Swedish Coastal Zone Management ­ a System for Integration of Various Activities

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Swedish Coastal Zone Management ­ a System for Integration of Various Activities · , In'fernational Council C.M. 19941F10, Ref. E. for the Exploration of the 5ea Mariculture Committee / SWEDISH COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ­ A SYSTEM FOR INTEGRATION OF VARIOUS ACTIVITIES SY HANS ACKEFORS' AND KJELL GRlp2 5tockholm University 5wedish Environmental Department of Zoology Protection Agency 5-106 91 5TOCKHOLM Research Department 5weden 5-171 85 50LNA 5weden 1 Table of contents O. Abstract 1. INTRODUCTION 2. MULTIPLE USES OF THE COASTAL ZONE 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Aquaculture 2.3 Leisure life 2.4 Fisheries 2.5 Shipping 2.6 Mineral and oil exploitation 2.7 Military establishment and activities 2.8 Industries 2.9 Coastal zone as a recipient 2.10 Cables and pipelines 2.11 Energy from the sea 3. SWEDISH INSTITUTIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND LAW SYSTEMS 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Legal framework 3.3 Monitoring 3.4 Research 3.5 Basic strategies for protecting the environment Eutrophication Persistent organic pollutants 4. EXAMPLES HOW SWEDISH LEGISLATION IS APPLIED 4.1 Aquaculture 4.2 Building of a bridge between Sweden and Denmark 5. THE PLANNING OF A COASTAL MUNICIPALITY e 5.1 Lysekil municipality . 5.2 The national interests of Lysekil municipality 5.3 Activities and interests and coherent conflicts and competition 5.4 The present status of the environment 5.5 The main characteristics of the comprehensive physical plan 5.5.1 Areas with provisions and special regulations which are under examination of the County Administrative Board 5.5.2 Recommendations for the use of water areas 5.5.3 Recommendations for discharges of water and new buildings 5.5.4 Measures to alleviate the impact on the sea environment 5.5.5 A plan for the use of water resources and treatment plants 2 6. INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Marine conventions 6.3 Organizations dealing with marine issues 7. REFERENCES 3 Table of figures Fig 1 The drainage basin of the Baltie Sea, the Danish Sounds and Kattegat. SMHIIRH, Nr 7, 1993. Fig 2 Coastal and Marine areas of the system of Baltie Sea Proteeted Areas (BSPA). HELCOM, EC-Nature, 1994. Fig 3 Examination of an application of a permit to start a fishfarm - an overview of the Aquaeulture permitting proeess. Fig 4 An overview of the direetion of the Öresund bridge between Sweden and Denmark. SMHI, Oeeanography, Ni" 15,1987. Fig 5 An overview of the examination of a big eonstruetion aeeording to the Natural Resourees Aet. Fig 6 Boundaries of Lysekil munieipality on the Swedish west-eoast at N 58° and. 11°, 120 km north of Gothenburg (the Skagerrak area). The eomprehensive physieal plan of Lysekil municipality, 1990. Fig 7 Planning divisions of Lysekil munieipality. The eomprehensive physieal plan of Lysekil munieipality, 1990. Fig 8 The use of the reeipient of Lysekil munieipality: The comprehensive physical plan of Lysekil munieipality, 1990. Fig 9 Reereation and toursim. The comprehensive physical plan of Lysekil munieipality, 1990. Fig 10 The comprehensive plan of Lysekil munieipality. The eomprehensive physical plan of Lysekil municipality, 1990. Fig 11 The importanee of international co-operation in the marine field is increa- sing. Swedish Marine Resourees Aetivities, DSH 1989:2. e 4 o. ABSTRACT The stress on the coastal zone arid its resoufces is coritinuouslyincreasing. During the last deeades the exploitationof the coastal ione has become mOfe intensive. With related conflicts arid competition in that zone it is necessary to develop (a) methods for management strategies to solve problems and (b) programmes for a more balanced use of the ~and and water resources in the coastal zone. Physical planning processes must involve authorities on both loeal, regional and national levels. The coastal zone is attrac­ tive tor urban settlement, industries, tourism and weekend-houses, fishing, aquaculture, mineral exploitation, pipe Iines, wind-power, shippingand military establishments, nature conservation arid marine archeology. In addition the coastal zone is used as a recipient tor raw and treated sewage wider trom urban areas, industries, agriculh..ire, t6restrY, ete. The mutiple uses of the coastal zone items imply competitiori arid conflicts among human uses. Conflicts mayaiso arise between human activities.and animals Iiving iri the area. Hence fishing arid aquacullure operations are threalened by eider-ducks, cormoranls, seals and other animals. Anolher side of that conflict is the competion between commer­ cial uses and the interest cf nature conserVation. The BalÜc Sea as weil as other sea areas surrolmding Sweden are shared with other countries. Envifonmenlal problems as pollution and the allöcätion of human activities must be solved byagreements between various countries. Marine ccmventions suCh as Helcom, Osparcom and the Gdansk Conventiori regulale such malters. On national basis in Sweden tt1ere is a comprehensive framework ofacts and ordninances, whicll regulate tlla use of land arid water areas in the Swedish coastal zone out to the territorial boundary, 12 nautical milss trom tlla baseline. Examples of Swedish laws are: the , Plarining and BUilding Act, tlle Wate.. Act, the Natural Resources Act, the Environmental Protection Act, the Nature Conservancy Act and the Water Pollution Act. The National monitoring programme is supervised by Swedish EnvironmentalProtection Agency. Two präctical examples aregiven forhow the Swedish legislation system is. .. applied, one on aquaculture and one on the building of a bridge between Sweden and Denmark. The Regionäimoniloring programmes Col1sists of individual monitoring programmes, whiCh are