Weekly .Xplored report 14 Mar 2020

Prepared by Risk Analysis Team, Iraq garda.com

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020



Short term outlook ...... 4

Medium to long term outlook ...... 5 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS ...... 6

US-Iran tensions culminate in multiple airstrikes ...... 6 THREAT MATRIX ...... 6 OVERVIEW...... 7

Security ...... 7

Political ...... 7


Countrywide Military/Security Situation ...... 9 ACRONYM LIST ...... 16 GARDAWORLD INFORMATION SERVICES ...... 17 GARDAWORLD...... 17

This report is an abridged version of GardaWorld Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report. To subscribe to the full versions of the daily/weekly Iraq .Xplored reports, or for enquires relating to other GardaWorld services, please contact [email protected]

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020


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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020


Short term outlook

▪ Health related concerns as a result of COVID-19 have been at the forefront of media reporting throughout Iraq. Official figures though regularly updated are likely to lag behind the situation on the ground and as such, cases are expected to increase in the short term. The fatality rate remains low with the elderly and immunosuppressed individuals in higher risk categories. As Turkish and Qatari authorities have banned entry for individuals travelling from Iraq within 14 days of arrival (although transit passengers are still permitted through Qatar) it is a realistic possibility that air travel will be further restricted should cases exponentially increase. However, the quarantine period as directed by WHO is 14 days and these restrictions are likely to be lifted as soon as practicable to maintain commercial capability.

▪ Activity between US and Iranian interests recently spiked following a relative lull and resulted in an IDF attack on Taji military base, 17km north of Baghdad on Mar 11 killing two US and one British soldier in addition to wounding 12 others. Shortly after the strike on Taji, retaliatory IDF on a PMF base at the Syrian-Iraq border in Al-Hassyan, Albukamal resulted in the death of 18 PMF soldiers- however the US denied involvement. That said, on Mar 13, five strikes were conducted on Kataib Hezbollah affiliated weapon facilities prompting a second attack on Al Taji camp on Mar 14. Prior to this the majority of incidents involved harassing IDF attacks targeting the IZ- the most recent recorded on Mar 05. A period of friction between US and Iran culminated in a US led strike on Qassem Soleimani, the Commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and Deputy Commander of the Popular Mobilisation Force (PMF), Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who was also the leader of Kata’ib Hezbollah IVO Baghdad International Airport on Jan 03. Initially inhibited by the US swift retribution effective kinetic activity decreased. However, it is probable that Iran will continue to use its proxy- militias in Iraq to launch periodic IDF and asymmetric attacks against US and western interests in Iraq and the wider Middle East to afford Tehran a degree of non-culpability. The US strike on multiple KH affiliated weapon facilities will likely trigger retaliatory attack and as such the threat to US and western assets in Iraq from Iranian sponsored Shia militia groups remains heightened in the short to medium term.

▪ Fatal demonstrations that occurred throughout the country since protests started on 01 October 2019 have to date left over 550 people dead and as many of 24,000 civilians injured. On Feb 03, President Barham Salih named Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi as the country's new Prime Minister. While initially well received among political parties, he then lost a considerable amount of political support- struggling to establish backing for parliament to pass his government choices. Following three postponements of the parliamentary vote to pass his cabinet choices- Allawi resigned in a letter to Salih on March 02, alleging corruption and sectarianism were his main hurdles in passing a cabinet. As a result, political progress in pursuit of a new government and early elections has stalled as Salih is now forced to choose a new PM designate. MPs reportedly discussed alternative individuals prior to Allawi’s resignation. Should a party affiliated politician step into the role of PM it is highly likely that they will similarly be rejected among protesters. As anti-establishment protests persist demonstrators have continued to become involved in violent clashes anger appears focused not only on the government but also the various militias. It’s highly likely that there will be intermittent flare ups of violence from militia groups as they attempt to assert dominance over the protest movement and crack down on potential escalatory behaviour resorting to use of force. That said, overall attendance at demonstrations has gradually decreased since October 2019 indicating a loss of traction for the protest movement.

