Rhode Island J e wish 1 "Creating More Disunity," Historical Assoc. page4 1 36 Sessions St . Prov . R .I. 02906


VOLUME LXXIV, NUMBE R 5 F RIDAY, JANUARY 9 , 1987 35¢ P ER COPY Peretz Resigns Over Sakharov: Hero To World Jewry LONDON (JTA) - Andrei ·appealed to President Podgorny to Soviet press description of it as Conversion Issue Sakharov, the Soviet Human prevent the execution of Mark reactionary and practically fasc ist. Rig hts champion, is a he ro to Dymshits and Eduard Kuznetsov. The Co mmittee's letter stated TEL AVIV (JTA) - Interior criticized by many Orthodox wo rld Jewry and to the Soviet He poi nted to extenuating t hat Zionism was no more than Minister Yitzhak Peretz resigned rabbis on grounds that Jewish law Jewish emigration movement. He ci rcumstances, noting that the t he idea of J ewish Statehood and last week rather than confirm the fo rbids stigmatizing converts. has not only spoken out fo r the group did not endanger anybody's one can only admire the J ewish identity of a person Peretz proposed other ri ght to emigrate to but has life. persistence of an ancient and converted by a Reform rabbi. variations, including a law that stoutly defended the Jewish State Sakharov·s protest was taken persecuted people who, in very In his letter of resignation to would make it mandatory to and Zi onism at a time when both seriously. When the appeal of the difficult circumstances, have Premier Yitzhak Shamir, which he include the "previous status" of are reviled by his ow n country. Le ningrad Eleven was heard resurrected a long·vanished State. read to the media before reading it the hold er on identity cards. That This emerges fr om a record of before the Soviet Supreme Coun In 1972, Sakharov again to the Knesset, Peretz, who heads too was rejected. hi s support for Jewish causes in Moscow, he was admitted into intervened physically on a Jewish the Orthodox Shas Party, published last week on the eve of the courtroom and was able to issue when, after the massacre of denounced Reform conversions as Letter Of Resignation his release from internal ex ile, by inform Western reporters of the Israeli Olympic athletes in Peretz, an Orthodox rabbi, a "travesty" that threatened "the t he Institute of Jewish Affairs, the revocation of the death penalties Munich, he joined a small group of survival of the Jewish people." dec ided to resign apparently after research arm of t he World Jewish and the reduction of other Jewish activists demonstrating in consultation with t he Torah sages According to the law, a Congress. se ntences. Sakh arov's presence in front of the Lebanese Embassy in Minister's resignation lakes effe ct of his party. Shas is regarded as Writing in the lnstitute's t he courtroom encouraged the Moscow. 48 hours after it is submitted. the Sephardic equivalent of the journal, Soviet Jewish Affairs, J ews to believe they were not In 1973, he intervened over t he Some coalition members, mainly Ashkenazic Agudat Israel party William Korey, director of B'nai alone in the USSR struggle fo r much more politically sensitive Likud MKs, tried to persuade which is also governed by a council B'rith International Policy emigration. issue of American trade credits fo r Peretz to withdraw his of sage~. Research, reca ll s that as early as It was there, too, that he met the Soviet Uni on by supporting to resignation, but he insisted his His letter of resignation, be 1968, t he then 47-year-o ld Yel ena Bonner, a relative of t he the Jackson· Vnnik amendment in decision was final. fo rmally presente

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The Center for Health Promotion 33 Hl500 extension 4318 Between 9:00 a.m, and 4:30 .i).m . . r T HE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1987 - 3 Rabbi Greenberg Dr. Feigenbaum Zimriah At Solomon Schechter School At Emanu-EI To Speak At URI lfahhi Irving Greenbe rg, Yes - the students at the Chance" to the Hebrew favorite music.•· presidenl a nd co -founder ol Solomon Schecht er Day School ·· Ma T ovu," from the beautiful In conjunction with the Edward A. Feigenbaum, a Cl.A l.. 1he Na t ion.-11 .Jewis h have done it again. With a cast of love song:. " Erev Shel Shoshanim" Zimria h, SSDS librarian, Florette pioneer in the development of Center fo r Learning and hundreds ( I :28 to be exact), lowe r to .Jacques Brel's haunting "If We Brill , held a hook fai r sponsored artifi cial intelligence and Lemlers hip, wi ll he the o pening and middle schools teamed up for Only Had Love" - 1 he hope fo r by the Parents' Association. knowledge-based systems, will speaker fo r a s ix-week symposium a spec1acular eveni ng of so ng a nd peace a nd harmony was explored President Gerri Schiffman said, discuss " Knowledge Systems: " Approa<·hing Common (;round: spirit . a nd exp ressed. " We are so proud of this book fai r. Intellectual Challenge and Li ving wi1 h ou r Differences as Performir.g to a capacity crowd, Accordi ng 10 Zimriah We have qualit y offerings - Economic Opportunity," Ame ri <·;rn ,Jews. " Habhi student s developed the theme of coordinator, Wendy Garf-Lipp, fictio n and nonfiction, children's Thursday, January 22 at 4 p.m. at C:reenherg'!-. talk " One .Jewis h Shalom - Peace - th rough the this annual Chanukah celebration and adults, English and Hebrew." The University of Rhode Island. People?"' wi ll deal wit h quest io ns medium of so ng. From the is " not just fo r t he musica ll y By the evening's end it was clear The lecture, which wi ll take place !-piriiua l, "Down hy the Riversid e'' of unity. cliversi1y a nd pluralism in 1a lented. It is a way for everyone t hat visit ors to the book fair and to in Room 271, Chafee Hall, is free to the prayer "Sim Shalom,'' from I he ,Jewi s h community. It wi ll he to express themselves and I he Zim ri a h agreed - both had and open to the public. 1 he Reatles' fi:tmou s "r.ive Pence a held o n Februa ry :1, 1987 al 8:10 experi ence I he joy of making been a great success. Dr. Feigenbaum is professor of p.m. a t T e mple Emanu-EI. Hahhi computer science at Stanford (:reenherg, a n orthodox scholar University, and principal t1n d leader, is known for his effort s investigator of the Heuristic a nd in te rest in bridging .Jewish P rogramming Project at the re li1,dous and o rganizatio na l We. T a~e Great Pride Stanford Knowledge Systems divisions. He has published widely Laboratory, a leading facility fo r o n ,Jewi~d1 1 in houg:ht an

