Last updated: 30.01.2009

JANUARY – blog – Mikko reads: Marie Korpe (ed.): Shoot the Singer!: Today – (book review, Finnish edition + Freemuse link) – 8/1 – blog – Hate Rock, Racism and Heavy Metal – (source + link to Freemuse) – 9/1

Jyllandsposten – Daily Newspaper – Denmark – Friby-ordningen ønskes udvidet – Wish for extensions of safe city regulations – (Freemuse meeting with Folketinget Culture Department) – 12/10

MySpace: Rainbow Bridge – Personal Page of group on (musical) community – Rainbow Bridge supports Freemuse cause in Banned video – (video to support Freemuse and Music freedom Day) – 15/1

Wendy Marijnissen Photojournal – blog – Music Freedom Day – 18/1

Kirkelig Kulturverksted – Norway – Freemuse – (Nordic MENA-meeting & Freemuse info) – 30/1

Musikerens e-Nyt – Denmark – Fribyordning for alle kunstnere – Safe Cities For Every Artist – (Safe Cities Campaign) – no 2/2008 – 31/1 – Artist homepage – Current News – (Freemuse ambassador & cooperation) – January

Africa Research Bulletin – Music Freedom Day – Volume 44, Number 12, January

FEBRUARY – Interview with artist Deeyah about her collaboration with Freemuse – 3/2

Fyens Stiftstidende – Denmark – Musik med en pistol for panden – Music With A Gun To Your Head – (Safe cities in Denmark should include musicians) – 3/2

Sveriges Radio – Mitt I Musiken/ P2 – Sweden – Dansk lag borde hjälpa även musiker – Danish Law Should Help Musicians Too – (Safe Cities campaign) – 4/2

IMC – Music World News – Newsletter – Rapper Advised to Change Album Title – Concert blocked in Chiredzi (Zimbabwe) – (2 stories, source Freemuse) – 6/2

Jyllands Posten – Denmark – Hiphop og rock på iransk – Hiphop and rock the Iranian way – (Sounds of Silence in Grand teatret) – 10/2 (Artist Homepage) – Radio event in Norway on 3 March – (MFD) – 12/2, Music Doc Festival – Sweden – Arrangörer – Organisers – (Freemuse logo) – 15-24/2 – Music Doc Festival – Sweden – Seminarier – Seminar: Sounds of Silence – (link to – 15-24/2

DR, P1 – Denmark – Sangens ytringsfrihed – The Song’s Freedom of Expression – broadcasted at 11:30 18/2 – Denmark – Forbudt iransk rock-film vises på søndag – Forbidden Iranian rock-movie shown on Sunday (sik.) – 21/2

Common Ground News (CGNews) – Controversy can lead to change – Article by Marie Korpe (mention of Freemuse + links) – List of reprints in different languages:


™ – Aljazeera Magazine – 27/2 ™ Middle East Online – 23/2 ™ 7 English Reprints ™ Daily News Egypt ™ Islam Online ™ ™ World News Network ™ Tharwa Community FRENCH REPRINTS

™ – Au bout de la polémique, le changement ™ L’Observateur


™ – Controversy Can Lead to Change – 23/2 ™ Tharwa Community


™ NNTP2HTTP.COM– Kontroversi Dapat Membawa Perubahan oleh Marie Korpe – 22-28/2 ™ Maula (Universal Inter-religion Society) – Kontroversi Dapat Membawa Perubahan – 28/2

Nyhedsavisen – Denmark – Iranske rockmusikere må ike være skaldede – Iranian rock musicians can not be balled – 23/2 – Denmark – Sounds of Silence – 24/2

IFEX & Media For Freedom – Take Action! – Celebrate Music freedom Day on 3 March – 26/2

IMC Music World News – Newsletter – 2 Freemuse stories – Yemen: Concert in Aden became courageous manifestation against terrorism – Film festival celebrates banned music – 27/2

SR, P1, P2 – Sweden, Mitt I Musiken – Mexico-musiker mördar – Mexican Musician Killed – (commentary Ole Reitov) – 27/2