▪ Although defeated militarily, IS continues to pose a serious and long-term security threat in Iraq, especially in the northern provinces and Anbar, where high levels of asymmetric activity continue. Following a pause in activity by the US led coalition there was a resultant increase in IS reporting in northern Iraq throughout January however operations recommenced late February. During a largescale operation conducted in the Makhmour Mountains, on Mar 09 two US special forces soldiers in a supporting and advisory role were killed;

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020

demonstrating the palpable threat posed by insurgent operatives despite high tempo clearances. It is probable that the reduction in coalition ISR assets targeting IS cells had emboldened IS tactical commanders to consolidate territory and attempt to expand resupply routes and recruitment. The Iraqi government’s inability to function continues to have a detrimental impact on ISF operations enabling further PMU autonomy, exacerbating the marginalization of the Sunni population. The result of this will likely see IS increase the sophistication of their attacks. There remains an enduring, though managed, threat by IS in Baghdad, highlighted by three insurgent attributed attacks in the capital in May, July, and November 2019. These attacks illustrate intent to maintain and escalate operations. That said, IS activity tends to be focused in the northern parts of the Baghdad Province IVO Tarmiyah which combined with the effectiveness of the ISF on checkpoints entering Baghdad, likely reduce overall intent and capability.

Medium to long term outlook

▪ Despite ongoing counter insurgency operations, sectarian violence can be expected to continue in rural areas of Northern Iraq which remain permissive to IS operations, including Nineveh, Salah al-Din, Diyala and southwestern . Attacks will continue to target security checkpoints and outpost, especially in Sunni dominated areas controlled by Shia dominated security forces.

▪ Islamic State activity will continue to dominate security reporting with a focus on the potential resurgence of an insurgent campaign in northern and western Iraq. Despite ongoing ISF efforts to clear remaining IS pockets, the group retains a degree of freedom of movement in the desert regions of Anbar, near the Syrian border, and along the Hamrin Mountains.

▪ Iraq still faces enormous hurdles with parts of the country still in ruins. Despite an estimated economic growth of 5.1%, Iraq still has approximately 1.4 million internally displaced residents and regular failures in the provision of basic services- particularly during the higher demand summer months. More significantly, the expansion of militias across the country poses a threat. Shiite militias, feeling they deserve credit for “defeating” IS, are loath to leave Sunni and Yezidi areas and their presence fuels resentment with Kurdish, Sunni and Yezidi civilians. Despite talks of reintegrating them into the Iraqi army in pursuit of legitimacy this will likely be rebuffed by militia leaders and threatens years of effort to depoliticize the military. Despite protests calling for reform and a more nationalist government Iran has an inordinate amount of influence over the political and security landscape by funding militias and political groups. This is a significant destabilizing factor and a path to further internal conflict in the country, as Sunni and Kurdish minorities are highly unlikely to rally around a united Iraq if Iran perceived as a key influencer.

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020


US-Iran tensions culminate in multiple airstrikes At 1925hrs on Mar 11, as many as 25 rockets were fired at Al-Taji Base, 27km north of Baghdad. Confirmed reporting states that two US soldiers and one British soldier from the Army Medical Corps were killed in the attack and as many as 12 others were wounded. The rockets were launched from an IRL on the back of a Kia truck found in Al Rashidiyah. The attack was not claimed by Iranian forces or affiliated militias; however the method has regularly been used by Iranian aligned militias and coincided with the birthday of Maj Gen, Qassem Soleimani the Commander of Iran’s Quds Force who was killed by US forces on Jan 03. As such, a few hours later, an airstrike was carried out on the PMF Imam Ali base in Al-Hassyan, Albukamal in near the Iraq – Syria border. Eighteen PMF fighters were killed in the attack according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and 30 others wounded. The US denied any involvement in the strike. These incidents are the latest uptick in activity as a result of heightened US-Iranian tensions with subsequent attacks likely. Iraqi President Barham Salih has condemned the attack on the Coalition base and updates are expected in subsequent reporting.

