
Ragnar’s Cabinet

Study Guide


1. Letter from the Under-Secretary Generals 2. Cabinet Introduction 3. BackgroundBUILDER Information AND DESTROYER OF THE UNION: 3.1. The and“ANTAGONISM” 3.2. The Age 3.3. Society and Economy 3.4. Viking Military and Navy 3.5. The 4. The Characters 5. Bibliography



Most DistinguishedBUILDER Participants; AND DESTROYER OF THE UNION: “ANTAGONISM” We are more than honoured to welcome you all to the fifth annual session of KAIHLMUN, which be held between 20-23 February in Kartal Anatolian Imam-Hatip High School. Our names are Eli Evren Ross and Furkan Sarı, we will be serving you as the responsible co Under- Secretary-Generals for Ragnar’s Cabinet.

We are currently two 11’th year students in Prof. Dr. Mümtaz Turhan Social Sciences High School and have been attending Model United Nation conferences for more than three years now.

Firstly, we would like to thank our Secretary General Dilara Koç for giving us the opportunity to serve you in this prestigious conference and our lovely academic assistant Yusuf Mirza Arslan for helping us in every minute of the study guide writing process and preparing of this committee.

In Ragnar’s Cabinet, members will try to gain a foothold in overseas lands and tackle problems arising from the cold and difficult weather/. There are many hardened in the region and as the Cabinet of Ragnar it is expected of you to find solutions to the problems that you will CONFERENCE 2020 face and maintain your people and your jarldom/kingdom.

In order to be prepared for the committee please read the study guide carefully and check out the further readings sections.

Lastly, we are looking forward to meet you all and have a great conference!

For any information please do not hesitate to contact us via; [email protected] [email protected]


Ragnar Lodbrok is a Viking and king who has written many about himself. According to bothBUILDER the western ANDand Northern DESTROYER sagas, Ragnar OF Lodbrok THE 9. UNION: he became famous for his invasions into and France in the “ANTAGONISM” century and left a great mark on and changed the future of both the West and the north. Even after the death of , his influence lasted and brought England and the Vikings into a protracted war. Ragnar is a man who has risen from farming to becoming a king and has proven himself. He has brought great wealth to his kingdom with many raids which he successfully concluded with his unique strategies and has provided the writing of poems and folk songs in his name.

In KAIHLMUN’20, the history of Ragnar Lodbrok will start from the times when he was jarl and continue according to the actions of the cabinet. The delegates will be focusing on invasions to the west and possible dangers which are coming from Jarls and Kings according to the crises which will be given during the sessions.CONFERENCE In this committee, 2020 delegates will manage events that will affect both the West and North’s faith.



The Vikings were , and , men who were usually farmers, traders, blacksmiths, and craftsmen. The word Viking is thought to come from cove located in the south of . It is often used Norseman, Northmann, Northmen, meaning the Viking. The Vikings were fearlessBUILDER fighters, ANDthe war DESTROYER was an art for them. OF THE UNION: “ANTAGONISM” They were influential in the 9th and 10th centuries and became the symbol of fear looting and in . In this period called the "", the Vikings, which dominated many parts of the world, such as Europe, Asia and , became an important source of fear, especially for the people living on the coastline. The most important warrior features of the Vikings, who are master sailors, are the they have built. The ships were suitable to travel long distances, the Vikings were able to move quickly and rapidly in the open seas. Special construction techniques made and larger dragon ships versatile enough to sail great distances, carry up to 200 men, withstand rough seas while still being light enough to drag over land or carry through . Contemporaries of the Vikings were awed by their ships and sailing skills.

Most of the Vikings whose activities are most popular originated from the territories presently known as , Norway andCONFERENCE , though there are 2020 specifies in verifiable records of Finnish, Estonian and Saami Vikings too. Their shared belief and what made them unique in relation to the European people groups they went up against was that they originated from a remote land, they were not "humanized" in the neighborhood comprehension of the word and in particular they were not Christian.

The Vikings practiced primogeniture, which means the eldest son inherits everything and any younger sons nothing. Without land to farm, younger sons would need to find a way to make a living. This theory seems likely at least as one of the factors leading to the Scandinavian expansion into Europe.