Information Policy – blog – Celebrate Music Freedom Day On 3 March – 27/2 – Norway – Seminar: Music – a human right – 27/2

NRK, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation – P2 – Se Music Freedom Day i nett-tv – 28/2 – Cultural Magazine – Norway – Det skjer : Musik er en menneskerett ! – This is happening: Music is a human right! – (Seminar announcement) – 28/2 – Keep on rockin’ in the free world – (Freemuse + MFD) – 28/2

UD – Ministryu of Foreign Affairs Homepage – Norway – UD støtter Music Freedom Day 2008 – Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports Music Freedom Day 2008 – 29/2 – Official homepage for France – France/Norway – Culture: Music Freedom Day – 29/2, Oslo TV – Norway – Vi setter søkelys på yttringsfrihed og musiksensur – Drawing attention to freedom of speech and music censorship – (MFD) – 29/2

DR, P1 – Denmark – Freemuse beskytter musikere – Freemuse protects musicians – (radio programme 11:25 min Ferhat Tunc + Ole Reitov) – 17:10, 29/2

DR, P1 – Denmark – Tyrkiets kunstnere kontrolleres – The artists of Turkey are controlled – (radio programme 09:35 min) – 17:10, 29/2

NRK – Norway – Se Music Freedom Day i nett-tv – See Muisc Freedom Day in Internet Television – (article about MFD) – 29/2

Sako Nyheder – – Denmark – Heavyrock og rap fra – Heavy Rock and rap from Iran – (Sounds of Silence in Grand teatret) – Newsletter 02/08 – February – Denmark – NYT: Lige nu!... CKU anbefaler – News: Right now!... CKU recommends – (Sounds of Silence in Grand teatret) – February

Iran Update – Denmark – Film om den iranske undergrundsmusik scene – Film about the Iranian underground music scene – February

Mondomix – France – International – Music Freedom Day Special/Louis Mhlanga – article + link + 27 min radio programme about MFD) – 27/2-4/3


Nobel Peace Center – homepage – Norway – Seminar: Music is a human right! – (MFD)

Nobel Peace Center – homepage – Norway – Musikken kan aldri stoppes / The Music Can Never Be Stopped – (MFD)

Norvège Cite official pour la France – – France – Music Freedom Day – (information in French) – (MFD)

Rikskonserterne – homepage – Norway – Music Freedom Day – (MFD)

Norges fredsråd – homepage – Norway – Music Freedom Day – (MFD)

Vestavisen – online newspaper – Norway – UD støtter Music freedom Day 2008 – Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports MFD 2008 – 1/3 – Norway – Hør du Riddu-musikk på radio!:Mmari Boine Ukas P2 Artist og live på Nett-TV – Listen to Riddu-music on the radio!: Mari Boine Ukas P2 Artist and live on web-TV – 1/3 iCat fm – Hidrogen radio programme, Italy – dedicated to “Dia internacional de la Música Censurada” – 1/3, 06.00-08.00

VG 7 På Søndag – Norway – newspaper – 7Jazz: Mandag 3. mars: Musikkens frihetsdag – (MFD) – 2/3

Zimbabwe Standard (Harare) – Zimbabwe – republished on – Local Musicians Out of Tune on Censorship - (Chiwoniso Maraire + MFD) – 2/3

SR – Folke – Sweden – Musikens frihetsdag – (MFD+Freemuse Award) – 2/3

Or Does It Explode – blog – Celebrate World Music Freedom Day – 2/3

Irma – Musical information centre – France – 3 mars : journée mondiale contre la censure musicale – (MFD) – 2/3

Dagsavisen – newspaper – Denmark – Trakassert, arrestert og tiltalt for sin sang – Harassed, arrested and prosecuted for his song – (Ferhat Tunç + MFD) – 2/3

Norwegian Broadcasting – NRK – programmes are broadcasted live 3/3:

™ 08.40 am - Kulturmagasinet,Radio – (morning culture programme, Interview with Ole Reitov and prof Helge Rönning regarding limits of freedom of expression and Music Freedom Day)