by Eric Rosenman sometimes t hey are threatening to kill From the Editor Seated at a dining room table, you - you start thinking.... 'My God, by Rober~ Israel talking with a s mall group of t hese a re the same kind of people I am. journalists, Anatoly Shcharansky Maybe we can find some common (Hebraicized to ) ground.' I had to remind myself, no, speaks with unpretentious but these people have absolutely different undoubted authorit y. P hysically, he is moral principles." s hort hut sturdy-looking. An engaging T he process is lhe same with smile accompa nies a playful sense of Western public opinion, Sharansky humor. ma intains. Living under the nuclear Creating More Disunity Nevertheless, Sharansky's words threat, people a re afraid. So t hey ca rry a sense of urgency. The plight of wonder, " Why shouldn't we try to find Soviet Jewry - which he himself a common language wit h the Soviets?" In this week's Herald, you will notice ,Jewis h group, the Luhavitrh of Iowa, epitomized during more t han eight But in searching fo r common ground a photograph of Rabbi Laufer, Gov. I nt .. included the American .Jewis h years of imprisonment - actually may on nuclear weapons control t hey may Edward DiPrete and others partici­ Congress, the .Jewish Fede rat ion of he worsening under the supposedly overlook t he nature of the society they pating in a Hanukkah event at t he <: reater Des Moines, the Union of " reformist" regime of Mikhail want to deal wit h. State House last week. You may have American Hebrew Congrega tions, the Gorbachev. " Whether you lin k arms control and also noticed the story in last week's Central Confe rence of America n Prnvidence Journal, aloni,: with a Hahhis, the H' na i .Jes hura n Sharansky fears t he West is falling human rights, this linkage exists fo r Gorbachev's ''very strong public intrinsically," Sharans ky said. If East similar photograph. The Journal sto ry, Congreg;it ion a nd Congregation relations ca mpaign." That helps and \.Vest disarmed tomorrow, a new writ ten hy Sha ron Griffin, quotes T iferet h Is rael. hot h of lJes Moines, explain its failure to react to a new, arms race would begin the day after, as DiPrete as being profo undly touched and David (:oldma n, an a ttorney who rest rictive emigration law; t he open, democrat ic societies sought ways with "appreciation'' a nd ''humility'· hy is president o f t he ,Jewish Com;.unity publicity given t he release of to defend themselves against "closed, the gifts or a sheaf of historica l essays Helations Commission of Greater Des David Goldfarb but only the passing secret, well-organized societies with and a menora h. Moines. mention of the death of the spirit of an aggressive ideology. None of this s hould surprise ,Jewis h \Vhat we a re seeing is .Jew again t Anatoly Ma rchenko; t he silence on T he best test of real change in this readers, since a similar ceremony took ,Jew in this conflict , same as in our deteriorating condit ions in Rus ian closed society can be the fate of the place last year at t he State House wi th community. Is this a way of h ring: ing prison camps; the absence of loud 400,000 Jews." ,Judge Ric ha rd Is rael (no rela tion to people together? Is this t he way to dema nds t hat Moscow open the gates Sharansky noted that Marchenko - this write r) part icipating. rclehrate a holiday o f light and joy - to t he 400,000 Soviet J ews who already a non-Jew who joined him and others And fo r those who have a longer in a court of law? Or is this a way of have taken t he fi rst steps to emigrate. in founding the Helsinki monitoring memory tha n the Providence J ournal fu rther sepa rating J ew from .Jew a nd Refu seniks view the Kremlin's new group - died about t hree-and-a-half story last week, you wi ll recall t hat this .Jew from non-.Jew? law "as t he most serious step against mont hs into a hunger st rike in is not I he lirst Hanukka h ceremony emigration'' since t he 1972 ed ucation Chistopol p rison. A similar fast of Gov. Di Prete has participated in. and, The ~pirit of Hahhi Laufer·s tnx. That tax led Congress to pass t he approximately the same duration once furthermore, you will recall that there Hanukka h celebration is a joyous one la ndmark Jackson-Vanik amendment had brought him "close to death" in a re t hose in t his community, includ ing to spread the joy of the festival of linking U.S.-Soviet t rade lo Soviet Chistopol. Sharansky said he informed t his writer. who do not look upon the li !,! ht s :--o t hat light is s hed on others in ,Jewish emigration. President Reagan that " now Yosef ceremony in the State House as a the community. I admire him fo r his Sharans ky said he hopes one of the statement of' religious freedom, liut enthusiasm and fo r his devot ion. On Begun !a nother prominent refusenikJ first acts of the new Congress in is in the same prison. It is t he time rat her as an n roneous endorsement of the telephone earlier this week he told ,Ja nua ry wi ll be a measure reminding when you s hould protest." religion by KUvernment a nd therefo re a me I lrn1 he nnd t.'very ,Jew has ··a moral Moscow that progress on t rade and Private citizens "must not be afraid violation of t he Establ ishment Clause a nd ethical right " to ohserve a rms control will be tied to its huma n to irritate the world" with the problem of the First Amendment. l--111nukka h in 1hi s wny. rights practices, a nd it is here t hat he of Soviet ,Jewry. They should " make it Last yenr, a front page story (:ov. l)iPrete, it s hould also he can he inconvenient. By insisting t hat a link to t he cultural, political and appeared in the Juurnal describing the noted. is a highly devout individual, the East -West agenda is linked lo economic interests of the Soviet ceremony and the reaction from the H. whose messnges of good will at Soviet observance of human rights, he Union.'' S hara nsky recommended that I. Board of Rahhis a nd others who were Hanukkah a nd during other .Jewis h contradicts t hose who believe t hat no American Jews boycott companies upset hy t he fa c1 that the ceremony holidnys have Hppeared 111 this matter how heavily the Soviets oppress I rading wi th Russia and suggested a took place. My editori al last year in newspaper fo r I he nast several years. their own and other countries' citizens, campaign against the Soviets' huma n this newspaper was ent itled, He is a ma n of sincerity, and fo r 'many weapons agreements mw>t a nd rights violat ions similar to the "Community Disunity," a nd that is year participated in a Ha nukkah 1 herefo re <.·a n be reached. And his is not anti-apartheid movement aimed at exactly what t he Hanukkah ceremony ceremony in r ranston City Hall when the quiet approach. South Africa . Otherwise, Moscow "will in t he State HoU!~e brought about, not he wm; mayor of 1ha1 cit v. That "The West wants to be deceived" never open the gates for mass a binding together to celehrnte changecl, however, when · Hnbhi regardinJ:,! the Soviets, Sha ransky said, emigration." ,Juda is m, hut a hitter a nd divisive Astrn <' ha n of T emple Sinni and Hahhi adding that he knew why. " I separation of that shared herit ag-e a n

miracle of light, and ,Jews the world Iowa. It s hould be cond ucted as to (USPS 464-710) ove r light the menorah in their homes avoid alienat ing those in the Publl.tted Ev..-y WHk By TM PTffS Publ6shlng Company and in thei r synagogues to recall that community that seek to keep religion .,._.ah miracle. and children play d ried! games from being endorsed hy government so • EDITOR: and excha nge presents. My I ha1 one a nd all can celebrate their ROBERT ISRAEL understanding of the holiday is that it religion with full vigor and joy the way is a joyous time, a time t hat is to he ii should he celebrated, in homes a nd • ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: shared wit h friends and neighbors in a in houses of wors hip. BRUCE WEISMAN private, not a public way. It has I look fo rward to the day when we nothing whatsoever to do with can join one another in a mutual • ACCOUNT REP.: Christmas. wit h the lighting: of the exchange of good will and religious joy MARY FITZPATRICK

