______i_ SPRING OPENINGS YESTERDAY MAKING BIRMINGHAM FIREPROOF Complete a effect was Louis Saks pompadour that enchantingly pretty. A Caroline model was Characterized by the beautiful and per- Rebqurx stunning in king's bhwf crepe de chine, fect taste with which everything is done which formed the upper part of the Leaf at the Louis Saks Store, their spring and and Loose while the was of black lining ehip a, summer opening yesterday was perlraps single ostrich fancy tinged with black Break for the greatest achievement in the history adorned It. Among the children's Liberty was shown a dainty little of Desperate of this popular emporium of . wbito Milan slraw lined with del blue Neb. The entire store was with beauti- at Lancaster, aglow crepe and tiny clusters of June roses Systems ful colors, handsome garments and the and shirred the trim- taffeta formed little latest styles in every department, includ- ming which ended in running streamers of the eiel de chine. There’s no office ar- ing ready-to-wear clothes, dinner and re- crepe EXPLOSIVES ARE USED ception , lingerie, waists, sitlts. rangement so large or Loveman, Joseph & Loeb neckwear, shoes, hosiery and all the ac- so but was done to relieve complicated of fashion de- Everything possible cessories that my lady the forlorn impression presented by the what we can furnish sires. the most beautiful gowns Blow Open One Door and Force the Among tveeping heavens. Pots of hyacinths in a loose leaf system shown at the opening yesterday was a bloom threw out their perfume, rubber Turnkey to Open Another—Cell- creation of Chantilly lace which was.a plants and ferns gave a summer like back- n that will reduce work, ground, birds ia their ljttle cages were Wounded—Are Paquin copy. The was trimmed house Keeper almost splitting their tuneful throats to save time and trouble. with a contrasting lace of Mac r a me, and heads Lost in Blizzard drown the music of voices. The hands of black net. Tiny crochet but- and assistants in goods, ready to There’s a Loose Leaf tons were used profusely, and the cor- wear, millinery, notions, shoes and every other department vied each with the other office need. sage in draped effect, was charmingly for every Dir coin. Nrb., March 14.-i-Three prison- in making all comers acquainted wit'll at the waist line, with a single finished the fine stock. The window's were an in- ers 111 the Nebraska penitentiary at Dan- hand made, rose in pal© blue and green dex of the multiplicity of things Ask the Loose Leaf raster assassinated the warden, deputy lovely tints, with tiny yellow petals. Another to he found within. The laces and trim- and and wounded a, cell- at our warden, usher, constituted a and white de- Expert big gown that wa$ very much admired was mings pink house keeper blew the lock off one door, partment, the filmy things showing a glint white store. a Callot copy In black and figured forced a turnkey, at the point of a re- of rose beneath their web like mesh. chiffon, built over black Charmeuse. in- Everything in the line of trimmhlgs— volver to open another and escaped | for troducing the short effect. Barfds shadow' laces. Oriental Persian flouncing, Stationery every the main entranoe. Soon they through real lace bands, and em- of white Chantilly lace. effectively laces, crystal and were swallowed up in a raging blizzard. broidery, gorgeous garnitures, fairy like purpose, complete trimmed both the and corsage, while All were serving terms for robbing hanks. combination of embroidery and lace, the lines of all. a touch of black velvet was used j Well armed with revolvers and explo- Frenchy new watermelon shade embroidery—made / with black velvet buttons. A tailor model a superb display. The dress goods de- sives the trio first shot Cellkeeper Doody, cord which was a Jenny partment always lias a metropolitan air; 3. Itealdeuoe of Geo. It. HouNton. £ of which he in white wrhlp just outside the cellhouse, from brocades to laces it •J, Terrace Court Apartment**. the new cutaway coat dainty lingerie tile model, Introducing 4, the Darla Realdenee. had charge. Rushing down corridor, was marked yesterday by a smart dis- II and bindings 7. ttealden«*e of It. D. Barnett. effect and marble buttons in ; one of the fired through the tinction. The nmv crepe charmeuse in A'ortli ? ROBERTS & SON desperadoes (i and N, Cottaicea ll|rmin«> of white silk braid. In a 'taffeta tints sea foam and barred door into the office of Deputy primrose and green ham. 2 R. W. blue was shown, with a cornflow'er the which is EWING, President killing him. a lovely navy blue; juoy crepe Warden