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SECTION 1 Europeans Set Sail TEKS 2A If YOU were there... You are a sailor living in in the mid-1400s. Several of your What You Learn… friends are excited about joining an expedition to sail to new lands. Although Portuguese navigators have made improvements to sail- Main Ideas 1. were skilled sailors, ing and advancements in ocean travel, you have heard about and they were the first the dangers other sailors have faced on the open . Europeans to reach . Will you join the expedition or stay behind? Why? 2. Prince Henry the Navigator established a school for sailors and provided financial support that enabled the Portuguese to start exploring the oceans. BUILDING BACKGROUND Europeans were interested in the 3. Portuguese sailors sailed goods of and Asia. In order to find new routes to these goods around Africa and found and to find new lands to settle, many European nations sent explor- a route to Asia. ers on voyages.

The Big Idea Europeans explored the world, Sailors Reach North America searching for new lands and The Vikings were the first Europeans to make contact with North new routes. America. They came from , a peninsula that includes the present-day countries of , , and . The Key Terms and People Vikings were skilled sailors who developed a new style of , called Leif Eriksson, p. 38 the , that curved up at both ends. Viking vessels traveled Henry the Navigator, p. 39 the rough North Atlantic seas better than earlier ships because their astrolabe, p. 40 designs were more stable. caravels, p. 40 The Vikings raided countries throughout , but they also developed large trading networks. sailed to the and the Mediterranean and Black seas. Eventually, the Vikings sailed west into the North Atlantic. There they founded a settle- Use the graphic organizer online ment on the island of in about 874. More than 100 years to take notes on Viking and Portuguese voyages of . later, Viking left Iceland to settle . Leif Eriksson, the son of Erik the Red, shared his father’s love of adventure. In the year 1000, he was sailing from west Norway to Greenland when strong winds blew his ship off course and carried his ship all the way to the North American coast. Eriksson and his crew landed on the Labrador Peninsula in present-day . The Vikings then sailed farther south to the island of Newfoundland, and perhaps to what is now New . According to their myths, Vikings saw forests, meadows, and rivers that held “larger than they had ever seen.”

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Eriksson settled in a coastal area he called In the early 1400s Prince Henry built an , but the Vikings left after only a few observatory and founded a school of naviga- years. Attacks by Native Americans posed tion to teach better methods of sailing. He a constant threat, and the area have also financed research by mapmakers and been too far from other Viking settlements shipbuilders. Finally, he paid for expeditions to be supported. to explore the west coast of Africa. After the Vikings left North America, Europeans did not return to the continent for Riches in Asia centuries. In the 1400s, however, a growing During the 1400s, Europeans had several interest in and exploration spread reasons to explore the world. First, they across Europe. wanted Asian . They hoped to bypass the merchants who had a monopoly on, or Reading Check Sequencing List the stages economic control of, the Asian products that of exploration that led to the Vikings’ landing in reached the Mediterranean. If a sea route to North America. Asia could be found, countries could buy spices and other items directly. Second, religion played a role in explo- Prince Henry the Navigator ration. Christians in Europe wanted to con- In the early 1400s Portugal became a leader vert more people to their faith. Third, many in world exploration. One man in particular, Europeans had become interested in Asian Prince Henry the Navigator, was responsible cultures. Explorer Marco Polo’s book about for advances that would make exploration his travels throughout Asia remained popular more successful. Although he never set out in Europe long after his death in 1324. Many on a voyage himself, Henry greatly advanced Europeans wanted to learn more about Asia Portugal’s exploration efforts. and its cultures.

History Close-up The Caravel

A special type of ship called the caravel became the workhorse of many European explorers. Though small, caravels were sturdy. They could sail across huge oceans and up small rivers. Triangular sails Caravels featured important enabled the advances in sailing technology. caravel to sail into the wind.

The smooth, rounded hull handled high seas well.

ANALYSIS The large center skill Analyzing Visuals rudder made quick turns possible. What features made the caravel an excellent ?

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Causes and Effects of the A Sea Route to Asia Discovery of a Sea Route to Asia By the 1400s Portugal had several motives, financial support, and the technology neces- Several factors led to the discovery of a sea route from sary for exploration. Portuguese explorers set Europe to Asia. out to find new lands.

