NO RETREAT from CHANGE a Resilient Flooding Adaptation Strategy for Henån (Orust)

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NO RETREAT from CHANGE a Resilient Flooding Adaptation Strategy for Henån (Orust) Allegra Fornaca NO RETREAT FROM CHANGE A resilient flooding adaptation strategy for Henån (Orust) Master's Thesis Examiner: Lena Falkheden Supervisor: Nils Björling MSc Architecture and Planning Beyond Sustainability Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering Chalmers University of Technology Abstract Climate change and, consequently, flooding risk are currently threate- ning our cities all around the world, urging for municipalities, urban planners, and communities to provide resilient and sustainable solu- tions. Numerous measures are being implemented, ranging from enginee- red to nature-based ones, although invasive solutions such as hard flo- od-protection structures and relocation strategies still widely support the established paradigm of two contrasting scenarios for cities: dry and stable, or wet and harmed. This Master’s Thesis aims to question this norm, by researching a ba- lance between the built and the natural environment, turning the threat into a resource. From being a disruptive force, water becomes an ele- ment embedded in a dynamic landscape, creating new urban qualities and achieving a new equilibrium. NO RETREAT FROM CHANGE A resilient flooding adaptation strategy for Henån (Orust) This work was developed within the framework of the Systemic Solu- tions for Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Settlements project, coor- Master's Thesis dinated by Sweco, which aims at creating an adaptation planning tool for small municipalities in Sweden currently facing flooding risks and having limited budget. © Allegra Fornaca The planning tool will be implemented in Marstrand and Henån, two [email protected] towns located along the Swedish west coast. The latter is considered as a study case in this Thesis; nowadays Henån is facing different challen- Examiner: ges, in addition to climate change effects, which concern socio-econo- Lena Falkheden mic, as well as urban development, issues. The research is based on a theoretical framework, finding its foundation Supervisor: in the concept of Ecological Resilience, definedas the ability of a system Nils Björling to absorb disturbances and still persist, to change, and reorganize itself. A collection of flooding and sea-level rise adaptation measures was car- MSc Architecture and Planning beyond Sustainability ried out, categorized according to their approach, distinguishing betwe- en grey, green and hybrid solutions. Subsequently, an evaluation of these Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering measures was performed, based on the extent to which they allow a Chalmers University of Technology dynamic interaction between the urban element and the water. Göteborg, Spring 2018 The result is a set of urban strategies providing resilient adaptive solu- tions which could enhance new opportunities and values for the town of Henån, tackling its dynamism and transformative capacity. 3 Ackowledgments About the Author I would like to thank Nils Björling, for his great guidance, expertise, and feedbacks during these intense months; Lena Falkheden, for her professional support throughout the whole semester; Emilio Brandao, Ulf Moback, and Colin Fudge, for their comments and the stimulating discussions we had during the seminars. This work couldn't have been carried out without the help of Linda Johansson and Rickard Karlsson from Orust Kommun, and Karin Dahllöf from Sweco. A special thanks goes to Enrico Moens (Sweco NL), Karen Scott and Simon Mort (Sweco UK), for the availability in sharing their knowledge about flooding adaptation strategies. ALLEGRA fornaca A journey is more exciting when you have the right people travelling Nationality Italian with you: so Thanks to all the great ones I met at Chalmers, and ex- Date of birth 22.01.1991 specially to Giovanna, Naji, and Phryne, with whom I shared every Email [email protected] moment of these two amazing years; my Phadder group; and all the MPDSD friends. Roberta and Federico, it's like you never left. Educational Background Thank you to all my friends scattered around Italy and Europe: the distance doesn't really mean anything. MSc Architecture and Planning Beyond Sustainability Thank you to my father and my grandparents, you are always in my Chalmers University of Technology thoughts. Göteborg (Sweden), 2016-2018 Marco, Thank you for always being by my side, no matter what. I coul- MSc Architecture dn't ask for a better person to share adventures with. There's a million Facoltà di Architettura "Biagio Rossetti" things we haven't done...but just you wait! Ferrara (Italy), 2010-2015 Finally, my Mum...Thank you for everything. This is for you: no one has more Resilience. Professional Experience Architect Intern U67 - Office of Architecture Aarhus (Denmark), 2016 4 5 5.2 Adaptation Strategies Database 29 Table of Contents 5.2.1 Categories 29 5.2.2 Green Strategies 30 5.2.3 Grey Strategies 32 5.2.4 Hybrid Strategies 34 6. THE STUDY CASE 39 6.1 Orust municipality 39 ABSTRACT 3 6.2 Henån 43 6.2.1 Location and features 43 1. A CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE 9 6.2.2 Social structure and potentials 43 6.2.3 The public survey 45 2. THE CHALLENGE 15 2.1 Global trends and projections 15 7. THE IMPACTS 47 2.2 Sea level rise and flooding risk 15 7.1 Past and current issues 47 2.3 Cities and Climate Change 17 7.2 Sea level rise and future projections 47 7.3 Vulnerabilities and impacts 48 3. THE SWEDISH CONTEXT 19 3.1 Climate Change in Sweden 19 8. DESIGN 51 3.2 Västra Götaland and the sea level rise 19 8.1 Evaluation and Selection of the strategies 51 8.2 Design Strategy and Process 51 4. THE PILOT PROJECT 23 8.2.1 Accessibility to the waterfront Dynamic border between land and sea 54 4.1 Project framework 23 8.2.2 Development of the city center 4.2 Multi-Analysis