The of the various Late- Motes D. CUe. arc requested '« a'teud the funeral gales whleh d*ove the aktp far over to th» eastward. and used DHT G«K> Dg, AC. HOLIDAY OF THE NORTH BRITON. meeting parties representing vices at St. Stephens chu.' I>, comer of Broome UlMll the heavy safli, eieepta few Dew ores 'In' were PUB8EHTg. UMUV1L reets of the Ftort Wayne ud Railroad, beat before oomtng up with the Cape, and thsy af'«' »an>* MR«. QATBOIt'S.JUST KgORI VKII. PPB OITT OP » RT1BTI0 PKERHM'a FOR THE Pittsburg, Chicago Chi } sue streets, this (Saturday) afternoon, at ou o'clock. looked s* n«w«tvle Kr«-neh K«c»i)Uc. after a short aud If they had been used for »'i .moo ha At the etpl- ATWaabbiftan, i.ktrta A A CARD. holding lit bus resulted in an arrangemont lUuautTT Ou Thursday, 29, ratlooof 27 which time the «* bib'StI Ala*, new Lalmaral t-luria, SX vwa wide, muai Philadelphia, of a days. during shin paUaraa lo all. Mr. tho receiver nl illness, Mm* Emma, daughter Cornelius must fearful wen .her, aflo re*ainod nearly IU« suae place abe raaookahle prima. Coi hi and Skirt ketAMiaiuaout. Ml Broad¬ .""uUonoftbdpubM.tokfr OR DAY UTEB FBOM EOBOPE. aatiefactory Edgcrton, appoiuod oebe in the 6th year of her age. had reached when commenced iiudo *>iu« way. twadoarafrom Uuluu ayuare 1 1 * b Km Httiigarty. water tbega'e Thnahtp KNOitAVl.VOa. PAINTINOS, PQOTOIBiriMRAJTBS y ibe OhioU ur , baa reaigned, and Mr. William E Og- llcr relatives and frtends of the family are respectfully during the severity of the storm, but wr«a perfectly ef the IV.mer taurhles In Pa HUE PAKTOUV* attcud her this at, tight afterwards. While off the Oape, by some m-ans tan salt ft »Wr ami Oil dolor PoimAifP, Dec. 30, 1S59. den, or has been M rcoeiyor for the Invifjd to funeral, (Saturday} moruiu^, water Into tbe m BROADWAY.SKIRTS .PRfc'JIOfl SORPTION ... Hnies, Tahle Kaeuls, Drawlna Insfe-a- CWcago, agreed npou sue from the residence of her ureum, got tacks ard afterward* all hinds wetr/ibltged AO tuid 3U wlrto, iod Draw\ g Books Ac., the bmi ba'f past o'clock, to drink salt water, when a Hum rain waa uu il AT bktrta, aprluas tblrty sprtuga, MUU ior forming rtullextki art* Ike steamship North Briton, Capt. Borland, from Uver com; any. Filth Green Her remains will b« takcu to the 11th eioept eaugb% vlraee' wavmi 20 iprluga, now *11 tale. Okl aktrta mad* over ike coming holidays W. nl.'HAUH, stiect, point. utt, when she touched at the lalaud of Juan at A. woven akirt faciei KroUw^; 4tt> Docombo and from Queenatown ou tUe It treat c or the third bonds or tu fjr interment. des, where A casks water were and a >r<> K^NOUdVs >, 744 Braadway, |iol on the 1 npona mortgage Tarrytown proouied few freab ear to r Elgin* atrcet. BtLlDAYR,-Ut O. P. ''a m »' the jo.N» .On Friday evening, Doc SO, of croup, S ivr visions. which w»s all that oould be obtained. As Bve meu ( 'A13a Thirli8..^llkird iveutib RRRRRBC hero at throe 'clock una morning. Ra Iroad, and bonds of will be paid 1 . o*JU6f tf rifUMuth rtriri thiiyrfta 1Mb, arrived 1872, Rkiubd, only sou of Samuel and Maria Jones, d were down with the scurvy, and three or four more oomp a the a 0 A. II., passe* staauMUlp Bohemian, T, *turer' office, corner of Twenty ai*ih street and months and 17 ing of tbe same disease It waa deemed prudent to p it Into Val- HATRAWA**, 087 BROADWAY HRAf PRK8NIOT oVt2lv>.*d 1." f««ner joara la now prepared l* Om 16th, year, 4 days. paralxo for further su in 5'otmSiS5R .