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AT«rm|« paMy Nat Praaa Run . For Mie Wa«k llnded The Weather June 1, IMS reteeeet of D. a WeMhm BureM 13,920 IM r ead oool tonifht. liow hi Member eC^tte Audit the fiOe. lU eeday m ostly fm nnyead Burera of CSroulettoii mild. High 80 to 88 deifreea. Manchester^—A City o f Village Charm

TOL. LXXXn, NO. 119 (Cleeslfled AdtwrtMeg ea Bag* M) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1968 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Evers Assumes Israel Prem ier Slaiu Brother’s t f t ResignsPosts Jackson Tasks Doubts Grow Soviet Pair JACKSON. Miss. (AP)— The brother of slain Medgar JERUSALEM, Israeli Sec­ W . Evers took over as Negro tor (AP)— David Ben-Gurion, civil rights champion in Mis­ prime minister almost con­ sissippi today and pledged to tinuously since Israel was To Try Spaceship Linkup work for "the equality of all founded in 1948, has resigned m en.” P" n m for personal reasons. Uneasy Jackson looked forward _ L __ A government spokesman said to the poesiblllty of more demon- he also will relinquish his seat straUons, such as the one on Sat­ In Parliament but m il remain as urday when hundreds of Negroes, State News Three Miles head of a caretaker government crying "We want the killer," until a new one 1s formed. charged police barricades . Speculation spread that the 7S- Although Charles Evers, 40- ■ • Roundup \ yearK>ld leader resigned Sunday year-old brother of the assassinat­ Between on because of criticism in Parliament ed field secretary of the National \ over his handling of a security Association for the Advancement f7 / ^ ^case. But a communique Issued of Colored People, did not dis­ Blazes, Accidents *4 after a Cabinet meeting said Ben> close his policies in detail, the First Orbit Gihdon’s reasons for quitting were ferment in the Negro population "nors connected with any state was such that many onlookers had Claim Seven Lives problm or event." a sense of foreboding. MOSCOW (AP)—The So­ One k w c e said that when the Leaders of the Negro movement By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS * viet Union’s mi.xed space duet Cabinet je s s e d Ben-Ourlon for to break down racial barriers in Three persons died in fires logged its first 24 hours in the reasons he replied, "I am DAVIO BEN-OURION Jackson have proclaimed a policy joint orbit today. An official keeping them to myself.” of; “ Demonstrate, demonstrate, and three others in highway accidents over the weekend in announcement said that on The secUrity^rase Involved Ger­ the security chief had been vin­ demonstrate again." V man sclentlsU developing nuclear dicated and that this induced Ben- Sunday was a comparatively Connecticut. A seventh per­ their first orbit the male and rockets for the united Arab Re­ Ourlon to' resign. quiet. Sabbath. Four young Negro son was killed when his car female comrades moved to public. An Israeli Security chief, Once before, Ben-Gurion re­ women walked quietly into St. An­ slipped off a jack and fell on r t within three miles of each who never was identified, re­ signed under heavy fire but re­ drew’s Episcopal church, across him. other. signed last March bec^ se of dif­ turned to office after heading a the street from the governor's A fire in Easton Sunday morn­ As they entered the second day ferences with Ben-Guridn. Oppo­ caretaker government. He quit in mansion, and were allowed to re­ of their joint flight, the world's sition parties demanded an open January 1961, in a controversy in' main throughout the service. ing claimed the lives of Dr. Henry G. Schmidt Jr., 36, and hi.s two- first woman cosmonaut, Valen­ debate on the resignatiotlK but volvlng former Defense Minister However, at three other church­ tina Tereshkova, 26, still was Ben-Ourion’s Mapal party aVert- Pinhas Lavon. The dispute report es—Central Presbyterian, First year-old daughter, Catherine. Schmidt’s wife, Marian, and two fla.shlng smiles lor Soviet televi­ od It. edly centered on policy toward Baptist and First Christian—Ne­ sion and Lt. Col. Valery Bykov­ Two Israeli agents on trial m Egypt and a security leak. De­ groes were turned away. sons were not seriousiy hurt. Schmidt was chief pathologist sky performed a stunt in his Basel, Swltserland, on charges of tails were never disclosed. At St. Andrew’s the four Negro cabin. threatening a relative of a Ger­ \Ben-Gurlon has headed seven of girls, clad neatly in summer and director of laboratories at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Bridgeport. The woman cosmonaut sent a man scientist In Bgypt, testified the nine Israeli Cabinets since the frocks and carrying Bibles, lis­ salute to the United States. last week that Egyptian factories stato was founded in 1948. tened from a rear row as the The body of Arthur Hebert, 33, was found in his home in New Official announcements stUI were turning out nuclear rockets He took a respite in 1964 be rector, the Rev. Christoph Keller gave no indication of whether the to menace Israel; ------Jr., read a passage from the Britain Saturday by firemen who were sent to the scene. Police said pair would try a hookup in space The trial produced a feeling that (Oontteued on Page EUeven) First Epistle of John: and doubts have been gp'owing "If a man say I love God and Hebert’s mattress had caught fire, apparently from a cigarette, and that they will. hateth his brother, he is a liar; Russia’s Valentina Tereshkova, 26, and Lt. Col. Valery Bykovsky, 28, who are orbitiiiK The late afternoon announce­ for he that loveth not his brother he was suffocated by the smoke. A collision Involving a tractor- the earth today in separate spaceships, are shown shortly before Bykovsky was ment mentioned for the first time whom he hath seen, how can he that Miss Tereshkova and Bykov­ love God whom he hath not trailer and a car took the lives of launched. This picture was released today by Tass, the Soviet news agency. (AP Wire- Christine Radio, 17, and her 13- sky were only three miles apart 81 Nations’ Envoys seen?” photo.) on their first joint orbit Sunday, Noting man’s achievement’s in year-old sister, Vera, Saturday morning in Salisbury. a feat that appeared to duplicate space, the minister said; the flight of the Soviet apace "In the field of human rela­ State police said the two were tiding in . the back seat of their twins last August. tions, what have we accomplished Fairfield B cTy Tass, the Soviet news agency, At Funeral of Pope —fear, tension, suspicion and a father’s car when it skidded on rain-slicked R/t. 44 into the path of Scant Surprise Felt said: tragic death In the community." "According to more precise ^ ^ - - ■ — ______the truck. He referred to the so far un­ Driven Outside data about the trajectory of the solved killing of Medgar Evers by Ih e father and moUier, Mr. and VATICAN CITY (AP)— ^Envoys from around tHfe world he Mrs. Eugene Radio of Hartford, flight of the spaceship Vostok 6 a rifle bullet last Wednesday. He and Vostok 6, the smallest dis­ tried to guide toward peace mourned Pope John XXIII today was shot in the back as he were hospitalized in Sharon. By Tear Gas At Woman’s Orbit tance between them on the first at a solemn Requiem Mass under the soaring dome of St. stepped out of an automobile near A motorcycle with two men his home. aboard collided with a car in Sa­ circuit of the paired flight was Peter’s Basilica. FAIRFIELD (A P )—A 22-year- approximately 3.1 miles.” 78rd Lombard infantry regiment. The body of E.ybrs, a World lem Sunday, and the operator of An empty symbolic coffin was old Fairfield youth, brandishing a Tass also reported that up to 3 cm a somber black catafalque, Pope John’s unit when he was a War n veteran, sped today to the bike, James F. Toupee, 32, of pistol, was flushed out of a beach WASHINGTON (A P )— American military leaders are medical sergeant in World War I. Washington for burial in Arllng- Montvllle, was killed. keeping a watchful eye on the Soviet Union’s latest space p.m. Miss Tereshkova, 26, had ringed by 96 flickering candles. cottage by tear gas early today made 18 orbits in 26 hours in Sitting near the catafalque were Eugene Cardinal Tisserant, after keeping police at bay more venture— a feat that evoked little surprise or concern else­ French dean of the College of (Contihued on Page Seven) (Continued -on Page Seven) flight. Bykovsky at that time ,had the envoys of 81 nations and than fiour hours. where in the capital. completed his 49th orbit. He was world organisations. They In- Cardinals, led a slow procession "Of oardinals into the basilica, He had threatened to kill a girl A rendezvous of cosmonette a auspicious satellite were made, launched at 8. p.m. Friday. eluded Vice President Lyndon B'. friend, another youth and hlmseS' .VUehtlna Tereshkova with cos­ Moscow television brdaidcut Johnson of the United States, ^ s y wore woolen robes of an inspection would be desirable. mourning violet and simple capes before police arrested him. monaut Valery Bykovsky would Spaqe rendezvous could provide pictures of Miss Tereshkova and Prime Minister Sean Lemass of Donald M. Leonard was grabbed have high military significance. Bykovsky this afternoon. Ireland, Prince Albert of Belgium without their usual ermine trim. th.e means. Most of the official missions — toy Police Sgt. Henry Smith as the It could indicate an ability to re­ Other than the possibUe military Bykovsky put on a show by and the foreign ministers of youth crawled out of the tear gas place crews of vehicles used ais pouring out a small quantity of France and West Germany. from 72 nations, nine interna­ significance of the twin space tional agencies and at least two filled cottage at 3 a.m. Leonard space patrols and an ability to shoot, the orbiting of a woman water which drifted around the Pope John had sought Christian non-Catholic .reUglQ.ua bodies fired four shots from his .38 cali­ Inspect orbiting vehicles for nu­ caught, the most atteption here cabiri, in , a shining globule. _ , _ ifiaty. Twiay, ibr the'flm T tlifle wore formal clothing. Othehi ber automatic as he emerged from clear armaments, - and at Cape Canaveral, Fla., the , The cosmonaut playfully poked in nearly 1,000 years, representa­ were in military uniform or the the building. Shooting down a sat^llte in war­ starting point for American space at the weightless mass wdilch tives of the Russian Orthodox rich velvet garb of regency and The shots wore directed toward time might not be vm fficult task, flights. floated clearly visible in front of Church attended a funeral Mass royalty. Some Africans wore na­ a stream which is in back of the some military .eicperts . believe. Typical of the congressional re­ a camera set up on one side of for a Roman Catholic Pope. tive robes. cottage at Fairfield Beach. But before a decision to destroy action was the comment of Sen. his space couch. 'Die -crowned tiara of the Johnson, a Protestant, watched WASHINGTON (AP) Maryland and Pennsylvania cases With the exception of the tear Clinton P. Anderson, chairman of The cameras then picked up patMcy, silver and gold studded attentively as the requiem un­ gas Shell, police did not engage in the Senate Space Committee. " I ’m Miss Tereshkova as she leafed with precious stones, rested on a The Supreme Court declared vhis whether such school prac folded. Others near him followed tlces violate the Constitution’s 1st any g;unfire diwing the entire in­ on Scandal not surprised,’ ’ the New Mexjco through her logbook with a look eushlon atop the coffin, shimmer­ the service in small missals. Bel­ unconstitutional today use of cident. Democrat said when told of the of rapt concentration. Dark cir­ ing in the candle glow. Amendment. The amendment gium’s Prince Albert sat next to Bible readings and recitation prohibits government aid in es­ Police Chief Philip J. Ganser launching of Miss Tershkova. cles were clearly visible under Pope John was burled in a Johnson, Parliament "There isn’t any reason why of the Lord’s Prayer in public tablishment of rtligion and bars identified the captive held by her eyes. arypt beneath the basilica on With Johnson came three any interference with free exer­ Leonard as David M. Bromberg,' women can’t go up into space.” The picture then cut out briefly June 6, three days after he died, others chosen by President Ken­ schools. cise of religion. 22, of Fairfield. LONDON (AP)—Britain’s big­ Rep. George P. Miller, D-C3alif., and returned. This time the young ^ e solemn state funeral was the nedy to represent the United The court ruled on two appeals Intense national Interest had The girl, Sandra Carlsoi^ts, of gest political scandal of the cen­ chairman of the House Science last in a series of requiems held States at the funeral; James A. directly involving attacks on such developed in the Maryland and Fairfield, escaped from ^I^nard tury went back before Parliament and Astronautics Committee, said (Continued on Page Nine) In St. Peter’s during nine days of Farley, former postmaster gen­ daily school opening exercises in Pennsylvania appeals particular­ soon after he had confronted the today with the Macmillan govern­ "It doesn’t surprise me that the official mourning at the Vatican eral and Democratic national Maryland sind Pennsylvania. Sim­ ly since the Supreme Court’s de­ couple With the pistpT outside the ment expected to survive the Russians want to pull another and throughout the Catholic chairman: Dr. George N. Shus­ ilar practices are followed in cision on Jime 28, 19S2 in a New cottage. ^<5 House of Commons debate. But spectacular by putting a woman world. ter, former Hunter College presi­ many schools across the country. York State case. The court then During th e/fou r-h ou r siege, informed _^ources said Prime Min­ into space. It shouldn’t interfere Outside the basilica, in the dent, and the Rev. Benjamin E Justice Clark delivered the ma­ ruled unconstitutional the use of Ganser Baid^^^Jironard fired three ister Harold Macmillan probably with our scientific program, I great Square of St. Peter, units May,s president of Morehouse jority decision. a nondenominational prayer com­ Shots while^^ide the cottage, t'wo wiil quit later in the year. don’t want to downgrade their BiiUetins of Italy’s military services pro­ College in Atlanta, Ga. Justice Stewsirt wrote a dissent­ posed by state school officials while tapdng to his mother in the Macmillan was confident after achievement, but it doe.sn’t mean CuUed from A P W ires vided an honor guard. Among ing opinion. Clark’s majority opinion de­ doorway, and four as he came out apparently rallying his entire we have to follow suit.” them was a company from the (Oontlmied on Page Nine) ’The legal question in both clared: of the building. The mother, Mrs. Cabinet and most of the Conser­ A note of concern was sounded, "The {dace of religion in our Donald F , Leonard, had been sum­ vative party to meet the on­ however, by a member of the Sen­ LEAPS TO DEATH society la an exalted one, moned to the scene. slaught of criticism over his han­ ate committee, Sen. Stephen M. NEW YORK (AP) — A°tele- achieved through a long tra d it^ Leonard was charged with ag­ dling of the government sex and Young, D-Ohio, who said, "This vMon engineer phinged to hlS of ' reliance on the home, .