From the Heart of Kurdistan Region

The only English paper in - No: 493 Mon. June 08, 2015 PM Barzani opens Zakho International Stadium KRG P 4 The Kurdish Globe No. 493, Monday, June 08, 2015 2 President Barzani attends the birthday Peshmerge are ceremony of Queen Elizabeth II‏ learning to read, whilst terrorists to shed blood

President attended the During the ceremony President Barzz 89th birthday ceremony of Her Majesty zani reiterated his gratitude for the role By Gazi Hassan Queen Elizabeth II. The ceremony was of the in the current arranged by the General Consulate of war against the terrorists of the Islamic the United Kingdom and was attended State, and wished a happy birthday to by a number of diplomats and KRG ofzf her Majesty. For this week, I wanted to discuss My important point is that the ficials. the grounds for heading towards Peshmerge who expect explosion of the Kurdish state as President Barzz bombed cars of ISIS at any time, and zani raised new hopes for people of who don’t know when and how an Kurdistan, especially after his visit to I.E.D could blow off under his feet, Sweden to send experts for Washington and meeting with Presidz how in such a high morale attend litze dent Obama and the White House eracy classes under a humble tent to staff. But I turned around to this title learn the alphabets, and to learn readiz training Pehsmerga because when I really take a look at ing his own and his enemy’s names, to it, I say the situation shouldn’t be left learn using military tables and maps. Sweden is considering sending experts ranking officers and trainers to for out without a comment. Originally it’s Just take a second to think about the and trainers t to support training Peshmerga forces. an appealing and hopeful situation of surreal image; don’t you feel the forces in the fight against Islamic State Kurdistan Regional Government's Peshmerge that shows us are meaning of victory too? Don’t you (ISIS) in Iraq. (KRG) Representative in Sweden, Soriz heading to a modern, prosperous and feel that people of Kurdistan, who On June 3, a bill was approved by the ish Qader Raheem, said "The decision of developed state. don’t discriminate between religions, Swedish parliament concerning supportiz sending trainers by Swedish Parliament Last week, I was watching a report languages and ethnicities, are really ing Kurdish Peshmerga forces. to Kurdistan Region is very important. It on Rudaw TV channel. They had building a bright future? Based on the bill, the Swedish Govez is not only crucial in military respects, ernment will be engaged in training but it is vital in political values as well." made a report about members of Peshmz As Baghdad Government, with its missions inside the Kurdistan Region merge, who were illiterate, taking part unwise policy and administration, through sending 120 qualified high in literacy classes in the frontlines of hands over and Anbar with all war against the IS. I have understood weaponry and ammunition, meanzw that Kurds and Kurdish leaderships while in Zakho, KRG Prime Minister should have no concern about the opens a modern stadium in the city on success of people of Kurdistan. We June 4. Isn’t this indication of prospz KRG Publishes the Monthly see that Peshmerge’s salaries haven’t perity, development and self- confizd been sent by Baghdad, their weapons dence? are outdated and traditional, but still Sometimes one tries as much as poszs Export Report for May 2015 they can conduct classes of literacy sible to prevent being biased and sentizm The Kurdistan Regional Government Ceyhan with 13,915,549 barrels (averaz at the front lines. The report showed mental. It’s true that in order not to see today publishes the Monthly Export Rezp age of 448,889 bpd), including 1,344,196 sixty members of Peshmerge in Xazir, the facts smaller than they are, and not port for May 2015. barrels that were delivered to SOMO in which is one of hot front lines, takiz to portray the small things bigger than The Kurdistan Regional Government April but not acknowledged. ing part in schools for learning how they are, we should admit that Peshmz (KRG) exported 17,906,242 barrels of Due to circumstances beyond the to read and write. I’m asking: has this merge can protect a free Kurdistan. crude oil (an average of 577,621 barrz KRG’s control, there were 80 hours of ever happened in any other country? The morale of Peshmerge and their rels per day (bpd)) in the month of May downtime for the export pipeline during While the terrorists, with all of their view of life are strong evidence of the through the Kurdistan pipeline network May. Taking such outages into consideraz ideas, groups and resources, includiz victory of the true path of establishing to the port of Ceyhan in Turkey. ation, the KRG delivered an average of ing the local groups or the foreignez an independent Kurdistan. As for the Of this amount, fields operated by the 502,911 bpd to SOMO. ers, even in certain places in Kurdiszt Radical Islamists and Terrorists, with KRG contributed 12,620,452 barrels The KRG remains on track to meet its tan too, have been using mosques as all their kinds and tendencies, they’re (407,111 bpd on average), while fields oil export commitments under the 2015 schools for learning and training on heading towards a dead-end hell as a operated by the North Oil Company federal Budget and is pleased that KRG violence, killing, beheading and shedzd result of their love of violence, killzi (NOC) contributed 5,285,790 barrels (an export volumes, already at record levels, ding blood. ing, bloodshed and barbarism. average of 170,509 bpd). continue to increase. In May, the KRG supplied SOMO in

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Senior U.K. Editor STAFF WRITERS Gazi Hassan +964 750 7747784 Bashdar Pusho Ismaeel Zakaria Muhammed Weekly paper printed in Erbil [email protected] +964 750 475 3897 First published in 2005 [email protected] [email protected] Salih Waladbagi [email protected] +964 750 4912996 ARTS EDITOR Reviser Diyaco Qayoumy +964 750 4036252 Honar Osman ADVERTISEMENT Address: Erbil, Massif road [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Cell: +964 750 4055888 The Kurdish Globe No. 493, Monday, June 08, 2015 3 HDP on cusp of PM Barzani accuses Bagdad history in Turkey’s for solving budget issues elections but price of failure remains high

