Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] -009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

Assessment Report on The Humanitarian Situation in District Center after Liberation Prepared By EADE

Sinjar District Center, Iraq December, 2015 Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727


Sinjar District also known as Shingal, located 120 km to the West of with coordinates 36° 19′ 21″ N, 41° 51′ 51″ E (36.3225, 41.864167). The town is mainly inhabited by Yazidi, Arab and Assyrian.

In August 2014, the and the Levant launched an offensive in Northern Iraq and pushed into Kurdish held areas of the Nineveh Province, capturing the city of Sinjar, among others. In what is known as the , 2,000–5,000 were killed in and around Sinjar, while 200,000 civilians fled to Sunoni (Al‐Shamal Sub‐District), Dohok, Zakho, , Sulaimaniyah and Derak in . Amongst these, some 50,000 Yazidis fled to the , located to the city's north, where they were facing starvation and dehydration. By the end of August, the majority of these 50,000 Yazidis were able to leave the mountains through a corridor opened by Kurdish forces, although several thousand stayed there.

While ISIL held onto Sinjar city and the southern entrance of the Sinjar Mountains, they seized further terrain north of the mountains on 21 October 2014, thereby cutting the area's escape route to Kurdish areas. Yazidi militias who were securing the holy Sherfedîn shrine, had to withdraw into the Sinjar Mountains. The number of Yazidi civilian refugees was estimated at 2,000–7,000. In the course of a first, six‐day‐long offensive in December 2014, Iraqi Kurdish took control over a part of the city of Sinjar and parts of the mountains, and expanded their offensive on to Tal Afar. Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

Once ISIL recognized lose control of these locations is close, they started to plant many IEDs on the main streets of the Sub‐Districst, meantime they blew many houses belong to Yazidi and Arab leaving the city in dire situations.

On 12 November 2015, over 7,500 Kurdish fighters, backed by the US‐led coalition, began their offensive to retake Sinjar. The U.S. and British Special Forces were also participating in the offensive. ISIL counter‐attacked in the western part of Sinjar, while hundreds of Peshmerga were waiting to be deployed in battle. Kurdish forces had secured the wheat silo, cement factory, hospital and several other public buildings in the northern part of the city, with reports that ISIL had fled Sinjar prior to the offensive. However, a Peshmerga official expressed his concern about possible suicide bombers remaining within the city. Kurdish forces also secured 150 square kilometres (60 square miles) of territory around Sinjar from ISIL.

On the morning of 13 November 2015, the operation's second day, a Kurdish force including Syrian Kurdish YPG forces and Gerila forces of the HPG advanced to the city center from the west. There they were joined by Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga forces advancing from the east, including the Iraqi Kurdish Zeravani and independent Yazidi forces subsequently, a stream of armed personnel carriers, Humvees, SUVs and light trucks were moved into the city. With a U.S. A‐10 aircraft circling over the city, they took control of the city.

Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

Details of IDPs Families According to gender (As in the date after ISIL Control)

Total No Total No of No of No of No of of IDPs Individuals Female Male Children Families

52000 312000 103000 93600 115400

No of IDPs according to gender 140000







0 No of Female No of Male No of Children

Details of Returnees Families According to gender (As in December, 2015)

Total No of Total No of No of No of No of Returnee Individuals Female Male Children Families 2128 12768 4210 3870 4688

No of returnees according to gender

37% 33% No of Female No of Male 30% No of Children

Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

General Current Situation: On December 2015, Engineering Association for Development & Environment (EADE) after coordination with the security forces and the local authority in Sinjar District center, conducted an assessment in Sinjar to assess the humanitarian situation and identify humanitarian needs that require urgent attention. Entry into Sinjar is controlled by the Peshmerga forces and is currently not allowed for non‐Sinjar people; entry is only permitted for Yazidi & Sheaa from Sinjar. The people entering Sinjar are moving out their houses furniture to areas outside Sinjar.

Sinjar is currently considered a military zone and is undergoing mines cleaning operations and removal of IEDs by the Peshmerga forces. Many of whom have been exposed to explosive incidents during exercise. On Dec 2, 2015 seven members of the Peshmerga forces were killed after an IED exploded in one of the houses.

The current situation of people in Sinjar can be described by a view of destroyed buildings and houses and no means of life. The families whom inhabited originally in the south of Sinjar Mountain now are living in tents inside the Mountain for never liberating their villages and complexes, while other families inhabited originally in the north of Sinjar Mountain were returned to their own houses after liberation. Generally, 88% of Sinjar city recorded as destroyed places including houses and general facilities and services project. Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

Returnees families will be still in fear of any probable attack may be made by ISIL or going back to the military conflicts which will affect and obstruct the humanitarian activities and infrastructure rehabilitations.