™ 11.10 am - TV – (Cultural magazine: Interview with Ole Reitov and Ferhat Tunç about Turkey and Music Freedom Day)

™ 15.30 pm – Musikredaksjonen – (interview with Ole Reitov, Marie Boine and Ferhat Tunç)

™ 21.25 pm – Djungeltelegrafen – (interview with Ole Reitov & Ferhat Tunç) – Israel – (article about Music Freedom Day + link) – 3/3

Information – daily newspaper – Denmark – MUSIKFRIHED: Tyrkisk statsråd forhindrer pop-amok – Music Freedom: Turkish member of the cabinet prevents pop- amok – (link to freemuse) – 3/3 – news site – Freemuse: Celebrate Music Freedom Day – Tiken Jah Fakoly awarded – 3/3 – reggae site – News: Tiken Jah Fakoly Awarded – 3/3

Aftonbladet Blogg – newspaper blog – Sweden – Freemuse Award till Tiken Jah Fakoly/Tänk om – 3/3

Lira – music magazine – Sweden – Afzelius Fond stödjer internationellt pris för musikalisk yttrandefrihet – Afzelius Foundation supports international award for fredom of musical expression – 3/3

SR – Swedish Broadcasting Corporation – Mitt i Musiken – Freemuse Award till Tiken Jah Fakoly – 3/3

NRK Nyheter – Kultur – Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation – Steinet av tyrkisk politi – Stoned by Turkish Police – (MFD – Ferhat Tunç) – 3/3

Enrisco – blog – Cuba – Music Freedom Day – 3/3

Penúltimos días – Cuban matters – Music Freedom Day – (MFD –Gorki) – 3/3 – Turkey – March 3, International Music Freedom Day – (MFD – Ferhat Tunc) – 3/3

The Serious Tip – blog – March 3rd is Music Freedom Day – 3/3

RockOnNet – Glasbene Novece: Music Freedom Day – 3/3 – We Move To Canada blog – March 3: Music Freedom Day – 3/3 – International news service – (2 Freemuse stories) – Exiled African Reggae Star Tiken Jah Fakoly first Freemuse Award Winner – Music Freedom Day 2008 Is Celebrated Today – 3/3 – blog – Today Is Music Freedom Day – (link to Freemuse) – 3/3

Erwill Promo Entertainment – Congo Brazzaville – “Les Mots de la Liberté d’Expression Musicale” – “The Words of Musical Freedom of Expression” (report from the arrangements of Music Freedom Day) – 3/3

World Music Central – Exiled African Reggae Star Tiken Jah Fakoly first Freemuse Award Winner – 3/3

IASPM – Italy – Music freedom Day – 3/3 – Site for the year of Cultural Diversity – Norway – Music freedom Day – 3/3

Norges Fredsråd – Norwegian peace Council – Music freedom Day – 3/3 – Norway – Frihetselskende countrylegende – Fredom Loving Country Legend – (Kris Kristofferson + MFD) – 3/3 – Norway – Slipp musikken fri – Free the music – 3/3 – Norway – Music Freedom Day – Seminar: Music – A Human Right – (kalender, announcement) – 3/3

Information – daily newspaper – Denmark – Tyrkisk statsråd forhindrer pop-amok – Turkish member of cabinet prevents pop amok – (Bülent Ersoy, music censorship in Turkey + link to Freemuse) – 3/3

TT Spektra – Swedish News Agency – Ivorian får nytt Afzeliuspris – published in:

™ – oskarshamn-Tidningen – 3/3 ™ – 3/3 ™ – Norrköpings Tidningar – 3/3 ™ – nerikes Allehanda – 3/3 ™ – Länstidningen i Östersund – 3/3 ™ Piteå-Tidningen – 4/4 – Online Community of Zimbabwean Activists – Censorship is based on fear – (MFD) – 3/3 – Norway – Nordmenn er ignorante – Nordic people are ignorant – (Mari Boine on Sami culture etc + MFD) – 4/3 – Reaggae Nwes site – Sweden – Tiken Jah Fakoly får Björn Afzelius pris – Tken Jah Fakoly receives Björn Afzelius’ award – 4/3

