Author Last First Title Priority Classification

Aeschylus Promethueus Bound A Classic

Aeschylus Seven Againet Thebes A Classic

Aeschylus Suppilant Women A Classic

Aeschylus The Perslane A Classic

Aesop Fables A Youth

Anderson Sherwood Winesburg, Ohio A Fiction

Apollonius On Conic Sections A Science

Aquinas St. Thomas On Being and Essence A Philosophy

Aquinas St. Thomas Treatise on God A Philosophy

Aquinas St. Thomas Treatise on Man A Philosophy

Archimedes Essays on Floating Bodies A Science

Archimedes Essays on the Equilibrium of Planes A Science

Archimedes The Sand-Reckoner A Science

Aristophanes The Clouds A Fiction

Aristophanes The Frogs A Fiction

Aristophanes The Knights A Fiction

Aristotle Metaphysics A Philosophy

Aristotle Nichomachean Ethics A Philosophy

Aristotle On the Soul A Philosophy

Aristotle Organon A Philosophy

Aristotle Physics A Science

Aristotle Politics A Philosophy

Aristotle Rhetoric A Philosophy

Aristotle Christian Doctrine A Philosophy

Augustine Meditations A Philosophy

Aureiius Antonius Marcus Emma A Philosophy

Austen Jane Mansfield Park A Fiction

Austen Jane Northanger Abbey A Fiction

Austen Jane Sense & Sensibility A Fiction

Austen Jane Advancement of Learning A Fiction Bacon Francis New Atlantis A Philosophy

Bacon Francis Novum Organum A Philosophy

Bacon Francis Cousin Bette A Philosophy

Balzac Honore de Pere Goriot A Fiction

Balzac Honore de Pilgrimage of Western Man A Fiction

Barr Stringfellow The Rise of American Civilization A Philosophy

Beard Charles Looking Backward A History

Bellamy Edward The Old Wives’ Tale A Fiction

Bennett Arnold Principles of Human A Fiction

Berkeley George Knowledge A Philosophy

Borrow George Lavengro A Fiction

Boyle Robert The Skeptical Chymist A Science

Bronte Charlotte Jane Eyre A Fiction

Brooks Van Wyck The Flowering of New England A Fiction

Browning Robert Selected Poems A Poetry

Bunyan John Pilgrim’s Progress Refections on the A Romance Revolution Burke Edmund In France A Essays

Burns Robert Poems A Poetry

Bury John B. History of Greece A History

Cather Willa My Antonia A Fiction

Cellini Benvenuto Autobiography A Biography

Cervantes Miguel Don Quixote A Romance

Cicero Marcus Tullius On Friendship A Classic

Cicero Marcus Tullius On Old Age A Classic

Cicero Marcus Tullius Orations A Classic

Coleridge Samuel Biographia Literaria A Essays

Conrad Joseph The Nigger of the Narcissus A Fiction

Cooper James F. Last of the Mohicans A Fiction

Copernicus Nicolaus On the Revolutions of the Heavenly A Science Spheres Dante Alighieri The Devine Comedy A Drama Darwin Charles Origin of Species A Science

Defoe Daniel Moli Flanders A Fiction

Defoe Daniel Robinson Crusoe A Youth

Descartes Rene Discourse on Method A Philosophy

Descartes Rene Geometry A Science

Descartes Rene Meditations on First Philosophy A Philosophy

Descartes Rene Rules for the Direction of the Mind A Philosophy

Dickens Charles David Copperfield A Fiction

Dickens Charles Great Expectations A Fiction

Dickens Charles The Christmas Book A Fiction

Dickens Charles The Pickwick Papers A Fiction

Donne John Selected Poems and Prose A Poetry

Dos Passos John USA A Fiction

Dostoyevsky Feodor Notes from the Underground A Fiction

Dostoyevsky Feodor The Idiot A Fiction

Doyle Arthur Conan Complete Sherlock Holmes A Fiction

Eliot George Adam Bede A Fiction

Eliot George Middlemarch A Fiction

Ellis Havelock Dance of Life A

Emerson Ralph Essays A Essays

Emerson Ralph Journal A Essays

Emerson Ralph Poems A Poetry

Emerson Ralph Representative Men A Essays

Epictetus Discourse A Classic

Epictetus Enchiridion A Classic

Epicurus Letter to Herodotus A Classic

Epicurus Letter to Menoeceus A Classic

Euclid Geometry A Science

Euripides Hippolytus A Classic

Euripides Medea A Classic

Faraday Michael Experimental Researches In A Science Electricity Faure Elie History of Art A