Christ mas tree, or wit h the placement without the public embarrassment and Melling Addren: Box 8083, Pnmdence, A.I. of a creche on public property. Yet pain of bringing our diffe rences to a 02040 T~: (401) 724-0200 there a re those in our commun it y that court or law. Unti l this happens, what PLANT: Henlld Way, off WebnN St., Pawt., A.I. 02881 would like to see the menora h become \~•e will see, repeatedly, is divisiveness OfFICE: 172 Taunton Ava., East Providence, a symbol. just as those who wish to see rat her than unifi cation. \Vhat we wi ll A.I. 02914 the n eche hecome a symhol. This is a see, again a nd again, in this Second class postage paid at ProvidenoB, RhOde Island. Postmaster send address distort ion, not a clarificat ion, of the community and in other communities, Changes to The A.I. Herakl. P.O. Bok 6063, purpose of religion in our society. is fu rther d istance between people of Provioence. A.I. 0294().6063, And it should surprise no one that it the same fa il h and those of other fai ths ByS~Ja:,:::::J;.'!"9 0:: ~. .~ happened here in Rhode Isla nd who need to work with one a nother :;:~~l~eq=~·~·~.~ ~ because similar Hanukkah ceremonies rather tha n to wo rk against one scriptions are continuous unless notified to the contrary in writing. have been staged elsewhere around this a nother. The Herald assumes no financial responsi­ country, including the White House, Ultimately, I rea r, t hose divisions bility fOI' rypographical errors In advertise­ ments. but will reprint that pan of the adver· where last week a similar present at ion wi ll cause scars that may never heal. tisemenl in whieh _the typogr~lcal 8ff0f OCQJl'S. Advertiser.;; wil please notify the man­ oCcurred wi th a group or rabbis from ~ t immediately ol any em,r which may the Yeshi va Unive rsity in New York Candlelighting Unsolicited manuscripts: UnSOlicited a nd President Heagan.· Not e: In last week's editorial on manuscripts are wek:ome. We do not pay for What might surprise ret1ders is that ways of resolving the December =~~-Ale.=eusarss,.'.'8 ~ this event has been the cause of hitter Dilemma, I quoted the Narra,.:ansett January 9, 1987 dressed envek>pe if you w~ t the manusc:ript disputes whir h just last week found it s Times article which misspelled Or. retumed. Letters to the editor represent the 4:15 p.m. 5 001 way to U. S. Appeals Court in Iowa Morlon Perel's name, renaming him ~ i:"~iuw ~ -~ ~~ ·=number IOI' veriflcallon. where a menorah was banned from the Morton Sere!. The cardinal rule in St.ite r apitol huil

T HE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1987 - 7 Juilliard String Quartet To Perform The incomparable Juilliard rich musical experience for the String Quartet will give a complete listener. It displays Bach at his Arts & Entertainment performance of Johann Sebastian virtuosic finest. but shows without Bach's late and rarely perfo rmed question the full emotional and work, The Art of the Fugue on intellectual range that characterize Sunday, January 18, 3 p.m. in t his most important of composers. ,Jordan Hall at the New England The Juilliard String Quartet, Conservatory. The Art of the support to select museums now in its 40th season, perfo rms "Call Of The Wild" At RISD nationwide. Fugue program marks t he second regularly in Boston for the Wang of three Juilliard performances In conjunction with The Call of Celebrity Series. and is renowned presented in Boston this season by the Wild, a special performance of throughout the world for its the Wang Celebrity Series. the one-act play, Cage, will take innumerable concerts and more place at Rhode Island School of The A rt of the Fugue is a than LOO recordings. Robert Mann consummate (and extraordinarily and Joel Smirnoff, violins, Design's Museum of Art on complex) statement of all of Bach's Samuel Rhodes, viola, and J oel Saturday, Jan. 17 at 2 p.m. ideas on fugal counterpoint. Written and directed by Emilio Krosnick, 'cello. are the Juilliard \Vritten fo r four abstract voices - Cruz, a New York-based black String Quartet. Together, during simply labeled soprano, alto, tenor artist whose mythical, "cave" the 85-86 season. they received the and bass - The Art of the Fugue is paintings will be on view at the prestigious Arturo T oscanini rarely performed in its entirety. It exhibition, Cage has been Artistic Achievement Award - is not. necessarily a work for string described as a "tone poem," with making the Juilliard t he fi rst quartet: its technical and dynamic words and musical components chamber ensemble to be so working symbiotically to produce a difficulties are compounded by the honored. fact that the alto and tenor ranges Remaining tickets fo r the compelling theatrical piece. Critics of the piece fa ll below the practical Juilliard performance of The Art of have praised Cruz's performances ranges of the violins and violas on the Fugue go on sale January 5 at not only fo r being "witty, which they would most naturally t he Jordan Hall box office intelligent and pulsing with be perfo rmed. (536-2412) and by calling energy" (The New A rt Examiner) Aside from its technical Co11certc h ~ r P'P M dQ?-11 1~ but also "evocative . . . (and) , demands. The A rt of the Fugue is ., performed with commendable ',, economy" (The Washington Post). ._ ... Actress and performance anist ,,...... --;. ,,, , Patricia Cruz will perform in the "Field Guide to Southwest" by Todd McKie piece as will composer/ musician Joseph Jarmin and Cruz himself Ceileb,-at• W1Ch S.vlngsl OUR NEW STORE NORTH PROVIDENCE Both realistic and fantastic called For Consenting Eyes on percussion. Patricia Cruz, who CRANSTON 1706 Mint<>/ Sprint AYI. 353-6350 161 01'11wo A,o. 944-IZ80 animal imagery will form the core Only. studied at Chicago's Goodman School of Drama, has played roles of The Call of the Wild: Animal The Call of the Wild is part of a FULL LINE OF FRESH FISH _ T hemes in Contemporary Art, an series of " installation" exhibitions from the classical Greek to the exhibition of painting and bent on celebrating contemporary experimental. Jarmin is a member · OVEN READY PRODUCTS sculpture which opens at Rhode works in a diversity of media by an of the internationally acclaimed SMOKED FISH SECTION - Island School of Design's Museum equal diversity of artists. Art Ensemble of Chicago and has of Art on Friday, Jan. 16 and Rosenfeld sees it as a sequel to last made numerous recordings, the LIVE LOBSTERS continues through March 15. winter's highly successful Life in most recent of which include Th£ .FISH & CHIPS Fri. ONLY' "In the settled landscapes of the the Big City, offering a natural Third Decade (ECM Records), modern world, our exposure to corollary to t he urban subjects at Inheritance (Baybridge Records) wildlife is rare," says Curator of the heart of that exhibition. With and Urban Bushman (ECM). Painting and Sculpture, Dan a mix of moving, erotic, mythical, Cage will take place at the Rosenfeld, coordinator of the comic and downright bestial Museum of Art, 224 Benefit St., exhibition. Although certain works, The Call of the Wild should Providence and is free and open to species are domesticated and indeed prove equal to last year's the public. Admission to the household pets are prized by many, success. Museum is also free on Saturdays. Rosenfeld's contention is that Well-known artists include The Call of the Wild opens on direct cont.act with wildlife in Susan Rothenberg and Andy Friday, Jan. 16 and continues today's technological world tends Warhol, who will be represented by through March 15. to take place in the controlled his striking Endangered Species environ of a zoo or wildlife refuge, series from 1983. Comic relief ADL Video if ever. A number of contemporary comes from such far-flung sources THE RETURN. artists are acutely aware of this as Peter Saul's Donald Duck On Dr. King unnatural schism, Rosenfeld says, Descending a Staircase, Jim and through their works are Gingerich's amusing mix of the The Anti-Defamation League of Some th ings arc bcuer ,he improved something you attempting "to bring us closer to urban and pastoral, Roy B'nai B'rith has produced an second nmc around Including thought couldn't be our biological relatives." DeForest's funky West Coast color 11 -minute video program Although the most recent issue and Cindy Tower's Cougar Rug, a honoring Mart in Luther King Jr., Rhode Island"s most fa.inous improved. of ARTnews dubbed the subject shaggy piece composed of t.he late civi l rights leader whose wa1crfront restaurant. ..