% of Damage in the Infrastructure According to the Sector 100 90 90 90 90

80 70

60 Damage 40 30 of 20 % 00 0 0 00 0 Schools Agriculture Health Electricity Water Municipality Infrastructure Sector

Humanitarian Intervention:

According to a local official source in Sinjar, the international humanitarian organizations and other agencies during the displacement period have not active or vital interventions to cover the IDPs needs. The local NGOs were not presented in this location as a source of humanitarian aids distribution. Their activities were only limited in preparing assessments and report for IDPs needs. The most active organization was organization as nonprofit organization which ensure distribution of tents, food parcels, caravans and other requirements.

It is important to have immediate interventions to provide immediately the necessary needs of Sinjar people to encourage people to return back and prevent their immigrating outside Iraq which began widely in a sharp mode among Yazidi families.

EADE is one of local organizations who was continuously submitting reports on the current situations in Sinjar area. Some of these reports were previously submitted to UNHCR and other United Nation Organizations to follow the detailed number of returnees, losses of damages in the Governmental & private sector properties, through detailed reports prepared by EADE staff after their deep communications and interaction with all parties of concerns in Sinjar, the local governments, tribal heads and security forces. Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

High level efforts of coordination and funding resources is required to meet the urgent humanitarian response for Sinjar IDPs/returnees. This should be exercised by keeping an active and permanent contacts with POC supported by understanding and coordination between the humanitarian organizations, donor organizations, local government and security forces to success a practice of reconstruction Sinjar city.

Assessment Resources for EADE:

EADE reports and data were mainly based on the direct contacts with the official local Government and administration staff and IDPs/returnees families in Sinjar. The activities included also conducting interviews and visits to the IDPs shelters and discussions to reach to their suffering and needs. It included also visiting to IDPs farms and other works places to exercise free individual atmosphere in order to collect real data away from any kind of embarrassments. EADE mission in Sinjar center including in Al‐Nasser, Yarmook & others quarters; some of the pictures were taken in Sinjar Mountain in Saradashti area. Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

Observation & Recommendation of Urgent Needs

1‐ Houses/Shelters Item No Status Recommend Intervention

Damaged houses 11000 Partially (20%) damaged Light rehabilitation: glasses, paint, windows, due to arson. doors, sanitation & electricity.

Damaged houses 40000 Completely (100%) Building of new houses. damaged by explosions.

Vulnerable houses 51000 Completely Robbed by Compensation of owners & supply furniture. ISIL (100% of furniture)

Housing project 1 Completely (100%) Building of new housing complex. (flats) under damaged by explosions construction with progress percentage of 70%

Urgent Intervention

‐Distribution of caravans for returnees living instead of their houses destroyed during ISIL control to Sinjar.

‐Removing of debris in the locations of destroyed houses.

Intervention Reason To provide dignity level of living & acceptable standard for returnees and rehabilitation of the infrastructure of the city. Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

Current Situation of Houses

51000 51000 40000


Partially (20%) Completely Completely Total No of damaged due to (100%) damaged Robbed by ISIL Houses arson by explosions

% of Houses Damage Comparing to the Total Houses Number



Partially Damaged Houses Completelly Damaged Houses Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

2‐ General Municipality & Environmental Services A‐ Machinery losses & Damages in the Properties of Sinjar Municipality Directorate

Item No Status Recommend Intervention

Shovels 2 Stolen Supply of 1 shovel

Garble Truck 3 Stolen Supply of 2 garble truck

Portable Water Tanker 4 Stolen Supply of 1 potable water tanker

Dump Truck 4 Stolen Supply of 2 dump trucks

Tractor 6 Stolen Supply of 4 tractors with carriages

Pick Up Vehicle 4 Stolen Supply 1 pick‐up vehicle

Grader 2 Stolen Supply of 1 grader

Excavator (Poclain) 1 Stolen Supply of 1 excavator.

Urgent Recommended Intervention

‐Supply or hire equipment and machinery to remove and transport the debris from the locations of the houses and general roads.

‐Supply of electrical generator 100 KVA for the Directorate of Municipality.

‐Supply of (200) garble containers (120 letter).

‐Supply of (200 set) complete cleaning tool (spade, bloom, trolley, rubber wiper & mattock).

‐Supply of (200) working suit.

‐Supply of (200) working shoes & hand gloves.

‐Supply of (8) tons of trash sacks.

‐Cash money for hiring 150 daily workers.

‐Distribution of potable water to returnees by hiring water tankers. Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

B‐ General Service Properties

Item Damage volume Status Recommend Intervention

Different Directorate 20 No Completely damaged by Building of new buildings. Buildings explosions Supply of complete furniture.