The Vikings were living in scattered troops in Sweden, Norway and Denmark and they were never able to unite under a single flag. They often wrestled with civil wars and could not enjoy

their victories in European campaigns. Since they had incredible abilities in terms of warrior characteristics, no power could stand before them. Their armies; it was filled with molded and blood-thirsty wild people. For this reason, they saw no harm in attacking churches and monasteries and seizing valuable items. Contrary to what has been portrayed for years, they wore no horned helmets, and even fought unprotected, without wearing anything. When their fame reached Eastern Rome in the , the "Vareg Guards" unit, consisting of a group of Vikings, was going to be established at the request of the empire. BUILDER AND DESTROYER OF THE UNION: The Vikings have formed the large army“ANTAGONISM” and started conquest movements. The sons of the famous Viking King Ragnar Lothbrok were ruling this huge army. The conquests that started with the capture of the East Anglia Kingdom continued with the acquisition of the Kingdom of Northumbia and the Kingdom after various intervals and treaties. The warriors who wanted to gain land had no intention to stop.

When the calendars showed 874, the only kingdom that could not be captured from the 7 kingdoms in England was the Kingdom. In the Edington War that took place here, the Vikings would be defeated by , and as a result of the treaty, they would withdraw and start farming in the places they conquered. In this way, England; It was divided into two as the Vikings and the Wessex Kingdom. By the 900's, the Vikings settled in France and ruled a vast geography that extended to the Black , and Iran in the future.

In all of these victories and successes, there was a huge effect of the geography and the location of Scandinavia, which is a region in ,CONFERENCE with strong 2020 historical, cultural, and linguistic ties. The term Scandinavia in nearby use covers the three realms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The larger part national dialects of these three have a place with the Scandinavian vernacular continuum, and are commonly comprehensible North Germanic dialects. In English utilization, Scandinavia additionally in some cases alludes all the more barely to the , or all the more comprehensively to incorporate , the , and .

The time of settlement started around 800 AD. The Vikings attacked and in the end settled in , England, , the Faroe Islands , Iceland , , Livonia , , the Islands, , Rus' and , on what is currently known as the Island of Newfoundland . Swedish pioneers were for the most part present in Rus, Livonia, and other

eastern locales while the Norwegians and the Danish were essentially moved in western and northern Europe . These eastern-voyaging Scandinavian vagrants were in the end known as (væringjar, signifying "sworn men"),and as per the most seasoned Slavic sources, these varangians established Kievan Rus, the significant East European state preceding the Mongol intrusions. The western-drove warriors, in the long run known as Vikings, left incredible social marks[citation needed] on districts, for example, French Normandy, England, and Ireland, where the city ofBUILDER was established AND DESTROYER by Viking intruders. OF IcelandTHE UNION:previously got colonized in the late ninth century. “ANTAGONISM”


The phase started with the to until the end of is called “Viking Age”. During this period, Vikings explored and expanded their territory through and conquest. They found Greenland, Newfoundland, Iceland etc. and they had settlements in British Isles. In global perspective, they left considerable and long-term signs to the lands which they passed and they changed many things in Europe.


793: The Vikings which are led by Ragnar Lodbrok, raided a wealthy monastery on the tidal island of Lindisfarne off the coast of England. The British assumed that isolated outposts such as monasteries were safe due to their isolation, so this attack was perfectly easy for the Vikings and they saw the East as an easily achievable wealth. Furthermore, the British thought that these "Northmen", unaware of their existence, were a punishment sent by their gods for their sins. This is generally considered the official beginning of the Viking Age in England.

BUILDER AND DESTROYER OF THE UNION: “ANTAGONISM” 825: Naddod, a Viking from the Norwegian Faroe Islands, discovers Iceland. The Norwegians who escaped the rule of later settled on this island.

845: A Viking force led by the legendary Ragnar Lothbrok made raids into France and conquered Paris with incredible strategies. He was paid £ 7,000 in to leave Paris alone.

865: 72 years after Lindisfarne, a large Viking Army to avenge the murder of the legendary hero Ragnar Lodbrok by King Aelle returned not to raid Anglo-Saxon England but to conquer it. In the collection of annals known as the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle this invading force is called The . By then the largest and Strongest viking Army history had ever seen was led by his sons CONFERENCE,mainly 2020 , and they took it one by one until they left the English kingdoms-Wessex.

878: King Alfred of Wessex managed to secure a decisive victory against his Great Heathen Army at the in

878. For his victory, Alfred was given the title of 'great'. Soon after, an agreement was made between Alfred and the Vikings, which saw not only the defeated Viking leader convert to Christianity, but also divide England. The lands to the North and East were to be ruled by Vikings, this area came to be known as the . After this victory, the Vikings and anglo- continued to live side by side and make a living for 80 years.

