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Foreword 4 Prologue 7 percepHon 12 W movemen t symmetry 154 break ing symmetry measurement 190 observat7on mathernaHcs 238 physics cyberneHcs 294 computer sc7ence computer art evoluHon theory 368 system theory garne theory theory of science 418 art theory psychoanalysis 508 acHonism V7S7Ofl 546 decons truc hon v7sual 586 cornrnunlcat7on Index 602 Lenders 615 Imprint 616 percepHon w movement 16 Peter Weibel 33, 35, 38, 39 Josef Hoffmann Theory and Art Contours of a F-listory of the 33, 34, 38, 39, 48 Koloman Moser of Perception in Austria 33 Adolf Hälze? 33 Peter Weibe? 34 Ernst Stöhr The Abstract Ornament 34 Leopold Stolba and the Quadratic World of the Wiener Werksthtte around 1900 36, 37 Anton Hofer 41 Bernhard Leitner 36 Maria Luzia Stad?mayer-Bieber Viennese Kineticism 37 Ilse Bernheimer 37, 51,62 Otto Erich Wagner 45 Eva Bajkay Viennese Kineticism and the Hungarian Avant-Garde 37 Friedrich v. Berzeviczy-Pallavic 39 Adolf Loos 46 Peter Weibe? 38 Ludwig Wittgenstein Viennese Kineticism and Hungarian Constructivism 38 Max Benirschke 57 Peter Weibe? 38 Fritz Zeymer On the Origins of Hungarian Constructivism in Vienna: 39 Lily 5reenham MA 1920-25 40, 52 L. W. Rochowanski 71 Eva Bajkay 40, 42, 62 Cizek Schule Hungarians at the Bauhaus 41,52 Johanna Reismayer-Fritsche 42 Paul Kirnig 78 Catherine David Vision, Motion, Emotion: Moholy-Nagy‘s Experimental Activity 42 Gertrude Neuwirth 43 Valdria Dienes 81 Läszlö Moholy-Nagy 44, 57 Trude Fleischmann Light Requisite for an Electric Stage 45, 47 Erika Eiovanna Klien 82 Raoul Hausmann/ Hans Arp/ luan Puni/ 46, 48, 49, 62 B?a Uitz Lsz16 Moholy-Nagy 48, 52 Oskar Donau A Call for an Elementary Art! 48, 49 Jänos Mattis-Teutsch 83 Raou? Hausmann 49, 72, 73 Irmgard Lang Optophonetics 50, 62, 63 Sändor Bortnyfk 84 Miklös Peternk 50 Gertrude Fischel Light and Sound from Hungary 50 Fritzi Nechansky 51 Gerta Hammerschniied 87 Lsz?6 Alexander Color Light Music 51 Heinz Reichen felser 51 Hans Hofmann 89 Nikolaus Braun 52 Sylvia Penther The Concrete Light 52 Hans Pitsch 90 Oskar Rainer 53 Gertrude Tomaschek Musical Graphics 53 Elisabeth Karlinsky 54, 72, 74, 75 Raoul Hausmann 91 MiklÖs Peternäk Vision in Motion 54, 62, 78-81 Lsz?s5 Moho?y-Nagy 55 Anna Bothy-Steiner 96 Lszl6 Lengye? 55 Etienne Bothy The Brain of the Scholar, the Eye of the Painter, and the Heart of the Poet: György Kepes 55 Lajos Tihanyi 14 1 56,72,74,75,76 Lszl6 Pri 98 V7ctor Vasarely 56,62,63,67 Lajos Kassäk Optical Kinetics 71 Margit Try-Adler 100 Lajos Nmeth 72 Gyula Pap Homage to Nicolas Schöffer 73 Alfred Forbath 74 Andor Weininger 102 Friedrich Kiesler The Vision Machine 75 Farkas tiolnär 76 tlarcel Breuer 104 Nikolaus Scheffer 86 György Gera Georg Jung or Almost a Color Religion 87,88 Lszlö Alexander 112 Walter Gerbno/Riccardo Luccio 89 Nikolaus Braun Biographical Sketch of Gaetano Kanizsa 90 Hans Kohn 114 Gaetano Kanzsa 90 Franz Urbach Subjective Contours 96, 97 Gyöcgy Kepes 99 Vctor Vasacely 118 Imre Päl TheRoleof3Dlmages 101 Nkolas Schöffer 104, 105 Georg Jung 119 P1 Greguss 106, 148 Marc Adr7an Dönes Gabor — The Inventor of Holography 107 Helga Phflipp 120 Ilona Koväcs 108, 109 Hermann J. Painitz of Bla Julesz: Inventor the Computer Generated Random-Dot 110 Wolfgang Buchner Stereograms 111 Hans Florey 122 Bla Julesz 113 Gaetano Kanizsa Dialogueson Perception 125, 126 Alfons ScIrilling 