Qualiherb Traditional Formula List

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Qualiherb Traditional Formula List Item # niP niY Detail Information Chinese 20527 An Zhong San Amomi & Fennel Formula 安中散 20285 Ba Li San Musk & Catechu Fm. 八厘散* 20211 Ba Wei Dai Xia Fang DangGui & Eight Herb Fm. 八味帶下方 20210 Ba Wei Di Huang Wan Rehmannia Eight Fm. 八味地黃丸 20208 Ba Xian Tang Eight Immortal Cb. 八仙湯 20212 Ba Zhen Tang DangGui & Ginseng Eight Cb. 八珍湯 20209 Ba Zheng San Dianthus Fm. 八正散 21135 Bai Du San Notopterigium & Tuhuo Formula 敗毒散 20602 Bai He Gu Jin Tang Lily Combination 百合固金湯 20524 Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang Ginseng & Gypsum Combination 白虎加人參湯 20525 Bai Hu Tang Gypsum Combination 白虎湯 20526 Bai Tou Weng Tang Pulsatilla Combination 白頭翁湯 21280 Ban Long Wan Ban Long Wan 斑龍丸 20505 Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang Pinellia & Magnolia Combination 半夏厚朴湯 20504 Ban Xia Tian Ma Bai Zhu Tang Pinellia & Gastrodia Combination 半夏天麻白朮湯 20506 Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang Pinellia Combination 半夏瀉心湯 20586 Ban Xie Liu Jun Zi Tang Pinellia & Ginseng 6 Combination 半瀉六君子湯 20902 Bao An Shen Polyporus & Pinellia Combination 保安腎 20904 Bao Can Wu Yu Fang DangGui & Artemisia Combination 保產無憂方 22080 Bao Fu Jian Forsythia & Lonicera Formula 寶膚健(頭瘡一方) 20903 Bao He Wan Citrus & Cratagus Formula 保和丸 20901 Bao Yuan Chai Hu Qing Gan San Bupleurum & Moutan Formula 保元柴胡清肝散 21207 Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin Tokoro Combination 萆薢分清飲 22381 Bian Zi Xin Qi Yin Bian Zi Xin Qi Yin 變制心器飲 21321 Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang DangGui, Astragalus & Lumbricas Combination 補陽還五湯 21381 Bu Yin Tang DangGui & Rehmannia Combination 補陰湯 21319 Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Ginseng & Astragalus Combination 補中益氣湯 21402 Cang Er Zi San Xanthium Formula 蒼耳散 20914 Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang Bupleurum & Pueraria Combination 柴葛解肌湯 20909 Chai Hu Gui Zhi Gan Jiang Tang Bupleurum Cinnamon & Ginger Combination 柴胡桂枝乾薑湯 20908 Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang Bupleurum & Cinnamon Combination 柴胡桂枝湯 20907 Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Bupleurum & D.B. Combination 柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯 20910 Chai Hu Qing Gan Tang Bupleurum & Rehmannia Combination 柴胡清肝湯 20911 Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang Bupleurum & Cyperus Formula 柴胡疏肝湯 20912 Chai Ling Tang Bupleurum & Hoelen Combination 柴苓湯 20913 Chai Xian Tang Bupleurum & Scute Combination 柴陷湯 20385 Chien Jin Nei Tou San Astragalus & Platycodon Fm. 千金內托散 21282 Chuan Si Jun Zi Tang Atractylodes & Cardamon 川四君子湯 20321 Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San Cnidium & Tea Fm. 川芎茶調散 20309 Da Chai Hu Tang Major Bupleurum Cb. 大柴胡湯 20322 Da Chai Hu Tang Qu Da Huang Major Bupleurum Cb. W/O Rhubarb 大柴胡湯去大黃 20306 Da Cheng Qi Tang Major Rhubarb Cb. 大承氣湯 20382 Da Fang Feng Tang Major Siler Cb. 大防風湯* 20311 Da Huang Mu Dan Pi Tang Rhubarb & Moutan Cb. 大黃牡丹皮湯 20308 Da Jian Zhong Tang Major Zanthoxylum Cb. 大建中湯 20310 Da Qin Jiao Tang Major Gentiana Macrophylle Cb. 