IFEX – African Reggae Star Wins First Freemuse Award – IFEX Communiqué + article – (link to Freemuse) – 4/3

IFEX – Une ètoile africaine du reggae remporte le premier prix Freemuse – IFEX Communiqué + article – (link to Freemuse) – 4/3

Vårt Land – Norway – Kris Kristofferson synger mot sensur – Kris Kristofferson is against censorship – 4/3

Mondomix – Newsletter – Music Freedom Day commemoration – 4-11/3

Strategic Board – blog – Musique- Tiken Jah Fakoly: non grata au Sénégal, honoré en Suède – Music – tiken jah Fakoly : Non Grata in Senegal, honnored in Sweden – (link to article on – 4/3 – Ouestaf News – Musique – Tiken Jah Fakoly: non grata au Sénégal, honoré en Suède – 5/3 – Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation – Musihkkalaš friddjavuoða beavi – (Mari Boine – MFD) – 5/3

IMC Music World News - (3 Freemuse stories) – Music Freedom Day marked world-wide – African reggae-star Tiken Jah Fakoly – Radio Freemuse: Censorship in Africa and Afghanistan – Issue 51/2008 5/3 – Germany – Welches Instrument der Teufel spielt – The instrument the devil plays – 6/3

Le Patriote – Ivory Coast – Tiken Jah Fakoly, laureate du prix Freemuse – 6/3

SR – Swedish Broadcasting Corporation – Protestsångare möter sin förföljare – Protest singer meets his persecuter – 6/3 – Germany – Frankfurter Rundschau – (Freemuse link) – 6/3

Världskulturmuseet – Museum of World Culture –, Sweden – Snuten, sångaren och den förbjudna musiken – The cop, the singer and the forbidden music – (event booking and link) – 6/3 – German media in English – Frankfurter Rundschau 06.03.2008 – (MFD) – 7/3

KUAR – Public Radio for Arkansas – USA – Playlist: From Albion And Beyond – Marjan Vahdat & Jason Carter: Navai – Freemuse Download – (information and link) – 8-9 pm 5/3

Sing Out! News Service – Exiled Reggae Singer Awarded Freemuse Award – 6/3 – Online community of Zimbabwean activists – Toyi-Toying while others are lax – (Music Freedom day – commentary regarding Zimbabwe) – 6/3 – Web resources for education and research for the social sciences – UK – Freemuse: world forum on music and censorship – Freemuse added to database 8/3 – TV News magazine, Denmark – (Safe Cities – Ole Reitov) – 9/3, 19:30 – Independent network for local and global soundscapes – Hidden Truths – (article by Lemez Lovas) – 10/3

Maroc Audio – Multilingual Blog – 3 articles with Freemuse as a source: Artists must engage in the defence of creativity – (Marcel Khalife video clip) – Music censorship in Africa – (Freemuse radio programme) – Tiken Jah Fakoly, the forst artist to receive the annual Freemuse Award – 11/3 – FREEMUSE toujours à la recherché de témoinages sur la problèmatique d’obtention des visas pour les artistes du Sud ! – 17/3

Zone Franche – Actualité de Zone Franche>Freemuse: The visa initiative – 18/3

IMC Music World News – newsletter – 3 Freemuse stories: Young singer becomes ikon in struggle for freedom of music – Calls for censorship of ‘indecent’ songs – Music Freedom Day sparks emotional debates on Cuban blogs – Issue 12/2008, 19/3

IMC Music World News – newsletter – UNESCO – 22 religious scholars declare music forbidden – Issue 12/2008, 26/3

Nobel Peace Centre – Seminar invitation – (Music Freedom Day) – Mars

Erwill Promo Entertainment – Cultural Organisation – Congo Brazzaville – Journée de la liberté musicale – Music Freedom Day – (internal report) – Mars

SAKO Nyheder – newsletter – Denmark – Fribyer udenmusikere. Forflugte forfattare i første række. – Safecities without musicians. Persued authors priorized. – Nr 03/08 March