-the security scandal. gravated assault, kidnaping and is a further indication that the death today from the 81st flow* church, and the inviolable (ifiiadel broach of the peace. Bond was set Harold Wilson, leader of the op­ Soviets are ahead of;us in space." of the Empire State BuUdliig. ^eds Trumpet Race Trouble of the individual heart and mind. at $25,000. He was committed to position Labor party, was expect­ A spokesman for the National His body landed on a setlMck, 80 "We have come t o / recognize Fairfield State Hospital at New­ ed to demand and get some sort Aeronautics and Space Admin­ through bitter expertonce that it floors above the street. Police town after an examination at po­ of public inquiry into the affair istration. O. B. Lloyd Jr., said the Identified the victim as Stanley By WILLIAM L. RYAN S'that American "ruling clrcieB’’»hatred show the true face of is not within t h e ^ w e r of gov­ lice headquarters. — of former War Minister John Pro- United States has no current plan Racial violence in the United secretly plot brutal suppression of ernment to inyAde that citadel, Peter Barcasid, SI, a transmitter American democracy, that the Miss Carlson told police she had fumo and 21-year-oId Christine for putting a woman into space. engineer for television ' station States gives the world's Commu­ minorities; fSce troubles are a natural out­ whether its purpose or effect be spent the evening with Bromberg Keeler, mistress also of a Soviet Such a prospect, he said, is "way WPIX, which has offices on thd nists a golden harvest of propa­ Red propaganda machines are growth of the system, a “ disease to aid or o8e, to advance or and went to the cottage by ar­ agent. down the road.’’ ganda. They are making the most trying to see to it that the events of capitalism.” retard rangement with Leonjtrd to get Political sources said Macmil­ At Cape Canaveral, space agen 81st floor. Of it. in the United States do Ameri­ The Soviet press has exhibited Claniarlp" added that "in the rela- some books that were in hi.s auto. lan won sufficient Conservative cy personnel had no official com­ Newspapers and radio in Com- cans and their system the most a large degree of saUsfactlon -in tlon^l^hip between man and Police said that Miss Carlson party support by threatening to ment on Miss Tereshkova’s flight, CHARGES PLOTTING munlst-ruled countries from China harm possible. The messages are reporting the events. Often the ll^ n , the state Is firmly com­ CAMBRIDGE, Md. (A P )—A to Cuba have seized enthusiastic­ pounded out day after day in domestic press reporting of th^ mitted to a position of neutrality. - (Continued on Page Fifteen) (Continued on Page Three) (Continued on Page Three) Negro leader strongly criticized ally upon the events in the U.S. broadcasts to Africa and other race'- troubles from the Unlt(0d' Though the application of that white leaders today for breaking South. areas populated by colored States is factual and restrabied. rule requires interpretation of off racial negotaitions, saying The Communists tell the people peoples. But the general tenor of ^.Boviet delicate sort, he rule itself is the wliltes ‘‘were -plotUng like of their own countries and the Inside ' Communist-ruled coun­ coverage seems aimed at Convinc­ clearly and concisely stated in Gather at White House Judases and resortiiiig to politi­ world that what is happening in tries, the newspapers and radio ing the Soviets that mlrioriUes in the words of uie 1st Amend­ cal manipulation.’’ Tlie leader, the United States proves that make the most of dispatches and their nation—and all Working peo­ ment." I 1*__ _ Gloria Richardson of the Oam- their determination to vote again sume In this radally torn town a Communist general for infor­ sional and religiou.s leaders gath­ sociated Press canvass indicates against cloture. Ten others repre of 12,000. mation on two U.S. pilots forced (Continued on Page Seven) er at the White House today to leaders cannot count on marshal­ sented in the anti-cloture group down in Red territory. The Amer­ hear appeals from President Ken­ ling the two-thirds of those voting in 1962 declined to commit them BOSTON BOYCOTT ican asked the Communists to nedy that they act to improve the- to shut off debate. selves on the issue. BOSTON (AP)— Boston Negro "act like men living in the 20th lot of Negro Americans. The Dixie senators’ key target Thus if those seeking to kill a leaders went ahead today with century.” The North Korean Hoover Illness The separate sessions are part probably will be an expected ad- filibu.ster got the support of all plans to boycott the city’s pub­ I whipped out a photograph of a of Kennedy’s two-pronged attack niinistration proposal calling for those who have changed their lic schools tomorrow after fail­ I police dog lunging at a Negro in on inequality: Using persuasion of legal steps to prevent discrimina­ minds, those who were absent a ure of the latest attempts to ' Birmingham, Ala., and snapped Called Serious private citizens to try to speed tion in public places and private year ago and those who remain reach a cumproiiilse on their I that it was "the true picture of desegregation; sounding out key businesses. The Kennedy prog;ram doubtful, they could add up 84 charges that segregation exists i what you call clvlUzatlon.” members of Congress prior to dis­ probably will include, toO, propo­ votes. This would be three short in Boston schools. A ineeUng NEW YORK (AP) — Doctors Sunday night in the Roxburg Here is just a scattering of sam­ reported former President Herb­ patch of his civil rights legislative sals to strengthen voting rights, of the 67 needed to curb debate package to Capitol Hill later this authorize the attorney general to if all 100 senators voted District was told the one-day ples of how Communist propagan­ ert Hoover slightly improved to­ boycott of the schools by some da, in the month since the out­ week. act legally to speed school inte­ The 10 senators who voted day but still in very serious con­ S.OOO Negro pupils would go on as break of disorders in Birming­ dition. On the voluntary front, Kennedy gration and to extend the life of against cloture last year, or whose ham, has been using U.S. race already has met with business and the Civil Rights Commission. predecessors flid, and now indi­ scheduled. Negtd leaders chargo A morning medical bulletin said labor groups, with several gover­ The canvass shows that since cate they are willing to vote to there Is „ discrimination In ap­ trouble!: ' the 88-year-old Hoover’s heart pointment of teachers aad prill- I Pravda, the official Communist nors and a week ago in Hawaii May 9, 1962, when an effort to shut off debate to obtain passage beat was more regular than Sun­ with the nation’s mayors. Another cut off talk on a bill to abolish of any meaningful measure they oipals. I party newspaper of the U.S.S.R.: day and a low-grade fever had I "The outrages committed by session with governors is planned state literacy tests in voting was feel would help prevent further subsided. for Tuesday, and there have been defeated 53 to 43, there has been racial violence include STEEL AHIES RECESS racists against people who are de- PITTSBURGH (AP) — Offl- , nied human rights just because "Mr. Hoover spent a comforta­ reports he will meet with educa­ a shift of 10 votes to the support Republicans George D. Aiken of of the black color of their skin ble night,” said the bulletin, tors Wednesday. ■ , of cloture. Senators absent lor the Vermont, .John Sherman Cooper oials of the United S t^ w ork eio Uidon held a 40-minut« session evoke IndlgnaUon in the whole signed by four doctors. The President called in congres/ 1962 test are expected to swell the of Kentucky, Jack Miller of Iowa world, and especially in coimtries "His general condition remains sional leaders [last week. This total by thre^ and Thruston B. Morton of Ken today, then recessed until Tues­ day morning wltohut givlag any of Africa and Asia. The wolfish very serious. There has been no morning’s repeat session comes In a check' of senators outside tucky and Democrats Birch Bayh laws of capitalist society lie at further bleeding from the gastro­ amid signs that civil rights sup­ the South, an additional eight of Indiana, Estes -Kefauver of todlcatlon of their future piMM the bedrock of its foreign and intestinal tract. porters still lack the votes to kill members representing votes cast Tennessee, Gale V f . McGee of on the status of basic steel eon* domesUc policy.” "There is slight improvement the filibuster Southern senators against * cloture on the literacy Wyoming, Thomas J. McIntyre o t traota. A union spolfesmen> Isveatla, the Soviet government compared to yesterday,, in that are almost certain to mount in measure—expected to be part of New Hampshire, George S. Me stressing an earlier rdtaark by Govern of South Dakota and Mike ,USW President David J. Me* A page from Igvestia shows how the Soviets are getting paper his fever is less and his heart opposition to Kennedy’s legisla­ the administration’s new package tion. ^indicated they might be per­ Monroney of Oklahoma. Donald as the s4-men sssenllve maximum propaganda value out of U.S. racial ccRiflicts. "No hypocrisy by Washington action is more regular." officials can bide the obvious fact The four doctors tending the House passage of some form of suaded under certain circum­ The eight who ars doubtful %rs board met, said the imloii bbe nn The headline reads "Such If Birmiuham Today.** (AF elvU; rights le^slation Is regarded stances to vote to cut off taBc. rllli Mm bnsle i M Photofax.). ^ . JOw MbhiWI SB lA fs MMieii as Ukely. The story is apt to bs Five senators stood arm sn

Ed MAMGHB8TBR IfVKNINa HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAT. JUNE 17, 196S of progtapi next y««r for Coventry Souih Windsor parsnU. The ooimoittee bopps that would want to . . . I’m perfectly have full Cabinet backing. Health was aufiiorlzed to catU ailegatlons by so ate on Scandal Minister Enoch Powell, once re­ against Ivanov “ malicous inven­ afUe to undeiatsnd program ported ready to resign from the tions” aipparently' linked to the Modern Math their cblMren are leuning, a n d Scan t Surprise Felt WlNDFAUi FROM UNCLE SAM Before Parliament Cabinet, added Ms support. British domestic political baitle. Friejidly'Town -wil be able to help' them in their Profumo resigned last Week. He London Airport security police “THE WAY homework. ^ South deahr SHERMAN, Tsx. (AP) — Lon admitted he had lied to Macmil­ By ALFRED SHEINWOUJ < Both rides v (Continued fro m Page One) stopped Miss Keller’s 18-year-old EDewo^in Graduatioa Be thankful to your opponmts Hawkins, 88, received 99,889 un­ lan, his colleagues and Parliament friend, Mandy Rlce-Davles, from Hosts Sought Explained to NORTH when he told them In March there Thirty-eight students are In the when they prevent you A • 5 S At Woman’s Orbit expectedly because of a mixup in dissolve the government V be boarding a plane to Majorca. The I HEARD JT” making a mistake. Xo\i dont his Social Security benefits. He Was ndtMng. improper In Ms re- first gradating class of Ellsworth 9 5 S failed to get the confidence vote curvaceous blonde Is expected to Mr*. Wesley Lewis has appealed Elementary School. The ceremony have to admit anything in Pul>“ C, lost Ms original Social Security latiimsMp with th« red-haired peur- be the star witness In the coming S6nool Board O A954 he wants at the end of the debate. b y for hosts or families in the com­ wlllybe held Wednesday. ' just keep the accounts straight i Q 14 9 , (OmrtlMMd t n a Piaga On* card In the 1980s and applied for ty girl. trial of Dr. Stephen Ward. John, Gruber Mrs. Philip Hart, woman filar and During his affair with Mias munity who will take one or more raduates Include: Harrison within your own mind. WEST EASTmnoA a second one. On the first appli­ They said he warned h* would Ward, a 50-year-old osteopath The main difference between South dealer. but privately they saluted the wife of the Michigan senator. cation he gave Ms parents' names advise ()ueen Elizabeth n to dis­ Keeler In 1961 she also F u children from New York City for modern mathematics and “ tradE iggs, Qall Blanchard, Robert 4 O J 10 9 “ I’m tempted to go out to the amd ]painter with friends In high Brown, Dennis Donovan, Betty Both sides vulnerabls. ^ Q I 10 9 t i l •ohtevemeiit. and on the second he listed hts solve Parliament and call a na­ Ing her love with Capt. Yevgeny tlaces, today was ordered held in two weeks through the Herald- tional” mathematics, accordlng/to Opening lead—Queen of Spadea. O ID 6 On the American dlataff sida, bam and tell the whole story to foster parents, so the cards were tional election. Opinion polls show Ivanov, . an assistant naval at­ Richard Stewart, Grade 6 teadner Draugells, Constance Dworak, Karl my horse and listen to Mm lauihi” Tribune Fresh Air Fund’s Friendly i Endrelqnas, Q^thia Ferreiras, If you want to lift