Criteria 23 Protection of people and properties 56 4.3 Project's facts 24 8.2.3 Enhancing green spaces 4.4 Process 24 Water management 58 8.3 The Design Proposal 61 5. RESILIENT STRATEGIES 27 5.1 Theoretical framework 27 9. WHAT'S NEXT? 73 5.1.1 The concept of Urban Resilience 27 5.1.2 Engineering and Ecological Resilience 27 BIBLIOGRAPHY 76 5.1.3 Adaptive Capacity and Response Diversity 27 5.1.4 Urban Resilience to flooding 28 FIGURES SOURCES 78 6 7 A critical perspective How can the flooding risk turn into an opportunity? Background of a harmonized coexistence with the natural environment are at the basis of this Master Thesis work. Moreover, the Climate change and, consequently, flooding risk are threa- project goes beyond the main adaptation to a future scena- tening our cities all around the world, urging for efficient, rio, posing the following research question: sustainable, and long-term strategies to protect our urban environment. Cities and communities have established How can the flooding risk turn into an opportunity? themselves on the edge between land and water for cen- turies, forming a cultural identity that needs to be preser- Aim ved. At the same time, a harmonized coexistence between the built and the natural environment needs to be pursued. The Thesis aims at questioning the norm of a single possi- Today, it is widely accepted that flood-protection measures ble desirable regime for an urban system (a dry and protected are necessary, although it has often led to solutions preven- one), working on its dynamism and capacity of constant ting any possibility of variation from an established future transformation, achieving new forms of urban qualities scenario. Hard structures are being risen to keep the water through the application of adaptation strategies. clearly separated from the built environment, reflecting a rational convinction of a possible humanly controlled na- The transition from a resistant to a resilient city is catalysed ture and resulting in the delusive creation of a resistant city. by turning the threat into a resource: from being a disrup- Alternatively, retreating from the threat, as well as reloca- tive force from which the city needs to be protected, the ting entire communities, are often considered an option, water becomes an element embedded in the urban context, Figure 1.1. Boretti G., Istanbul 2014-2064, Postcards from the Future which could be perceived as surrendering to the natural interacting with it. The adaptation strategies create a flexi- force, denying our cultural heritage of societies historically ble and dynamic urban environment which can face poten- developed along coastlines and watercourses. These issues tial changes of conditions (i.e., rising water level), reaching are particularly preeminent when it comes to small coastal everytime new possible equilibria. Every element interacts settlments, facing great challenges with limited availability with the water in different ways and at different times, mo- of resources, as it is currently happening in Sweden. Cli- difying its configuration without limiting the functionality mate change adaptation becomes therefore a fundamental of the overall system. Moreover, the adaptation strategies component of the urban planning process and needs to be play a role in the possibility of development of a town, pursued with a resilient approach. from an economic, social, and environmental sustainabi- lity perspective. For instance, they can foster the creation Research Question of public spaces and green areas, which bring benefits in terms of health, recreational opportunities, and biodiver- The necessity of finding a balance between the preserva- sity enhancement. Furthermore, the expansion of a city tion of our physical and cultural identity, and the research towards the water, without presenting risks in withstanding 8 9 the sea level rise, promotes a waterfront development, which was performed, by reviewing literature resources, online background in order to outline a strategic proposal for the could bring economic opportunities, as well as social and spa- databases, and conducting interviews with Sweco experts area, which is meant to be flexible and dynamic, rather than CLIMATE CHANGE AND FLOODING RISK tial ones.
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    Beställningsnummer Na 38 SM 9201 Tätorter 1990 Befolkning och areal i tätorter och glesbygd Reviderade uppgifter Localities 1990 Population and area in urban and rural areas Revised figures Sammanfattning SCB har utfört en avgränsning av alla tätorter 1990, där för Många av de stora och medelstora tätorterna ökar åter sin första gången en datorstödd avgränsningsmetod har använts. folkmängd. Trenden från 1970-talet, då de flesta större tätorter En första publicering av statistik för tätorter gjordes 1991. minskade sin folkmängd, är därmed bruten. Dessa uppgifter har nu reviderats för 248 tätorter. Tätortsarealen har ökat med 200 km2 till drygt 5 000 km2. Antalet tätorter enligt 1990 års avgränsning uppgår till Detta är en betydligt långsammare ökning än under 1970-talet, 1 843. Sedan den förra avgränsningen år 1980 har 83 tätorter då tätorternas areal ökade med 800 km2. Tätortsarealen har ökat tillkommit, medan 60 har upphört. Av dem som upphört har 14 snabbare i södra och västra Sverige än i övriga delar av landet. vuxit samman med någon annan tätort, medan 46 har färre än Tätortsarealens andel av den totala landarealen utgör 1,2 200 invånare år 1990. De flesta nya tätorterna ligger i södra och procent. I Stockholms län ingår nära 10 procent av landarealen västra Sverige. Av de tätorter som upphört ligger många i norra i tätorter, medan andelen i Norrbotten är endast 0,2 procent. Sverige. Befolkningstätheten i tätorterna har totalt sett minskat nå- Tätortsbefolkningen uppgår 1990 till 7,1 miljoner invånare, got, men i flera län har den ökat, bl a i Stockholms län. vilket är 83,4 procent av Sveriges totala folkmängd.
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