In the early hours of Mar 13, US forces led a series of airstrikes on five Iranian aligned PMF locations affiliated with Kata’ib Hezbollah in Balad, Salah-al-Din; Qaim, Anbar; the old military airport, and two locations in Babel including Jurf al-Nasr. Initial open source reporting indicates two PMF members were killed in Babel and one civilian in Karbala- however this is unconfirmed. A statement, released by the Pentagon, claimed that the strikes which targeted weapons facilities were “defensive, proportional, and in direct response to the threat posed by Iranian-backed Shia militia groups who continue to attack bases”. Following this US led strike, IDF was again targeted at Al Taji Camp on Mar 14 at 1050hrs with an estimated 25 rounds. Reporting indicated that six individuals were wounded by rockets fired IVO a village south of the camp.


Region Political Terrorism Militancy Crime K&R

KRG* Moderate Low Moderate Low Low

North** Moderate High-Extreme High High High

Moderate- Baghdad Moderate-High Moderate Moderate Moderate High Moderate- Anbar Moderate High High High High

South*** Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Moderate

Threat Scale Minimal Low Moderate High Extreme

* KRG – Dohuk, & ** North – Nineveh, Salah ad-Din, Kirkuk & Diyala *** South – Babil, Wasit, Karbala, , Diwaniyah, Dhi Qar, Muthanna, Maysan &

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020



Shamkhani visits Iraq for political and security talks Iran’s Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani visited Iraq and met with several Iraqi officials to discuss ongoing political and security issues. Part of this visit included a meeting with National Security Advisor Faleh al-Fayyad where Al-Fayyad stressed the importance of cooperation between the countries to fight the spread of COVID-19 and overcome current instability within the Iraqi government. However, member of the Iraq Advisory Council, Hisham al-Hashemi claimed that the agenda of the visit was in fact to urge the GOI to ensure the withdrawal of US and coalition forces from Iraq; choose a new Prime Minister; and methods of development between Iraq-China economic agreements.

Peshmerga official blames PMF for security instability in Leader of the Yezidi Units and KDP member, Qassim Shasho, has criticised the PMF and PKK presence in Sinjar as destabilising the security environment. Speaking with local media, Shasho stated that the local population are uneasy with their presence which is preventing displaced Yezidis from returning because they control not only Sinjar, but many of the surrounding areas. He also warned that IS are starting to return to the area, stating previous lessons from the 2014 Sinjar massacre have not been learnt and the same social conditions that led to the massacre still remain.

Muqtada al-Sadr launches into anti-US tirade Muqtada al-Sadr took to on Mar 11 to condemn the actions of the US and the US President, Donald Trump. Directly addressing Trump, Sadr stated “you have filled the world with wars, occupation, poverty, and conflicts” before going on to blame the US for the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, Sadr claimed that he would not accept any treatment or vaccines developed by the US or US affiliated companies. These comments follow an announcement by US Central Command Chief Gen. Kennett McKinsey on Mar 10 stating that the US is currently in the process of sending air defence systems to Iraq to protect US military personnel in country.


SoL MP calls for UN Special Envoy replacement State of Law MP, Alia Nassif has called for Special Representative of the Secretary-General for UNAMI, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert to be replaced based on accusations of deliberate omission of facts in her statements regarding the political and demonstrative situation in Iraq. The claim follows Plasschaert’s briefing to the UNSC on Mar 03. In her statement, Nassif claimed that when addressing the widespread reformist protest movement, Plasschaert “ignored the main factor behind what is happening in Iraq, which is the corruption that is being blessed by America and the countries allied with it” in a continuation of anti-US rhetoric prevalent throughout recent political narrative and demands of the protesters. Nassif went on to state “the need for the Iraq Ministry of Foreign Affairs to demand the UN to replace [the special envoy] and bring a neutral character close to customs and traditions”. Plasschaert’s recent statements regarding Iraq’s political and security situation have been continually critical of the political in-fighting and the resultant delays this has caused in the formation of a new government. She was similarly disparaging regarding the response of the security forces to maintain the peaceful protests.