* Wnamontal and for Wuith in 3. liie relatives and friends of the are rcs ioctl' piles, and abe arrived thei o oalutho lath AT uhtiullle, gold, pearl, silver, coral; KrnMt, thoullle, tlata ffuit p!iu£d /i..®"!l,Pt,on *om Portland, bound Liverpool ave ^e, and after January family ult, as befoio reported. ntlver. an endleaa M«dAili>u Valen- r»li, . wh'ick Aiiik»ud and Ces^enut invited to aucnd the funeral ou Suuda# alterno ju at >u Kr'.d P'»rl variety; Sola, advices via Queen* town arc one later than Advkwstroro Wi st to 20th Inst state oase of the clfBora Handkerchiefs. Thr day from 38 Vanuatu street. Key that the n^ouih ut . Stock Eicb*"|«- o'clock, at his ship Charles itocker oaa been trtod, hut the judge b ut not yet i,ad, uad tbo 19. . IfcMk: by Arago KriuaT, fleo. 3% 1889. Jinan. Ou Monday, Deo father's re-ilJo decided salvage. The mh of ship fr.ll/n Malforv wi'l be tried IIARDINO'S RKTRT8 12 RPRlNrtR, $121; 1 Hmotumly attended to.jjsrssaj? v*nH3r* 3000 nO 100 do 76 '« His remains were Interred in Greenwood. ljnt) of wblcb are dry. Total saved b» wieckers up to d.w tld iklrU made aver. 281 Spring nueet, near lludaoa. CHP.nTMAB splendid DV T£T "OliAPn TO QTTEF.NSTOWN. do 83*4 wite or M. W 11,619; on board rlile 9 0. makiur a uitai of t i 13) txHiBmo? 7000 do 100 do biiw 75S,' Kmc .On Friday Dec 30, Flume, King bales The rase of Heidelberg LONDON, Doc IN.P. M. 83",' will take fro u her law rosld 'U \'" ship Heidelberg has *"'eu decided a* fol¬ HWT Ma1LI.aRB*R a bl.oO Virt 1.1U ti's... 04 60 riarlem ItK p .btW 34 The funeral place :o, low*: The value of the ship In h*r damaged uondi'l m w>u> o itl- 'Xhe Oreul j .utter i Steamship tympany have made on af atom i';lo at aORKKCTIOMKMT. r WO fM, f,'j "87 102 *4 26 111 Con UK 67.1 ](>3 Gresne street, Sunday eruoon, matad SMWl) the notion ut $141 UK) and tho silver at tW.ii 9 n. M. .-eapactfs'.lj hi/urn,. Ms art Ik* low of ;if. Mackenz e of at !>. centum. of the and those of her William a total on iUda, euatnaasrs Mrs* £40,000, 1(00 Kit II coo bds 71 l.V Krio R t. ... The friends family, son, mailing of SI80 319 which to deciee stlvage Tbe be has opened In h» establishment are invited to attend without further notico. Judge thought that $30 000 was a reasioablo salvaae Ho r iOco BKR con bdg '02 20 50 do. ...H. Baliick, compsa- wi roadway, AND INDIA. 41 Lassino lu Thursday, Duo. ot sa'lmi for the entire service and that sum wis ao&'-diugly Ula Annual and CHINA irron ii HR2dmort 90 2uu Rcttii. it! RR. \ Williamsburg, JD, deemed A desoat-h received of 29'b that the fi'OB Stw YeAfa from iho overland mail, juO to 11^0 r ,flO 42 "omonia of tho Mr. Altrsd A. 4 night state* BiWUtto^Ch^fina* Aavices liong Kong, oy 111 O RR . HI J.' 200 do 4 jme train,, aged Ili-Krlberg. which sld from Key West lHth inst for Mew Or¬ *«&0£^.roAdw»j. rfBle.*® .Ire* the 2Uih uiU 4d00 M oh So h l' bda 60 200 do....'. . . 42 leans, wltn a steam on board, sank at sea oa tho " kinds of of tho also in pump 23th BMW, was At F< .> the lowest ... The relatives and friends tarnlly, the me Inst. the crew were Tea unehanped. Choo l(i hIir Natl- nal Bit . 101 150 Mich C u RR 3S M taken olT by ship Marltuna from Velvet|toeli«?.*ad OitffcSL^I^SSSen^r^ t Genoa, s-wSSSb-" Boiee, Pocaaaoeitr Raek«4a. OBLgoiiw. ru soiu.; vliat oheaper, auil at <;uai)^uae green 15 Am>- Pioh Bank. 08 60 do b30 38 ber.