Vulnerable Roads & 100 Km Completely damaged by Repaving of roads and shoulder Shoulders explosions & military casting. About 50% of total operations infrastructure

Roundabouts & public 42 No Completely damaged Reconstruction of civil works. squares About 70% of total infrastructure

Traffic lights & traffic 100% of total Damaged & stolen Supply new traffic lights & traffic signs infrastructure sign.

Trash & debris 88000 M3 Accumulation of trash & Removing & transferring of trash debris because of making & debris and cleaning of public random sand barricades areas. & throwing of damaged furniture & spreading of damaged parts of houses & market buildings.

Urgent Recommended Intervention

‐Cash money for hiring workers.

‐Supply of shovel, grader and dump truck to remove and transport accumulative debris. Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

C‐ Environmental Services

Item No Status Recommend Intervention

Unexploded IEDs 2300 Under treatment by engineering Rapid removing of unexploded IEDs. operation of Army.

Polluted lands 48 Clean lands within the city & villages The urgent backfilling & treating of became marsh areas & a source of marsh areas. diseases for stopping the municipal services

Green Areas 12 Debris & trashes were accumulated The urgent cleaning & rehabilitation over the green areas & gardens of green areas & gardens. within the city.

Urgent Recommended Intervention

‐Cash money for hiring workers.

‐Supply machinery.

‐Digging 10 water wells to irrigate green areas & gardens. Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

For general Municipality & Environmental Services Reason for ‐ Reconstruction of damaged locations is to encourage IDPs in returning back and bringing Intervention means of life to the stricken city. ‐Helping in providing the returnees with general services like clean drinking water to prevent diseases caused by the deficiencies in supplying potable water. ‐To protect the environment from pollution & prevent the diseases caused by the deficiencies in the mentioned activities. ‐Collecting trashes and debris from houses and public locations and delivery to the landfill areas away from the city centers and to open closed roads caused by accumulated debris to facilitate moving of people.

3‐ Schools

Item No Status Recommend Intervention

Damaged Schools 8 Completely damaged by Building new schools with furniture. explosions

Vandalized Schools 12 Partially damaged (70%) & ‐Medium rehabilitation: walls, plastering, robing all furniture. glasses, paint, windows, doors, walkways, fences, sanitation & electricity.

‐Supply complete furniture.

Robbed School 10 Robing all furniture. Supply complete furniture.

Urgent Recommended Intervention

‐Distribution of 10 prefabricated schools (caravans).

‐Supply of school furniture.

Reason for intervention To secure suitable study places for students and give the last chance for them to join schools & completing the current academic year 2015‐2016. Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

4‐ Agricultural, livestock & Irrigation System

Areas of farms before ISIL control to Sinjar & around villages = 2,000,000 Donum

The main agricultural products are wheat, barley, Potato, Tomato & vegetables.

Item No Status Recommend Intervention

Sinjar wheat Silo 1 Construction of new wheat Completely damaged by airstrikes silo.

Different agricultural Not Missed Supply farmers with machinery, tractors, accounted agricultural machinery harvesters, carriages & generators.

Agricultural wells Not Damaged & Cleaning & rehabilitation of accounted backfilled wells.

Corrals & shed for livestock Not Completely Construction & rehabilitation accounted damaged of corrals & sheds.

Agricultural lands & Not Levelled & Cleaning of farms & orchards Orchards accounted damaged from IEDs, jungles & grasses

Agricultural sprinklers Not 50% Missed Supply water sprinklers & accounted accessories. 50% Damaged

Wheat seeds 988000 Stolen from Sinjar Supply seeds. Ton wheat Silo (supplied to the Government by local farmers supported with Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

official documents)

Sheep 500,000 Dead Supply of sheep. Head

Cows 750,000 Dead Supply cows.

Apiary honey Not Dead Supply apiary honey. accounted

Poultry farms & hence Many Damaged & Poultry farms rehabilitation & thousands robbed chick/hence supply.

Urgent Recommended Intervention ‐Supply machinery that will support and help farmers in resuming their agricultural & livestock activities. ‐ Supply fertilizers. ‐Supply animal feed.

‐Digging of surface wells by the available local machinery.

‐Reaching irrigation water & electricity to the farms.

‐Supply of pesticides.

‐Supply fuel.

Reason for ‐To start with the agricultural activities to cover the returnees daily household intervention needs.

‐To ensure a source of daily incomes for these returnees families.

Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

5‐ Health & Hygiene A‐ Health Care Centers

Item No Status Recommended Intervention

General hospital of Sinjar 1 ‐100% Damaged Removing debris & reconstruction of the hospital.

‐ Supply medical & admin furniture.

Health centers 4 100% Damaged ‐Removing debris & reconstruction of the health centers.

