Mmiforpwm. Saseaaf"

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Mmiforpwm. Saseaaf ' 1 should be seen id clear weatnar from ine deea m a MiroLAiarr, Oct 17.Sailed. *stth«w Maim. aranlMC lore recognlied as Governor, and when be had sidered m one, by any legui authority under the PBIVTIIQ CLOTHS MARKET. k1 IS teet above the hi 11 nautical miles. Ma milleu 44 previously interfered to an Insurrection State or under the United states. then, i he vemel hat two masts, schooner rigged, with cir¬ Qdikmtowk, Oct 0.Arrived. Or*d Zagreb. Urnml suppresa Kellogg PltOVIDEMCa, B. I.. Nov. 7, 1874. cular casework dav marks. The hull id puinted red, New York. DO WHOM?" him clothf were active tbe woe*. CM CiESiR against headed by McEnery. wa^ the only Governor who could Invoke the aid Printing during past wiih "Winter uuarier" panned in large white letters on Kottkudam, Oat 23 Cleared, Pohjola, Mazalln, Balti¬ lu second with f»ie« ol IUS,ti3o pie ei, chiefly ou a basis ol 5V- a each aide. Shu will he mourod iu about 11 lathouis of more. uiy letter I reierred to a*veral deci¬ or the President to put down an insurrection In¬ .Vac. lor standard uud extra M-squares. At tbe clot* Swikkmukdi, Oct 21.Arrived. Freundachalt, Z.llmer sions of the Supreme Court of the United States. tended to remove htm aud to subveit the govern¬ hoi ler» were Orin tor },c. advance ou these tlgurei. with The approximate poaltloB of the liehtvessel will be lat New York. few mii.i gooda iu tiie market. 37 57 N, Iouk 7al*3u V. st«ttiii, Oct 21.Arrived. Camilla, Beckmann, Men among them that of Virginia vs. West Virginia ment or which he was Hie actual head. York; Rhea, Hudig. Philadelphia. Johnson's Final Re¬ (11 Wallace). These decisions. the CAKSAK'S DILEMMA. BALTIC IU-CVM1> COllt-CCIlIICHIl NKHBUUO. ESTAB- Stockholm. Oct IK. Arrived, Alfhlld, Kvensen. Gads Mr. Rererdj particular:* USIIHt.lT or A LIGHT AT BIDUIH. lor Philadelphia. one lu Wallace. Was the President authorized to reluse such t seemed to me 10 b;ar strongly SHIPPING NEWS.A light iacxinb.U'd irom a lighthouse recently erected ¦.-'ihilos, »ei 2.'). Arrived, Johan Mattesen, Boston. .Mr. Charles O'fonor* upon the point which Mr. O'Conor and my- aid ? If he was, then tho very purpose of the cou- near ihe village of Nid>icn. on Ihe Curlsche Nehrung. WATKuroKD, Oct 22.Arrived, l.uira, Lorenseu, New ply (o upon The Inlit i* Hashing while, with intervals ot Id seconds York. sell differ. kiitutlon and the act of 17U5. as lar as thia State betwei ii the flashes. Ill* elevated 223 leet above the Zantk, Oct IS.bulled, Canada, Wool. New York. was would have OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. level oi the sea, unJ in clear weaiber should ba visible Ziihikzk*, Oct 34. Arrived, Germania, Evers. Phlla- A DISTINCTION WITH A DlFKEHENCB. concerned, been detected, aud 22 mile* delpbla. 1 hat that are tbe state have been lelt to decide battle who Cr HEPARTl'KK FROM NEW TOHI FOB TBI The will be dioptric, of the gentleman, however, thinks they l>y DATES illumlnatinK apparatus Bristol. Oct 2ft. The Angle he was her Governor and violence of MONTHS OK NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER. first order. sea, Richards, lien e lot The Great Lawyer on Presi¬ "scarcely relevant," and the only reason gives government. The lower is octagonal, 75 teet io height. Tvbee. which out back Oct 23. i* reported to have sprung for so thinking is that the courts were governed this laud it was the avowed object of the constitu¬ Rtgnwr. iai/l. \lMitinut\an OfUx. I'osltion. Lut 5 IS 24 N, Ion -1 K. a leak, aud bad several leet uf water in her hold. to Notk.The limit of visibility <>t this light Intersect! Li riwool, Oct '5.The Governor I.anxdon, tor dential Powers. only by the well established doctrine "that wi'en tion prevent, and yet It seem* to me to be per¬ Nevaim Nov. i0. |ffl Broad wav those of tlio Meniel and Brusterort lights.the torm?r at ha* returned to the Liverpool. at a raleo, Birkenhead dock leaky. an executive under a authority fectly obvious that the under the cir¬ ai>»satais Not. 11 Liverpool. .j| Bowlinga Green distance of 14 miles iroin the coast, and the latter Oct 24 The officer, special President, Hate DI l'ent:»y'a Nov 1 iGlai-go w 72 Broadway. diatance ol 12 miles. Kottkkdam. Homboraund (Nor), Nielsen, cumstances of the no 1 Bow me i) ftom New York, and Muydower. from confetred upon him for a precisely defined pur¬ Louisiana case, possessed liiilienxoileru .... Not. 11 Bremen. .. -eon Hawkins. Ipswich, so Hroad LIGHT OB have been lu collision at Helvoet; the laUar a act minls- authority to prevent It, If Mr. Curtis be ruhr. W A -enoiien.... Nov. 12.lltotierUain way. BOBWAT.SOUTH COAST.TKAUBHRAE. FHUfOSID pose, performs particular essentially Sueviu \ov l2.