¦chr D*yid, Brown. IVew London tor Haw Tort. examination On the tar. bound oat, (teamen Memphis, tad Jfc LEGISLATOR Schr W W Braina** **3j «cw Bedford for N«W York. £3hEM'tJi£ ^SSla'^.- While the officer In SHIPPING' NEWS Portland lor Now Yu*k. k-l.^L Tf . . awaiting a fliir wind to tail, bark YUU THE POLICE JUSTICES 8«U»r '/ron, MM? York- m.k?n nf no legal restraint over 4^j]| Orlanj, Portcherter fl* «.* work. ^Outside, - ftdfl^Verrts, E? In min? 3 fcfcaulteoflui itshould ^ laanranec Law *.et. .v-hr k a Korsvlhe.Hobbte. Stamford 0>rNew York. sir ~iOto In ^ win see that Sailed.Ship Queen of tbe Ka»t ^ Steam*uio Nereua. BearM. Mew for a es on themjM everything May 16-Arrived. «chr» J«Mrn0w»rJ 0M Elevated R»tlro»d.B» the Almanac for New VorkwTuti Day. Yc:S Boston. fr aspir «t¥v».a.poatre. and will hold up NORFOLK, and jJ| H|gncd by Steamship Wumsutta. Kiia. !Ww York tor New Bodfsrd. to publio com .,naaao» every act whether dictated by ey, Albany ; J Elliott, Snow, Aphrodite. Pame Briir Arabella (Br), Brady, New York for St John, NB. seit-interesi 'jftht the result of Ignorance or Wellfleet; Hannah Champion, Taylor, Cape May J W the GoTfrnor of the oovcraor. 8ITN AND MOON. I HIOH WATER. Hoboken for Boaton. acftys or Lonestreet. CD Kinftn, amn »j Yesterday Ai.iu.i». May 17, 1873. 24 Brii; Abhy Thaxter, Parker. careleatneai, which Vends to injure or deatroy his work Morria, Sgoam; Balley.Kevporti Son rises 4 411 Gov. Island eve 1 8'<(# 8 C Nash, Nash, New York for Norwich. and embwrass coinpuerce. D R Martin, Decker, , NJ; Mary Wood. Ar- Police Justices Bill, *'¦ vMaxt report*^, ft,e jBrurance Law Amendatory hun sets 7 lil > ... .eve 12 38 at the City Hall.What The In Committee of the Whole, deposed of Uic for Providence. 58N. Ion 13S9W. v. Senate, Bchr John Warren, McGar. Hoboken i&J£V3uaervafor, oodavs from Japan tor New York (r) EUsan*»h (^rtWleJ'' Allowing fcllls, a* stated TiATF.P OF DEPARTtrRE FROM NEW YORK FOR TI1E Schr K (J Knight, French, New York for Portland. Marchw55.1?tl NEW 'May 14-Arrived, acbr W W Brainartf. EKvemeyer is Going to Do About It. 8e.hr R U Price, Hoboken /or Providence. i\ lat 32 68 8, Ion 2910 E. NewBEDFORD,York. To consolidate the governments of the city and canntj MONTH OF MAY. Whfdden, Providence. Pitch, view with Dorman B. Eaton. Bchr J H Youman, Smith, Hoboken lor Foreign Port*. l#th.Sailed, schrs Fairwind, Bowman, and Bclipao. Mb Inter r of New York. Stramrrn. Natb. r>e*linatiun, | Offlet. Hchr Willow Harp, Horton, Hoboken for Warren. Neponaet, Broeze. Bartlott, . at a substitute the bill Kchr Maria, Hoboken for Wunterly. (Hgynt). April 15-Saiied, brig NEWPORT.S0T*: PM.Arrivea, bark ('upkl (Br), What He Beeka in the Hew Law., Mr. Woodin moved passed by Barbour, Johnson for Boston. rftrout, Messina, to load for Boston. May 15, .schrs Rmrlina 21.. 1 Liverpool.. 129 Broadway Port Providence for NB; . May Bchr Kherraan, Musquash, . last bat nomt never Wyoming Marcellus, Catakia, April 22.In bark Antoinette C, tor Bog- Atlrlno i a, a a u A- a Are V tbe Legislature, whica, by iniKtake, . May 21.. Bremen |2 Bowline Green Bchr Delaware, Snow. New York lor Kockland. ton, Id*. port P.ran£>llatunt Who the Police Justices Who^ became a law. He explained that it wan not at all differ Ciivol Washing'n May Broadway. Hchr Jameson. New York for Bangor. * 22..|I f simply a clean copy containing all the amendments Kurona May 24.. Glasgow.. ..17 BowlineGreen dence. Gdantanaho, April' 26.Arrived, barks Norge (Nor), port, Vclsor, and John Brooks, Pox. Fall River fordo? meat.The Question of y made. Carried, and the bill was ordered to a third read¬ Ailrtatic May 24.. Liverpool.. 