y.f ■r/ ,. S’. V ■ X '- V.f, . ' f RAtURDAX, SEPTEMBER 22,19W ; f A O i t e N Daily Net Prasa Run iO{mri|f0tfr lE^nittg rtiljii: :i‘ < 'i'or the Wedc .Ended '" ..Tha Weathar ; ' ; ’ 2*< 1956'-). Fmtoeoat ot U* 8< Weather BarahK pp into i^trols, meanwhile, was hearty fSiplty chuckle in years to ^ / ■ ; .arrayed norUi o f them. Their br- come.. W e Wish,,the happy pair a ll. 12,226 Fair and cooler tonight, Low la About To i^ the .best o f good fprttme. derir G*1 behind the defendeie.'’*!^ Member^iif’^ e Audit / On.e patrol, ^.reportedlyi^oiuc- 1N3!JNPAT10N Pl^ANTING OUR .middle tfie. Tuesday, fair'and mOd. AuslUaiy Folic* kHU m*et to- ceeded in. its thiaston. Theh.ahoth-: . Right, on Sol BuqeMOr arculaOpfi^ . High in low tWorrow momlnff *t #;80 at Hr* er. ahoved q ^ .Mbvipg stealthily, -cCmt* in. * while sdmMnb FREE ESTIMATES— Ml 3*tl4S ^=5^. M m chester^A City Village Charm ^ ^ \ ^ H. Meade Alcorn. '^pubUchn' of riiilffir >»*•*• ** *» the troop* crept and-.... crawled, should ^ v e the weathirman’^n; < - ......... r ”--, / __________ 'X ___j:___ „ ___:____■ ___- • . ... - inclemant, th« group wilt'roeet on darted,ahd . dodged, hiding behind pat.on the back.. Working with State Chairman, will speilk to ths Monday night at Folic* Headquar- treeslind In ahadows. the vagaries of the New England Manchester .J.untor Chamber of FALL PLANTING TIME Moment o f Inspiration . ormateijr eight feet apart; a .rock- ,, But suddenly, they were aikitted. -cUmate and going out on a limb Com'inerce and' gvfests Mondby on- What every town needs -li. a ^ and-roll' section of crushed stone;, A shot rang out. than a fusillade to predict them must have its issues in the coming election and PiotuiMl suthiM* toycHir pkHi§ and b u d ^ A m**tinK of DAR chapter re- town engineer with a little im ag-iand a covey of earthiinovers and of blank cartridges rent'tha night share of headaches.' cents and Ir^aaurcra will b* held ination and a flare for naming 8team*hovelS. s , ^ . - air as the defenders poured pre­ But on. one..evenlng this week, cn the qualifications Of candidate Londfcoping, Shrubs, Hudgos, TuII|>s,.Rosm^ Wednsiday at 10:30 a.m. at the streets^ Manchester has just Though we are acquainted with sumed deadly fire on the would-be the forecast at about R p.m. went Alcorn 'Will give his address. al Ellsworth UonieatMd in Windsor. that sort Of town engineer in Jim at least on* motorist who felt it. infiltrators. , roughly-as follows; .“Cleaf, cloud­ the dinner meeting of. the JCC to A ll lntac*#t*d D AA members are Sheekey,'apparently. * > necessary to detoup from Adamir ' *At this point,, the plnned-down ing tonight^ rain by . morning, be held at the Manchester Cbuntty *Rtosoiiabla . • Obaronl wricom*. Those attending are When the 'to w n finished th a t' St.' io Jarvis Rd. ,ahd back to Cen- troops got aii unexpected assist clearing around’ noon tomorrow.’’ Club, JCXJ members hSve been in­ asked to bring a basket lunch. Cof- road which runs from Keeney S L it e r St. to‘ reach his destination, we from ^wo of -. "Manchester’s And, b.v jingos, it was clear vited to bring their wives. f«* will b* tefred. through the site o f the K eeney, were officlaily told that -the 12- Finest.’’ . , ' / -until at least 11:30 that night. ' Non-members of the organiza- ' Street School and out to Hack- foot'canal w as. negotiable and The piurolmen, having heard of. There wasn’t a cloud in sight at tipn who wish to attend should T h * Men’s a u b o f the Zion matack St., the task of naming nothing but chicken-heartedne.ss firing, sped.down-S. Main St. in that time. A “seat-of-the- contact Atty. Paul Mart*. Ihwncellcal Lutheran Church will the highway'/ell to Sheekey. could have thwarted our friend. their cruiser.s. possibly thinking a pants’ ’ weather prophet would Alcorn, Who was a member of. ne*t Monday night at 7:45 at the Charles ^ntlcelli, who used to it is not our object to criticize frustrated golfer was disposing of nave been justified In predicting the committee on^ arrangements, youNian Vote by absentee jallot church. own sobie of the land over which the contractor for ignoring any a partner whose unsportsmanlike fair weather the-next day. for the GOP National Convention at San Francisco, is expected to the street now runs, suggested. obligation, but several trips to behavior had caused him to flub an But around the following 4 iSO Octobei) first er IntermediaU Girl Scout Troop diScuss some convention sidelights. (1) If you' dll be