BUILDER AND DESTROYER OF THE UNION: 911: The French King Charles I brought“ANTAGONISM” an offer to , the Viking war leader and Ragnar Lodbrok's own brother, to control Normandy. In return, Rollo agrees to protect the region from any future viking attacks, admitting it to Christianity, and swearing allegiance to Charles. Rollo's people eventually develop their own culture and identity as and move away from their viking identity.

1066: The Viking presence in England was finally ended in 1066 when an English army under King Harold defeated the last great Viking king, of Norway, at the Bridge, near . This is traditionally considered the end of the Viking Age in England, though major Scandinavian campaigns continue in Britain and Ireland in the following decades.



The main lifestyle of the Vikings is beside to the farming, fishing, sellswordship and trade in the Scandinavia. Actually, the economic steps in the society couldn’t be achieved systematically since the exchange economy was quietly enough for the norslife. The social hierarchy was like this; from strong to weak: Kings, Jarls, Karls and Slaves,

Kings: The King of a land is the owner of a region in the Scandinavian territory and being a king of any land or place was a prestige and to rule as a king in Vikings, that means that the judgement and ruling was the right of the king. On the other hand, the king has a portion on all production places in his land, that system controlled according to hierarchy, the jarls control to

karls and karls provide the production. Furthermore, the king was responsible from the security of the land against to other jarls, kings and countries’ attacks.

Jarls:The jarls were the upper class of the karls, either noblemen or landowners, merchants or traders. Jarls would likely have many men under their employ, whether they were farm hands, craftsmen or sailors. It was up the Jarl to keep them men in their employ, and often they would reward them with food and drink. Also, in the Viking lifestyle, the freemen could become a jarl, if he/she had beenBUILDER blessed from AND the god. DESTROYER OF THE UNION: “ANTAGONISM” Karls: The main population of Vikings is becoming from this class. Karls means the freemen who is free to own a land and handle it or have a profession like blacksmith, craftsman and establish a family. Karls were allowed to have slaves for helping their daily jobs.

Slaves: The slaves have no rights like having a land or do their profession, their only duty was serving their owner. However, they are able to have some money and spend if they deserve it in the conviction of their owner. In addition, they can marry if they want but in the condition of the accouchement, their kids become too.

By the way there is a shaman which couldn’t be a hierarchical class but too effective for personal and territorial decisions. Since according to Pagan religion, those shaman has a relation between gods and giving advises and spots from the destiny.


The Vikings were known for their fearsome warriors as well as their shipbuilding and trading skills. The trademark allowed the Vikings to travel very long distances in the deadliest of waters. Vikings were known forCONFERENCE their raid based culture, 2020 however they also settled in new lands they discovered. The high durability of the Longships allowed that to happen. Warlords or jarls stocked their longships with livestock and cattle before starting on a journey. The ships were also able to house around 35 men. The narrow shape of the ships allowed them to pass by rivers and stay close to the coastline. The longships certainly were fit for navigation but not really for naval battles. The raids were seasonal and several slaves were taken back and sold to the slave trade. Early Viking raids occurred with fewer numbers of ships on coastal European towns, which allowed a faster pace of travel and raid. After the death of Vikings started attacking with larger fleets and even settling around the British isles. With the death of Charlemagne’s son, died, the Nordic warriors started settling around the entrance to the River , allowing raids of inland Europe. After this the Vikings started having full on invasions with large fleets and armies.

In general the Vikings raided coastal regions where there were several vulnerable places such as churches and villages, where the local forces were mainly composed of irregular infantry militias. The core of the Viking army was composed of the Bondi. They were irregular infantry men and women who were farmers BUILDER AND DESTROYERand craftsmen OF THE during UNION: peace and warriors during war time. The Bondi didn’t have “ANTAGONISM” standardized weapons, as a result they were also used as skirmishers when equipped with bow and arrows. The Vikings usually used war axes, short and for close engagements. A signature for the Vikings, the wooden shields were usually round in shape and protected them against light weapons. The armour would usually be leather which also wouldn’t give too much protection. Cavalries were rarely used and horses were mainly mounted for logistical purposes.

Although being successful in raids, it could be said that the Vikings were not very successful in open battles. Not having very sophisticated weapons and being equipped with light armour, made them vulnerable against a foe with stronger armours and weapons. Not being used to fortifications the Vikings when faced with them, tended to ignore the fortifications and adapt a scorched earth strategy. During battle, the Vikings used the triangular wedge formation by using the protection of their big shields. This was the tactic they were most familiar with.



