LAWRENCE SHERIFF SCHOOL A National Teaching School RUGBY CONSULTATION ON ADMISSIONS POLICY FOR 2019-2020 In accordance with the School Admissions Code (2014), the Governors of Lawrence Sheriff School are consulting on their draft Admissions Policy for the 2019-2020 Academic Year. The consultation period runs from midday on Monday 18 December 2017 to midday on Monday 29 January 2018. Anyone wishing to comment on the draft document should write to Mrs Beardshaw, Clerk to the Governors, Lawrence Sheriff School, Clifton Road, Rugby, CV21 3AG or by email to
[email protected] by the deadline of midday on 29 January 2018. A copy of the consultation document will be available on the school website during the consultation period at under Parents and Students/Key Information/School Policies or a hard copy can be supplied on request to Mrs Beardshaw, Clerk to the Governors. Thank you. 1 LAWRENCE SHERIFF SCHOOL A National Teaching School RUGBY Lawrence Sheriff School Admissions Policy 2019-2020 Introduction Lawrence Sheriff School is a boys’ grammar school with academy status, with a co-educational sixth form from September 2018. Admissions are based on a process of selection having regard to children’s academic ability. In Rugby there are two other academically selective schools: a girls’ grammar school with academy status (Rugby High School) and a mixed bilateral academy (Ashlawn). The school has a Published Admission Number of 120 places in Year 7 for 2019-2020. The school has a Published Admission Number of 80 places in Year 12 for 2019-2020. Formal responsibility for determining admissions rests with the school’s governors.