By Bashdar Pusho Ismaeel For many years, the Kurds suffered ous other minorities. It is an alternz The prime minister of the policy is not to worsen KRG’s share of budget a choice of the Kurdistan Workers native to the Kemalist Republican Kurdistan Regional Govez the disputes but stressed since January 2014 and has Party’s (PKK) armed struggle and People’s Party (CHP) or the Right- ernment (KRG) has accused that the status quo was not allegedly shown no comzm the repressive policies of successz wing Nationalist Movement Party the Baghdad government of working. mitment to agreements alrz sive governments. For the dozens of (MHP), but the key test is whether it showing no will to resolve “Solving the issues with ready signed. Kurdish political parties, allegations can must enough of these non-Kurdiz simmering budget issues, Baghdad is our top prioriz In the same day, Barzani of been a voice of the PKK and Turkz ish votes, even if it successfully navzi saying that the current situaz ity. But we may consider received Yezidi supreme key’s harsh security laws, saw them igates the 10% threshold. ation cannot continue. other options if the central spiritual delegation headed quickly shut down. If it remains a Kurdish voice and During the opening cerez government shows no will by, Hazim Mir Tahsin Beg. Now ahead of historic general eleczt a party of the Kurdish region, then emony of Rixos Hotel in to remove the obstacles,” The delegation paid tribute tions on 7th June, the Kurds latest it will struggle to escape the PKK on Friday, Prime Barzani said. to people of Duhok city for political incarnation, the Peoples’ stigma. Minister Nechirvan Barzani In addition to the enormz holding a large number of Democratic Party (HDP) led by Selz Such is the significance that the discussed Erbil-Baghdad mous influx of refugees displaced Yezidis. lahattin Demirtaş, not only strives to 10% of HDP vote may bring that the relations and said the Iraqi who have fled to the Kurdiz For his part, PM Barzani pass the elusive 10 percent election election campaign has pitted them government is creating istan region, the budget reiterated his support for threshold that has so often blighted in constant confrontation with the problems for the KRG by dispute has put Erbil in an Yezidi supreme spiritual Kurdish parties but extend its suppz AKP. cutting its share of budget. intense economic crisis. council for holding consensz port base to become a Turkish party Turkish President Recep Tayyip Barzani said the KRG’s Baghdad has cut the sus. that is representative of a wide range Erdogan, who has made no secret of of groups and not just Kurds. his desire to rewrite the constitution HDP’s quest to enter parliament after the elections, has traded freqz as a party and not via the traditional quent harsh rhetoric with Demirtaş. PM Barzani sends message of independent candidate route, is seen At the same time, Demirtaş has been by many as a gamble but it also demoz equally clear that once in parliament onstrates the growing confidence of he will be an obstacle to AKP goals condolences to US Vice President the party. and policies. Even as Kurds represent a large Then there are the bombings of Kurdistan Region Prime shock and deep sadness, we As our families in our section of the population, the 10% HDP offices in May and in recent Minister, Nechirvan Barzz grieve with you, your famiz many years of struggle have threshold has been hard to breach. days a deadly double bombing at a zani, sent a message of condz ily, and all Americans. lost and continue to lose so The ruling Justice and Developzm HDP rally in Diyarbakir that killed dolences to Mr. Joe Biden, We should all be inspired many spouses and siblings, ment Party (AKP) have worked effz or wounded dozens. US vice-president on the by your son's service as a and brothers and sisters, we fectively to split the Kurdish vote in The bombings are a reminder of occasion of passing of his US Military officer, as a deeply and sincerely empz previous elections, especially from the nationalist camps in Turkey son, Beau Biden. leading civil servant who pathize with you and your Islamist and conservative circles. that aim stir violence and keep the Following is the text of promoted justice and the family. Then there are those Kurds who south-eastern question as an armed the message: rule of law, and as an exemzp Please, again, accept our were greatly discouraged by voting struggle calculus, and then there Dear Vice President plary citizen. In his passing warmest and most heartfelt for any Kurdish party who would ultz are Kurds who are skeptical at the Biden, we are learning more about condolences. timately fail to break the threshold prospects of true peace and Kurdish On behalf of the people the honor and value of dediz and thus lose their votes and voice. rights through parliament. of the Kurdistan Region of icated public service that Yours most sincerely, Couple with Kurdish fallout over If the HDP does breakthrough the Iraq I warmly offer you and respects and protects all Nechirvan Barzani Ankara’s stance on the struggle of threshold, it would empower their your family our heartfelt people regardless of their Prime Minister the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane position as interlocutors in the peace- condolences on the passing ethnic and religious backgz Kurdistan Regional Govez under a fierce Islamic State (IS) onsz process. It will also give them a true of your dear son, Beau. In grounds. ernment slaught, the stalling of the Kurdish platform to extend their gains. peace process, HDP’s broader manifz On the flip side, if HDP fails to festo and the prospect that HDP will achieve this