Two front runners emerge for Iraq PM role Local media sources have identified Head of Iraq National Intelligence Services, Mustafa al-Kazemi and Former Governor of Najaf, senior member of Nasr Alliance Adnan al-Zarfi as the front runners for the Prime Ministerial position. This follows news that other candidates, including Basra Governor, Assad al-Idani, Minister of Higher Education Qusay al-Suhail, and State of Law MP, Muhammad Shi'a al-Sudani were rejected by Iraqi President Barham Salih during recent discussions. Shia politicians reportedly view both al-Kazemi and al-Zurfi as ‘new blood’

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020 having never been affiliated with Iranian projects or politicians therefore a more suitable choice to meet the demands of the protest movement. That said, Al-Kazemi was one of the officials who met with Iran’s Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani on Mar 08 meanwhile, early on Mar 09 there was an IDF attack on the Wafa media office in , Najaf affiliated with Al-Zurfi.


Global instability threatens Iraq budget plans Member of the Finance Committee for the House of Representatives, Jamal Ahmed stated that “the decline in oil prices in global markets greatly affects the general budget in Iraq”. He went on to state that the draft budget had been drafted on the basis that oil would remain above 56 dollars per barrel, however, recent instability in the global market is reportedly threatening Iraq’s financial security. This is compounded by problems caused by the protest movement, current volatility in the Iraqi government, and the necessitation of port closures as part of COVID-19 management. Ahmed stated that "Iraq is required by several measures to stop the bleeding in the budget deficit, including fighting corruption intensively, similar to what happened when fighting IS, and putting an end to looting and major corruption in the border outlets" to counteract the dip in prices and reduce the negative impact this will have on Iraq’s economy.

Ministry of Oil continuing talks with OPEC+ members Iraq’s Oil Minister, Thamir Ghadban, has stated that Iraq are continuing to speak to OPEC+ members to discuss strategies to manage the current situation of oil prices. In a statement to local media, Ghadban said “The Oil Ministry is in contact with members inside and outside the OPEC to discuss ways to prevent the deterioration in oil prices.” The statement follows the conclusion of the OPEC+ meetings last week, in which a proposed deal to cap oil production was rejected.

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020


Countrywide Military/Security Situation

Northern Provinces

Reporting from the Kurdistan region has again been dominated by measures the KRG are initiating to prevent the spread of COVID-19. On Mar 13 the Ministry of Interior for the Kurdistan Region, Rebar Ahmed, announced measures for Erbil and Sulaimaniyah to go into a 48 hour lock down as of 0001hrs on 14 Mar as part of COVID- 19 prevention measures. Arriving passengers at Erbil International Airport, regardless of nationality, will be taken for a mandatory 14 day quarantine if they have visited the following countries in the past 30 days, Belgium; Hungary; Croatia; Cyprus; Germany; France; Greece; Albania; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Malta ; Netherlands (Holland); Czech Republic; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; Finland; Spain; Sweden; Bosnia- Herzegovina; ; Republic of Ireland, Norway; Serbia; Montenegro; Bulgaria; Austria; Switzerland; Lebanon. The announcement of these measures followed previous announcements of land border closures with Iran, and the restriction of provincial movement to emergency travel only.

There has been a notable reduction in reporting of IS attacks against ISF/PMF targets in the previous reporting period. On Mar 07, three people were injured when a newly planted roadside IED detonated on a vehicle carrying a local contractor and several oil workers IVO Najma village near the oil concession in Qayyarah sub-district, south

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020 of . A separate IED incident was recorded on Mar 07 in the same sub-district, that wounded 4 civilians, but it was reported this was a legacy IED. There were two body recoveries by ISF in Sinjar and west Mosul, with both victims displaying gunshot wounds. There were several ISF operations this week targeting IS networks. These were highlighted by an operation on Mar 11 that resulted in two IS tunnels containing IEDs, a variety of munitions and one explosive vest, being destroyed in Mount Atshana and its surrounding villages, west of Mosul. Further operations resulted in a several individuals who were arrested under article IV terrorism, and legacy IEDs being destroyed.