co-Ordinäted by the various Swedish County Councils. According to the Swedish Planning arid Building Act, every municipality shall have a comprehensive physical plan both tor land and waterareas. This plan shall also include aspeets of national interest a6cordirig to the Natural Resources Act. The lalter states that the requiremenls tor ecological, social and socio-economic considerations are met. In order to elueidate this eoncept, a muriieipälity, Lysekil, on the Swedist1 west-coast is used as an example of such a physieal plan tor a municipality. The plan covers the national interests in Lysekil municipality from nature conservation to military defence. The various activities and interests; water as a recipient, clean coastal water, the establishment of industi"ies, urban settlements, soeietel tect1nical support systems, energy production, shipping, aquaculture arid conservation, versus conflicts and competition are iIIustraled as weil as the main charactedsties of the plan. 5 1. INTRODUCTION Planning the uses of land has been an area of cancern since lang time aga, while planning the uses of coastal areas is a rather new activity. Historically however coastal zones throughout the world have been intensively used because of their rich resources and good oportunities for various activities. Already in the 16th century attempts were made to regulate the fishing rights of the sess. And quite recently the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seal UNCLOS, . attained the sixtieth ratification and it will thus entry into force on the 16 November 1994. This convention establishes a comprehensive framework for the regulation of all open ocean space and its resources. Another important milestone in the management of coastal zones is the United Nations Conference on Environment and Oevelopmerit, UNCEO, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in , 1992. In chapter 17 of Agenda 21 "Programme of action for sustainable development", the urgent need for coastal states to develop capabilities for integrated coastal zone • management and to implement"ational programmes were adressed. The World Coast Conference in the Netherlands 1993 generated materials arid stimulated discussions on integrated coastal zone management. Coastal and marine management issues will also come up on the UNCEO follow up conference, which will be held in Washington OC in 1995. The stress on the coastal zone and its resources is continously increasing. It is printed out (UNCEO) that six out of ten people will live within 60 km from the coastline the year 2000. To meet this challenge national capacity-building has to be stimulated and inter­ national co-operation and co-ordination has to be strengthened. As coastal populations have increased and, as technology has developed substantially, the exploitation of the coastal zone has becomemore.intense. The implications of the present trends of utilization are considerable. There are now many conflictirig uses competing for coastal space and resources. For this reason the demands on a more methodological or planned use of eoastal resources has become necessary and it has induced new claims on responsible authorities to develop management strategies for a • more balanced use of coastal land and water and its resources. It also means that central, as weil as regional and local authorities must be integrated in the management work. In the physiCal planning process different demands are treated Le. from urban settle­ ments, construction of harbours, coastal fisheries and aquaculture to nature conser­ vancy. The impacts of these activities must be analysed and considered in relation to environmental objectives. The physical planning process gives a general view and context over demands and problems. It makes a preventive environmental proteetion possible and it can be an important tool to create an environmentally sound infrastructure and use of the coastal zone. The comprehensive physical plans interact in different ways with other sectorplans and hereby they have a co-ordinating
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    Description of the Government Bill 2017/18:163 National Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation The main content of the bill The bill proposes two changes to the Planning and Building Act (2010:900) with the aim of improving municipalities’ preparedness for climate change. One of these changes involves a requirement for municipalities to provide their views in their structure plans on the risk of damage to the built environment as a result of climate-related flooding, landslides and erosion, and on how such risks can be reduced or eliminated. The other change involves the municipality being able to decide in a detailed development plan that a site improvement permit is required for ground measures that may reduce the ground’s permeability and that are not being taken to build a street, road or railway that is compatible with the detailed development plan. The Government also reports on a National Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation in order to strengthen climate change adaptation work and the national coordination of this work in the long term. The strategy was announced in the Government’s written communication ‘Kontrollstation för de klimat- och energipolitiska målen till 2020 samt klimatanpassning’ (‘Control station for the 2020 climate and energy policy objectives and climate change adaptation’, Riksdag Communication 2015/16:87). Through the strategy, the Government also meets its obligations in accordance with the Paris Agreement and the EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, in which a national climate change adaptation strategy is highlighted as a central analytical instrument that is intended to explain and prioritise actions and investments.
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