NBC Transmitter. Her First Before NBC Champs Ed Davies and Jackson; B
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NATIONAL BROADCASTING COWPANY.m GENERAL LIBRARY 30 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, NEW YORK, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/nbctransmitter7131nati NBC TRANSMITTER •1 &ir*u||H i^^kbv. /‘*^S '*'-*§ ^ A l^!l^P* \im m , 2 NBC TRANSMITTER DAVID SARNOFF TELEVISION RCA Laboratories Noran E Kersta Since the first of the year, the clude a lecture auditorium and the combined technical and patent National Broadcasting Company libraries of the RCA organization. has continued transmitting sport- We hope to have the build'ng com- ing events from the Madison pleted before the end of this year. Square Carden and other arenas in “We believe that this step the area, two or three times a rriarks a milestone in the progress week. Among these sporting of radio. Such important fields as events were basketball, hockey, television, facsimile, electron op- boxing, wrestling and track meets. tics, wave propagation and ultra- Of most importance was a series high frequencies open to radio a of six indoor track meets from the future even greater than its past. Madison Square Carden ending up The developments in these fields with the K. of C. track meet on will contribute to the creation of Saturday, March 8th. Two other new industries and to the improve- outstanding events televised were ment of existing services. the finals of the Golden Gloves “More and more of our research Boxing Tournament, and the Tour- work is being concentrated on nament of Champions from the problems of national defense. The Carden. new RCA Laboratories will make On January 24th, a demonstra- it possible to increase these efforts tion was given to the FCC. For the and to insure the maximum use of first time, the RCA-NBC demon- David Sarnoff, President of RCA our research facilities for defense. strated home projection type re- and Chairman of the Board of “The achievements of modern ceivers with viewing screens NBC, was given a party by his radio,” continued Mr. Sarnoff, “are 13V2 x 18 inches. Also, it was the friends th the also capable of increasing and im- on February 27 — occasion of the longest radio relay proving our industrial output in occasion, his fiftieth birthday. pick-up of a television program on many lines. By the application of One week later, Mr. Sarnoff an- record. mobile television pick- electronic devices to industrial The world’s largest nounced that the processes the Radio Age promises up units were stationed at Camp radio research laboratories will be Upton, Long Island, where scenes to electronize modern industry, built by the Radio Corporation of of army life and induction of just as the application of electrical America, at Princeton, N. It will selectees were picked up and re- J. devices to industry at the begin- be known as “RCA Laboratories,” layed by three radio links to our ning of this century created the and will be the headquarters for all Empire State transmitter. This was Electrical Age. research and original development a radio relay path of miles. The “By the establishment of the 62 work of RCA, and for its patent radio relays were developed as a new laboratories radio quickens its and licensing activities. The new of networking television pace alongside the older industries means organization is planned to promote programs from city to city. —electrical, steel, automobile, of radio an art and the growth as wire communications, chemical, Part of the demonstration pro- industry, and to meet the expand- metallurgical and others—which, gram was witnessed in the New ing of national defense. demands through research, have contributed Yorker Theater on a movie size A further purpose, Mr. Sarnoff to the industrial leadership and screen 15x20 feet. All those who said, will be to facilitate the crea- progress of this country. It is attended the demonstration ex- tion and development of new radio through invention and the oracti- pressed complete satisfaction and products and services which will cal applications of research that surprise with the results achieved provide new business and new em- American ingenuity has raised the in large-screen television projec- ployment for the post-war period. standards of living in the United tion. This demonstration was part Under the impetus of emergencies States above those of any other of a study of the television situa- intensive research creates new in- nation. tion, conducted by the FCC at that strumentalities, and further re- “No new industry in the history time, prior to hearings which were search and development are neces- of this country has made greater held on March 20th. One of the sary to adapt them to use by the strides than radio, or contributed issues discussed at these hearings public. more extensive benefits to people was the commercial possibilities of future. The “To equip our research staff in all walks of life,” said Mr. Sarn- television for the near looking with the best and most modern off. “Research, which has enabled television industry is now facilities and conveniences, we American industry to develop new to the FCC for the new regulations have purchased a large tract of products, new services and new which will incorporate the Com- land at Princeton,” said Mr. Sarn- employment, has also been the mission’s decisions on the prob- com- off, “upon which we will erect a greatest factor in the continuing lems of standardization and laboratory building which will in- advancement of radio.” mercialization. MARCH. 