The Ladies' Tailor Complete Instructor
U /7 A 7 X I TT 520 J . H89 J Copy 1 LMDIBS' TRILOR BS Complete > INSTRUCTOR BY . Hughes 6c Storey, ST. LOUIS, MO. COPYRIGHT SECURED OCTOBER. 1892, BY HUGHES & STOREY. EKEEL PRINT. 1007-e-li LOCUST STREET. ST. LOUIS. *-INST N SHEET* IEASURES. O supply the demand of ailor-cut patterns, we have had instruction sheets printed ®? which illustrates and t 'i _isely how to take accurate measures, and gives blank spaces for writing the same. Before ordering a pattern, our patrons (if not already in possesson of the Lathes' Tailor instruction book) must send us 10 cents in postage for one of these instruction sheets, then have her measure taken and return with her order for the pattern wanted. We do not cut patterns from measures taken according to the directions given by charts or other methods, because as a rule they are unreliable. Dressmakers who desire to make up dresses for their customers at a distance, or wish to in- crease their business by filling orders by mail, will find these instruction sheets the very thing needed to assist them in this part of their business. They can be sent to their patrons and measures obtained that will afford both them and their customer a basis for confidence that beautifully fitting garments will be secured. These instruction sheets are furnished to dressmakers at the rate of 25 cents per dozen. PRICE OF TAILOR-CUT PATTERNS. When we take your measure, or when it is taken according to our instructions, we guarantee the pattern to fit. Basque, Coat, Seamless Waist, Cape, Riding Habit, (Jacket or Habit proper), Riding Skirt, or Trousers $1 50 each Riding Habit, full suit, including Habit Skirt and Trousers 4 00 Princess, Wrapper, Ulster, Newmarket, Dolman, or Circular 2 50 each Skirt, Boys' Coat, Boys' Knee Pants, Gents' Shirts, or Children's Suits 1 00 each Sleeves, Girdles, etc 50 each Collars 25 each GRADED PATTERNS.
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