127, 128 Max Peintner 129 Päl Greguss PALoramic Imaging and Art in View 132 Päl Greguss of Information Theory 133, 134 Andräs Mengyän 135, 136 Antal Nemcsics 135 Antal Nemcsics TheColoroidColorSystem 137-139 Att7la CsJji/Norberf KroÖ 140 va T. Bortnyik/Csaba Tubäk 137 Attila Csj 7/ Norbert Kroö 142, 145 Peter Kubelka Creating Images with Lasers: a Method for Superpositioning 142, 143 Ferry Radax 143 Herbert Vesely 141 Peter Weibel 144,146,147 Kurt Kren Viennese Formal Film 149 Hans Scheugl 149 Peter Weibel 149 Ernst Schmidt jr. ExpandedCinema 150 Peter Weibel Valie Export 153 Gert Pfurtscheller 150 Planning and Imagination of Movements 152 tlart7n Arnold 15 symmetry breaking symmetry 157 Erwin Chargaff A Few UnscientificThoughts About Symmetry 164 Victor Vasarely 160 Hagdolna and Istvn Hargftta 167-169 Vera tiolnär The Concept of Symmetry in Modern Chemical Research 170 Tibor Eayor 165 Vera und Francois Molnr Making and Breaking Symmetry in Visual Art 171 Hildegard )oos 179 Szan‘iszlö Brczi 172, 173 Simon Hantai Changes in Symmetry Caused by Cellular Automata 174, 175 Peter TtIrk 182 Michael Stöltzner Symmetryand Natural Laws 176 Walter Obholzer 187 Otto E. Rössler, Arthur P. Schmidt, 177 Sabina Härtner Peter Weibel The Interface Concept in the History of Physics 178 Jnos Saxon Szsz 156 measuremen f observahon 193 MiklÖs Rdei John von Neumann — Mathematical Physicist 198 Alexander Zart 1 Taking the Side Roads: Erwin Schrödinger in the 19405 201 Erwin Schrödinger Letters to Mihäly Polänyi and Leo Szilard 208 Harald Atmanspacher Wolfgang Paull — Not Just a Physicist 211 Walter Thirring Quantum Ergodic Theory 212 Anton Zeilinger Beil‘s Theorem, Information, and Quantum Physics 218 Peter Weibel Endophysics and Art 220 Otto E. Rössler/Peter Weibe? 221 Gottfried Bechtold The Two Levels of Reality — “Exo“ and “Endo“ 221,222 Peter Weibe? 224 Peter Weibel Victor F. Weisskopf — The Exactitude of Quantum Physics 223 Ru th Schnell 224 Peter Weibel 228 Gäbor Csäszäri Eugene P Wigner — The Philosopher and the Problem of Measurement 229, 230 Attila CssYrgd 225 Karl Svozil 231 Jänos Sugär Is the World a Machine? 232 DÖra Maurer 234 Harald Ä Posch Microscopic Reversibility and Macroscopic lrreversibility 233 Herwig Turk mathemaHcs physics 241 Gyula Staar Mathematics, the Lighthouse of Hungarian Science 253 Päl Erdas 1-10w 1 Became a Mathematician and World Wanderer 255 Martin Neuwirther Raoul Bott — The Unconventional Thinker 256 Wilhelm Frank Modern Logic and Mathematics in and from Vienna 262 Christa Binder Olga Taussky-Todd — A Mathematician from Austria 263 Gilbert Helmberg/Karl Sigmund The Nestor of Mathematicians — Leopold Vietoris 265 Peter Weibe! The Mathematical Community in Austria 269 Martin Neuwirther Wolfgang M. Schmidt — The Geometer of Numbers 270 Peter Weibe? /Eckehart Kähler Gödels Proof of Undecidability 275 Eerszon Kri/ Tamäs Varga Ernö Rubik‘s Cube and Its Groups of Rotations 277 Michael Stöltzner Gödel on the Relationship Between Mathematics and Physics 282 6borJ. Szkely/Dnes Petz Entropy 285 Leo Szi?ard On the Decrease of Entropy in a Thermodynamic System 288 Leo Szi?ard Curriculum Vitae 291 Albert Einstein Letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (August 2, 1939) 272 Josef Linschinger 292 Leo Szilard 273 DÖra Maurer Memorandum, Attached to Einstein‘s Letter to the President (August 15, 1939) 274 Peter Weibe! 