target, there are signifizc enter parliament, the Kurdish voter cant repercussions. Millions of votes base has become rich pickings. would have lost their voice in parlz Kuwait Consul General Amidst the backdrop of the campz liament leading to further unrest, the paign to become a truly Turkish partz Kurdish peace process may become ty, another key HDP battle ground sidelined or diluted and HDP would commenced work in Erbil has been the West of Turkey. The see their seats giving to the next focus has been on displaying an imza largest party, most likely the AKP. Last week, Omar Ahmed, Mustafa and talked about tion in their activities and age of a libertarian leftist party and The AKP have vowed that the Consul General of Kuwait in the relations between Kurdiz achieving their objectives. capitalizing on disaffected and disez peace process will pursue regardlz Erbil officially commenced istan Region and his counzt DFR Head also talked enfranchised voters growing uneasy less of the HDP in parliament. But his new job and submitted try. about the important role with the AKP or nationalist alternatz whether it’s a change in constitution his commencement letter The newly assigned Kuzw Kuwait is playing in providiz tives, especially appealing to Gezi or peace with the PKK, without opzp to Minister Falah Mustafa, waiti consul in Erbil presz ing humanitarian support protestors. position in parliament, the AKP will Head of the Department of sented his objectives as for the Syrian refugees and Demirtaş 9.7% of the vote in the have an unhindered path. Foreign Relations (DFR) being to improve bilateral emphasized the need for orgz presidential elections is deemed as In either case, AKP is likely to of the Kurdistan Regional economic and cultural ties ganizing a donor countries’ a measure that HDP influence is muster a strong portion of the vote Government (KRG). between the two countries. conference to collect aid for growing. again and this will increase fractures Consul General Ahmed Minister Mustafa, on the the refugees and internally As a party of the voice of marginalzi with opposing political and ideologzi passed special regards from other hands, reiterated his displaced persons. ized, HDP has an appeal and a larger ical camps. the Kuwaiti Foreign Relazt office and government’s electorate including that of numeroz tions Minister to Minister full support for the facilitazt The Kurdish Globe No. 493, Monday, June 08, 2015 4 PM Barzani opens Zakho International Stadium

Zakho International Stazd PM Barzani described dium, the most modern the stadium as a little football stadium in Iraq, prize for the struggle and was opened on Wedneszd sacrifice of the people of day, June 3, 2015. Zakho who have made The ceremony was atzt a lot of sacrifices durzi tended by Nechirvan Barzz ing all the revolutions of zani, Kurdistan Region’s Kurdistan and currently Prime Minister, Abdul fight terrorism and protect Hussain Abtan, Iraqi Minzi their homelands with one ister of Sports and Youth, hand and help out tens of KRG Minister of Culture, thousands of refugees and head of Iraqi Olympics displaced people with the Union, Duhok Governor, other. other top officials from the “Hence Zakho and other area and a large number of areas in Duhok Province people. and Badinan deserve betzt Each of Head of Iraqi ter projects and services,” Olympics Union, Iraqi added Kurdish PM. Sports and Youth Union He also stated that this is Minister, Head of Zakho a message to friends and Sports Club and Duhok enemies that Kurdistan’s Governor delivered a nation does not lose its speech. will for life and developzm PM Barzani also delivze ment under any pressure ered a speech during the or oppression or terrorzi ceremony, in which he ism. something that the whole sue has been discussed bezf “What we can do now who were trained at Zakzh congratulated the people “Additionally, neither world is aware of and he fore as well, and that the about this issue it to give ho Military Academy and of Iraq and Kurdistan in creating obstacles or sanczt sent regards to all Peshmz people of Zakho deserve more authority and power marched inside the stazd general, and the people tions, nor cutting budget margas on the frontlines of to have a province of their to the government instituzt dium. and sports lovers in Zakho, and salaries would weaken defending Kurdistan from own, however, this needs tions in Zakho,” promised This, according to him, and stated that building the will of the Kurdish nazt Khanaqeen to and some patience since this is Barzani. “And the provzi was an important indicazt this stadium is part of the tion for development and valued the resistance that not only a decision of one ince issue will be kept in tion that everyone needs victories of the Kurdish victory.” Peshmargas have shown. person, but rather it needs the government’s mind.” to continue serving Kurdiz nation, who have promzi In another part of his Commenting on the dezm common agreement bezt Concluding his speech, istan. He also reiterated ised themselves to conzt speech, PM Barzani shed mand of Zakhos’ people tween the political parties, PM Barzani expressed his the need for women for tinue in their victories and light on the victories of the for becoming a province, within the KRG and also happiness to see a group the continuation of the developments and they Peshmarga forces and said PM Barzani said this iszs the Iraqi government. of female Peshmargas Kurdish nation’s struggle. will always continue. the Peshmargas have done KRG responds to Abadi’s statements Kurdish MP gives Baghdad Following an interview of Iraqi Prime Minister ultimatum about budget Haider al Abadi with the Al Iraqia TV on May 29th, If Baghdad fails to send ish MP at the Iraqi Parzl it has to settle this with where he talked about the May’s full budget to liament says if Baghdad Baghdad completely, or budget share of Kurdiszt Kurdistan, KRG will sell fails to send Kurdistan’s look for another alterzn tan Region, Kurdistan oil independently May budget share in