Notes and References
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Notes and References Introduction 1. Collections of treaties are among the standard sources for the study of world politics, important instances coming to mind being Dumont (1726-31), Rymer (1732), Martens (1803), and Parry (1%9-80). In his introduction to Fred Israel's four volumes of Major Peace Treaties of Modern History 1648-1967 (1967), Arnold Toynbee described peace treaties as the 'main sources' of the 'essential knowledge' of the history of modern international relations. Our own selection starts in earnest in 1494 (rather than 1648), and encompasses also political documentation that includes other treaties besides peace treaties, as well as speeches, messages, and legislative acts. In contrast with the Israel collection, the present work emphasises global politics and global problems rather than nation-states and territorial (prominently European) issues. 2 Portugal Starts a Global System 1. Among the presents sent from Africa was the first giraffe ever seen in China. 2. One Ii = approximately one-third of a mile. 3. He also signed a treaty of alliance with Maximilian, then ruling in the Netherlands. 4. Being a key participant, inter alia, in the wars of Italy (1494-1516), which, while regional in scope, were a precondition of Portuguese success at the global level. Notable moments of these wars included the League of Venice (1495) to counter the French invasion of Italy, and the League of Cambrai (1508) directed specifically against Venice. 4 The Cooptation of Britain 1. In one of his rare quips, soon after the landing, Calvinist William asked Anglican bishop Gilbert Burnet (who accompanied him as Royal Chaplain): 'Well, Doctor, what do you think of predestination now?' (Macaulay, 1914, p. 1128; Carswell, 1969, p. 184). 2. Heneage Finch, later 1st Earl of Nottingham, a signatory of both the Treaties of Westminster (Doc. 19) and Whitehall (Doc. 23). 3. At the time of writing this memorandum Leibniz was in the employ of the Archbishop Elector of Mainz. After 1676 he served the Dukes of Braunschweig-Luneberg, including the one who in 1714 succeeded to the British throne as George I. For another discussion of the memorandum, see Mahan, 1957, pp. 92; 124-5. 4. The Latin term arbiter includes the meaning of judge, umpire, and even master of the sea. The expression arbiter mundi was first used by Seneca with reference to Jupiter, and in the medieval period it carried religious connotations. (We have this information from Drs P. W. A. T. van der Laan and J. J. V. de Vet.) The Dutch, as a nation, were seen by their opponents as setting themselves up as 'arbiter and judge' over others (see introduction to Doc. 19 below.) 5. Leibniz argued that dominium maris confers an arbitrium rerum that in a French draft he described as 'la direction universelle des affaires et l'arbitrage entre tous les princes et toutes les n5publiques'. 6. 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