ari eyebrow ♦ A 9 5 _ .Isav. the reaction was mixed, filed as belonging to separate that an election now would mean tache at the Soviet Embassy. The while his trial Is being prepared. I 4r«qiMnUy get accused of Uv-'|>were effective. In keeping etand- at Avery Street Elementarv/School at West's , feel free to do SOUTH Jerri Cobb, an Oklahoma City she said. persons. a Cdnservatlve disaster. . Labpr party contends the trtan- Town Program, Andover and Co­ and chairman of the e^imeiitary Kathleen PTack, John Flood Jr., Ward, charged with running a arda up. In general, an artist was ventry are listed as member towns. I Linda Olidden, Gary Quastama- so. You seldom get rich doubling 4AK649 pUot who was the first of 18 Amer­ However, a woman senator. When he applied for benefits These sources said Macmillan gular relationsMp wiu a grave se­ vice ring, hais been in custody In tovfaix memory of Robert D. Mc­ Ing 1b the psBt and having a rosy afraid to face an audience unles-s section of the new math commit­ a game contract when an oppo­ 9 AKC42 Democrat Maurlne B. Neuberger the second' card did not show also Indicated he probably would curity risk because it placed Pro­ Connell who ■ * Mrs. Lewis of Tolland Rd. re- ! chlo, Edward Hudelson, Oliver ican women to pass physical testa since June 8. Miss Rlce-Davles 1959. giow ef retnemlbrance regarddng he was fully prepared, in those tee, is the method oJ'Teamlng. nent has made a jump bid wth 0 K 7 comparable to those male aih of Oregon, declared after terming enough work hours for benefits resign as party leader by fall to fumo open to blackmail. ports about 20 families in the area 1 Stewart told the/board of edu­ Jones, Pauline Kendall, Judith for hats said imiwrtant people are pertormen and performances, to days. Now we have many artists have’ offered hospitality to city Lacy, Maxine Lausier, Dianna a two-suited _hand. Still, we have « 0 tronauts, said, "It’s a shame that the Soviet accomplishment “ per­ but he found the first one and make way for a younger man If In. its first comment on Ivanov, Involved. The flowers we lay upon hla crave may appearing who have just begun to cation that the^main objective of all made worse doubles in our South West Norih iM t ■inoe we are eventually going to fectly marvelous” ; reapplied, presenting both cards. rebellious party members fell Into recalled to Moscow some time wither and decay, the detrUnent of those cl the pres­ children for the two-week period modern mathematics is to teach Michaud, Lee Michaud. Pus 1 NT PaM Scotland Yard opposed bail on But love for him who sleeps beneath learn their trade, because the pub­ time. . put a woman Into space we dldnt’ “ I don’t see why s woman can't Then the error came to light and line. ago, the Soviet Union denied that win never fade away. ent dey. Antually, I don’t believe from, July 9 to 23 and Aug. 7 to 21. children to/uiink—to tekeh them Also, Patrick Mullen, George 3 $ Pus 3 4 Pm i grounds that other charges lic is in.satiable in its demand for She .said in many cases children West opened the queen ot ( o ahead and do It first.” do it as well as a man, but I he was given the pay-off In a The party’s joint chairman. he was mixed up in the affair. thie anoueation is altoge:ther valid. new performers, and because high- the loglcy^ehlnd mathematics. Nelson, Patricia O'Connor, Diane spades, hoping to reduce dum­ 4 4 Double AU V m also don't know why any woman lump sum for the back period. Lord Poole, said Macmillan would The news agency Tass said H against Watrd are being drawn tip Sons, David, Dennis and Oasy A. few years back, for example, are returning to their hosts for the The t « t book series chosen to Patria, Patricia Peak, Janet ■he was Joined bt protest by geared publicity campaigns create second, third and fourth time and my’s ruffing power and thus safe­ Beller and I did a series of a spiurioua demand as well. Heads Bond Drive be IMM in the program next year Poulos, Donald Protesevich, Roger guard his heart tricks. It was a Dally Questloa prograons over WINF, and, with for others this is a new experience. is Jm&i developed by the Bncyclo- Richardson, Lester Roberts, Carol Partner opens with 1 MT (16 Once established, an artist might The families so far enrolled in James L. DeRocco, of the Par- reasonable idea, but it .accidental­ unlhnited modern recordings to continue for many years, in fact dia Brittanica. Rodvan, Carol Schultz, Stephen ly served to eteer South away to 18 pointa), and the next player the “ Will you give a summer to kade Sears, Roebuck and Oo. store, Sisson, Dorothea Stosonis, Paul ehooee from, we frequently used well after he or she should have The program will begin next from a pitfall. bids two dlamondi. You hold: Old recordings as being more a child?” project listed are: From -has been appointed chairman year in Grades 1 and 2. A “modest Surber, Gali Tripp, Linda Van Spades, Q-J-10-9; Hearts, Q-J-IO- retired. Ernestine Schumann- Coventry, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. South has no trouble with ms artistically veduable than the pres­ Heink was a case in point. Audi­ the Manchester Retail M er^an- modem math” program wiU be Gasbeck, Daniel Waiknis, Steven doubled contract. He won the 9 ; Diamonds, 10-6; Olube, A-9-6. ent ones, however much the latter Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lewis, Inaugurated in Grades 6 to fam­ Wood, John Zagorsk! Jr. What do you *ayt ences clung to their favorites out Mr. and Mfs. Stanley Mason, Mr. dlsing Division of the 'I^easury first trick with the king of onee might have been improved of sentiment, which made it diffi­ iliarize the students ■with the ter­ Oliver Jones was president of spades, the top hearts and ruffed Answer: Bid three diamonds. hi technique. and Mrs. Henry Sherman, Mr. and Department’s Freedom Bend Drive. the class. Serving with him were This bid In the opponent’s suit Is cult indeed for a new, younger Mrs. Charles C. White, Mr. and minology so they will be better a heart In dummy. We went through about a dozen artist to get a hearing. DeRocco will work/wlth town prepared to enter Grade 7 where Kathleen Flack, vice president; East was out of hearts, but also forcing to game. Partner will bid different recordings of the Bach Mrs. John Williams and Mr. and merchants to promote the sale of Judith Lacy, secretary; and Lester a major suit If he has one, and This must have inhibited many Mrs. Donald Young. modem math will be begun on a out of trumps so could do nothing Brandenburg Concertos, for in­ a young and vigorous talent; cer­ U.S. Bonds. B o t ^ selling efforts full scale. Roberts, treasurer. to injure declarer. South returned you will raise to game. It part­ stance. before settling on the odd tainly it vvas not altogether to mu­ From Bolton, Dr. and Mrs. are being cemdentrated between Each succeeding year, one more The theme of the graduation to ms hand with the king of dia­ ner has no major suit, ho must one by Fritz Busch. Similarly, we sic’s advantage. On the other hand, Robert Butterfield, Dr. and Mrs. June 3 and Jtuy 4, DeRocco says. grade will be introduced to mod­ speeches will be “ Doorways to monds and ruffed another heart have a diamond stopper and can eould not find any now recordings tv'hile waiting for a hearing, the L. Norman Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. DeRocco/S appointment was an­ em mathematics, so that by 1967 Success". Judith Lacy, Cjmthia go back to notrump. Eugene Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. in dummy. that surpassed the old ones by a^iraiit was forced to mature in nounced^ John Brassll, chairman all six grades in the elementary Ferreira and Patricia Peak will Now South’s last heart was Kirsten Flagstad singing Wagner, artistry and understanding. Nowa­ E. J. Roser. „ of thc/statewide Retail Merchan­ schools will be on the program. discuss "Our Elementary Years” , good. Declarer could take the ace For Shelnwold’s 86-pege book­ and so on. From Tolland, Mr. and Mrs. dising Dl'vision of the bond selling Grades 3, 4 and 5 will not be “ Our High School Years,” and of diamonds and ruff a diamond, let, “ A Pocket Guide to Bridge," days the young hopeful has a Robert MoHutchdiwon and Mr. and On the whole, I think the gon- chance of an earlier, successful de­ ■e. using this new program next year, “ Our Future Years,” respectively, allowing West to over-ruff If he send 60 cents to B r id » Book, SraJ average of musical perform­ Mrs. Joseph Ned'wied; Andover, National head for the campaign John Flood, chairman of the liked. West could get only his two Manchester Eve. Herald, Box 8818, but, which is fine. But he piay de­ Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Richard:^ It Is felt, said Stewart, “tiiat the ance is a little better than it was but before he has reached his ut­ is U.S. Secretary of the Treasury concepts are too foreign to those board of education, will present trump tricks and the ace of clubs. Grand Central Station, New York thirty years ago, but I don’t think Mansfield Center, Mr. and MpA Douglas Dillon. James T. Griffin, now learning traditional mathe­ the diplomas. West’s trump opening lead 17, N. Y. most possibilities, and meeting Samuel Utley; Ablngion, Mr^/and Copyright 1968, we have such truly great Individ­ with success, may never try for vice president of Sears, Roebuck matics.” li is also too hard for the Janet Yonika and Richard Gris­ looked good, but a club or dia­ uals as existed about that time. Mm. Floyd Whiting and Eiljtfgton, and Oo., heads the Retail Mer­ wold will be the marshals. Elaine mond openingmight have pro­ General Features Oorp. the absolute greatness of which Mr. and Mrs. Dale teachers to teach children who Of course, there were some highly he may be capable. chandising Diidaion on the nation­ have progressed three grades in Kearney, Anne Sheapar, Paul duced a better result. South over-rated artists in those days, Mrs. Lewis said two/host fam­ al level. Landers and William Lacy will be might cash the top hearts and ON SECOND ‘raOUGHT . . . too. So there is something to be said ilies are urgently needed to replace the traditional method. ODBMIS, Turkey (AP)—Mue*- Elmployers and- customers will However, these children will re­ ushers. ruff a heart with one of dummy’s I heard Paderewski about three on both sides of the argument. One two canceHations whioh had to be zin Hasan Cakir thought he had be reminded during the drive of ceive modified instruction in mod­ Wf^iplng Ohuroh Notes low trumps. If so. East would or four times, and he nev6r played thing is certain, however, regard­ made, one becaus^^f moving •from the patriotic thrift opportunities Thursday, the Intermediate choir over-ruff with th e seven of a good Idea. well. In view of his great reputa­ ing modem performances. This is the state and the other because em math when they reach Grade Cakir, who climbs the vUlage afforded by regular purchase of 6, and from Grade 7 on, they wdll of Wapping Community Church spades. tion, I asked an older critic (who that tempos at^ generally too fast. of a death i^ th e family. U-S. Freedom Bonds, and the will meet at 5 p.m. at the home Mind you. South should make mosque's twisting stairs five could remember him before World A compoeer indicates the speed of '' Mirs. Lewis may be contacted be offered a fully developed our- the contract by proper play. He times a day to call the faithful to convenience of regular payroll de­ riouliun. of Mrs. Richard Reeves, Oak St., War I) If Paderewski had ever his music with words, but nobody toy infterMtM persons desiring fur­ ductions or bank’s bond a month for a picnic. should ruff the third round of prayers, suggested to villagers played weil and got an unqualified seems to take into account that ther li^4M7T vacation services—your^ at your nearest Hartford National OfiSce.

r ' , /V

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Koch-Pearson Bynes-Shankman DiPictro-Phillips V azakas-Swanson Callahan-Stamler Hamilton-Bentley MIm Karin Melody Pearson of Tha marrlaga of Miss Beverly St. George’s Greek Orthodox Manchester and Peter 'Taber Miss Sharon Bentley of Vernon Koch of Clearwater, Fla., former­ Jane PhUUpe of Manchester to Lt. Church, Hartford, was the scene became the bride of James Carl ly of Greenfield, Mass., were unit­ Nicholas Michael DiPletro of of the. wedding of Miss Joan ed in marriage Saturday after­ Watarbury, was solemnized Satur­ Hamilton of Bound Brook, N. J., noon at Emanuel Lutheran Emelia Swanson, Bolton, to Dr. day morning at St. James Church. Saturday evening at Emanuel Lu­ Church. George Evangelos Vazakas of theran Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. Waterbury, Sunday afternoon. and Mrs. G. Albert Pearson. 