full, native to pay Kurdistan Region’s Council of Minzi Head of Kurdistan Erbil will sell its oil indezp employees’ salaries, for isters issued a statement to Democratic Party’s Bloc pendently. which it will sell its oil clarify some points for the at the Iraqi Parliament “If Baghdad complies independently.” public. says that Baghdad cuts with the terms of the “Then we, as the Kurdzi The statement addressed Kurdistan Region’s budgz agreement for the month ish MPs in Baghdad will three main issues: get every month with a of May, it will be in the be waiting for the Iraqi 1. Responding to a justification while Kurdzi benefit of both parties,” government to see what it claim by Abadi that Baghdz istan is completely in explains MP Goran. But would do this month and dad has sent Kurdistan’s compliance with its oil if it continues with its to what extent they will budget share since Novz ruary only IQD 491 billz 3. The statement exzp deal with Baghdad. current policy, KRG will pay Region’s budget.” vember 2014, KRG says lion, for March IQD 527 plains that during the interzv Khasraw Goran, Kurdzi take another rout, and this statement aims at conzv billion and in April they view Abadi does not talk vincing the employees in have only sent IQD 488 about the heavy burden on Kurdistan that KRG has billion, and all of these Kurdistan Region due to received its budget but are received after cutting the counter terrorism war didn’t pay the salaries. 10%.” and the inflow of more PM Barzani praises government “Everyone knows that the 2. Everybody was than 1.5 million refugees monthly payroll of KRG in agreement that KRG and IDPs, not mentioning institutions in Duhok is approximately IQD 850 has met its export requirezm Baghdad’s failure to send As part of his visit to cation, municipalities, Duhok province for the billion, while what the ments for April and May Peshmarga’s budget since Duhok Province, Kurdish food, fuel, security and services they have delivze federal government has 2015, however, according 2005, while KRG contribzu Prime Minister Nechirvan interior forces, transporzt ered and are delivering to recently sent to Kurdistan to the statement, Baghdad utes to the defense budget Barzani met with Duhok tation and other services. the refugees and IDPs. has never reached half of has yet failed to send the by 17% every year, and Governor and other govze Duhok government PM Barzani reiterza the amount required for full share of KRG’s budgz cutting Kurdistan’s 2014 ernment officials in the officials explained the ated that the government one month payroll,” reads get as defined in the fedez budget, which is estimated province on Thursday, heavy burden on their inzs would do its best to resz the statement. “For both eral budget law for 2015. to be IQD 16 trillion, and June 4, 2015. stitutions resulting from spond to the needs and November and Decemzb “Inclusive of Peshmarzg approved by the Council During the meeting the the counter terrorism war demands of the province ber 2014, they have only ga’s budget, Baghdad was of Representatives. attendants talked about and the influx of the huge to enable them to deliver sent US$ 1 million, while supposed to pay KRG and “Despite all these KRG their problems and issues number of refugees and services to the people of it was decided that they amount of IQD 1.33 trilzl reiterates its commitment with the government inzs displaced people. the province as well as send half a million dolzl lion per month accordzi to continue trying to solve stitutions and delivery of Prime Minister Barzz the refugees and IDPs lars for each of October, ing to the calculations the issues via dialogue and public services and pointze zani expressed his and and so that government November and December. of KRG’s budget, which negotiation within Ira’s ed out to major issues in his government’s gratizt institutions function in a In January only IQD 250 is attached to the budget 2015 budget law,” concz the services such as eleczt tude towards the governzm normal way. billion was sent, for Febzr law. cludes the statement. tricity, water, health, eduzc ment institutions all over The Kurdish Globe No. 493, Monday, June 08, 2015 5 KRG breaks monthly oil export record The Kurdistan Regional May through the pipeline that KRG export volumes, ment employees, including lion a month. employees’ salaries this Government exported a that runs north to the Turkiz already at record levels, the security personnel. This deal soon broke month. record amount of oil last ish port of Ceyhan. continue to increase,” the However, relations have down, however, because of “If they can get to that month, emphasising that The Ministry said that Ministry said. improved since the eleczt disputes about the amount 550,000 bpd number [of most of it was delivered to about 407,000 bpd came The KRG had a long-runzn tion of Haider Al Abadi of oil delivered, the methoz agreed exports through the central government’s from fields in the zKurdi ning bitter dispute with the last year, and especially the ods for accounting for oil SOMO] and show that oil marketing company as ish Region, with a further Iraqi central government instalment of Adil Abdul and expenses, and shortzf they are making good on it tries to resolve a long- 171,000 bpd coming from for years that, while ostenzs Mahdi as the Oil Miniszt falls in Baghdad’s payzm their end of the deal, then standing dispute over contz fields operated by Iraq’s sibly about control over oil ter. The two sides reached ments. According to the they can get closer to a trol and revenue sharing. Northern Oil Company. exports and revenue shariz an agreement in Decemzb KRG, only $409m was full agreement,” said an The KRG issues only Most of the latter came ing, was mainly about pozl ber under which the KRG paid in April. Iraq analyst at an internazt sporadic reports on its oil from the Kirkuk oilfield litical control. The result would deliver 550,000 bpd According to local news tional organisation who did output and exports, but the that lies on