Fielding Henry Amelia A Fiction

Fielding Henry Tom Jones A Fiction

Flaubert Gustave Madame Bovary A Fiction

Fourier Jean Analytical Theory of Heat A Science

France Anatole Penguin Island A Fiction

Franklin Benjamin Autobiography A Biography

Frazer Sir James The Golden Bough A

Freud Sigmond The Interpretation of Dreams A Science

Galen On the Natural Faculties A Science

Galilei Galileo Dialogue Concerning the Two New A Science Sciences Gaskell Elizabeth Cranford A Fiction

Gibbon Edward The Decline & Fall of the Roman A History Empire Gissing George Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft A

Goethe Johann W. Faust A Drama

Gogol Nikolai Dead Souls A Fiction

Hamilton Alexander Articles of Confederation A History

Hamilton Alexander Constitution of the United States A History

Hamilton Alexander Declaration of Independence A History

Hamilton Alexander The Federalist Papers A History

Hardy Thomas Tess of the d’Ubervilles A Fiction

Harvey William On the Circulation of the Blood A Science

Harvey William On the Generation of Animals A Science

Harvey William On the Motion of the Heart A Science

Hawthorne Nathaniel The Scarlet Letter A Fiction

Hegel Georg Philosophy of History A Philosophy

Hegel Georg Philosophy of Right A Philosophy

Herodotus Histories A Classic

Herrick Robert Hesperides A

Hobbes Thomas The Leviathan A Philosophy Hudson William H. Green Mansion A Fiction

Hugo Victor Les Miserables A Fiction

Hume David An Enquiry Concerning the Human A Philosophy Unstanding Hume David Treatise on Human Nature A Philosophy

Huygens Christian Treatise on Light A Science

Ibsen Henrick A Doll’s House A Drama

Ibsen Henrick Brand A Drama

Ibsen Henrick Ghosts A Drama

Ibsen Henrick Peer Gynt A Drama

James Henry The Ambassadors A Fiction

James Henry The American A Fiction

James Henry The Turn of the Screw & Other A Fiction Stories James William Pragmatism A

James William The Principals of Psychology A Science

Jeans James Mysterious Universe A Science

Kant Immanuel Critique of Judgement A Philosophy

Kant Immanuel Critique of Practical Reason A Philosophy

Kant Immanuel Critique of Pure Reason A Philosophy

Kant Immanuel Fundamental Principles of A Philosophy Metaphysics of Morals Kant Immanuel The Science of Right A Philosophy

Keats John Poems A Poetry

Kepler Johannes Epitome of Copernican Astronomy A Science

Kepler Johannes The Harmonies of the World: Book V A Science

Kipling Rudyard Soldiers Three A Fiction

Lamb Charles Essays of Ella A Essays

Lardner Ring The Round Up A

Lavoisier Antoine Elements of Chemistry A Science

Lewis Sinclair Babbitt A Fiction

Lincoln Abraham Letter and Speeches A History

Livy History of Rome A History Locke John Essay Concerning Human A Philosophy Understanding Locke John Letter Concerning Toleration A Philosophy

Locke John Of Civil Government A Philosophy

Lucretius On the Nature of Things A Classic

Lyell Charles Antiquity of Man A Science

Lyell Charles Principles of Geology A Science

Malory Thomas Morte d’Arthur A Romance

Malthus Thomas Essay on the Principles of Population A Philosophy

Marx Karl Capital A Philosophy

Maugham W. Somerset Of Human Bondage A

Maupassant Guy Short Stories A Fiction

Melville Herman Moby Dick A Fiction

Melville Herman Typee A Fiction

Meredith George Ordeal of Richard Feverel A Fiction

Mill John Stuart Autobiography A Biography

Mill John Stuart On Liberty A Philosophy

Mill John Stuart Representative Government A Philosophy

Mill John Stuart Utilitarianism A Philosophy

Milton John Areopagitica A Fiction

Montaigne Michel Essays A Essays

Montesquieu Charles The Spirit of Laws A

More Thomas Utopia A Philosophy

Muhammad The Koran A Philosophy

Newton Isaac Optics A Science

Newton Isaac The Principia A Science

Nicomachus Introduction to Arithmetic A Science

Nietzsche Freedrick W. Thus Spake Zarathustra A Philosophy

Norris Frank McTeague A

Paine Thomas The Rights of Man A Philosophy

Pascal Blaise Pensees A Philosophy

Pascal Blaise Scientific Treatise A Science Pascal Blaise The Provential Letters A

