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RAtURDAX, SEPTEMBER 22,19W ; f A O i t e N Daily Net Prasa Run iO{mri|f0tfr lE^nittg rtiljii: :i‘ < 'i'or the Wedc .Ended '" ..Tha Weathar ; ' ; ’ 2*< 1956'-). Fmtoeoat ot U* 8< Weather BarahK pp into i^trols, meanwhile, was hearty fSiplty chuckle in years to ^ / ■ ; .arrayed norUi o f them. . Their br- come.. W e Wish,,the happy pair a ll. 12,226 Fair and cooler tonight, Low la About To i^ the .best o f good fprttme. derir G*1 behind the defendeie.'’*!^ Member^iif’^ e Audit / .e patrol, ^.reportedlyi^oiuc- 1N3!JNPAT10N Pl^ANTING OUR .middle tfie. Tuesday, fair'and mOd. AuslUaiy Folic* kHU m*et to- ceeded in. its thiaston. Theh.ahoth-: . Right, on Sol BuqeMOr arculaOpfi^ . High in low tWorrow momlnff *t #;80 at Hr* er. ahoved q ^ .Mbvipg stealthily, -cCmt* in. * while sdmMnb FREE ESTIMATES— Ml 3*tl4S ^=5^. M m chester^A City Village Charm ^ ^ \ ^ H. Meade Alcorn. '^pubUchn' of riiilffir >»*•*• ** *» the troop* crept and-.... crawled, should ^ v e the weathirman’^n; < - ...... r ”--, / ______'X ___j:___ „ ___:____■ ___- • . ... - inclemant, th« group wilt'roeet on darted,ahd . dodged, hiding behind pat.on the back.. Working with State Chairman, will speilk to ths Monday night at Folic* Headquar- treeslind In ahadows. the vagaries of the New England Manchester .J.untor Chamber of FALL PLANTING TIME Moment o f Inspiration . ormateijr eight feet apart; a .rock- ,, But suddenly, they were aikitted. -cUmate and going out on a limb Com'inerce and' gvfests Mondby on- What every town needs -li. a ^ and-roll' section of crushed stone;, A shot rang out. than a fusillade to predict them must have its issues in the coming election and PiotuiMl suthiM* toycHir pkHi§ and b u d ^ A m**tinK of DAR chapter re- town engineer with a little im ag-iand a covey of earthiinovers and of blank cartridges rent'tha night share of headaches.' cents and Ir^aaurcra will b* held ination and a flare for naming 8team*hovelS. s , ^ . . - air as the defenders poured pre­ But on. one..evenlng this week, cn the qualifications Of candidate Londfcoping, Shrubs, Hudgos, TuII|>s,.Rosm^ Wednsiday at 10:30 a.m. at the streets^ Manchester has just Though we are acquainted with sumed deadly fire on the would-be the forecast at about R p.m. went Alcorn 'Will give his address. al Ellsworth UonieatMd in Windsor. that sort Of town engineer in Jim at least on* motorist who felt it. infiltrators. , roughly-as follows; .“Cleaf, cloud­ the dinner meeting of. the JCC to A ll lntac*#t*d D AA members are Sheekey,'apparently. * > necessary to detoup from Adamir ' *At this point,, the plnned-down ing tonight^ rain by . morning, be held at the Manchester Cbuntty *Rtosoiiabla . • Obaronl wricom*. Those attending are When the 'to w n finished th a t' St.' io Jarvis Rd. ,ahd back to Cen- troops got aii unexpected assist clearing around’ noon tomorrow.’’ Club, JCXJ members hSve been in­ asked to bring a basket lunch. Cof- road which runs from Keeney S L it e r St. to‘ reach his destination, we from ^wo of -. "Manchester’s And, b.v jingos, it was clear vited to bring their wives. f«* will b* tefred. through the site o f the K eeney, were officlaily told that -the 12- Finest.’’ . , ' / -until at least 11:30 that night. ' Non-members of the organiza- ' Street School and out to Hack- foot'canal w as. negotiable and The piurolmen, having heard of. There wasn’t a cloud in sight at tipn who wish to attend should T h * Men’s a u b o f the Zion matack St., the task of naming nothing but chicken-heartedne.ss firing, sped.down-S. Main St. in that time. A “seat-of-the- contact Atty. Paul Mart*. Ihwncellcal Lutheran Church will the highway'/ell to Sheekey. could have thwarted our friend. their cruiser.s. possibly thinking a pants’ ’ weather prophet would Alcorn, Who was a member of. ne*t Monday night at 7:45 at the Charles ^ntlcelli, who used to it is not our object to criticize frustrated golfer was disposing of nave been justified In predicting the committee on^ arrangements, youNian Vote by absentee jallot church. own sobie of the land over which the contractor for ignoring any a partner whose unsportsmanlike fair weather the-next day. for the GOP National Convention at San Francisco, is expected to the street now runs, suggested. obligation, but several trips to behavior had caused him to flub an But around the following 4 iSO Octobei) first er IntermediaU Girl Scout Troop diScuss some convention sidelights. (1) If you' dll be absent from the Slate on 'Aspirin Dr.,” .because negotla-; and from the area have led us to easy putt .. ’ a.m. the first drops began to fall. Novemli sixth. . ' ' 'JJ, which meets at the Second tions about the land gave him so rerise our understanding of what But as they turned oil the road And then they increased. On Oct, 22, local Javcees will nngrecational Church, will hold many headaches. is meant by an open lane of traf­ and onto the gq)f courae, the A t 8 a m., the sky looked like hear Thomas Dodd, Democratic to vote in person at the Poll*. Its nt^ meeUng of the sea.son But while Sheekey was riding fic. patrolmen must have realized It a "Reg’lar Nor-easter” might be candidate for election to the Unit­ Monday afternoon at 3;30 at the along one day, there came to him wakn't a Single case of possible brewing. These can often last a ed States Senate. (S) It you are IlK Infirm or physically incapacitated and unaM* church. '< ■ ^ an inspiration and he decided the couple of days. He Wants Revenge homicide. The blasting of the (8) I f you are a s ^ d rn i’attending school outside the State. street should be called “Primer We heard of a man this week Guard.smen must have sounded like A t noon, it was still cloudy and i « ■' , tl' i i James H. Sheekey, to>»it engi­ a small-scale war. ^ spitting rain occasionally. At 1' h iV C lllIlff oC llO O l neer, and Frank Sterie^^hia assist­ (5) I f you are a raenN^r of the Armed Force*. for A >'Ay that leads exclusUely mower; not .primarily .nyHmftrnv to cut tvimthe As a.restilt they kept to their p.m., the first blue chinks in the W inds Hit ant. attended the aunjmep,pieeUng to and from an elementary school (4) If y'oii are empln.vefi outside the State and maintain a legal grass but in a spirit of revenge. cars...... when they. stopped, just short skjr began to appear and en- <^R egislralioii Sel and .dinner o f the ConnecUeut than the name of the book from Many are the new appliances of ilie clump of trees hiding the .lergM rapidl.v. residence In’ Conneot\’ul. AaaociaUon d f Street and Highwey which we first learn to read?- By late afternoon there were Harlford, Sept. 24’uPr-Mo­ and gadgets designed to change defendera. Kina’.ly. a Guard.smen 1 0 0 m pfa-xQ L “Official* held Thursday at the .^Sojiow the road is Primer Rd. our way of life. Ope of the most noticing the intruders, stepped om no more clouds. Registration for cour.sea in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION tor vehicle accident figures to­ Ri'versea Inn. Old Saybroofc. New­ 'A.ccording to Sheekey.’