- Talk ro us matter "utterly unfashionable," eucalyptus bark which comes in a birthday will be celebrated as a Try us for cocktails. ~·-.Z. ~;.::.JC"" about your Rosenfeld's curatorial quest barrel and must be inst.ailed by the national holiday on January 19. lunch. or dmncr, _,, ··, wedding or through the animal kingdom has artist. The program, titled "Join and sec how we , .:- Bar Mitzvah too! turned up a wide range of The Museum of Art, 224 Benefit Hands and Sing - A Tribute to contemporary artists currently St., Providence is open Tuesday, Martin Luther King Jr.," is incorporating animal themes into Wednesday, Friday and Saturday available for Junior, Intermediate their works. Painter/sculptor Ann from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Senior high schools, ~~ McCoy, for instance, has agreed to Thursday from noon to 8 p.m.; and community and church groups. It w,JERA!Of',,ff RESTAUIANT loan the Museum a richly Sunday from 2-5 p.m. General depicts t he events held in Israel I Masthead Urive, Warwick, RI02886(4011885-l,400 intricate, 27-foot-long painting admission is $1 for adults 19 and annually to commemorate the "that will knock your socks off," over; 50¢ fo r senior citizens; and work and memory of Dr. King. Rosenfeld reports. Other artists 25¢ for children 5 to 18. Admission The program, one of a number include Leonard Koscianski, is waived Thursday evenings and of audio-visual materials on Dr. A"drew Mastey. Musk: whose intense, dramatic animal on Saturdays. Group rates are King listed in ADL's Human o;,ector paintings "epitomize the ferocity" available and voluntary donations Relations Materials catalog, is Muriel POf"t SttJYens. M•naOf)t at the heart of the exhibition; welcome. available on 3/ 4" and 1/2" VHS Todd McKie (RSID '66), who The Museum receives partial video cassette. It can be ordered creates fanciful, floating animals support for its activities and for $25 including mailing, from the in his large works on paper; programs from an Institutional Television, Radio and Film Michael Mazur, whose paintings Support Grant from the Rhode Department, Anti-Defamation and monoprints suggest the Island St.ate Council on the Arts League of B'nai B'rith, 823 United "morbid edge" of animals in and from the Institute of Museum Nations Plaza, New York, NY captivity; and Roger Brown, who Services, a federal agency which 10017. The catalog is also will lend a stylized, quirky piece offers operating and program available at no charge.

JEAN KOPPERUD. CLARINET Saturday Evening. GO AHEAD January 17 B:30 P.M . AND FLYI Providence Performing Arts LET US DELIVER YOUR CAR Center ClarinP.t Concerto · Mozart Symphony, Op. 23 • Webern ~-_ _ \' ... DEPENDABLE Symphony No. 9 - SchulJert CONVENIENT Tickets: $16. 50 -14.50 - 12.50 e«tt • • • INEXPENSIVE Students & Senior 431-1880 Citizens: $8.50 For FREE llltalls AUTO DRIVEAWAY CO. 694 North Broadway, East Providencs, A.I. 02914 8 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1987

Around Town Tackling Problems: hy l>or,i'thea Snyder The Essence Of Medicine

" What brought me to Bradley Hospital," main killer in t he States after accidents says Dr. Yifrah Kaminer, "was t hat two a nd homicide. Some people even claim years ago I finished my combined t hat suicide overweighs homicide in some residency in general psychiatry and child parts of this country, which makes it the psychiatry in Israel. I was seeking a second main killer. position for a research oriented fellowship " Other people try to approach suicide in the U.S. or England. from a preventive point of view, and "A new program was established two others say we can't do anything about years ago by Dr. Thomas S. Anders, trying to work with vict ims of suicide, former director of the Child Study Center that is, tertiary prevention . . . children of at Stamfo rd University, who brought a attempted suicide victims. We try to work fine group of people wit h him to Bradley. with them a nd ot her high risk factor We made contact, and I was invited to groups like parents, siblings, and friends join Dr. Anders' group." of victims of suicide. In his second a nd last year at Bradley, "Some tell us we better concent rate on Dr. Kaminer is studying a nd conducting biological markers. Let's find out if there research " investigating the relationship are any kinds of neural t ra nsmitters, between affective disorders in what is enzymes and hormones that can be termed the DD population markers to help us locate and find people developmentally disabled kids. who a re prone to suicide." " We do hope we'll come out with some Dr. Kaminer says suicide is a very broad results, a nd also will be able to establish fie ld that ca n be ta ken from multiple robust ground for continuity in t his perspectives biological, sociological, subject and population." psychological, epidemiological. " ! see When I asked Dr. Kaminer to con fi rm myself becoming more interested in t he the word robust . . that indeed was the fie ld of the relationship between biological word he spoke, he said, " Robust, solid. markers and suicide. You'll have to bear with my accent." I assured him t hat wasn't a problem, "The rate of suicide has increased but scientific terms and I are strangers, three-fo urths over the last 25 years among and I was on guard fo r preventive errors. young people," he says, report ing a Dr. Kaminer poetically expressed that staggering percentage. " the music in my accent is a little " A lot of people a re trying to find different, " returning to where we reasons. Is it disintegration of the fa mily institute? Have t he values t hat young Dr. Yifra h Ka miner , clinical research psychiatrist at Br adley Hospita l. (photo momenta rily left off. by Dorothea S nyde r ) Other t ha n his main field of interest, he people aspired fo r changed? ls it the spoke of two other fields he's uninvolved availability of let hal means? Is it the with now, "but certainly two of my main increased orientation to psycho-pathology interests. First of all, suicide, which is an that ma kes people more awa re of T here's a high rate of divorce in Israel, but " My poet ry book, freely translated from extension of the affective disorders problems? not as much as here. A lot of problems you Hebrew, is loue and Other Psychoses. domain because we never see anybody " It 's hard to say,'' he reflects, answering see in t he .S., you see in Israel, but to a Love is a small, lovely psychoses. You lose who's happy who t ried to commit or his own questions. "The mo t cautious Jes er degree." your percept.ion, and sometimes you get. attempt suicide. answer will be that it's multi-factoral. Dr. Kaminer cites eating disorder as a illusions, hallucinations, misperceptions " Many kids as well as adults who Each one of these factors has something problem ''that's growing up very fast of things. Your reality testing