Sing Out! The Folk Song Magazine – It was announced on March 3rd that the first Freemuse Award will be given to Tiken Jah Fakoly from Cote d’Ivoire – March

International Festival of the Voice – programme – Two Day Workshop: Mahsa & Marjan Vahdat – (Freemuse ambassador) – 31/3-1/4


IMC – Music World News – Newsletter – Protest Musician Overcomes Obstacles – Calls for Censorship of ‘indecent’ songs – Restrictions on Music Discussed in Parliament – (3 stories, source: Freemuse) – Issue 14/2008 – 2/4 – Germany – Gib mir fünf Verfahren – Give me five procedures – (Freemuse activist) – 8/4 – Artist Homepage – Gib mir fünf Verfahren – Give me five procedures – (Freemuse activist) – 8/4

IMC Music World News – Newsletter – United Nations resolutions justify censorship – Issue 15, 9/4

SR – Sweden – Afghanistan – om västvärldens drömmar och afghansk verklighet – About the dreams of the Western world and the reality of Afghanistan – (mention of Freemuse) – 12/4

IMC Music World News – Newsletter – Afghanistan: New media restrictions according to Sharia law – Issue 16, 23/4

Globalhood – Development Across Disciplines – Call for action: Musicians Impirsoned for Expressing Criticism of Government – (link to Freemuse) – 25/4

IMC Music World News – Newsletter – (3 Freemuse stories) – The Karajan star shines again – Zimbabwe: Singing for the oppositions is a crime – Cameroun: Imprisoned for singing ‘Constipated Constitution’ – Issue 17, 30/4

ECA Newsletter – European Council of Artists – Visas and Work-Permits - #10, April

Songlines – music magazine – UK – News: Freedom Now! – (Music Freedom Day + Freemuse Award) – Issue 51 – April/May

MAY – site with shortages of news articles – Myanmar/Burma: Musicians are being arrested – (shortage of Freemuse article + link) – 1/5

Politiken – Daily Newspaper – Denmark – Lovforslag favoriserar forfattere på flugt – Bill gives preferential treatment to authors – (Ole Reitov about musicians) – 2/5

IFEX – International Freedom of Expression Exchange – organisation – Cameroon/Ethiopia: Musicians at Risk for Speaking Out – (Freemuse campaign) – Article 6 May – Newsletter Issue 18 – 6 May

IMC – Newsletter – Musicians are being arrested – Parliament’s attempt to ban singer failed – It can be cool to be censored – Popular protest singer imprisoned – (4 Freemuse stories) – Issue 18 – 7/5 – blog - This is Not ‘Rolling Stone!’ PMRC vs. heavy metal – article on media censorship – (link to Freemuse) – 9/5 & 26/5

Musikeren – Denmark – Newsletter/Web article – Fribyer skal også være for musikere – Safe cities should also apply to musicians – Issue 9 – 14/5

IMC – Newsletter – Music & Islam What Is the Big Fuss? – Issue 19 – 14/5

Gondwana Sound – Sheffield Live! 93.2 FM – UK – radio show & podcast – Palestinian music – (Freemuse interview with Kamilya Jubran + info) – 10:00 – 12:00 – 14/5

The East African Magazine – web based newspaper – Facing Biya’s wrath – (article on musicians in East Africa – Tiken Jah – Freemuse Award) – 19/5

Mohawkadam – blog – Free Jamyang Kyi – (Freemuse article) – 26/5

IMC – Newsletter – Censored musician launches online ‘protest radio’ – (link to Freemuse article) – Issue 21 – 28/5

Kunturnyt – Mogens Jensen’s newsletter (member of parliament) – Denmark – Fribyordningen skal være mere ambitiøs – The Safe Cities arrangements should be more ambitious – 28/5 – myESAI – The Ethiopian Students Association – Three witnesses testified in teddy’s trial – (Freemuse article + link) – 30/5


NRK – P2 – “Musikkredaksjonen” – Norway – Music In Saudi Arabia – (interview with Mik Aidt) – 3/6

Le Monde – France – Société – Les musiciens africains face au mur européen – African musicians faces Europeean wall – (Freemuse interview, safe cities page 58) – 7/6