? prej- evening school at Manchester High day ran 17 per cent i.bpve 19.56 ubiquitous is perhaps the power of I he shadows to find out what TEL. Ml 9 -m 9 or Ml 9-7890 man Argraves. state highway com- udice^and the prepbnderence of mower. was wrong. That’s How It Goes, Parilner School will be held Sept. 26, Oct. 1 despite Gov. Rlbicoff* high­ ntisaloner( spoke about the propos­ local prejudice, "primer’* rhymes But, back to our friend. His A fter him came most o f the rc.«t Some youngsters catch on quick. and Oct, 2 in the high school office REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS way safety program and inti- ed bridges across the Connecticut with “ simmCt,” We pass along this Comment by an-almost-four-year- from 7 to 9 p.m.. Che.stcr L. Robin- [ speeding drive. reason for planning to buy one is of the defenders“ Who thereby left 67 East C tfiter Street River, and flood control. .. information foT lhe benefit of any to get back at his neighbors. He their position unguarded — to find old after watching western movies son, director of the school, said to- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Motor Vehicle Department outsiders like us''w;ho might be lives in an area similar to many out what ail the excitement was on television: “ Mom, those cow­ day. V. K. Kri.shna Meriop. in records today place this N ew Orleans, Sept. 24 (/P)-— ' Cpl. D a vid McConnell, eon of tempted to make it rhyme with in America these days. Houses, cbo’it. boy fool*, all they do is ride, ride, Last sea.son, cla.sse* .were offered Don't delay. G et your oM entee vote in new. London fresh from Cairo talks year’* accident total at 24,172 ’’timer,’.’) Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Adlai Stevenson had a few seri­ as compared with 20,649 a Hurricane Flossy, packing 100 Mr. and Mrs. -Robert-McConnell. 92 and lawns especially, are cheek When the Guardsmen explained ride; fight, fight, fight}’’ in typing, stenography, sewing, with Egyptian leaders, coB- Bissell 8 t, la home on"a 30-day ■ It is a relief , to find a--^ new by jowl. what they were about, one o> the woodworking., rug hooking, ous words sfter her .arrival in Denver, Colo., Sept. 23, by plane year ago. Injuries climbed to mile an hour ivinds, s w e ^ to­ emergency leave from Kodiak, street given an appropriate nam^; Our friend’s neighbors seem to patrolmen asked. “You g\iys firing No Politiral Barriers algebi-a. textile design, and Eng­ to attend church with Stevenson. Her lion. Elliott Roosevelt, ffi.rred on the Suez crisis today 12,665, up four per cent over ward northwestern Florida to­ Alaska, where he la sUtioned ^^-ith Some streets names are chosen in pick the most unsuitable times to blanks?’’ “ Of course we’re firing Ever notice that page 51 of the lish fo r , foreigners. The same center, piloted her to Denver from his ranch at Meeker, in north­ with Britisli Foreign Secre­ 1955. day, leaving three men re­ the Marine Corps. He was called confessed desperation. mow their lawns. One chooses courses will be offered again if western Colorado. _ Motor vehicle deaths,, which blanks: do you think we'd be Manchester telephone directory tary Selwyri Lloyd. There ported dead and 42 missing Home because o f the . Illness o f his Hayden Griswold, the local Sunday, morning, the only day qur shooting at each other with live lists sll the names of folk? in town ei.qugh persons register for them, la-*t spring were per cent father, who la recovering at Man­ civil engineer who chooses a num­ informaht.can sleep in for a time. ammunition?” retorted a Guards­ from .Stevenson to T a ft? ' No po­ Robinson said. were signs a major Indian ef­ )>elow that of the previous after it lashed near south­ chester Memorial Hospital. ber of street names, guards against Yet anothej; lawn cutter con men obviously annoyed at the in- litical partiality shown in that And cour.*'es will lie organized in fort al mediation is develop­ year, have now reached 216 - eastern Louisiana. choices under duress. He carries a fines his e f^ r te jo around supper I tjrruptlon in the night problem volume. other field.* If there 1* .sufficient in­ ing. the same as in 1955. The N ew Orleans Weather Bu­ The annual outing o f the Ameri­ notebook with him whenever he time. The din is'terrific and our Thus reas.^ured, the two patrol­ — A N'on. terest shown. No cla.** will be Adlai Charges Ike Minister without portfolio in reau said in its 10 a.m. (GST) ad­ can Legion band w ill be held, at goes about in other towns. When friend’s nerves are beepming more men ..tarted off — and then formed with fewer than M mein- Prime Minister Nehru'* govern- visory the storm, sixth o f the sea­ MacMillan's cottage at Amston he spots a name hg thinks he taut day by day. promptly got stuck, the wheels of 'bers. ment. Menon help* to shapethe son. was centered about 80 miles lA k e from noon to • p.m. tomor­ might use to good advantage in He mentioned his quandry. to a their Cruisers sinking into the soft Participation ia free fop per.sons COAL and COI COKE loreign policy of India West Coast southwest o f Pensacola, Fla., and row. Members and their families Manchester, he jots it down for man who owns a power,mower al­ course earth. Public Records living in Manchester, and there is He is about the only diplomatic moving toward the east-norUieest hre cordially invited. In case of future use. ready. T h e second conversatibnat- They asked for help from the small charge for other.*. Blind to Red Gains figure of international importance about 12 miles an hour. Inclement weather, the affair will We mean to talk more about ist says “ owning one of those Guard, but didn’t get it. The Guard , Most of the, clas.ses will be held who enjoys, and has recently exer­ "Movement is expected to con­ Warrantee Deed* be held at the post home. this with Griswold to see what things is like being chained to an had beiyn away from their battle irt the new high school building, cised, ready access both to Presi­ tinue toward the east-northeaat at infernal machine.’’ Joseph O. Coulombe and Cecil* ‘Fire Storm’ monikers he has in his catalogue. stations long enough. It w as high Robin.son said. In the future, the ■) dent Abdel Gnmal N'a.aser and hi* the same, rate, bringing the center This man quoted his daughter as Coulombe to Joseph O. Coulombe Tul.sa, OklH., Sept. 24 — Adlai E. Steven.son, hitting at James P. Donovan. 19, 82 Ox­ But ma.vbe he won't give them time to get back to ho’.ding off the evening school will use facilities inland between' Pensacola and saying, "The only difference be­ as guardian of the estate of Don­ aides and Prime Minister Eden and ford S t, has joined the U.S. Navy away for somebody else to use. inflltratcrs, - in some of the new shop.*, which the" Ei.seiihower administration, .said today “ we cannot .stop Llovd. Apalachicola (Fla.) this afternoon tween a power mower and the old ald Coulombe, property at 159 will nilt be completely equipped in this dangerous drift in foreign affairs by pretending all is Uncheeked or tonight." the advisory said. and proceeded to the Naval Traln- Woodland St. There was no immediate indica­ fashioned kind is that the power I'psidedoWn Cafie? time tq organize evening classes Stock up now and be re«dy when cold weather comw! The'Red O oss in Biloxi paid it -Ing Station at Bainbridge, Md. Travel at Your Own Risk mower is heavier and pushes hard­ Manchester Properties, Inc,, to well while Communist influence is spreading everywhere." tion of the detail.