41, 112 Malatesta, Pandolfo, 15 Modelski, Sylvia, 14, 30, 60, 80, 127, Malatesti di Rimini, Carlo de, 17 151,167,184,189,197,244,267, Maldonado, Rodrigo, 48, 52, 54 279 Malindi, king of, 84, 87 Molotov, Vyacheslva Mikhaylovich, Mancidor, don Juan de, 156 370, 394 Manuel I, king of Portugal (1495- Montagnana, Cecco de, 5,17 1521),4,5,39,40,41,56,58,60, Montigny, Floris de Montmorency, 61n, 62,64, 70, 77, 79,89n, 91, baron de, 119 96n Morgenstierne, W. Munthe, 366 Marchioni, Bartolomeo (the Morgenthau Jr., Henry, 381 Florentine), 62, 99 Motley, James, 108, 127 Maret, Hugues-Bernard, 250 Mountbatten, lord Louis, 371 Margaret of Austria, duchess of , Muenzenberg, W., 343 Regent of the Netherlands (1559- Mulgrave, Henry Phipps, first earl of, 1567), 119, 120 275 420 Index of Names

Murat, Joachim, king of Naples (1808- Peegas, Joham, 93 1815), 76 Peel, sir Robert, 293, 295 Muratori, Ludovico Antonio, 11,14, Peierls, Ronald F., 367 30,60 Pereira, Jorge de Melo, 42 Mussolini, Benito, 349, 352 Peter I, the Great, emperor of Russia (1682-1725), 312 Napier, Henry Edward, 15n Philip II, king of Spain (1556-1598), Napoleon I, emperor of France, 237, 107,117,118,220,223 238,267,268-71,291,310 Philip V, king of Spain (1700-1746), Narsimha, king of Vijayanagar, 100 181,214,216,223 Nassau, William Adrian Odijk, Count Pickering, Danby, 204 of, 197, 199 Piiia, Ruy de, 47 Nelson, admiral lord Horatio, 237, 239 Pippo Speno (Filippo degli Scolari), 26 Nesselrode, Charles Robert, Count, Pisani, Domenico, 58, 60, 72 282, 287, 289 Pitt Jr., sir William, 4, 236, 237, 238, Newton, Isaac, 180 247,257,270 Neyen, friar Jean de, 156 Place, Elie de la, 157 Noailles, comte Alexis de, 289 Polk, President James Knox, 294 Noronha, dom Garcia de, 42 Pomponne, Arnauld de, 171 Noronhas, The, 99 Portal, air chief Marshal Charles Norwich, John Julius, 14, 19n, 26n, 29 Frederick Algernon, 369 Nottingham, Daniel Finch, second earl Prempeh, king of Ashanti, 302 of, 197, 199 Prescott, William H., 113 Nova, Joao da, 42, 102 Prestwich, Menna, 111 Novossilsoff, count Nicolas, 257, 264, Priuli, Girolamo, 40, 60 266 Queymado, Vasco, 85, 91 Oldenbarnevelt, Johan van, 108, 112, Quilon, king of, 68, 94 131, 150 Ordilaffi, Catarina degli, 15n Rait, Robert Sangster, 164 Ordilaffi, Giorgio degli, 15, 16 Rakovsky, Christian, 344 Orleans, Philip, duke of, 181,214,216- Raleigh, Sir Walter, 150n 23 Ranke, Leopolde von, 21n Osborne, Kelly, 58 Ranum, Orest and Patricia, 178 Ozolua, king of Benin, 63n Rapkin, David, 2 Ravenstein, E. G., 39, 56 Pacheco, Duarte, 54 Razumovskii, count Andrei Kirillovich, Padilha, Pero Lopes de, 64, 69 289 Paine, Thomas, 236 Reinstein, Boris, 344 Palmela, dom Pedro de Sousa Holstein, Resquesens y Zuniga, Luis de, 121 count of, 287, 289 Reynaud, Paul, 348 Parma, Alessandro Farnese, prince of, Rhodes, Cecil, 302n 119n Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 357 Parry, Clive, 182, 184, 197,200,214, Richardot, Jean, president of Artois, 279,408 152, 156 Pascal, Paul, 58 Richmond, Charles Lennox, first duke Pasqualigo, Pietro, 60, 64, 70 of,227 Pauw, Reynier, 37 Robertson, James Alexander, 45 Pavlov, Vladimir Nikolayevich, 369, Roda, Heronymo, 122, 123 378,384 Rodrigues, Joao, 93 Pecanha, Joao Rodrigues, 93,94 Romanin, Samuele, 14,56 Pecanha, Manuel,84,88,93,94,96 Roosevelt, Elliott, 378 Index of Names 421

