
coming here Dave Mason is coming to DePa uw. wrote some of that group's songs. About Mason's biggest single "Only You Kn ow Th e Union Board has signed up rock four yea rs ago. Mason spli l wilh "Traffi c" And I Know," ca me oCf the "Alone musician Mason for a Wed nesday , Oct. 16, to go solo, backed by his own band . Togeth er" album. Mason still has close app ea rance at 8 p.m. at Bowm an He bega n with' th e "Blue Thumb" label. tics with Jim Ca paldi o( "Traffi c." Donnie Gymnasium. Tickets arc expec ted to cost sin ging on his biggest album hit, "Alone and Delancy Dr:lmletl appe,l r wi th Mason $5 in advance. $6 at the door. Toge th er," Now , he's wi th Co lumbi a on "Alone Toge th er, " adding hack·up According to promoter Bill Overm an, Ilecord s. voca ls. wh o' s handling BriLi shcr Ma so n's Mason plays both th e acoustic and This album fea tu res oth er top peopl e appearance here. th e DePauw show will electric gui tars. One of this country's including Leon Hussell , Hita Coolidge and begin a 21·dav tour of this country. major music criti cs describes l\'lason's John Barbat" of Crosby. St ills. Nash and Overman sa id th e only difficulties involve music as "mellow, romantic. Most of his Young days. immigration clearance. lyrics arc about love." Mason also has a li ve album "Davc Mason began with the His lales t album is "Il's Like You Never Ma son is Alive" and has appea red all an Dave Mason group. "Traffic:' during lh e 1960s and Left." album wi th the lale Mama Casso

Roy 0 W(>J;t Ubru1".

~ 20191

DePau\,/ University

Vol. CXXII. No.7 DcPauw University, Grec ncaslle, Indiana Friday. September 20. 1974 15 ce nts DePauw coed husband hunting no more lIy KATIIY KOCH Stan Ileporter - Donna DePauw is looking for more lh an a husband th ese days. NOL too long II g0, Donna-and hundreds of oth er coeds hen"­. sought a Mrs. degree. A caree r for a coed usually meant nursing, teaching li nd. oft en. motherhood. Is th e DePauw coe d still husband shoppin g" Ki lt Schorey. DG. think s not. "G uys always throw that lin e at us. There arc just as many guy s lookin g (or mates as girls." An olher DG. Debbie Johnso n. think s. "Most of the girls are here to get nn edu ca ti on. Although some gi rls may get murried ri ght out of coll ege. you don't pay this kind of money to find a husband ." Lenn y Mauck. SA E. says. The Cellege coed. drca 1947 ... and, th e coed 27 years later -photo by Baumgartn er "S in ce th ere ar c more girl s majorin g in pre·med. pre-law and se riou s now. "More women arc isn't that importanl to th e girls. here for an educa tion. The girls Sue Stadler. DG. agrees. economi cs , this shows that girls going to specialized graduate Wilh lhe new fr eedom. most of know that the fun of coll ege is John Eigenhr odt. professor want more than II husband out of schools. Th ey seem to be more the girls want an outside life being with the opposit e se x. but of philosophy and religion. says. college." int erested in what th ey can after co ll ege. Th ey're seein g they also realize th ere is a lot "G irls today lire highly voca l Gerald Warren. head of the contribute to th e teaching profes· college in a differenl light than more to college." about lifes lyles. bul for the most eco nomi cs de partment, thinks sian." years ago." Tim O·Connor. ATO . say s girls part I think the changes arc wom en stud ents today "arc DG hou se moth er Mildred Sigma Chi housemoth er come to DePauw to study. but do min imal." attempting to project th emselves Clark feels. "G etting a husband Thelma Ilyan snys. "The girls arc think aboul find ing a husband. A Theta. wh o didn'l want her in different wnys than in th e nam e used. says, "AbouL tiu past, There are more women perce nt of th o girl s here plan to ceon majors and more opportuni· ge t pinned llnd th en married. tics for women in business," New athletic center st ill in the air And every girl thinks she's in the A study made by Dean of the other 40 percent." Universily Hobert Farber's Dy TIM GIIEEN meters, se veral indoor tennis courts and squash John Archibald. Dell. think s orrice shows: Administrative Edlter and handball co urts. Gast on said . fr es hmen and sophomore coeds - In 1956. 