* Of Menon's 50- When a local contractor was One recent wedding. almost this year, Robin.son said. In a campaign address prepared ------^------miniite, talk with Lloyd today be- appeared there was no further er." Andrew Aiisaldi, property’ on CALLL'STOD.W: San Bernardino, Calif., Sept. Lou Gagnon and his S-plece awarded the contract for the .re­ We wonder where all this work came a cropper, we hear. And. of Union St. V for delivery at a court house lawn o yond the fact he conveyed an up-! 24 (/P)— Smoke-biackened fife threat to Mississippi’s Gulf Coast. course, some blundering malys The hurricane had winds esti­ orehestra w ill open the British construction o f Center St., from simplification Americans seem so Attachment - rall.v here, the Democratic presi- Iw *> T jS"!"! to-the-minule account of Na.wrBir- :>a.*sei’ s : r• U4u, ___ i ,.i j . j * American Club dances tonight. Olcott St. to beyond the bridge were at the bottom of the fau.v j dential nominee declared: “ We thinking c^peciaiiv .toward ihci^ battled lodaj to ling mated.'^at 100 miles per hour near anxious to dream up is going to ^ Hartford National Bank and JEDDO HIGHLAND COAL Members and friends ere cordially over the Wilbur Cross Highway, ■end. pas. mu*t have a foreign policy tt-at Suer Canal U a «a ’ Assn., which is 'a "D r e .stOrm” th a t has de­ the center at 10 a.m. and galea ex­ Trust Co., against Anthon.v V. MoV^I Prove ^ Invltpid. Refreshments will be we understand it was with the N o t that the wedding itself Marineilt 11.250, property at 142 1* firm, con.*islenl and also com­ being set up provisionally by the ; .stroyed at least 20 homes and , tended outward 150 to 200 mllee served during the evening. Neat stipulation that a 12-foot lane for .\mbinhed! was ever threatened, but just that Lotomls St., . CONNECTICUT COKE prehensive," and added: Ike Ignoring from the center. some last minute changes had to I more than 8,500 acre.s Saturday the Dubaldo Br6sv^ west bound traffic would rehiain The local police are . charged Bill of Sale "W e m ist slop bluffing our ; Dangerous Slfuntlon orchestra will play for dancing. lopen. With the responsibility of main­ be made in some of the ancillary DYhiAMIC > a ene.mies. boasting to o’lr friend.* gotiated settlement.’^ " "* brush and timber near the: r“ The Weather Bureau reported a circumstances. Charles W. Long to Salvatore However, there were times -last taining law and order in town. Cirinna, the, busiriets known as and misleading our people at Farm Families Menon will be in New York brfike Arrowhead mountain re- large squally area 'off extreme The following three girls from week when we couldn’t help but The National Guard helps pro­ It seems the prospective bride­ Central Specialty Laundry. 40 INSURANCE home." when the U.N. Security Councir sort. ’ northwestern Florida coast ■was groom and a buddy were trans­ FOGARTY BROTHERS this town are registered as Stu­ wonder if the contractor hadn’t ride for the national, defense, and, Harrison St. leons Better Pfotettien C'an’t Pretend All I* Well Mitchell, S.D.v Sept. 24 id -.-J develqpmeht. ^ • firefighter* manned'IS biilldozeks. A replica of the famous Fontana Di TrevI In Rome fascinates 2',i-year-old Theresa Mecca, at we b^t most of the - wedding siana began ^loving bap Guardsmen was deployed among ^ ALL MAKES ^ Europe is in ' peril for the first in a speech prepared for a farni Diille* Report* 60 water tank trucks and, firC Bolton’s Italian festa Saturday. According to Roman custom, those who throw coins Into the foun­ th e ir guests never suspected a thing. homes. a clump of trees with orders to de­ Luckily, a facetious suggestion time, when Arab nationalism is Britain and France ts’ere as.sured hoses in an effort to hold ' back tain are sure to return to that city. Perhaps Theresa will return often to Bolton. She ia the THE ARMY AND NAVY The storm, ’whieli) developed ear­ fend the open space behind them. the cake be bolted together by'*, rampant an.! commiinism its os­ Kefauver aaid. “ the economic ! 1 ‘*'« *'•?"** ^edar Glen daughter of Mr. and Mra C. S. Mecca, 31 Waahington St., Vernon. l Herald Photo by Oflarai. Another forye of about 20, split mechanic was not followed. tensible protector. disaster that fastened itself upon to take the Suez: y e a , near the northern tip of the ly Saturday, originally pointed, to- \ No doubt those in the know “ We must regain the moral lead­ oiii’ .fai'm families left President dispute with Egypt to th e. lake, ^ A - I eg* i i rgi • rsf- • ward th0''Nw Orleana area, but Eisenhower unshaken in his d e - ^ c o u n c i l on Wednes-1 Seven crop dusting biplanes a n d i J ^ J X O I l A C C l l S C S ' took- A northsaaterty course early itlay have viewed this as a minor ership of the world." lolk S TueSdaV Jn IlltnOtS today. tragedy when it happened. Bui A week ago today in Washing­ terminatlon to kepp his back day. a war surplus NaVv. torpedo bomb-: * -t a a o x ^ c r ;. ^ ^ Heavy rains felt’along the Gtfif w eTbet ) it will furnish many a ton Stevenson told a news confer­ turned against his own campaign 'Secretary of State Dulles. aaid! er planned to continue dropping 'g V ' ' F i T R 1$ a ' * Wrought Iron Rollings Coast in advance of the etorm. The B-I-N-G ence he considered the Suez canal promises." R. E. WANDELL last night in Washington that he water and rhemical.* on the ua..,e.s I I I * t r i o g » l » a t S f i t : I L AA A ’• A C * » a r a A ’» * EVERY SAT. N IG H T^E W TIME 8:00 F.M. Foreh Columns “ think* well ’ of the move and be- .that have fused mountain peak* ^ V Ct 1,9 RfiA X J v C x TX c t . y x T L H S ^ T d * S Weather bureau cautiioned persona crisis a “ dangeroiu," situation ■ o T h e Tennessee Senator made living in southern Alabama and delicate he preferred not to com­ lieves it can lead to a peaceful and, into a-massive mile-high torch. IIVT 'I 'b * * his address . public before a pre­ G eoi^a and extreme 11011110111 DANCING VALLEY WELDING CO. Building ment further o it. Hi* remark just solution o f the canal rrl.sis “ i f ; Nearly 1.000 re.sidents of a 9-i ri^4PW I dawn takeoff from Ephrata. Egypt wants a peaceful solution at mile area wire advi.sed to evacu-| ^ A A q g J l Florida to watch for poasiim flood To rti« MhsIc « l t Windsor Trio Fe^ Free Eattineto CeS BAKED HAM Crisp, crunchy-good chocolot* wafers here about the Suez ’'life line ’ )>e- W'ash., In his chartered plane, '“the warnings. Olaatiatenbury ME S-SI18 Contractor all.’’. • ate after the blaze jumped state; ------. . . with smooth DoirT Queen beitwaen. Ing in peril " f ir the first time’’ Kefauver Mainstreeter" for a re­ ‘Farm Depression’ View Harold D. Adair, Mobile, AJf., 14-8* his first' direct reference to it In a redio-TV diacussidn (NBC) highway 18 last night and burned I Colorado Springs, Colo., Sept. SUPPER RofiMonfiol-Cemmoreial It's a big hctodiul of yummy eotin* that turn swing through the Midwest was killed early todi^ when^^ eiiice that time. farm belt. “— ~ 24 (.Tl Vice President Nixon .'