Kirkuk has had only one recorded attack against ISF/PMF targets for this reporting period. On March 10 in Ghareeb village, Zab sub-district of Hawijah, IS gunmen attacked a Sunni tribesmen checkpoint with SAF resulting in the death of three tribesmen. There were several ISF operations targeting IS cells this week, including an incident of Mar 11, when one Bangladeshi worker was killed, one wounded and two others arrested by the ISF in Makhmour who mistook them for IS militants. Further ISF operations in Hawijah and Makhmour resulted in a series of IS tunnels and a variety of weapons and explosives being destroyed. On Mar 13 IS media channels have revealed they will shortly release a new video highlighting their current operations in Kirkuk. Separate themed reporting from Kirkuk on Mar 07, in the Huzairan neighbourhood in southern Kirkuk city, gunmen disguised as a medical team stole cash and valuables from a civilian' house.

Reporting from Salah al-Din has similarly been subdued compared to recent weeks and volume of IS attacks reported against ISF/PMF targets. There were however still several attacks recorded, highlighted by a SAF attack on Mar 10 in Awad village, north of , where IS militants attacked a PMF patrol that resulting in two PMF members who were killed. Further IS attacks were reported on Mar 05, where several IS militants in Khadra village opened fire on an ISF checkpoint killing five ISF embers and on Mar 10 an IED detonated against a dismounted PMF patrol wounding six PMF members.

This week’s reporting in Diyala has seen a continuation of ISF/PMF operations targeting IS militant networks. On Mar 05 following an ISF airstrike, mortar assets of the Iraqi Army targeted four IS positions near the deserted villages of Mayta, Albu Juma, al-Farraj and al-Saddah near the provincial boundaries of Diyala and Salah al-Din. These operations were followed by ones on Mar 08 and Mar 09 in the district and Abu Saida sub-district that resulted in the destruction of several IS tunnels and quantities of weapons, IED making components and multiple arrests. There was two IS attacks recorded in Diyala, on March 09 in Tal Iri village, Khanaqin where IS gunmen attacked a joint ISF-PMF post in the village killing one ISF and one PMF members and wounding two other PMF members. A separate IS attributed attack occurred on Mar 12 in the Umm al-Karami village of al-Adhaim sub-district when an IS SAF attack on a military vehicle wounded an ISF soldier.

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020

Anbar Province

A key incident recorded during the week was a US led airstrike in Qaim which targeted a Kataib Hezbollah affiliated weapons facility on Mar 13. There were no official reports of injuries in relation to this strike which came in response to the IDF in Al-Taji Camp, Baghdad. Other reporting in Anbar province remained within expected trends although there has been a gradual uptick in insurgency related cache finds. Belated reporting from Mar 04, was a cache in which contained a SVEST and a 120mm mortar round two days later in Qaim, 40 locally made mortar rounds, 33x 120mm mortar rounds, 62x 81mm mortar rounds, and one IS flag were found by ISF.

Reports of lower level incidents directly targeting civilians continued to feature throughout reporting as is typical for the region. Direct attacks on security forces reduced with only a SAF incident on Mar 05 in which wounded an ISF member. On Mar 08- after a dispute, a gunman in Qaim shot and wounded one civilian in addition to a separate incident that day whereby unidentified individuals in Rutbah shot and wounded Rutbah district mayor, Emad Al-Dulaimi. There was also an explosive incident that day involving a Mukhtar who was wounded when an IED detonated inside a store in the al-Mithaq area of Rutbah district.

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020

Capital Region (Including Baghdad City)

There were no reports of IDF in the International Zone, Baghdad City this week in what is considered to have been a temporary lull in activity. In relation to typical reporting, demonstrations at Tahrir and Khalani Square continued throughout the duration of the reporting period, there were almost daily reports of SAF and low-yield explosive devices detonating at the sit-in sites. Three IEDs were recorded in Baghdad City on Mar 12. Firstly, an IED detonated in Hurriyah, north of the city, followed by an IED detonation in , Baghdad injuring two civilians, and shortly after, another IED in Al-Ubaidi which also wounded a civilian. Other IED and grenade attacks were attributed to criminality and personal disputes as they remained east of the city in less affluent areas with the attacks considered relatively common illustrative of this was an IED on Mar 09 which detonated under a vehicle in Shaab and another IED on Mar 10 outside a liquor store in Bab al-Muadham area of Rusafa district, causing material damage. SAF remained similarly east of the city although a gunman in Shula injured a civilian on Mar 07, considered typical for Baghdad City hostile incident reporting.