isn't always attempt to commit suicide are depressed, to do with it. It's very difficult to isolate. now." at its best. so this is an extension of t he main field of Nobody knows exactly what the relative Discussing t he media's negative " You don't always listen to advice from affective disorders. way is,, to each factor in this one big cont ribution to eating disorders among your parents or friends. You work out "Secondly, something t hat I'm not puzzle. young people with Dr. Kaminer, he your way, according to your gut feeling. ca rrying on right now . . . but I studied t he I ask Dr. Kaminer to judge the distinct claims, " It 's wrong to look fo r one When you fall in love, a very good relationship between chronic illness like differences between Israel and t he United ideology, like blaming the media fo r t his. term, to fall in love. You don't start in epilepsy a nd diabetes mellitus and States. and if psychiatry is administered In Israel we don't have commercial T V, love. You fa ll in. When you fall out of psycho-pathology in children and more here tha n in Israel. lucky fo r us, but it will come about. love, t he landing can be very harsh." adolescents. So, actually the common He replies, " I can only judge it by " All changes, ideas, and values Daring to ask if t he good doctor writes denominator of all t hese fields is t he impression. America is a great country for contribute a li ttle bit to that. I haven' t. from personal experiences, I da re. affective disorders' domain." good a nd bad. Everything here is really seen a case yet of a n Arabic girl who was He winningly smiles, and safely says, Down the line, t he Israeli psychiatrist extreme, which means the quality of admitted due to an eat ing disorder ... " What matters is whether it's good or bad, plans to concentrate on clinical oriented medicine is superb, also the quality of which means a very conservative and fun ny or sad, interesting or boring. research in suicide." pathology and psycho-pathology as well. centralistic society doesn't regard " ff it's got to do too much wit h personal Questioning his approach in t he study America usually advances three to fi ve thinness as a part of beauty." experiences, it's too heavy and difficult to of suicide, he answers, "Well, it 's very yea rs more or less before other count ries, Dr. Kaminer believes the problem is produce, like poetry. ff it's got nothing to complicated like every major issue, but not always posit ively. multi-fa ctoral fa mily life style, do with personal experiences, it's just because fortunately fo r us, we don't see "So, let's talk about negative trends. personal proneness of vulnerability to guessing. people who die in psychiatry, except for the use of drugs, alcoholism, family pat hology, why this kid develops an eat ing " If you have t he right combination, those who commit suicide. This is a major disintegration, t he break-up of marriage. disorder, why this kid develops attention then you can look back in anger or smile. issue in this country. Luckily, the U.S. doesn't rank among t he defi cit disorders. Genetics, family, It depends upon your experience. You can " ! think the task force that is building top ten count ries in suicide. Hungary is environmental, social all enter into it. use it in a const ructive way. You can be itself in the National Institute of Mental now number one. It once was Iceland. "A lot of people are trying to find int rospective, but. you have to be objective Health and other major psychiatric Usua lly, Hungary, Aust ria and answers. Maybe answers won't be found, from a very impassive aspect." hospitals tries to concentrate on fewer Scandinavia lead. but treatment will be found because the Writing, Dr. Kaminer says, gives one a issues. Some people study epidemiology to " When I compa re the United States to problem is lethal." chance to fantasize, brainstorm, ventilate, learn t he extent of the problem. Israel, every problem you can see here, As far as the frustrations encountered and cannonize one's intellectual efforts. " It's roughly estimated that between 12 you can see in Israel, but in a minor by a psychiatrist, Dr. Kaminer says, T he nucleus of his family lives in Tel to 13 children and adolescents, mainly quantity. You don't see 40% teenage '' Frustration is a very negative word. I Aviv where Dr. Kaminer studied medicine adolescents, commit suicide in this pregnancy. You don't see such a high rate t hink that every now and then at the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel country 12 to 13 kids per 100,000 of alcoholism or drug abuse. professionals are being frustrated, but Aviv University. He has family in populat ion a yea r. "We don't have Crack yet in Israel. even if you're frustrated every now and England, New York, Denver, and Los "In adolescents, it composes the third Who knows what's going to happen? t hen, it doesn't mean that you give up, but Angeles. try to fi nd another solution, another way " I haven't made up my mind exactly to to tackle t he problem and to gain more what extent of t ime I'll be in the U.S.," he success in therapy and research as well. says, projecting t hat he may stay another " I think frust ration is also a drive to two or three years to pursue his research fi nd some of these solutions. Nobody interests in suicide. His directive is to wants to be frustrated. Being engaged in work as part of a unit team in clinical tackling problems all the time is the oriented research t hat is "hopefully essence of medicine!" applicable to patients right away." Dr. Kaminer is a published poet and Dr. Kaminer feels the community of writer of science fiction stories in Israel. Rhode Island is "lucky to have a very fine He is currently working on a faci lity like Bradley Hospital with such psychological novel. fine experts in the field. " I don't think I concentrate on " I find people to be very warm, very anything specific. The common receptive to t heir colleagues and patients. denominator is human problems. Even It 's very important to have this kind of my science fictions stories aren't hospital. T he staffs academic level is technical. For insta nce, somebody in quite high. Bradley is progressing at a fi ne Krypton has got problems at this altitude. pace." " It has more to do with futuristic In his spare time, Dr. Kaminer enjoys problems inspired from my psychological being a tourist and exploring, playing and psychiatric experiences, and tennis, and is a film fan. understanding of the human mind. I try to One project he would like to do is find a impart some kind of funky and real bilingual translator who can interpret his situations, writing them out according to book of poems. the billiard principle .. . one corner to the " I'll be forever grateful to you," he says second to the third to t he fourth .. to me. unexpected solutions. Anybody out there? 7