-'-Wednesday, Sbpt. 26 •Terybedy in the knaily likes. Stodc up (Oonllnued on Page Ten) (Continued on Page Ten) auto skidded on a raln-slickened Alftrotieiis-ROmeiloliiig In his apeech today Stevenson On an 11,600-mile campaign toiir started the .second week of a 15,- Washington, Sept! 24 .(45—Pie.*->?> U_ was just a year ago today suburban tpad. 5 and 6 P. M. year ireeser aowl elao hit at the Republinans on that’ .started- Sept. 14, Kefauver is 000 mile campaign tour today by idem Eisenhower is expected to (hat Eisenhower suffered a heart Two men *e re assumed drowned Tfilcottville Church » "Business Built On domestic polirv. The IVmbrraUc to go on to Jamestowm. N.D., to­ aint a return waHop at Adlai E. attack in Denver. Then on June 9 . / ,506 HARTFORD ROAD accusing the Democrats of step­ below the mouth'of the Mississippi g o l d e n RULE CLUB Customer Satisfaction** noijrtnee noted that Vice President night and then strike out through up "their campaign of mis- Stevenson's discu.ssion of the farm I he underwent an emergency opera­ Elver. Capt. Y. J. Greene o f the CHRYSANTHEMUMS QUINE’S juice. Ham, Potatoes, Corn, Owned and Operated Nixon made a campaign address /I n a t / o n a i oaht ooeem deveiosment co. several other middle w- e 1 1 e r n repre.sentation and distortion." issue in a campaign speech in tion to relieve a partial blockage i( Coleslaw, Home Made Apple Full Insurance Coverage By A L L A N R. c OE JR, Saturday night in Col, rado states. Wholesale Atrests He made the accu-saUpn in. a Illinqls eomorrow night. of the small intestine. (Oontlaaed on l ^ e Ten) Pie, Coffee. Bprings, , .Colo,, 6nd Stevenson are n o ^ in blooni. Many choice colors and beautifu.I plants j Tel. M l 9-30.3.3 Hia present trip ia to end Satur­ statement here a.a he headed for Eisenhower, who rested over the Stevenson has raised the health PHARMACY Adults $1.50—Children 13, 7Sc quoted him as saving there; to diooee from. N ow is the time to select your color com- i A fte r 5 :00 P .M . 807 .MIDDLE TI’KE. WEST day night with his return to . his a speech at Phoenjx, Ariz., and a weekend, devotes part of his time issue by-, implication, suggesting I Under 5, Free. ‘tWe can forward to a fu. “ Owned and Operated home in the hation's capital, but night rally al Salt L ^ e City after today the anniversary of his j that Eisenhower is a “part time R Ij^nations for your fall plantihif. ^ . Keservattona Close Monday. 82 B A L D W IN R O A D ture in which poverty will, be a DfllRV QUEEN By AL ELKIN he plaVis to start put on another 'o t a weekend pause here in his cur- 1955 heart attack — to polishing I President.” OPEN SUNDAYS . Phone M l 3-8347 or 8-0947 ' MANCHESTER. CONN. forgotten word in the Unfied after one day’s rest. the speech he will deliver at States.” .1 rent tour- that starteil laSt Tues- ! Eisenhower said In his first In 'h is latest bid fo r the farm Peoria. Tlie speech will be his sec- I major campaign speech last week Bulletiiis Hollow Echo of Hoover . ______i (Jiy- He has visited 11 states. vole, Kefauver renew-} his charges Managua. Nicaragua, Sept. '34 Despite the Democrats’ tactics. ond of he campaign to be carried.j he feels fullv confident he can SA-M.to 1 P.M. Stevenson called that remark “a from the AP Wires FERN RARDENS-m Ftrn Stnei lhat Eisenhower had broken his —Wh^eeal* arrests • of oppo-‘{ I Nixon said, , the Eisenhower adpiin- I?** ^ on-m the- Presidehey for hollow .erfro" ’sounding batk"’28 (FIrat left after Manchester Country Clob) "1952 csmpaijfh promises to the nents of the government have'fol- 1 tstration intends to "rest its case With his Democratic op^nent’s ,o y ,.»„ ,„ „ j „ another move years to the days of GOP President farmers and fired fresh volleys at lowed the attempt to assassinate ‘ FRED TEDFORD. I P.M. to 9 P,H. YOU ASE INVITED TO Hqover. He added that the record I with the voters on a full and truth- F^senhLi^ wl* i»»ue. ElseiUiower has WIIBON GOES UNDER KNIFE Secretary of Agriculture Benson President Anastasio Somoza.' ^ e n h o u ^ was described by arranged to have a fail mcdlcal ex- o f the 28. year* ^Between “ Mr. ' fill presentation of it.* record." tVashlngton, Sept. 24 ID—See* and Vl two, newspaper editors and a for­ peace, prosperity and progress and to T p up the u m ^'^of ms^ to-be-inade public, *on underwent aiirgery today foe Dr. MelrThomas Rothweli poverty" and Nixon’s 19.56 state­ "the natucsl disaster oi drought mer president, were being ques- of elevation of “tlie whole moral paign if he choose^ Haj^erty ^aid I meantime, EJisejihower is a "benign proatatic eoadltlon,’* ment “ la a record of consistent Re­ came to afflict- them, along with tipned in a police .search for po.sat- T PROFESSOR OF PHILoNoPHT ' publican oppbsitio.i to eveiy Defnq- engaged daily in what HagCrty., tho Pentagon announced., The .the unnatural disaster of Ezra Taft ble accomplices o f the assassin.,^ aturday Eisenhower , is “feeijng ,• • A t ' cratlc effort to end povert'y'in the (.Continued on Page Two) says is a-full day's work, with a o|ieraUon started at*-U:'8$i-a.n}. ^ EASTERN^’AZARENE COLLjjEOE ' ; Beft'S^n,^ - • -V. The Nicaragtiaatrongman’S adn, fine," has pushed .his weight up- to United States." “ Aitd the niilliohaice dominated 172 pounds. ; rest period of about two hours in EDT and was completed one hour ., l Luis, 34, took a fim i hold on the and 1$ .minutes later at Walter FOR THE BQARO OF DIRECTORS: Steven.son .*81* he didn’t mean Eisenhower administration raised EHsenhower’s visit to Peoria and mid-day. ' ' TONIGHT AT 7:00 ' country while Somoza underwent AVlien he goes to his fai/n near’ Reed Army Hospital here. T)w ■for a hilnute to discourage Mr.-' the interest rate on'dissster loans treatment at a tl.S. hospital in the trip to Lexington, Ky., a week from today ayfe likely to niatch the Gettysburg, , Pa.> however. . the Pentagon announcement said tlm ond SUNDAY 10:45 A.M. and 7 F*M. Panama Canal Zone fpr four gun- 66-year-oId Defenso Chief was ex­ DEMOCRATIC DAILY DOUBLE (OnaHmied on Page Ten) (Gontinned «n Page Teh) shot wounds. . i News Tidbits somewhat .strenuous tour Eisen­ President does a mimmiim amount hower made to. the National Field of w o rk and gets in 18[ holes of pected In be buck at hb bfSoe in Somoza was reported’ in satis­ about 20 days. , - Af Hi* ChHreh of Hm Noiarono factory condition after four sep­ Culled from A P Wi?es Days' near Newton, Iowa, last golf a day if weather per'inits. , week. .