Regarding Visa, GVTS is advising you to check current requirements for getting visa with the nearest Tanzanian High Commission, embassy or consulate. You may also consult your travel agent. Visas, if required, can be bought on arrival at all international airports and overland borders but GVTS is advising you to complete all Visa issues before start you safari to .


The national language for Tanzania is Kiswahili language but English is widely spoken for the business purposes. Tourism being among top businesses in Tanzania, English language is the language used in tourist trade despite many tour guides speaks more language than English. The languages they speak fluently are French, Germany, Spanish, Italian as well as Chines among others. Don’t worry to hear few words of Swahili words during your visitation in Tanzania. Unfortunately, Swahili words will be used in minor cases and occasion. Uses of Swahili language especial when you will be in bushes as well as in peripheral locations will be appreciated greatly by locals - native people visited as it will make them feel great and valued because of the considerable engagement.


No vaccinations are currently required for entry into Tanzania when arrival is directly from North America or Europe despite the COVID 19 care should be taken at upmost levels.

Visitors originating from or transiting through countries endemic with yellow fever (such as Kenya, Sudan, or Uganda), are required to produce valid yellow fever vaccination certificates at entry points. Visitors are advised to take anti- malaria tablets and make use of mosquito nets and insect sprays where provided. Malaria is endemic but is preventable: use insect repellent, cover up at sundown, sleep under a mosquito net and take anti-malaria prophylactics as advised by your doctor. Bring prescription medicines, spare glasses, contact lenses and solution as well as sunscreen, a first aid kit, cream for bites/stings and diarrhea remedy. HIV/Aids is widespread, especially in the main tourist areas.



Tanzanians love children and are especially helpful to mothers. However, canned baby foods, powdered milk and disposable nappies may not be available outside major towns.


Generally dry and hot with cool nights/mornings June-October; short rains November to mid-December; long rains March-May but the seasons can vary. The coastal strip is hot and humid all year round. Temperatures on Mount Kilimanjaro and Meru drop to below freezing.


Pack lightweight tropical clothes, washable clothes plus a sweater for early morning game drives, as well as a sun hat, sunglasses cotton slacks, shirts, skirts, sunscreen. Long sleeves and trousers in light-colored fabrics help discourage insect bites. You can buy clothes in Dar es Salaam and or any other region. Shorts for women are acceptable (but not too short!). Women should carry a wrap to cover legs in the villages and towns as revealing clothes can cause offence, especially in Zanzibar and Moslem areas. For climbing on Kilimanjaro or Meru, take thermal underwear, light layers, sweater, rain jacket, good socks and sturdy boots.


Visitors are advised to obtain travel insurance that would cover medical expenses among many others. Take out travel insurance to cover loss of baggage or valuables, personal accident and medical expenses. Before departing from your country make sure that you are sufficiently covered.


The unit of currency is the Tanzania Shilling which is divided into 100 cents. Major foreign currencies - particularly US$ - and travelers cheques are accepted and are convertible at commercial banks and buerade changes in the main towns and tourist areas. Credit cards are accepted may carry poor exchange rates. Some banks in Arusha, Dar es Salaam and Moshi offer ATM facilities against international credit cards, Please don’t change money in the street.


9. SECURITY Tanzania is a generally safe country, but don’t invite temptation. Keep an eye on your belongings. Don’t walk in the towns or cities at night - take a taxi. Don’t carry cameras or large amounts of cash; beware of pickpockets. Use hotel safety deposit boxes to safeguard valuables and obtain a receipt. Leave valuable jewelers at your lodge / Hotel.

10. PHOTOGRAPHY Bring film (especially slide film) and batteries for your camera with you. Protect your cameras from dust and keep equipment and film cool. It is courteous to ask permission before photographing local people. If you intend to take a lot of people pictures, be sure to bring an instant camera with you so that you can leave a picture with the people you photograph.

11. GIFTS Don’t indiscriminately hand out pens, money and sweets like a wealthy Western Santa Claus - it just encourages begging. As anywhere, gifts should be given as a true expression of friendship, appreciation or thanks.

12. SHOPPING The tourist areas and hotels sell a wide range of souvenirs, jewelers and trinkets. Don’t be afraid to haggle at roadside curio stalls.


Not obligatory, but a tip for exceptional service (max 10%) will be appreciated, $10 - $15 per day for driver or tour guide. An excessive tip can make it difficult for the next customer

14. TIME The time in Tanzania is 3 hrs + GMT

15. ELECTRICITY This is Tanzania electricity: 215 - 230 Volts, 50 Cycles AC same as the UK and in South Africa, but power failures, surges and troughs are common. Bring a universal adaptor and a torch (flashlight) or headlamp.

16. AIR TRAVEL Several international airlines operate in and out of Tanzania through Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar International Airports. Travel within the country is by the national airline , and by , , Air Excel, , Zan Air and .