Allegra Fornaca NO RETREAT FROM CHANGE A resilient flooding adaptation strategy for Henån (Orust) Master's Thesis Examiner: Lena Falkheden Supervisor: Nils Björling MSc Architecture and Planning Beyond Sustainability Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering Chalmers University of Technology Abstract Climate change and, consequently, flooding risk are currently threate- ning our cities all around the world, urging for municipalities, urban planners, and communities to provide resilient and sustainable solu- tions. Numerous measures are being implemented, ranging from enginee- red to nature-based ones, although invasive solutions such as hard flo- od-protection structures and relocation strategies still widely support the established paradigm of two contrasting scenarios for cities: dry and stable, or wet and harmed. This Master’s Thesis aims to question this norm, by researching a ba- lance between the built and the natural environment, turning the threat into a resource. From being a disruptive force, water becomes an ele- ment embedded in a dynamic landscape, creating new urban qualities and achieving a new equilibrium. NO RETREAT FROM CHANGE A resilient flooding adaptation strategy for Henån (Orust) This work was developed within the framework of the Systemic Solu- tions for Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Settlements project, coor- Master's Thesis dinated by Sweco, which aims at creating an adaptation planning tool for small municipalities in Sweden currently facing flooding risks and having limited budget. © Allegra Fornaca The planning tool will be implemented in Marstrand and Henån, two
[email protected] towns located along the Swedish west coast. The latter is considered as a study case in this Thesis; nowadays Henån is facing different challen- Examiner: ges, in addition to climate change effects, which concern socio-econo- Lena Falkheden mic, as well as urban development, issues.