IMC – newsletter – Musicians’ freedom expanded in Saudi Arabia – Chile : New evidence lead reopening of Victor Jara case – 30 Musicians lashed by Religious Militia 12 Years Ago – (3 stories, source: Freemuse) – Issue 18 June 2008

RFI – France – Musicians Under Fire in France and Ethiopia – (mentions Freemuse) – 19/6

IMC – newsletter – Launch Award For Repressed Artists – Musician Murdered By Men Armed With Knives – (2 stories – source: Freemuse) – Issue 25 June

Songlines – UK – music magazine – The World Goes China Crazy – (source and reference to – Issue 52 – June

Musikeren – Denmark – Fribyer skal også vare for musikere – Safe Cities should be for musicians too – issue 6 – June


IMC Music World News – Censored singer tries to reform ‘hate singers’ – Rap musician under legal fire for ‘defamation’ – Lost his job because he plays heavy metal – (3 stories – source Freemuse) – Issue 26 – 2/7

IMC Music World News – Bloodshed continues and music disappears – University students obstructed music event – (2 stories – source Freemuse) – Issue 27 – 9/7

Observatory of Cultural policies in Africa – – Newsletter – University students obstructed music event – (IMC Music World News – link to Freemuse) – Issue 208 – 12/7

IMC Music World News – 18 months in prison for ‘insulting the president’ – Singer taken to court in chains – (2 stories – source Freemuse) – Issue 28 – 16/7 – France – Festivaliers, si vous saviez… Laissez passer les artistes! – (mentions Freemuse) – 17/7

IMC Music World News – Authorities stricter on foreign performers – Government plan to ban and goth music – Heavy Metal Islam: Rock, resistance, and the struggle for the soul of Islam – (3 stories – source Freemuse) – Issue 29 – 23/7

NRK – Norway – Må skrive under for å opptre – They have to sign to be able to perform – (about China + quote Marie Korpe) – 23/7

Media For Freedom – (article from IFEX) – African reggae Star Wins First Freemuse Award – Issue 23 – 27/7

Dancehall Madness – blog – Reggae Star From Africa Wins First Freemuse Award – 28/7

IMC Music World News – Musician Gunned Down By Militia Men – (source Freemuse) – Issue 30 – 30/7 – artist home page – Freemuse: Darya’s silenced voice – (video interview from Freemuse + transcription) – 30/7

Yle News – Finland – Sibelius Academy Folkies Wins Global Music Prize – (mention of Freemuse) – 31/7

Fondazione Adkins Chiti: Donne In Musica – newsletter – Italy – News from the rest of the world: From Freemuse – (China article on web site) – July/August


IMC Music World News – Open your ears to bands from the Middle East – (source Freemuse) – Issue 31 – 6/8

NRK – Norway – Kulturnyt – (interview O. Reitov on Visa issues) – 08:33, 12:45, 15:03 – 7/8

NRK Kultur – Norway – Må bli hjemme - (interview O. Reitov on Visa issues) – 7/8

Under Dusken – Norway – Bongo blir I Kongo , Afrikanske musikere opplever økt visumnekt i Norge. Heia Mangfoldsåret! (Visa white paper) 12/8

IMC Music World News – Teddy Afro’s trial takes a strange twist – Musician ask: Why do you ban my music? – (sources Freemuse) – Issue 32 – 13/8

DJ Konservo – wordpress blog – (commentary with Freemuse as source) – 16/8

EuropeNews – Pressure on Muslim women to stay out of music (source Freemuse), 18/8

Zone Franche – network – Actualité professionnelle: Newsletter de Freemuse – 20/8

IMC Music World News – Myanmar / Burma: Exiled musician speaks about how it is to live with censorship – Folk singer Victor Jara’s murder case reopened – Tibetanian singers are arrested and ‘effectively silenced’ – (sources Freemuse) – Issue 33 – 20/8

World Music Central – Tiken Jah Fakoly to receive an award from Free Muse [sic!] – 21/8