大秦艽湯 20501 Dai Zhe Xuan Fu Tang Inula & Hematite Combination 代赭旋覆湯 21309 Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang DangGui Six Yellow Combination 當歸六黃湯 21314 Dang Gui Long Hui Wan DangGui, Gentiana & Aloe Combination 當歸龍薈丸 21312 Dang Gui Nian Tong Tang DangGui & Anemarrhena Combination 當歸拈痛湯 21311 Dang Gui Shao Yao San DangGui & Peony Formula 當歸芍藥散 21310 Dang Gui Si Ni Tang DangGui & Jujube Combination 當歸四逆湯 Since 1946 Item # niP niY Detail Information Chinese 21383 Dang Gui Si Ni Wu Zhu Yu Tang DangGui Evodia & Ginger Combination 當歸四逆吳茱萸湯 21313 Dang Gui Yin Zi DangGui & Tribuli Combination 當歸飲子 21602 Dao Chi San Rehmannia & Clematidis Formula 導赤散 21601 Dao Shui Fu Ling Tang Hoelen Atrac. & Areca Combination 導水茯苓湯 20812 Di Dang Tang Rhubarb & Persica Combination 抵當湯 20814 Ding Zhi Wan Ginseng & Polygala Formula 定志丸 21603 Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang Tuhuo & Loranthus Combination 獨活寄生湯 21323 Dun Sou Tang Morus & Platycodon Combination 頓嗽湯 20204 Er Chen Tang Citrus & Pinellia Cb. 二陳湯 20801 Er Ke Xing Su San Apricot Semen & Perilla Formula (Pedia) 兒科杏蘇散 20220 Er Xian Tang Curculigo & Epimedium Cb. 二仙湯* 20203 Er Zhu Tang Atractylodes & Arisaema Cb. 二朮湯 20711 Fang Ji Huang Qi Tang Stephania & Astragalus Combination 防己黃耆湯 20409 Fen Xiao Tang Hoelen & Alisma Combination 分消湯 21508 Fu Fang Dan Shen Yin Salvia Comb. 複方丹參飲 21082 Fu Ling Yin Hoelen Combination 茯苓飲 21024 Fu Tu Dan Hoelen & Cuscuta Formula 茯菟丹 21301 Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang DangGui & Persica Combination 傷科復元活血湯 20811 Fu Zi Li Zhong Tang Aconite, Ginseng, & Ginger Combination 附子理中湯 20580 Gan Cao Fu Zi Tang Licorice & Aconite Combination 甘草附子湯 20530 Gan Cao Xie Xin Tang Pinellia and Licorice Combination 甘草瀉心湯 20519 Gan Mai Da Zao Tang Licorice & Jujube Combination 甘麥大棗湯 20520 Gan Ru Xiao Du Dan Forsythia & Cornus Formula 甘露消毒丹 20521 Gan Ru Yin Sweet Combination 甘露飲 21318 Ge Gen Huang Liang Huang Qin TanPueraria, Coptis, & Scute Combination 葛根黃連黃芩湯 21380 Ge Gen Tang Jia Chuan Xiong Xin YPueraria & Magnolia Combination 葛根湯加川芎辛夷 21316 Ge Hua Jie Cheng Tang Pueraria Flos Awaken Combination 葛花解酲湯 21406 Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang Persica & Carthamus Combination 膈下逐瘀湯 21217 Gou Teng San Uncaria Formula 鉤藤散 20815 Gu Pao Wan Gu Pao Wan 固庖丸 21002 Gua Lou Xie Bai Tang Trichosanthes & Bakeri Cb. 瓜蔞韰白散 21290 Gui Lu Er Xian Wan Gui Lu Er Xian Wan 龜鹿二仙丸 21802 Gui Pi Tang Ginseng & Longan Combination 歸脾湯 21801 Gui Qi Jian Zhong Tang DangGui & Astragalus Combination 歸耆建中湯 21007 Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan Cinnamon & Hoelen Formula 桂枝茯苓丸 21083 Gui Zhi Jia Ge Gen Tang Cinnamon & Pueraria Comb. 桂枝加葛根湯 21084 Gui Zhi Jia Huang Qi Tang Cinnamon & Astragalus Comb. 桂枝加黃耆湯 21005 Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang Cinnamon & D.B. Combination 桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯 21004 Gui Zhi Jia Shao Yao Tang Cinnamon & Peony Combination 桂枝加芍藥湯 21003 Gui Zhi Jia Zhu Fu Tang Cinnamon Atractylodes & Aconite Combination 桂枝加朮附湯 21008 Gui Zhi Tang Cinnamon Combination 桂枝湯 21080 Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang Cinnamon Five Herbs Combination 桂枝五物湯 21322 Guo Qi Yin P.M.S.O.S. Combination 過期飲 20980 Hou Pu Qi Wu Tang Magnolia Seven Combination 厚朴七物湯 20905 Hou Pu Wen Zhong Tang Magnolia & Vladimiriae Combination 厚朴溫中湯 21401 Huai Hua San Sophorae Flos Formula 槐花散 21703 Huan Shao Dan Lycium Formula 還少丹 21214 Huang Lian E Jiao Tang Coptis & Asini Combination 黃連阿膠湯* 21216 Huang Lian Jie Du Tang Coptis & Scute Combination 黃連解毒湯 21213 Huang Lian Shang Qing Wan Coptis, Phellodendron & Mentha Combination 黃連上清丸 21215 Huang Lian Tang Coptis Combination 黃連湯 Since 1946 Item # niP niY Detail Information Chinese 21212 Huang Qi Jian Zhong Tang Astragalus Combination 黃耆建中湯 21211 Huang Qi Wu Wu Tang Astragalus Five Herbs Combination 黃耆五物湯 21210 Huang Qin Tang Scutellaria Combination 