Charles Wagoner, most beautiful touch of gray embroidery and advanced, juoy radiums, the East Killed India burbar crepes with their wonderful Delahunty revers, making a stunning combi- gray colorings and satin bordered kimono silks Alarmed by the shots Warden James “Fire Walls” in the Residence Section of sST** nation. In every shade and fashion are wonderful. Birmingham 1922 3d Avc. and Usher A. C. Heilman Delahunty There is a superb macrame lace flouncing, Printers, Office rushed from the warden's office only Drennen Company a cobwebby not whose broad borders is Stationers, Outfitters, new run Inin tlie three convicts who is princess^ there is a crepe w HE same material used to the Americanfi Binders. Rulers, Engravers, Lith- to In their handsome new store, which lace; Jouy being fireproof Into background Is white with tiny raised bou- Embossers were making for the door leading equipped from cellar to dome, ographers, beautifully quets of pastel flowers; there are chiffon Chamber? tho main corridor. Ail the prisoners be- brilliant dis- Trust Building and used in the Empire, Brown-Marx, Drennen Co. made the most taffetas ,two toned and solid, and count- at the two men atid they gan firing play of dry goods, millinery, ready-to- less other achievements of loom and of Y. M. C. Y. W. C. A., and other Bir>« dead in their tracks. When and The one three Commerce, Ledger, A., dropped wear garments, laces, embroideries fingers. gowns, piece, piece the prostrate forms of orna- and tailored, cover a variety of color, rushing past all sorts of other useful as well as is now made into convenient blocks for res-* warden and usher one of the fabric and design; the are lovely, mingham buildings, the pris- mental at its and summer things spring and wfas interested in the the of Del- everyone array STRIKE ENDED IN oners tired again into body have ever that houses illustrated! openings yesterday they of negligees and lingerie. But the hats— idence construction. The apartments and ahunty. made. The store was artistically decor- Paul Polret, Virot, Louise, Jeanne, Re- exacting a toll of one life beaux and other famous artists—are au- ton Already ated and thronged with people from early above were built of this material which is also being shipped for each having a chance to escape, thors of some; other beauties are from the morn until dewey eve, and the highest 6 LAWRENCE MILLS flourishing Loveman, Joseph & Loeb work rooms. a three tho desperadoes. was heard on every Bide for the the south for It makes strong, fireproof* praise There is a black hemp, cardinal shaped all sections of building purposes. revolvers, rushed to the door smoking vast Improvements that have been made and faced with shifred white chiffon,, and leading Into the main corridor, the house—cooler in summer and' in of this already pop- finished with upstanding ostrich feathers, vermin-proof, damp-proof in most formidable bar to freedom. every departjnent sound-proof, Remains Effect at Eight was dowm the center of which runs a black Knowledge of explosives, Khined In ular store. The line of millinery numide aigrette. A cavalier hat is black The in and fuel pays for the crimes resulting in iheir con- both as to quality and quan- warmer in winter. saving insurance, repairs Mills—7000 Will* Return practicing unsurpassed, hemp, turned smartly back and trimmed, flnement, and possession of Hie explo- models were tity and while the imported with sea green ostrich feathers uncurled. and it is than sives, made tho blowing off the lock additional cost over frame construction, cheaper to Work those from the workrooms of A wonderful hat is a white hemp In the slight work of but a moment. exquisite effect. Its are Drennen Co. were equally as handsome. pompadour trimmings tiny or One of our illustrated buildings oft to Action roses, and the facing is white satin em- brick concrete. catalogues showing Force Turnkey A creation that was very much admired bossed with flowers. A hat the Hteel door the men pastel picture Swinging open was model in the cardinal shape. will be mailed on If T.nwrence, Mass., March 14.