The Irish Times – Ireland – Songs that sing against censorship – (interview M. Korpe – Award and Freemuse) – 21/8

Destin De L’Afrique– Songs that sing against censorship – (article from Irish Times) – 21/8

Dave Fanning Show Radio One – Ireland - (interview M. Korpe – Award and Freemuse) – 21/8

Festival of World Cultures – Ireland – (Freemuse Award during Tiken Jah Fakoly concert) – (festival programme) – 22-24 August

Festival Times – Ireland – Silenced Songs: Music Censorship Today- Tiken Jah Fakoly: Fighting for Freedom of Expression – (Festival of World Cultures) – 22-24 August

Faro Journalen – Norway – Björn Afzelius minnefond hyller Tiken jah Fakoly – Björn Afzelius foundation awards Tiken Jah Fakoly – 22/8

Think, think… - Freedom of Expression Weekly Bulletin – Is it music which is banned..? – (info) – Issue 26/08, 22/8

Muslimah Media Watch – Friday links – (“Freemuse writes about the pressure on Muslim women to stay out of music” + link) – 22/8

Irish Times – Ireland – Basking in a celebration of difference – (Freemuse Award at Festival of World Cultures) – 25/8

Irish Times – Ireland – Art Reviews – (Freemuse Award at Festival of World Cultures) – 26/8

El Nuevo Herald – Latin America – Detenido el controversial rockero cubano Gorki Aguila – (Mention of Freemuse campaign in support of Gorki in 2005) – 26/8

El Nuevo Herald – Latin America – Sigue incommunicado el músico cubano Gorki Aguila – (Mention of Freemuse campaign in support of Gorki in 2005) – 26/8

El Tono de la voz – blog de Jorge Ferrer – Comunicado de Porno para Ricardo – (Freemuse support of Gorki) – 27/8

Gabriel real World News – Festival of World Cultures in Dublin – (mention of Freemuse) – 27/8

Liberation – daily newspaper – France – Gorki Aguila, tête de turc du gouvernement cubain – Gorki Aguila, the Cuban government’s whipping boy – (mention of Freemuse + info about the organisation) – 28/8

Anotherworldispossible – blog – Kamilya Jubran Israel/Palestine – (Freemuse video interview + link) – 31/8

Porno Para Ricardo – website – Gorki fue liberado!!!! – (list of supporting webpages including link to Freemuse) – August


Politiken – daily newspaper - Denmark – Musik er magt, som stater vil styre – Music is power, that states wants power of – (full page – interview MAK – fact Freemuse) – 3/9

Creole NRW – Festival programme – Germany – (mention of Ole Reitov and Freemuse) – 4-7/9

Oppenheim Arts & Letters – blog – Pakistan: Mingora: Jihadi Music Good—Pashtun, Bad – (referring to information on – 7/9

IMC Music World News – Cuba: Musician Gorki Águila released – Turkey: Jail sentence to Kurdish singer – (sources Freemuse) – Issue 36 – 10/9

European Culture Festival – Sweden – Film Seminar: Music & Censorship – (O. Reitov presentation after the film) – (festival programme) – 12-21 Sept

Freedimensional – blog – Stephan Smith Reclaims Arab Name @ Joe’s Pub – (blog entry by O. Reitov) – 15/9

Another World Is Possible – blog – Mari Boine – interview on Music freedom Day – (Freemuse video) – 21/9

IMC Music World News – Israel: Conference about ‘music on troubled soils’ – (source Freemuse) – Issue 38 – 24/9

Music and Culture – blog – Turkish bus driver jailed for playing Kurdish recording – (link to translation on – 24/9

Scribbles From the Den – blog – Lapiro de Mbanga Sentenced to Three Years in Jail – (article from Freemuse – link to the Freemuse web page) – 25/9

Arts Management Ireland – Upcoming conference at IMMA: European Council of Artists – (Ole Reitov speaker) – 29/9


Songlines – UK – Observing the Hypocrites – (Freemuse Award) – Issue 55 – October – blog – Censorship is bad for you – (source Freemuse + link) – 1/10