Pepys Samuel Diary A

Plato Apology A Classic

Plato Gorglas A Classic

Plato Meno A Classic

Plato Phaedo A Classic

Plato Phaedrus A Classic

Plato Protagoras A Classic

Plato Republic A Classic

Plato Sophist A Classic

Plato Symposium A Classic

Plato Theaetetus A Classic

Plotinus The Enneads Classic

Plutarch Lives of the Noble Grecians and A Biography Romans Plutarch Moralia A Classic

Poe Edgar Tales of Mystery and Imagination A Fiction

Ptolemy The Almagest A Classic

Reade Charles Cloister and the Hearth A Fiction

Remarque Enrich All Quiet on the Western Front A

Renan Ernest Life of Jesus A Philosophy

Rolland Romain Jean-Christophe A

Rousseau Jean-Jacques Confessions A Biography

Rousseau Jean-Jacques Discourse on the Origin of Inequality A

Rousseau Jean-Jacques Emile A Fiction

Rousseau Jean-Jacques On Political Economy A Philosophy

Rousseau Jean-Jacques Social Contract A Philosophy

Scott Sir Walter Ivanhoe A

Shakespeare William As You Like It A Fiction

Shakespeare William A Fiction

Shakespeare William King Lear A Fiction

Shakespeare William Macbeth A Fiction Shakespeare William Midsummer Night’s Dream A Fiction

Shaw George Man and Superman A Bernard Sinclair Upton The Jungle A

Smith Adam The Wealth of Nations A Philosophy

Sophocles Antigone A Classic

Sophocles Electra A Classic

Sophocles the King A Classic

Sophocles Oedipus Rex A Classic

Spencer Edmund The Faerie Queene A

Spinoza Benedict Ethics A Philosophy

Steinbeck John The Grapes of Wrath A

Stendhal The Red and the Black A Sentimental A Fiction Journey Sterne Lawrence Through France and Italy A Travel

Sterne Lawrence Tristram Shandy A Fiction

Swift Jonathan A Tale of a Tub A Fiction

Swift Jonathan Gulliver’s Travels A Fiction

Tacitus Cornelius Agricola A History

Tacitus Cornelius Annals A History

Tacitus Cornelius Germania A History

Tacitus Cornelius Histories A History

Thackeray William Henry Esmond A Fiction

Thackeray William Pandennia A Fiction

Thackeray William Vanity Fair A Fiction

Thoreau Henry Walden A Fiction

Thucydides Palopannesian War A History

Tolstoy Leo Anna Karenia A Fiction

Toynbee Arnold A Study of History A

Trollope Anthony The Warden A Fiction

Twain Mark Huckleberry Finn A Fiction

Unknown/Various Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights A Youth Unknown/Various Oxford Book of English Verse A

Unknown/Various The Bible A Philosophy

Van Doren Carl Benjamin Franklin A

Vergil Aeneid A Classic

Vergil The Eclogues A Classic

Vergil The Georgics A Classic

Vinci Leonardo Notebooks A Classic

Wells H. G. Tono-Bungay A

Whitman Walt Leaves of Grace A

Woolf Virginia To the Lighthouse A Fiction

Wordsworth William Selected Shorter Poems A Poetry Author Last First Title Priority Classification

Adams Henry Degradation of Democratic B Dogma Adams Henry Mont-Saint-Michel & B Chartres Adler Max B Essays

Ainsworth W. H. The Tower of London B Fiction

Aicott Louisa May Little Women B Youth

Ambrose Stephen Undaunted Courage B History

Aristophanes The Acarnians B Fiction

Arnold Mathew Culture and Anarchy B Essays

Arnold Mathew Essays in Children B Essays

Arnold Mathew Selected Poems B Poems

Auden W. H. Collected Poems B Poems

Augustine On the Teacher B Philosophy

Austen Jane Persuasion B Fiction

Bacon Francis Essays B Essays

Bagehot Walter Lombard Street B Essays

Balzac Honore de Eugenie Grandet B Fiction

Balzac Honore de Lost Illusions B Fiction

Balzac Honore de The Rise and Fall of Cesar B Fiction Birotteau Beaumont Plays B Drama