- While he is in the White House, TO SAVE YOUR TAX DOLLAR arate operation,* performed hy a ^SOMOZA lIURNS WORfiE surgical team sent ,by President On. a 160;-mile motor "kwing Eisenhower gets exercise with, an Panama, Sept. 24 t® — Presi­ Eisenhower. A medicaij bulletin - 'A large excursion bus with 39 through central Iowa, Elsenhower almost daily swim and 30 minutes dent Amutaslo Somoza o f Nica­ r - World Warned . a ■ ___ . ■ said It was uncertain wH'ether the persons aboard goes out of control was on his' feet- nearly half tjie or so of hitting golf shots on the ragua, shot down by an assassia Central American Pi’eaident would. and (overturns oh the New Jersey time, standing in his car and wav­ lawn. H e still is taking anticoagu­ Friday night, took a turn for regain use of hia right Jeg, para­ Tpke. . and 19, are . injured. . . . ing "to the crowds which ranged lant mediefne to reduce the chanc.es the worse today In a Panama On Danger 8 of Inflation from 13 persons at one crossroads R U S C O lyzed by a bullet in his aplnal col­ Prime Minister Nehni-leaves .New . . i t -, , .hospital. . - A tnedlcal bulleUa umn. :------— t Delhi by plane for 4-day visit fp : in Des Moinea. (Continued on- Pagis Nlito) *aM he pad dei’eloped paralysis SELF-STORING COMBINATION DOORS , "The assassin, Rigoberto Lopez baud! Ariibik where Egypt’s Presi­ of the entire left side of hia Wa.shington, Sept. 24 i/Fi- Secre-dpskiil, which is to say, the'valiie of Perez, 27. wap slain by Som'pza’a: dent Nasser is also visiting. ! body and that an emergbacy cretary of . the Treasury Humphrey 1 their mone.v.” 'ITial value, he said guards inunediately after empty- I Rep. Sterling. Cole iR -N Y l^siys traebbotnmy—opening a hole Ifi w ■ told mbnetar.v oIBclals of the free ' ia destro.ved by inflation, ing a revolver at the 60-year-oId ' development of atomic energy the windpipe to facUitata world nations today their biggest ' Sa.vihg’ that Inflation dpes the President jiist before'midnight Fri- ’ should not be "put in the strait House breathing-^ad been performed. BAKED-ON problem “is how to finance both ”’’greatest g reate*l Harm to10 those:Je*iitthoseijeast ahl-able day at a reception in Leon, 45, jacket of government ownership f nCeded defense and high prosperity . tp protect themselves,’’ Humphrex’ miles from the capital. ' ’ ' j am] operation". . . New Votk . EARL GODWIN DIES ' without inflation.” added; ’ , ” i ’ Uongre** .Meeting Set Times; says' Soviet , Comipilnlst Washington, Sept. 24 OD — ENAMEL PRESIDENT SO.MOZA- Humphrey’s remarks were pve-, ■ "It is allra'ctlr’e only to those Luis Somoza - and hi* younfiet’ ______party hierarchy has revived criti­ ce in State Earl Godwin, 75, dean of Wasb-:i pared for the opening of the 11,Ih unwise politicians and others who brother,'Anastasio Jr., 32. w’ere di-I .• ^ ■ cism of Yugoslav FVesident Tito’s .'UiglOB i- radio rorrespondenta, annual 5-day meeting of the gov- are willing to sacrifice long-term reeling Ihe. search for the assas- / ’r ii • ^ brahd of communism. died in hi* sleep early today at Available In while and any erhing boards of t)ie'W orld Bank good* for unreal but falsely appar- sin * helpers'. Luis acted first H O ' S V F I H I S Three - roan AUantic Alliance New Haven, S(|>t. 24 (A5 -:The-'to Red "colonization ir. Connecticut . hi* nummer home in Rehoboth other behed-en wealher-reitt- and the International .Monetary eni immediate gain." ■ vice ;pre.*ident designate, an ar- ■ ™ committee calls for broad measure first witness at a 3-day inquiry by 1 education and laboi’ fields. Beach, Del. ■ ' ' .tant decorator color I . Fund (IM F ), The two groups iuet Confidence in a stable currency, rangement Congress was (expected of agreement . among 15 NATO the House (3bmmitte.b on iiiv-Amer- Even before,. the, start of the •(, jointly in opening session.*. Humphrey'said, is vital not only -to approve at a meeting tomorrow. countries ,■ on practical .ways, • to ica'n Actiritiei today, was a free­ hearings,, the committee ran into . NLRB FQB DOCK VOTE • Strong het^Ipped gelvonlted His them'e paralleled that of a to indiridual persons blit also to The younger t Anaslasid. West Hit Bdiiii Ship broaden nonml|itar,v ixioperation. lance writer.who said he could not, Washington, Sept. fi4 .tubular tteel Mnatructlon l . criticLsni.' ■. ■ - .report of the .Monetary'Fund re -; nations, because it ent-ouragea - the Point;-educa{ed commander' of .T\J. - f i l l Head oof f International Longshore- get. "clearance" fro.u major magaf Calling on, the conihiittee to stay -The Natlonar Labor Relatloila Ikaaed last night, .which .said that savings which he aaid are necea- 'DperOlet iv«t l.ika e window — Nicaragua's National Gjiiard, kept'' i^ear vuemoy l .ma^’a, Apsn," sayg;he w;as "d.oijble- zines for his WTi Jng. within the bounds of the'conatifu- Board toda.v. oTdered a new bar- . “inflaUdnary pressures are still aao; i f a country is-, to grow. a firm hand in commend of the t ' ((Crossed” when AFL-CI<, - CIO President Bert D. Gileen, 41. Bridgciport, a ' tioii, the Connecticut' Chvll Liber­ galnglng right* eiertioa beM Nothing to , change — nothipg strong in a number of countries.” In U)e United States, ho con­ armed forces. Each fOn ha.-i been Gedrge Meanv *r««entl.v (rebuffed grad'iate Brow'n Unlveraity and ties Union contended, in a state­ wlthlB SO days between rival to tteral It noted, however, a ’’more general -hln, - qt tinued. “ We can fairly report-that chief of staff -during previous ab­ ' Hong Kong. Sept. 24 (J5— him. a ’World- W ar Ii veteran, said' he ment Saturday that the committee New York waterfront fongehore*’ unrferstapdlng o f .-the .importance Eugont KnHy MAGICFANEL* Fingertip Ven­ although we are not free from sences of- their , father from the Chiang,Kai-shek’s Nationali.str Chi­ Two grand juries in Springfield, considered himself' a contrcp’eVsial "ha.* ranged far afield In ltS-in- ! roeq’s union*. The board expibea - AlicO M. Loimonse / Monetary stability" in many na­ tilation Central. 0 problems, 'wp have had substantial country. nese guns -raked the German : 111., are taking up tangled threads figure because, of hi* politicalitl( ac- quirie.*.’’ ed hope that,, the , unions wUI Buccess." Has directed Hilltop Nursery tions. I ■ — There was 'n o indication, the freighter Monika, seeking shelter of Qrrille E. Hodge ncandal... tivilles. He had befn a candidate '. The union, claims, however, “ this hold off any threat'of a; water­ PrecUcu)|; eftom ey. Born In Man- Principal aim of the Monetary School for 9 years. Formerly - He mentioned high employment, Somoza dynasty :had been shaken : f>om, typhoon Gilda’ off the China Antiaircraft fire from wiirshipa for' offlde on the People’s’ party 'is not. surprising since it is em- i front strikei aotil tbe boUotlag dieeier. Attended Trinity College fu nd'in tp help nations, stabilize end Unlveretty ,of. .Connecticut teachei” in public schools of Green­ a balanced nqtrional budget, record by .the attempt'to khl\.its founder, j although her flag, was clear-j reportedly burst* 10 mile* in'.froni ticket. The party -wa* fdrmed in 'ppvyered to investigate ‘,un-Amer- antong dockwurfcers caa be heM. TOUR HOME CAM Bf AS their-currencies and provide for its Lew SchooL--Navy ,'veiipran. M*r- wich and Manchester. B.S. degree production figures aqd a cost o f Managua W'aa-aa quiet last night nY'risible, -the West* GF.rinan 'con-j‘of 4-engine British Overseas'Air- Connecticut when H (.iry '.yalLcle icarP propaganda'* a vague -termi Preseat contracts eppire Sept. 99 f n«d end has 5 children... from, St. Joseph’s' College. * Mar­ MOifiAM At^OMOMOW free exchange in trade among the. living which, he said "ha*- moved aa, any Central American capital. | aulate charged today. |"ways Corp. plane on its way from was it* candidate for Preaident'in that’ can be applied to any un-, and apparently there Is no pree*,... nations. ~ The International Bank, witfiin^a very narrow* range." ried end.has 6. children. ' A state of siege imposed Sat-.l • The defense'ministry 'in Tapiel! Hong-Kopg trf Ma.nlla, ' 1W8. , -i.,,rj .popqiar pqUUcxI program ' or be- j jioDdurttag the ejecOeO ' . for Rec6.n«tru(stion and Develop­ It Alt* _.a at. _A '___' a . . - . a. '< __• . - W m I.