—The Royant is white tagal, faced with pompadour constructed of hollow tile request. ran into a turnkey. Though he doubtless every description The of the hat was of white hemp satin and topped with ostrich feathers and strike at six of the textile mills in the the trio took him had heard explosion the a with and the lining was of black velvet, aigrettes. One finds them in all the new are to we will be to furnish you this city Is ended. It remains In ef- almost unawares and covering him you going build, pleased comparative an os- taupe, empire green. revolvers commanded him to open single handsome trimming being rolortf—primrose, fect at seven mills here and one in their our outside door and let them out. In shading to pale on hollow tile construction. A exhibit of material North Andostor. The Everett mill, the trich fancy white, estimate permanent not have been se- Goods Store A hotter day could A Caroline Reboux model was Burger’s Dry which has kept its employes locked break of ltb- yellow. do think of the of lected by tlie men for their with black What you prospect the Builders’ Chamber of Commerce Building* a black Milan shape, faced will be in Exchange, oik since the strike started, is un- The blizzard made it impossible wearing glass buttons? This is what some placed erty. white adorned a few feet yplvpt and a gorgeous wdug arc derstood to be contemplating reopening for' one to distinguish a man of Burger’s new gowns showing, and is invited to from tlie arc When we which the inspect. soon on an increased wage scale. away. The three plunged prison the side. really they pretty. become public into the natural shield and disap- one accustomed to them they will be more so. At a mass meeting this afternoon the door In the ready-to-wear department It was tonight the m»n dis- After the window display the multitude of strikers voted to declare off the strike peared. reported of the handsomest lingerie gowns on been seen three miles from ttie prison. pretty things inside the store, and they had lace and em- Co. and was of beautiful Irish Fire & at the Washington, Wood, Ayer on ail play art most was a North Posses are scouring the country pleasing. TJiere stunning Birmingham Brick Proofing a of w'hite bet, Prospect mills of the American Wool- sides. As soon as news of the mutiny broidery, over “drop" white crepe made with an overskirt, in flounce. The en company, the Atlantic Cotton mills reached the governor's office a company with accordeon pla i te«l which a handsome macrame lace is inset. Alabama the The overskirt is cut to show Phone Main 7146 Birmingham, and the Kuhuhardt worsted mills. Ap- of militia was ordered to penitentiary Frenehy note of black was lent by a a broad General Phelps was put in flounce of this lace, and the is al- proximately 7000 operatives will return and Adjutant girdle of velvet, which completed the of the There nost made of it. The lingeries are very temporary charge prison. model In to work ut these plants Monday. The lovely . A handsome unart. One is net was no trouble with other prisoners today. ecru and lace, made vailing redis and pinks, with an especially mass the advice of was of Alice blue, artistically a meeting accepted taffeta with peplum. Cream lace, an insection good display of Panama, Fisk and Castle NOTED AVIATORS WILL FLY the strike committee to continue the braided In self tones. The short tunic ind a finish of ball fringe completes an nobby tailored hats. ittrnctive effect. A blue tailored strike at seven mills, who have signed effect was introduced, and the skirt fin- pretty model Is made with a cut away coat the wage scales, but who have not ished with two narrow puffs which are Loventhal's OVER CITY OF BIRMINGHAM "aught with a handsome ornament. The made clear what mean A veritable transportation of the fash- sufficiently they now so fashionable. lapels are white. A heavy crepe linen ionable dressmaking shops of Paris and to do. in deep ecru has a hand drawn flounce, Berlin are to be found at loventhal's n and lace self As a result about 3000 operatives will Ferd Marx Store peplum trimming In tone. for There is dress In exclusive ready-to-wear garments remain not tlio 3000 not a filmy lingerie made of out. including Kven the disagreeable rain could women. The magnltleent creations of j shadow lace and showing a touch of color locked out at the Everett mills. Worth. Gallot. Zimmerman, detain miladi at home—no, especially in the primrose belt. Paq u in. an- dis- .Speakers at the mass meeting new Rondeau and others are when she had a hint of the beautiful The hats are varied and beautiful. A Cheruit, nounced the executive committee on played In the evening, street and informal have the and bonnets in the Ferd Marx model from Castle Is a small leghorn, conciliation will try to have released Alabama senators accepted gowns dress , mirroring the most graceful It was .he whose only trimming Is a willow plume from jail under bonds, Ettor and invitation of Oscar \V. Turner that they store awaiting her approval. art of the needle In laces, embroideries r»f empire green. A white hemp has a