Bede The Venerable Ecclesiastical History B History

Belloc Hilaire Hills and the Sea B Essays

Bentham Jeremy Introduction to the B Philosophy Principles of Morals and Legislation Bentham Jeremy Theory of Fictions B Philosophy

Bergson Henri Creative Evolution B Philosophy

Bergson Henri Matter and Memory B Philosophy

Bergson Henri The Two Sources of Morality B Philosophy and Religion Bergson Henri Time and Free Will B Philosophy Berkeley George A New Theory of Vision B Philosophy

Bernard Claude Introduction Experimental B Science Medicine Blackmore R. D. Lorna Doone B Fiction

Blackstone Sir William Commentaries on the Laws B Philosophy of England Boas Franz The Mind of Primitive Man B

Boccaccio Giovanni Decameron B Romance

Bohr Nils Atomic Physics and Human B Science Knowledge Boole George Laws of Thought B Philosophy

Borrow George Romany Rye B Fiction

Borrow George Wild Wales B Travel

Boswell James London Journal B

Bronte Charlotte Shirley B Fiction

Bronte Charlotte The Professor B Fiction

Bronte Charlotte Villette B Fiction

Brown John Rab and His Friends B Essays

Browne Thomas Religio Medici B Philosophy

Browning Elizabeth Sonnets from the Portugese B Poems

Browning Robert The Ring and the Book B Poems

Buckle Henry Thomas A History of Civilization in B History England Burnet Gilbert History of His Own Time B History

Barney Francis Evelina B Fiction

Burton Robert Anatomy of Melancholy B Philosophy

Butler Samuel Erewhon B Fiction

Byron Lord Child Harold’s Pilgrimage B

Byron Lord Complete Poems B Poems

Byron Lord Don Juan B

Calvin John Institutes of the Christian B Philosophy Religion Carlyle Thomas Past and Present B Essays Carlyle Thomas Sartor Resartus B Essays

Ceasar Julius Commentaries on the B Classical Gaellic and Civil Wars Chaucer Geoffrey Troilus & Criseyde B

Chekhov Anton The Cherry Orchard B

Chekhov Anton Uncle Vanya B

Chesterfield Lord Letters to His Son B Essays

Chesterton Gilbert Father Brown Stories B Essays

Chesterton Gilbert Orthodoxy B Essays

Cicero Marcus Tullius Offices B Classical

Clausewitz Karl von On War B Essays

Coleridge Samuel Chistabel B Essays

Coleridge Samuel Kubla Khan B Essays

Coleridge Samuel The Ancient Mariner B Essays

Collins Wilkie The Woman in White B Fiction

Comte Auguste The Positive Philosophy B Philosophy

Confucius The Analects B Philosophy

Congreve William The Way of the World B

Conrad Joseph Heart of Darkness B Fiction

Conrad Joseph Lord Jim B Fiction

Conrad Joseph Nostromo B Fiction

Conrad Joseph The secret Sharer (Tales of B Fiction the Land and Sea) Conrad Joseph Youth and Other Stories B Fiction

Cook James Voyages of Discovery B Travel

Cooper James F. The Deerslayer B Fiction

Cooper James F. The Pathfinder B Fiction

Corneille Pierre The Cid B Science

Dalton John A New System of Chemical B Fiction Philosophy Dana Richard H. Two Years Before the Mast B Essays

Dante Alighieri On Monarchy B Essays

Dante Alighieri The New Life B Biography Darwin Charles Autobiography B Science

Darwin Charles The Descent of Man B Essays

De La Mare Walter Stories, Essays, and Poems B Biography

De Quincey Thomas Reminiscences of the Lake B Essays Poets Dedekind Richard Essays on the Theory of B Philosophy Numbers Dewey John Democracy and Education B Philosophy

Dewey John Experience and Nature B Philosophy

Dewey John Freedom and Culture B Philosophy

Dewey John How We Think B Philosophy

Dewey John Logic B Philosophy

Dewey John Reconstruction in B Philosophy Philosophy Dickens Charles Bleakhouse B Fiction