16'7 and Mrs. Paul Francis Phillips of The bride is the daughter of Mr. The bride Is the daughter of and Mrs. Everett W. Bentley of Boulder Rd. The bridegroom is the 392 Main S t and the bridegroom Mr. and Mrs. Ctrl B. R. Swanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koch, Is the son of Mrs. Viola DiPletro Dobson Rd., Vernon, and the bride­ Williams Rd., Bolton. The bride­ groom is the son of Mr. and Mns. Clearwater Fla. and Ralph DiPletro, of Waterbury. groom is Abe son of Mr. and Mrs. The Rev C. Henry Anderson, The Rev. WiUlS West of Moodus, Willia.m J. Hamilton of Bound Evangelos Vazakas, Thessaloniki, Brook. pastor of Emanuel Lutheran cousin of the brlde„ celebrated the Greece. Church, performed the double ring nuptial high Maas and performed TTie Rev. C. Henry Anderson, The Rev. James S. Dlsvatis, pastor of Emanuel Lutheran ceremony. Roger Loucks of Glas- the double ring ceremony. pastor of Holy Trinity Greek Or­ tonburj' was soloist. Charles Church performed the double-ring Given In marriage by her father, thodox Church, Waterbury, per­ ceremony. Fred Werner was or­ Wakeley of Bloomfield was organ- the bride wore a All-length sheath tet. Bouquets of white flowers formed the double ring ceremony. ganist and Ronald Erick.son was decorated the sanctuary. of peau de sole and re-embroldered Mrs. Priscilla Mokinis of Hartford solotst. Vase.s of white flowers dec­ The bride, given in marriage by Alencon lace designed with a waa organist Bouquets of white orated the altar. her father, wore a floor-length bateau neckline, elbow-length carnations, gladioli and stephano­ tis decorated the altar. Given in marriage by her fa­ gown of white silk taffeta, design­ sleeves and accented In front by ther. the bride wore a full-length ed with bateau neckline, three- a large pearl-trimmed Alencon The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a floor-length peau de .sole gown designed with quartera-length sleeves, fitted Marquis lace motif. Her full court a .scoop neckline, threc-quarters- bodice and bell-shaped skirt which train was held back by a large gown of silk peau de sole, d e s ir ­ ed with scooped neckline, bodice length sleeves and fitted bodice terminated in a- chapel train. She bow and her bouffant veil of im­ appliqued with Alencon lace. Her wore a mantilla of Brussels lace, ported illusion was attached to a appliqued at the waistline with re­ embroidered Alencon lace, and dome-.shnped .skirt terminated in and carried a cascade of white pearl-trimmed lace petal cap with a full chapel train, and her man­ roses, stephanotis and baby’s a center of seed pearl ^ w knots. slender bell-shaped skirt with chapel train, accented at the back tilla veil of Alencon lace waa at­ breath. She carried white rosebuds on a tached to a matching pillbox. She Miss Susan R. Carter of Man­ prayer book. with a bow at the waistline. Her chapel-length mantilla of hand­ carried a cascade of Phalaenopsls chester was maid of honor. She Miss Marilyn Ann PhllUps of orchids surrounded by white roses. wore a ballerina-length shrimp made .Spanish lace, was sent to Manchester, sister o f the bride, her by a friend In Spain, and she Ml-ss Donna J. Panq\iin of West colored gown of cotton pique, de­ was maid of honor. Bridesmaids Hartford, a cousin of the bride, | signed with a rounded neckline, i carried a cascade bouquet of were Miss Roberta Campbell and roses and stephanotis. was maid of honor. Bridesmaids; cap sleeves and fitted bodice w ith' Miss Carol Kelly, both of Man­ were Miss Carol Bentley of Ver-I bow detailing, extending to a Miss Mary V. Goekjiian of Shak­ chester; Miss Carol Mlllcl of er H elots, Ohio, was maid of hon­ non. Miss Martha F'redericksen of j dome-shaped skirt. Her picture Hamden and Miss Carol Bachand Manchester and Mi.ss Catherine j hat of Ball straw was trimmed or. She wore a street-length of Bristirf. Miss Nancy Phillips of dress of apricot colored peau- de Hamilton of Bound Brook. Gayle! with ribbon which matched her Manchester was junior bridesmaid Ann King of New Haven was i i gown, and she carried a cascade sole and burnt orange sash. Her and Mrs. John Hedlund, also of apricot co'lored face veil wo-s at- flower girl. of white and shrimp colored mini­ Manchester, was honorary attend­ ature carnations, white roses and ant baChed to a floral cluster, and she The honor attendant woi’e a baby’s breath. All the attendants wore full- carried a cascade bouquet of car­ powder 'blue cocktail dress and Miss Valerie Johnson and Miss nations in colors that blended with carried a cascade of red Happi­ length aqua gowns fashioned with her dress. Barbara McIntosh, both of Man­ a scoop neckline, tiny sleeves and ness roses interspersed with pink chester. Miss Nancy Jarmus of a fitted bodice. The bell-shaped George A. Vazakas of Bos>ton, rosebuds. Bridesmaids were iden­ East Orange, N. J., and Miss Doro­ skirts were accented by a floral Mlass., a cousin of the bridegroom, tically attired and carried cascades thy Sandell of Norwood, Mass., band at the waist and back panel served as best man. Ushers were of red Happiness roses. were bridesmaids. Miss Meredith with matching floral borders. Eric Swanson of Bolton, a brother The flower girl was diessed as Susan itoch of Clearwater, a sis­ Their circular veils were held in of the bride, and MIorris Silversteln a miniature bride and carried a ter of the bridegroom, was junior place by a matching rose. of Bolton. basket of red roses. bridesmaid. ’The honor attendant carried a Mrs. Swanson wore light blue si'Ik peau de sole dress with bead­ W. Richard Hamilton of Bound .'... They all wore gowns and hats kissing boll of wine roses and Brook, brother of the bridegroom, Kington Dbota identical to the maid of honor’s, pink carnations and the brides­ ed Alenoon lace, and an orchid cor­ Haley photo sage. The bridegroom’s mioither was best man. Ushers were Robert MRS. JAMES CARL HAMILTON and carried cascade bouquets of maids carried kissing balls of Lorlng photo MRS. GEORGE E. VAZAKAS was untUble to attend. Bentley of Veinon. and Lawrence white and shrimp colored minia­ Lorlng photo pink carnations. MRS. MICHAEL P. CALLAHAN King and Robert Rasohe, both of Oaultlerl photo A reception fk>r 125 was heUd at hat. and she carried a bouquet of ture carnations and baby’s breath. MRS. JACK AARON BYNES Richard Sullivan of Waterbury MRS. NICHOLAS MICHAEL DIPIETRO New Haven. _ . ____ Bradford Bachrach photo David L,. Koch of Clearwater Fl'ano’s Restaurant, Bolton. FOr stephanoti.s and baiby’s breath, was best man. Ushers were Roger a motor trip to New York Olty, The marriage of Gall Barbara'^/wore a street-length sheath of Mrs. Bentley wore a turquoise MRS. PETER TABER KOCH served as his brother’s best man. Quint of Naugatuck, Robert Car- neckline, nylon chiffon bodice, coufde will live in Olenhausen, centered with a white orchid. Miss Roberta Blaine ShankmanOof mimosa yellow, fashioned with Wolf-Faletti Mirs. Vazakas wore a blue plaid Stamler and Michael Paul Calla­ mint green silk over delu.stered sheath with matching acce.s^ries Ushers were Raymond Smedley of ponl of New York and William short sleeves, and a bell shaped Germany. and a corsage of yellow rose.s. Muss Flstella Kutz of Manches­ VIOLA DAUPLAISE of Mlanchester became the bride Sabrina necklines, short sleeves cotton suit wi'th beige accessories. han, both of Manchester, was satin, fashioned with cap sleeves, ’Titusville, Pa.; Larry Mostoller of Wlbby, Robert Albino and Rich* skirt with lace peplum. She wore Mrs. DiPletro is a naduate of scooped neckline and matching The bridegroom's mother wore a ter. a suster of the bride, was maid of Jack Aaron Bynee of Meriden and back drapes. They wore The couple will live In Olnclnoatl, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; Fred H. ard Singleton, all of Waterbury. matching accessprles. Manchester High School and a 1963 Ohio, for one year, and then plan solemnized Saturday, June 1, at headdress. She carried a cascade blue dre.ss with, white accessories of honor. She wore a street- Hopke of Jamestown, N. Y., and Stmdiay, June 2, (ut ^ Mansion matching headbows vrith face Mra Phillips wore a pink crepe A reception for 276 was held at graduate siauuawo uiof theuiv Universitywiuvoiotijr of Oon* and a corsage of pink roses. length .sheath of yellow silk shan­ JARVIS Gilson-Glenney veils, emd carried cascade bouquets bo leave bo make their permanent the Church of the Assumption. bouquet of pale yellow mums. Donald Forsberg of Reading, dub, Meriden. sheath fashioned with an over­ Fiano’s Restaurant, Bolton. For a nectlcut Lt. DiPletro Is a 1961 tung. and carried a spray bouquet Mass. of turquoise and yellow shasta home in ITiessaloniki,' dreece. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Patrick J, Tierney of Hartford, A reception for 100 was held skirt, jewel neckline and cap trip to Paris by jet, Mrs. DiPletro graduate of the University of Con> Mrs. Vazakas Is a 1967 honor a brother-in-law of the bridegroom, In the chuirch parlor. For a wed­ of pale green Fiaji mums. PIANO TEACHER Mirs. Pearson wore a powder The bride is the daughter of Mr. daisies. sleeves, with matching pink acces­ wore a pink silk sheath with nectlcut, where he was a member and Mrs. Frank Stamler, 550 and Mrs. Benjamin Shlankman, 78 Atty. Leonard Shankman of graduate of Manchester High Keeney St. The bridegroom Is the served as best man. FYank G. Pitts ding trip to Lancaster, Pa., the John F. Shea Jr. of Manches­ blue silk shantung sheath with sories. The bridegroom’s mother matching coat, a floral hat and of Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. He ter served as his brother’s best Milford Rd. The bridegroom is Manchester served as his brother- wore a green dress with a scoop School and a 1961 g;raduate of son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Callahan, of Newington ap'd Joseph Hender­ Blue Ridge Mountains, and Vir­ Now Taking Appointments matching accessories. The bolde- black patent accessories. The Is serving with the U.S. Army. Connecticut College for Women, son of Manchester were ushers. ginia Beach, Mrs. Hamilton wore man. Robert Reid of Manchester groom’s mother wore a ^nk sdlk the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles In-la/w’s best man. Peter Gassner 34 Oliver Rd. Biendtock, Meriden. New London, where she received a Mrs. Stamler wore a blue and a madras shift. The couple will and Robert W. Chambers Jr. of For Summer Pupils sheath with white accessories. of West Hartford, Paul Sherbecow The Rev. Francis T. Butler per­ Rabbi leon Wind of Temple of Stamford and Leonard Cheer- B.A. In government. She was form­ formed the double ring ceremony white paisley sheath with white live at 30 Compton St., New Hebron were ushers. Both wore white orchid corsages. erly employed In the group de­ acceBBoriee. T h e bridegroom’s Mrs. Hamilton is a 1960 grad­ For Appointments Please A reception was held at Luther Beth Sholom performed the dou­ man of Meriden were ushers, and celebrated the nuptial high Mrs. Kutz wore a blue laoe ble ring ceremony. Mrs. Shankman wore a tur­ Donahue-Chapman partment at Traveler’s Insurance Mass. Paul Chetelat was organist mother wore a blue lace over satin uate of Rockville High School and .sheath and white orchid corsage. CaU 643-5692 Kaill, Emanuel Lutheran Church. dresH with white accessories. Both was employed by Pratt and Whit­ For a motor trip to Canada and The bride, given in marriage by quoise silk tunic dress with match­ Co., Hartford. and soloist. The altar was deco­ The bridegroom’s mother wore a her father, wore a floor-length ing accessories, and a white orchid. Dr. Vazakas graduated from the rated with bouquets of gladioli and wore corsages of white roses and ney, division of United Aircraft green lace sheath and a corsage New York State, Mrs. Koch wore A candlelight service Saturday baiby’a breath. Corp., Blast Hartford. a pink linen suit with white acces­ sleeveless gown of white Unen, The 'bridegroom’s mother wore a University of Thessaloniki School carnations. < of yellow roses. designed with short jacket trim­ powder blue riieath with matching evening at Center Congregational of Medicine and came to the Unit­ The bride, given in marriage by A reception for 60 was held at Mr. Hamilton is a 1959 gra,d- sories. ’The couple will live at the VFTV Home. For a motor trip A reception for 76 waa held at Ann Arbor, Mich. med with eyelet embroidery, and accessories, and an orchid corsage. Church in Manchester was the set­ ed States on a Ftillbrlght g;rant. He her father, wore a ballerina-length uate of Bound Brook High School, Cavey’s Restaurant. For a motor fashioned with short sleeves and A reception was held at the ting for the wedding of Miss Mari­ spent one year of rotating intern­ gown of peau de sole trimmed with to Virginia Beach, Mrs. Callahan and graduated Magne Cum Laude trip to Oaipe Cod, Mrs. Shea wore Mrs. Koch is a 1959 graduate Sabrina neckline and buttoned In lyn Mae Chapman of Manchester ship at Quincy Mass., two years of wore a two-piece pink linen dress with high orations from Yale Uni­ CASH SAVINGS of Manchester High School, and a Mansion Club. The couple left on appliques of Alencon lace, designed a salmon colored silk suit with the back. Her modified bell-sldrt a motor trip to Washington, D.C., and William Francis Donahue Jr. residency In general surgery at the with white accessories. The couple versity in 1963. bone colored accessories. 