-' 'Ilie United. Sta_tes position. urday meant UiaL people who or- acknowledged -the Najionaliata; Burmese Premier U Ba-’ Swe has Gileen chargq;* that people were llefr;'' * ■ before'tbea- .3 r ’TMR O M A T U T S4AMS IN ment, commonly railed the World Humphrey said, “ la" mit only a 1 dinarily sit on their porphe^ in fired .warning shoja at an imldentl- ^ d^tored his government’s support circulating rumors about ^ hiih The committee is. headed hy Rep. j, e w tR iis c o ^INOOWS AND OeOR^ Bimk make* loapa'for vario’js proj-^ duty to ourselyea;'it la tin import- CANDIDATES OF INTEGRITY. INTELLIGENCE the warm night air bed to be in fled ship west of (Ju'emby Satur-; of Pre«klent Nasser’ii nationrilza-y which cortnected him with “ certain Willis.'niii (D-Aia) ‘and..has aa-ita-. ' ARAJIH B A C K 'E G Y P T ects. Elach has 60 member nations, ant contribution to ail o f you. our ’ AND INDEPENDENCE dbora by 9:30 p.m, Luis'Somooe dav -when this .Monika'was under :.tlon o f Suez canal) in first official actixlties." members' Reps. Frazier (D-Teon) Oalre,-Egypt; Sept t* (P>-01to Call «. 0. AR0N60N, ~ moat of them represented by fheir .friend* from abroad.** , • told reporter* that in effept Nica­ attack. But it asserted the shots etatement op diop^ite Ctohhectl- 1 1 The subcomiii ctee of, the Ho ise and Kearney> general egpan- ■ Am ong ' those arresteti 'far •The Monika’s first piptc, -Hah*.. lie to see that all tandi(*ates for into w h a t'It calls, <-c,-iimiinist *c^ ,to 'fili into,' the:) hearjn'g r,oqm in toduy and hroafieaet a eamoe^ TO TURN THE TAX TIDE TH E b a Ot M e t t -b r a i n a r d CO. . ' Humphrey told the director, of ! afoA. bf. worli^(trade, accompanied questioning werq Pedro Joaquin alqufi aaaoaaeiag " f i # ig g p if r WINOOM aM Mxyi.a both..that "vye are the truate^ of i Mayei^,'declared earlier that Chi-: niibUic/>fftc(>"ruppariLmerit 'ayiste'inj fivit.v inoOonnectici*fc tTiC Federal: Butl(]in|f 'fronting .on. ’ WEST HAirrrotorcoNN; ’ . —-r-— - j principle*-and neisded reforme hit- f«r: Egypt hi the waa eaail the value our people’s work and t — -■ -- — r - - 1 A'-eimkearaan fnr.the committee 4 4-4,’ 7 V t'' i ...... uV'- . : " V ■- V .

A'" . . '-It' ■*.' '■6' . ■ '■ -■ 'V i " ' ’ ''J 1 MUkM ■hhi A % ">?^liANCaESl’£R EVENING HERALD, MANCHE^TERr CONN, MONDAY. SEMEMBER 24,1958 - MANCHESTER E V E I^ G HERAU), MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 195^ atotiilc W o r ld '^ n r JII upon the, Singapore, Neither waa In a'ser­ P A G E T H E S E rid.” ■ ' K. ,■ ious condition...... Suih haa been attacked. Tor hia Qiiang’s Guns The phip waa carrying about 1,- ■w i»iiilHwii n Dniiinn n^ liiiwwiii M BrBiiiiiiWi[inii(iiiiiDiiiiiiiiiimwip>^ ’h Busl)i^ Increase; aupiMrt of the treaty by Mra..Su- Silk Town Notes, Quotes ^ OdO -tons of iron ore front • Portu­ zanne SUvercriiya Steven'doij, -Bel guese Goa, Inw India, to Jp,pan.. glan>born sculptress, who is run-' Hit Bonif'Ship Mayer aaid no permisaion ha^ been, Tempo of .QuOnpai^s ning for the Senate on the Inde- BjrEARtYOST obtained from the Reds to c 200 Youngsters G ivenShpis" pcndent ftepublican ticket, Amoy. . ' I*. T«ehalr*1*r Dodd told his New Haver! audi­ N e a r^^Qui^moy V.lrslala MarS Charles Burr, Dante Paganl,'-.off. One recent case foUnd'A family mt THE ASSOCIATED riUESS f League ef Connecticut,, announced ence he. Wnd Bush have had 16 Song, cotnpo.ser Al Hoffman "UBKAT DAY iV TBR MOKRlMG” ' J n P H N A Salk V accin^G linic ?■— »• If.nniidv (D-Ma^a ) h» pergoiwlly intenda to aup- offera to debate but that Bush had Edaon M. Bailey and Edward J. I rnoying. They wantedito get rid of (Continued from Page One) doesn't depend on orthodox English Terli. * • .> * A rid Keith's 'Sta. John Keimedy (D Mass ) ^ election. He aaid he rejected all but one—Oct. 16 in Holt were elected privileged mehi-1 most of their furniture. An ad w af for' his many hit tunes titfea. -T-'- taken over the tub thumping today ; X,eague’a executive Salisbury. bera o f - the Manchester Kiwania i inserted in the classifled section nese Communists had .fired the Among otfiers, he has written “ Hot Wed,. *]aaaUas<>” “ Bawhlde Ycars'l Coventry, Sept., 24 (Special) fw Connecticut Democratic Con-^^ j,oard to follow ault. , Dodd also discussed immigration Club at a recent meeting. Each ! and the home owner said more Shota which killed an officer and Dlgglty,” "Bibblty Bobblty Boo,” About 200 pre-ijchool chlldi'en-were Special Ses-sionSet man haa been a meml^r for more] than 2Q people ahaWed. "W'e had given Itrimunlzation ghotg during a ereaaional candidate.^._ , “ t regret taking'thia step," aaid legislation. ■ , ’ wounded two crevvmen. The ahip's an4 "Chi Chi Babba.” To Make New Vofera Joined by Rep. Thomaa J, podd, I ••bxit in good conscience ■ As Conneeticut's lone Democrat than- a decade and Mr. Holt w a s. a line waiting outsidir, an hour .Salk polio vacone clinic held last n H ouse a charter -member. The aboyei after The Herald Waa on the street, captain, Ewald Dilara, said later it month at the Nathan Hale Com­ who la oppoeing Sen Prescott Bush j.j cannot support Sen, Bush on his in Congress, Dodd sat,d. he waa one A special voter making a>Sr; named four men join Jot Eider * and' we sold everything in two munity Cehtei'., according to a re­ (R ) In the State’s only senatorial I ijibor record." of the aignera of a' petition in the was the Ksitionalista, who sh^ed Sion will be held in the town ■r and Thomas Bentley as privileged,; hours.” It pays to adverti.se in The port released by ;tJ|e 5ubli(2 Health race, Kennedy speaks in New lan'nuzzi. whose organization House of Representatives to re­ the Moniks and-the consulate con-: clei'k's office from 9 a.m. t.o members o f the local service club. Heifkld. .MaUman Donald Cowles Nursing Assn, today. Haven. Wateitiury and Hartford. j,g, ftiore than 700 members move a Democratic Immigration firmed his version. - __ noon Saturday. ;Town Clerk 'Bosh, meanwhile, stands a good: throughout the state, said Bush Bill from committee in the laa't Tbc men were named to the select, of 197 Hilliard SI. reports he walks The PH N A also reports that ac­ From club because of o'utstaiiding.. past eight miles a day on his route and A consuiate^spokesman said the ClaemaJlealNt! Calsrt tivities for Mrs. Thomas O’Brien, Samuel J, Turklngton Jr. an­ ehshcS of crossing paths \vitJi the ■ against the postal pay bill, session of Congress. nounced today’.. . He termed the, nation's present service to Kiwanis Club.. .