16 perce nt of The proposed DePauw Athletic Ce nt er is still Gaston expecls there will be consideration given are marc lik ely to be lookin g for a DePauw women went to gradu ­ aliv e but only in plannin g stages, according to for hav ing rock in the new gym . The noor husband . "Uy the tim o th ey' re ale school. In 1973. 27.5 perce nt Hoberl Gaston. director of th e phy sical plant. will be designed so c;,tr ee t shoes won't dam age it. juniors and se ni ors, girls arc went to grad sc hool. A sit e and a starting date for construction have That has bee n a major probl em with the Bowman more career orient ed." - In 1956. 25 perce nt of women not bee n chose n y(!t, Ga ston suill. gy m noor. according to Gaston. DlIna Sellers, Kappa, is "very graduat.es entered the bu si ness Discussions betwee n Gaston and Tom Mont. Tho offi cial word on the cost of this athletic impressed with DePauw WO lllel1 . world. In 1973, 40 perce nt went athletic director lind hea d of th e phys ical edu ca tion ce nt er is in th e Second Design for a Dec:ule Th ey' re searching for a fulfillin g to work. departm ent have cent ered on how to usc both th e hrochure. which snys $6 million will be used to role in society." Ned MacP hail. head of th e new gy m and Bowman Gy m. renovate East College and construct a new athletic "Most girls rea lize tha t major· edu cation departm ent . t. hink s Tho new athletic cent er will include a new center. Gaston declined t.o comm ent furth er on the in g in hu sband hunti ng is women stud ent s nre more basketball court., swimmin g pool longe r t.h an 50 cost of the ce nter. foolish." PAGE:2 THE: DEPA U W FIlID AY . SE PTE:MIlEH 20 . 1974 FRIDAY. S E:PTEMB~; 1l 20. 197<1 TilE: DEPA UW I'.\GE :I Coming Hot (ompetitiol for eee yields firm ideas Handy Kurek, SN u; Terry son arc already planning whal the ea rly wecks to rc·establish a th e car policy. 1 t.hink it would he thc'rc i~ morc cOlll lllun ica tion Distractions Tobin, Delt; and Tim Pearso n, they want ecc to pursue thi s fram e·work with which we arc great if th e presidents of all the hetween me and the fr alt'rnilics WELCOME BACK STUDENTS Phi Psi; will he the rcpresenta· yea r. going to be working." houses had periodic meetin gs at citn he 1I eee more cffccti vt, as liv es fr om the fraternities to th e Tobin said . " I was rea ll y whic h a ece member could he student organiza tion." ON CAMPUS Community Conce rns Committee Pearson sa id , "I'm co nce rn ed, impressed with what cec did present so as 10 gc t it lot of Today this year. With th e fir st mee ting with (inding a rirm base from last yea r; spec ifica lly ou tlini ng implict. I'm supposed to repre· Kurek !'aid. "I'm happy Ih al so OUR EVERYDAY PRICES \I a.m.-Maycr Ilichard Lu ga r Friday. Kureck, Tobin and Pea r· which eec can work. We need in th eir position, and working out se nt 13 fr:lt crniti cs and I think if man y Ilualifi ed people CO llie oul - Gobin for the interviews, and I'm sorry 7 & 9 p.m.-"Paper Moo n"­ on ly three could make iL" VB Physicist calls for ERA, end of discrimination cec is an administr:tli vc 7:30 p.m.- A.W. S. Ca mpu s committ ee resJlonsibl e 1.0 th e Sing-UB Terrace By CINDY McLANE - A college professor told her. According to Anck er·Johnso n, Boa rd of Trustees and is com­ Starr Iteporter "Women can't think analytica l· th e sciences only include 9 posed of seven st IIflent s which Tomorrow Dr. Detsy An cker·Johnso n Iy." perce nt women; in ph ys ics, only includes th e Pres id ent of th e * 10 :t,m. -Socccr: DPU vs. Auro­ feels wom ~n arc making pro· -She had trouhle find ing a job 3.7 are women. or those female Stud ent Body, th ree facult y ra, Boswell gress- albeit 200 years later. although she had a doctorate in ph ys icists, 60 perce nt arc in memb ers, four administralivo 10 a. m.