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Fashion - Your Reception - Wedding Services Advertising Florists - Photographers - Honeymoon Travel Deadline . Hair Salons - Cosmetics - Shower G ifts February 17, 1987 Limousines - Wedding Gifts RI. Herald Ba~en·es - Restaurants - Caterers P.O. Box 6063 Invitations - Jewelers - Party Supplies Providence, RI 02940 Where T o Rent What . 724-0200 10...:. THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1987 She leaves a brother, Hyman Metacom Manor Health Center, .fraternal Association. Wallick of Springfield, N.J. Bristol, died Tuesday, January 6, Besides his wife he leaves a Graveside services were held at 1987, at t he center. She was t he daughter, Evelyn Paster of East Lincoln Park Cemetery, Warwick. wife of the late Abe V. Flink. Providence; three sons, Jay In lieu of flowers, contributions Born in Mt. Vernon, N.Y., she Tedlow of Cranston, Lowell may be made to your favorite was a daughter of the late J ulius Leonard of Clearwater, Fla., and Obituaries charity. Arrangements by the Max and Gussie (Korn) Goldstein. She Melvin Tedisky of Putnam, Sugarman Memorial Chapel, 458 had been a Providence resident Conn.; IO grandchildren and 13 Hope St., Providence. over 70 years until moving to the great-grandchildren. Health Center. She was a member A funeral service was held at HAROLD ROTHMAN of Temple Beth-El and numerous Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel, LOUIS KESTENMAN resident of Florida 10 years, PROVIDE NCE Ha rold charitable organizations. 825 Hope St., Providence. Burial P ROVIDENCE Louis previously living in New York. Rothman, 70, of 1 Chestnut St., a She leaves a daughter, Shirley was in Lincoln Park Cemetery, Kestenman, 88, of the Jewish Mrs. Fertig was a member of truck driver for New England F. Rosenbloom and a son, Ellis M. Warwick. Home for Aged, 99 H illside Ave., Temple Beth-El and its Sisterhood Motor Freight Co. fo r 35 years Flink, both of Palm Beach, Fla.; a ALAN A. GERTSACOV in Florida, and a member of the before retiring in 1973, died sister, Rae Greenspan of New co-founder, and secretary­ CRANSTON Alan A. City of Hope. . Tuesday, December 30 at Rhode York City; six grandchildren and treasurer of Kestenman Brothers Gertsacov, 49, of 67 Beacon Circle, Manufacturing Jewelers before She leaves a son, Norman Fertig Island Hospital. seven great-grandchildren. a partner with his brother in Cove retiring in 1976, died Saturday. of Buffalo, N.Y.; a brother, Jacob A lifelong resident of the city, he The funeral service was held at Metal and Textile Machinery Co., January 3, 1987, at the home. He Bilsky of P rovidence; a sister, Ida was a son of t he late Joseph and Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel, Providence, for more than 30 was the husband of Ruth (Zisquit) Bilsky of North Bay Village; 2 Deborah Rothman. 825 Hope St., Providence. Burial years. was killed Sunday, January Kestenman. grandchildren and 2 He was a member of Teamsters was in Lincoln Park Cemetery, 4, I 987, when hit by a car while great-grandchildren. Local No. 25 1 and a member of the Warwick. · Born in Austria-Hungary, a son standing near his car disabled in A graveside service was held in Congregation Shaare Zedek-Sons of the late Jacob and Goldie THERESA SOREN the breakdown lane of westbound .(Horowitz) Kestenman, he lived in Lincoln Park Cemetery, Warwick. of Abraham . PAWTUCKET Theresa Route 195, Seekonk. P rovidence for more than 75 years. Arrangements by the Max He leaves fou r sons, Nathan I. "Terry" Soren, 73, of 122 Sheffield Mr. Gertsacov was the husband Mr. Kestenman was a member Sugarman Memorial Chapel, 458 Rothman of Cranston, Alfred Ave., died Wednesday, January 7, of Kafel G. (Greenblatt) of Temple Beth-El, the Jewish Hope Street, Providence. Rothman of Providence, J oseph 1987, at Memorial Hospital. She Ge·rtsacov. Home for t he Aged and Roger SHERMAN SCHNEIDER Rothman of Miami, Fla. and Maj. was t he wife of David Soren. Born in Providence, he was a W illiams Chapter of the B'nai David Rothman, with the Army in Born in Central Falls, a son of Agnes (Garfinkle) B'rith. BUZZARDS BAY, Mass. Ft. Sam Houston, Tex.; two daughter of the late Ha rry and Gertsacov of Providence, and the Besides his wife he leaves a Sherman Schneider of Buzzards daughters, Eileen Bowden of Fannie Hazen, she had lived in late Edward Gertsacov. daughter, Mrs. Grace Baruch of Bay, Mass., died Friday, December Pawtucket and Jo Anne Maini of Pawtucket most of her life. He was a past master of the Newton, Mass., and a 12, 1986. He was a son of Cynthia Providence; IO grandchildren and She was a member of the Orpheus Lodge 36, F & AM , a past granddaughter. Haderski of Randolph, Mass., and three great -grandchildren. Women's Association of t he president of the Rhode Island A graveside service was held at Harold Schneider of Florida. He A funeral service was held at Jewish Home for the Aged, and Contract Bridge League, a vice Lincoln Park Cemetery, Warwick. also leaves a brother, Mark Mount Sinai Memoria l Chapel, Hadassah. president of the New England Arrangements were by Mount Schneider of Florida and was the 825 Hope St., Providence. Burial Besides her husband she leaves Contract Bridge Association. Sinai Memorial Chapel, 825 Hope brother of the late Marlene was in Lincoln Park Cemetery, a daughter, Barbara Block of St., Providence. Schneider. Warwick. Besides his wife and mother he In lieu of flowers contributions Providence; three sisters, Edith leaves four sons, Adam Gertsacov FLORENCE KAY may be made to the ABRAHAM SILVERMAN Shaffer of Providence, Sarah of Providence, Seth Gertsacov of Kennedy-Donovan Center, New Schuster of Pawtucket and Rose PROVIDENCE Florence PROVIDENCE - Abraham Canyon, Tex., Marc and Daniel Bedford. Alberts of New Bedford; two Kay, 76, of Butler Avenue, died Silverman. 85, of the J ewish Home Gertsacov, both of Cranston; a A graveside service was held in brothers, Morris Hazen of Saturday, January 3, 1987, at fo r the Aged, 99 Hillside Ave., sister, Joan Smith of Morristown, Plainville Cemetery, New Bedford. Pawtucket and Louis " Lenny" Meta.com Manor Nursing Home, owner-operator of Silverman's N.J ., and a brot her, Charles Covel Arrangements by t he Max Hazen of arragansett; two Bristol. She was t he wife of Barney Market on Chalkstone Avenue for of Warren. Sugarman Memorial Chapel, 458 grandchildren and a Kay. more than 40 years until retiring A funeral service was held at great-grandson. Born in Newport, a daughter of Hope St., Providence. Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel, 18 years ago, died Monday, A funeral service was held in t he late Max and Irene (Engel) December 29 at Miriam Hospi tal. 825 Hope St., Providence. Buria l IRVING FREEDLINE Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel, Levy she had been a resident of wi ll be in Lincoln Park Cemetery, PAWTUCKET Irving He was the husba nd of t he late 825 Hope St., Providence. Burial P ro• dence 4 7 years. Serna ( Leichter) Silverman. Warwick. Freedline of 190 Garden St., was in Lincoln Park Cemetery, ~ 1e was a member of Temple Pawtucket, R.I., died Tuesday, He was born in Providence, a Warwick. ROSE BERKOVIC B• .h EI. December 30, 1986. He was the son of t he late Samuel a nd Pauline CLEARWATER, Fla. - Rose She attended Smith College, husband of Irene (Dargie) (Silverman) Silverma n. SAMUEL TEDLOW Berkovic, 87, a patient at Menora .lass of 1932. Freedline. Mr. Silverma n was a member of DARTMOUTH, Mass. - A Nursing Home in St. Petersburg, Besides her husband she leaves a Besides his wife, he leaves two Touro Fraternal Association, the Cranston man, who stopped to died Monday. J anuary 5, 1987, at son, Stephen B. Kay of Brookline, sons, Barry FreedJine and Barney Hebrew Free Loan Association ret rieve his hat after it fell from the home. She was the widow of I. Mass.; a brother, Samuel H. Levy Freedline of Pawtucket and a and Temple Ema nu-el. his car on Route 195, was fatally Berkovic. of Elkins Park, Pa.; a sister, Anna daughter, Irene Rice of Jackson, He leaves two daughters, injured when he was struck by a She was born