IMC Music World News – Rap musician aquitted of ‘defamation’ charges – Cameroon: Singer sentenced to three years in jail – (sources Freemuse) – Issue 39 – 1/10

Music and Culture: musings and ramblings – blog – Music Censorship – (link to Freemuse) – 6/10

International PEN Writers Committee – Rapid Action Network – CAMEROON: Songwriter sentenced to three years’ imprisonment – (info link Freemuse) – 7/10

SDW – Somali Diaspora Watch – blog – Freemuse report on Somalia: Killings and attacks on musicians – (info + link) – 9/10

IFEX – Take Action! – Cameroon: Dissent singer sentenced to three years in jail – (Freemuse link) – 15/10

IMC Music World News – Attack on music practitioners in Somalia – Visa issues: Transparency and correct information is the key – Festival Against Censorship held in northern Spain – (sources Freemuse) – Issue 41 – 15/10

The East African – – news paper – Silencing Voices of Dissent – (Mbanga) – 19/10

IMC Music World News –Pakistan: Death threats from the Taliban made singer flee his country – (source Freemuse) – Issue 42 – 22/10

Klaverfabrikken – MySpace Music page – Denmark – (announcement Ole Reitov speaker) – October Bilbao acoge el tercer festival contra la censura, article about Festival against censorship in Bilbao 17/10

Basque tv station EITB, Bilbao, Zentsura eztabaidaren oinarri Bilbon, Videoclip from roundtable on censorship 23/10

Radio Free Europe/Pashto services – (interview w. M. Korpe about censorship of music in N.W.F.P/Pakistan) 29/10

Radio Netherlands/WOMEX (Interview with Ole Reitov about Freemuse & Music Censorship, 15 minutes, 30/10

Swedish Broadcasting Corporation, SR, Mitt I Musiken: Upprop för fritt artistutbyte över gränserna Interview with Ole Reitov about visa report. 31/10 :Cameroon: Dissident singer (Lapiro de Mbanga) sentenced to three years in jail 31/10


Journalism & Democracy – Blog – Freemuse’s Ole Reitov: The day the music lived! – 7/11

Norwegian Broadcasting Corp., NRK, Musiknytt: Visa issues, interview with Ole Reitov 3/11

Danish Broadcasting Corp, DR, Kulturnyt: Mik Aidt on the role of music and singing in the Dafur conflict. 21/11

Deeyah – The Muslim Madonna – Blog – Exiled singer Deeyah awarded with Freedom Prize (Source Freemuse + link), 29/11

Mckenna’s Weblog – Blog – Review of, 27/11


EthnicNow – Muslim singer Deeyah wins Freedom Award (Freemuse news), 1/12

Norwegian Broadcasting Corp, NRK, Musiknytt: Deeyah receives Award. Interview with Deeyah and Ole Reitov, 2/11

BBC World/Pri: The World: Simon Bikindi sentenced for genocide. Interview with Ole Reitov, 3/11

World Music Central: Holiday gift guide. Suggests support of Freemuse 3/11

IFEA Europe News Headlines - - Visa Issues , comment on Visa – the discordant note 5/12

International Music Council, UNESCO – Rwanda: Singer sentenced 15 years prison for incitement (Freemuse news), 10/12 Contact Point - White paper on Visa Issues, Europe and Artists’ Mobility available online 31/12


Art venture – Freedom To Create Prize – Nominating Organizations: Freemuse

Soundprint – online radio – Tuning into the enemy – (programme on Erasmus/Lucey) – (Resources – Link to Freemuse)

IQ Magazine – international – Brake for the borders – (VISA – Ole Reitov) – IQ Issue 18: Q2 – Germany – Griot Agency Events Promotion – “important link” on front page: and banner

Tiken Jah Fakoly – artist web page – Freemuse Award 2008 – (Mentioned on the first page as well as in the news section) – web page about censorship – Freemuse – article on Freemuse under the Music Censorship section – Freemuse – Contre la censure musicale – info and link – FREEMUSE: Forum mondial de la musique et la censure – Présentation

Shoot the Singer Reviews – – – –

Freemuse News feed – RSS