19 Broadway. Hchr M L Bt Pierre (Br), Haley, New York Ibr SWJohn, «t Jago. to lond for New York; SUth. Hornet, Caroline A Cornelia, crowliv, Somerset for do; S TUhar. mit. Spain May 24.. .Liverpool.. ti9 Broadway. NB Jan-ten.Hopkins, Philadelphia; brig Edith (Br), Scalfe, do. tre, Trefethcn, Taunton Tor do; T P Cooper, Bleerar, Prov- The bill ordering the Gilbert Elevated Railroad Com¬ Donau Mav 24.. Bremen... 2 Bowline Green Hchr Wesley Abbott, Abbott. New York for Boston. Balled April 30, brig I.Tna New P.rvcr tor do? the Constitutionality../,/ pany to change its route was once morn brought up lain fir* May 28. Liverpool. 2*J Broadway Schr 'It A New York for schr (Nor). I^redericksen, w^hftT?rnm ;«2j*nc,c,,u,r" ^S'KUwn.Tall Providencei Paine, Jones, Eastpor*. York; Margaret R Hamwn. Brook*, do. rr« Hafe, Spencer, Mr. Lkwis read a letter from Mr. Uilhert in opposition Silesia.... May 29.. Hamburg.. 161 Broad way. Bclir Clara Jane, Mott, Kliaahethport for rail River. In port May 1, schr Oeo B Jones, for Portland. for^T,l.niA^.Trenton: Uncas. ?-KenyoD. and Redondo, Moore, Fall i to tbis and all other amendments to the charier of tbe Schr Rlwood Doron, Jarvia, Georgetown, DC, tor New Havbe, May 10, H PM-Kalled, steamship Holland (Br), ^'¦klrm, Kellv, New Bedford ^ company. Mr. Lewis said that as soon as it in known Haven. Bragg (irom Iiondon), New \ ork. fnrVTlnlor do; JemW EP pr.:Potts, fllenLawrence. Warren tor do; Pranci* that this change is to be made tbe company will be un¬ PORT OF NEW YORK, MAY 17, 1873. Hchr Florida. Thompson. New York tor Lynn. Havana, May 10.Arrived, steamship Juniata, Cathe¬ Burrett. Allen, Providence for da tlOVISIONS OP THEv 1JEW LAW. able to secure the capital necessary to build the road, Schr K B Tyler, I'helpa. KUmbethport for Lynn. rine, New Orleans. Salled-Sehrs A B Haves, Barlow, Cohasset Narrows and this would be fatal to the enterprise. Bchr Kmerald, Jones, New York *>r Bag Harbor. Sailed 9th, bark Sea Drift (Br), Alkenhead, New York; Clark, Buell, and Sunbeam, II111, Mr. J. Wood stated that he wan Informed that the prop¬ Schr Expedite, Raclrott, Rondoot for Somerset. brigs I.ong Reach, Currier, do: Clansman (Br). Hre- Pall River tor do; iLeader. Baiter. Warren for do; Alida. erty owners on Sixth avenue were opposed to the road CLEARED. mener, do: Belle Walters, Shaw, Cardenas; schrs l.indn, Eaton, ann Harvest. Corwin, Providence for do: A (i t*« signing by tt» Govcrnor'yesterday afternoon running through that avenue. Me therefore moved to BOUND BAST. Newton. Now Orleans: Mnrtlia Gale, Smith, Calbarieu: Lawson, Fitzpatrick, do for Croton; Nightingale Younr the act "to better administration in tbe apoly the provisions of the general railroad art. so that Steamship Wescr (Gcr). Willigerod. Bremen via South¬ fiehr Senator, Norton, New York for Boston. 10th, AlbertC Paige, Marland, New York. ChuJk;> ''cck- R"cklan loi Rldhmondl W Hooore these people could apply to the Supreme Court for com¬ ampton.Oelrlchs A Co. Hchr O M Wentworth, Collins, New York for Calais. Halifax, Mnv 17.Sailed, steamship Nestorlan (Br), Sidney M^nwUk; talk* Courts of the city of New York," canned no missioners to decide on the route. He said he Huppus* d Steamship Vandalia (Gcr), Franren, Hamburg.Knn- . Bclir Maggie Bell, Hall. New York for Boston. Watta (from Liccrpool), Quebec (so reported, probably for £«g*J> up.Sc'hr N H Skinner. and this amendment would meet with opposition, inasmuch harilt A Co. Bchr Franklin, Chadwick, New York for Boston. Baltimore). NARRAdANSKIT PIER, R I. Mav 15.Sailed fton* (excitement