Russians Send. Arms To. Fatah Est Bank
Page Twelve THE JEWISH POST Thursday, September 28, 1972 STACi{ ~s --- ,OVERSIZE BRITAIN REPORTEDLY DENIES FILM COMPANY . U.S., Israeli Financiers EGYPT ON JAGUAR FIGHTERS BOYCOTTS ARABS BARNEY GLAZER Rome-Britain will not sell Egypt Los Angeles (JCNS) - The Four 1 Open International Bank the Jaguar high-performance fighter Star Entertainment Corporation of • el Aviv-One of America's major I Israeli business and industry by 'aircraft, according to authoritative Hollywood, an international distri- IN HOLLYWOOD financial institutions has joined with I U.S. firms and individuals. o urces in ,Rome. bu tor of American films and televi- I Israeli interests to launch· this The Pennsylvania Corporation is The sources coDfinned that Britain sion feattires, has announced that it country's first international bank. 'investing $16 million in acquiring had been approached by Egypt for. has ,broken olf business relations The First ,International Bank of 41.6 per cent shares of the new arms following Egypt's l' e c en t with Arab countries harboring ter- I Israel opened for business here this international bank. This is reported wholesale expulsion of Soviet offi- I rorists.· J • George Jessel refused to accept an appointment as Israel's To,/stmaster. '-V~ol~. Xrmrr:;~~---WIWINNNN1iIP~E~G},,~'lri'HEfURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1972 No. 40 week formed by an international to be one of the' largest amounts cials from the country. The announcement, lSSued the day George doesn',t want a job that pays him in pledges. group headed by the First Pennsyl- ever invested in a single Israeli UNIONS WARN AGAINST But Britain has an embargo on after the' mw:~cre, also I Jackie Barnett, who wrote much of Jimmy Durante's material, wrote vania Corporation, the holding com- enterprise 'by a foreign commercial TERRORISM deliveries of offensive weapons' to.
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