Causes Rounding Africa • Financial backing from Prince Henry the Navigator Even with new technology, travel on the • New technology (caravel and mariner’s astrolabe) open seas was dangerous and difficult. One • Seeking trade with Asia and financial gain person described the effect on sailors of a • Converting people to Christianity voyage south from Portugal. • Curiosity “Those which survived could hardly be recog- nized as human. They had lost flesh and hair, the nails had gone from hands and feet . . . They Effects spoke of heat so incredible that it was a marvel that ships and crews were not burnt. • Discovery of a sea route to Asia ” –Sailor, quoted in World Civilizations, edited by • Face-to-face contact with traders in distant lands Edward McNall Burns, et al. • Awareness of different cultures and ways of life In spite of the dangers, Portuguese explorers

ANALYSIS continued sailing south, setting up trading skill Analyzing Information posts along the way. Why was trade with Asia so important to Europeans? In 1488 Portuguese navigator Bar- tolomeu Dias led an expedition from Por- tugal southward along the African coast. A AC ADEMIC Technological Advances storm blew his ships around the southern tip VOACABUL RY New technology played a major role in of Africa. This point became known as the effect the result Cape of Good Hope. Dias wanted to con- of an action or advancing world exploration. Sailors began to tinue his voyage, but his men did not. Since decision use tools such as the magnetic compass and supplies were very low, Dias decided to call the astrolabe , a device that enabled naviga- tors to learn their ship’s location by charting off the voyage and return to Portugal. FOCUS ON the position of the stars. Better instruments Later, King Manuel of Portugal sent READING made it possible for sailors to travel the open another explorer, Vasco da Gama, on an Make an outline expedition around the Cape of Good Hope. for the heading seas without landmarks to guide them. “A Sea Route The Portuguese also made advances in Da Gama left Lisbon, Portugal, in 1497 to Asia.” shipbuilding. They began designing ships and arrived in southwestern the next that were smaller, lighter, and easier to steer year. Portugal had won the European race than the heavy galleons they had used before. for a sea route to Asia. These new ships, called caravels (ker-uh-velz), When da Gama reached the Indian port used triangular sails that, unlike traditional of Calicut, Muslim traders met him and square sails, allowed ships to sail against the his men. The Muslims surprised the sailors wind. By placing rudders at the back of the by speaking to them in Portuguese. Soon ship, the Portuguese also improved the steer- da Gama and his crew learned that the people ing of ships. of India had been trading with Muslim and Italian merchants who knew Portuguese. Reading Check Analyzing How did Henry Da Gama made two more trips back to India. the Navigator promote exploration? He even governed a small colony there.

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Results of Exploration Portuguese Routes Portugal’s would have major and Exploration results, including the start of the . As Portuguese sailors explored the west coast of Africa, they negotiated for , , and slaves. The slave trade devastated EUROPE African communities. It led to increased war- PORTUGAL ASIA 40°N SPAIN fare among kingdoms and broke up many Lisbon M ed HRW National iterranean families. The Portuguese sent many enslaved Sea ah07bs_c02loc005ba Africans to Europe and to islands in the Portuguese Explorers LOC INDIA Atlantic, where they lived and worked under 20°N Final 1/28/05 AFRICA brutal conditions. Calicut The other nations of Europe watched as new trade routes brought increased wealth Equator N Mombasa and power to Portugal. They soon launched INDIAN W E voyages of exploration to find their own OCEAN S water routes to Asia. 20°S Cape of Good Hope Diás 1487–1488 Reading Check Predicting How would Da Gama 1497–1499 ATLANTIC 0 1,000 2,000 Miles continued exploration affect Africans? OCEAN 40°S 0 1,000 2,000 Kilometers

20°W 0° 20°E 40°E 60°E

geography S Ummary and preview In the 1400s, skills INTERPRETING MAPS the Portuguese started a new era of explora- 1. Movement Which explorer was the first to reach the tion. In the next section you will learn how Cape of Good Hope? Europeans reached the American continents. 2. Human-Environment Interaction About how many miles was da Gama’s 1497–1499 voyage?

Section 1 Assessment ONLINE QUIZ Reviewing Ideas, Terms, and People Critical Thinking 1. a. Identify Who was Leif Eriksson? 4. Summarizing Review your notes on European b. Summarize How did the Vikings eventually exploration. Then copy the chart below and use it establish Vinland? to explain the reason for the explorations, the tech- c. Draw Inferences Why do you think the Vikings nology that made explorations possible, and the did not try to colonize the Americas? results of the explorations. 2. a. Identify Who was Prince Henry the Navigator? b. Compare Why were caravels able to sail against Reason Results the wind while other ships could not? Technology HRWHRW National National 3. a. Recall Who was the first explorer to find a sea ah07bs_c02map005aah07bs_c02leg005a route from Europe to Asia? PortuguesePortuguese Routes Routes of of Exploration Exploration b. Explain How did Muslims living in India learn Focus on Writing FinalFinal 1/28/05 1/28/05 Portuguese? 5. Taking Notes on Early Explorers Review the sec- c. Draw Conclusions How did the slave trade tion and make notes on groups of explorers. Make affectW est Africa? sure to list the differences and similarities between the groups, where they traveled, and why.

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