among tiie politicians, espo- as the Legislature had Axed the route; still lie was actu¬ Steamship Frlthjof (Nor), Brnnn, Hamburg.Fnnch, Bclir J 11 KpowIps, Merritt, New York tor Oardlner. Liverpool, May 15,11 PM.Sailed, steamship Italy 13Ul' 80hr A^ai* ®»»nders, from Bo«- of tbe Hall. In tbe ated to otter it on behalf of the property owners on the Kdve A Ca ftclir J Paine, Stephens. Hoboken for Boston. New York. (Br), Mobile tbc lobbyists City Sixth avenue. Andrews, Sn^w room of the Steamship Castor (Dutch), De Boer, Rotterdam.Funch, Schr 1 Tavlor, Hill, Now York for Newbnryport. Loudon.Sailed from flraveaend May 1, ship Dexter, Djr, 'in tbe reception Mayor's Mr. Dickinson opposed the amendment on the ground Ed vp A < 'o. Bchr I'romcnader (Br), Davidson, New York for Wind¬ Bursley, Gefle, to load for Melbourne. the tote of this bill had been tbe general that tbe franchise had been granted and the route lo¬ Steamship Vickslmrg, Randolph, Port au Prince, Ac- sor, N8. M ataman, May 9.Arrived, bark Augustine Kobbe, Car¬ cated. To adopt the amendment would he nisastroiiM. New York Hnd Want India Steamship Co Schr Howard Mollcr, Moller, New York for St John, ver, Havre. Mc of conversation, and the burden of the talk The motion to amend was negatived and the bill or¬ Steamship City of Austin, Eldridgc, Gahreston via Key NB. Sailed 7th, brigs Annie (Dan), Oisen, Cardenas and New Wan that tbe Governor would not tbe dered to a third reading. Wo«l.r H Mailory A Co. Schr Shamrock, TToy, Havnrstraw for Providence* York; 8th. Rio Orandn, Mctiellan, Fernandlna. sign bill, Adjourned till Monday evening. Steamship Emily B Sonder, Burdick, New Orleans.Fred Hchr W 8 Sweet, Young, New York lor Wellfleet. Qukknstown, Mav 16. 6 PM.Arrived, steamships Scotia HAVEN, May 17.Arrivea, schrs C S Hazard inasmuch as bo would have doubts as to its con¬ BILLS SlUlfKIl BY TIIK fiOVK?t!»fm. Baker. Schr Blaekstone, Wlxon, New York for Providence. (Br), Lott, New York for Liverpool; 17th, 5 AM, Malta Phillipg, Port Johnson; Collins House, Harding Chat? About two o'clock in the Tho Qovernor to-day signed the bill to secure better ad¬ Siramsliip Geo Cromwell, Clapp, New Orleans.Clark Schr Kllen Merrlman, Pierce, New York for Bristol. (Br), McKav, Boston for do (and both proceeded). ham; Orace Darling. Cole, Yarmouth; Golden BagUi stitutionality. afternoon ministration in the uolire courts In the city of New York. A Seaman. Schr F.flle P Kemp, Kemp, New York tor Boston. Sailed 16th, steamship City of London (Br), Mlrehonse Be spectators on the action ol the Governor He has also signed tlie bill for the locutiuu of a new e.llv Steamship San Jacinto, Hazard, Savannah.W R Oarri- Steamer Doris, Young, New York for Providence. (front Liverpool), New YorK. prison in New York. St ted the news that A KUHORKP .00. HciUl.n TlLKCRAPIt StATI oif. > Croix, May 3.In port brig Krlg Kremlin, Wyraan, xy."¦&"sW'vESriS .ere ostoun the bill was VKTO by Steamship Montgomery, Faircloth, Savannah.It Low- May 17, 1S7S. 1 from St Thomas, ldg for Boston. tritsgfe Gre.nport; H.llwi Mimed. Next to the signing of the charter this It is understood that tbe Uuvernor will veto tho Trftcitl den. Wiiitkstonk, Kydnkv, CB, May 9.Cleared, barkParejaro (Br), Young, S£,r Prohibition bill. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, Charleston.H R Mor¬ The following table shows the number of vessels which New York. Rri* LAW Armstrong, Stover Ponee pp. was the sensation of the era of raunlclDal changes, gan A Co. passed this station during the week ending May 17:. St Htkphcn, WR, May IS.Arrived, bark Brothers Prido *° n"m *v.n. Berry, Arrova, PR; 8 W BurwelL Bm!BU' and men turned to not what the Steamship John Gibson, Winters, Georgetown, DC.a B (Br), Tower, New YorK, to load for Rive.r Platte. 