-s el' Continental Guard (second com uiy ar carried to New Orleans. [The Heidelberg was IdlS lone, *&& Jewelry Moses, Pauiera built at Wew York in was liaeftme* ma blu>k bus were lower 14 Ibiuli or 114' 300 Tauam i RR ,830 127 ond the first company Wasbiugtou Continentals, Ctpuir, 1862, and owned tn New OriginI J i .xi icNll.lJB HAIR UVna Patio Hoses, Oorbeille* Motaa»naewa. uud m are res full" « HEFTS* I«uet i-tefl and Pearl Calcutta «taies arc to Nov 10. io ice Co l&ij loo do .. 127 It. limbeck, military gentlemen general, Portsmouth, Trefethen, from Po-umoutb, NffI, wag ?'* pw riUDA1< Moyen An, BaaAeta! had i"0 command of tho Cliir>a city d to attend the on after to « od to Boston 29ih Inst, steamer K B tiSTd, fc lab I'arvnd t/a* Koie*. with Sue Meet ornaman'A, 8hr H. Giant accepted 9 Eh»1o ftii Co. . ltd 1^0 do b90 127 petitutly request* funeral, Sunday by Korbe* for the p>ir- ol a ill b.i gent lucre. res: p«s- of being lor Yanoy ttonbocdara, Pooaes de .spediuoo, ami a strong ii*»l to..., 8'j i; 150 Gaieni & Chic RR 64* South Second street, Williamsburg. will be it is ooml&g got BlBOH market was iiuii. Freights were stai.'Atary, 10 64 interred in ub Hill age, any, (apposed to be trifling. price*. ^fe.wc01%55k Die Cum Coal prer. . 12 S 60 do 800 Oypi Cemetery. .". tAU A 30 raclla;: ss Co.. 76-4 100 do Lynol.On liiursilay, Dec. 29, M. I.vnch, a na PmrJUTARO, destroyed by Are at Panama, WM partly In- LABGB AMORTm"*! OY FANCY TOY8 ARB 100 do do ^7 tive i»t Blarney, county Cork, Ireland, ugeil 36 years. guieu in 1'rovtdence, at the Merchants' office, for SJ7U0. QTFTH. "holidayHOLIDAY GKOK"]M. flumunt FRaNVE. 78',' BO 64',' 1'aRK H«UDAYRerelvrd per Htaamahlp A«la, a ebqleeat MM<-uaea>-aa<»rimenlol« POR ilIU i.NT 4 Alt rRKM. AND THE BOHtSK. 136 do 76 60 do t>5 64* His friends uud acquaintance s are respectfully invited octavia. of Rich nond, from Norfo'k for Baltimore, f aK1& til liRtilDKHJ' O " GARIBALDI"RIBALDl' 171 E rirLOMATS attend tliefuuei from liie residence of In tow of etcanrtug Junes it ashore at the mouth of tho 1 hie iaaartuinat ta tbe uoeatibat a»ei was esMbtted Ml Mew N" . do «10 04 to i.1, his Oroltier. dray, PaRis, Dec 15,1859 Jertt'y Zil>C. . 63 60 », York, ban been situated « tin kku eare by 311. H. M, hs '60 n RR No. 6^ l'atapsoo tb# lletternich hi* credentials yett->r 1 K Y O RR. .. 900 Olio & Book I 08fc Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn, Sunday afternoou, at mufcufaeWrlea et I'ai la. lb* a»«4 ealebrated for T»toee presented ouo o'clock. His will be ed Brig Mrrion.nostfia Deo 3D.'The Metro-, and was corduuly received. He alpo jvvj I the tir- 1 200 do .biiO 50 do. 02* convey to Calvary from Mat brig Raynes, KL*4aNUB AND b,.N 0»UT. ol' and 100 do .slO 763$76 250 do. ,.b00 63 sauilla 'or Boston Is at anchor off Soituate with fore- Yb# eiirvwd'narj rk medrtt Ittla lu. do .860 76 '4 100 62 s papers ]l"»se ropy. Souvenir to the natMisoa.en K no» By >¦0 ao SUW on f>CBa GroRflB, of Dennis arrived at fall River on the 2t. » here abe was tin sun; In V 40HEI IiojieimJ Vlajus'.ies nitK.Mii wile of Wm. KhoJes dismantled the 27tli she about 5S%Vuv A . v UY «j(»OJE> YaST*. M., McCready, and daughter .5 fret of water, breaking her us ivent All the assortment will n* aold m Brange SECOND BOARD of the late Dr. John 1'. and ixiuiea R. jibboom Rhe down, by BALLS * Count lavradi? and Ov.nt Pa v <, tho Portu^ui so am¬ 83 100 -lis NYC RR.suw 76',' Fisher. striking a vessel lying near her. She la an old v«M0 aad it t, YaRRW^TON^-teasg5g*^. Br04a... RETAIL ATWtfuUtaALE PR10M8. The relatives and friends oi the will bassadors to Lxindou and Paris, would represent Portugal 83 100 Erie RR m; family are requested >o be difficult to ralge her. the attend the luueral, tnis (Saturday) at one Collision. 