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University of Oklahoma Graduate College UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA GRADUATE COLLEGE GERMANY’S REFUGEE POLICY MAKING CRISIS: HOW THE CLASH OF NORMATIVE SYSTEMS AFFECTED THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE FACULTY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS IN INTERNATIONAL STUDIES By STEFANIE NEUMEIER Norman, Oklahoma 2017 GERMANY’S REFUGEE POLICY MAKING CRISIS: HOW THE CLASH OF NORMATIVE SYSTEMS AFFECTED THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS A THESIS APPROVED FOR THE COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES BY ________________________________ Dr. Mark Raymond, Chair ________________________________ Dr. Eric Heinze ________________________________ Dr. Mitchell Smith © Copyright by STEFANIE NEUMEIER 2017 All Rights Reserved. Acknowledgements I would like to thank my thesis committee chair, Dr. Mark Raymond, for his continuous support, motivation, patience and guidance during my Master’s project. He has been a source of inspiration because of his excellent research and teaching skills. I could not have asked for a better advisor and mentor. My sincere thanks also go to my other thesis committee members, Dr. Mitchell Smith and Dr. Eric Heinze for their help and feedback. I would also like to take this opportunity to express gratitude for the support and help I received from the faculty and staff of the College of International Studies and the Department of International & Area Studies. I thank my fellow graduate students and colleagues for making the last two years an unforgettable time. A special thanks goes to Nicole Smith, who has proof-read and edited almost every paper I wrote. Thanks for being there for me, for pushing and encouraging me. Finally, I would like to thank my mom for her unfailing support and encouragement throughout my years of study. None of this would have been possible without you. Vielen Dank, Mama! iv Table of Contents Acknowledgments .......................................................................................................... iv List of Tables .................................................................................................................. vii List of Illustrations ........................................................................................................ viii Abstract ............................................................................................................................ ix Introduction .......................................................................................................................1 Empirical Background ...................................................................................................2 Puzzles and Theoretical Framework ..............................................................................4 Significance....................................................................................................................7 Methodology ..................................................................................................................9 Chapter Overview ........................................................................................................11 Chapter 1: The Theoretical Framework ..........................................................................12 Regime Theory ............................................................................................................16 The Initiation of Liberal Refugee Policies ..................................................................29 Reintroduction of Conservative Refugee Policies ......................................................35 Contributions to IR Literature .....................................................................................41 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................43 Chapter 2: Germany’s Initial Liberal Policy Response ...................................................45 German Refugee Policy .............................................................................................47 Empirical Study: Motivations for Germany’s Liberal Refugee Policies ....................56 Relationship between the Themes .............................................................................76 Chapter 3: Germany’s Reversal of its Liberal Refugee Policies .....................................85 Germany’s Reintroduction of Conservative Policies ................................................87 v Empirical Study: Motivations for the Shift ...............................................................95 Analysis of Themes .................................................................................................116 Conclusion .....................................................................................................................123 Significance and Contributions to IR Literature .....................................................125 Implications and Avenues of Future Research ........................................................127 Bibliography ..................................................................................................................131 vi List of Tables Table 1. Interview profiles ............................................................................................11 Table 1.1. Mechanisms of liberal and conservative refugee norms in Europe ...............31 vii List of Figures Figure 1.1. Vertical and horizontal interaction of liberal and conservative refugee norms in Europe ........................................................................................................................30 Figure 2.1. Factors influencing liberal norm and support activation .............................83 Figure 3.1. Logic of appropriateness and logic of consequences used by conservative actors .............................................................................................................................119 viii Abstract Although Germany has had a long history of restrictive and uncoordinated immigration and integration policies, the country seemed to experience a paradigm shift during the refugee crisis in 2014/15. In the light of unprecedented support from actors across the political spectrum, the country introduced a variety of pro-refugee policies, actively welcoming and integrating refugees. However, this approach was ephemeral. Shortly after the initiation of the aforementioned liberal agenda, the country reversed its approach introducing a number of conservative policies outsourcing migration control, increasing refugee responsibilities, and decreasing requirements for deportation and repatriation. This thesis investigates the dynamics of Germany’s refugee policy making by analyzing (1) the initial liberal reaction, followed by (2) the shift to less liberal policies. The empirical findings illustrate that actors utilized different sets of norms in order to advance their preferred policy response during the decision making process. The incompleteness of rule systems and the existence of overlapping refugee and asylum norms on different levels of analysis led to arguments amongst different actors on how to interpret norms and which policies to implement. Further, both logics of appropriateness and logics of consequences figured centrally in public debates which confirms that policy decisions are a product of mixed motives. ix Introduction Overview Germany has had a long history of restrictive immigration policies as well as disconnected and neglected refugee integration measures. This is reflected in numerous conservative citizenship and residency laws, deportation procedures, and repatriation agreements with home or third countries. While the introduction of the National Integration Plan (NAP) in 2005 signaled initial steps toward a more progressive approach to immigration, politicians across the political spectrum continued to push for conservative measures.1 With the beginning of the refugee crisis in 2015, the country seemed to experience a paradigm shift. Germany initiated unprecedented liberal migration policies accompanied by a pronounced Willkommenskultur. However, this approach proved ephemeral. Shortly after the introduction of the aforementioned liberal response, the country reversed its approach, reinstating a number of rather restrictive policies outsourcing migration control, increasing refugee responsibilities, and decreasing requirements for deportation and repatriation. This study investigates the dynamics of Germany’s refugee policy making by explaining (1) the initial liberal reaction, followed by (2) the shift to more conservative policies. I argue that Germany’s introduction of liberal refugee policies as well as the shift back to more restrictive policies are the result of actors utilizing different sets of 1 Petra Bendel, Coordinating immigrant integration in Germany: Mainstreaming at the federal and local levels, (Brussels: Migration Policy Institute, 2014): 1-3. 1 norms. The liberal policy response as well as the return to a conservative agenda illustrates how both logics of appropriateness and logics of consequences played a role in the decision making processes. In the following sections of the introduction, I will first offer a brief empirical background on the development of Germany’s policies with regards to the current refugee crisis, before identifying the puzzles and the theoretical framework. I will then proceed to discuss the significance of the study, the methodological approach and finally provide a chapter overview.
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