the Iraq border was a complete breakdown for export to the State Oil reports in Kurdistan, not want to be quoted by Ministry of Oil and Minze with the Kurdistan Region. in the relationship early Marketing Organisation the central government name. erals put out a statement “The KRG remains on last year when the KRG (SOMO) and the central warned on Tuesday – bezf “It is important to realise earlier this week saying track to meet its oil exzp sought to export its oil indz government would share fore the Ministry issued that if an agreement is to be nearly 18 million barrels, port commitments under dependently and Baghdad with the Erbil government its oil exports report – that reached, now is the time to or about 578,000 barrels the 2015 Federal Budget cut off Kurdistan's budget 17 per cent of Iraq’s total it has planned to lower reach it.” per day, were exported in agreement and is pleased share to pay for governzm budget or about US$1 bilzl the Regional Government

Peshmerga say they need better weapons after IS seizes Iraqi arsenal Just before the Islamic fective range of only 300 State territory begins, the meters. By the time it hits Kurdish Peshmerga fightze a large truck bomb, with ers have built trenches its wide radius of destruczt across the road. But they tion, it’s often too late, don’t have much hope it said Mr. Qadir. would stop the militants’ “You are already within favourite way of breakzi the range of the explozs ing the front lines—arzm sion,” he said. mored trucks filled with Frontline commanders explosives and driven by such as Lt. Derwish say suicide bombers are the they crave the Milans. terrorists' effective weapzo However, there are only ons. two such missile systems Lt. Jamal Derwish, the for 11 Peshmerga brigades outpost’s commander, along the 44-kilometer said his men already spotzt stretch of front line near ted three such armoured Kirkuk. They are moved vehicles in the area since between outposts based the Islamic State overran on intelligence about imzm the city of Ramadi last minent attacks, said the month and seized yet anzo sector’s commander, Kezm other arsenal of modern mal Kirkuki, a former U.S.-made heavy weapzo speaker of the Kurdistan ons from the Iraqi army. Regional Parliament. The IS fighters, he said, “Out of the two, one have also filled trenches doesn’t even have night with oil to burn—somezt vision—which is probzl thing that would create lem considering that ISIS a smokescreen to prozt mostly attacks at night,” tect them from U.S. airzs Mr. Kirkuki added. strikes. Things aren’t better “We’re facing a very elsewhere. While exact serious threat. Without numbers haven't been rezl necessary weapons, this the Iranian-backed Shiite one area with multiple two months. AT-4 antitank systems, aczc leased, the U.S. military basic defensive line won’t militias or, crucially, the vehicles, they will break “Our enemy is very cording to the Pentagon. says coalition partners be enough,” Lt. Derwish Islamic State itself. Peshzm through—and then the well-armed. The better “Our policy remains that have supplied dozens of said shortly after his outzp merga ammunition stocks whole line breaks,” weapons we get, the fewze all arms transfer must be Milan launchers to the post came under mortar are running low and whatze warned Wladimir van er sacrifices in lives we coordinated via the cenzt Peshmerga for a front line fire. He held up an old ever heavy weapons they Wilgenburg, a Kurdiszt will have to make to resist tral sovereign government with Islamic State that rocket-propelled grenade, have are mostly of Sadzd tan-based analyst for the it,” the Kurdish minister of Iraq,” said Pentagon stretches more than 1,000 something that wouldn’t dam Hussein-era vintage, Jamestown Foundation, a for Peshmerga affairs, spokeswoman U.S. Navy kilometers. easily stop a massive arzm commanders say. Washington think tank. Mustafa Sayid Qadir, said Cmd. Elissa Smith. “ISIS has very advanced moured truck barrelling While the Peshmerga Iraq’s Shiite-domizn in an interview. “They The most useful weapzo weapons that it captured down the road. also buckled under the nated central governzm target us with weapons ons supplied to the Peshmz from the Iraqi army “Right now, the only Islamic State’s rapid ofzf ment—fearing that one that were abandoned in merga have come not stores. If we do not recz weapons we really have fensive last summer, they day Kurdistan will seek Ramadi. Wouldn’t it have from the U.S. but from alzl ceive help from our interzn is this and the high mozr have since re-conquered independence from Baghzd been better if the Iraqi lies such as Germany and national partners, we may rale of our Peshmerga,” most lost territory and dad—has long tried to army had given them to France, Kurdish officials not be able to confront it,” he said. now are focused on holdiz limit arms transfers to the us instead of giving them say. On top of their wish said Lt. Col. Keifi Majid The 160,000 Peshmz ing the line. One of the Kurdish Regional Govze to the IS?” list: the German-supplied Abdulrahman, operazt merga—the troops of most critical front lines is ernment, which, not being Milan guided antitank tions chief for the 108th the autonomous Kurdish here near the Islamic State a state, can’t legally buy While Baghdad denied missiles with an effective Peshmerga brigade at the regional government in stronghold of Hawija, in weapons on its own. Becz Kurdish requests for range of 2,000 meters—a Hawija front line. northern Iraq—may well the barren hill country cause of budget disputes weapons in the past, the tool of choice against the “ISIS is like a virus. It’s be the most dedicated punctuated by the burning with Baghdad, which is country’s current govze suicide truck bombs ofzt better to eliminate it today and combat-worthy units gas wells of Kirkuk proviz supposed to share 17% ernment led by Haider ten fashioned by Islamic than let it grow tomorrow. confronting IS. In a paradz ince. The area is home of the entire country’s oil al-Abadi has authorized State from American- We’d like to see our coalizt dox of this conflict, they to a sizable chunk of the income with the Kurdish some U.S. shipments to made armored Humvees tion partners pull up their are also the least armed country’s oil wealth. government, the Peshzm the Peshmerga. They inzc and MRAPs. sleeves and get serious.” and equipped when comzp “If ISIS combines its merga also haven’t rezc clude 40 MRAP armored By contrast, the U.S.