|ii«mt>ur:/.. til Broadwav. TUB ISL4.N1> STKKOBK. aamagted, FACTO AND BE JURE ltsterlal, and whlco, in its nature, e n be per- A word or two in regard to the view taken by I'l <..... \ov. U.IUavre Sft Broadway It is proposed to establish a lluht on the Island of BTe- \»neriean Porta. DE GOVEBIORS el New lor*. Nor 14.1 Liverpool. 15 Broadway. noer. at the entrance The will lormed but the cours will not review bis Judge Black. He holds, as 1 that the President City to i.aurvig Fiord. light BOSTON. Nov 8.Arrived, staamcrs Wtn Crane, Howea once, do, Republic Nov, M. Liverpool. 19 Broadway be fixed white, with a Hash everv mluule. Baltimore: oen Wliltnev. Hallett, New York: achri proceedings should they b« collaterally ques¬ was bouud, upon the application or Kellogg, In Donuu Nov. 14 Bremen.. , 2 Bowline Green The illuminating apparatus will be dioptric of the thirl Addle Walton, I'endleton, Port Johnson to 1 1 ul luiltl Nov. 14. 1 London . ... 09 Broadway order. >alled.steamer Rattlesnake, Philadelphia tioned." In this view to the cases cited, 1873, lntenere. He places It, however, upon Victoria Nov. 7 H«» linn Green Position. I^at 58 E. applying 14.|Gia*KOW. 11.*, Broadwav 88 58 X, Ion 10 09 10 BALTIMORE .Nov «.Arrived, stoamsnlp Wm Wood, Mr. U'Conor is, with due deference to him, the ground that was at that Liethe Nov. 17. Hambunr.. Further notice will be given when the light is shown. war.i. Young, New York ; schr M E Thompson. Alexander Hamilton and "The clearly Kellogg Nov. 17 Liverpool. *9 Broadwav. Boston. Oourier, mistaken. In the case of Knox vs. time tbe de facto and then liiiRHia N jr. IS. I Liverpool.. 4 Bowling (ireen rUOrOSKD LKADIXU LIGHTS AT &TAKSKNG AND STROMTAXUEK. County Aapm- Governor, 19. Haiutiurg..|til Broadwav. Cleared.steamer Octorara, IteynoM, New York- Federalist" Invoked. wall me In let¬ holds that to the We nip nail* Nov. It is proposed to establish leading lights at Btalseng .chra Carrie Melvtu, Andrews St John. NU; Susan .->te£ (si Howard), cited by my prior Kcilogg's right call upon . 21. 16 Broadway. Citv oi Lcndou.. Nov. I.iverpooL. and Stroiniauyeu. at the entrance to Kragero. snii, Lewis. Newburvport: L a m Heed, Speelman. ter, and the one In 11 Wallace, Just referred to, President was solely because he was the Baltic Nov. 21. Liverpool, 19 Broadway. ihe Stafseug light will be fixed red, cuid the illuminat¬ fcalem: George K Uowdolu, lusley, Providence; Samuel de Ethiopia Nov. HI. oimov... 7 Bowling Green ing unpuratus dioptric, of ihe tilth order. Applegate, Campbell, Bridgeton, NJ; Mary Adeline. the decision which waa held to be facto Governor. He agrees with me (and in Holienstautfen... Nov. 21. Bremen . 2 Bowling (ireeu Portion- Liu 5" 51 13 ion 9 27 SO K. ' 4 Bowliiu' Green K, Jenkins. Concord. final was not the decision of a this differs with ltr. O'Couor) that the President Java Nov. 2d. Liverpool- The Mromtangen light wtli be fixed red, and the Illu¬ 8th.Arrived, steamships Ohio, Schulenberg. Bremem Has the Louisiana Case State of Nevada. Nov. 25. OitMOW. 72 Broadway, minating apparatus dioptric, ol the sixth order. Falcon, Charleston; any question submitted to those deciding it aa mere could not change his decision. But he maintain* Poininrrania. Nov, '.'0. Hamburg. til Kroadwav. Position. Lut 58 SO 28 fi, Ion 9 28 20 K. llaynic, Josephiue Thomson, Moor*. Maita Nov. I'ti. Kot tenia in .HI Broadway. New York. ministerial agents, but involved examination ana that tbe state ot things existing in 1874 was en¬ IS Broadway. Below. hip Lirlus (Oer), Moller, irom Bremen; barkl ? Citv ot Montreal.. Nov. 28. Liverpool.. KOBTU SUA.DEXMABB.NOKTIIWKST COAST Or JPTLASD.B«- Jason (Oer), Urlinin, irom Ellen Btavema Parallel . Grean Bordeaux; and such judgments were, on that ac¬ tirely different rrom that upon which the President Caiitorbia Not. Glasgow . 7 HownngT IHI.lsll MKNT OK A SIONAL STATION AT II AMSTIIOLM. Judgment, Km nee Nov. Havre .15 Broadwav. Brown, Irom Saqua. held to be conclusive. In the flrat case the acted in 1873, as had to oe the 2 A Green signal .station has been established in connection BANGOR, Nov 6.Cleared, brlft George E Dale, count, Kellogg then ceased Hermann Nov Bremen Bowling Willi the telegraph station at Hanstholm. Barbados. Pteroe, of the were to decide Oe bis M.esia... Dec. S.I Hamburg.. I#1 Broadway. It Is 320 leet NSW Irum the Messages will commissioners county facto Governor, official existence having lighthouse. 'ihe 6th.Arrived, schr John wantworih, Lowell, Man of become extinct lorce be received and delivered irom sunrise until sunset, York.
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