1963 graduate of Upsala College, with bateau neckline, long tapered will Hve at South St., V’emon. was trimmed with eyelet embroid­ and Virginia. They wiU live at 112 of Rockville. Lawrence and Memorial Hospitals, sleeves and bell-shaped skirt. Her Mr. Shea attended Siena Col­ East Orange, N.J., where she was ery, and she wore a headbow of ’The bride is a daughter of Mr. New London and two years of resi­ Mr. and Mrs. Callahan are 1960 n> 10 a member of Phi Omega Chi so­ Greenleaf St., Quincy, Maas. bouffant veil of silk illusion was Shea - Kutz lege, Albany, N. Y., and is a part­ embroidered linen, and carried a Mrs. Bynea is a I960 graduate of and Mrs. Ralph K. Chapman, 53 dency In urology In the Yale School graduates of Manchester High ner at Hilltop Motors, Inc., Bolton. rority ' and the Grey Key Society. attached, to a peau de sole cloche School. Mrs, Callahan is a seivice Miss Anne Kutz and Thomas P. cascade bouquet of white cymbid- Mancheatet High School, and a Deerfield Dr. The bridegroom is of Medicine’s urology program. and she carried a ceiscade bouquet Mr., Koch is a 1959 graduate of ium orchids. the son of Mr. and Mrs. William repreaentattve at the Southern Shea, both of Manchester, were Greenfield High School and a 1963 1963 graduate of the University o f He will complete his final year of of white roses and stephanotis. MQss Jean Martin of Manchester Connecticut, where she was a Donahue o f ' Plllsbury Hilll, Rock­ urology residency at General Hos­ New England Telephone Co., Man­ united in marriage Satuiday morn­ graduate of Upsala College, where Mrs. Elizabeth Kosky of Man­ chester. Mr. Callahan is employed ing at St. Maurice Church, Bolton. l-l.l was maid of honor. Miss Barbara member of Kappa Alpha ’Theta ville. WS' pital, Cincinnati. chester was matron o f honor. Slje he was president of the senior Rottner, Mias Margot Kupper of at The Hartford Times. The bride is the daughter.;pf Mr. <’ V I.I.ON class, a member of Alpha Phi sorority. Mr. Bynes is a graduate The Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, FOLK Bloomfield, Miss Sue Lum o f Nor­ pastor of .Center Congregational ■M-' and Mrs. Harry Kutz of 160 Ly- O m ^a frater^ty^ and the Blue of the University of Connecticut walk apd Mlsjj Roberta Boone of where he belonged to Phi Sigma Church, performed -the double ring- nesfl- St; The bridegroom is-the K ey' Society, 'He is employed In son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Shea Boston, Mass., were bridesmaids. Delta fraternity. He 1s attending ceremony. Floral bouquets deco­ industrial relations at the Ford ’The attendants were dressed Sr., 25 Benton St. BANJO Motor Oo., Ann Arbor. , ’Tufts University of Dentai Medl- rated the church. Walter Grzyb W abrek-Polomski alike In street-length crepe sheaths cine, Medford, Mass. was organist. i H The Rev. Bernard McGurk, pas­ Given In marriage by her father, tor of St. Maurice Church, per­ LESSONS the bride wore floor-length gown Marsh Chapel of Boston Univer­ formed the single ring ceremony. a Learn To Accompany of nylon organza, designed with a sity was the scene of the wedding Charles Robbins of Bolton was so­ COOPERATIVE of Miss Carolyn Janet Polomskl of loist. Folk Songs On The seml-scooped neckline, fitted bo­ Webster, Mass., to Dr. Alan John Stephens-Andreson dice, bracelet-length sleeves and The bride, given In marriage by 6-Strlng Banjo on . OO.MI'ANV Wabrek of Manchester Saturday bouffant skirt. The gown was ap- afternoon. her father, wore a street-length .n,‘) Buo.AD vn:i;i.r Miss Mara Louise Andreson and pliqued with sculptured Imported gown of candlelight peau de soie Tel. 643-7709 1 The bride is the daughter of Mr. William John Stephens, both of Chantilly lace and the large bow and lace, designed with a lace T I.I.. M l Manchester, were united in mar­ and Mrs. Joseph Polomskl of After 4 P.M. at the back of the skirt fell Into Webster. The bridegroom is the son bodice, boat neckline and full riage Saturday afternoon at South poufs to form a chapel train. A skirt of peau de soie. Her face Methodist Church. of Mr. and Mrs. John Wabrek, 15 peart crown held a fingertip veil Benton St. veU was attached to a lace pillbox The bride is the daughter of ^ t h scalloped edges. She carried a The bride, given in marriage by I Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Andre­ Colonial bououet of white flowerrt. yf^ < I her father, wore a gown of Im­ son, 686 Gardner -St. ’The brlde- Mrs. Roland Spearin of Rockville ported embroidered silk organza, I groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs- was matron of honor. She wore a designed with elbow-length sleeves, 'William J. Stephens, 45 Green organza, styled Bifummous Manor Rd. portrait neckline and skirt with with a lace bodice, ifer headpiece detachable train. A regency crown The Rev. Lawrence F. Almond, WM a lavender veU with a flower of orange blossoms held her tiered > GLOBE i Concrete Weigh pastor of South Methodist Church, hat. She carried a mixed colonial Douquet. fingertip' veil, and she carried a performed the double ring cere­ MRS. DAVID STUART WOLF single long-stemmed red rose with Your mony. Baskets of spring flowers ^rtdesmalds were Miss Ivy. ^ TRAVEL SERVICE j DRIVEWAYS- I /I; decorated the church. Robert Gor­ Phyllis Chapman, 63 Deerfield Dr., I n . ! h the bride’s sister, and Miss Dolores MUos fiendtra Mlarie Faletltl of^ohid on a prayer hook with boiby’s Miss Eras Revalas was maid of don was soloist and Jack Grove honor. Miss Valerie Wabrek of r 905 MAIN STREET ^ PARKING AREAS I i I Insurance I \ I was organist. I Donahue of Rockville, the bride­ Miencheeter became the bride of breaith and streamers. groom’s sister. They were dressed Manchester, a sister of the bride­ 643-2165 A I Given in marriage by her fa­ Dwvlid Stuart WoU of Eladt Hart- Miss Christine Ehlers, 31 Brook­ ► I I I Decisions In aqua gowns designed like the field St., was maid of honor. She groom, was bridesmaid. Miss W. G. SCHWARZ CO. Loiing photo ther, the bride Wore a fiill-length flortl Saturday morning at St. Cynthia Polomskl of Webster, a Authorized agent In Man- q MRS. ROBERT LLOYD GILSON gown of white cotton organza, de-' matron of honor's and wore similar wore a cocktail-length drehs of moORPORATED 1 I With . ' headpieces. They also carried mix- sister of the bride, was junior ^Chester for all Airlines, Rail- A I signed with a fitted bodice, a ba- i Jkunea’ Churdh in Mlanchester. blue shantung, designed with a bridesmaid. I ROUTE 83, VERNON ed colonial bouquets. bateau neckUne, three-quarters- ^ r o a d s and Steamship L ln es.^ Tbe marriage of Miss Pamela«>were Miss Marcia Glennev of Bol- teau neckline and elbow-length' Ttie bride la the daughter of Mr. All the attendants wore white, TEL. 876-2042 » Care ' ''' Jean Glenney of North Coventry sleeves. ’The bell sheath skirt,' Dennis Kerin, 21 HolUster St length sleeves and bell skirt. Her FREE ESTIMATES ton, cousin of the bride and Miss was best man. The ushers were and Mire. Jiotm FaietlU, 140 Mhple floor-length gowns of silk organza, to Lt. Robert Lloyd Gilson of East Carol Gilson of East Haven, sister which ended in a chapel train hea^iece was a matching bow hat fashioned with trains trimmed with George Manner. 692 Wetherell St. at The bridegroom 4a the son and circular face veil. She carried Haven took place Saturday after­ of the bridegroom. Miss Kristine trimmed with a butterfly bow, and a floral motif. They wore wreaths X -'•» if ''' ... v't' n ieie’s a lot to consider when noon at Second Congregational and John Bard of Hartford. of Mira. Miary Wolf of' Elaat Hart­ a nosegay of Mue and white flow­ Glenney of North Coventry, sister the bodice were accented with of pink roses with matching stream­ buying insnrance. Because you Church, North Coventry, I?ands of embroidery and ribbon. The bride’s mother wore a beige ford and the late Samuel Wolf. ers. of the bride, was junior brides­ dress. The bridegroom’s mother The Rev. Jlomph McCann of St. ers in their hair. The honor at­ ; i i i and your Aiture are involved^ ’The bride is the daughter of maid. Her headpiece was a bouffant veil MRS. WILLIAM FRANCIS DONAHUE Jr !"*" Alfred Ganafolo o f Tarrytown, tendant carried a single white rose, ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. William E. Glenney of Imported illusion and an em­ wore an aqua dress. Both had JIames’ Church performed the cer­ N.Y., was best man. The ushere the protection o f your family, ’The honor attendant wore an white accessories and gardenia emony. The aJItar woe deoorat'ed and the bridesmaids carried a F J t ' of North Coventry and the bride­ broidered organza pillbox. She were John P. Mungscial quiet reflection on God. Prayer April and May. Meanwhlte, to the oivil rights Sponsored by the Mewcheetot Ellington Trio Slain Brother’s exception to construct a iwo-bulld- Enettlng cam p, lingering differences Our Uvea need more time with AHENTION Ing, 22-unlt apartment at 579 Hart­ I XKM This record setting performance Oennell o t O mrchee God. This to inqxKtant for you and M a Rights Appeal among Negro groups broke out HIGH SCHOOL ; ford Rd. near Orford Village, to on the part o f the nation’s dealers, into the open. me. We need to alow down and 11a- EarnHonors Jackson Tasks Residence Zone B. and ooosumera, is what Is pej^lng I will tadtoe n toe onr to a per- ten to the voice o t God as he caUa The Royal Ice Cream Co. Inc. (Oonttoned trooi Page One)' Roy Wilkins, executive secre­ I' j ' n i , , Detroit up to the Idea that the tary of the Natlcmal Association hble. Pn 46:4 ua to do His wiU. is asked to build an addition to Aa the Itoahntot ainga, ‘T will GRADUATES Banned, 8 to 1 (OoBthned from Page One) 'A tor the Advancement of Colored a nonconforming building at 27 total prof^tlon of new oars this Republicans Carl T. Curtis and We live to a wortd wMch mbvee incliae mine ear to a p a i^ le ” we' At University yoar may now, after aU, sot an all People, told an NAACP rally at quHe fast. It io aii|>areiiit that we Warren St., In Residence Zone B, CXMlrt Roman L. Hruska of Nebraska, Alexandria, Va., Sunday that also wlU Uaten to God to ua. WoU known PLUS 8CH0per of noise and get the publicity while art top s|>eod to too hope toat we gram in... ' . ' honors during greduation cere­ A white hearse took H to Merid­ Bsw car of this model year came the NAACP furnishes the man­ ’'Specifically,” Stewart aald, ” I eral manager, says that the ad- Iowa and Democrats E. L. Bart win reach the miknent when we monies held a w e ^ ago. ian, about 100 miles from here power and pays the bills.” can Uv* at an even pace. ST1UOTT.T FOB THE lUROS eannot agrae that on theae rec- visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. dltlon would house two storage v t t the aseembly lines. Back In lett of Alaska, Daniel B. Brew­ OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Com- Clinton W. Charter received Sunday and there it was trans- tanks, and thus allow expansion REP »**######<#»##aaaaaaaaa . He specifically named the Con­ liOoUng toto our Individual MvOs •*'**■. t**® eatabUsh- for ail areas, except nmtemity, DOUBLE ■a *••«•••••••••••##«• a lX«y 105S, when wo prodiKed so many ster of Maryland, Carl Hayden of merctoUsm flew out the window ment clause has necessarily )>ean where they are 2 to 4 p.m., and honors with bis master of science ferred to a Bouthem Railway 1 of production facilities within the m l ' gress of Racial Equality (CORE), we know what we aay here la true here, when a mother bird flew to IBM TRAINING degree to agricultural eoonomlce, automobiles we had a slight case Arizona and Ralph Yarborough of violatad.” fdW to 8 p.m. and private rooms, pre.sent building. a*»*««*«««aa**asaaaa the Student Non-Violence Coordi­ to a large aoGtent. We never eeem and his brother, David J. Charter, train bound tor Washington. "Oh o f market indlgeetion for several the 'door. Register Now For June and September Chaata Stewart favored sending both where they are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Lord, Lord. Oh, Lord," a Negro Wendell Reid is asking permis­ Texas. nating Committee and the South­ to get ahead to our Uvea. A robin set up housekeeping to received a certlfteote from the years afterward, the total produc­ ern Christian Leadership Confer­ Too much, boo fant has stolen the Maryland and Pennsylvania Visitors arc requested not to woman screamed as the hearse sion to build an addition to the ’Three Democratic senators ab­ a blue Arizona cypress to the cases back tor the taking of ad­ smoke to patient’s rooms. No more two-year RatoUffe Hicks Sl St.; Alfred received a B.S. degree. She is a will fulfill that pact.' ’ scale, there are still too many peo­ constitutionally compelled, but Lanerl, Bolton; John Postula, East vUle High Scliool to 1958. has just member of Connecticut Home He said he would lay special asked by the Oonnecjtl- scenes here, to which 27 Negroes asked by Atty. Paul R. Marte, day his thesis that Negroes are Women s Fellowship trustee, fo r a geaoltoe etation to A Southam raUgious figure who work. And, up in the spending not fit to govern themselves. < MiCwdRtMd,tM. tifcgii« t BeoofleM E. Murray and her 16-year-old Emily Kukavich, Rockville; Mrs. nomios Asso<3iation. were arrested. After funeral cere­ P O R K 0 1 eon, Identifying themselves aa Officers of the Women’s Pei- be buiH at 128 ToHand T^ke., to ■anally keeps quiet about mere bracket, another apparently irre­ As an example, he cited Wash USED CARS Sylvia Porter, East Glastonbury; A member of PM U p a 11 o n monies for Medgar Evers and a atheists, attacked constitutionality Mrs. Stella Popick, Rockville; lowTdiip of the Vernon (jenter 20-block procession of mourning, Buainees Zone II. at events had oonunent, the versible trend can be found. More ington, the only major American TOP PRICES PAID Hka Io s«f "l9cr JHlM Ggp Md OMi Omicron, national honorary pro­ o< a Baltimore a t y School Board Katherine Leeman, Brooklyn; Congregational Church to be in­ fessional home ecxmomica frater­ hundreds of bottle-throwing Ne­ Construction on a project is re­ ' day, on tiie murder o f Med- city where Negroes are in the reaction. . . quired to begin by 120 days after of us than ever before are spend' majority, and Liberia, Ethiopia Millard Appleby, 38 Gerard St.; stalled Wednesday night are Mrs. nity, Miss Potterton la a teacher groes charged police barricades Bvers, the Negrro civil Ing more than ever before without The regulatian colled tor dally Mrs. Florence Elwto, Bolton; Scott Brown, president; Mrs. Wil­ crying, "We want the killer.” approval of the project by the and Haiti, three countries headed at Elaatem Junior High School, ZiBA. rights leculer, bi Jackson, Miss. having earned It yet. by Negroes. C arter B E N E F i a A L opening exercises of Bible read­ Steven Watson, 33 Charter Oak St.; bur Mann, vice president; Mrs. EJd- Greenwich. The demonstration was brought CHOPS Washington "is a cessprreapondlng seisretaiy. rRiat sentiment, we are sure, Is self sounder and likely to last long­ Amendment was not “ Intended to daughter to Mr. and M fk Richard Members of the Vernon Junior harm than good.” • rio. ecNencML rnamce ca ■tlfle all rapport t^ctween religion She received a MB. degree last rigM down the groove of the rou- er lies not in patting ourselves on Baker, East Hartford; a dwghtcr Woman’s CJlub are helping the Red Thomaa LaRiviere, 17, of Long ' and government.” to Mr. and Mrs. EldwaiU AlYestad, June ftbrn the University of Con­ ttna public opinion, the routine our economic back, but in trying Counsel for the Murrays argued Orose by sewing men’s and boys’ necticut. Hill Rd., was arrested at 1:80 a.m BOB’S Thompsonvllle. outer clothing for Algerian ref­ Mott’s Tender-Trim h amotltin, o f the moment to do something to keep the un­ before the Supreme Court that the BOiRTHlS YESTERDAY After the (xmventlon the Potter- TPC, Zoners yesterday on Rt. 6 to Ctolumbia 'Nda murder has, Indeed, become Maryland practice breached the ugees. tons plan to visit relatives to employment statistics and the WELDIN6 SERVICE to Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Clubwomen are Mrs, Wllhajm following a chase by Ckmstable mote than other murders have be­ credit statistics from climbing at figurative wall between church stantine, WllUmantic; a son to Mr":- Wlflconsln, and tour the XUdwest. William Kowalski. 