- pared with the Iraqi army, forces and pushes into ceived their salaries for vehicles and some 1,000 supplied AT-4 has an effz The Kurdish Globe No. 493, Monday, June 08, 2015 6 join Peshmerga in fight against ISIS NEWS BAR as thousands remain on Mount Sinjar Shiite Millitas free Sunni leader for areceiving $ 50000 “One Yazidi woman A source from Khurmatu Police was raped 7 times Station told The Kurdish Globe that Khorasan Shiite Militia freed a memzb and tried to commit ber if Suleiman Bag Committee for receiving $ 50000. The member was suicide 4 times.” a Sunni leader who was hijacked by Shiite Militias on April 25, 2015 in Yazidi men and women are the Askari Neighborhood of Khurmz taking up arms and joining matu Town. the Peshmerga to help in defz The misbehavior of Shiite Militz feating the Islamic State, as tias has frustrated people especially thousands of refugees conzt the Kurdish sides in the town. The tinue to take shelter on Sinjar Kurdish sides have warned the mizl Mountain, ten months after litias many times, but they have not President Obama declared stopped from their bad actions. that the Mountain had evaded a humanitarian disaster. On Sinjar Mountain, there are around 7,000 refugees who are currently living outsz Selling oil through side of Sinjar City, waiting to retake his city and defend his activist in Kurdistan, spoke slaves for IS groups. SOMO still continue move back to their homes. people and home. He sits and about the current condition He recalled a conversation Around 5,000 Yazidi men stands watching on a small of the Yazidis and how there with a Yazidi woman who lookout overlooking Sinjar are around 2,000 women, was being held hostage. He Kurdistan Regional Government's have joined the Peshmerga afzt (KRG) Natural Resources Minister, ter Sinjar City fell to Islamic City. children and men that are still said the woman stated she Speaking through an interzp held hostage by the IS. Until was forced to watch the Islz Ashti Hawrami, denied that the expz State last August 2014 to take portation of Kurdistan Region oil up arms to defeat the Islamic preter the Yazidi Peshmerga now, 1,903 men, women and lamic State torture chambers. soldier said, “We will fight children have escaped from He said IS forced the Yazidi through has been stopped. State and defend their people. "We are abiding by the agreement Many of the Yazidi soldiers or die here until we take our captivity. women to watch how they city back.” “We are waiting Khidher spoke about the Yazz punish women who try to flee between Baghdad and KRG," said have relatives still being held Hawrami hostage by the terrorists. for an order to launch an atzt zidi women who are currently to plant fear into them. tack… The city is my counzt being held by the IS. He said Most of the Yazidi women Hawrami's comments came after One Yazidi male, who some media sources announced that joined the Peshmerga after try; it is where I grew up and the majority of the women are being raped, he said. One is my home” are in Tel Afar and Al-Khadra Yazidi woman was raped 7 KRG still export oil to Turkish Cizh Sinjar City fell, spoke about han Porn but not through SOMO. his wife who is still being When asked what meszs area in Iraq and in and times and tried to commit held by the Islamic State in sage he would like to send Al-Shadai in . The seczo suicide 4 times. Tel Afar. His wife, his young to America, he stated, “I ask ond group of abducted Yazizd He believes there are no child and his mother were all America to send more weapzo dis are at homes with families hostages or civilians in Sinjar taken captive by the Islamic ons, more bullets, and much being used as slaves between city. The IS controls 80% of State last August. The mother more equipment. ISIS is not the area of Tel Afar and Al- the city and the Peshmerga Barzani Foundation and the child were rescued, only a problem for Shingal, Ba’aj, and Ramadi. The Yazidz secure 20%. Presents Gifts to Children and are currently living at a but for the whole world too.” dis being used as slaves work “We have asked many times Yazidi camp in Dohuk with The Sinjar massacre oczc in agriculture from early for U.S. air strikes, but we curred last August when the morning to late evenings, Khiz don’t know why they don’t On June 1st coinciding with World’s the rest of his family memzb Children Day, Barzani Charity Foundz bers, but his wife is still bezi Islamic State killed 2,000 idher stated. bomb the area. Sometimes – 5,000 Yazidi men in Sinjar Other Yazidi women are we ask for air strikes around dation presented gifts and toys to ing held by the IS. He said children from number of cities and he is able to speak with her City and the surrounding area working as slaves for indizv the cities where we know of Ninevah Governate. Thouzs vidual men, such as Emirs, there are Yazidi hostages, eszp towns as well as refugee camps. at times. In Erbil Children Hospital, the Barzz Another Yazidi who joined sands of Yazidi women were either forced into hard work pecially in Tel Afar and Sinzj sold off as sex slaves to memzb or used as sex slaves. The jar but nobody responds,” he zani Charity Foundation provided 50 the Peshmerga forces stated boxes of foods for the 50 newly born that he joined the Peshmerga bers of the terrorist group. fourth group of missing Yazizd complained. Khidher Domle, a Yazidi dis are living in homes as sex babies. In Sulaimani Province, on because he wants to help to the same occasion with the support of Halabja Human Rights Directory, The organization presented gifts to 800 children from the areas.