The early habitants of the British Isles were Celtic people. The Picts in Scotland and Northern England, the in and Ireland together with the Britons in England were the sole habitants until the arrival of the Romans. After a period of Roman rule, the Germanic People of the and the Saxons invaded the British Isles. These Germanic tribes established several kingdoms throughout Britain. It’s important to remember that the Britonic people didn’t have a feeling of unity betweenBUILDER them howeverAND DESTROYER they were against OFthe presence THE UNION: of the Germanic people. “ANTAGONISM” :

Although not being the first overlord (bretwalda) in the region, Northumbria was certainly the first dominant one. Being a overlord meant that the rest of the Angle-Saxon kings would answer to the overlord. Located throughout a large region starting from the Humber River(where it got its name from) to the Firth of Forth, the kingdom was located on the eastern side of Northern England and South Scotland. After aligning themselves to the in Rome, Northumbria flourished with several monasteries being established and being the centre of religious and intellectual texts. Which also meant that Northumbria was a rich kingdom.

Capital: Bamborough(Bamburgh)

+ It being a big kingdom meant it took a long time for the central army to reach other parts of the kingdom - Some regions are mountainous which makes raiding difficult, the kingdom was also the most advanced Germanic kingdom on Britain

Mercia: CONFERENCE 2020

The only faction which is strong enough to challenge the dominance of the Northumbrians were the Mercians, who revolted against their overlordship and fought for being the main power in the region for a long time. Mercia was a country whose main state religion was untill the period of the great king Offa. After Offa, Mercia entered a time of civil war and political instability. This was followed by a period of domination of Wessex over Mercia

Capital: Tamworth

+Less of a mountain range makes it easier to have an open battle, plenty of water sources such as rivers

-Not so close to the Northern Sea which makes it more difficult to raid also towns and villages are crowded which may result in bloodier raids


King Ecghbert of Wessex who was in exile in Frankish lands returned to Wessex after the death of Offa, king of Mercia. It was him who conquered the rest of the English kingdoms in the east such as Essex, KentBUILDER and Sussex. AND Ecghbert’s DESTROYER Wessex also managedOF THE to invadeUNION: Mercia and gain control over Northumbria. Eventually“ANTAGONISM” the Mercians revolted and Wessex lost it’s control over the two kingdoms. Furthermore East Anglia gained its independence. However the might and power of the kingdom of Wessex has always been a threat to its neighbours.

Capital: Winchester

+ Close to the sea, fertile lands, not very mountainous - Neighbouring the which makes Frankish Navies to detect and aid the English easier

Remaining Celtic People:

The majority of the remaining Celtic people remained in Cornwall, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. These people frequently sided with the Vikings against the Germanic CONFERENCE 2020 people.


1. Flóki Vilgerðarson: Floki is a boat builder and incorrigibleBUILDER trickster, and AND the closest DESTROYER friend of thr OF THE UNION: Ragnar. Committed to helping Ragnar sail west, he “ANTAGONISM” secretly designs and builds a new type of Viking longboats for their travel to the ocean. Floki typifies a neurotic person with a highly balanced personality. Possessing reasonable fear, and vast intellect, he is able to easily build ships with special traits. His belief to the gods is too strict and he is so radical in the decisions.

2. Ladgertha Lotbrok: Ladgertha was a skilled shield maiden, the first and ex-wife of Ragnar Lothbrok. At an unspecified time, Ragnar went to Lagertha's home to confess his love for her, but he was set upon by a and an enormous hound who guarded her home. Ragnar killed the bear with his and strangled the hound with his bare hands, thus CONFERENCEgaining her hand in marriage. 2020

She has great ability on ruling the people and ruling city. She is so faithful to her gods for example, after her daughter’s death, she believed that the god of fertility “Freya” offended to her then she didn’t tried to have a baby. She so determined from her decisions. She is loved from the norse public as becoming a figure.

3. Rollo: Rollo Sigurdsson and Rolf, is Ragnar Lothbrok's older brother. He has a great influence in the society so he can questioned to leader of his place. He is so strong and he is so ingenious about fighting and ruling in the war. In the warzones he doesn’t behave according to his intelligence, he uses his strength, agility, stamina and power. HeBUILDER is the key point AND for theDESTROYER administration OF THE UNION: because if he find the opportunity, he can use his “ANTAGONISM” potential.

4. Jarl Borg: Borg was a fierce and cunning Jarl from Götaland. His seat of power was in a village, larger than Kattegat, located in the South Swedish highlands. Jarl Borg was a powerful and important leader in Götaland. Subsequent to becoming Jarl after his father's death, his brother – with whom he'd been close – sought to usurp his power and title. When Borg threw a feast to celebrate his marriage, his brother attempted to poison him; the Jarl survived only because his new bride drained the cup intended for him. Borg claimed he is never able to forget his wife's death-screams as a result. He punished his brother by blinding him, then burning him alive. He tattooed his body with several symbols, including a CONFERENCE 2020 stone mask on his back.