'Dte chase RIB STEAK lb. Immediate Emergency Service! and state. The high court was told ,^Oreen, Mrs. Robert Maher, Mrs. come^ and Mrs. Joseph Fagan, Rockville; Meet Tonight started at Andover Lake when the the same time production does. MEDICINE IN EVERY the son, William Murray, had a eon to Mr. and Mrs. Louis De- ^ugh CtoUlas, Mrs. Peter Meraon, (unstable observed the car travel It.has become the death which ELECTRIC — GAS been Injured by the practice to Mrs. Benton Osgood, Mrs. Louis Oola, 178 Spruce St.; a daughter Three from VFW tog at a high rate to ^ e d wlOi FRESH h a S i'^ last, begun to light the 643-2408... 649-7578 that he had lost caste, had been to Mr. and Mrs. Hannon Holm- PUYer, Mrs. Lester Crowe, Mrs. Both the town planning com - no Ughts. B SHAPE AND FORM ■pat upon, and was attacked by Charts Boland, Mrs. WlUlam Tay- mission and the zeming board of tlreS^ef poaaible revenge, from the V alentina Welding from 7 A3f. to 9 PJg. T O P R O U N D qulot, 69 Mill St. Kowalski tried unauccesafuUy to fellow students. mor, Mrs. Kenneth Parsons, Mrs. Get State Posts appeals have meetings tonight, the Lb. 49c Negro aide of the issue. It has be- No Job too big Or too small. BIRTH 'TODAY: A daughter to stop the (MT which was driven to FLOUNDER FILLETS Russia’s agcperience and leader- For every medicine there is one form in which Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farr, 39 Marina^Gerakaris, Mrs. Chester TPC to discuss, subdivision regula­ Columbia at speeds up to 70 m.pji coma the death which has also, by riiip in space has been such that Located In The ttMa ...... _ ,..._ It will best be able to combat a particular Illness. Elizabeth Dr. Bukowsl^ Mrs. Alexander Martin Two members of the VFTV Aux­ tions and to consider appointment HARTFORD ROAD and which “ ran” two stop signs Ms- heightening o f tensions and Russia now feels ready for the • < In our pharmacy laboratory there are over 4,000 DISCHARGED S A T U R D A Y : Jr. and IdYa Prank DeTolla. iliary and a member of the post of a town representative to the and a traffic signal light at the ENTERPRISES different medicines . . . pills, capsules, tablets, O R C U B E Anyone w l» wishes to help-may were Installed as department of­ CRPA and the 22BA for tts reg'idar passlooB, begun to turn more Frances Deooheneaux, Ellington; juncture of Rt. 6A and 87, police Showmanship involved in putting A t 270 Itortford Rd. powders, creams, elixirs, emulsions and oint­ Slaie News contact Mrs.\james Ctooksey. ficers yesterday at a convention of monthly hearing. eddta Imaginatitms toward the Slanidiester Sharllne Kdhoe, South Windsor; said. Valentina Tereehkova in orbit. ments. Bessie Butcher, RockvlUe; EJarland P oUm Exams the Department of Connecticut at The planning (xxmnisslon has trigger. Trooper Donald Dupont of the SAVE 47c Over Nat’l Brand Russia in space propulsion, As pharmacists we know the specific uses, the Johnston, Rleted three 2 LB. tbs martyr. niques, has been one or two good Rd.; Mrs. Katherine Galuaka. 23 Kowalski subsequently again ately so that there is no delay. (Oonttoned from Page One) Dudley St.; MlOhael Bay, North Thomas MicOu«ker,\poltoo oom- Dnd prize to M Vtyr symbol, v e would keep on prise and free-wheeling instinct “to rscogmkion of outstanding con- Helen Overlock, 33 Spring St. than we hava What if we are the or out of ence Brown, 36 Madison St.; Mrs. Admitted Saturday; Mrs. Patri­ a department parade Saturday. w ra'those steady and less dnuna- tributloiw throughout many years Barbara Kraus, South Windsor; Members of the <»lor guard are ria sfforta at progress toward solu- ones who keep special chains of 'it 'it -tt to the (Usaeminatlon to the United cia King, 18 Oak St.; Mra Gloria Jo n * Parker All Week - Spedahl Mrs. Betty Holland, Wapping; Meurant, Tolland. Mrs. Augusta Boulet, Mrs. Marie tfoB wMch might have a chance o t our own—inertia, preconceived no­ H O T W ATE R ? f ? Statsa of ShvedlSh culture and Mrs. Ehfried Soeten, 76 Foley St.; Hale, Mrs. Olive Ray, Mrs. EJea- things Siwedlah In general.” Admitted yesterday: Robert O F MANCHESTER REDEEM MOTT’S Ifriiiging us nearer solution while tions, ancient prejudices— fetter­ SAVINGS Eherette Bennett Ed, South Wind­ Coulombe, 38 Grove 1^; Augusta bert, and Mrs. Hagenow. In A native of Sweden, Sahlin came The Manciheerter VFW Post won stdl' k ^ i n g things under control. ing our dtoisions and policies? Just 9V4<* a day for fhel sor; Stephan Anderson, Andover; Schultz. 4 Oaynor PL; Judith Ma^ Pineapple Cheese Pie to the United States In 1921 and Dana Dlmock, Bolton; J,» Alden awards for Its hospital program What we would do, if we could, How did this Valentina get to go LOAM studied and taught at Yale. During loon, Birch Rd., Ctystsd Lake; VALUABLE COUPONS can get yon out of tronUel' A s <) t I \ r I <) V Harrison, Wapping; Mrs. Olive Dean Hills, W. Shore Rd. and Buddy Poppy program. Its ■toins a very long way frwn what up in space? She thought about INTRODUCTORY OPFIR Worid War n he returned to lor guard participated in the Sweden on anslgnment with the Baibour, 93 Autumn St.; Mrs. Birth Friday: A son to Mr. and i h v be rushing to happen. it a lot herself, and then sat down I f you Uva in a typical house, /arstfjtjrjf^xA vtM m* YOU SAVE 10c EA Elaine Bagge, 99 Ferguson Rd.; Mrs. Edmund Kraus, 9 Elizabeth parade oqid included Arthur Felber, MAILED TO YOUR jAHcwssTis's eLDssT riwAwciAt insTiTiiTien Otftca of Strategic Services. • about everybody, from the and^wrote the government a letter you could eaafly run out o f hot Peter Capltan, Coventry; Wilhelm St. Joseph Jelflovaky, Thomas Moron, water aeveral timea a week. Schon, Broad Brook; Alva Roys, James Fhrlong, Eklwin Eldwards, Well-Intentioned, the best-inten- in wbioh she argued the case for / O O t % /HeUn •fiPtwr,AMk»*fc'A5ga*dfa»ltog^ Current Annual Dividend AJ> EXECUTIVE DIES Birth Sunday) A son to Mr. and - Now you can have all the hot Coventry; Kayleen Brownell, Cov­ Mrs. Daniel Beebe, 61 Orchard S t George EJdwaids, WlUlam Durn. HOME tloned down to the most elemental having a woman astronaut and On Insured Savings ■mUMBUGU (AP) — Cal J. The unit was led by St. Patrick’s motor you need at one time for BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 81, COVENTRY MoOsrtby, an advertising execu­ entry; Mrs, Claire Johnson and Discharged Friday: Mrs. Ann ■chalone of hate, Is rushing to give then volunttored to be that woman Pipe Band. only 9}^* a day. Think o f it —^ tive who helped establish two of daughter, 67 Seaman Circle; Mrs. Huff, 9 Bancroft Rd.; Mrs. Ann WANTED: astronaut herself. The MUk That Made Conn. History Evers murder the attention only a day! Jelly or Lemon Roll radio’s popular Shows, died at his Kathleen Bolduc and son, 170 West and son. Mile Hill Rd., Tol­ Eldridge St.; Mrs. Aurore Gauvin if significaiice which could mag- One . can imagine some Ameri­ 'Yea, thanks to Mobilheat— home yeaterday. He was 80. land: Joseph Dufour, Tolland; Conn. Approved Homogenized can woman doing this much. But He helled to (tovetop the B „ Q. and daughter, 66 Broad St.; Mrs. Harland Gage, High Manor Park; Program on Flag' naff It into the event which marks and an oil-fired hot waterJieater DELiaOliS FAVO^S^ V e C Kathleen CoOllite toid son, 171 St. can (Hie possibly imagine any gov- e f (Xiirect capainty—your fismily m copy theme (or Lifebuoy Soap and Mrs. Helen Loftus, Broad Brook; Vitamin D Half Gal. ■or-oonaplete national loss o t con- iiiiiiiiiiiijjijjjjjiiiiii i n s u r a n c e s in c e 1923 YOUR CHOICE iA w d John St.; Mrs. Sllerreepondent in charge Main S t; telephode 875-8186 or was sung by the fifth graders, who now a favorite of those with normal backs Ntsr The UrtM autoiA^eally and instinctively Most said they would give pri­ Znsursnoe Con^iany, h a s been of the Asaociatied Prein Bureau 649-6197. ority to furniture or an automo­ Mt 3-5135 followed with a grroup re(dtatl(m of who desire extra firm bedding. No matter enen|y,.,'|riierever and however they elected to the Yale Corporation, in HoirtfcKdL Att>ert, employed in "The Flog Goes By.” bile, and added they ^wouldn't the unlveraity’s 10-member gov- what your need may be there is Holman- M«NeHESTEfl Bltot'.'i^t is eomething that muet hesitate to borrow to buy them. the pUbUc relations department of Permanent Job Tributes were paid to the stars 301-315 Center St. John H. CASH SAVINGS arntog body. WUUanns, a 1928 BEectrlc, Boat Division, General Baker bedding, just right for you. Before allowed to happen, even 1110 report says that priority and stripes to poems recited by THE IFFERENCE Kraduat*" o f T n 1 s’ ■ Soheffleld Dynamira Ooro., Groton, died NASHVILLE, Tenn. (A P )—Col­ Lucills Smith, Helen Brackett, making your verdict . . . see, actually try a If It M^nns being slow to exploit for family spending in Quebec BeienUlllc BobooL suofeeads Charles runs as follows: Furniture, auto- Incorporated Saturday to Bnbkua Hoopltal. He lege football players do just Denise Chambers and Roy John­ this quality-controlled bedding, at Watkins, WE GIVE itW- ,appen M. Spotford, a New York attorney, wns a graduate of Brooklyn Col­ o t one who has mobUa, lodging, medical needs, & PLAID STAMPS about e v ^ th to g during the sum­ son. Paige Thresher and Barbara tomoirow. The Musco Pedic and Verto-Rest OPENMOHTS „aamed M wMti Ms Ufe. GREEN STAMPS .whose te m expiree June SO, lege and- the Oolunfbia School of mer. But' Vanderbilt center Rudy Brackett (xmtributed original “ *®**’. ^'’'creation and INSURORS — REALTORS Tale announoed yeaterday. Wil- JoumojUsm. He joined AP In 1956, mattresses are $99.50. matching box springs, ...... 1. Wleser has probably the most un­ readings on "What the Flag In some cases, people settled Uama wna chairman df the Yale resigned to 1963 to take a poslUoh usual way of keeping to shape.. Means to Me.” “Our National An­ $89.50. Extra large. King, Queen and Extra MON. Uini SAT. Hil l tor a cheaper homg,: U necessary, program for the aria and aciencea with Electric Boat. A resident of After six weeks of rugged Marine them,” the htotory of the Star length also available. OeM iBkHiM k Cndtt All Up to ordar.to buy furniture or a car. M o b ilh e a f raised m 062,5SS to a fund Un<»svttle, Albert is survived by training at Quantleo, Va., he will Spangled Banner, was related by 164 EAST CENTER/ ST„ MANCHESTER—649-6261 drive last year. Yale awarded him ' PWr '1^ flari thus in hlatory, ^ It was found that the poorest bto wife, two children, his parents, home to Dallas and work to Donna Henderson, to , the aocom- : •fiwmilimiiiimmmm lit: Igjicnorary doctor of town degree and Mra. jonas An>ett a t S’ aim af saw auti^ famlltos sesmed to own th# bto-; fgther’s beauty parlor a* * panlment of slides. Nancy U tks gest and newest cars. illHillllinniiliiliiiniH!! "BEFORB LOSSBg HAPPBW, INSURB with ! Nssr Toife Otgr. snd s sister. hslrdmisar. was ths pragran’s simounour. Advertise to The Herald-:-lt Pays \ MANCHE8TBR RYBRING BICRALD, MANCHESTER. CONN,, MONDAY, JUNE 17,1^68 PAOBMM Nonrich after a \ong lUnsss. Bom In MonoheSter on Jon 7, 12th Circuit North Ehders to Study' 1890, he 'Was a son of Otof and Bras, GirdUs, Lingerie, Ida Nfelson Nyotrom. He hod Uved 81 Nations’ Envpys in Andover for nine years before Court Cases Dresses, Slacks, B lO i^ Consolidation Issue moving to Norwich three years Paul Hlrth and Ralph Barron '‘Cabin Boy** Shorta ago. Death Oaiitts Until hte reUremsnt oeven years MANCHESTER SESSION Jr. wlU receive the degree of Swim Suita At Funeral of Pope OU 3talier. in the Order of DeMolay ogD, he hod worked at Pratt and Samuel Wilson, 73, of 11 Ridge In A public ceremony Saturday at composed primarily of Eighth Newt Taggart W itn ey Aircraft in East Hart- St., today was cleared of a charge Lucy Show District residents, to press fo ^ . 8 p.m. e.t the Ma.3onlc Teniae, for consolidation of the fire dii of negligent homicide which In­ (Contlnned from Page One) by the whole of world Jewry” at Orchard St., Rockville. Both young istrict and the town. his sister, he is survived Glazier's . Jamee HaUoren, 110 Delmont< > Oat of Moachetter'a beat known Ms wife, Esthier Baton Ny- volved a May 10 bus-pedestrten ac­ P ( ^ John’s death. _ l-t068> liten*t^rke men are members o< Fayette Farley and Schuster are Cath­ • ;IU ( 8-M) Andy Grliatli Corset and Uniform Shop Bt.. and niomta Kmegtian, 152 two exlatlng town oiganlutlona. and most popular reeidenU, New­ , three sons, Albert F. Ny- cident In which a three and one- ■rhe delegates ware; Gerhart (33-30) Art UnUtttar Chapter, Order of DeMolay. Bolton at., have Mtembled a 12- olics. The Rev. Mr. Mays Is a M. Relgner, International bbord- esi Main St.—MamdMBtar informaUon for the atudy arUl come ton B. Taggart, 78, of 59 Wood­ strom of Norwich, Lincoln O. half years old Manchester girl tlO) U w M Mr. Jaaea Chevalier ia the second highest man group to ooUeot infonnaUon from both local and atate govem- Nyotrom of Farmington and Baptist minister. ination director; Sergio Pljpemo, degree a DaMolay can receive. It on the rceulta ehould conaoUdnUon land St., died Sunday at hla homa was killed. A nolle was entered In president of the Union of itellui {Si mente, ^ will ihow relative c6bU Chsries A. Nyotrom of East Hart­ tee case by prosecutor F. Jo(Mph Francis Cardinal SpellmM, j0:00 ('3> Paasword la given for outstanding work snd be adopted. for Mrvleei under the preeent and following a kmg lllneos. ford; a d a i^ te r, Mrs. Charles Jewish Oommunlties; Paul Jacob, (te) l^raa and Allea <*4) S.*‘*i** NMler CtaSa SMTVioe to Drtlolay. Both youths Parodiso who today presented a archbishop of New York, was one B’nal B'rlth European chairman; (40) rhe Lon* Ranter (13) Playhpitt* "We feel that we are apendlng nit^r co^Udated ayatema. Mr. Taggart woe a familiar fig* Simpson of Salem; Afoster daugh­ < 8) Fbilow the Smi have also received the outstanding an much for the three aatvicaa the coroner’s report clearing Wilson of four cardinals to pronounce ab­ Ernst L . Ehrlich, B’nsI B’rlth ittt ! 