
MEASUREMENTS Months 0 3 6 9 12 To Fit Chest (approx) cm 35 40 45 50 52 Actual Size cm 35 40 45 50 52 Length cm 22 26 29 33 35 Sleeve Length cm 11 13 16 19 21 PATONS DREAMTIME 4 PLY 50g balls Quantity (colour 3880) 3 3 3 4 4 Use only the specified. Other are likely to produce different results. Quantities are approximate as they can vary between knitters. Check the ball bands to ensure all yarn is from the same .

What you’ll need

Patons Big Baby 4ply 100g balls as per size 1 pair 3.00mm knitting needles 1 pair 3.25mm knitting needles or sizes to give correct tension 2 stitch-holders 3 buttons , yarn needle, tape measure

Tension 28 sts x 36 rows to 10cm over stocking st, using 3.25mm needles. Check your tension carefully. If less sts to 10cm use smaller needles, if more sts use bigger needles.

Abbreviations alt = alternate; beg = begin/ning; cont = continue; dec = , decreasing; foll = following; inc = , increasing; K = knit; P = purl; patt = pattern; rem = remain/ing; rep = repeat; stocking st = 1 row knit (right side), 1 row purl; tog = together; 0 = zero rows, stitches or times;

Special Abbreviations C3F = Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle, leave at front of work, K1, then K2 from cable needle. C3B = Slip next st onto cable needle, leave at back of work, K2, then K1 from cable needle. T3F = Slip next 2 sts onto cable needle, leave at front of work, P1, then K2 from cable needle. T3B = Slip next st onto cable needle, leave at back of work, K2, then P1 from cable needle. M3 = (K1, P1, K1) all into next st. C5B = Slip next 3 sts onto cable needle, leave at back of work, K2, then K3 from cable needle. C8F = Slip next 4 sts onto cable needle, leave at front of work, K4, then K4 from cable needle. C8B = Slip next 4 sts onto cable needle, leave at back of work, K4, then K4 from cable needle.