In the town of Akrie in Dohuk Proviz New Zakho Stadium ince provided assistances and gifts to children from villages around the town as well as Christian refugees based in the town and needy children Stirs Patriotism in Akrie. In the same twon, the BCF By J. Watt jointly with Havaleen Children Centz ter in Akrie organized a party for the children in the town. Despite their 2-0 loss to people’s troubled minds off of by the situation, that’s great,” friendly match against the the Iraqi national team last the war.” Hiresh noted that the Hiresh continued. “But what Iraq national team. Wednesday, Zakho residents conflict and economic hardsz we want more than just a stadz “This stadium is the greatze Maliki blamed for received the opening of their ship has delayed the openiz dium, which may entertain us est stadium in Iraq and one Mosul fall new stadium with excitement ing of the stadium since they for a while, is a free country." of the best things the governzm and patriotism, providing an broke ground three years ago. The sentiment that the openiz ment has done for Zakho,” Deputy Head of Committee responsz extra morale lift for residents The stadium, filled well past ing of this stadium stands for said Baxtyar Hussein, who sible for investigating Mosul fall, in a time of economic hardzs its 20,000 seat capacity, was something greater than just works in a nearby neighborzh Shakhawan Abdullah, said his comzm ship and war. overflowing with flag-wavzi soccer was shared by many. hood. “The opening means so mittee has investigated with 100 offz “People have seen a lot of ing nationalism, particularly This was particularly evident much to Kurdistan because it ficials about the , and trouble lately with salaries during the opening ceremony through the presence of Prime shows our power that we can most of them believed former Iraqi not coming and the situation when a Kurdish flag the size Minister Nechirvan Barzani, fight and build our country in Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki is to with ISIS,” said Hiresh Zaxozl of the field was unveiled to a who helped with the ceremozn a war situation. It shows that be blamed. li, a barber who works across screaming crowd, followed by nial first kick. A sense of unity we keep standing and never Abdullah also said the committee the street from Zakho Internazt an elaborate fireworks show. was also felt in the gathering fall." was able to call Maliki for investigatz tional Stadium. “The opening “If this can bring happiness of players from other Kurdish tion due to lack of one vote. of the stadium is good to get to people who are troubled clubs to join Zakho in their The Kurdish Globe No. 493, Monday, June 08, 2015 7 Private Universities and Sports News Quality Education Allegri sees Juventus progress in defeat By Dr Honar K. Issa* Part II Juventus coach Massimiliano Allegri Fortunately, two private univz quality education through a their expenses from students’ to improve the quality educazt maintains his side has progressed under versities were established comprehensive curricula and tuition fees and the rest must tion have been established on his stewardship this term, but he lamented in the region, and that prozv qualified and competent z facu come from donations, endowmz an unstable basis. MHESR the nature of Barcelona's second goal in vided a glimmer of hope. ulty members and administrazt ment, fundraising, research, needs to focus on turning publz Saturday's UEFA Champions League final These were the University tive staff. Despite the fact that conferences, professional lic universities into non-profit loss. of Kurdistan Hawler (UKH) the Kurdistan Region faced an training and so on. Unforzt educational institutions by "We had an extraordinary season, a great and the American University unprovoked war against a terzr tunately, with the exception drawing up a long-term stratz final and in our best moment of the game of Iraq, Sulaimani (AUIS). rorist state, the establishment of AUIS and UKH, almost tegic plan to make the public conceded a silly goal," he told Sky Sport These two institutions were of AUDK sent a message to all private universities in the universities self-sufficient and Italia. backed by academic people the world. Education is anzo region rely on tuition fees to self-sustainable. They do have "There were the chances to equalize, but and it is manifest that they other means of defending the manage their finances. At the enough students and resourcze Barcelona have three amazing players in operate completely differently country and standing up to injz same time, a culture of donazt es for this task. The next step attack and you have to take your opporzt than other private universitz justice.. Like AUIS and UKH, tion, endowment and research is to begin evaluating these tunities." ties in the region. They both AUDK is led by a prominent funding has not been created institutions through quantitazt introduced a new culture to figure with a strong academic in the region. We need to convz tive analysis of quality educazt the Kurdish community and background. As the Chairman vince wealthy people of the tion by means of data analyzs quality in education was their of the Board of Trustees, HE need for their involvement in sis, which the Department of Barcelona wins Champions byword. They were squarely Masrour Barzani’s vision is enhancing quality education. Institutional Effectiveness at League title on the right track. Despite to turn AUDK into a leading Most students cannot afford the ministry would provide. their efforts, they have faced institution internationally and the tuition fees required to MHESR could then estabzl some thorny issues rooted in locally. What distinguishes study at one of the three high- lish a timeline for the private the financial crisis that the AUDK from the rest of its quality private universities universities to achieve interzn region has been experienczi counterparts in the region is previously mentioned. The national accreditation and ing recently. This has obliged that it has adopted a strategy government must draw up a certification. This would consz them to further lower the GPA to gain accreditation from inzt plan to give loans to students stitute a strong measurement required for admission so that ternational accrediting bodies. over the course of their study of progress toward assuring a they could afford operational Accreditation is a process by and arrange to have the loans quality education. Gaining aczc costs. Similarly, the crisis which a certification of comzp repaid through a systematic insz creditation is a very arduous situation has necessitated an petency, quality, and credibilzi stalments after graduates have process; not every institution Barcelona rode goals from Ivan Rakitzi increase in tuition fees. ity is awarded to an educatz found jobs. Banks and private around the globe can readily Amid the many crises that tional institution. It is proof of sector entities can help in the achieve it. To date, only three ic and Luis Suárez, and an injury-time the region has been subjected compliance with the highest resolution of financial aid z iss universities in the whole of clincher by Neymar Jr to claim the to, the American University standards of educational excz sues for students by granting the Middle East region have 2014/15 UEFA Champions League title Duhok Kurdistan (AUDK) cellence. scholarships. been awarded certificates of on Saturday night at the Olympiastadion launched its operations in Most private non-profit unizv It is quite palpable that the international accreditation. in Berlin, Germany. December 2014. As a not- versities in the world rely on higher education sector in The victory gives FC Barcelona their for-profit private university, different sources of financiz Kurdistan is in crisis. The * Member of the Board of fourth Champions League title in the last AUDK envisions the educazt ing to cover the operational situation is out of control at Trustees 10 years — their fifth in team history tion of future leaders in the costs. Those universities typizc present as most of the private American University Duhok — and an unprecedented second treble, community by delivering cally cover only 30%-40% of universities which were meant Kurdistan adding a layer of reinforced concrete to the Catalans' already rock-solid status as a dynasty for the ages.

