Stork Club Scandals Here
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·~· United* States* Naval Amphibious Ti'aining Base VOL. 4 N O. 20 FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA * * 18 MAY, 1945 STORK CLUB SCANDALS "Miss No. Carolina" First Services Sunday 1 FLOTILLA 76 GRADUATES HERE SATURDAY NIGHT At New Base Chape~ AT SATURDAY CEREMONY Linton de Wolfe's streamlined The new Base Chapel, formerly At 1000 Saturday morning vaudeville revue, Stork Club Scan the Camp One Mess Hall, will be graduation ·exercises, featuring a dals, featuring five headline acts, used for the first time at Sunday review and dress inspection, will · will be presented at two showings church services. be held on the drill field west of Saturday night. The first perform The same schedule of services •Gulbr anson Hall for the officers ance will be at Gulbranson Hall formerly held .at Gulbranson Hall and men of F lotilla 76, the present at 1800 and the second at Jaycee will be held, Lt. Comdr. K. D. Per senior flotilla in the Attack Boat Field at 2000, to which all service kins, USN, B'ase Senior Chaplain, Training program. men, their families and the public said. Heading a group of Base offi are invited. 'Ihese include Catholic mass at cials will be Capt. C. Gulbranson, Heading an all star cast will be 0700 and 1045, and Protestant USN, Comman_ding Officer, who Hilda Taylor, Miss North Carolina services at 0845 (Communion) will award cash prizes to the three and 0930. of 1943, who comes here direct top crews of the flotilla, based on from a singing engagement at The converted chapel was deco selections made by Lts. C. P. J. some of New York's better night rated by R. W. Mattern, Ptr3c, of Riordan, J. T. Godfrey, G. S. Red clubs. After winning the coveted the Public Works. R. •:• U S N A T B .;. line and W . Seidel. beauty title at Atlantic City, Miss Fir st prize of $25 will go to Taylor was besieged with offers Enlisted Wives Club F. S. Boucher, Slc, C. W. King, from theatrical agents to appear Beautiful Hild(!, Taylor, cl'owned V. Bateman, both s2·c, and W. W. in various theatres and clubs Miss N orth Carolina at th<! At Holds May 10 Meeting Pulver, F2c. throughout the country, After a lantic City Beauty Contest in 1943 $15 second money will go to year of voice training she finally will be one of the 'fliptny lovelies The Enlisted Wives Club met May 10 at the home of Mrs. Al A. W. Banks, Slc, j , H. Helein, accepted offers and for the past scheduled to appear in the STORK C. R. Sharkey, both S2c, and B. six months has literally been a CLUB SCANDALS which w ill be bert Bellin, with discussion in 7J'l ·esented tomorrow night at Gul cluding plans for early publica V. McCarthy, F2c. singing sensation up and down branson Hall ctnd Jaycee Field. The third prize of $10 will go to the Main Stem. tion of the Information Booklet, •:• U SNATB 4 packed with valuable notes about J. H. Poulsen, J. A. Difebo, L. E. W~;:~s T!a,~~~s v;:~~vil~ith sh:~ Seventeen - the age when a gal the community. The booklet will be Hovey, all S2c, and T. G. Smith, puts away her dolls and becomes distributed to wives of enlisted F2c. represents her first venture on Four officers have served as the stage, but movie scouts told f:.· - Camp Cooke (Calif.) Clar men, especially those newly ar rived in the F ort Pierce area. commander of F lotilla 76. The her she would need more stage .;. u s N AT e .;. + USNATB +J. first was Lt. (jg) R. W. McAlilly experience before going to Holly Gold diggers are paid by the Most GI's believe in love - at of Jackson, Miss., a graduate of (Continued on Page 4) Iweak. the first opportunity. (Continued on Page 8) V-E DAY AT BASE IS ANOTHER DAY OF DUTY, WITH CONCENTRATION ON V-J DAY V -E Day, and end of the war with Ger·many, was just another photo pictures Ensign Helen Zak reading the good tidings to J. P. day of duty 1wncl training for prosecution of the wwr against Japan Wise, Slc; G. E. Kiefer, S2c; F . M. Mahar, HAlc; C. E. Cahill, at USNATB, bi1t the men pause just long encugh to read news- SM Sc ; and L. Schoen, HAlc. At right, Boat Repair crews with 1Japer headlines telling of the siirrender. In the left photo, G. tools in hand, gather airoundi George M. Peterson, CCM, to get a Wo1:µchek, GM8c, shows the good n&Ws to pupils of hiA gunne1-y glimpse of the sensational news from the local Fort Pierce News c~ss, who are nie1nbers of LCM, Group 8, Division 2. Center Tribune at the M &R ywrds. PAGE