- Fi eld Hoc key: DP U An ckc r·Johnson, assistnnt phys ics. education (an area Ancker·John· offi cers, and three members of vs . Purdu e secretary for scie nce and tech· "So few men arc suffi ciently son calls "dead end",; .7 percent the Board of Truslees. The nology in the U.S. Commerce arc managers. 1:30 p.rn.- Foo lball : DP U I'S. assured of thei r masculinity that com mittee approv ~s all bas ic Ohio Wes leya n Department. spok e Tu esday th ey ca n't accept women in th eir Ancker·Johnson blames this policies and minimum st:lIld ard s, 8:30· 12 p.rn .-"lJl ock bu sler ni ght hefore about 150 perso ns in fi elds." she said. di sc rimination 'on socia l at· enforce ment procedures, and Dance". ATO pa rk inK 101 DePauw's "Eminent Women in Ancker·Johnson, of course, titudes. For instance, she cites res ponsihilit cs relating to th e Sc ience" lecture se ri es. supports the Equal Righls the difficulti es of Irying 10 find a social activities and other non· Sund'l' She's fa ce d di sc rimination, Amendm ent to the Constitution. child's doctor kit without a boy's acn dcmic intcrests lind pursuits Thru Ocl. IG - Faculty Arl including: Six more states :Ire needed for pi ct ure on il . "Society chooses of DePauw stuliell ls. Show. AC - Her hi gh school principal enactment. "It's incredible," she c;t ree r choices simply by putting • Per print from Kodac.olor negatives, Sites 135, 620, 120, 5·8 p.Ill.-APhi PllflClIkc sup­ was outraged when she sa id she said , "that our country will be boys' pictures on doctors' kits 1l1t.IIETSY ANCKEft­ JOIN Tm: C I-:U ': IIIt,\TlON J\T 126, or 127 Imlamatie, Do el not apply to ,lido, or foroign pcr. APhi wll nt ed to ta ku rnn chin e Scle n('o 200 years old before womell li ro and girls' pictures on nurse's' JOIINSON GOBIN CHURCH film . Small Extra Charge For Procening New Roll Film . 7 & 9: 15 p.rn.- "Paper Moon" instell d of sewin g. equal to men." kits." . .. EftA advorate 9:15-nonlll.s &: nl:aIlHjU C New Silk Flnhh Prints 7:30 p.m.-Faculty fl ecil al: :at U.C.C. -photo hy Ludington IO :30-Wnrshlp-Mt. TrI~~ 'lI Tnll!t·: " Wh:t l H(W5 The Chrlll­ OFFCAMI'US Word /y wisdom seasons studies lI:tn III'II('\'I' ?" Dy CATIIY O'CONNELL tcr then introduccd Lamar to th e volved in reli gious worship, Sept. 27. John Denver. Markel Starr Iteporter co ngrega tion. Lamar assumed Square Arena. 8 p.m. Lamar invited an y and :I II At DePauw Uni ve rsity's fir st th e post of University Chaplain sl ud ents 10 drop by Ihe CA M Sept. 28. fl.E.O. Speedwagon. chapel this year stud ent s were VllC:lted by Dr. Marvin Swan so n (C hri stian Action Movcment) Hey. y'all, Aeoros mith. Montrose. 7:30 a(I\'iscd by the new University who has tak en position as head of building behind Gobin and ge t to p.m .. I. S.U. Chllplin, Fred Lamar, "Never DePauw's international studies. know their new Uni ve rsity head up to Let Your Studies Interfere with In his address Lamar stressed Chaplain. Oct, 8, David Bowie, Indiana your Education." expe rience over strict factual The Loft Convention Ce nter, 8 p.m. kn ow ledge. Lltmar praiscd th e The chapel se rvice bega n with co nv oca tion s and chapel se ri es, lor some a prelud e by Uni versity Organ· "( I hey) offer you a chan ce 10 ist. Arthur Carkee k. follow ed by meet and pi ck the brains of more purty a ca ll 10 worship led by Dea n major personages in yo ur four ABSENTEE BALLOTS Hobert II. Farber. Farber also yca rs at DcPauw than yo u may duds •• For absentee ballols for Ihe led the ;lssembly in 11 prayer ha vc in th o rest of your lives- if November 5 election. slu, which appealed 10 God to "Help you are here and not in th e Hub dents should write Ihe counly me not to geL so pull ed under by eve ry Wednesday and Friday clerk in their home county. new fr eedom s and forces and morning." Urging students to fantasies that I forg et to le

