Kent Route Study Summary
Faster,Faster, busier,busier, fullerfuller BranchBranch lines,lines, commutercommuter lineslines andand Britain’sBritain’s fastestfastest commutercommuter trainstrains LookingLooking forwardforward toto 20242024 andand 20442044 MakingMaking thethe bestbest useuse ofof capacitycapacity ImprovingImproving connectivityconnectivity IntroducingIntroducing newnew technologytechnology South East Route: Kent Area Route Study summary document, March 2017 The railway in Kent plays a vital role in the region’s economy, providing links Greater London ENT REA AP between communities and employment, K A M industry and markets, and conveying essential freight flows supporting the construction sector in London and the Westminster City of London So u Greenwich t South East. L h a w m Bexley a Medway b r W e and k sw t o h Lewisham rth Dartford The rail industry has delivered more trains, Broomlemley y Thanet y Croydon Gravesham longer trains, faster trains and improved s r k Swale u b safety, at the same time as improved T g r andridg oa n e Surrey lli t efficiency and value over the last 20 years. a n Tonbridge MMaaididststoone a and M C Dover Seven Kent Over the next 30 years more and more e people are expected to travel by train, and Tunb ridge Ashford more freight is forecast to come off the W ell road and onto the railway. s Wealden Shepway This presents significant challenges as the Rother trains and network become faster, busier East Sussex and fuller – these challenges and options County Council Hastings to address them are presented in the London Borough Kent Route Lines South East Route: Kent Area Route Study Unitary Authority Line included for reference at Borough/District Council Eastbourne Other lines The Route Study process involves produce the updated anticipated passenger New Annual New Annual representatives from the various train growth figures.
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