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The Editorial r'Midway Rites But Reminder of City1 s Folly, by Ra.y Zauber, in The Oak Cliff Tribune, Dallas, Texas, Thursday, July 13, 1950, sent to the following: c. R. Smith, President Richard E. Berlin, Pre~ident American Airlines, Inc. The Hearst Corpora tion 100 Park Avenue 959 Eighth Avenue at 57th St. New York, 1'T. Y. New York 19, N. Y o. M. Mosier, iTice-President Bill Corum American Airlines, Inc. Churchill Do\v"!ls 100 Park Avenue Louisville, Kentucky New York, N. Y. Norman Chandler Mrs. Hugo T. Speck President and. Publisher '3809 Stratfor<'I Los Angeles Times Da1 las, Texa!:'1 292 West First Street Los Angeles 53, California Hugo A. Anderson, Vice-President The First National Bank of Chicago L. F. McCollurn 1 President 38 South Dearborn Street Continental Oil Company Chicagn, Illinois Ponca City, Oklahoma Howard Sheperd, Presjdent Maxw~ll A. Kriendler The National City Bank of New York 11 21 11 Club 55 Wall Street 21 West 52nd Street New York 15, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Ed Swasey W. Alton Jones, President 21 West 58th Street Cities Service Company New York, N. Y. 60 Wall Tower New York, N. Y. Hon. Allan Shivers Governor of the State of Texas ~ee Olwell Texas State Capitol 21 Wes~ 58th Street Austin, Texas New York, N. Y. Lindsay Bradford, President Major General ~oger M~ Ramey City Bank Farmers Trust Co. Director 0£ Operations 22 William Street Department of t ne Air Force New York 15, N. Y. Rm 40-1000 Pentagon Building Washington, D. C. Sherman Billingsley, Managing Director Stork Club Nil es Tramme 11 3 East 53rd Street Chairman of the Board New York, lir. Y. National Broadcasting Company, Inc. 30 Rockefeller Plaza Hines Baker, ?resident Ne,,r York 00, N. Y. Rumble Oil & Refining Company P. o. Box 2180 Members A:lrports Advisory .Committee: Houston l, Texas Hervey F. Law Arthur "Bugs" Baer General Superintendent of Airports King Features Syndicate Port of Authority of New York i,5 East 45th Street New York Sta'.tinn Box 577 New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y_. _G.D. Albrecht Manager of Municipal Airnort M~mphis, Tennessee John R. Burke o~ner and Operator i 1.Py Post Airu'Jrt ]ox 1002 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma W~lter E. Betsworth Manager Munic ipa1. Airp0rt Waterloo, Iowa · Don W. Martin, Manager New Castle County Airport Wilm~ngton, Delaware Louis R. Inwood Director of Aviation City Hall, 21st Floor Kansas City, Missouri John Berry Commissioner Division of Airports City of Cleveland ClevAland, Ohio Arthur C. Hyde Owner and Operator Congressional Airport Rockville, Marylana. Arthur Godfrey Leesburg, Virginia R. W. F. Schmidt Tuc~nn Munticipal Airport Box 11-91 Tucson, Arizona A. B. Ctu'ry, Director Dade County Port Authority Miami, Florida Delos • Rentzel Administrator of Civil Aeronautics Civil Aeronautics Associasion Washington, D. C. Phillips Moore, Director Of:ice of Airp0rts Civil Aeronauti cs Administr~tion Washington, D. C. .