There's It wide ralt~e of NEW CllO KODACOLOR Professional shirts an' sweaters 1111 ' jeans. Laundry, CO lli e 011 1111 , heur'! PRINTS - Shirt and * Dry Cleaning SEE ACENT IN YOUH HOUSE FOR MEDICAL SCHOOL APPLICANTS I'REE PI CKUP AND DELIVlmy American Me~ical Col­ sc holll applicalillll s. YlHlr srhlllli s yu u :-'l' lc cl. gift lege Admissions Prulile. lvfCAT sclll'cs. grade poinl ClI llt :t(' 1 y lltll' pre- OFFICE HOURS In spirali onal. humorous. cule. conlemporary. Inc ., offl.!rs a COIl1- avcragl.!. co llege.! IIttelHkd. Ill l.' di cal ad Vi:-'ll l' I'llI' furt Ii !.' !' hi slorical. .. lh ere·s a Hallmark Edil ions gill book M-F 7:30-5: 30 puterizcu analysis 10 assi st stale ui' resideIH.'e.!, age and informa tio n or wri te lailored 10 malcl1 Ihe mood and lasle of anyone. • From I\odok ella. Kodatolor film only . Sat. 8-3 you in morl.! cffc('livcJ y as­ l)lllI:r nih:ria arc lI ",e d in it A . ~I.C.A . P .. In c .. lIu.x does nol apply to foreign film or , Iides. sessi ng >'Dur qilalilkatillils cllillparativc anal y~ i s with X7 ·1 7. 1I ",III n. ~ l iI' ­ Small exira chorge for Qroc ening new roll film . 653-3191 Books Plus anu mono! ac curatel y di ­ thc pn,.'viou sly alTl'ptl'li ,achuwlls II~ 114 . r-icw Silk .' In ls ll rillis in the downtown part 01 campus rcc ting your mcdical class al Ihe medi ca l 217 E. Wa,hill~lnll 5 1. ACTUAL CliO SIZE PRINT .~ (Next 10 Phone Co.) __iii -It(l~~I\\Ml iiiiiiiiiiiiiil FRIDA Y. SEPTEMnEII 20. 1974 FIt IDA Y. SE I' TF:~ III F: n 20. 197<1 T ilE DE I' AIlW I'o (il': ;) PAGE" THE DEPAUW = - Beer, burgers and rock Chuggin' it down at Charlie's

path lIy JOliN AIICIIIBAW winding Feature Editor through the Charlie Drown is not a fields of your personal fri end of Lucy. Linus or mind-strewn with Snoopy. And he docs not fly kiles or mnnage a lillie league baseball cards and gifts and tenm. He does own a Bnr·B·Q candles & happy smiles. res tauranl in Greencastle where. We are not Nixon Thursday nights. stud ents gather ror bee r. burgers and juke Dear Editor: evcr. all th at Mr. Mullins docs is say thal Mr_ Mullins' emot ional · ~ box rock. In respo nding to Claude Mul · to prov ide the reader with his ism ove rreaches itseH here. Charlie hns se rved barbecue lin s' co lumn concerning lhe own brand of emotional defense First, Americans shou ld be can· bee f. chi cken and ribs since pard on of Richard Nixon, I musl of Nixon. gratulating th emselves instead :m~X~ admit that I hardly kn ow wh ere of tlilOlogi7.i ng ror th e res ponsi ble opening "Chnr lie's" on Septem· He recogn izes that puni shment ber 15. 1970. Today sludent to begi n. manner in which Nixon wa s ca n deter crime. Bu t there is a accuscd and found gu ilty. shouts demand not rood but beer. First. I would like to answer second aspect. to pun is hment th at beer and more beer for their lwo questions posed by Mullins The fa ct that the investigation he ignores: the material penalty of Nixon's mis deeds wa s so Thursday night thirst. Th e for my se lf and the vast majorily one pa ys for crime, Nixon's popular barbecue orders have of DePauw stud ents and un emotion al is one whi ch Mr, res ignation ha s doter red him Mull ins convenie ntly ignores, tak en a back scat 10 bee r and Ihe teachers who arc offe nd ed when from commi tting an y more house specialty-the Charlie th eir hones ty is impugned. offenses. Secon dl y. I rejecl Mr. Mullins' Burgers. a nearly root long. CIIA RLIE BROWN ·... lIow many of us wouldn't melodrumat ic implications th at rectangul. r burger and bun with . .... no 'P('Inuts' - photo by '('Ing "chent" on our itll:OIllU tu x if we But hl! has paid 110 materiul thosll who disagree wi lh th e lots of spicy barbecue sauce, kn ew we could gct by with it "for penalty. he has suffered no loss pardon "are trying to hreak an won't be :lny trouble," Charli e "I enjoy cooking whole pigs He was the Army's Go ld en sure'''/, I would not. that punishment implies. already broken man. who ha s DePauw pro-Nixon and hogs." said Charlie. who docs Glov es Champ." said Susie said. 