TWO THE MOCK-UP 18 fy!AY, 1945 CHAPLAIN'S CORNER Red Cross Keeps Busy THE MOCK-UP United States Naval Amphibious By Chaplain A. J. Schutz, Jr. Doing Big War Job Training Base, Fort Pierce, Fla. One of the most precious gifts "American Red Cross services of God to man is the gift of pray to the armed forces will continue VOL. 4-NO. 20 18 MAY, 1945 er. The knowledge that at all on a large scale in Europe and times the greatest power known at home, and on a larger scale to man is no further from us than COMMANDING 0FFfCER CAPT. C. GULBRANSON, U. ::_., N ... uy than ever in the Pacific, now the thoughts of our 'hearts is one EXECUTIVE OFFICER COMDR. PERRY M. FENTON, U.S.N.R. that hostilities in Germany haye EDITOR - • • • • - - LT. C. HERSCHEL SCHOOLEY, U.S.N.R. of the most comforting thoughts. NEWS EDITOR - ENS. ROBERT L. EBERT ceased," Vaughn Snoderly, Red Most of us do not appreciate the Cross field director at the PHOTO EDITOR LT. (JG) E. J. FINLEY, U.S.N.R. real meaning of prayer. Many Art Editor: R. D. Force, Slc Sports Editor: F. X. McPhillips, Slc USNATB, said today. Photographers: Don .Cummings, PhoMlc; R. L. Lane, PhoMlc; feel that they have no right to "In Europe Red Cross work R. J. Jonas, PhoM3c; Sam Schipps, PhoM3c pray - that they are not worthy ers will remain with American of asking 'God for anything. troops as long as they are need THE MOCK-UP is published each Prayer is far more than asking Friday for all Base personnel. It ed. More eagerly than ever will is reviewed for security, and is dis God for something - making of they continue their job of offer tributed without charge. Contribu God a type of celestial Santa ing Red Cross services to men tions and criticisms invited. All Claus. To be sure it is good to and women far from home. pictures are Navy Photos. (Male know that God does answer all "In the Pacific our task will Call and The Wolf from Camp prayer - perhaps not just as we Newspaper &ervice.) become more complex and in expect - but he does answer. But finitely greater as the fighting prayer is more- than that. increases in intensity," Mr. Prayer is the uniting of the Snoderly declared. "Red Cross HALF-TIME soul with God for refreshing and field directors with combat The sensati9nal news of Germany's capitulation this revitalizing. Prayer is telling God units, trained Red Cross work the thoughts of our hearts, the ers in the hospitals and expe month ]las already been overshadowed by sobering events hopes and dreams we cherish, it is rienced Red Cross personnel in from several corners-a renewed J ap effort to strike at our giving him thanks for the bless our clubs will remain on the job fleet and ground forces; disturbing news about so-called ings he 'has showered upon us. until final victory is won." Above all, prayer is not to be con •!•U SNATB+ "coddling" of war criminals; and an apparent inability of the sidered as merely a last resort in World Security Conference at San Francisco to reach definite time of extreme trouble. TENTH STREET USO conclusions on knotty world problems. The ideal is to- be found in the A dance sponsored by the Bell These events cannot dim the brilliance and lustre of our writings of St. Paul where he says Telephone Community Service was victory over Nazi Germany; only a false peace could make a I"pray without ceasing." Many of held at the club last Thursday mockery of the recent Allied triumph. But the lessons of us feel this to be an utter impos night for servicemen and their the last two weeks make the fact clear that the job of win- sibility. Let's look at it this way friends. Telephone equipment was ning world peace is nowhere near over; even after V-J day is Is it not possible to make our en used as part of the decorations. proclaimed, the tremendous task will not be near completion. tire life an offering unto God Figures of telephones - the new a prayer to him? If we do every- and old type - with colored lines Despite outspoken optimism on the part of many Allied thing for His honor and glory, reaching from these to various peoples that "we can end the Pacific war in six months or we are following Paul's injunc parts of the large room made it less," the Japs show no apparent signs of sudden disintegra- tion. seem like a busy telephone office. tion. True, suicide plane attacks and savage land counter- Another thought along the same Grand prize winner of the $25 blows may be evidence of last desperate defense measuI"es; line is this.