Dickens Charles Dombey and Son B Fiction

Dickens Charles Little Dorrit B Fiction

Dickens Charles Nicholas Nickleby B Fiction

Dickens Charles Oliver Twist B Fiction

Dickens Charles Out Mutual Friend B Fiction

Dickens Charles Sketches of Young Couples B Fiction

Dickens Charles Tale of Two Cities B Fiction

Dickens Charles The Old Curiosity Shop B Fiction

Dickens Charles The Uncommercial Traverler B Fiction

Disraeli Benjamin Coningsby B Fiction

Dostoyevsky Feodor Poor Folk and the Gambler B Fiction

Dostoyevsky Feodor The Possessed B Fiction

Dreiser Theodor An American Tragedy B

Dryden John Absalom and Achitophel B Classical

Dumas Alexandre Count of Monte Cristo B Fiction

Dumas Alexandre The Three Musketeers B Fiction

Dumas Alexandre Vicomte de Bragelonne B Fiction Eddington Sir Arthur The Nature of the Physical B Science World Edgeworth Maria Castle Rackrent B Fiction

Einstein Albert On the Method of B Science Theoretical Physics Einstein Albert The Evolution of Physics B Science

Einstein Albert The Meaning of Relativity B Science

Eliot George Romola B Fiction

Eliot George Silas Marner B Fiction

Eliot George The Mill on the Floss B Fiction

Eliot T. S . Four Quarters B

Emerson Ralph Nature B Classical

Erasmus Desiderius The Praise of Folly B

Euripides Alcestis B Classical

Euripides Electra B Classical

Euripides The Trojan Women B Classical

Faraday Michel Chemical History of a B Science Candle Ferrier Susan Marriage B Fiction

Fielding Henry Joseph Andrews B Fiction

Finlay George Byzantine Emperor B History

Fitzgerald F. Scott The Great Gatsby B Fiction

Flaubert Gustave Three Stories B

Forster E. M. A Passage to India B

Freud Sigmund General Introduction to B Science Psychoanalysis Freud Sigmund New Introductory Leisures B Science on Pyschoanalysis Freud Sigmund Selected Papers on B Science Hysteria: Chapters 1-10 Frolssart Jean Chronicles B Youth

Frost Robert Collected Poems B Poems

Galliet Galileo The Starry Messenger B Science

Galsworthy John The Foresyte Saga B Galton Sir Francis Inquiries Into Human B Science Faculty and Its Development Gaskell Elizabeth Mary Barton B Fiction

George Henry Progress and Poverty B Science

Gibbon Edward Autobiography B Biography

Gide Andre The Counterfeiters B

Gilbert William On the Loadstone and B Science Magnetic Bodies Gissing George New Grub Street B

Godwin William Caleb Williams B

Godwin William Poetry and Truth B Poems

Goethe Joann W. Conversations with B Classical Eckermann Goethe Joann W. Wilhelm Meister’s B Classical Apprenticeship Goldsmith Oliver She Stoops to Conquer B Classical

Goldsmith Oliver Vicar of Wakefield B Fiction

Goncharov Ivan Olblomov B Fiction

Gray Thomas Elegy Written in a Country B Churchyard Green J. R. Short History of the English B History People Grote George History of Greece B History

Hakluyt Richard Voyages B Travel

Hawthorne Nathanial The House of the Seven B Fiction Gables Hawthorne Nathanial The Marbles Farm B Fiction

Hazlitt William Spirit of the Age and B Classical Lectures Hegel George Phenomenology of Spirit B

Heine Henrich Poems B Poems

Hemingway Ernest A Farewell to Arms B

Hemingway Ernest For Whom the Bell Tolls B

Hemingway Ernest The sun Also Rises B

Herbert George The Temple B Drama Hilbert David The Foundations of B Science Geometry Hippocrates On Airs, Waters, and Places B Science

Holinshed Chronicles B History

Holmes Oliver Wendell The Autocrat of the B Classical Breakfast Table Holmes Oliver Wendell The Poet at the Breakfast B Classical Table Holmes Oliver Wendell The Professor at the B Classical Breakfast Table Hooker Richard Ecclesiastical Polity B Philosophy

Horace Odes and Epodes B Classical

Horace The Art of Poetry B Classical

Hudson William H. Far Away and Long Ago B Biography

Hughes Thomas Tom Brown’s Schooldays B Youth

Hugo Victor Toilers of the Sea B Fiction

Humboldt Alexander Travels B Travel

Hume David An Enquiry Concerning the B Philosophy Principal of Morals Hume David Essays Moral, Political, and B Essays Literary Hutchinson W. M. L. The Muses’ Pagent B Classical

Huxley Thomas Henry On a Piece of Chalk B Science

Huxley Thomas Henry On the Relations of Man to B Science the Lower Animals Huygens Christian On the Movement of Bodies B Science by Impact Ibsen Henrick An Enemy of the People B