2 50% Damaged ‐ Supply medical & admin furniture.

Urgent Recommended Intervention

‐Supply of four prefabricated health centers (caravan).

‐Supply of medical furniture: X‐Ray, Sonar, Laboratories devices/furniture, medical tools & medicines for the portable health center.

‐Distribution of medicines and other medical services. Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

B‐ Hygiene

Urgent Recommended Distribution of hygiene parcels including soap, cleaning powder, Intervention disinfectant & kids and female diapers.

Reason for intervention To resume the health care & protecting returnees from spread diseases and the availability of daily hygiene kits to ensure the personal cleaning and hygiene for returnees.

6‐ Electricity

Item No Status Recommended Intervention

The Directorate 1 Partially damaged (70%) & -Medium rehabilitation: of Electricity in robbing of furniture. walls, plastering, glasses, Sinjar paint, windows, doors, walkways, fences, sanitation & electricity

-Supply complete furniture

High tension 100 Km of * Partially damaged (50‐70) Medium Rehabilitation of infrastructure % * Robbed all furniture. buildings with supply of Electrical lines electrical materials & admin including furniture transformers & pools Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

Urgent Recommended Intervention

‐Urgent supply of high power generators to provide returnees houses with electricity immediately.

‐ Supply of fuel for generators.

‐Supply the Electricity Directorate with electrical materials: High tension transformers, wires & metal pools for rehabilitations to start distribution of the electricity from the national network.

‐Supply solar lamp kits to help in providing electricity for returnees.

‐Supply of temporary lighting system for roads.

‐Cash for hiring (100) daily workers.

Reason for ‐The urgent need for electricity for daily life and to lighten the roads to control intervention the security situation & prevent night robbing.

Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

7‐ Water

Item Damage volume Status Recommended Intervention

Water projects 8 No 100% ‐Construction of new water project. including the old Damaged by water project by airstrikes

Potable water 22 No Vulnerable ‐Supply submersible pumps. wells due to 50% of total ‐Supply electrical generators. damaging & potable water wells robbing ‐Supply water tanks (30,000) letter volume.

‐Supply devices of water desalination & purification for agricultural wells to be sued for drinking.

Water Network 70 Km Partially Rehabilitation of the network & Damaged manholes. 30‐50% of total network

Urgent ‐Supply of potable water by hiring water tankers. Recommended ‐Rehabilitation of potable water wells. Intervention ‐Distribution of bottled water to help in provision of potable water.

‐ Supply the Water Directorate with pipes, accessories & pumps for rehabilitations to start rehabilitation of water network & distribution of the clean water from the main network or wells in the villages.

‐Cash for hiring trucks & workers.

Reason for ‐The urgent need for clean water to avoid infections and epidemics & insuring intervention of enough water for keeping clean body and household using by the returnees.

Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

8‐ Food and Nutrition

Urgent ‐Distribution of Food and Nutrition parcels including flour, sugar, tea, rice, Recommended cocking oil, tomato paste, beans, chickpeas and lentils. Intervention ‐Distribution of food vouchers.

Reason for Due to lack of food as the number one priority to returnees, most of them intervention have not received any food assistance for no general food distribution has been offered to them.

9‐ NFIs

Urgent Distribution of NFI like clothes, blankets, mattresses, quilts, gas cooker and Recommended other equipment for household use. Intervention

Reason for The returnees lost their furniture and they are in sharp needs for these intervention humanitarian aids to temporally facilitate their daily living & household works.

10‐ Livelihood

Urgent ‐Distribution of sheep and cows on farmers to ensure a source of daily incomes Recommended for these families. Intervention ‐The urgent needs for work opportunities by cash‐for‐work projects because all returnees have no income generating activities and the families are waiting for humanitarian assistance.

Reason for The acute indications of idleness for no work opportunities intervention

Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE) [email protected] Iraq-009647701614471 Jordan-00962796216727

11‐ Security of Communities

Item No Status Recommended Intervention

Sinjar Police 1 Completely damaged by Construction of new police center Directorate explosion. with admin furniture.

Border Police 1 Partially damaged. Rehabilitation of the building. Directorate

Reason for The important need for controlling the security situation to the state intervention system, laws and security commitments and provide people with protection and security.

Situation of Arab Returnees:

Arab returnee’s families will be still in fear of retaliation by Yazedi individuals as a reaction of the ISIL invasion. This requires psychological rehabilitation program for individuals presented by protection monitors in cooperation with a therapist provided information on the impact of this social violence on Arab returnee’s people. This will facilitate the reintegration of all entities in the community and secure successful humanitarian programs.

Returnees families will be still in fear of any probable attack may be made by ISIL or going back to the military conflicts which will affect and obstruct the humanitarian activities and infrastructure rehabilitations.