in Czechoslovakia L. Kay of Providence; and two N.H.; four stepsons, Auguste St. Eleanor Singer of Cranston a nd car about IO a.m. Monday, and had lived in Providence 30 grandchildren. Pierre and James St. Pierre of Barbara hwartzof Akron, Ohio; a January 5, 1987, state police said. years until moving to Clearwater A funeral service was held in Phoenix, AR., Francis St. Pierre of brother, Ezra Silverman of Samuel Tedlow, 66, of 74 East in 1979. Temple Beth El, 70 Orchard Ave. South Attleboro, MA and Forest Providence; fi ve grandchildren Bel Air Rd. was taken to St. Mrs. Berkovic was a member of Burial was in Sons of Israel and St. Pierre of Coventry; a brother, and four great-gra ndchildren. Luke's Hospital, New Bedfo rd, Temple Emanu-El, the Jewish David Cemetery. Arrangements by Cha rles Freedline of Tarza na, CA The fu neral was held at Max where he died January 5. Community Center and the the Max Sugarman Memorial and a sister, Shirley Harmell of Sugarman Memoria l Chapel, 458 Mr. Tedlow was a self-employed Jewish Home fo r the Aged, all in Chapel, 4.58 Hope St., Providence. Woodland Hills, CA.; I 7 Hope St., P rovidence. Burial was shoe salesman for more than 25 Providence. grandchildren and seven great in Lincoln Memorial Park years. He was the husband of Ann. She leaves two daughters, Ma rie ROSE FERTIG grandchildren. Cemetery, Warwick. (Barles) Tedlow. Silverman of Clearwater and NORTH BAY VILLAGE, Fla. In lieu of flowers contributions Born in Detroit, he had lived in ,Jeannette Bornstein of Warren; - Rose Fertig, 83, of 1780 79t h may be made to T he Diabetes ROSE G. FLINK Providence for many years before seven grandchildren and a Street Causway, an employee in Foundation. Arrangements by PROVIDENCE - Rose G. moving to Cranston .16 years ago. great-grandchild. the Personnel Department at Max Sugarman Memorial Chapel, Flink, 93, fo rmerly of 60 He was a member of Temple The funeral and burial were Woolworth, N.Y., retiring 19 years 458 Hope St., Providence. Broadway, a resident of the Emanu-El and t he Touro held in Clearwater. ago, died Wednesday, December 3 1, 1986, at the T reasure Island ROSE WALLICK Nursing Home. She was the widow WEST WARWICK - Rose U.S. Federal law now requires all funeral homes to of Samuel Fertig. Wallick, a resident of Greenwood Born in Massachusetts, a Manor Nursing Home, West provide itemized pricing. Mount Sinai Memorial Chapel daughter of Hyman and Jennie Warwick, R.I. died Monday, has provided this courtesy for over eleven years. (Solomon) Bilsky, she was a December 15, 1986. Max Sugarman MOUNT SINAI Memorial Chapel MEMORIAL CHAPEL

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THE RHODE IS LAND H E RALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1987 - 11 Planning Your Investments Israel Teen Exchange by Matthew Olerio including such obligations as The opportunity to spend a In today's financial world, the alimony and child support. The month in Israel this summer is eyer·expanding variety of re sult is your net worth. available to five Rhode Island investment products available, Even if you calculate your net teenagers. From June 24-July 22, Classifieds combined with the technological worth yourself, you may need the 1987, the high school sophomores sophistication to execute orders help of an expert to determine how and juniors will live with a family and retrieve information often much you can regularly invest and and work at a day camp at the within seconds, has made in what specific investments. You Community Center on Stern investing relatively easy. may go to a professional money Street in Jerusalem, Rhode COMPANION FOR ACTIVE 80-YEAR -OLD However, investing wisely is manager if you have substantial Island's sister community fo r ENTERTAINMENT anything but. Investment capital to invest, or to an WOMAN living on the Eastside. Meals , lodg ­ project renewal. ing and salary for the ri ght person. Please opportunities have multiplied, but independent financial planner Co-sponsored by the Jewish STEVE Y0K EN ENT ERTAINM ENT -Profes ­ send resume to P.O. Box, 6764 , Providence, so has the time required to ( who may charge from several Federation of Rhode Island, the sional Master of Ceremonies and Disc Al 02940. 1/ 9/87 research them adequately. As a hundred to several thousand Bureau of Jewish Education and Jockey. Specialists m Bar / Bat Mitzvahs and result, many investors may end up candle-lighting ceremonies . Radio Station dollars for a detailed plan) or to a the Jewish Community Center, SPECIAL SERVICES with an unfocused approach to bank, insurance company or Pr,zes. (Optional · N.Y. Laser Li ght Show) the Stern Street-Rhode Island Many refere nces. 61 7-679-1545. 12/ 27 / 87 investing. brokerage firm, which charge less. Teen Exchange Program also TIRED OF RUNNING ERRANDS? r11 shop for Many people know in a general Shearson Lehman Brothers, for includes touring Israel. Knowledge you . Barbara Dwares ··shop 'Til You Drop " way what they want to accomplish example, provides in vestment Agency. 943-1532. 1/9/87 or study of spoken Hebrew is FOR RENT th rough investing - send children planning assistance with its required. Participants will receive ALL CLASSB0X CO RR ESPON DENCE TO: to college, provide fo r retirement, Pe rsonal Review Outline (PRO) at a partial subsidy from the FLO RIDA. HOLLYWO OD BEACH RESORT ClassBox No. increase current income and so on. no charge as well as through the Federation for air fare. HOTEL. Studio unit on ocean , furnished. ap ­ But knowing what your financial The A.I. Jewish Herald continuing guidance of a Financial Israeli students from Stern pliances. T.V.. health club included. Avail­ P.O. Box 6063 objectives are is not helpful unless Consultant. Street will stay with host families ab le weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. S500 per Providence, A.I. 02940 you can quantify them. For Investment planning programs, July 22 to August 19 while they week. Telelphone 331 -3415. 1/ 16/87 example, you might want to such as the PRO, ask you to participate in a similar program in This newspaper will not. kno wingly, accept accumulate $50,000 fo r college by provide detailed financial Providence. any advertising for real estate which is in 1990, retire on $5,000 per month information, which is then The deadline for applications is HELP WANTED violation of the A.I. Fair Housing Act and in 10 years or increase current analyzed by investment January 15, 1987. For further Section 804 (C) of Title VIII of the 1968 Civil investment income from $750 to specialists, who alert you to information call Ron Haber at the BAB YSITTER WANTED . Middle Aged Fe- Rights Act. Our readers are hereby informe

18. Dr. Borenstein currently is 1 involved in palliative care. Rabbi S holom Strajcher, Dean .._,~p\_ ~- • ' ..,_ - II of the Providence Hebrew Day 1_ - , "- , ~ • • Minds Over Money School and the New Engla nd Academy of Torah, will speak to Expresses our belief that you and your the Minyanaires on Sunday, January 25. His lecture will be 738-2550 financial consultant are engaged in a 14 Perspectives of Finding God." The M inyan for the morning 835 West Shore Road partnership, one in which you both work . begins at 9 a.m. at the Temple, Warwick, R.I . fo llowed by breakfast. The lectures "Member N. A. E.S.A." together to achieve your financial goals. begin at 10 a.m. Matthew Olerio Financial CoMultant Shearson Lehman Bros . . Shearson Lehman Bros. and The Serious Investor WHOLESALE TRANSPORT INC.