BACK Using 3.00mm needles, cast on 54 (70-74-82-90) sts. Beg Rib Band Row 1: K2, * P2, K2, rep from * to end. Row 2: P2, * K2, P2, rep from * to end. Rep last 2 rows 6 times, then 1st row once … 15 rows rib in all. Row 16: Rib 14 (22-8-12-16), [(inc in next st) 4 times, rib 12] 0 (0-1-1- 1) times, (inc in next st) 4 times, rib 6, (inc in next st) 5 times, rib 7, [(inc in next st) 4 times, rib 12] 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (inc in next st) 4 times, rib 14 (22-8-12-16) … 67 (83-95-103-111) sts. Change to 3.25mm needles. Beg Patt Row 1: (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, K0 (0-8-8-8), P10 (10-12-12-12), K8, P2, K2, P4, C3B, P1, C3F, P4, K2, P2, K8, P10 (10-12-12-12), K0 (0-8-8- 8), (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 2: (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, (P8, K2) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (M3, P3tog) twice, K2, P8, K2, P2, K4, P3, K1, P3, K4, P2, K2, P8, K2, (M3, P3tog) twice, (K2, P8) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 3: (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, (C8B) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, P10 (10-12- 12-12), C8B, P2, K2, P3, C3B, P1, K1, P1, C3F, P3, K2, P2, C8F, P10 (10- 12-12-12), (C8F) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 4: (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, (P8, K2) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (P3tog, M3) twice, K2, P8, K2, P2, K3, P3, K1, P1, K1, P3, K3, P2, K2, P8, K2, (P3tog, M3) twice, (K2, P8) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 5: (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, K0 (0-8-8-8), P10 (10-12-12-12), K8, P2, K2, P2, C3B, (P1, K1) twice, P1, C3F, P2, K2, P2, K8, P10 (10-12-12- 12), K0 (0-8-8-8), (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 6: (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, (P8, K2) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (M3, P3tog) twice, K2, P8, K2, P2, K2, P3, (K1, P1) 3 times, (P2, K2) twice, P8, K2, (M3, P3tog) twice, (K2, P8) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 7: (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, K0 (0-8-8-8), P10 (10-12-12-12), K8, (P2, K2) twice, (P1, K1) 3 times, P1, (K2, P2) twice, K8, P10 (10-12-12- 12), K0 (0-8-8-8), (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 8: (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, (P8, K2) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (P3tog, M3) twice, K2, P8, (K2, P2) twice, (K1, P1) 3 times, K1, (P2, K2) twice, P8, K2, (P3tog, M3) twice, (K2, P8) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 9: (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, K0 (0-8-8-8), P10 (10-12-12-12), K8, P2, K2, P2, T3F, (P1, K1) twice, P1, T3B, P2, K2, P2, K8, P10 (10-12-12- 12), K0 (0-8-8-8), (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 10: (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, (P8, K2) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (M3, P3tog) twice, K2, P8, K2, P2, K3, P2, (K1, P1) 3 times, P1, K3, P2, K2, P8, K2, (M3, P3tog) twice, (K2, P8) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 11: (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, (C8B) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, P10 (10- 12-12-12), C8B, P2, K2, P3, T3F, P1, K1, P1, T3B, P3, K2, P2, C8F, P10 (10-12-12-12), (C8F) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 12: (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, (P8, K2) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (P3tog, M3) twice, K2, P8, K2, P2, K4, P2, K1, P1, K1, P2, K4, P2, K2, P8, K2, (P3tog, M3) twice, (K2, P8) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 13: (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, K0 (0-8-8-8), P10 (10-12-12-12), K8, P2, K2, P4, T3F, P1, T3B, P4, K2, P2, K8, P10 (10-12-12-12), K0 (0- 8-8-8), (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 14: (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, (P8, K2) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (M3, P3tog) twice, K2, P8, K2, P2, K5, P2, K1, P2, K5, P2, K2, P8, K2, (M3, P3tog) twice, (K2, P8) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 15: (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, K0 (0-8-8-8), P10 (10-12-12-12), K8, P2, K2, P5, C5B, P5, K2, P2, K8, P10 (10-12-12-12), K0 (0-8-8-8), (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Row 16: (P2, K2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times, (P8, K2) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (P3tog, M3) twice, K2, P8, K2, P2, K5, P5, K5, P2, K2, P8, K2, (P3tog, M3) twice, (K2, P8) 0 (0-1-1-1) times, (K2, P2) 1 (3-2-3-4) times. Rows 1 to 16 incl form patt. Cont in patt until Back measures 14 (17-19-22-23) cm from beg, working last row on wrong side. Tie a coloured thread at each end of last row to mark beg of armholes, as there is no armhole shaping. ** Work a further 26 (30-34-38-40) rows patt. Shape Back Neck and Shoulders Next row: Cast off 5 (7-6-7-8) sts, patt 21 (27-34-37-40) (incl st rem on right-needle), turn. Cont on these 21 (27-34-37-40) sts for right side of back neck. Next row: Cast off 11 (12-6-7-7) sts, patt to end … 10 (15-28-30-33) sts. Next row: Cast off 5 (7-6-7-8) sts, patt to last 2 sts, patt 2tog … 4 (7- 21-22-24) sts. Sizes 0 and 3 months only Work 1 row. Cast off rem 4 (7) sts. Sizes 6, 9 and 12 months only Next row: Cast off 6 sts, patt to end … (15-16-18) sts. Next row: Cast off (6-7-8) sts, patt to last 2 sts, patt 2tog. Work 1 row. Cast off rem (8-8-9) sts. All sizes Slip next 15 sts onto a stitch-holder and leave for neckband. With right side facing, join yarn to rem 26 (34-40-44-48) sts for left side of back neck, patt to end. Next row: Cast off 5 (7-6-7-8) sts, patt to last 2 sts, patt 2tog. Next row: Cast off 11 (12-6-7-7) sts, patt to end … 9 (14-27-29-32) sts. Sizes 0 and 3 months only Next row: Cast off 5 (7) sts, patt to end. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 4 (7) sts. Sizes 6, 9 and 12 months only Next row: Cast off (6-7-8) sts, patt to last 2 sts, patt 2tog … (20-21-23) sts. Next row: Cast off 6 sts, patt to end. Next row: Cast off (6-7-8) sts, patt to end. Work 1 row. Cast off rem (8-8-9) sts.

FRONT Work as given for Back to **. Work a further 14 (18-22-26-28) rows patt. Shape Neck Row 1: Patt 26 (33-38-41-45), turn. Cont on these 26 (33-38-41-45) sts for left side of front neck. Row 1: Cast off 5 sts, patt to end … 21 (28-33-36-40) sts. Row 2: Patt to last 2 sts, patt 2tog. Row 3: Cast off 3 sts, patt to end … 17 (24-29-32-36) sts. Row 4: As 2nd row. Row 5: Cast off 2 sts, patt to end … 14 (21-26-29-33) sts. NOTE – This side of neck is 6 rows lower to accommodate rib band for shoulder opening. Shape Shoulder Cast off 5 (7-6-7-8) sts at beg of next row, then in every foll alt row 1 (1-2- 2-2) times … 4 (7-8-8-9) sts. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 4 (7-8-8-9) sts. Slip next 15 (17-19-21-21) sts onto stitch-holder and leave for neckband. With right side facing, join yarn to rem 26 (33-38-41-45) sts for right side of front neck, patt to end. Work 1 row. Row 1: Cast off 5 sts, patt to end … 21 (28-33-36-40) sts. Row 2: Patt to last 2 sts, patt 2tog. Row 3: Cast off 3 sts, patt to end … 17 (24-29-32-36) sts. Row 4: As 2nd row. Row 5: Cast off 2 sts, patt to end … 14 (21-26-29-33) sts. Work 6 rows patt. Shape Shoulder Cast off 5 (7-6-7-8) sts at beg of next row, then in every foll alt row 1 (1-2- 2-2) times … 4 (7-8-8-9) sts. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 4 (7-8-8-9) sts.