Ibsen Henrick Hedda Gabler B

Ibsen Henrick Wild Duck B

Irving Washington Sketch Book of Geoffrey B Classical Crayon James Henry Daisy Milley B Fiction

James Henry The Aspern Papers and B Fiction Other Stories James Henry The Golden Bowl B Fiction James Henry The Portrait of a Lady B Fiction

James William Essays in Radical B Philosophy Empiricism James William The Varieties of Religious B Philosophy Experience Johnson Samuel Dictionary B

Johnson Samuel Rasselas B

Johnson Samuel The Lives of the Poets B

Johnson Samuel The Vanity of Human B Wishes Joyce James Portrait of the Artist as a B Young Man Joyce James The Dead B

Joyce James Ulysses B

Kafka Franz The Castle B Fiction

Kafka Franz The Trial B Fiction

Kalidasa Sakuntala B Fiction

Kant Immanuel Perpetual Peace B Philosophy

Kant Immanuel Preface & Intro to the B Philosophy Metaphysical Elements of Ethics, With a Note on Conscience Keble John The Christian Year B Philosophy

Kinglake E. W. Eothen B Travel

Kingsley Charles Hypatia B Fiction

Kingsley Charles Westward Hot B Fiction

Kingsley Charles Yeast B Fiction

Kingsley Henry Ravenshoe B Fiction

Kipling Rudyard Jungle Books B Youth

Kipling Rudyard Just So Stories B Youth

Kuhn Thomas The Structure of Scientific B Philosophy Revolutions La Fountaine Jean de Fables B

Landor W. S. Imaginary Conversations B Classical

Langland William Piers Plowman B Law William Serious Call to a Devout B Philosophy and Holy Life Lawrence D. H. Sons and Lovers B

Lawrence T. E . The Seven Pillars of B Wisdom Le Sage A. R. The Adventures of Gil Blas B Romance

Leibniz Gottfried Discourse on Metaphysics B Philosophy

Leibniz Gottfried Monadology B Philosophy

Leibniz Gottfried New Essays Concerning B Philosophy Human Understanding Lenin Nikolai The State and Revolution B Philosophy

Lessing G. E. Laocoon B

Lever Charles Harry Lorrequer B Fiction

Lewes G. H. Life of Goethe B Biography

Lobachevski Nikolai Geometrical Researches on B Science the Theory of Parallels Locke John Thoughts Concerning B Philosophy Education Lockhart J. G. Life of Sir Walter Scott B Biography

Lover Samuel Handy Andy B Fiction

Lucian The Sale of Creeds B

Lucian The True History B

Lucian The Way to Write History B

Luther Martin Table Talks B Philosophy

Luther Martin Three Treatises B Philosophy

Machiavelli Niccolo On the First Ten Books of B Livy Macualay Thomas Essays B Essays

Macualay Thomas History of England B History

Madison James The Constitution B History

Maine Sir Henry Ancient Law B History

Malraux Andre Man’s Fate B

Mann Thomas Joseph and His Brothers B Fiction

Mann Thomas The Magic Mountain B Fiction

Maritain Jacques Art and Scholasticism B Philosophy Maritain Jacques The Degrees of Knowledge B Philosophy

Maritain Jacques The Rights of Man and B Philosophy Natural Law Maritain Jacques True Humanism B Philosophy

Marryat Frederick Mr. Midshipman Easy B Fiction

Maugham W. Somerset Cakes and Ale B

Melville Herman Billy Budd B Fiction

Mendel Gregor Experiments in Plant B Science Hybridization Mill John Stuart A System of Logic B Philosophy

Mill John Stuart Principles of Political B Philosophy Economy Mill John Stuart The Subjection of Women B Philosophy

Miller Hugh The Old Red Sandstone B Science

Milton John Comus B

Milton John Il Penseroso B

Milton John L'Allegro B

Milton John Lycidas B

Milton John Paradise Lost B

Milton John Agonistes B

Milton John Sonnets B

Mitford M. R. Our Village B Classical

Moliere Tartuffle B

Moliere The Doctor In Spite of B Himself Moliere The Misanthrope B

Moliere The Miser B

Moliere The School for Wives B

Montagu Mary Letters B Classical

Moore George Esther Waters B Fiction

Motley John The Rise of the Dutch B History Republic Mulock D. M. John Halifax, Gentleman B Fiction