'How many of us wouldn't Some may say Nixon's loss or paid ror his mi stak es with his much or the res taurant cooking Grimes. a b.rlender at Charlie·s. "Year before las t, students engage in "unfair" business orrice was enough of a penalty. health" and attempting to "ruin ED. NOTE: 'I'hls poll wall I'on· were dancing on the tabl es:' dueled by Chllllic MulliM with himseU. In past years. he has Charlie docs not like to talk practices if we were "certain" But a public offi ce is prcse nt ed whatliUle is lefL of his life." As· Lh e help o r thc IIvin,! unit preMI . barbecued ribs and chicken ror about boxi ng and those years of Charlie sn id . "And when we had that wc wouldn't have to fac e any by th e people to an ciccI cd leader for mistaking the pu rsuil oC dcnb. the Fiji's. hogs ror the Betn's and fighling. "That was a long lime nickel beers during se nior week. relribulion for il'l I would not. as a trust, not as perso nal inn ocence or gu ilt for ·' bl ood· Nixo n sUJlJlort remains strong a roast ror . ago, twenty years," he said. kids were dancing in the street at One morc Ihing. Mr. Mullins possession. The presidency thirstiness." I Ciln onl y reply that on th e DeP,ww ca mpus. Even Today his major concern lies in fiv e in the morning." he added, never "belonged" to Nixon. Even Mr. Mullin s' ow n emotions have Charlie has spent most or his says "Richard Nixon is just a after bein g forced to resign. serving his restaurant and bar chuck ling. "I like to sec Ih e kids human being".like you and me," Mr. Mull ins recog ni zes it as "th e see min gly cloud ed hi s jud ge­ stud ents here favo r Nixon ov(!r 42 years in Greencaslle. "I do not customers. In his easy going have a good time." nation's greatest honor." Thus ment. like Ind iana too much." sa id Well. Nixon may be Iikc Mr. McGove rn by a 2·1 margin. And a manner, Charlie likes working II you do not sce him dow n at Mullins. but he is not like me. Nixon could hardly "lose" some­ The "s ubjec tive question of his mll jorily oC th osc polled support Charlie. "It seems lhe older I gel. for people. "I trcat people as I hi s pla ce . you might ca tch thing that he never possessed. CHARLI E the less I like it." Perh:lps our major diHerence is guilt" is hardly thnt; the qu estion Ford's decision to pardon Nixo n. would like to be lreated." he said. Charlie cycling lhrough cnmpus how eac h of li S would answer th e The rcs ult s of the poll arc Mr . Mullins offers Ih e "relenl· of guilt or inn oce nce is :t n During lhe yea rs 1952·56. And many of Ih ose arc sludenls on his BMW 750. He wcars two (IUesti ons above, listed below, Questions asked BROWN'S less investigation" or Nixon as object ive one, determined by Charlie Ielt Indiana and served in on Thursday nights. "I ha ve lois knee· high lea th cr boots and will were: 1) Would you \'ote for Not only docs Mr. Mullins e\'idcncc that "further occ ur­ exa mining th e evidence (now lhe U.S. Army. "He never lost a of stud enIs Ihen. Th ey can be probably be smiling and waving McGovern or Nixon if the insult our integrity bUl he also rences of pres id ential crim es" impossible beca use oC the par· 603 Ohio St. 653-8735 light. never gal knocked down. packed wall-lo wall and thero to friends. don). "Oocs justice mean making clectio n were held today'/ and 2) insults our intelligence by adopt­ will be deterred, But won't th e Do you fa vor lI mcnsty ror Nixon

MAMA WAVES HER PIZZA Birch Bayh HIGH FOR THE WILL SPEAK DEPAUW TIGERS AT CONVOCATION f Friday, September 27 HOURS: 11:00 A.M. - GOBIN CHURCH M-Th - 5-1 Alltl Will /\lIsll'er QuestillllS iHlc""lIrcls F-Sal. - 5-2 o Sunday - 5-11 Support