4l< Jarvls, "a instantly consider, A aUZSriON OF LABOR. Merrtrk A Co. INWARD BOUND. St POKT o A*.,¦ukuri"1'TRAK? bark J W Holmes Hovernor Steamships. ll Schooners... .204 John, NB, May IS.Arrived, schr P C Cope Iami (Br), ahe<1' pi New York Is abolished, and they are now to be Houghton Leghorn. ship La Cloire of the trades which have struck are masters Brig Talisman (Nor), Hansen, Gothenbnrg.C Tobias A Algoa Bat, March 27.Arrived, AnnaL Taylor, Perci- n "JwM'nrt; (Br). appointed by nomination by tlie Mayor and by con- jority Co. Ship C H Marshall, Hutchinson, from Liverpool April val. Port Elizabeth. ;i ifrvV Erna (V,,r>' Ellertsen. Boston;brig ¦rmaUon by the Board of Aldermen. of the situation. The Huccess of the few only em¬ Brig Carrie Bertha, Masters, Montevideo for orders- 17, to C II Mnrshall A Co, was spoken May 10, lat40 35, Ion Amov, March 12. Arrived, Vesta, Hiogo; AliceAii<^,iM ?n^Up1;.,",rf(Br), Richardson, MV-'ua: schrs Flv!ti(vl'oaiu (Br) son li9 45 boat , No 2). Percy, I8th, Hartley, Pe rnambuco; DV Jack* Mwwtrt..The only disqualification to the appoint¬ boldens the less fortunate. The trades unions are Brett, A Co ; ( 'a" ^ Kelly, Boston; Zullette Ken- 01 the Bar lor five years preceding bis appoint¬ will end on The General Com¬ Brii< M h Thompson, Hooper, Fernandlna.8 C Loud A Steamships City of Brooklyn, and Hatavla, for Liver¬ Bond (Algeria), April 24-sSalled, Suez, Rozzano, Phila¬ yon, Buckingham, Pawtucket. ment. was stricken out. Crispins Monday. Co. pool; Weser, Bremen; Washington, Havre; Anglia, Glas¬ Lewks, Del Mav lfi-y;OS AM-Wcnt to sea yesterday, mittee are well work. Pars.B J of via Kev tfco Crom¬ delphia. Matthew Baird and schr Emllv Oiirtls. ler,n of office for the Justices is Tor satisfied with their They Schr O M Marrett. Reed, Wcnboiw. gow ; City Austin. Galveston Went; Brouwkrsiiavkn, May 2.Arrived, Maud, i pu .-J*'*"4''.The Sclir Laura A Dodd, MaUda, Governor's Harbor. B J well. am! ftmilv B Souder, Now Orleans; Montgomery, Peterson, ti?' followinsr vew< Is are reported in harbor to¬ the first two ten years, the next two nine years, assert that they have created thirteen, instead of Charleston. HoV..SteamtuirJ7 Tin.mas schr me next two the WellhcrB. and San Jacinto, Savannah; Champion, Charleston; John Brkmkrhavfn, April 30.Arrived, Bremen (s), Pchnlcn- day Chasill, from Philadelnhia eight years, next two seven only one first class shop, and that tncy have suc¬ Hchr Mat tie E Smith, Brown, Cot Island.B J Wen- Gibson, Georgetown jOld Dominion. Richmond, Ac; ships hurg. New York; May I, George, Segelken, and Main (s), I angusset, tor VVa-thlnglon ; sloop Catharine I' schrs G years, and the last two six years. be re. Horatio, Sydney, NSW; Topgallant, San Francisco; harks Von New Washinuton; Uz>Ae and Rstelle ceeded In all the third class work¬ and Oterendorp, York; Schiller, WlschliUHcn, New L«nn ii B hay f,,? T,UJ ol the Justices shall be raising nearly Sclir Julia A Decker, Freeman, narbor Island.B J Jano Aver.v, Penarth Roads; Atlas. Borgo Wiborg: Orleans. Virg!nia Uurt ' for $.,000 a year. men to Becond class main¬ Weuberg. II D Stover, Havana; Vivid, Huliia and Pernamhuco; Brixiiam.Off May 3, Harriet Wade, Waihlngton! "nTldi'LriorBostoS1"1 wages. This, they Schr I.l/zio (Br). CB.0 Frank, Havre; Helenc, do; Jannetje, Rotterdam; Bruns¬ Torbayfor Hull. Cockrlll, police clerks are to be appointed, is1 fair for the and the Tlioni|>s