1941 3 PRODUCTION^ CLARENCE L MENSER Realignment National Production Director Clarence L. Menser has become A realignment of the NBC Pro- NBC’s first National Production gram Department was announced Director supervising and coordinat- by Sidney Strotz, vice president in ing the work of all network pro- charge of programs, in which sep- grams, including those at the di- arate managers were appointed for vision offices (New York, Chicago, the Red and Blue Networks oper- Hollywood) and on M & O sta- ated by the Company. tions. Mr. Menser is not new to Phillips Carlin, former sustain- NBC, but in view of the impor- ing program manager, was ap- tance of his work we think another pointed to head the Red Network, look at the record is in order. and William Hillpot, formerly of the Artists Service, was appointed Mr. Menser was Professor of Blue Network program manager. Speech at the University of Utah This places both commercial and and was closely associated with the sustaining activities of each net- work of the theatre there. He later work under one head. went to Knox College and estab- Strotz also announced the crea- lished one of the first Departments tion of a new Program and Talent of Drama in an American College. Sales Division of the Program De- The year 1929 he spent in Europe partment which will include the studying the theatre. personnel transferred to this new As an experiment, in May of division from the Artists Ser- PRODUCTION AT 711 NBC last year, Mr. Menser held a daily vice. Miss Bertha Brainard, form- class in radio for the period of a erly manager of the Commercial When he returned to New York, month. It is ample testimony to his Division of the Program John Royal brought him into Radio Program rating with his associates that Department, becomes manager of City as a dramatic director. In this many of the busiest and best es- this new division. position he launched a number of tablished artists on the air made a Production Divi- highly successful shows. Among The New York point of enrolling and attending sion has expanded. Wilfred the most interesting of his pro- been the class despite their exacting continues as manager and grams was the Miniature Theatre. Roberts schedules. of the very first half is responsible for the New York One network Before returning to Radio City continuity, announcing and sound hour dramatic shows, it featured in his present capacity, Mr. Menser effects sections. Lewis Titterton, such prominent stage players as was Manager of the manager continuity section; Pat- Otis Skinner and Basil Rathbone. Chicago office of the Gardner Advertising rick Kelly, manager announcing He also supervised and collaborated Gom- pany. recently returned section; and N. Ray Kelly, manager in the original presentations of He from a trip to Australia, sound effects, report to Roberts. The Goldbergs. New Zealand, New York Production additions Honolulu, Tahiti and the South Sea include William Wilgus who has CHICAGO MANAGEMENT Islands. In the course of his travels he had been associated with outstanding occasion to meet all the As a reward for his in important figures in radio in that orchestras and is a new popular success part of the music director. Charles Schenck, New York, Mr. Royal sent him to world. While in Aus- with radio since 1928, comes to Ghicago to take charge of produc- tralia he was entertained by Sir us from Chicago, as does Bruce tion in that division. The results George Beebe, Chief Justice of the were impressive. During the period Australian Court of Arbitration. ( Prof. Kaltenmeyer) Kamman. Ray that served Mr. Menser’s work marks in- Buffem is from Oklahoma City. he as Production Man- an Jack Meakin from Frisco handles ager of the Gentral Division some teresting advance in the broadcast- musical shows. Anton Leader, dra- of the finest radio players were de- ing industry. The overall planning matic director, was Production veloped, a considerable series of and coordination of every produc- Manager of WMCA. Eddie Dun- successful coast to coast shows tion point is designed to produce ham does the Tommy Dorsey and were built and Chicago became smoother programming and greater Firestone programs and spends the more and more a vital contributor benefits to the listening public.