absent from the Slate on 'Aspirin Dr.,” .because negotla-; and from the area have led us to easy putt .. ’ a.m. the first drops began to fall. Novemli sixth. ' ' 'JJ, which meets at the Second tions about the land gave him so rerise our understanding of what But as they turned oil the road And then they increased. On Oct, 22, local Javcees will nngrecational Church, will hold many headaches. is meant by an open lane of traf­ and onto the gq)f courae, the A t 8 a m., the sky looked like hear Thomas Dodd, Democratic to vote in person at the Poll*. Its nt^ meeUng of the sea.son But while Sheekey was riding fic. patrolmen must have realized It a "Reg’lar Nor-easter” might be candidate for election to the Unit­ Monday afternoon at 3;30 at the along one day, there came to him wakn't a Single case of possible brewing. These can often last a ed States Senate. (S) It you are IlK Infirm or physically incapacitated and unaM* church. '< ■ ^ an inspiration and he decided the couple of days. He Wants Revenge homicide. The blasting of the (8) I f you are a s ^ d rn i’attending school outside the State. street should be called “Primer We heard of a man this week Guard.smen must have sounded like A t noon, it was still cloudy and i « ■' , tl' i i James H. Sheekey, to>»it engi­ a small-scale war. ^ spitting rain occasionally. At 1' h iV C lllIlff oC llO O l neer, and Frank Sterie^^hia assist­ (5) I f you are a raenN^r of the Armed Force*. for A >'Ay that leads exclusUely mower; not .primarily.nyHmftrnv to cut tvimthe As a.restilt they kept to their p.m., the first blue chinks in the W inds Hit ant. attended the aunjmep,pieeUng to and from an elementary school (4) If y'oii are empln.vefi outside the State and maintain a legal grass but in a spirit of revenge. cars..................... when they. stopped, just short skjr began to appear and en- <^R egislralioii Sel and .dinner o f the ConnecUeut than the name of the book from Many are the new appliances of ilie clump of trees hiding the .lergM rapidl.v. residence In’ Conneot\’ul. AaaociaUon d f Street and Highwey which we first learn to read?- By late afternoon there were Harlford, Sept. 24’uPr-Mo­ and gadgets designed to change defendera. Kina’.ly. a Guard.smen 1 0 0 m pfa-xQ L “Official* held Thursday at the .^Sojiow the road is Primer Rd. our way of life. Ope of the most noticing the intruders, stepped om no more clouds. Registration for cour.sea in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION tor vehicle accident figures to­ Ri'versea Inn. Old Saybroofc. New­ 'A.ccording to Sheekey.’? prej- evening school at Manchester High day ran 17 per cent i.bpve 19.56 ubiquitous is perhaps the power of I he shadows to find out what TEL. Ml 9 -m 9 or Ml 9-7890 man Argraves. state highway com- udice^and the prepbnderence of mower. was wrong. That’s How It Goes, Parilner School will be held Sept. 26, Oct. 1 despite Gov. Rlbicoff* high­ ntisaloner( spoke about the propos­ local prejudice, "primer’* rhymes But, back to our friend. His A fter him came most o f the rc.«t Some youngsters catch on quick. and Oct, 2 in the high school office REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS way safety program and inti- ed bridges across the Connecticut with “ simmCt,” We pass along this Comment by an-almost-four-year- from 7 to 9 p.m.. Che.stcr L. Robin- [ speeding drive. reason for planning to buy one is of the defenders“ Who thereby left 67 East C tfiter Street River, and flood control. .. information foT lhe benefit of any to get back at his neighbors. He their position unguarded — to find old after watching western movies son, director of the school, said to- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Motor Vehicle Department outsiders like us''w;ho might be lives in an area similar to many out what ail the excitement was on television: “ Mom, those cow­ day. V. K. Kri.shna Meriop. in records today place this N ew Orleans, Sept. 24 (/P)-— ' Cpl. D a vid McConnell, eon of tempted to make it rhyme with in America these days. Houses, cbo’it. boy fool*, all they do is ride, ride, Last sea.son, cla.sse* .were offered Don't delay. G et your oM entee vote in new. London fresh from Cairo talks year’* accident total at 24,172 ’’timer,’.’) Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt and Adlai Stevenson had a few seri­ as compared with 20,649 a Hurricane Flossy, packing 100 Mr. and Mrs. -Robert-McConnell.
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