Reporting in Baghdad province was dominated by two IDF bombardments on Camp Taji, north of Baghdad city late on Mar 11 and again on Mar 14 as reported in ‘Significant Events’. The first incident resulted in the death of two US soldiers and one British soldier and the second wounding at least six individuals at the time of reporting- although a higher number of casualties is probable. In Mashahada and IVO Camp Taji on Mar 08 there were two IED detonations which targeted logistical convoys. In southern and western Baghdad province, typical low-yield explosive reporting comprised the majority of hostile incident records this week. Indeed, Jisr Diyala and Abu

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020

Ghraib typified overall reporting on Mar 12, gunmen carrying silenced weapons shot and killed a civilian in Abu Ghraib, west of Baghdad and on Mar 08 several gunmen in a vehicle shot and killed one civilian in Jisr Diyala. Two days later several gunmen in Jisr Diyala threw a hand grenade at a civilian's house causing material damage.

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020

Southern Provinces

In Wasit province, demonstrations and indeed escalatory civil activism was the main contributor to reporting with the exception of an IED detonation outside a civilian residence on Mar 07- the victim died as a result of the attack. Other reporting included a protest on Mar 08 and again on Mar 10, involving protesters who set tyres ablaze IVO Tammuz Square in city, denouncing the continued opening of the Zerbatiyah border crossing point with Iran.

A US led airstrike was carried out IVO the old Karbala Airport, Karbala reportedly used as a KH affiliated facility on Mar 13. One civilian construction worker was reportedly killed as a result of the incident.

Concurrent to Karbala, strikes were carried out in Babil, in Jurf al-Nasr and districts. According to open sources the strikes in Babel resulted in the death of an IRGC Commander, Colonel Siamand Mashhadani who was reportedly operating in an advisory role to KH as well as two other PMF members. Unrelated to this was an incident on Mar 08 whereby a PMF (KH) member was killed in a roadside IED detonation in Jurf al-Nasr. In other reporting there were two targeted SAF attacks on civilians on Mar 10, in Taliyah and Al-Sadr both south of .

Both hostile incidents recorded in Najaf were associated with former Najaf governor and current PM candidate, Adnan al-Zurfi. On March 09, unidentified gunmen fired an RPG at the building of the Wafa media station (affiliated with al Zurfi in Kufa district, casing material damage. Two days later, unidentified individuals torched the head office of the Nasr Parliamentary bloc headed by Al Zurfi, no casualties were reported.

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020

In Dhi Qar there was steady reporting of hostile incidents throughout the week, on the morning of March 07 in Dawayah sub-district, north east of Nasiriya, an IED detonated at the house of a PMF member, no casualties were reported. Additionally, a tribal clash was recorded in Dhi Qar on Mar 09; one person was killed, and three others were wounded in an intratribal conflict of the Al-Zirj tribe in city. The incident is thought to be related to a land ownership dispute.

Maysan was relatively active with five SAF reports. On Mar 06, a tribal conflict erupted in the al-Salam sub-district, south of , security reinforcements arrived at the scene and managed to control situation. There was also a SAF exchange two days later in Majar al-Kabir after which seven gunmen were arrested, the incident coming as a result of a tribal dispute is probable. One incident on Mar 12 involved an activist named Ridha al-Aqili who survived assassination attempt when unidentified gunmen opened fire on his vehicle in Amarrah city, no casualties were reported.

Activity increased in Basra this week; the majority reported in and around Basra City and remained within the usual framework of tribal violence, criminality and intimidation. There were two unusual incidents; unknown individuals threw three hand grenades at the home of the Basra Governor on Mar 13 wounding a policeman and causing some minor damage and an RPG was fired at a private residence in Nadhran that same night. On Mar 07 a tribal Sheikh, reportedly a vocal supporter of the reform protests, was shot and killed in Abu al-Khasib. Despite the continued targeting of activists and supporters, protest activity continues at the Navy Roundabout sit-in site in Maq’il, with students and part-time demonstrators visiting the site most evenings to endorse support. The students here and at the other dedicated demo sites around the south and in Baghdad refusing to halt their activities despite calls to abstain from the Ministry of Health – over fears that the COVID-19 virus could spread through the camps. In relation to the virus there were two confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Basra, one of which died shortly after being admitted to the hospital emergency room. A number of minor employment related protests were recorded this period; at the entrance to Majnoon Oilfield as well as outside state companies in Basra City – all were peaceful and passed without major incident.

