h w ' NEW TO fiekald, Thursday,, JULY 5»;"1B7U.-TK1PL15 PTflEET. " gg.' ,r", . 1,1 " " * W" Schr Decatur Oakee, Be*. Laneerllle for Now York, Htmsto. Jnly 26.Arrlred, bark Miranda (M O), VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. t-ctir Marlon Dace, ""Caere, Prov leuoa for Island THE AN INDIAN WEDDING. Pcbr Ira Bile*. Hu< Klliabethoort. rla Uucenstown. _400 proridcnce for RondouL Bm»a, Jesse)ten, New OcMT Bclir Maria , JJAIE*' l*-Arj'rrd,' Bsd.'ord) RACEH Fletn'.og, William., Norwloh for RondouL 14tb, Jenkins, NYorJi. Clese ml the Qeatcd Term.A Ceol Hi-lir Sarah New London Foam, " A to TraTcllen. Uay at Lr.rerne. Arerill, for New York. Cleared Curtis, Cardiff and (Jolted Waroiif Bchr Julia New London for New 14th, Sajtadahoo, States: Excursion of the George H. Peary Lodgo- To Editor tub Herald?. I jM. Senetrokre la the Ann, Phillip., York. L'nolo, Trott, Hartlepool and bolted Stales. the op The V.iy. 8chr J Huytnoud., New London for Muled I8tb, J Mont-onerv, Perkins, Philadelphia; A'berf CONTINUED FBOM THIBD PAGE. Ceremonies of the Permit me columns to expose a c'^rtjens of the metropolis nad at last a Elizabeth1' Quilatin. Chandler, Mobile. Aborigines-. Marriage through your s'chr Menry A Doming, Boardman, Hertford for New In the roads 13th, Totemits, Steele, from San Francisco, for the mean swindle on the route between this "br®^(tolng spell" yesterday, an'*, the cool air and York. or Theobald, from Victory Oaribrlat" "The devil!" cried the Hiawatha and Minneha.^ practiced Bchr B A Mlddletown for Wioht, July 14.Off, Theobald, old Keutieuau, "I said ho.
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