Shrek Inventory

Bear Baby Screen Cage Gloves with Fur Shirt Red Scarf Pants with Furry Legs Fur Cowboy Bear Momma Screen Cage Gloves with Fur Fur Hat Bear Pappa Screen Cage Gloves with Fur Red Shirt Snap in Fur Arms Plaid Overalls Fur Hat Big Bad Wolf 1 Floral Bathrobe 1 Hat with Ears and Tiara 1 Mop 1 Gloves with Fur 1 Sequin Dress 1 Pants with Hairy Legs Donkey Spandex with Foam Fur Body Hat with Mane Hooves Hand Hooves Dulocian Female 8 Gold Cap Dulocian Male 8 Gold Cap Faarquad 1 Black Pants 1 False Legs with Curtain 1 Red / Blue Sequin 1 Gold Belt 1 Dark Gold Cape 1 Red/ Blue Hat 1 Battle Helmet 1 Bathtub Chest Plate 1 1 Black / Purple 1 Black Cape 1 1 Wedding Gold Tunic 1 Gold Cape with Gems 1 Gold Pants 1 1 Burnt Crown Fiona 1 Green 1 Green Wrap 1 Mini Skirt Cowl Ogre Gloves Fat Pad Wedding Dress Wedding Fiona Double Padding Green Skirt Green Bodice Pearl Necklace Gold Skirt Gold Bodice Wedding Veil Teen Fiona Green Top Green Skirt Young Fiona Green shirt Jumper Grumpy Foam Shell Long Tunic Red Pants Hat Humpty Dumpty EVA Egg Brick Pants Little Pig 3 Piggy Boots 3 Screen Cage 3 Piggy Pants 3 Hairy Chest 3 Piggy Shirt Pig Hat - Straw 3 Piggy Hands Pig Hat - Sticks Pig Hat - Brick Momma Ogre Nose Ogre Gloves Pappa Ogre Nose Ogre Gloves Pinocchio Hat Shrek 1 Fat Pad 1 Brown Pants 1 Shirt 1 Vest 1 Cowl 1 Ogre Gloves 1 Nose 1 Belt Young Shrek Cowl Ogre Gloves 1 Pants 1 Shirt Vest

Blind Mice 3 Sequined Mini Dress 3 Silver Bubble Dress 3 White Gloves 3 Glasses with Nose

Dungeon Knight 6 Black Pants 6 Raggedy Shirt 6 Raggedy Bit Vest

Guard 7 Silver Shirt 7 Silver Armour 7 Arm Guards 7 Knee Guards 7 Helmet Guard Head 1 Silver Shirt 1 Gold Armour 1 Arm Guards 1 Knee Guards 1 Helmet

Pinocchio 1 Yellow Shirt 1 Red Bow Tie 1 Blue Shorts 1 White Gloves

White Rabbit 1 Screen Cage 1 Fluffy Pants 1 Vest With Sleeves 1 Bowtie 1 White Gloves 1 Hat with Ears