10-2^1 HunUey-Brlnaley (lO-iS-hli BHakley'a JourAM We*re at .ui'ni*? South Manch4atar fire ure around tha North End and at ter, Mrs. Georgt Hardy of Willi- ( 8 - 4 ^ ) Ben Caiey I>eMolay boy of the year award. North Snd leparately malntalna— dtetrict wae conMltdated with the of the chsrge. The Herald printed solution at the end of the service. European, director; and Fritz , I 8) Walur CronklU 18) Stump the gtara sporting and social svenU in Man­ montie, and 10 gnuidOMIdren. tee coroner’s findings earlier this Becker, permanent congress rep­ 7:0b ( 3) Movie (80) Air Power The exempllfloatlon Saturday near at fire proteeUon and aewer lervioe ***• L Subscription TV Court of Chevaliers. Partlripatlng through the Mancheeter Water neral Home, SO Sachem 1m ., Nor­ Achilla Cardinal Lienart of Lille, Daniel Joseph Lehane, 442 W. (531 Film telephone ous ballroom dilLnoing awaixla dur­ day was fined 5126 after he plead­ YOUTHS ARRESTED Dartmouth Grad will be Marshall Hodge of Man- Co. — ae town realdenta pay for f 1**'®** ‘he district ing their younger days, and he waa wich. The Rev. OUfford Sargent France, and Paolo Cardinal Glob- yr the Shea, and In 1962 Francla J. Ma- Mrs. Ruth Marie Sturgeon, 42, degree of Doctor of Dental Sur­ Roy Burnham, 22, of 23 Blssell Talbot's gradoaUnc class of Southern Seminary Washington University, Washing-1 n ^ e y , now mayor but Uien a dl- gery ftom Temple University, The World Jewish Congress S.-iturday after a police chase teat council In her senior year. sary for the boy’s father to be •ludyoomea from the prapoeed ex- of Old Bridge, N.J., formerly of S4., recerived a 1100 fine, with $70 sent five representatives to the more than 650 heard the Rev. _ Bdith J. Bohme, daughter ton, D C. j Mi.ss Little was a I960 graduate Your order for drug ueedi and T ^ o r , urged the town and the dte- Philadelphia. He Is a graduate of remitted, on a charge of operating- began in Enfield, Conn. The youths James H. Rotanson. founder of a Miwon in order to join, a spokes­ panelon of the Eighth Dletriot e MAnebester, died ye(iterday at St. requiem saying In a statement of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bohme She was a member of Delphi, > of Manchester High School. She oosmetioa will be token care at trlot get together. Mancherier High Sohool class of a motor vehicle whUe his Ucense is were wanted In connection with a Operation Crossroads Africa, de­ man notes. Any boy Interested In eewer eiyatem, whltdi will ooet ^a- Petor’s General Hoapitel, New that their presence was "an ex­ aervice station burglary in Derby, of Warren Ave., Vernon, was grad­ national women's honorary sororl-1 will join tlje .staff of the Manches­ joining should get in touch (vith Immediately. t^iot taxpayara a total of atwut n )e ESiahth Dtetriot directors re- 1955, and Tufts Univsrsity, Med­ ustder suspension. A second charge, liver the commencement address Radio fused tal..Iks with the Chamber of Brunswick, NJ., after a long Ill­ ford, Mass., 1969. At graduation pression of the profound grief felt Conn., police said uated recently from Southern ty, and Big^Sls, and served as j ter Memorial Hospital, and will any DeMolay or come to the cere­ $800,000. ness. for operating an unregistered mo­ for Dartmouth's------— IMth ^year ■ ' • wVUaUAB-T V MIQ Commerce Sem ina^ and Junior College, sub-chairman of Spring W’eekend. I work in the special care unit. (tills listing Includes only those m w p bree*»elB ef IS eg mony Saturday and obtain the on oonaoltdaUon in services from Temple, he received tor vehicle, was nolled. Talbot, who majored in mathe- Buena VlsU Va Alao involved in the project are 1960. Mrs. Sturgeon was bom In the OKU award for being In the Miss Carl.son prcviou.sTy attended ! length. Some etatlivis carry ether «liort neweehste). neceaeary information. Varmltutd, Sweden, Nov. 1, 1920, John P. Kubia, 18. of Stafford “ « o c ia t e in sci- Marietta (Ohio! College, where' 3VDSC—use top 12 per cent of his class. Springs, waa fined 5100, with 160 6:00 Jim Nettifton 6- w ntr- a daughter of William and Anna Dr. Buckley will lea'Ve for Camp 2 m i degree and was a member of she wa.s a member of Alpha Xi 8:00 N*w*. Weather Lowest attendance at any fed­ (HMdon!^ Olsen Peirson, 122 Summit St., remitted, after he pleaded guilty Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday 8:0u Ra>'nor Shines Pendleton about July 1 to serve « ^ AinemanAthenian society, Society, the a adver- Delta social sorority. j:Uo Neve a.pi Off •:}0 Today on Wall Straat erally run area open to the public to the substitute oharge of driv­ 1:18 ShowcaM PRESCRIPTION PHABMAOy Doubts Growing Russian Pair Manchester. as a Na'vy lieutenant. at the Cnteersttv of Wisconsin. ^ yearbook, and Ml.ss Carlson was employed at W lU f— in 196$ teas at the Katmal Nation­ ing a vehicle while his license is atjh e tnlvwmtt of Wi«onsin. YWCA Wesley Foundation. 6 : U i N r t w e 8:45 LowtU Thomaa Besides her parents, she Is sur­ He graduated from the Loomis The Royal Greek Embas.sy, and 7:00 N«w* al Monument In a wild area of under suspension. He was original­ Miaa Bohme is a 1961 graduate 6:15 Neva. Weather and Sporta 901 MAIN ST.—Ml 5-SaSl vived by her nudband, Ralph W. School. WindKT. to JoM . Uea. has accepted a position with the 7:16 Easy Ed Show 7:U World Wld* Sports Alaska. It drew just 300 visitors. Sturgeon; a son, Richard Stur­ ly charged 'with driving without a of Roekrille High School. University of Pittsburgh special 9:00 Meta va. Cards 7:80 Showcase Will Try Spacecraft Linkup 11:30 Tonight At My Place i3:u smorr geon; two daughters, Linda Stur­ Hoover Illness driver’s license. ‘ BARIIAR.A A. ZIUNSKAS 13:00 Sign Off (Oontinned from Page One) geon and Donna Sturgeon, all of Othe(r case dIspoBitions today by w n o - i w Old Bridge; a brother, William fines included: Joeeph G. Wy»ote, Northampton 6:Ui Npwr Sporitf ajtd WeatlMT Rare Aee 6:36 Old. Borrowed and Blue woman laid aside her journal and Rockville-V ernbn Person of Manchester; four sis­ Called Serious 23, of 287 Main St., 536, failure Miss Barbara Ann Zilinskas. 399 6:45 Three Star Extra ters, Mrs. Randall Cole and Mrs. V a l u e s smiled broadly—evidently at some to poAB to the left ($20) and driv­ 'Oakland St., was graduated from 7:06 Converaation Piece TUIJSON, Arte. (A P )—A. J. WilUam McGill Of Manchester; ing vriteout a license ($15); De- .Northampton (Mass.) Commercial 7 30 Ne^a oi the World Haswell of OklahomA City drop­ quip radioed from the command 7:45 Congreaalonal Ri»port post. Mrs. Robert P. Neff of Black (Oolriinued from Page One) layne B. Wirth, 26, Hebron, $26, OoDcge. 8:10 Boston Symi^ony ped his tee ahot about U Inches S T A M P CARNIVAU Newton B. Taggart Kindergarten Mountain, NXJ., and Mrs. George speeding; Joseph FVweri, 31, 'Ver­ , A secretarial major, she is the 10:10 Nightbeat from the hole oh the 145-yard Tass reported that as Miss nation’s 31st president are Ralph 11:00 Newj» Tereshkova flew over the North an excellent dancer until he be­ Wrixon of OlnstordDury. non, $26, q>eeding; Behrens Rotss- (daughter of Mrs. Anthony Zilin- 11:16 Sports Final 13th hole at the Skyline Country The funeral will be held tomor­ H. Boots, Rudolph N. Schulllnger, ' skas. Club. Skyline owner Leonard Say- * ------~ American conUnent, she radioed, came ill several years ago. berg, 24, Guilford, $15, faUure to 11:30 Starlight Serenade Enrolls 484 row at 10:30 a.m. at the Holmes Fordyce B. St. John and Eli drive in an estabU(Shed lane; Thom- t ! WTiile at school, she was .social 100 News and sign Off. age said he, too, put hU ahot on "I wish peace (and happiness to Ha operated the Taggart Truck­ Bauman. % vTor^ut§ the people of the United States of ing Co. for more than 25 years. Funeral Home, 400 Main St,, with SB M. Page, 64, Rockville, $15, with chairman of the Domitory Council. 6:0U Joel Cash the green. It bumped Haswell’a Hoover has been sleeping most ball and pushed it in to give the America."ca. Four htmdred and eighty-four Mr. Taggart was a Sunday the Rev; C. Henry Andersem, pas­ $10 remitted, driving wrlteout a Miss Zilinskas is a graduate of 7:00 Bill Hughea tor of Emanuel Lutheran Church, of the time during the last two license. , Manchester High School. 12:(V Oiiand Oklahoman a hole-ln-one. DOUBLE She alsotleo sent neeUngs to "the chiildren have been registered for School teacher at St. Mary’s Ik>te- heroic people o f Cuba, to the copal Church for many years'and officiating. Burial will be in East days, a family spokesman said. Also. Thomas A. Garro, 16, kindergarten for the ccsnlngiyear Cemetery. He has been ill in his Waldorf ! MARY KL'NZ glorious) Cuban women." was the founder of St. Mary’s Souithlngton, $15, using a motor WORLD GREEN Similar greetings went out to In Vernon public iKihoola. Supt. of There 'wUl be no coUihg hours. Towers residence for about 10 vehicle without the owner's per­ ' West Liberty State Men’s club baseball team, one of days, but no announcement was Latin America and Australia, Schools Raymond Rsmsdell said the best In the state In the 1920a. mission: Eleanor Gummere, Glas­ Miss Mary Kunz, daughter of Tass said. the number Is fewer then the 661 Ml*. James T. Sloan Sr, made until Friday, when it was tonbury. $16, failure to drive to Mr. and Mrs. William Kunz of 74 For many years Mr. Taggart disclosed that he was suffering Gets Diploma Miss Tereshkova and Bykovsky, he esUmsted eoriler this year, but was the R epublics registntr of Mrs. Aiuils C. Sloan, 78, wife of tee right; John F. Connelly, 22, Mather St., graduated recently 28, awakened feeling fine this Jamea T. Sloan Sr., 474 N. Main from "anemia, secondary to South Glaetonbury, $16, remitted, J I from the School of Dental Hy- he predicted that (by the time voters In Manchester. He celebrat­ G O L -P A K I John A. Sweeney, 198 Hilliard STAMPS mortiing. school opens In September, more St., died yesterday at Manchester bleeding from the gastrointestinal driving without a license; Allan j igiene at West Liberty State Col­ ed his 60th wedding anniversary St., a teacher at the Mayberry DRIVEWAYS "Both cosmonauts began their children will have enrolled. Memorial Hoapitel after a long tract.” Archibald, 17, Andover, $10, lege. W. Va. In 1062. Elementary School in East Hart­ working day with physfcal Northeast Sohool hod a regis­ Ulneas. Only the former president’s driving through a red light; Nel- She was a member of Iota Psl ford, has been awarded the sixth clses," said Tass. Ma*. Taggart 'was bom In County She was bom in Bally Menay, sons, Herbert Jr. and Allan, have Alpha social sorority and of the Free Estimates On: tration of 88 children. Lake 8t. had Armagh, ^ Ireland, on April 10, ton Caron, 24, of 82 Congress St., year diploma of advanced grad­ Tass said all systems on the 74, Building B had 44, and Mapde County Antrim, Irelsmd, and was been permitted to visit him. $10 remitted, intoxication: Edward Dental Hygiene Club. uate study in elementary guidance two spaceships—Vostok 5 and Vo- 1886,-and lived in Manchester for a resident here for 41 years. Mrs. A medical report Sunday said St. School had 278, which Included 63 years., He was a member of Zakus Jr., 16, of 45 Birch St., $10. VEAL Miss Kunz w ll take her Con­ W&M Graduate by the University of Hartford. BITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAYINO ALL stolt 6—were working normally. the children who will attend the Sloan.was a member of the Sec­ Hoover wa.s In no pain and there driving without a license, and a necticut State Board exams Tues­ the BriUkh American Club, King Richard Terry Swenson, son of UCoiin Graduate He received his AJB. degree In Soviet officials remained silent Skitmer St. Sohool when It opens ond Congregational Church. has been no evidence of bleeding nolle to the charge of operating day and Wednesday at the Uni­ Ernest J. Irwin Jr., son of Mr. history from St. Anselm’s College on whether Bykovsky and Miss David Lodge, lOOF, and the Rock­ for 36 hours. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Swenson versity of Bridgeport. She is a • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS In the fall. ^ Besides her htteband, she leaves a motor vehlcSe without the own­ f»f 458 Porter St., was graduated and Mrs. Emeat J. Irwin of 22 W. in 1958, and his M.Eld. degree Tereshkova would attempt a ren­ ville Lodge of Elks. two sons, John Sloan of Northamp­ No plans have been announced 1960 graduate of Manchester Last year, before the kinder­ Besides his wife, he Is survived er’s permission: and David Howes, Sunday from William and Mar>- Center St., was graduated with from the University of Hartford • GAS STATIONS • BASKETBALL COURTS dezvous in space. ton, Mass., and Jamea T. Sloan Jr. about moving him to a hospital. 