Final Exams starts for 12th year students Three players become Near 150 thousand students participate in 12th year final Champion league scorers exams On June 3, the final exam Neymar's late, late goal for FC Barcelona for 12th year high school against Juventus in tonight's UEFA Chamzp students started with the parzt pions League final in Berlin ensured he ticipation of 149409 students drew level with Lionel Messi and Cristiazn all over Kurdistan Region. no Ronaldo as the 2014/15 competition's According to Media Depz leading scorer. partment at the Education Going into the final, Messi and Ronaldo Ministry, 2146 halsl have were tied at the top on ten strikes each. been set in order students Brazil forward Neymar joined them with can take their exams in. his 97th-minute effort, the first time since In the first day of the exza Kaká in 2006/07 that any name other than ams, Education Minister, Messi and Ronaldo's has headed the rankzi Pishtiwan Sadiq, paid visits ings, jointly or otherwise. to several exam halls and talked about the preparations for the tests. Serena Williams Wins 3rd French Open Serena Williams feared she was too ill Iraq civilians pay heavy price due to violence to play the night before her French Open According to casualty figures and casualty figures in Anbz 846 injured). Diyala suffered 249 injured in Ramadi and 67 final against Lucie Safarova. released on May 2 by UNAz bar). 26 killed and 55 injured; killed and 264 injured in Falzl The American, 33, won 6-3 6-7 (2-7) 6-2 AMI, a total of 812 Iraqis A further 277 members of Kirkuk suffered 30 killed and lujah. to claim her third French Open and 20th were killed and another 1,726 the Iraqi Security Forces (incz 18 injured; Salahadin 34 killed “Scores of innocent Iraqis Grand Slam title. were injured in acts of terrorzi cluding Peshmerga, SWAT and 13 injured; and Ninewa are falling every day, victims However, the sickness she had struggled ism, violence and armed conzf and militias fighting alongside 33 killed and 3 injured. of criminal terrorist acts and with throughout the event almost ended flict in April 2015. the Iraqi Army / Not including According to information of the ongoing armed confz her hopes on the eve of the final. The number of civilians casualties from Anbar Opez obtained by UNAMI from the flict in some of the country’s "It's been a nightmare 48 hours," said killed 535 (including 30 civiliz erations) were killed and 270 Health Directorate in Anbar, provinces”, SRSG Jan Kubiš the world number one. "I kind of was in ian police and casualty figures were injured. the Governorate suffered a noted. the locker room just laying down after my in Anbar), and the number of Baghdad was the worst afzf total of 601 civilian casualties semi-final." civilians injured was 1,456 fected Governorate with 1,165 (88 killed and 513. injured). (including 58 civilian police civilian casualties (319 killed, This included 21 killed and MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN ERBIL WEATHER 37 43 42 38 38 37 38 FORECAST 26 26 23 21 22 22 20 The Kurdish painter Qarani Jamil (1954 - )

The Kurdish painter Qazr stantly thinks about new shared in many others. He artists. There are many sozl Jamil’s activities in the in Hawler. For some time, rani Jamil comes from the plans and art activities. The taught Lithography in Barcz lutions to painting in this capital of Kurdistan Regz he ran the ‘Merg Art Galzl city of Erbil in Southern Hawler Citadel, Machko celona. He’s taken part in school, and there are many gion, Hawler, are valuable. lery’ and helped the only Kurdistan. He was born in Café, Sheikhallah district 30 exhibitions in countries ideas in people’s mind that Now he teaches art at the art magazine "Plastic Art" 1954. Many of the city’s and Tayrawa are some of of Spain, Italy, Iraq and can be placed among them. Institute of Fine Arts. He to be published quarterly. intellectuals and artists the venues frequented by Kurdistan. The works of Qarani Jamil helps students develop their Qarani has been honored know this man; one may the artist. Qarani has got Taking a look at his reflect a world in which the technique and personal by the KRG’s literary, say he’s a dervish of art. diploma from the Institute works, we see another color-based materials and style. Many students make cultural and art institutes He’s always calm and sizl of Fine Arts in Baghdad. In world of art in abstract contemporary art invenzt their way to graduation many times. His contributz lent, but busy in mind with the seventies he moved to which is originated deeply tions can be seen, adding each year under his teachzi tion to the Kurdish art and colors, drawings, shapes Spain. There he conducted from the global art that to small as well as big meazs ing and supervision. He’s culture is quite invaluable. and inventions. He conzs several exhibitions, and comprises all art fans and surements in the works. one of the active painters

“Kurdish National Film Forum for Peshmerge” to be held in Greece For the first time, Greek prepared to be showzc Cinema Assembly and cased including, ‘Ashen New Star Art Cinema Expression’ directed by Company in Athens are Shakhawan Idrees, adding holding The Kurdish Nazt to other trailers and documz tional Cinema Forum for mentaries on Peshmerge. the films about Peshmerge It’s for the first time that in the mid-July. the Greek audience is getzt The chairman of the Fozr ting acquainted with the rum, Falisros Kosifakos, Kurdish national cinema. who’s a high ranking ofzf Some Kurdish cinema ficial of the party in power men are also officially inzv in Greek, says, “Holding vited to represent Kurds this Forum at this time is and their cinema. a kind of showing support All the Kurdish films in for people of Kurdistan the festival are showed in and Peshmerge, as humz Greek language. Kurdzi mans who hold massage ish cinema is also to be of peace in the whole area. honored at the end of the The films that are shown ceremonies. It’s worth in the Forum express the mentioning that the Greek sacrifice of Peshmerge as media published news a symbol, so we hold the about the cinema Forum Forum under the slogan of with interest. "cinema is the peace meszs sage." A group of films are H G hassan