黃芩湯 22001 Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San Agastache Formula 藿香正氣散 21701 Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan Rehmannia Ten Formula 濟生腎氣丸 20587 Jia Wei Gui Pi Tang Modified Ginseng & Longan Combination 加味歸脾湯 20502 Jia Wei Ping Wei San Modified Magnolia & Ginger Formula 加味平胃散 20503 Jia Wei Xiao Yao San Bupleurum & Peony Formula 加味逍遙散 21101 Jian Er Wan Atractylodes & Vladimiriae Combination 健兒丸* 21102 Jian Ying San Inphantrans Formula 健嬰散 21013 Jie Geng Tang Platyeodon Combination 桔梗湯 20809 Jin Kui Dang Gui San DangGui Formula 當歸散 20807 Jin Shui Liu Jun Jian DangGui, Rehmannia & Six Herbs Combination 金水六君煎 20810 Jin Suo Gu Jin Wan Lotus Stamen Formula 金鎖固精丸 21027 Jing Fang Bai Du San Schizonepeta & Ledebouriella Formula 荊防敗毒散 21028 Jing Jei Lian Qiao Tang Schizonepeta & Forsythia Combination 荊芥連翹湯 20282 Jiu Wei Bing Lang Jia Wu Fu Areca Semen Cb. 九味檳榔加吳茯* 20202 Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang Notopterigium Nine Herbs Cb. 九味羌活湯 21605 Ju He Wan Citrus Semen Combinaiton 橘核丸 21604 Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang Aurantium & Bambusae Combination 橘皮竹茹湯 22301 Juan Bi Tang Notopterigium & Tumeric Combination 蠲痹湯 20420 Kon Shen Zhen Zhong Dan Polygala & Acorus Formula 孔聖枕中丹* 21121 Li Zhong Tang Ginseng & Ginger Combination 理中湯 21125 Lian Qiao Bai Du San Forsythia Detoxic Formula 連翹敗毒散 21109 Liang Ge San Forsythia & Rhubarb Formula 涼膈散 21133 Liang Ge San Qu Xiao Huang Jia Jie Forsythia & Platycodon Formula 涼膈散去硝黃加桔梗 20918 Ling Gan Jiang Wei Xin Xia Ren TanHoelen & Schizandra Combination 苓甘薑味辛夏仁湯 20919 Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang Atractylodes & Hoelen Combination 苓桂朮甘湯 20408 Liu He Tang Cardamon Combination 六和湯 20406 Liu Jun Zi Tang Six Major Herb Combination 六君子湯 20407 Liu Wei Di Huang Wan Rehmannia Six Formula 六味地黃丸 20405 Liu Yi San Talcum & Licorice Formula 六一散* 21608 Long Dan Xie Gan Tang Gentiana Combination 龍膽瀉肝湯 21680 Long Gu Mu Li Tang Dragon Bone & Oyster Shell Formula 龍骨牡蠣湯 21127 Ma Zi Ren Wan Apricot Semen & Linum Formula 麻子仁丸 21126 Mai Men Dong Tang Ophiopogon Combination 麥門冬湯 21140 Mai Wei Di Huang Wan Ophiopogon & Schizandra Formula 麥味地黃丸 20413 Mu Fang Ji Tang Cocculi & Ginseng Combination 木防己湯 20414 Mu Xiang Bing Lang Wan Vladimiriae & Areca Semen Combination 木香檳榔丸 21324 Ning Sou Wan Fritillaria & Platycodon Formula 寧嗽丸 20312 Nu Ke Bai Zi Ren Wan Biota & Achyranthes Fm. 女科柏子仁丸 20384 Nu Shen San DangGui & Cyperus Formula 女神散* 21108 Pai Nong San Platycodon & Auramtium Im Formula 排膿散 20532 Ping Gan Liu Qi Yin Cyperus & Citrus Combination 平肝流氣飲 20515 Ping Wei San Magnolia & Ginger Formula 平胃散 21202 Pu Chi Xiao Du Yin Coptis, Scrophularia & Forsythia Combination 普濟消毒飲 21481 Pu Gong Yin Tang Dandelion Combination 蒲公英湯 20218 Qi Bao Mei Zan Dan Cuscuta & Lycium Fm. 七寶美髯丹 20705 Qi Ju Di Huang Wan Lycium, Chrys. & Rehmannia Formula 杞菊地黃丸 20201 Qi Li San Musk & Catechu Fm. 七厘散* 21105 Qi Pi Tang Lotus & Citrus Combination 啟脾湯 Since 1946 Item # niP niY Detail Information Chinese 21607 Qi Wei Bai Zhu San Atractylodes & Pueraria Formula 七味白朮散 20281 Qi Wei Du Qi Wan Rehmannia & Schizandra Fm. 七味都氣丸 20219 Qi Wu Jiang Xia Tang DangGui & Uncaria Ramulus Cb. 七物降下湯 20806 Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang Notopterigium Combination 羌活勝濕湯 21106 Qiang Shen Rehmannia & Lotus Stamen Combination 強腎* 21023 Qin Jiao Bie Jia San Gentiana Macrophlla & T.S. Formula 秦艽鱉甲散 21114 Qing Fei Tang Platycodon & Fritillaria Combination 清肺湯 21113
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