19, of 186 Doming St., $6, breach High School. garten registration, Supt. Rame- by three sons, Oilvin Taggart, College. Williamsburg, Va., with honors Sunday from the Univer­ in 1960. He has also done grrad- WEEK Observers noted, however, that dell predicted there w ot^ be 618 of Vernon; two daughters, Mrs. Hoover underwent an operation of tee peace. a B.S. degree in chemistry. sity of Connecticut with a B.A. uate work at the University of ALL WORK PERSONALLY SUPERVISED Miss *rereshkova is not a trained superintendent of the sewer de­ Roger Warren of Enfield, N.H., for cancer last August. ROBERT M. VINTON pupils. When school opened, there partment of the Eighth District; STEAKS pilot and might not be able to Swenson was a member of Kap­ Law Center Grad degree in economics. Connecticut and the University of were 626. and Mrs. George Redfield of Ver­ pa Sigma social fraternity, th e Rochester. WE ARE 100% INSURED carry out her irole in a complicat­ Newton F. Taggart, a member of non, and nine grandchildren. Robert Michael Vinton, 144 He was a member of Phi Beta Opun Only Building B will have an Student Assembly, and was junior Sweeney is married to the for­ ed link-up maiieuver. the Manchester Police Depart­ Funeral services vrill be held Branford St., has been graduated Kappa, national honorary frater­ entire student body walldng to ment, and Roger Taggart, ril of Fuss Will Teach Firehouse Job class presidertt and an aide to the nity for students in arts and sci­ mer Helen Abo of East Hartford. Tass said the purpose of send­ school, he said. The other schools Wednesday at 2:80 p.m. at Sec­ president to the college. from the Georgetown University DE MAIO BROTHERS SINCE 19S0 Wed., Thurs. ing a man and woman Into space Manchester, and four grandchil­ ond Congregational Church. The Law Center in Washington. D. C., ences. and the Economics Society. will have at least some pupils dren. Slide Ride Class He will enter Bavlor TJniversitv He also participated on the track was to compare the effects of transported by bus. Rev. Felix M. Davis will officiate. with a LljJt. degree. TEL. 643-7691— WE CARRY JENNITE* SEALER and Friday space flight on the two sexes. Funeral services will be held Let Out to Bid Medical School, Waco. Tex., this TTie son of Mr. and Mrs. George and cross country teams. How many pupils would have to Burial win he In East Cemetery. fall. Swenson is a 1959 graduate lOH Dance Raises The Soviet Union rocketed Miss tomon'ow afternoon at 2 o’clock Friends may call at the Holmes Waiter S. Fuse. Town Engineer, A. Vinton, he earned a B.S. de­ Employed for the summer as a Tereshkova, a former factory be transported, he declined to pre­ from St. Mary’s Ep4scop(al Church. The town haa put c(X)structlon of Manchester High School. Till 9 P.M. dict, at least until the pin map Funeral Home, 400 Main St., to­ has announced that for one week, gree from the college of Arts and research assistant in the depart- worker, aloft Sunday, two days Burial will be In East Cemetery. Sciences before attending the Law ,000 for Pool showing the residence and school morrow from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 during the latter part of July, he of the now central firehouse out ! ment of Finance and Control. State after Bykovsky blasted into space. Friends may pay their last re­ p.m. will ^ ve instruction in the use of Center. of Connecticut. Irwin will begin of each child Is compiled. , spects tonight from 7 to 9 o'clock to bid. Reaponaea to the invitation The "Bermuda Hop," held Fri­ There .was no official indication the elide rule to all Interested mu­ He plans to enter the service. studie.s for his Ph.D. at Michigan exactly H()w close their ships were (, "I am in hop.es it will tw a Wtle at tha John Tierney Fimeral Home, to bid must be returned to the HTiile in school, Vinton was ac­ state this fall where he has been less," he said. Raymond Preuss nicipal employes, day at Manchester High for the or whether the two cosmonauts 219 W. Center St. Instruction will be given during General Manager’s office before tive on the law newspaper. awarded a research assistantehip. Dr. Ramsdell said the distribu­ R OCK'VILLE — Rajonond benefit of the Instructors of the could see each other. In a Joint PireuBB of Oshkw^, Wte., former­ tee hour of 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. All 11 a.m. on July 9, at which time tion of kindergarten pupils among the bids will be opened. ROBERT M. YOUNG Handicapped (lOH) pool fund message to Premier Khruahehev the five schools will be 20 to 22 ly of Rockville, died suddenly at municipal employes Interested in Valley Forge Military netted $1,010.50. A goal of $50,000 MONDAY, Sunday they said; "Our. ships are mipils per clhss, provided tbs Rockville- V ernon hliis home yesterday. He waa a attending Should contact tee en­ Specifications call for a two- FRESH at a close distance from each board of education approves the nephew of Mns. Alice WethereU of gineering office before July 12. story building with half haeement, Robert M. Young, son of Mr. has been set to finance a swim­ other.” 33 Florence St., MonebeBter. with a total of about 14,280 square and Mrs. Frank Young of 75 N. ming pool especially built for han TUESDAY and school boundaries he will propose. Need v a c a t k N i money? Soviet communiques said both The next meeting of the board of Mr. Preuss was bom in Rock- feet of floor area. Elm St., was awarded a diploma I dicapped children. s U E R / WEDNESDAY space ships had lost a little alti­ Mrs* Gessay vlUe, a son of Paul and Helen Construction will be of concrete f'om the Valley Forge Military' education will be Thursday, June 23 Voters Join The dance is the second held this MARKETS J"' tude. 25, at 7:80 p.m. In the superin­ Meysrs Preuss, and was a resident foundation, masonry bearing walls, Academy, Wayne, Pa. Young There was no official word how here until, about 25 years ago precast concrete floor slabs, steel had formerly attended Manche.ster year to raise money for the proj­ tendent’s office on Park St. CHICKEN V long Miss Tereshkova and Bykov- Found Dead wflien he mpvto to Wisconsin. Or Shift Party beams and joists, precast tnsulalng High School. ect. Radio and television disc jockey (W n C ) Brad Davis was ^ SPECIALS .sky will remain idoft. Unofficial Besldea his' aunt survivors in­ roof de<^, with stone veneer, LEG BREAST He giadiiaied as a'Staff sei'geant reports said they will Ismd at clude his wife, Mrs. Aim Hebnor master of - ceremonies. • Gene Pit-- Mrs. Anna Gessay, 39, of 36 A t a voter enrollment session plumbing, heating, electrical and . and was active in sports. He will short intervals within a day or so. Hub Caps Taken Preuss; two daughters of Ohio; ajl site work...... QUARTERS QUARTERS ney, popular rock'n'roll singer Lawrence St,, Roekrille, was foiuid held ln the town, clerk’s, office EW- attend Vlllanova College in Vil- The Soviet Union performed a and sevenU oousins in Rockville. day, 14 persons dhanged their list­ Detailed plana and specifications kinova. Pa., in the fall. frtim Rockville, and other vocal 725 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST. MANCHESTER dead on the basement floor of her and instrumental personalities en­ similar feat last August when It From Parked Car Funettol services wdU be held ings to tee Democratic ranks, tor the job are available from launched'space trvlns Pavel Popo­ home this morning, with 'wounds ThurstJay at 2 pjn. at the Coetl- tertained at the dance. Davis and on her neeik and a knife on the while 9 persons ■were recorded as Arnold Lawrence, the project’s IB 3 | « DAVID J. FOR.MAN Pitney also participated in Febru- vich and Andrian Nikolayev. Nlk- gan and S(on Funeral Home, 220 Repuibllcons. architect, 571 Porter St. Valley Forge Military olayev went up Aug. 11 and Popo­ Police today sre investigating floor nearby. Cottage St., Pawtucket, R. L fund-raising dance. About the theft of four hub caps, valued Three Democrats and 6 inde­ A bid bond amounting to five " 3 5 ^ Rockville meddoOl examhier Dr. David J. Forman, son of Mr. and $1,000 was raised at the first vich the foll(7wlng day. After a Burial will be in Pa'wtucket. pendents changed ranks to the Re­ per cent of the bid must be de­ record-breaking flight they came at $60, reported taken from a car Francis Burke has ordered an Mrs. Harry Forman, of 68 Benton dance. Cooking Oil arked at the rear of Arthur’s Invetdigatlon to determine whether publican party; 11 Republcans and posited -with each bid, and the St., was recently graduated from ' The pool will be built for the ex­ down Aug. 18. Mrs. Charles MeSweeney Jr. 3 .independents shifted to tee Dem­ successful bidder must furnish a B•rug Store, 942 Main St., yester­ the death was accidental or a Mrs. BJvelyn BeU MeSweeney, the Valley Forge Military Acade- clusive use of mentally and physl- Popovich and Nikolayev said ocratic roster. performance bond In tee full Produce Speeialst Emmanuel Grad they saw each other as soon as day morning. siiialda wife of CEarlea MeSweeney Jr., my, Wayne, Pa. He formerly at- | ca ly handicapped children, and Police said the woman, a mother The change in listing of seven amount of the contract. both were In orbit. They said they Doris Shainln of 35 S. Lakewood died suddenly Susiday morning at persons who shifted to the Demo­ Mils Patricia Joan Mooney, tended Manchester High School. w ll be employed year round. The GEM Clr., owner of the vehicle, told po­ of three, has been a p(atient at her home In Dallas, Tex. daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Envin I . 6 9 sang a duet by radio and com­ cratic party and eight persons who Forman has been accepted for | ^ O''?anlzatlon of Man- lice that she had parked the ear to Norwich State Hospi'tel. She has Mrs. MeSweeney was bom in J. Mooney of 258 S. Main St., has' pared notes. chang^ to the Republican party matriculation at Par.sons College ** School students who Gallon Call A government space expert In go to church and when she return­ been allowed to visit her family Manchester, a daughter of the late Weekend Mishaps » 5 EACH 29* received a B.A. degree in biologv Fairfield. Iowa. «kn the project. The pool on weekends. will become effective at tee next Cantaioupi Tokyo predicted that Bykovsky ed, the hub caps were missing. Robert and Maria Bell. from Emmanuel College, Boston, wnll be constructed In the Man- voter enrollment session in Janu­ Mass. Gets Degree would he returned to earth tonight Her husband, Thomas, found the She is survived by her husband; ary. Bring One Arrest JOHN M. LAMENZO ^ recommen- because the lessening in orbital body Sit 6:18 this morning. a daughter Mrs. Louis G. Jerger She was a member of the Chil­ Portemouth Prlorj- Mi.ss Linda Hazen, 41 Campfield daUon will be made by the-adult dren of Mary, National Federation PaJ.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. time of his ship would make con­ The oldest child is Michael, 12. of OldaJhoma; four gmndchUdren Th^ dir^tors of the project Randy is 10, and Laura Is 3. Police arrested one Manchester of Catholic College Student-s, Na­ John Marshall Lamenzo, son of Walter Hazen of Penacook. N. H.. tinued space travel dEtngerous. Public Records ^ a sister, Mrs. C. F. Wilson. 40 5Ir. and Mrs. John B. Lamenzo, The Manchester Junior CSiam. Mrs. Gessay was" bom In Web­ Henry St. motorist and issued a written warn­ Sweet Cotn 6 39* "The orbital time of Vostok 6 tional Student Association and the received her B S. degree from the ber of Commerce, which operat^ 19 Jean Rd., recently graduated Evap. M ILK was reduced to 88 mlnutq)s 11 sec- ster, Mass:, on Jan. 80, 1924, a About_Town ing to another during investigation University of Connecticut. Biology Club. a concession .stand at Fridays Warrantee Deeds daughter o f Alex and Victoria Hud- 1 Meat a Produce Pricos Effactiv* SAon., 7u*s. A Wad..Only Miss Mooney has accepted a | from the Portamouth Priory She completed her studie.s ' in -ends on Its 38th orbit,”' said Yo- Mrs, Norman P. Cubberlv ■Winners In a brixige gome Fri­ of two of four weekend motor Scliool, Portamouth, R.I, Myrtle A. Pierre to Annulll Con­ zik ignatowlcz. Mrs. Wilhelmlna Wright Cubber- position as a met^al research as­ January and i.ors49 Lamenzo .will enter the Univer­ Quotations Furnished by Rumors circulated in jubilant Ida Hyatt to Melvin T.' Bldwell Francis Rlttlinger of Broad Brook. ter several years a ^ . 12, Manchester, July i. sity of Toronto in the fall. Cobum Middlebrook. Inc. Mr. and Min. Frederick A. La - Moscow that a third Soviet.. cos­ and Elizabeth A. Bldwell, property The funeral will be held from She was a graduate of Bristol Police said that Miss Roth, driv­ lOOTfc Hardwood S A V I 2 0 c I Bank Stocks on N. School St. the Burke Funeral Home, 76 High School, and the class of 1917 vey and son, Frederick, of Chevy ing south oh (tooper St., failed to Ground Bm I monaut might be sent up to" Join Chaise, Md., visited La'vey’s par­ 20-LB Bykovsky and Miss Tereshkova, James Frederick Hodson and Prospect St., Rockville, at 8:18 of Smith College. Northampton, stop at a stop sign at W. O nter St. $ | i » ; Conn. Bank and Trust Rosemary E. Hodson to Donald L. a.m. Wednesday with a requiem Mass. She was a member of First ents, Mr. and Mm. Fred’^H. La- She drove her vehicle Into the BRIQUITS hut there was no official indica­ vey, 81 Pearl St. They also at­ Charcoal BAG Fresh tion of this. Hall and Rosd H. Hall, property at Mass at St. Bernard’s Church at 9. Oongregational Church, Montclair, front of an eastbound W. Center H-rtford Nations) 47 Falkrior Dr. Burial wUI be 4n. St. Bernard’s N. J„ and served Os a gray Ituly tended his 26te doss reunion at St. vehicle," driven by William R. Bank and Trust Co. 68 72 c Howard Winsor Spence and Mil­ Cemetery. In the American Red Cross at Harvard College. Lavey, to tr Frazier, 70, of 72 Edmund St., and Delicious bn Finasj-'funits iA V I 6< Top Grade dred S. Spence to William J. Vince There will be no calling hours. Overbrook Hospital, Btesex Coun­ merly of Monch'ester, Is president then continued on some 82 feet off Conmanles Deadline Nears of Public Utilities Reports, Inc., 1-LB Hartford Fire ...... 68'» 72 lb and Filomena M. 'yince, property ty, N. J, the road and rammed a private c National Fire ...... 121 127 at Lincoln and Roosevelt Sts. Charles E. Godin Sunrivors Include her h uol^d, Washington, D. C., a national home at 34 W. Center St. Both Fiaast Relish JAR 2 9 < Phoenix Fire ...... 'n g 124 39 On Dog Licenses William Leasiuxl to Haixild F. Charles Edward Godin, 68, of 53 Norman. P. CuUierly; a son, Lt. publishing firm. vehicles were towed from the W all Jr. and Agnee J. Wall, prop­ SchoUer Rd., died at Manchester Norman G. Cubberly of the U.S. scene with extensive front and Life and Indemnity In*. Cos. Mtaiorial Hospital Saturday after Mrs. Lois. Bonocoorsl of .the Tart snd S AS A V V I I 2c i Aetna Casualty ____105 111 With only a short time left be^ erty at 36 Fergtuson Rd. Coast Guard, Port Huron, Mich.; side damage. fore the midnight July 1 deadline Marcel J, Binette and Jacqueline a short Hlness. and a brother. Wilmot B. W rl^t MancflietSter PubMc Health Nurs­ Robert A. Watermw, 18, of 10 Pnnn^ ■;...... 16Ui 169 ^ ing staff wtil represent MPHNA (-onn. General ...... by which Manchester dogs must A. Binetite to Elteabeth R. Iflller, He lived in Bolton for more than of New Orleans, La. Elm Ter., lost night was Issued a 165 173 Get an HFC Traveloan 12 years before moving to Man­ tomorrow through Thursday at a Filiast Mustard m!