Roosevelt, president Franklin D., 6, Smith, Joseph, 30 322-6,328,348-51,358,362-5, Soares, Lopo, 42, 78, 81, 82, 90, 92 368-80,384-6,396,402,403 Somers, John, 191,211 Roosevelt, president Theodore, 319 Soong, T. V., 365 Ross, Robert, 34 Sophia, dowager princess of Rossi, Piermaria de, 15, 16 Brunswick-Hanover, 215 Rowen, Herbert H., 117 Sottas, Jules, 31n Royal, captain Forrest B., 369 Sousa, Garcia de, 42 Rozin, F., 344 Sousa, Don Juan de, 45, 46, 48, 52, 54 Rudnianski,344 Sousa, Ruy de, 45, 46, 48, 52, 54 Ruiz, Joan, 55 Sousa, Sebastiao de, 42 Russel, Edward, 197, 199 Spencer, Richard, 157 Russy, Sieur de, vicomte de Machault, Spinola, Ambrogio, marquess, 156 157 Stackelberg, Otto Magnus, count, 289 Rymer, Thomas, 108, 408n Stalin, marshal Joseph Visserianovitch, 326,327,369-80,384-5,386-92, Saldhana, Antonio, 42 393-402 Saldanha da Gama, Antonio de, 287, Stark, admiral Harold, 323-4 289 Stepanov, M. s., 383 Salisbury, Robert Cecil, third marquess Steel, Ronald, 321 of, 242, 305, 306 Stettinius, Edward R., 384, 385, 386-8 Sambin, Paolo, 13, 14 Stewart, sir Charles, 287, 289 Sanches, Fernam, 93 Stimson, Henry L., 402 Sanches, Lopo, 88, 102 Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, third Sanudo, Marino, 11, 13, 14,58,60 earl of, 227 Sargent, Ralph M., 132 Straten, Count R. van, 365 , Victor Amadeus II, duke of, Stratman, Theodore Althete Henry, King of from 1713,220 count of, 200, 202, 203 Scala, della, House of, 26 Suvorov, general Aleksandr Schimmelpenninck, Alexander van der Vasilyevich, 372 Oije (age), Lord of, 202 Swift, Jonathan, 180, 182, 208 Sebastian, king of Portugal (1554- 1578), 107, 169 Tacitus, Cornelius, 9, 143 Seeley, Sir John, 301 Talleyrand-Perigord, Prince Charles­ Selles, Jean de Noircarmes, seigneur Maurice de, 287, 289 de, 123 Tarnovski von Tarnow, Count Adam, Selous, Frederick Courtenay, 302 334 Sequeira, Diogo Lopes de, 42 Temperley, Harold, 306, 308 Sequeira, Gonzale de, 42 Temple, sir William, 9,177 Sequeira, Joao Suares de, 54 Tenda, Beatrice, 15 Serrao,Joao,42,88,102 Thatcher, John Boyd, 45 Shelburne, William Petty, 182-3,228, Thiriet, Freddy, 30 235,242 Thompson, colonel Thomas Perronet, Sherwood, Robert, 323, 369 294 Shuvalov, count P., 316 Thompson, William R., 2, 4,11,36, Sidmouth, Henry Addington, first 41 viscount, 275 Tindal, Matthew, 211 Sigismund, king of Hungary from 1385, Tito, Josip Broz, 374 German king from 1411, 11, 17, Torello, Guido, 16, 17 26n Torres, Fernando de, 54 Sirola, Yrgo, 344 Tovar, Sanchez de, 64n, 69n, 82n Smith, Adam, 183 Toynbee, Arnold, 408n 422 Index of Names

Trevelyan, George Macauley, 223 Walker, Robert J., 294 Trevisan, Iacomo, 31 Walsingham, sir Francis, 131, 132 Troncoso, Jesus Maria, 365 Weber, Max, 110, 111 Trotsky, Leon, 321, 340, 344 Webster, sir Charles K., 257, 275 Truchess, Gebhard, elector of Weede, Everhard de, 197, 199,202 Cologne, 133 Weinstein, Donald, 70 Truman, president Harry S., 326, 329, Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, first 393-6,398-401,402 duke of, 239, 267, 287, 290-2 Twiss, captain, 230 Welsers, The, 99n Wesley, John, 113 Ubenam, king of, 63 Wessenberg, baron Johan Philipp, 289, Uguccione, 16, 17 291, 292 Uzzano, Niccolo d', 16, 17 White, Harry Dexter, 381 Wilhelm II, emperor of Germany Vadillo y Velasco, don Manuel de, 219 (1888-1918),300,315-16 Vaez, Esteban, 54 William the Silent, prince of Orange Valcke, Jacob, 131 (1544-1584),107, 112, 117, 121- Valori, Bartolomeo, 16 4, 130, 132-3 Vance, Cyrus, 1 William III, prince of Orange, king of Vansittart, Nicholas, 275 Great Britain (1689-1702), 4, 5, Verrne, Jacopo dal, 15 177-81,191-5,197,200,202,206, Verreycken, Louis, 156 208, 211, 213, 238 Victoria, queen of Great Britain (1837- William IV, prince of Orange, king of 1901),300 the Netherlands (1815-1840), 276 Villiers, Charles Pelham, 295 Williamson, sir Joseph, 185, 187 Visconti, Filippo Maria, duke of Milan Wilson, Charles, 108 (1412-1447), 14, 15, 16 Wilson, President T. Woodrow, 319- Visconti, Gian Galeazzo, duke of Milan 22,330,336 (1385-1402), 15,26 Winius, George D., 36, 38, 77 Vitali, Bernadino de, 74 Winwood, Rodolphe, 157 Voltaire, Fram;ois-Marie Arouet de, Witsen, Nicolas, 197, 199,202 11,181 Witt, Johan de, 114 Voroshilov, marshal Klementi Efremovich,369 Yonghema, Lans van, 131 Vyshinsky, Andrei, 384, 385 Yung-lo, emperor of China (1402- 1424),35 Waldeck, George Frederick, Prince of, 189 Zuk, Gary, 11