Newman John Henry Apologia Pro Vita Sua B Philosophy Nicomachus Introduction to Architecture B Science

Nietzsche Friedrich W. Beyond Good and Evil B Philosophy

Nietzsche Friedrich W. The Genealogy of Morals B Philosophy

Nietzsche Friedrich W. The Will to Power B Philosophy

Ovid Metamorphoses B Classical

Palgrave Francis Golden Treasury B

Park Mungo Travels B Travel

Peter Walter Marius the Epicurean B Fiction

Peacock Thomas Nightmare Abbey B Fiction

Percy Thomas Reliques of Ancient Poetry B Poems

Picard Barbara Shah-nama B

Planck Max Origin and Development of B Science the Quantum Theory Planck Max Scientific Autobiography B Science

Planck Max Where is Science Going? B Science

Poincare Jules Henri Science and Hypothesis B Science

Poincare Jules Henri Science and Method B Science

Polo Marco Travels of Marco Polo B Travel

Pope Alexander Essay on Criticism B Essays

Pope Alexander Essay on Man B Essays

Pope Alexander Rape of the Lock B

Prescott William The Conquest of Mexico B History

Prevost Abbe Manon Lescaut B Fiction

Proust Marcel Remembrance of Things B Past Proust Marcel Swann’s Way B

Pushkin Alexander The Captain’s Daughter B Fiction

Racine Jean Baptiste Andromache B

Racine Jean Baptiste Phedre B

Radcliffe Ann Mysteries of Udolpho B Fiction

Reade Charles Peg Woffington B Fiction

Reynolds Joshua Discourses on Art B Classical Ricardo David The Principles of Political B Science Economy and Taxation Richardson Samuel Clarissa Harlowe B Fiction

Richardson Samuel Pamela B Fiction

Ruskin John Modern Painters B Classical

Ruskin John Sesame and Lilias B Classical

Ruskin John Seven Lamps of B Classical Architecture Ruskin John Stones of Venice B Classical

Russell Bertrand An Inquiry Into Meaning B Philosophy and Truth Russell Bertrand Human Knowledge; Its B Philosophy Scope and Limits Russell Bertrand Principles of Mathematics B Science

Russell Bertrand The Analysis of Mind B Philosophy

Russell Bertrand The Problems of Philosophy B Philosophy

Santayana George Persons and Places B Philosophy

Santayana George Skepticism and Animal B Philosophy Faith Santayana George The Life of Reason B Philosophy

Sartre Jean Paul Being and Nothingness B

Sartre Jean Paul Nausea B

Sartre Jean Paul No Exit B

Schopenhauer Arthur On the Fourfold Root of the B Philosophy Principle of Sufficient Reason Schopenhauer Arthur Studies In Pessimism B Philosophy

Schopenhauer Arthur The World as Will and Idea B Philosophy

Schrodinger Erwin What is Life? B Philosophy

Scott Michael Tom Cringle’s Log B Fiction

Scott Sir Walter Bride of Lammermoor B Fiction

Scott Sir Walter Guy Mannering B Fiction

Scott Sir Walter Heart of Midlothian B Fiction

Scott Sir Walter Kenilworth B Fiction

Scott Sir Walter Old Mortality B Fiction Scott Sir Walter Peveril of the Peak B Fiction

Scott Sir Walter Quentin Durward B Fiction

Scott Sir Walter Redguantlet B Fiction

Scott Sir Walter Rob Roy B Fiction

Scott Sir Walter Talisman B Fiction

Secondat Persian Letters B Fiction

Seeley John Ecce Homo B Philosophy

Shaw George Bernard Ceasar and Cleopatra B Fiction

Shaw George Bernard Major Barbara B Fiction

Shaw George Bernard Pygmalion B Fiction

Shaw George Bernard Saint Joan B Fiction

Shelley Mary Frankenstein B Fiction

Sheppard Elizabeth Charles Auchester B Fiction

Sheridan Richard School for Scandal B Drama

Sheridan Richard The Critic B Drama

Sheridan Richard The Rivals B Drama

Smollett Tobias Peregrine Pickle B Fiction

Smollett Tobias Roderick Random B Fiction

Solzhenitsyn Aleksander Cancer Ward B

Solzhenitsyn Aleksander The First Circle B

Speke J. S. Sources of the Nile B Travel

Spencer Edmund Prothalamion B

Spinoza Benedict B Philosophy

Stendhal On love B

Stendhal The Charterhouse of Parma B

Stevens James The Crock of Gold B

Stevenson Robert Louis Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde B Fiction