-.New ‘ has .^21 houses,to cover. .Donnie is Monika?—en ;j^ute from Hong NDS TUES. BIrh. WtdmaiB I gath. OrayMa RN, public health nurac, have been , Kennedy-DQdd caravan on its way . Unemployment compensation and Kong to Japan with-.a nonstnit^ ”Bl'S KOB I "VAGABOND to Waterbury. The; Senator ^ thoiKsing measures,and the bill to immigl-ation act Vundemocratic ?'\*LI’ ****'* Club are] orie o f six malmven who use mail »,FROSf 6 P.M. TDK 8t N” I ,^^,|^NG” on an increase, with 115 visits 'Hie session is being held ex- acheduleil to lour the iJnitM.Rub--, jnicreaae income lax .exemptions, and unfair.” >\ illiam sales manai^er ati carls, similar to £^olf caddy c^rts, glc cargo —give normal identlfica- ft:lS made during August. . ( lusiveiy for Uie benefit of pei'- bfw^ plant in Naugatuck. Tomght, He Sdd.ed he waa particularlj' Moriarty Bros., ^ and Robert on hi.s daily walk. Bill LaRiviere tion signals and hqlsted her flag Of the visits, 46 weie for thenrU- sons whose rights to become- l^'SP^sks at the ColumbianC^lumhiM Re-Re^ disturbed /because Bush voted Pound’ a iwlesman the Nation- the first mailman to Use a when within l i i niuei mlTea of Ta Tan, peutic nursing and 60 wore for voters have matured after Sept. biggest of the Tan island group OLIVIAdeHAVILtAND Wed.: Gregory Peck FEATURED \U DE LUXE al Caah Register Cq.. .Secretary pa,.[ the 8 and before Oct. 1. In order piltticiuui dinner in Chcshire.c against a social security measure cart in tho Manchester area. “ MOBY DICK’,J health ,s>ipervision, the report said. Russell Paul of Kiwanis reports near Qiiemoy and Amoy. JOHN FORSYTHE The, polio shot program . ia co-’; to (juallfy as a'voter, a person ''X, Kennedy is scheduled -for a ,to pro«de benefits-for the dis­ First, copy" o f the Connecticut that-a sum of $100 has been do­ Ships* officers said the i,106-ton gponsmed by the PHNA and the; must be a citizen of the United luncheon address in New Haven. abled. ; , ■* ,' Campu.s, dally publication at the -MYRNAIOY nated to the Mental Health Assn, Monika ran into some 300 round* Young Mothers Chib. Dr. Robert* States, must have lived in C3on- Prom there he moves to W’ater- I'niversity of Cwnectlcut, reached - Bush had no commenf on lan- and $200 to the recreation room of fire a*)d took 10 direct.hits as ADOLPHE p JO U jfi- bury for the rest of the afternoon. the de.sk this week. Editor id Bill P..Bowen, health officer, id in] nectl(;ut for at'least a year, and / nuzzi's move, but yesterday con­ project of Division .One at the she headed'^or Am oy harbor. g g I M.IOEWN However, the focal point of the - Monday Cases England of 252 Spruce St., \who -.^charge. ' in Manchester for-at least six ferred with ,the executive com­ Junior Republic in Litchfield.. Normally. . the consulate said, youngrlookUig Scnaldr'a Connecti­ ! worked at The Herald the past- ' t e ' . . " ■ V Assi.sting at the program w ere, rrionths. mittee of the League's Bridge­ Richard Edgar, 261 Spruce St., Ray Lambeck, well-known in ships seeking cover from storms Mrs. O'Rrien,. Mrs. David M cClel-, cut visit ia a dinner for Dodd to­ three summer vacation periods. flARTrORO port chapter. What went on at the waa given Jail sentences totaling Manchester and a . resident here I are permitted by the Nationalists len. RN. and Mrs., Dwight F.,Gm - : night In Hartford. cOitference was not disclosed. DRIVE-IN With t:the election bu^ six weeks 120 days in Town Court this morn­ until his promotion as chief deyel-I „ , ------to enter Amoy harbor. rNMnUBTO don, RN. of the association. Of 1 Itthnuzzi aaid he plans to open dpment eng^ineer at the Hamilton ; »R er A ? years Mayer had said the shots came s f off, the two Senatorial candidates ing on charges stemming from V W i M N Y the club Mrs. Fi-ederlc-k C. Rose headquarters in Bridgeport 'to Standard plant in St. Persetburg, ; pay^l clerk from artillery hidden in the hills and Mrs aaaist- . : S n i t a ihowed signs over the weekend drunkenness. He will serve only 60 they were stepping up their cam- campaign for President Eisen­ Fla.; haa been cited by the com- ’'} Bros., is out-Af work, of Communist-held Amoy. A Con­ •d. . . Gotot Gases paipna. . hower. Dodd. Republican Albert days, however. pany for inventing an overspeed i ® " ’*"'*’ **' sulate spokesman said the con­ '2 0 . YEARS Voh)ntcor helpers included Mrs, pitch lock. : employes who were dropped Dodd, in a N ew Haven apcech, P. Mbrano and A.. Edward San- Edgar was charged with intoxi­ fusion ai'ose because the Monika’s IN SING SING" Marion Gregory, Mrs, Kenneth S, dula, GOP nominee for the State cation Wednesday and released Joseph Sylvester o f A3 Scarbor-rf' oP'v'^*’ ® payroll recently. Earl's officers were iinfamlllar with the Lyon, Mrs. Rsymond C. McKinney. , Saturday C^ses called again for Bush to meet him SPENCER TRACY in public debate. Senate. under $20 bond for court Sept. 29. ough Rd. is now celebraUng his 1 "' f * - “I*®-??®"! *2 years military aituation in the .area, i Mrs. Robei't A. Doggart and Mrs. The driver of a Greyhoc.nd bus • A —------—;;— ------. .. ._ I at CheneyA before leaving to ac- BETTE DAVIS ■f-■ Bitih continued in his ‘‘back Ike" The League, organized In 19ji2 But before court hearing on this The Tan Islands lie only a ifew Jean Follensbee. which demoHhh^d a car on Rt." 16 to campaign for the election of charge, he was arrested Saturday M cept a. position at Mancheste,r tkeine in a. speech at a Republican thousand yards from the mainland. "Aleotrax Island^ Dr; Loui.se G. Tohi, local ph.Vai- Sept. 1 and sent the car's four oc­ •uting in Bristol. Clare Boothe Luce, has never sup­ night and charged with intoxica­ I Memorial Ho.sptiM. Mrs. BallsiepeV Their guns have, virtually i cut • PLUS • clan, was in charge of a Well-Child . "N J cupants to Manchester Memorial OOP l«a d r r fSr Dodd ported a Democrat. tion a second time. , waa in charge of Timekeepers and Amoy off from the outside wlorld AN.V SHERIDAN Confei'ehce last m()nlh. co-spon« But perhaps a development in In his Bristol speech. Bush hit Judge Wesley C. Gryk imposed payroll.*!, ■ at Cheflsy's. .Ronald for Several years. ! * soiMd by the two gro'nps. N>qeteen Hospital was found .guilty'of reck­ Bridgeport over the weekend took at the "isolationist'' faction of his these sentences; 20 days for the i Sloane of 36 Prb^tor Rd. lylll leave TThe Nationalist Defen.se Minis­ pre-achool child)en were given less driving by Judge Wesley C. own party. ] Manchester shortly to titk^ up ALAN LADD Starts IVedneaday the campaign, momentarily at Wednesday offense; 40 days for try's statement said the Fa ;Gan physical examinations and im- C-ryk in Town Court Saturday. least, off its beaten track. Isolationists, he. said, "who are the Saturday charge and 60 daysj J residence in St, Albans, .Vt. .yho should receive "RUN " T h * Mildied C. MiUgeli and incumbent waa the soldier’s ' chr he l it al­ a charg« of failure to pass on-the Joined the announcing staff a t ' psychiatric care. The' Manches­ .Stephen Ijoyzlnr," Tlii>) 'party pri­ though he admitted having the left. He'was represented by Atty. WTIC in Hartford. He Was for­ F O R T H E V a g a b o n d ter Mental Health Society was mary dale would l>e Oct. 11 in car in hla vi.sion prior to the acci­ Hecthan. Yules. • merly with WGTH-TV. Ells­ formed a, year ago..Members S U N " . K in g " case o f oppo.sition. dent. worth attended Colgate University - FitzGerald said the other driver of the 103rd A ir Defense Wing. le Color Cub Meetings No evidence was given whether and haa had considerable experi­ involved in a 2-car accident Sept. Connecticut A ir National Guard ... 