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14 Mar 2020


AII - Area of Intelligence Interest MoO - Ministry of Oil AKA - Also Known As MoT - Ministry of Transportation AO - Area of Operations MSR - Main Supply Route APC - Armored Personnel Carrier NFDK - No Further Details Known APIED - Anti-Personnel IED NGO - Non-Governmental Organization (aid/charity) AQ - Al-Qaeda NSTR - Nothing Significant To Report AT - Anti-Tank OCG - Organized Crime Group ATGW - Anti Tank Guided Weapon OPF - Oil Protection Force AVIED - Anti-Vehicle IED PAX - Person, Persons or Passenger BBIED - Body Borne IED PBIED - Person-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (UN Bde - Brigade Term) Bn - Battalion PMF – Popular Mobilisation Forces BXP - Border Crossing Point PoI - Point of Impact (for IDF) CET - Convoy Escort Team PoO - Point of Origin (for IDF) CLC - Concerned Local Citizens PSAF - Precision Small Arms Fire CoP - Chief of Police PSC - Private Security Company CP - Check Point PSD - Private Security Detail C-PERS - Captured Personnel RCIED - Remote-Controlled IED CPX - Complex Attack (attack using multiple weapon systems) RPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade CQA - Close Quarter Assassination/Attack RTA - Road Traffic Accident DBS - Drive by Shooting SAF - Small Arms Fire Div - Division SAFIRE - Surface to Air FIRE DoD - Department of Defense SF - Special Forces DoS - Department of State SVBIED - Suicide Vehicle Borne IED DoS - US Department of State SVEST - Suicide Explosive Worn Vest ECP - Entry Control Point TCN - Third Country National EFP - Explosively Formed Projectile TCP - Traffic Control Point EOD - Explosive Ordinance Disposal (Bomb Squad) Technical - An improvised weapon-mounted pick-up truck ERW - Explosive Remnants of War TTP - Tactics, Techniques and Practices FoM - Freedom of Movement UVIED - Under Vehicle IED GoI - Government of Iraq UXO - Unexploded Ordnance HCN - Host Country National VBIED - Vehicle Borne IED HG - Hand Grenade VCP - Vehicle Checkpoint HME - Home Made Explosive WIA - Wounded in Action HMG - Heavy Machine Gun HVT - High Value Target IC - International Community IDF - Indirect Fire (i.e.: rockets, mortars) IDP - Internally Displaced Persons IEC - Independent Electoral Commission IED - Improvised Explosive Device IM - International Military IOC - International Oil Company IRAM - Improvised Rocket Assisted Mortar IRL - Improvised Rocket Launcher IS - Islamic State IVCP - Illegal Vehicle Check Point IVO - In Vicinity Of IZ - International Zone KIA - Killed in Action LN - Local National/Iraqi Civilian MAIED - Magnetically attached IED (aka UVIED) MIA - Missing in Action MoD - Ministry of Defense MoF - Ministry of Finance MoFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs MoHE - Ministry of Higher Education MoI - Ministry of Interior MoJ - Ministry of Justice

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Weekly Iraq .Xplored Report

14 Mar 2020


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Iraq GardaWorld Baghdad HQ House 10, Street 8 Area 226, International Zone Baghdad, Iraq

Middle East International Protective Services Headquarters Office 2502, Tower 2, Currency House DIFC, PO Box 482069 Dubai, United Arab Emirates

United States 1760 Old Meadow Road Suite 400 McLean, VA, 22102

UK 2, London Bridge London SE1 9RA

Europe 39 rue des Deux Eglises 1000 Brussels Belgium