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12 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1987 agreement which is established Dr. Imber is a Professor of among you. Ultimately, you may Special Education at Rhode l sumd be faced with some very difficult College, a past president of the :Parents Plights & Rights '· c; choices. You might elect to permit International Council for Children iii··· . your son to have "the run of the with Behauioral Disorders and a by Dr. Steve Imber , house." That is, you may choose to consultant to parents and schools. ignore the present situation in the Questions about children and I.' hopes that he will mature and adolescents with learning or ~ become more responsive. You behauioral problems can be mailed might also choose to seek to him at 145 Waterman Street, Dear Dr. Imber; some advice, and quickly! in some rather directive and counseling for yourselves to Prouidence, R.l., 02906 My husband and are Frantic in t he New Year! perhaps intensive sessions identify alternative strategies for (401-276-5775). All communication experiencing a crisis with our Dear Fran tic: designed to address those concerns dealing with your son or possibly will be held in strict confidence. ~dolescent son . He is very Your situation is indeed a which you have related to me. I to explore the reasons why the independent in bis attitudes critical one. However, you have would strongly recommend that situation has reached its current ·and seems to feel be can do begun the new year with a you and your husband seek magnitude. If you and your For Tay-Sachs whatever be likes. He is willingness to seek some direction counseling or consultation huband are in agreement that your failing in school and bas and perhaps to commit to a plan of designed to directly confront your son is truly out of control and is Blood Test refused to do bis homework or action. From the description concerns. After t he first or second resistant to meeting any study. He bas been unwilling which you have provided me, it session, your son's involvement reasonable guidelines which Many people have never even to agree to come home b y 9 on seems apparent that your son is would be paramount. Establishing pertain to his behavior, you may heard of it. Most. people do not. weekdays and by 11 on very much in control and yet, he is some clear expectations which you need to consider more drastic realize this fatal disease Tay-Sachs - is an inherited, weekends. He is often very definitely out of control. It is and your husband can agree on is steps. One possible consideration impolite to me and is only certainly possible that your son an important first step. For is to contact the Department of geneti<' disorder which strikes infants, usunlly of Jewish descent. slightly better behaved with may have some learning example, if you are appalled by Children and Their Families my husband. He bas always disabilities (undiagnosed) which your son's late hours or the (DCF) and consider filing a charge The disease, which is incurable, had "a mind of his own" but are having a profound influence on company which he keeps and your of wayward youth. You may wish causes deterioration of an infant's nervous system. The child can no during the past few months be his behavior. He may be extremely husband says, " He's just a normal, to consult with a consultant, longer grasp, see, hear, eat, or has become far more resistant frustrated and overwhelmed. He high-strung adolescent," then clinical psychologist, psychiatric smile and usually dies before age to us. We often have heated may be seeking to identify himself your own differences of opinion social worker, your attorney, or four. arguments which result in his with a peer group that is basically will need to be very carefully some other profesional. Another The disease is caused by the leaving the house and an alientsted subculture of the examined. It is possible that alternative that you may wish to sometimes staying with a general school population. At the through the structure of a series of consider is a diagnostic evaluation absence of a vital enzyme, friend for hours. Although we present time, your son appears to consultation . or counseling at a psychiatric hospital such as Hexosaminidase A (Hex A), which don't think it happens often, it be engaged in a power struggle of sessions that you might come to an Bradley Hospital in East is needed to break down fatty is possible that be is in volved severe proportions. It is not clear agreement about expectations. It Providence or McLean Hospital in materials in the brain (lipids). A with drugs or alcohol. After whether you have participated in is also critical that you establish the Boston area. Tay-Sachs child lacks Hex A and we received the first quarter family counseling sessions, or if positive and negative Admittedly, some of the above accumulates fatt y substances in grades (almost all "F's"), w e you did, how long these sessions consequences when those choices are rather difficult ones. the hrain, impairing its fu nction were primarily concerned were maintained and what the expectations have been met as Nevertheless, I urge you to make a and causing its destruction. about school. Now, our primary issues of discussion were. well as when they are violated. If new year's resolution to address A Tay-Sachs child can only be concerns are more It is also not clear whether your your son is willing to work with these problems squarely, to born when both parents carry the considerable. Help. We need son would be a willing participant you and with a consultant or carefully plan a series of steps that gene for Tay-Sachs. In cases such counselor, then you might wish to you wi ll need to take in order to as these there is a one in fou r refer him for a special education bring the situation under control, chnnce with each pregnancy that evaluation as soon as possible. and to follow through with your the child will be afllicted with It is possible that your son will well -t hought-out plan. To delay Tay-Sachs. be unwilling to go to counseling taking a definitive course of action For more informat ion on ' 243 Reservoir Ave., Prov. (near Cranston Line) 461 -0425 sessions or will pay mere lip at this point in time will deprive T ay-Sachs, call Jewish Family .....,_ __,_ RHODE ISLAND'S ONLY COMPLETE KOSHER DELI service to any type of an you of making 1987 a better year. Sen ·ice at (401) :)31-6962. 51,69 1b 55.49 1b. 59.99 lb .. 79c 1b. 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