Stevenson Robert Louis Kidnapped B Fiction

Stevenson Robert Louis The Master of Ballantrae B Fiction

Stevenson Robert Louis Treasure Island B Fiction

Stowe Harriet B. Uncle Tom's Cabin B Youth Sumner William Folkways B

Sun-Tzu The Art of War B Philosophy

Swift Jonathan A modest Proposal B

Swift Jonathan Battle of the Books B Classical

Swift Jonathan Journal to Stella B

Tawney Richard H. Religion and the Rise of B Philosophy Capitalism Thackeray William Roundabout papers B Fiction

Thackeray William The English Humorist B Classical

Thackeray William The Newcomes B Fiction

Thackeray William The Virginians B Fiction

Thoreau Henry Civil Disobedience B

Tolstoy Leo Twenty-three Tales B Fiction

Tolstoy Leo What is Art? B

Toynbee Arnold Civilization on Trial B

Trollope Anthony Barchester Towers B Fiction

Trollope Anthony Framly Parsonage B Fiction

Trollope Anthony The Last Chronicle of Barset Fiction

Trotsky Leon The History of the Russian B History Revolution Turgenev Ivan Lisa B Fiction

Turgenev Ivan Virgin Soil B Fiction

Twain Mark The Mysterious Stranger B Fiction

Tysndal John Glaciers of the Alps B Science

Unknown/Various The Nibelungenlied B

Unknown/Various The Saga of Burnt Nial B

Unknown/Various The Song of the Roland B

Unknown/Various The Spectator B Classical

Veblen Thorstein The Theory of the Leisure B Class Letters on the English B

Voltaire Micromegas B Voltaire Philosophical Dictionary B

Voltaire Toleration B

Vyasa The Mahabharata B

Whitehead Alfred North Adventures of Ideas B

Whitehead Alfred North Introduction to B Mathematics Whitehead Alfred North Science and the Modern B World Whitehead Alfred North The Aims of Education & B Other Essays Whitman Walt Democratic Visions B

Whitman Walt Selected Poems B

Whyte-Melville G. J. The Gladiators B

Woolf Virginia Mrs. Dalloway B

Woolf Virginia The Common Reader B

Wordsworth William Preface to the Lyrical B Ballads Wordsworth William The Prélude B

Young Arthur Travels In France and Italy B

Zola Emile Germinal B Author Last First Title Priority Classification

Adams Henry Degradation of Democratic B Dogma Adams Henry Mont-Saint-Michel & B Chartres Adler Max How to Read A Book B Essays

Ainsworth W. H. The Tower of London B Fiction

Aicott Louisa May Little Women B Youth

Ambrose Stephen Undaunted Courage B History

Aristophanes The Acarnians B Fiction

Arnold Mathew Culture and Anarchy B Essays

Arnold Mathew Essays in Children B Essays

Arnold Mathew Selected Poems B Poems

Auden W. H. Collected Poems B Poems

Augustine On the Teacher B Philosophy

Austen Jane Persuasion B Fiction

Bacon Francis Essays B Essays

Bagehot Walter Lombard Street B Essays

Balzac Honore de Eugenie Grandet B Fiction

Balzac Honore de Lost Illusions B Fiction

Balzac Honore de The Rise and Fall of Cesar B Fiction Birotteau Beaumont Plays B Drama

Bede The Venerable Ecclesiastical History B History

Belloc Hilaire Hills and the Sea B Essays

Bentham Jeremy Introduction to the B Philosophy Principles of Morals and Legislation Bentham Jeremy Theory of Fictions B Philosophy

Bergson Henri Creative Evolution B Philosophy

Bergson Henri Matter and Memory B Philosophy

Bergson Henri The Two Sources of Morality B Philosophy and Religion Bergson Henri Time and Free Will B Philosophy Berkeley George A New Theory of Vision B Philosophy

Bernard Claude Introduction Experimental B Science Medicine Blackmore R. D. Lorna Doone B Fiction

Blackstone Sir William Commentaries on the Laws B Philosophy of England Boas Franz The Mind of Primitive Man B

Boccaccio Giovanni Decameron B Romance

Bohr Nils Atomic Physics and Human B Science Knowledge Boole George Laws of Thought B Philosophy

Borrow George Romany Rye B Fiction

Borrow George Wild Wales B Travel

Boswell James London Journal B

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