SLEEVES Using 3.00mm needles, cast on 46 (46-46-50-50) sts. Beg Rib Band Row 1: K2 (2-2-0-0), * P2, K2, rep from * to last 0 (0-0-2-2) sts, P0 (0-0- 2-2). Row 2: P2 (2-2-0-0), * K2, P2, rep from * to last 0 (0-0-2-2) sts, K0 (0-0- 2-2). Rep last 2 rows 6 times, then 1st row once … 15 rows rib in all. Next row: Rib 5 (5-5-7-7), inc in next st, rib 12, (inc in next st, rib 1) 5 times, rib 12, inc in next st, rib 5 (5-5-7-7) … 53 (53-53-57-57) sts. Change to 3.25mm needles. Beg Patt Row 1: P7 (7-7-9-9), K8, P2, K2, P4, C3B, P1, C3F, P4, K2, P2, K8, P7 (7- 7-9-9). Row 2: K1 (1-1-3-3), M3, P3tog, K2, P8, K2, P2, K4, P3, K1, P3, K4, P2, K2, P8, K2, M3, P3tog, K1 (1-1-3-3). Row 3: P7 (7-7-9-9), C8B, P2, K2, P3, C3B, P1, K1, P1, C3F, P3, K2, P2, C8F, P7 (7-7-9-9). Row 4: K1 (1-1-3-3), P3tog, M3, K2, P8, K2, P2, K3, P3, K1, P1, K1, P3, K3, P2, K2, P8, K2, P3tog, M3, K1 (1-1-3-3). Row 5: P7 (7-7-9-9), K8, P2, K2, P2, C3B, P1, (K1, P1) twice, C3F, P2, K2, P2, K8, P7 (7-7-9-9). Row 6: K1 (1-1-3-3), M3, P3tog, K2, P8, K2, P2, K2, P3, (K1, P1) 3 times, (P2, K2) twice, P8, K2, M3, P3tog, K1 (1-1-3-3). NOTE – Care must be taken when shaping in this patt, do not work M3, unless the corresponding P3tog can be worked and vice versa. Cont in patt as placed in last 6 rows (noting that 16 rows form patt rep), and working extra sts into edge patt, inc one st at each end of next row, then in every foll 10th (4th-4th-4th-4th) row until there are 57 (63-71-77-81) sts. Cont in patt without further inc until Sleeve measures 11 (13-16-19-21) cm from beg, working last row on wrong side. Shape Top Sizes 0 and 3 months only Cast off 8 (9) sts at beg of next 6 rows. Cast off rem 9 sts. Sizes 6, 9 and 12 months only Cast off (8-8-9) sts at beg of next 4 rows, then (8-9-9) sts at beg of foll 4 rows. Cast off rem (7-9-9) sts.

LEFT FRONT SHOULDER BAND With right side facing and using 3.00mm needles, knit up 16 (20-28-28-32) sts evenly along left shoulder. Row 1: (wrong side) P3, * K2, P2, rep from * to last st, P1. Row 2: K3, * P2, K2, rep from * to last st, K1. Last 2 rows form rib. Work 3 rows rib. Row 6: ( row) K3 (7-7-7-3), P2tog, yon, rib 6 (6-10-10-14), P2tog, yon, rib to end … 2 buttonholes. Work 3 rows … 9 rows rib in all. Cast off loosely in rib.

LEFT BACK SHOULDER BAND Work as for Left Front Shoulder Band, omitting buttonholes.

NECKBAND Join right shoulder seam. With right side facing and using 3.00mm needles, knit up 19 (19-21-21-21) sts evenly along left side of front neck shaping (incl shoulder band), knit across sts from front stitch-holder, knit up 19 (19- 21-21-21) sts evenly along right side of front neck shaping, knit up 11 (12- 13-14-14) sts evenly along right side of back neck shaping, knit across sts from back neck stitch-holder, then knit up 17 (18-19-20-20) sts evenly along left side of back neck shaping (incl shoulder band) … 96 (100-108- 112-112) sts. Row 1: (wrong side) P3, * K2, P2, rep from * to last st, P1. Row 2: K3, * P2, K2, rep from * to last st, K2. Last 2 rows form rib. Work 3 rows rib. Next row: K3, P2tog, yon, * K2, P2, rep from * to last 3 sts, K3 … 3 buttonholes in all. Work 3 rows … 9 rows rib in all. Cast off loosely in rib.

TO MAKE UP DO NOT PRESS. Place front shoulder band over back shoulder band and oversew at armhole edge, sewing through both thicknesses. Placing centre of sleeve to shoulder, sew in sleeves evenly between coloured threads. Join side and sleeve seams. Sew on buttons.