9;29-g:l9 Cub- .Scout Hack ,57 will meet the car was moving, either for­ ence as a newscaster and disk l;44-g:Sa-9.S9 12 on Lydgll St., which resulted with headquarters at Bradley Wednesda.v at 7:1.5 p.m. in the ward or backward, at the time of In young Wrobers arrest, lives in Field, Windsor Locks, include jockey. He is presently narrat­ American Legion Home.,Harry R. Qie crash. A witness. Leonaid B. ing a series of children's stories M’ED.s “ MOBY DICK” ■X ‘ California. The outmf-state drf\*er M.Sgt. Henri Pessini and M .S g tiii"* ,h . A m .n i.n Ryan Jr. is Oihniaster. Thrall of Broad Brook, following has returned to his home and Fitz­ syrgUal. Arthur Axelroad o f Manchester.] AMS Cud S( opt Den 4 will, meet to­ the bus, said he saw the events aisdical phoM w writs; Gerald said the State now lacked Pessini is a past commander of day after ,*(cli(>ol at the home of leading ttp-to-the crash. Although the Manchester Shopping Parkade evidence to substantiate the Dilworth-Comell-Quey Post, No. lr.s, George Jacquemin. he did not actually witness the col­ CONNICTfeUT MlBICAl IlKVIfil will take place Thursday, charge. 102, American Legion. Both men Boy S«*oiit Notes lision. he thought the car was off P.O..BOX.IBD •• NIW BAVIN 1* ClarenceJ. Burke Jr... 16, of 229 Video Everyday — are mechanics with the 103rd All Rights Reserved — Boy^H^ut Ti'oop 56 will start it.*! the traveled portion of the high­ Autumn St., who pleaded guilty unit. .New employes at Manches­ John Gourley, the. "Knight of sUnter Sojiedule tonight at 7 way. ^ the Needle,” completed 25 years of H; T. Dickinson A Co., Inc. to charges of breaking and enter­ ter Memorial. Hospital include o’clock In ^ e . Pond Hill School Prosecutor John R. FitzGerald ing and theft and had his case con­ Mrs. Doris CantWell, business continuous service as a ladies’ tailor in woolens last Friday. M is . Robert Dapion i.*i imbliciiy claimed recklessness on Foster’s tinued for a probation department office: Mrs. Genevieve Owen and chairman of the committee. pari from testimony given by - T h is Is Y O U R T e w ^ ' Gourley opened his business on a mere] in.vesttgation. was given a further Mrs. Robert Jackson, admitting Thrall, who said the bus seemed to masterstroke Sept. 21, 1941 in the Rubinow The new ly-organim t^ov Scout continuance, until Saturday. and switchboard office;. and„.Mi88, Troop 6.3. will meet ton i Building at 843 Main St.. rMathlaa at 84 *’« vveaving from one lane to the H«or YOUR CemdidotRs A t The Patricia Krzesicki, a nurses’ oTlork in the .South St lool. j other just before the ci Mh. AlQC ;( Spiess of O9 Eastland TN>Dr. Will ...ill ^..-.1-mark reel .Leon Daoust of 169 McKee St. 30 years with the Southern New with Scontmaste.' E\’erett Baifrt'-in The ca.*(e of Carl R. Hajalmeer. has been in the Maintenance De­ charge. a.^si.cteil by As'i.staiu CA PATES MEETING England Telephone Co. on Friday. 4 1 ? of 123 Waddell Rd.. facing four combining the natieui's mokt partment at the hospital since EXPERT RADIO He is in the Hartford office. .More Scoutmaster Richard Macheil. fit.s allegedly arising from an (Fer^h$ high school girl. POHERTON’S of 29 Oakwood Rd., He boasts 30 the corner of Main and Charter tomorrow.at 7 p.m. in the Anieil- He was thaigred \VUh assault, op­ 180 CENTER ST. years of active aervice and haa;IFormal Oak Sts', opening of the can Legion Home. Acting Seoul- erating a motor Vehicle while Lunch Date Tuasday maater David Fraser wilt be In Thursday, SapL 27^:30 P,M. been pipe major for 20 yeara. new building will be announced at 277 BROAD under the influence of intoxicating for nimlern living at its very best 7 Classified ads in The Herald pay i a later time charge, as.sl.sted by John L. Mac- liquor or drugs, breach of the Businesamen’s luBcheoBs Qunwn,. acting a.s.siatant scoiit- peace, and opergting a motor RADIO / deserve (u d get) oar special T ( I ( V I S I 0 N master. ' / vehicle with defective equipment. visit 21 more states. In all of them atti^tloB. Try our Youth-'.Vdiilt Meeting Throw Them Haj.nlmeer was released under he ia expected to- impress upon CkaaacI a Mew Havea. Coaa. A youth-adnit group will be or­ $i.r>))0 bond. DONT A.way Nixon Accuses party workers the necessity for Chaaacl 18 Hartford. Coaa. . Ckaitael 22 f^jiriaafield. Mato. ganized tomonow at 7:30 p.m. at Heniy J. Leonard Jr., 31.„ of ... For^ The Living Room Still plenty of w'far left In I getting out a big vote and not Ckaaael SO New Brltala. Coaa. the home of Uurin.s A. Pettih^ll Cooper Hill St . wAs fined $10 each shoes when'brought here fo r) "sitting on theil- hands." Chiektn A La Kins Ckaaarl ftS Waterbary. Coaa.' Democrats of Jr . Root Rd.. under the le-adership. on charges of breach of the peace expert repairing. . His theme, as- it has been thus Chanaei S5-Holyok** Maes. ■7i» Pj»ir A 9*1 hti9* Rrartlgt\r r of the Rev. C. Arthur Bradle.v. pas­ ana intoxication. ■ . YOUR CHOICE OK .SEVEN PIECE ENSEMBLES! Either the luxurious Two Piece Living Room far. will continue to be that the M’ORK DONE M'HILE On Toast Points tor of Second Congiegational Jiidge Gryk di.sqiialified himself Suite or thestriking Two Pii»ce .Sect ioival Sofa . . . COMPLETE WITH ACCESSORIES! Blond New Distortion American people, have never been *;M ( g> MICKEY SfOUHE Cl.OB ChuiTh. Invited a ic a ll out-of-hlgh YOU W A IT better off than during the last four (IS) n.IPPV THE CLOWN in tha case of Richard J. Gworek. Limed Oak Cocktail Talile, Two Rloiul Step P!nd Tables. Oiicasional '■ B(:TTE>RED GRCEK PEAS C -) ROD BAilKLEV SHOW gchooi youths. 36, of 86 Vernon St., charged with yeara and that the future :hoIds for (S») COMEDY TIME Homemaklhg Session .Set Chair and Table Lamp are included with cither group! The major ^ (OontiDued from Page One') * assault. brea(*h, of the peac^ and them- if they stick with the ROL.LS »nd BUTIfER - (»S) FILM FEATURE .Seveial local re.*(idfnts will be SAM YU LYES (S5) OCT WEST (Ia pragreM) destruct'i.on of private property. Republicans— unprecedented pros­ S:M L.WI Si'SIF. attending' the Tolland County SHOE REPAIRING tone of the federal governments” perity and comfort, Including a 4- His rase was continued until Wed­ throughout! ' . - OF .THE BETTER KIND t i i t LITTLE RASCALS ------home economicH committee meet­ during the past four year, day workweek. . *:l« ( g)t STAGE g ing tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 3 nesday. and will be beard by' Iff iBaple St.— Across From —"Favorllr