5. Arne:Arne was one of Ragnar Lothbrok's loyal warriors. Arne wore a leather eye patch which he occasionally discarded to use his bow and arrow effectively. He is the man who knows to provide the sources in the basic and he is an assurance for Ragnar in the cabinet and in daily life.

6. Torstein: Torstein was a good friend of Ragnar and Floki. He knows how to fight and daily life of the Vikings fishery. He is an assurance for Ragnar in the cabinet and all decisions. Actually, the main weakness of the Torstein is the woman. By the way in the cabinet, the duty ofBUILDER the Torstein AND will be DESTROYER the mission of the fisheryOF THE UNION: zones and taking parts in the warzones.“ANTAGONISM”

7. Erlendur:Erlendur was the eldest son and heir of King Horik. As the son of a king, Erlendur was a Buthlungr, or 'Prince' of Denmark. The main problem of the erlundur’s stability is besiding on coming from different land and coming from an other strain. He is the master of horse grooming, this ability is very important for the mechanism of the committee and in all expeditions. Because in the foreign lands, the geographical conditions of the place will be too effective on the result of the war, invasion and raids. CONFERENCE 2020

8. Ivar the Boneless: Ivar Ragnarsson, named Ivar the Boneless by his father due to his disease, is the youngest son of Ragnar Lothbrok and . He is cripple from his legs so that he couldn’t learn the living like normal norseman but he learned fighting, killing, eating and ruling in BUILDERthis situation. HeAND will DESTROYERbe so booster on the OF THE UNION: tactics in the battles and in the“ANTAGONISM” providing sources needed in the war zone.

9. Bjorn Ironside: Bjorn Ironside is the eldest son of Ragnar Lothbrok and Lagertha. Although later it is revealed his uncle Rollo might be his biological father, Björn believes he is Ragnar's son. He is very strong in the type of vision for exploring. His bravery and his strength is showing us to his ability on leadership. He will be responsible on the blacksmith in the cabinet but all cabinet will profit by his potential.

10. Ubbe Ragnarsson: Ubbe isCONFERENCE the first son of Ragnar 2020 Lothbrok and Aslaug. He was conceived out of wedlock which would have made him a bastard, but with Ragnar's marriage to Aslaug and divorce of Largetha he became Ragnar's legitimate son and heir. He is the second oldest of Ragnar's son and arguably the most mellow. He also closely resembles his father when he was a young man. He will be responsible from the feeding and hunting. His role in the cabinet will not be so determined. He will be so supportive too.

11. Ragnarsson: Hvitserk is the second son of Ragnar Lothbrok and Aslaug. He generally support the decisions of the Ubbe because they growed together and their influence is really strong in each other. In the cabinet of Ragnar, Hvitserk will be responsible of merchant. MercantilismBUILDER is so important AND for DESTROYER Viking life because OF the THE UNION: main requirements are food and“ANTAGONISM” drink and if the year couldn’t pass so efficient, every is needed to be provided from the merchants and spoils.

12. Snake-in-the-eye: Sigurd "Snake in the Eye" was the third son of Ragnar and Aslaug. Through Ragnar, Sigurd was descended from the Volsungr (descendants of through his great-grandson Volsung) and the Ynglings (descendants of Frey) through his mother. In beside of it, Sigurd is a holy character in the society but his assurance is low on his brothers since he is not strong like the others and his character is not so determined and certain. In the cabinet, he will manage the security of the prisons.

CONFERENCE 2020 13. Siggy: Siggy was the wife of the former Jarl of the Kattegat, during her husband's reign, Siggy was much-admired and performed her duties impeccably. Siggy easily gained the trust of others, though she was not as trustworthy as people thought. Siggy's loyalties constantly shifted, lying where they would benefit her. She is good at holding the tension of the Norse public and bureaucracy inside of the administration of the territory. Duty of the Siggy in the cabinet is controlling

the production in the Kattegat.


https://www.ingebretsens.com/culture/history/the-vikings-and-the-viking-era https://www.history.com/topics/exploration/vikings-history https://www.historyextra.com/period/viking/vikingsBUILDER AND DESTROYER-history OF-facts/ THE UNION: “ANTAGONISM” https://www.historyonthenet.com/vikings-history-overview-culture-history-viking-age https://www.history.co.uk/shows/vikings/articles/the-history-of-the-viking-age https://www.softschools.com/viewTimeline.action?id=351