240 cybernetics computer science computer art 297 Heinz von Foerster Circular Causality 301 Heinz von Foersfer Cybernetics of Cybernetics 303 Ernst von Glasersfeld Radical Constructivism 304 GyLfzä Kovcs The Early History of Cybernetics and Hungary 307 Peter Weibel John von Neumann 308 Tihamr Nemes Cybernetic Machines 315 Nicolas Schöffer The Cybernetic City 318 Gyöze Kov&s LszIÖ Kozma 321 Heinz Zemanek 319, 320 Attila Koväcs Information Theory and Technology in Austria after 1945 341 6bor BÖdy 329 Hermann Maurer HowThings Often RepeatThemselves 344 Gyu?a Stva 331 Axel Pinz 345 Krisztiän Frey Digital Visual Information 348 Tamäs Waliczky 334 Thomas Natschläger Networks of “Spiking“ Neurons 348 6usztv Hämos 338 Miklös Peternk 349 George Legrady Hungarian Computer Art 358, 359 Kurt Inger? 342 Leslie Mezei 360-362 Richard Kriesche 346 CharlesA. Csuri ATechnique for Computer Sculpture 362 Gottfried Bechtold 350 John George Kemeny 363 Robert Adrian X 352 Peter Weibel 364 Public Netbase The Explosion of the Visual: Machine-aided Perception 365 Kunstlabor 357 Otto Beckmann ars intermedia 366, 367 knoubot‘ic research 296 evolution theory system theory garne theory 371 Franz P7chler The Contribution of Raoul H. Franc: Biocentric Modeling 376 Veronika Hafer Ludwig von Bertalanffy 378 Franz Pfchler Searching for Arthur Koestler‘s Holons 382 Ernö Kllai The Hidden Face of Nature 384 tienne Bothy The Theory behind the “Golden Series“ 387 Peter Weibel Fritz Hartlauer‘s Contribution to the Theory of Morphogenesis 389 Christa Somnierer/Laurent Mfgnonneau Art as Living System 391 Werner Leinfellner Evolutionary Epistemology 393 Istvän Kardos A Television Interview with Albert Szent-Györgyi 395 Läszl6 Beke The Aesthetics of Chance 398 Werner Leinfellner A Short History of Garne Theory 402 Chikako Nakayama The Concept of Equilibrium: John von Neumann and Karl Menger 386 tienne Bothy 404 Eckehart Köhler 386 fienne Hajdü John C. Harsanyi as the Master of Social Theory 386 Zoltn Kemny 407 Werner Lefnfellner Evolutionary Garne Theory 387 Fritz Hartlauer 411 Peter Schuster 395 Taiaäs Lossonczy Molecular Evolution and Garne Theory 396 Andrs Wolsky 416 Karl Sigmund Garne Theory and Artificial Life 397 L?öra Maurer 370 1 s theory of science 1 art theory 421 C. J. Nyfri The Austrian Element in the Philosophy of Science 424 Eyörgy Kampis Bla Zalai: An Original Hungarian Thinker 425 Rudolf Haller Poetic Imagination and Economy — Ernst Mach as Scientific Theorist 431 John Blackmore Mach‘s Influence on Six Great Hungarian Scientists Fr7edrich Achleifner 441 Pter Szegedi 481,483-485,488 The Galilei Circle and the Polänyis 481 H. C. Artmann 444 Lszl6 Ropolyi György Lukäcs and the Sunday Circle 481, 483-485 Konrad Beyer Oswald Wiener 449 ha Karädi 482-485 G. Lukäcs, K. Mannheim, and the Sunday Circle 483-487 Gerhard RUhm 455 György Lukcs Gappmayr Leo Popper 1886—1911. An Obituary 489, 490 Heinz Oswald Oberhuber 456 Friedrich Stadler 493 The Vienna Circle 494 Lszl6 Lakner 463 Eckehart Köhler The Circu!ation of the Concept of Philosophy in the Vienna Circle 495 Rudolf Petrik Wolfgang Ernst 465 Elisabeth Leinfellner 496 Wittgenstein and Mauthner — Mauthner and Wittgenstein 496 Richard Kriesche 468 György Kampis Popper‘s Hungarian Disciple: lmre Lakatos 497 Peter Weibel Valie Export 470 GyLfrgy Kampis 498 Arthur Koestler as Philosopher of Science 498, 499 Gottfried Bechtold 472 Peter Weibel Egg Paul K.