23.The AND OLiSB YOB TI1E HOLIDAYS.CRYSTAL kl OougrcHS. 83 16 do 8# o'clock afternoon, Mobile, Pec ship Oliver Mow, Otis W incB rta adnzi'r. frince Jerome lias again been attacked wan lniiiin'aa- 360 Panamit KR 127 from Calvary church, corner of Fourth aveiiua bound to Liverpool, when going out and on the bar, c mi in CHINA Goblets, H&; iJecnnters, 7b apalr, rwby 1 ¦ and Twenty Orst street, without further notice. ooillsion with Br sblo iiereyna. from Klo Janeiro, to bal iut, ISoliemU lieeantcrs, da. each wlilechiua Kplitonne, 2». eacb; Moo of the .ng» 80 100 RR..atS0 42 tlli er Tea tin k on at "Of. a dc- Reading M.uwh .At Clifton Stale l on Dec. beating In. both venae's having pilots on board at tbe t{ 200 b80 42* send stock, Ac, and has returned for repairs, Tbe U srlired m ire, mwj^' "ffiUa... fcm. Re, taper below city prions. P RKll.bV, 471 76 So & X loi Kit Marsh, aged 2 years and 4 days. haying lost foremast, bulwarks and received oihir damage GESTS' TUR ( anal street. n«ar fludnco. Huuerkir Uual OU and Keroaena 60}U 6>4 The relatives and rrlends ol the are Invited to letter to FUR s a gallon. . family (Ily GREAT BRITAIN. 7S'i 26u «.ai & Pi KH. . , 64 >, Kllwood Walter, Ks< frlaad a lkr SMdov Smith, ro£tma»ter Otnada, S' 62* McOuudy.. that on the from 'all River a with rlefe and aB- have to the Oontiu»nt to negotiato S^dden'y, on Thursday morning, Doc. passage saw Tsose a mait ap proLi iaie boitoay sift, go t S7 1 ilnxulway. wberethey nrfl Sr Ooeack Honey gone 20, M., wilu iff Win. Rholes and parcnlly a sloop's, projecting (heel upiie.'mosi) anout 2>l foot aeilliiK off ut prices never bef re tod the boart, Mary Ri.hihbiu Mm- former bearing about W, and directly In too track of .-essels Aw United by quiet, prices unchanged. juy, aged 41 year*. bound to URbULlfiR HiNl'.tL. tm»> via Queensiown, tu the same manner as ad opted by Bkead.-titfs..Flocr.rhe market was Providence. Home speculation is excited bora an to scrrs for b*all boyb, t>l JOHN'S MAKDAla w.ihont^chango The relatives auo friends of the family are Invited to at¬ tbe possibility of Its being that ot the sloop Lc ; n, of b°foll MIShii > Bl OK SIM French government. of moment in prices, while holders wero Brm and sal * tend the from No. since It&cketi, ^PXIS' moderate The trm actions embraced about funeial, 240 Forty-second street, this Ureenport, misting Wov V, TO^I;KTpBUPfKH8fcATUKa RtY if HEaVEV. 7,i«»s 8,000 at ono without no¬ Tbe new Haze CA1H0U0 P1S1Y. AUSTRIA. bbif. closing within ihe .'allowing range o( s:. (Saturday) afternoon, o'olock, further ship wu yesterdtv mornpg taken on the BOOja^^ had received for rlclent Stale p* tice lirge Sectional dock for the purpooe of roceivuig h«r llrst gult CATnoUO OFFERING, .la. ATIungirian journal warring Superfine $5 20 a 6 2ft Rosxax..In on 01 copper. Uibl»s. Prayer Book*. ,'rToaonal and QoatroveraUl W«rk>. articles Uie of Austro. Extra Stat® & 40 a Brooklyn, Sunday, Dec. 26, Robust Bos- Ol't Hooks. AD!) WHS .i5 a 6 place Sunday after¬ for No* lat n»w%®88r cent atsorttnentof TatbolU. riresenta u ibe Vniuul Hialeat disposal 75 12, 26.18 Ion 39 48. Jhngary, noon. at two o'clock, at tlie Reformed Dutch Honolulu), o».it